06:59:55 PM | GWG | New York is set to get more snow.
07:00:01 PM | GWG | I dont know where other cities put it
07:00:05 PM | calhydro | In Detroit, about to get 12 to 14 inches of snow dumped on us.
07:00:10 PM | agamotto | EricKidd- I know, imagine the idea of being forced to stay inside, and actually TALK with your family
07:00:12 PM | labfan | here in the Falls nothing so far
07:00:21 PM | GWG | I cant see the tree on my lawn
07:00:39 PM | labfan | cat5 rocks!!
07:00:52 PM | agamotto | GWG- wow... nothing like that here. I can see it all blowing around for about two streets
07:01:03 PM | chrisreich | People of Earth, Greetings.
07:01:07 PM | EricKidd | Talk with my family? Yikes!!!
07:01:09 PM | labfan | welcome
07:01:21 PM | ausrob | hi all
07:01:24 PM | _Jot_ | you can always shoot hockceypucks at family as an alternative
07:01:26 PM | GWG | agamotto: We had that last week
07:01:27 PM | labfan | hello Kidder
07:01:38 PM | GWG | more snow overnight
07:01:49 PM | GWG | Hoping to get snowed in so I can watch the Honeycomb event live
07:01:51 PM | GoodGuy | They had a baby boom 9 months after last huge snow storm, so apparently some folks found other things to do besides just talk lol
07:02:02 PM | agamotto | The dog is a bit upset about not being able to go out, otherwise we are fine here in Moline.
07:02:05 PM | GoodGuy | At least here in Michigan
07:02:09 PM | ausrob | LOL good one good guy
07:02:17 PM | chrisreich | Welcome to the Gimp-buntu show!
07:02:19 PM | labfan | cool beans
07:02:36 PM | Wreken | Wow..... nice video HD.. big diff from last week!
07:03:02 PM | labfan | using justin.tv?
07:03:06 PM | Gadwil | Really? It looks a little less to me than last week...
07:03:17 PM | _Jot_ | too much light on Robbie
07:03:20 PM | labfan | mine looks worse also
07:03:26 PM | Gadwil | RobbieF, The 25% discount too for that, is simply amazing!
07:03:33 PM | labfan | im using justin
07:03:42 PM | agamotto | No, that is the lack of sunlight affecting their pallor
07:03:52 PM | Wreken | ustream here.. looks good!
07:03:55 PM | ajamison5579 | white balance is off
07:03:56 PM | labfan | geeks are always white
07:04:07 PM | chrisreich | Hi Hillary - When do you finish broadcasting school?
07:04:10 PM | labfan | pardon me,pale
07:04:26 PM | Hillary | ill be done this semesterrr
07:04:33 PM | GWG | Why do you have to order HDMI cables from NY?
07:04:41 PM | GWG | No one has HDMI in Ontario?
07:04:43 PM | labfan | monoprice?
07:04:49 PM | agamotto | Ahhhh
07:04:50 PM | Gadwil | That would be why it is less.
07:04:56 PM | chrisreich | grrreat - so offers are lining up I suppose?
07:05:08 PM | Wreken | I had a bad bad feed last week
07:05:10 PM | agamotto | Why didnt you get the cable from BlueJean cables... dirt cheap
07:05:25 PM | GWG | agamotto: Do they ship to Canada? He needs a Canadian supplier, preferably
07:05:27 PM | GWG | I use Monoprice
07:05:34 PM | _Jot_ | Hillary looks great of course
07:05:37 PM | GoodGuy | I am another Monoprice fan
07:05:46 PM | agamotto | good point. i would assume they ship to Canada
07:06:01 PM | GWG | Monoprice sold me all my HDMI cabling, and a lot of my speaker/audio cabling
07:06:06 PM | Gadwil | I get the feeling of some " subliminal " advertising by that MSI box being in Hillarys shot.
07:06:10 PM | GWG | EricKidd: Why dont they sell HDMI cables in Ontario?
07:06:25 PM | Wreken | Jamesons! in that coffee i bet
07:06:30 PM | labfan | Hillary always looks good
07:06:47 PM | EricKidd | GWG......Robbies just not much of a shopper! :)
07:07:01 PM | EricKidd | Wreken is right!
07:07:22 PM | Wreken | Nice!
07:08:13 PM | chrisreich | its a jackrabbit with antlers
07:08:22 PM | agamotto | Rabbit+antelope
07:08:40 PM | gsiegel | dont blush too much Hil..
