07:00:18 PM | thiebaude | movie about to star,lol
07:00:20 PM | thiebaude | start
07:00:22 PM | tdawg1 | jot: the new app store isn't preventing you from installing apps the normal way
07:00:33 PM | _Jot_ | not yet, tdawg1
07:00:37 PM | _Jot_ | they are planning on that
07:00:38 PM | blakkheim | what is this i don't even
07:00:45 PM | agamotto | _Jot_- The app store thing for the Mac could just kill it off
07:01:18 PM | troy74 | dr kidd crusher
07:01:19 PM | mmdmurphy | I think that for the average idiot who doesn't know where to get apps, or for app developers (that fit the criteria) could be good thing...
07:01:21 PM | tdawg1 | if they did restrict it to only the app store it would destroy them, and they have more business sense than that, so I'd like to believe
07:01:26 PM | niknak_ | loving the new green screen action!
07:01:26 PM | Gadwil-Office | Wow, missed a whole minute of the intro.
07:01:30 PM | Cory` | Nice! :D
07:01:48 PM | Gadwil-Office | That isn't a green screen, he is really there!
07:02:09 PM | _Jot_ | ha! the prime directive does apply becuase they don't have warp drive! YOU ARE BREAKING THE PRIME DIRECTIVE!
07:02:09 PM | mmdmurphy | tdawg1 - thats the big question - app store ONLY, or both an app store, and all other avenues...
07:02:32 PM | tdawg1 | the billion dollar question
07:02:44 PM | agamotto | "To hell with the Prime Directive!!! Let's go kill something!"
07:02:49 PM | Gadwil-Office | Justin.TV ad - " Cat5e Cable Cheap "
07:02:58 PM | troy74 | set phasers to tech
07:03:07 PM | _Jot_ | wow, I didn't know this show was on cable now too
07:03:36 PM | ajamison5579 | lol
07:03:37 PM | agamotto | Thankfully, ST isn't owned by George Lucas or Robbie would be sued out of existence.
07:03:44 PM | SammySez | this is great
07:03:44 PM | troy74 | of all the places to beam too he picks barrie
07:03:44 PM | warcow105 | lol
07:04:00 PM | alket | awesome
07:04:37 PM | SammySez | reading back... win 7 config by default is not configured for the technically oriented
07:04:40 PM | _Jot_ | could be worse troy74, they could appear in your livingroom, and I can see you haven't cleaned up
07:04:55 PM | troy74 | this IS clean\
07:04:58 PM | mmdmurphy | Joe Kosher?
07:04:59 PM | chrisreich | Cheesey RobbieF. But who doesn't love well done cheese?
07:05:01 PM | jamalexa | It must be Halloween.
07:05:17 PM | agamotto | Joe Camel's useful cousin?
07:05:36 PM | mmdmurphy | makes better sandwiches...
07:05:40 PM | jamalexa | Can Joe Camel ever be useful?
07:05:40 PM | Gatorman | Eric has never looked better
07:05:42 PM | chrisreich | RobbieF needs a haircut
07:05:45 PM | troy74 | you may want to tighten that chin strap
07:06:00 PM | Gadwil-Office | He has it as backwards as his left and right hemispheres of his brain know what direction they are pointing.
07:06:01 PM | chrisreich | Eric can't be much of a hockey player - has too many teeth.
07:06:13 PM | agamotto | I made a gourmet grilled cheese sandwich for dinner tonight.
07:06:31 PM | SammySez | does that include the authentic blue jeans you are wearing as well?
07:06:35 PM | GoodGuy | Wayne Gretsky had teeth, didn't he?
07:06:36 PM | Gadwil-Office | My mom is fixing Taco's now... I don't think that counts as cooking.
07:06:36 PM | agamotto | chrisreich- heheheehehe
07:06:39 PM | chrisreich | ain't nothin' like a well made grilled cheese sammich.
07:07:03 PM | troy74 | gretzky had a semenko
07:07:15 PM | GoodGuy | What is that?
07:07:17 PM | Gadwil-Office | The payroll is up the stairs first door on the right. I just hope those are the directions to Robbie's bathroom.
07:07:18 PM | _Jot_ | RobbieF, payroll = 2 lumps of sugar in the coffee instead of 1
07:07:24 PM | mmdmurphy | Gadwil - more than just what's in the box - like extra spices, or something - counts as cooking...
07:07:36 PM | agamotto | chrisreich- Sourdough bread, focaccia, asiago, and romano cheeses, sprinkled with chives and parsley flakes.
