Chat Logs for Episode 173 — #Category5 on /


With 61 Posts:GoodGuy
With 55 Posts:Gadwil-Office
With 51 Posts:GWG
With 37 Posts:m0dcm
With 34 Posts:evermind

Chat Logs:

06:58:42 PMlord_of_sporks Hello everyone Im phsyced I get to see the show3 live tonight
06:59:04 PMsprintcowboy me too
06:59:11 PMGadwil-Office not yet GWG, a bit busy with my personal research and a research paper. I will have a look later in the week, if you remind me.
06:59:29 PM_SammySez i see the feed - had to run 32bit vm tho
06:59:30 PMm0dcm Thats better
06:59:47 PMEricKidd Hello world!
06:59:51 PM_SammySez cant hear anything tho
06:59:57 PM_Jot_ so how does that song end, EricKidd ?
07:00:10 PMm0dcm So whats new in the Linux world, besides Unity being the default desktop in 11.04?
07:00:24 PM_SammySez sound now
07:00:34 PMGadwil-Office m0dcm, updates.
07:00:36 PM_Jot_ Hillary, dont put your money in the snow-bank
07:00:48 PMajamison5579 refresh show is up and on now
07:01:00 PMEricKidd We have sound! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!! Robbies insane, but in a good way LOL
07:01:38 PM_SammySez justin tv audio is not synced to video
07:01:52 PM_Jot_ it is for me SammYSez
07:02:28 PMHillary hahaha jot
07:02:29 PMGadwil-Office My Wendys just got here! So happy.
07:03:36 PMevermind something i came across tonight:
07:03:37 PMevermind
07:03:49 PMevermind this could very well solve the reboot kernel upgrade "prob" on ubu
07:04:19 PMGoodGuy I use that evermind.... Most times a new kernel is available w/o needing those updates
07:04:37 PMGoodGuy They are older patches
07:04:53 PMm0dcm Thats better Im watching now
07:04:54 PMm0dcm :)
07:04:55 PM_SammySez just has same concern
07:05:16 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, Mindark, not FPC
07:05:19 PMevermind hmm really? older ones?, i thought they where streamlining cve mitre
07:05:24 PMGWG RobbieF1: Think again
07:05:36 PM_Jot_ FPC is a different seperate company
07:05:53 PMraptor222 Hi, all
07:06:00 PMdasauto my son informs me, wizard101 does not work with linux either
07:06:06 PM_SammySez ugh - just wiped windows too ;)
07:06:07 PMGoodGuy Well I patched it with Ksplice and next downloaded the newest kernel.. it didnt need to patch that
07:06:36 PMevermind ahh, i c
07:06:56 PMevermind well, that tutorial is 9.10 in ubu terms, so i guess ill have to vbox that test
07:06:58 PMevermind =)
07:06:58 PMGoodGuy Many users prefer to avoid the latest kernels for awhile in case it introduces new bugs
07:07:04 PMevermind before i get it onto my laptop
07:07:17 PMGoodGuy The older one had time to be "baked"
07:07:44 PMm0dcm ok, youve said baked.... making me hungry
07:07:51 PMGoodGuy I use the server install docs.. add a repo etc
07:08:07 PMevermind yah, it felt like ubu has increased speed in kernel pushouts
07:08:11 PMHillary eric, how many testimonials were read last week.....or before...there are some dating back to jan 1?
07:08:11 PMGoodGuy I manually add the gui icon thing via Synaptic
07:08:33 PMGoodGuy it adds an icon in the upper right
07:08:44 PMGadwil-Office RobbieF1, If he is using Xorg 1.9, the nvidia settings may not work properly with dual monitors.
07:08:50 PMlabfan evening Robbie an Kidder
07:08:54 PMevermind nice thought on it though, i remember when i had to run patches up manually with deb a few years ago
07:09:16 PMlabfan great new website Robbie
07:09:23 PMGoodGuy Its especially slick for server maintainers
07:09:36 PMtroy74 misses hybrid chat
07:09:36 PMGoodGuy they can avoid reboots
07:09:58 PMGWG Someone get that in writing
07:10:04 PMlabfan is the justin stream clearer then ustreams?