07:09:07 PM | chrisreich | they burrow into the earth but cannot turn around, so they have to burrow all the way through the earth to re-surface again.
07:09:32 PM | GWG | I sold a friend on a Brother printer
07:09:40 PM | GWG | EricKidd: Ever been to the factory?
07:09:54 PM | annoyance | pogoplug is great so is guiness
07:10:19 PM | GWG | Pogoplug looks great. I just have no need for it
07:10:21 PM | labfan | i bought a 6 HDMI cable at a Dollar store the other day
07:10:28 PM | RiverRat_ | GoodGuy ==== Has Robbie mailed out last week PogoPlus?
07:10:36 PM | agamotto | Guiness+Pogoplug = not great... damp hardware, wasted beer.
07:11:03 PM | Gadwil | I think there is WAY too much good stuff on the website.. perhaps limiting what of it goes on air?
07:11:10 PM | RiverRat_ | PogoPlugs
07:11:19 PM | Gadwil | Hillary, Hurry, go get the red noses!
07:11:23 PM | Gadwil | and face paint.
07:11:26 PM | GWG | The notorious Ferguson gang
07:11:43 PM | GoodGuy | No idea
07:11:52 PM | RiverRat_ | OK
07:12:04 PM | agamotto | Yesssss, those sssubversssive Canadiansss and their ideassss.
07:12:07 PM | Gadwil | EricKidd, Thank Jon for his work! He does it real well.
07:12:09 PM | Hillary | red noses?
07:12:22 PM | GWG | agamotto: Like universal health care.
07:12:26 PM | Hillary | Jot, I think youre my number one fan here. how kidn.
07:12:28 PM | Hillary | kind*
07:12:36 PM | Gadwil | Hillary, A) Clowns, B) Reindeer?
07:12:41 PM | RiverRat_ | GoodGuy have you ever missed a show. I see you on every week.
07:12:47 PM | agamotto | I just wonder if Canadian protesters will be taking to the streets over the UBB caps and such
07:12:54 PM | _Jot_ | they use floors in canada now? luxury
07:12:56 PM | GWG | Hillary: have you considered a _Jot_-Hillary meetup? You can meet in Planet Calypso.
07:12:57 PM | Hillary | HA! Good one Gadwil!
07:13:06 PM | GoodGuy | Not since I started watching around episode 50 or so
07:13:07 PM | labfan | Ron Duguay,famous former Rangers player
07:13:16 PM | Hillary | Dare I admit that I have never ever attempted Planet Calypso.
07:13:16 PM | GoodGuy | Maybe late 40s
07:13:18 PM | Gadwil | Hillary, It is sad that you didnt get that. * wha wha wha *
07:13:34 PM | GWG | Hillary: Neither have I. Id have to use Windows
07:13:35 PM | annoyance | Canadian protesters?
07:13:36 PM | RiverRat_ | I have gone back and watched all the old shows.
07:13:37 PM | Gadwil | Hillary, It is actually a good thing that you actually admit that.
07:13:48 PM | _Jot_ | admitting it is the first step to the cure
07:13:54 PM | Hillary | im having hard time readin this chat room on account of midget print...so im behind the times on what people are saying, and then my processing speed is slow today too..bad comboo
07:14:14 PM | agamotto | It sounds like there might me something in hdparm that set the hd cache to 0, or something similar
07:14:44 PM | labfan | which video better justin or ustream?
07:14:51 PM | Gadwil | Hillary, What IRC client are you using? Webchat or program?
07:14:52 PM | GoodGuy | also Ultimate Boot CD for Windows
07:15:03 PM | RiverRat_ | Has every body heard about Intel chip recall ?
07:15:07 PM | agamotto | Hillary: Need some Pixeloptics Empower glasses, do you?
07:15:16 PM | _Jot_ | sandy bridge you mean, RiverRat_?
07:15:20 PM | Gadwil | RiverRat_, I dont think you can miss that one.
07:15:23 PM | RiverRat_ | Yes
07:15:26 PM | agamotto | RiverRat_- Yep, $1bn down the drain
07:15:27 PM | chrisreich | Intel chipset has a SATA bug
07:15:28 PM | Hillary | I think so....re: the glasses..