07:07:45 PM | Cory` | Nice intro RobbieF
07:07:58 PM | Gadwil-Office | mmdmurphy, No my mom makes it with just the seasoning on meat for me. I am a picky eater.
07:08:02 PM | chrisreich | agamotto NICE! I salute you!
07:08:32 PM | mmdmurphy | Well, if she makes it just the way you like,sounds like cooking to me...
07:08:41 PM | Gatorman | Put it back on
07:08:45 PM | chrisreich | It's easy to overdo it, but I also like a touch of roasted red bell pepper on it agamotto.
07:08:47 PM | agamotto | chrisreich- one good thing about being unemployed... plenty of time to mess around in the kitchen...
07:08:53 PM | _Jot_ | omg! Who is that ugly guy and what have you done with eric???
07:08:57 PM | SammySez | is this pre-recorded, or did Robbie just forget to update the banner?
07:09:15 PM | _Jot_ | it's party of the halloween scare I think
07:09:18 PM | troy74 | lol i didnt even notice the date
07:09:27 PM | Gadwil-Office | RobbieF, Lower third is wrong. Thanks to SammySez.
07:09:27 PM | warcow105 | RobbieF, banner date is wrong
07:09:28 PM | chrisreich | My mother would be in jail for it today, but she had me cooking my own scrambled eggs on the electric stove when I was three.
07:09:49 PM | chrisreich | I've loved to cook since then; 49 years now.
07:09:51 PM | agamotto | Must be due to Apple's reality-distortion field....
07:10:08 PM | mmdmurphy | chrisreich, I hear you. My mom gave me cups of coffee when I was 4...
07:10:28 PM | Gadwil-Office | Is it just me, or does Erics hair look better after he takes off the helmet versus every other night?
07:10:30 PM | SammySez | 49 year old eggs? are you sure those aren't golf balls?
07:10:55 PM | chrisreich | Hey, In China they'd be almost half-done!
07:10:55 PM | agamotto | I learned out of self-defense.... if we were left to my father's skills, we might have farted our way out of existence.
07:11:03 PM | GoodGuy | My Mom gave me a whack on the backside.. probably well deserved... does that count as cooking lol
07:12:03 PM | GoodGuy | She cooked Beef Heart... looked gross in prep, but actually tasted good
07:12:05 PM | agamotto | His idea of cooking was burned grits along with pork& beans
07:12:10 PM | chrisreich | Brings back memories of my dear, departed mother, who used to say in her tender moments...
07:12:26 PM | SammySez | my mom sent me a box of home made salted nut / caramel rolls. ugh - these things are too rich.
07:12:35 PM | chrisreich | "GET THE &()%$%#$) &*()&&*% @#$%#$%^ ()_)_*()_ %^&*%"
07:12:39 PM | GoodGuy | lol
07:12:44 PM | chrisreich | and that's a direct quote.
07:12:57 PM | agamotto | kevoh!
07:13:29 PM | SammySez | RobbieF must be broadcasting through a wormhole from a week away in the time/space continuim
07:13:30 PM | _Jot_ | I think EricKidd sleeps with the helmet and then takes it off, so the hair stays up and at the evening it looks like it does on other shows because it came down
07:13:37 PM | mmdmurphy | I used to have to get up half an hour before I went to bed... Oh, wait, that's Monty Python...
07:13:37 PM | kevoh | agamotto: hello!
07:14:01 PM | Gadwil-Office | I just sent a text as if I were scooby doo. I hope she understands it.
07:14:06 PM | agamotto | kevoh- how are things today?
07:14:17 PM | chrisreich | "There will be a seminar on time travel, yesterday at 2PM"
07:14:31 PM | SammySez | so is this Episode 162?
07:14:37 PM | _Jot_ | there will be was a seminar on time travel :)
07:14:39 PM | agamotto | yah
07:14:43 PM | kevoh | agamotto: smooth
07:14:59 PM | alket | yes its 1 AM here
07:15:10 PM | Gatorman | Wonder what the weather is like in Europe
07:15:21 PM | _Jot_ | its getting colder :)
07:15:24 PM | agamotto | It is far better than what oozes on most telly programs....
07:15:29 PM | SammySez | RobbieF you need to change the date and episode number on the banner - MAKE IT SO!!
07:15:34 PM | chrisreich | 64C here in Rochester, New York
07:15:34 PM | alket | Gatorman, its rainy in my little piece of europe :p
07:15:47 PM | chrisreich | no, wait, that's the processor temperature...
07:15:59 PM | Gatorman | Good one chrisreich
07:16:01 PM | agamotto | chrisreich- Really, enjoying roasting in your own blood, are you?