07:10:48 PMevermind i maintain currently 4 servers for hobby n being-staff-of-things
07:10:53 PMGoodGuy I am having issues trying to install Damn Small Linux on my modern pc.. worked ok on a relic
07:10:53 PMgsiegel Ustream steams a little choppy
07:10:54 PMevermind so thatll be of use
07:11:05 PMevermind gsiegel ustream all fine here
07:11:17 PMevermind gsiegel you got any things running asside?
07:11:18 PMdasauto labfan, i use justin works great
07:11:18 PMGoodGuy I added the boot argument SATA and it hung a little later
07:11:31 PMlabfan same here gsiegel
07:11:41 PMevermind how does the sata hang play out in textform?
07:11:45 PMevermind i mean the error message
07:12:00 PM_SammySez justin audio is a little off for me
07:12:06 PMdasauto GoodGuy, it work on desktop but i could not get wifi working on notebook with damn small
07:12:07 PMlabfan i`m headin to the justin stream
07:12:13 PMiamboriskarloff Network abstraction layer?
07:12:15 PMGoodGuy it displays SATA first, then SATA.o or something similiar
07:12:26 PMGadwil-Office Hardware Absctraction layer
07:12:27 PMS0NAR HAL = hardware Abstraction layer.
07:12:29 PMS0NAR I thinkk
07:12:33 PMtroy74 hardware abstract layer?
07:12:38 PMgsiegel just my dock -
07:12:48 PMevermind thats weird, gsiegel
07:12:49 PMiamboriskarloff yeh - thats what I mean
07:12:50 PMSpider2 yes hardware abstraction layer
07:12:50 PMGoodGuy I cant get it to install in VBox or native
07:12:57 PMgsiegel may just be linux mint, testing it out
07:13:02 PMevermind thats from syslog, right, GoodGuy
07:13:07 PMm0dcm I had a problem with installing 10.04.1LTS on my Sony VGC-V2M as a fresh install, so I just installed 9.10 and then upgraded to 10.04 and my Nvidia card worked fine
07:13:14 PMevermind anything in message, and i guess the hdds are actually ok
07:13:19 PMGoodGuy Its an extended partition setup, but other distros work great
07:13:35 PMdasauto Hillary, i seem to be minority. i like the old site better than the new one :(
07:13:44 PMevermind is dsl actually 2.6?
07:13:45 PMGoodGuy Its from the console display.... It wont install enough to see syslogs
07:13:49 PMlabfan justin stream alot cleaner everyone
07:13:51 PMevermind havent tried that one in ages
07:13:55 PMGadwil-Office dasauto, that is just weird.
07:14:07 PMGadwil-Office RobbieF1, Could you authenticate?
07:14:09 PMGoodGuy I believe its 2.4, not sure
07:14:09 PMevermind 2.6 i mean kernelversion
07:14:15 PMevermind ahhh, k
07:14:16 PMm0dcm still running 9.10 on my Netbook
07:14:23 PMevermind not sure if 2.4 support sata out of the box
07:14:40 PMevermind afair there had to be modules loaded in from source when trying on top of sata
07:14:58 PMlabfan nice background Hilary
07:15:04 PMevermind man, 2.4, that been some years
07:15:11 PMGoodGuy It showed a SATA command line argument (boot)
07:15:26 PMgsiegel justin tv much clearer than Ustream on mint 10
07:15:27 PMGoodGuy It hung earlier until I added that
07:15:41 PMGadwil-Office I would not say copying iTunes is a good thing.
07:15:43 PMlabfan agreed gsiegel
07:15:49 PMGoodGuy But it hung again after displaying SATA message
07:15:55 PMevermind try noapic acpi=off on the boot params
07:16:05 PMGoodGuy Ok thanks :-)
07:16:32 PMmmdmurphy lesbians are the stronger sex?
07:16:39 PMlabfan butterscotch had some great videos from CES this year
07:16:53 PMdasauto Gadwil-Office, everyone was hoping the next iTunes would be web based.
07:17:29 PMGadwil-Office Dasauto, I was hoping Steve Jobs would shoot itunes in the head.
07:17:46 PMlabfan Robbie should go to CES next year
07:18:04 PMtroy74 (------- has much ipod hate
07:18:13 PMmmdmurphy iTunes is like "the will of landru" - if you just accept it, you are happy....
07:18:30 PMevermind trojaned?*g*
07:18:36 PMlabfan dont anger Landru
07:19:01 PMtroy74 itunes makes me want to throw things
07:19:09 PMevermind <--- has no hate on toys
07:19:11 PMGadwil-Office I just committed murder.... on a Chocolate Frosty.
07:19:16 PMm0dcm Apple have free apps on the store??
07:19:21 PMevermind after all, its the users being the prob
07:19:28 PMGadwil-Office I love wendys frosties.
07:19:29 PMmmdmurphy m0dcm - yes
07:19:37 PMm0dcm Im amazed
07:19:43 PMGoodGuy RobbieF-EricKidd: What is the diff between iPod Touch and iPhone?
07:19:43 PM_SammySez i luvd ipod, for 24 hours, until i met itunes
07:19:43 PMtroy74 i gave mine to my wife and went back to the good ol philips mp3 player
07:19:45 PMGadwil-Office m0dcm, they are fart apps.
07:20:06 PMm0dcm Im loooking forward to getting my HTC Android phone
07:20:12 PMgsiegel there is an open source solution for ipod..
07:20:18 PM_SammySez i use fuze now, with rockbox installed
07:20:24 PMGWG Ill stick with my Droid
07:20:25 PMgsiegel you dont have to have itunes
07:20:35 PMGWG _SammySez: I recommend the Clip+
07:20:42 PMevermind it has a too small keyboard
07:20:43 PMdasauto GoodGuy, i can answer that. iPod and iPod Touch are not phones.
07:20:45 PMlanceman I like my Droid.
07:20:45 PMevermind for my fingers
07:20:47 PM_SammySez my htc is windoze 6.5
07:20:49 PMGWG lanceman: Amen
07:20:51 PMajamison5579 goodguy one has a phone and the other does not
07:20:55 PMajamison5579 aside from that nothing
07:20:55 PMm0dcm Robbie has been eating baked beans
07:20:58 PM_SammySez fuze has better screen ;)
07:21:05 PMGadwil-Office I know that is false.
07:21:12 PMGoodGuy I thought that might be it.. wasnt sure
07:21:12 PMm0dcm Ive rock boxed my Dads Fuze
07:21:14 PMevermind screen -r -D
07:21:14 PMgsiegel beans bean - their good for the heart... lol
07:21:18 PM_SammySez luvd the Sansa View, but cracked the screen
07:21:18 PMm0dcm hes loving it
07:21:23 PMGadwil-Office IT doesnt have a VLC app, or a Windows app, or an Ubuntu app.
07:21:30 PMajamison5579 maybe a few differences in specs but mostly the same goodguy
07:21:33 PMGadwil-Office Or a category5 app.
07:21:58 PMGWG _SammySez: who needs a screen on a music player?
07:22:04 PMGoodGuy I want an Android also.
07:22:11 PMlabfan do i hear kids screaming or is that someones stomach growling?
07:22:11 PMm0dcm besides Pogo, theres always Tonido
07:22:24 PMlord_of_sporks yes they actually added a vlc app through cydia
07:22:26 PMm0dcm it has Iphone/Ipod and Droid apps for it too
07:22:37 PMGadwil-Office yea, in cydia, not the official store.
07:22:39 PM_SammySez tried to install android over my win mobile 6.5 - dev still has a long way to go unfortunately
07:22:59 PMm0dcm Itll happen tho Sammy
07:23:01 PM_SammySez fuze is a video player
07:23:17 PMmmdmurphy Can 2 family members share a NetFlix account????
07:23:18 PM_SammySez with mp3 support ;)
07:23:30 PMlord_of_sporks yeah not anymore ahd it up for alike a few weeks till they had to boot it for copyright issues
07:23:45 PMGWG mmdmurphy: I think you can have up to 6 Roku boxes hooked into one netflix account. But Im not sure
07:24:02 PMlabfan when is the next release of ubuntu due?