07:16:15 PM | chrisreich | 68F here
07:16:40 PM | Gatorman | 78 F in Keystone Heights, Florida
07:16:49 PM | chrisreich | I'll be here all week, folks.
07:16:55 PM | jamalexa | 72 degrees F here in Philly
07:17:07 PM | SammySez | we are watching episode 161 according to your banner
07:17:24 PM | kevoh | RobbieF: whatever you did is working, Nice video quality even at full screen!!!
07:17:33 PM | agamotto | That alone is impressive!
07:17:36 PM | troy74 | wow canadian tire has something made in canada
07:17:43 PM | Gadwil-Office | TACOS!
07:17:57 PM | chrisreich | yeah Canadian tacos
07:18:06 PM | Gadwil-Office | eww.
07:18:35 PM | SammySez | do they still have the White Chicken (or whatever they are called)
07:18:42 PM | GoodGuy | My IP Address is on Host c-
07:18:46 PM | Gadwil-Office | He still hasn't changed the date in the lower third... pitiful.
07:18:47 PM | SammySez | restaurants in Canada?
07:18:50 PM | _Jot_ | RobbieF, episode 161, October 19 2010 ?
07:18:53 PM | troy74 | i cant imagine a canadian taco
07:19:00 PM | SammySez | Hah!
07:19:10 PM | chrisreich | beaver meat
07:19:17 PM | agamotto | They are much like Mexican granola
07:19:17 PM | troy74 | too stringy
07:19:20 PM | chrisreich | or moose
07:19:22 PM | ajamison5579 | WINE stands for WINE is not an Emulator
07:19:27 PM | mmdmurphy | 52 in Akron Ohio and lots of WIND
07:19:28 PM | S0NAR | I like beaver
07:19:37 PM | Gadwil-Office | Not anything that runs on the .NET framework.. That will never install properly.
07:19:47 PM | mmdmurphy | Uh, if I respond, I might get kicked...
07:19:48 PM | Gadwil-Office | RobbieF, and minesweeper.
07:19:56 PM | agamotto | Notepad from Win 98
07:20:03 PM | Gadwil-Office | Robbief, You run it as a command.
07:20:23 PM | chrisreich | When I had my beard, my then-wife said it's like kissing fur. I told her, "Now you know what it's like"
07:20:26 PM | troy74 | i think i had too much halloween candy
07:20:37 PM | agamotto | chrisreich- hahaahahahaahah
07:20:46 PM | SammySez | furry beaver doesn't taste too bad, but otter is a little leaner
07:20:54 PM | mmdmurphy | I nearly spit my beer out...
07:20:58 PM | jamalexa | mmdmurphy - you can take something for that wind.
07:21:10 PM | vk7hse-htc | Angry Birds ... is any one else addicted ???
07:21:40 PM | agamotto | IE...ewwww
07:21:48 PM | SammySez | hee hee. I've never been able to get anything to work with WINE
07:22:17 PM | agamotto | Oblivion, Civ 4, the first two Fallout games work very well under it
07:22:24 PM | kevoh | Just upgraded my hard drive with a new biger one, any one knows an application i can use to clone my old drive to the new one
07:22:33 PM | SammySez | CloneZilla
07:22:38 PM | mmdmurphy | I had Lotus Notes working under WINE, took a long time, but it worked.
07:22:39 PM | chrisreich | what os kevoh?
07:22:44 PM | agamotto | kevoh- clonezilla
07:22:47 PM | Gadwil-Office | " winemine " is the command for Mine.
07:22:54 PM | kevoh | ubuntu 10.10
07:23:02 PM | mmdmurphy | Thought someone should make competing product called "BEER"
07:23:07 PM | Gadwil-Office | minesweeper*
07:23:10 PM | agamotto | parted magic live cd can help you with that as well
07:23:11 PM | troy74 | id buy beer
07:23:36 PM | kevoh | home and root are on different partations
07:23:39 PM | agamotto | I am drinking cider this evening...
07:23:45 PM | GoodGuy | Terabyte's CopyWipe is free and works under Windows kevoh
07:24:07 PM | agamotto | kevhoh: can be, I have them as separate on my system
07:24:09 PM | GoodGuy | Most hard drive mfgs also provide a free app for that
07:24:33 PM | troy74 | im going to have to rewatch this,my brain isnt following quickly
07:24:36 PM | Gadwil-Office | Can't you use a " \ " to signify a space too? or do you have to use the apostrophies for a shortcut?