07:24:12 PMGoodGuy 11/04
07:24:12 PM_SammySez u.s. cellular is communist
07:24:14 PMGadwil-Office labfan, 11.04 or April of 2011
07:24:15 PMmmdmurphy GWG - thanks
07:24:29 PMGoodGuy Natty Narwell
07:24:38 PMGadwil-Office lafan, every 6 months, so every year in April and October.
07:24:41 PMlabfan thnx Gadwil-Office
07:24:52 PMraptor222 natty narwhal, goodguy
07:24:52 PMRobbieF1 News is next.
07:24:57 PMGWG mmdmurphy: I just started a new series called Downstreaming, on cord cutting over at Gadget Wisdom
07:25:09 PMGoodGuy My bad raptor222
07:25:10 PMmmdmurphy when is the weather report????
07:25:31 PMmmdmurphy GWG - full URL???
07:25:45 PMGWG mmdmurphy:
07:25:55 PMmmdmurphy Thanks...:-D
07:25:57 PMGWG mmdmurphy: so far Ive covered Amazon VOD and the Roku Box.
07:26:00 PMGadwil-Office The FORUM has been made usable on the new site, go check it out!
07:26:00 PMGWG mmdmurphy: More to come
07:26:44 PMtroy74 fourum so far
07:26:50 PMmmdmurphy I avoid open sores...
07:27:11 PM_SammySez <-- proud new owner of Dell M6400 lappy - 16gb / quad extreme / 1gb video / intel raid
07:27:15 PMgsiegel EMT in the house.. someone need a band-aid?
07:27:33 PMlabfan nice webpage GWG
07:27:47 PMtroy74 meat cutter in the house, i can fix it faster
07:27:48 PMGWG My audio and video programming is produced entirely by open source
07:27:55 PMGWG labfan: Thank you. I wish I had more time to write
07:28:16 PMmmdmurphy GWG - good subjet matter is hard to find...
07:28:29 PMmmdmurphy (sorrry, subject matter...)
07:28:54 PMlabfan ill dig into it deeper later when i have more time
07:29:02 PMlord_of_sporks May be me has anyone else notice Robbie has a strikeing resembalance to David Cross the actor?
07:29:08 PMGWG mmdmurphy: what do you mean? I have a lot of good subjects. not enough time in the day to write them all
07:29:10 PMGWG lord_of_sporks: No.
07:29:21 PMGoodGuy what app did Robbie just mention?
07:29:26 PMGoodGuy I was afk
07:29:32 PMGWG mmdmurphy: I have a review of Hulu Plus and Netflix streaming coming
07:29:49 PMcalhydro Man missed half the show fighting the traffic and snow!
07:30:04 PMmmdmurphy GWG - too much of the websites, podcasts I come across are about the BUSINESS of computers, etc, and not about the HOW... that;s what I meant...
07:30:05 PMgsiegel << being amused by tux on my cairo-dock -- supertux!
07:30:08 PMtroy74 netflix in canada is a wee sparse for content
07:30:13 PMGoodGuy Have you covered PlayOn GWG?
07:30:26 PMcalhydro What the first half been like?
07:30:33 PMlabfan and the weather
07:30:41 PMGWG mmdmurphy: I talk about the How more than the business aspect of it. Or try to
07:30:58 PMGoodGuy PlayOn is pretty neat.
07:30:59 PMGWG GoodGuy: PlayOn is Windows only. so, generally no.
07:31:02 PMmmdmurphy "Give me a tutorial, or give me death"
07:31:04 PMGoodGuy True
07:31:13 PMGWG GoodGuy: I prefer cross-platform or dedicated solutions.
07:31:33 PMGWG Thats Right and Left, not R and L. Oh, well
07:31:36 PMGoodGuy Wonder if anyone tried it under WINE
07:32:09 PMcalhydro Pogoplug has teamed with Buffalo
07:32:11 PMdasauto GoodGuy, wine sucks
07:32:13 PMGoodGuy I think not come to think of it.... it uses .Net
07:32:20 PMm0dcm that makes me laugh about Nintendo
07:32:27 PMmmdmurphy GoodGuy, I have it working under "cry and bitch" but not WINE.... (ok, I have been drinking...)
07:33:10 PMGoodGuy lol
07:33:29 PMgsiegel room is in great form tonight
07:33:34 PMmmdmurphy WINE works - as much as it works. I think its amazing what they HAVE been able to do.
07:33:37 PMajamison5579 you can look at for an alternative to cedega
07:33:43 PMdasauto none of my car diag software works with linux and it probably never will
07:33:57 PMm0dcm Robbie looks like Neo lol
07:33:58 PMGoodGuy Playon isnt the most user friendly, but I still thought it was worthwhile
07:34:17 PMHillary write to readddd
07:34:18 PMHillary ah
07:34:19 PMGWG GoodGuy: I know. It looks like a useful product. Just not in my arsenal.
07:34:27 PMmmdmurphy Who was it they said a month ago? guitarist...
07:34:28 PMdasauto m0dcm, no he look like that other guy that wanted to go back into the matrix
07:34:46 PMGWG Hillary: You did catch the L and R note, right? They stand for Right and Left.
07:34:49 PM_SammySez ugh - dual boot endorsement? has robbie gone to the dark side?
07:34:59 PMGoodGuy I was watching old episodes of The Secrets of ISIS on Hulu via Playon
07:35:23 PMGWG _SammySez: Yes. He received a parasite from a grateful viewer disguised as a portable music player
07:35:26 PMGoodGuy We used to watch that when first married
07:35:33 PMgsiegel maybe the dark side of Planet Calypso
07:35:41 PM_SammySez hah
07:35:42 PMm0dcm Ive finally Cat5 on my 32" LCD TV :D
07:35:43 PMdasauto GoodGuy, all encore channels free this month on dish
07:35:52 PM_SammySez brb - arm is killing me
07:36:06 PMGoodGuy I forgot how cute the heroine was lol
07:36:29 PMm0dcm its quite scary having Rob and everyone 32" in size now lol
07:36:41 PMmmdmurphy GoodGuy - you mean the guy on the right? Id pass.....
07:36:49 PMGoodGuy We still have cable instead of Dish... personally Id dump cable tv in a NY sec
07:37:01 PMGWG GoodGuy: Waiting for FIOS myself
07:37:07 PMGadwil-Office I know someone who is learning to play drums.
07:37:21 PMGadwil-Office I think she plays Piano better, but then again she has been playing that longer.
07:37:37 PMGoodGuy No ISIS was one of the first female superhero types
07:37:37 PMGWG Im still surprised you liked my piano playing, Gadwil-Office
07:37:50 PMmmdmurphy GWG - I have to say... I DONT care. I queue all my downloads, and go to bed. I get up, iPod full of new things. i dont care how long it took.
07:37:52 PMGoodGuy A science teacher as her alter ego
07:37:54 PMGadwil-Office GWG, yea, it was good... unlike your singing.
07:38:16 PMGWG Gadwil-Office: I think I sing very well
07:38:29 PMGadwil-Office youd be the only one gwg.
07:38:32 PMGWG I have no idea how to play the piano
07:38:37 PMGWG Gadwil-Office: That actually isnt true.
07:38:38 PMm0dcm Robbie on Drums, and Hilary singing
07:38:41 PMGoodGuy Too Smart Guys have a new show on Boxee for the iPad
07:38:47 PMm0dcm its the Cat5 TV band
07:38:52 PMGWG mmdmurphy: Dont care about what?
07:38:59 PMGoodGuy I didnt know they made it for that
07:39:20 PMmmdmurphy GWG about FIOS, I dont care. as long as downloads are done before I get up.
07:39:32 PMlabfan boxee is on the ipad now?
07:39:34 PMGWG mmdmurphy: I was talking about FIOS TV. I want an alternative to Time Warner
07:39:43 PMGoodGuy AT ces
07:40:00 PMGadwil-Office wow, this video on WMS is ok, but sucks compared to stream.
07:40:05 PMmmdmurphy Sounds like Beatles...
07:40:13 PMm0dcm does anyone else besides myself use Tonido?
07:40:15 PMGoodGuy
07:40:16 PMGWG It does? Ive heard the Beatles.
07:40:32 PMdasauto the only thing i can play is the radio
07:40:40 PMmmdmurphy Get Back, Get Back..
07:40:48 PMgsiegel "we all live in a yellow submarine.."
07:40:49 PMGoodGuy Is Tonideo the Seagate version?