07:24:47 PM | troy74 | cool
07:24:47 PM | GoodGuy | Have to watch for the UUID changing iirc
07:25:01 PM | kevoh | home and root are on different partations but want to put them back to same partation
07:25:07 PM | agamotto | RobbieF- Oblivion, Civ 4, the first two Fallout games work very well under it
07:25:38 PM | Gadwil-Office | RobbieF, Mention the Wine Application Database for people.
07:25:40 PM | agamotto | kevoh- That will be a little more complicated. Not sure how to proceed
07:25:51 PM | S0NAR | i need a rewind button.
07:25:54 PM | GoodGuy | I think you have to use the command line Linux software to do that kevoh
07:25:57 PM | troy74 | whatsa walkman
07:25:58 PM | kevoh | tried clonezilla, made an image but cant restore
07:26:02 PM | SammySez | RobbieF change the date and episode number on your banner, eh?
07:26:12 PM | Gadwil-Office | http://appdb.winehq.org/
07:26:20 PM | mmdmurphy | I don't use CD's anymore...
07:26:20 PM | GoodGuy | Create new files, copy to them and rename is my guess
07:26:23 PM | agamotto | RobbieF- Kevoh wants to move his 2 partition system to a larger hd, and merge /home back into the main partition. Ideas?
07:26:30 PM | troy74 | eric is pining for his 8 track
07:26:30 PM | GoodGuy | booted from a LiveCD
07:26:47 PM | GoodGuy | a DVD player/Blu-Ray will play CD's
07:26:50 PM | mmdmurphy | YOU Net E
07:27:07 PM | Gadwil-Office | agamotto, Set up the new HDD, then copy the old /home over to the new HDD would be my way of doing it.
07:27:14 PM | warcow105 | what does it matter, canadians never pronounce things right anyways lol
07:27:30 PM | chrisreich | I have a large collection of CDs on which were re-issued shellac 78s. True
07:27:36 PM | mmdmurphy | Oh, yea, it's "Unity, eh?"
07:27:39 PM | _Jot_ | RobbieF, some news about EU: there are community advisers on the gateway now at many times, which are real players to help out, in addition to the computer-controlled helpers there
07:27:49 PM | Gadwil-Office | Warcow, Canadians just have their own language, no one ever recognizes it.
07:27:57 PM | agamotto | Gadwil- But would that merge his /home back into the / partition?
07:28:05 PM | troy74 | itech
07:28:17 PM | chrisreich | RobbieF those hair-plugs are starting to grow on me.
07:28:18 PM | mmdmurphy | JORDIE
07:28:38 PM | SammySez | you should get your glasses fixed. the Number 26 looks a lot like 19, and 162 looks like 161 apparently
07:28:46 PM | Gadwil-Office | agamotto, If he simply sets up the new HDD, so fresh install, then copy what he wants to the new Home folder. Or does he want to keep his settings?
07:29:00 PM | _Jot_ | RobbieF, episode 161 - october 19 ???
07:29:02 PM | chrisreich | Canuckistani
07:29:11 PM | GoodGuy | I am guessing you make a new file within that partition, copy the old over and then mount it as /home
07:29:12 PM | troy74 | such polite peoples
07:29:22 PM | SammySez | hah!
07:29:36 PM | alket | EricKidd1, I have one question: How to make a keyboard shorcut so when i pres Alt+137 it will give me the letter ?
07:29:37 PM | agamotto | Gadwil- He was wondering if there was a way to merge it back in. Your idea sounds easier, however
07:29:42 PM | Gadwil-Office | RobbieF, You guys have the one country besides Geneava that won't get into a major war.
07:29:59 PM | Gatorman | You have a friend?
07:30:02 PM | GoodGuy | Canada was part of the D-Day invasion
07:30:05 PM | mmdmurphy | New Zealand?
07:30:16 PM | calhydro | I thought it was a Back to Future Tribute
07:30:18 PM | troy74 | didnt canada burn down the white house?
07:30:23 PM | Gadwil-Office | agamotto, is he moving from 32 to 64 bit, or say 10.04 to 10.10, or anything like that?
07:30:25 PM | GoodGuy | Canadian sniper used to have the longest range kill in Afganistan
07:30:32 PM | troy74 | must have been hiding the timmies inside
07:30:35 PM | kevoh | I am looking to keep all my settings
07:30:37 PM | chrisreich | that was the British who burned the White House, but not down.
07:30:40 PM | Gadwil-Office | Or is it straight like 10.10 32bit to 10.10 32bit?
07:30:42 PM | GoodGuy | I believe someone beat it recently
07:30:49 PM | S0NAR | troy74 yes
07:30:50 PM | agamotto | Gadwil- kevoh is just getting a larger hd
07:30:58 PM | kevoh | i had just installed 10.10 64bit
07:31:22 PM | mmdmurphy | kevoh - what did you think? I saw no significant difference...