07:41:10 PMm0dcm Tonido is a webshare program... quite nice too
07:41:12 PMlabfan play a day in the life Kidder
07:41:14 PMmmdmurphy Now its talking heads...
07:41:43 PMgsiegel how about some freebird.. lol
07:41:57 PMmmdmurphy Mandatory Metallica.....
07:42:34 PMGoodGuy Play "Flight of the Bumblebee"
07:42:45 PMScorpio55 Cmaj Gmaj Fmaj Am
07:42:49 PMHillary in the key of B flat, please.
07:42:53 PMlabfan sabre dance
07:43:03 PMgsiegel How about Beethovens 5th
07:43:12 PMmmdmurphy "Safety Dance"...
07:43:36 PMGoodGuy That used to be the Rhodesian anthem iirc
07:43:36 PMm0dcm Well, my Bichon Frise keeps looking at Robbie
07:43:41 PMlabfan 8 miles high
07:43:51 PMdasauto Hillary, is that next to the any key? Im lost on this app and music stuff.
07:44:10 PMgsiegel Anyone for some weather ? lol
07:44:12 PMm0dcm Robbie you have another fan!!!
07:44:13 PMGadwil-Office Robbie is going to have his kids making music soon.
07:44:15 PMHillary i was just being, which key it was in....
07:44:25 PMScorpio55 G G Em Em C D G G
07:44:30 PMm0dcm 3c in Dudley, West Mids uK
07:44:39 PMm0dcm lol
07:44:55 PMmmdmurphy BEDA??
07:45:04 PMHillary PETA!
07:45:08 PMHillary hahaha
07:45:24 PMgsiegel This is a family show.. ha ha
07:45:25 PMmmdmurphy I think he meant BETA.....???8-)
07:45:37 PMlabfan this old nerd
07:45:46 PMGWG Ive seen that show
07:45:55 PMlabfan its good
07:46:08 PMGadwil-Office gsiegel, Why wouldnt it be a family show?
07:46:14 PMGoodGuy Received CTCP MP3 DCI - 1982 - Cadence - Million Dollar Drum Line.mp3 (to #category5) from GoodGuy
07:46:14 PMGoodGuy NR[!GoodGuy DCI - 1982 - Cadence - Million Dollar Drum Line.mp3 ] 1.07MB 0m- 0s t×PLåY6.0 tx ¡橺©æ¡ NR tx
07:46:27 PMmmdmurphy Gadwil - it doesnt have the weather report??????
07:46:32 PMGadwil-Office Goodguy, what was that?
07:46:53 PMGadwil-Office mmdmurphy, that is not needed for a family show, we arent trying to bore the family to death.
07:47:01 PMHillary bahaha
07:47:02 PMGoodGuy lol its a drum line cadence from an old Drum and Bugle Corps show
07:47:14 PMgsiegel NJ snow storm coming.. any suggestions from Canada snow pros ?
07:47:16 PMGWG Gadwil-Office: You are surprising cynical sometimes
07:47:18 PMGadwil-Office Dont try to transfer files in the main room.
07:47:22 PMajamison5579 is accessable via tivo
07:47:23 PMcalhydro Can we start a petition campaign
07:47:28 PMGWG gsiegel: Go to Florida
07:47:31 PMm0dcm Heck ya it is!!
07:47:32 PMajamison5579 so you could access it through there
07:47:34 PMm0dcm lol
07:47:37 PMGoodGuy It doesnt unless you had the same file
07:47:39 PMGadwil-Office GWG, Yes, I am cynical, deal with it.
07:47:42 PMm0dcm oh Quake wars... oops
07:47:48 PMgsiegel GWG -- nice .. I would in a heartbeat
07:47:56 PMHillary Get some serious shoveling muscle, gsiegel!
07:47:59 PMGadwil-Office Goodguy, then why put it in the room?
07:48:00 PMHillary youre gonna need it!
07:48:02 PMGWG gsiegel: Im in NY. not far
07:48:04 PMm0dcm Thanks to Scorpio55 for getting me hooked on it
07:48:06 PMScorpio55 EricKidd have you seen the Jammin Pro 505 electro acoustic with USB connectivity
07:48:10 PMGWG Hillary: Can you come and help me shovel?