07:31:41 PM | agamotto | 10.10 had nothing to offer me
07:31:58 PM | Gadwil-Office | agamotto, So he could set up the new HDD, then log in, then reboot into a live CD, then copy all the current /Home from the new partition to a folder say " .backupconfig " and then copy the old folders into the new.
07:32:03 PM | tdawg1 | I tried a minimal on 10.10 and got hell instead of anything useful
07:32:10 PM | Gadwil-Office | That would preserve his settings, he would just need to re-install the packages.
07:32:17 PM | kevoh | customized everything then got a good deal on a larger drive
07:32:27 PM | agamotto | Gadwil- now that sounds easy enough!
07:32:30 PM | Gadwil-Office | But it can cause some issues, that is why you have the .backup, just in case something crashes.
07:32:35 PM | S0NAR | I'm on 10.04 but my ethernet card isn't available
07:32:41 PM | mmdmurphy | I feel that the desktop OS'es are so mature that no real changes are coming...
07:32:48 PM | S0NAR | Thinking about going to fedora
07:32:50 PM | SammySez | RobbieF - your Star Fleet pin is upside down
07:32:58 PM | Gadwil-Office | agamotto, Or when he boots for the first time, he could install his software, and then copy the stuff around on the live CD, that way it would already work as if he never left.
07:33:21 PM | SammySez | RobbieF - your Star Fleet pin is upside down
07:33:26 PM | Gadwil-Office | Could you show us how to set up Joomla RobbieF?
07:33:27 PM | GoodGuy | fstab has the mount info
07:33:40 PM | mmdmurphy | SammySez - I don't get it. I think it looks right..
07:33:44 PM | Gadwil-Office | i think that would be a 6 show venture.
07:33:45 PM | agamotto | kevoh- Gadwil has your solution, i think
07:33:47 PM | SammySez | (he ain't fallin' for it apparently)
07:34:08 PM | Gadwil-Office | Oh, he is in the chatroom... Why was I talking to you then agamotto?
07:34:22 PM | Gadwil-Office | Hi Bekah.
07:34:23 PM | Bekah | waves back
07:34:26 PM | _Jot_ | hi Bekah
07:34:29 PM | agamotto | Gadwil- force of habit?
07:34:37 PM | Bekah | Hi Gadwil
07:34:37 PM | Bekah | Hi Jot
07:34:38 PM | GoodGuy | hi Bekah
07:34:42 PM | Gadwil-Office | agamotto, I just never knew he was in the room tonight.
07:34:45 PM | Bekah | Hi GoodGuy
07:34:48 PM | kevoh | I will try clonezilla once more
07:34:54 PM | S0NAR | down boys
07:35:01 PM | mmdmurphy | "Captain on Deck" - Hi, Bekah.
07:35:04 PM | agamotto | Bekah- kidlets set down early this evening?
07:35:04 PM | Gadwil-Office | Bekah, Thanks for letting Robbie keep entertaining us.
07:35:15 PM | Bekah | They are in bed but still awake :)
07:35:17 PM | kevoh | if that doesnt work i will just do a complete new install
07:35:29 PM | agamotto | Bekah- Close enough at that age!
07:35:41 PM | GoodGuy | Google for migrate linux to new hard drive
07:35:58 PM | Gadwil-Office | but yea, copying files into a backup is good, But I prefer starting fresh with configs and binaries if moving from a multi-drive setup to a single.
07:36:02 PM | _Jot_ | I wonder how Robbie will behave now his wife can correct him, even though I know Bekah always watches :)
07:36:12 PM | mmdmurphy | 53 and windy in akron ohio.
07:36:18 PM | GoodGuy | http://penguinpetes.com/b2evo/index.php?title=how_to_move_linux_to_a_new_hard_drive&more=1&c=1&tb=1&pb=1
07:36:37 PM | chrisreich | I call for RobbieF to bring back pretty Canadians on the show. Whose with me?
07:36:42 PM | mmdmurphy | one is 32 bit and the other is 64 bit....
07:36:43 PM | troy74 | hola
07:36:46 PM | GoodGuy | http://oreilly.com/pub/h/2504
07:36:52 PM | GoodGuy | That looks good
07:37:09 PM | Gadwil-Office | Ubuntu needs a Dual-Archetecture ISO, it would be 1.5Gb, but would be easier for those of us that need both systems.
07:37:49 PM | agamotto | memory-handling seems to be better
07:37:49 PM | chrisreich | RobbieF if the kernel has PAE mode enable (Ubuntu for example) you can address way more than 3.2 GB RAM
07:37:52 PM | Cory` | Gadwil, ^5
07:38:00 PM | Gadwil-Office | Arch has a Dual-Architecture ISO, it is a blessing. But we get nearly our entire system offline, and we can install the latest packages from a Repo as it installs, so it is more economical for us.
07:38:23 PM | Gadwil-Office | chrisreich, But there really is no performance gain from PAE.
07:38:29 PM | agamotto | Gadwil- makes sense
07:38:55 PM | chrisreich | well if your app or apps need the elbow room you will.
07:38:56 PM | troy74 | good to know,thanks for the answer
07:38:56 PM | GoodGuy | Some of the UK Linux mags have double sided DVDs..... 32 on one side and 64 on the other
07:39:03 PM | Gadwil-Office | It is good if your CPU does not support 64 bit but has 4GB+ RAM, but if you have 64bit and 4GB+ RAM, 64bit is best performance of course.
07:39:04 PM | GoodGuy | Or another distro
07:39:19 PM | chrisreich | agreed Gadwil
07:39:39 PM | Gadwil-Office | Oh, PAE stands for Physical Address Extension for people who don't know.
07:39:40 PM | agamotto | GoodGuy- Our LUG is getting some DVDs from Linux Format for free
07:39:54 PM | _Jot_ | It's October 27 in Europe
07:40:12 PM | chrisreich | Debian also has dual-arch ISOs. One has 32bit Intel, 64bit Intel, and 32bit PowerPC which I use.
07:40:13 PM | troy74 | maybe his cup is riding up
07:40:13 PM | GoodGuy | I buy some of the UK mags at a local bookstore now and then
07:40:40 PM | Gadwil-Office | He takes the " Wear your helmet " phrase way to seriously.
07:40:43 PM | SammySez | Eric - that's fear you're smelling
07:41:00 PM | Yazid | I still owe one
07:41:00 PM | _Jot_ | It's 31 years but who's counting
07:41:09 PM | SammySez | that's great
07:41:11 PM | Gadwil-Office | I think ArchLinux may have gotten the Dual-Arch idea from Debian.
07:41:14 PM | troy74 | 1979 i was 5
07:41:19 PM | chrisreich | they will still be made in China. they are only stopping production in Japan
07:41:20 PM | Yazid | WOW
07:41:24 PM | Gadwil-Office | haha!
07:41:29 PM | chrisreich | I was 22
07:41:33 PM | agamotto | I still see miniDisc players show up occasionally
07:41:38 PM | Gadwil-Office | I wasn't near born in 1979.
07:41:44 PM | Gadwil-Office | I am only 18, barely.
07:41:52 PM | warcow105 | I'm another 1979'er
07:42:02 PM | _Jot_ | wow, I have games from 1979
07:42:03 PM | mmdmurphy | Can you still buy blank casettes???
07:42:13 PM | troy74 | dollar store
07:42:15 PM | mmdmurphy | I have clothes from 1979...
07:42:19 PM | SammySez | i wish they'd go back to brown default color theme
07:42:21 PM | agamotto | I was 9, and living in Okinawa back then
07:42:22 PM | GoodGuy | They stopped making VCR tapes
07:42:30 PM | chrisreich | I can buy 90 minute cassettes but have trouble finding 60 minute ones.
07:42:46 PM | mmdmurphy | I used to get the chrome ones...
07:42:57 PM | agamotto | chrisreich- dollar stores
07:43:08 PM | tdawg1 | spinning cubes
07:43:18 PM | troy74 | i remember the first dual cassette decks,a technological revolution
07:43:24 PM | chrisreich | well, I want name brand tapes. Maxell, TDK, etc.
07:43:30 PM | SammySez | chromium oxide - expensive in the day - I think I still have a sealed 10-pack around here somewhere
07:43:40 PM | Gadwil-Office | Newsroom has gotten very long since he started the site.
07:43:47 PM | agamotto | troy74- especially the ones that did high-speed dubbing
07:43:54 PM | SammySez | troy74 - or how about auto-reverse
07:43:58 PM | troy74 | indeed
07:44:33 PM | agamotto | I still miss Cranky Geeks
07:44:39 PM | troy74 | lol
07:44:46 PM | chrisreich | I was around in the 8-track days but I was a hard-core vinyl man. Never owned an 8-track.
07:44:47 PM | _Jot_ | maybe Robbie needs a nap, so lots of news for that
07:44:51 PM | jamalexa | I want my WalkMan back.
07:45:15 PM | chrisreich | I wish I still had my Merlin electronic game from the late '70's
07:45:24 PM | Cory` | Linux ftw!