07:48:20 PMHillary me out, and I will. ;)
07:48:20 PMgsiegel GWG.. you gonna get it worse ... stay safe..
07:48:33 PMGoodGuy It played here in a single click w/o having to find what folder it buried in
07:48:34 PMm0dcm I like Enemy Territory
07:48:50 PMm0dcm and its on the
07:48:56 PMGWG gsiegel: Im not going to work tomorrow
07:49:18 PMGWG Hillary: How soon can you get to YTO?
07:49:21 PMGoodGuy I bought Enemy Territory.. MicroCenter was selling boxed copies for $4 iirc
07:49:28 PMGWG GoodGuy: I love Microcenter
07:49:32 PMgsiegel GWG - it is starting here...
07:49:34 PMSpider2 true combat elite is a good counter strike mod for Enemy Territory
07:49:42 PMGoodGuy Right after I bought it for $7 at Newegg grrrrrr
07:49:57 PMGWG gsiegel: Nothing here yet
07:50:04 PMHillary bahahahaa
07:50:06 PMlabfan were only getting 3-6 inches here overnight
07:50:06 PMGWG Tonight is garbage night though
07:50:06 PMdasauto i had to signup with the facebook and promise my first born so i could search for people, isnt there suppose to be another alternative diaspor something?
07:50:11 PMGoodGuy MicroCenter is a zoo here in MI.... lines are long
07:50:25 PMGWG Hillary: You have a passport, right?
07:50:28 PMm0dcm Can anyone suggest any other good games for Ubuntu? FPS or RPGs?
07:50:28 PMGadwil-Office dasauto, Diaspora is invite only atm.
07:50:54 PMHillary Naturally. I love America the beautiful....and its proximity for shopping!
07:50:57 PMdasauto Gadwil-Office, i signed up but they say they let me know when it be ready
07:51:04 PMGadwil-Office m0dcm, I think has some suggestions. I do suggest Glest though, fun RTS.
07:51:15 PMGoodGuy Does UnRAID have encrypted filesystems?
07:51:15 PM_SammySez i un-raided this laptop - heh. raid 0 was pointless
07:51:16 PMGadwil-Office dasauto, Yea, that is where I am at right now.
07:51:23 PMmmdmurphy anyone else on left for dead 2 on steam ?
07:51:23 PMm0dcm cheers, Ill give it a try tomorrow
07:51:31 PMgsiegel Robbie - thanks for the tip on site rocks
07:51:42 PMGadwil-Office My HP came with RAID predone, RAID 1 for a single drive configuration.
07:51:47 PMGWG Hillary: It is cheaper to bring you across the border to shovel than to hire locally
07:52:00 PMHillary you dont say! thats crazyyy!!!
07:52:02 PMm0dcm dont forget for another newbie site
07:52:11 PMGadwil-Office HP makers dont know how to design their hdd options for pre-installation, do they not know RAID is POINTLESS without multiple drives?
07:52:52 PMdasauto Gadwil-Office, well it sure sounds like a good idea. i bet a lot of people will ditch facebook. they talk about how much facebook is worth but it could be one of those sites that is here today and gone tomorrow.
07:52:56 PMGoodGuy I believe they do that to get AHCI Gadwil-Office
07:53:13 PMGadwil-Office GoodGuy, it has AHCI built in.
07:53:22 PMGoodGuy I set my devices as RAID and dont have RAID setup
07:53:35 PMGadwil-Office and if I change it to AHCI, and then try to install from the recory partition on HDD, of course it fails.
07:53:48 PMS0NAR ahh.. I got it now.. Thanks Robbie..
07:53:53 PMmmdmurphy I used RAID, until I got rid of the little buggers....
07:53:57 PMGadwil-Office It is software RAID, making it more pointless to me.
07:54:00 PMGWG Robbie and Friends...sounds like a variety show
07:54:28 PM_SammySez raid 0 here had zero performance gain
07:54:34 PMgsiegel tonight has definitly been a variety show.. music included
07:54:36 PMGoodGuy My mobo defaulted to ide emulation.. I had a choice between AHCI or RAID.. RAID did AHCI also, so I used that in case I ever wanted to try RAID
07:54:59 PM_SammySez may sacrifice the 2nd drive and at least mirror under raid 1
07:55:14 PMGadwil-Office their should be an apt-get option to get only download the packages, then you just copy them and dpkg - i them.