07:45:26 PM | agamotto | We went from reel-to-reel to microcassette
07:45:42 PM | troy74 | i am still bitter my walkman "ate" my acdc tape
07:45:58 PM | agamotto | Perhaps that part of the exchange won't have glitches
07:46:02 PM | _Jot_ | oh look, I see a Jot! Again! they are everywhere
07:46:02 PM | S0NAR | thought it was reel-to-reel to 8track
07:46:03 PM | troy74 | the sky is falling\
07:46:12 PM | warcow105 | wow cut eric off lol
07:46:14 PM | jamalexa | I still have a microcassette answering machine
07:46:17 PM | SammySez | he looks like Moby there
07:46:18 PM | chrisreich | I was trained in commercial recording techniques on 10-1/2 inch open reel tape
07:46:20 PM | troy74 | poor eric
07:46:26 PM | agamotto | Beatnik
07:46:28 PM | Gadwil-Office | RobbieF, Is this commercial an actual Ad that Calypso is paying for?
07:46:41 PM | troy74 | that was rather creepy
07:46:46 PM | mmdmurphy | I used to have 4 track reel to reel...
07:47:03 PM | chrisreich | We were told at the time that Sony has a new digital recorder coming to market. If you bought one, it came with it's own technician to LIVE with the system to keep it running.
07:47:04 PM | Gadwil-Office | It is cool that he does that, but creepy how his char looks so much like him.
07:47:05 PM | jamalexa | Why does it look like he is walking down hill?
07:47:15 PM | _Jot_ | Gadwil, it is something that Robbie made himself with help from the community *uche*jot*uche* but don't know who paid for it
07:47:45 PM | Gadwil-Office | I am trying to figure that out Jot. I don't mind it being there, it is nice.
07:48:05 PM | Gadwil-Office | I wish I could have helped, but alas, I cannot play it, no machine in my home has a GPU good enough.
07:48:07 PM | chrisreich | Later in life, I was one of those techs who LIVED with the electronic systems my employer made and sold.
07:48:45 PM | _Jot_ | Gadwil, that's a valid excuse, but there were others who just didn't show up :)
07:49:13 PM | Gadwil-Office | yea. I really wish i had a GPU good enough to at least try it. I am hoping for Christmas I can get one.
07:49:30 PM | mmdmurphy | Audio File - in case your Audio has hang nails?
07:49:38 PM | Cory` | Wow
07:49:42 PM | Cory` | only 10 minutes left :(
07:49:50 PM | warcow105 | RobbieF, ardour is another multitrack daw that is much more detailed and powerful
07:49:53 PM | chrisreich | Jokosher looks a lot like GarageBand. I like it.
07:50:59 PM | Gadwil-Office | It is also in the Ubuntu Software Center.
07:51:03 PM | Gadwil-Office | and Ardour.
07:51:26 PM | Gadwil-Office | RobbieF, What puts this above Audacity?
07:52:11 PM | kevoh_ | thanks all for the pointers on how to fix my OS situation
07:52:21 PM | Cory` | RobbieF, don't forget to annouce that Perfectbuntu is in devel.
07:52:23 PM | Cory` | :)
07:52:23 PM | mmdmurphy | Gadwil has tacos he can give away....
07:52:35 PM | Gadwil-Office | kevoh_, I hope you understood my way of doing it, It can be confusing.
07:52:45 PM | chrisreich | nano-dots make great cake decorations
07:52:45 PM | Cory` | Perfectbuntu OS**
07:52:50 PM | agamotto | kevoh- That is what we are here for!
07:52:52 PM | Gadwil-Office | Actually it is down to Taco Ring now, I ate all my Taco meat, or most.
07:53:02 PM | Cory` | RobbieF, I meant to say the new Perfectbuntu OS is in devel.
07:53:15 PM | agamotto | I like my stupidphone!
07:53:15 PM | Gadwil-Office | Obviously.
07:53:26 PM | kevoh_ | i will copy the entire chat log and got through it slowly
07:55:40 PM | Gadwil-Office | My Cell Provider has no more contracts on the Belief plans.
07:56:23 PM | troy74 | i think im the last person in the free world without a cell phone
07:56:23 PM | agamotto | Nah, that goes against everything companies have been trying to groom us into for the last 30 years
07:56:34 PM | agamotto | RobbieF- The Story of Stuff?
07:56:34 PM | chrisreich | RobbieF modern manufacturing techniques are designed to make things efficiently and cheaply. That makes them difficult to repair, and it's VERY hard to find competent techs to repair things. Also, the repair bills are too often greater than the value of the product.