07:55:19 PMGWG Im reminded of the Adventures of Uncle Guru, the program I put on for my nieces and nephews.
07:55:36 PMHillary really GWG? thats awesome!
07:56:09 PMGWG Hillary: When I dont have another idea, I just tell them that program isnt on right now, and they have to listen to an alternate one. They really enjoy Yohanns Yodeling Hour.
07:56:15 PMmmdmurphy ROBBIEF - going to do a whole GIMP series????
07:56:40 PMlabfan 3 minutes left folks
07:56:48 PMGadwil-Office mmdmurphy, He is RobbieF1 since he is not authenticated, and define " whole"?
07:57:06 PMlabfan get that man a drink of water
07:57:18 PMmmdmurphy Gadwil - well, I guess the word WHOLE was a bad choice....
07:57:28 PMRobbieF1 would LOVE one labfan ....
07:57:29 PMRobbieF1 :(
07:57:33 PMRobbieF1 need a runner.
07:57:33 PMGadwil-Office my feed just dropped.
07:57:41 PMGadwil-Office my bandwith sucks right now!
07:57:48 PMGadwil-Office bandwidth*
07:57:56 PMmmdmurphy Gadwil - how about "a bunch" of GIMP shows???
07:58:05 PMGadwil-Office Hillary, When is the Asylum a school?
07:58:07 PMGadwil-Office hahah
07:58:11 PMHillary hahaha
07:58:20 PMGWG Gadwil-Office: I live Outside the Asylum.
07:58:20 PMScorpio55 EricKidd check this out and see want you think
07:58:21 PMlabfan great show again Robbie and peeps
07:58:29 PMGadwil-Office GWG, I hope Batman is around.
07:58:35 PMGadwil-Office The Joker may try to break out.
07:58:38 PMtroy74 pretty sure its illegal to tie up children
07:58:44 PMraptor222 ok, goodnight
07:58:45 PMgsiegel Great scott batman!
07:58:48 PMGadwil-Office troy74, depends on conditoins.
07:58:49 PMGWG Gadwil-Office: I was doing a Douglas Adams reference, not a Gotham one
07:58:50 PMGadwil-Office condition*
07:58:53 PM_Jot_ great batman scott?
07:59:03 PMGWG Hillary: Dont even try. Gadwil-Office will hate it.
07:59:05 PMGadwil-Office I wouldnt know of him gwg.
07:59:12 PMGWG Gadwil-Office: Science fiction author
07:59:14 PMmmdmurphy GOODNIGHT
07:59:19 PMHillary hahahahaha!!!!!!
07:59:20 PMGadwil-Office Hillary try what gwg?
07:59:20 PMlanceman Goodnight all
07:59:21 PMevermind time to hit it
07:59:28 PMdasauto later dudes
07:59:28 PMGadwil-Office Hillary can sing!
07:59:29 PMgsiegel off to get the shovel ready
07:59:32 PMtroy74 kidd rock
07:59:34 PMHillary write a song!
07:59:37 PMlord_of_sporks Here is another Idea by the Way Robbie if you use Opensuse they have the ability on the site to create your own personal distro all updates all software pernalized everything and then the site builds it and spits you out a personallized iso for download or a vmware image I use it all the time
07:59:37 PMgpop7 goodnight everyone
08:00:01 PMHillary and thats a wrap!
08:00:06 PMGadwil-Office .. I think that is the domain for OpenSUSE creator.
08:00:08 PMHillary thanks for watching people!!!!
08:00:13 PMGWG Hillary: I hope the wrap has tuna in it
08:00:16 PMtroy74 no rap
08:00:17 PMmmdmurphy Hillary - good night.
08:00:17 PMlabfan nite all
08:00:18 PM_Jot_ thanks for being watched Hillary
08:00:20 PMHillary bye bye!
08:00:24 PMgpop7 congrad robbie on your baby
08:00:25 PMGadwil-Office Bye Hillary.
08:00:26 PMas759 Bye


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