07:56:49 PM | Gadwil-Office | HP builds stuff to break, and then gives you a run-around if you actually use tech terms on the phone. I hate those guys tech support.
07:56:58 PM | Bekah | It was probably Affluenza and/or The Human Footprint
07:57:05 PM | SammySez | hah
07:57:10 PM | Gadwil-Office | Please delete the previous comment from the chatlogs ^^
07:57:10 PM | SammySez | that cracks me up
07:57:13 PM | chrisreich | Give Dr. Crusher a kiss from me, RobbieF
07:57:15 PM | agamotto | Bekah- those are good as well
07:57:16 PM | troy74 | lol knuckle draggers
07:57:17 PM | calhydro | Star Trek Recycled Starships
07:57:22 PM | Bekah | actually, could be Story of STuff - he's seen that too
07:57:50 PM | SammySez | hah
07:57:56 PM | Gadwil-Office | he just put a photo over himself.
07:58:02 PM | Gadwil-Office | I can see the obvious light change.
07:58:04 PM | troy74 | lol
07:58:08 PM | Gadwil-Office | very neat though.
07:58:09 PM | SammySez | where is his shoulder
07:58:21 PM | jamalexa | Good Night All
07:58:26 PM | troy74 | funny\
07:58:31 PM | SammySez | BAHAHAHA!!!
07:58:36 PM | Gadwil-Office | Aww.
07:58:37 PM | S0NAR | hah
07:58:41 PM | Gadwil-Office | I thought he was actually there
07:58:42 PM | troy74 | doh
07:58:48 PM | Gadwil-Office | hehe
07:59:02 PM | agamotto | Q!
07:59:02 PM | S0NAR | you have nanodots on the enterprise?
07:59:05 PM | SammySez | that is great
07:59:09 PM | Yazid | what
07:59:20 PM | _Jot_ | oh no! Robbie has no legs, that must be difficult for Bekah
07:59:36 PM | Gadwil-Office | S0NAR, i don't think so, since the Warp Core would be jealous that they are just as important as it.
07:59:41 PM | chrisreich | nano dots are the secret behind the dilithium crystals.
07:59:53 PM | agamotto | Hmmmm, a Max Headroom-themed show woud be fun!
08:00:08 PM | troy74 | thaqt is pretty cool
08:00:14 PM | troy74 | -q
08:00:15 PM | Gadwil-Office | I need to head out guys, see everyone later. Thanks for a good show.
08:00:35 PM | agamotto | You have to love alpha-blending
08:00:35 PM | chrisreich | good night Mary-Ellen.
08:00:44 PM | troy74 | great show guys
08:00:45 PM | chrisreich | good night, John-Boy
08:00:52 PM | troy74 | keep your head up eric
08:00:55 PM | SammySez | your pin is upside down
08:01:06 PM | warcow105 | lol
08:01:08 PM | Yazid | smooth
08:01:18 PM | warcow105 | great job RobbieF
08:01:23 PM | Yazid | Great job
08:01:25 PM | alket | thank you RobbieF EricKidd1
08:01:28 PM | kevoh_ | RobbieF: u typing the song?
08:01:29 PM | SammySez | that was awesome
08:01:30 PM | alket | and the Camera man
08:01:30 PM | agamotto | No one ever remembers to say the first part of that exchange
08:01:33 PM | Yazid | Have a good night all
08:01:37 PM | RobbieF | Hey thanks all! Hope you had a great time!
08:01:45 PM | tdawg1 | thanks for the show
08:01:53 PM | chrisreich | llap
08:01:54 PM | gpop7 | live long and prosperous. goodnight everyone good show
08:01:57 PM | tdawg1 | have a good week
08:02:00 PM | agamotto | fun
08:02:01 PM | S0NAR | indeed always informative. Thanks Robbie..
08:02:25 PM | S0NAR | night all..
08:02:32 PM | GoodGuy | Great show RobbieF and Eric
08:02:48 PM | RobbieF | cheers
08:02:51 PM | kevoh_ | goodnite all
08:02:51 PM | agamotto | Brrr, I can actually feel the temperature dropping.... time to close the window
08:03:06 PM | Cory` | Another Cable, is on the spool! (hehe)
08:03:12 PM | alket | sometimes i wish that the show was longer
08:03:42 PM | agamotto | alket- yah, but Bekah would like to see her husband for at least a few hours on tuesday
08:04:07 PM | alket | fair enough
08:04:44 PM | agamotto | Kidlets, working full-time, and doing this.... more work than many might think
08:06:35 PM | agamotto | Well, I suppose I will catch up on email and other fun, since dinner is already out of the way