07:15:36 PM | gsiegel | I am watching on Justin.tv and it seems good
07:15:39 PM | Hillary | irc...uh....freenode? er...i dont even knowwww
07:15:57 PM | Gadwil | Hillary, Are you using a web browser to chat with us?
07:16:00 PM | GoodGuy | I have agamotto... second issue I heard.... Robert Heron mentioned another problem on a Media segment of Tekzillas tuesday show
07:16:02 PM | labfan | justin looks a little out of focus to me
07:16:26 PM | agamotto | GoodGuy- Could explain some of his trouble with the new media box
07:16:31 PM | GoodGuy | Robert mentioned something about Sandybridge screwing up frame rates
07:16:34 PM | Gadwil | Basically, How do you get to us, Did Robbie set it up? or did you install a specific program?
07:16:36 PM | _Jot_ | has to do with the bright light and the focus of using a hd camera but no hd etc
07:16:52 PM | ajamison5579 | Also make sure your Win 7 box is not part of a Homegroup which is a Win 7 only feature
07:16:56 PM | agamotto | labfan- it is due to the analogue cable they are forced to use tonigh
07:17:04 PM | GoodGuy | I was looking to build a media center when Sandybridge came out.... have to wait now
07:17:05 PM | labfan | ahh,ok
07:17:15 PM | RiverRat_ | I was going to build a new desktop . Now I will have to wait on Intel to come out with new chips.
07:17:16 PM | gsiegel | Gadwil - know how to config Pidgin for chat room use ?
07:17:44 PM | Gadwil | gsiegel, No, I am trying to figure out what Hil is using to chat, So I can hopefully help her make her font larger.
07:17:56 PM | GWG | Im really enjoying this iPad stand that came in the mail today
07:18:19 PM | GoodGuy | Hillary uses VERSION qwebirc v0.90, copyright (C) 2008-2010 Chris Porter and the qwebirc project
07:18:22 PM | labfan | nice full chatroom tonight
07:18:40 PM | GWG | Fortunately, the stand doesnt care that I dont own an iPod.
07:18:42 PM | Gadwil | RobbieF, EricKidd, I dont think she can fully read the chatroom!
07:18:49 PM | _Jot_ | RobbieF, make hillary use an IRC client, and not the website
07:19:03 PM | Hillary | Im using a mac (gulp) and using the interweb machine, yes
07:19:04 PM | RobbieF | shes on a crazy macbook!
07:19:05 PM | Guest_1558 | Where is the link to the newsroom on the new website? I cant seem to find it.
07:19:20 PM | labfan | whens the new ubuntu released?
07:19:25 PM | labfan | april?
07:19:28 PM | Gadwil | Hillary, Ok, let me see on how to enlarge the Webchats font.
07:19:28 PM | agamotto | April
07:19:29 PM | GoodGuy | 11.04
07:19:36 PM | GWG | Ctrl-alt-F1
07:19:36 PM | GoodGuy | April 2011
07:19:45 PM | labfan | excellent
07:19:49 PM | Hillary | http://newsroom.category5.tv/
07:20:05 PM | agamotto | It will also be a LTS release
07:20:31 PM | Guest_1558 | Is there a link from the home page to the newsroom? (so I dont have to remember another URL ;> )
07:21:01 PM | gsiegel | Gnome3 + Ubuntu Next release ???
07:21:06 PM | GoodGuy | I installed Kubuntu 10.10 in a spare partition... the Network Manager wont allow me to update the default Auto eth0 for a static IP.. had to manually edit files
07:21:26 PM | Gadwil | Guest_1558, Not currently. Please post in the suggestion box in the forum for that.
07:21:35 PM | GWG | gsiegel: Nope. They arent going to Gnome 3. They are going to Unity.
07:21:46 PM | agamotto | Lowis, lewis, louee
07:21:47 PM | GoodGuy | Nope gsiegel.... Unity instead of Gnome 3
07:21:59 PM | Gadwil | GWG, I think they will go to Gnome 3, but use Unity instead of Gnome-Shell.
07:22:11 PM | labfan | ideas are good
07:22:14 PM | GWG | Gadwil: I thought they were staying with a 2.x Gnome
07:22:20 PM | GoodGuy | You can play with it now by installing Unity
07:22:24 PM | agamotto | Gadwil- Unity, with the option of switching to Gnome
07:22:37 PM | gsiegel | interesting article in Linux Journal on Gnome 3
07:22:56 PM | Gadwil | GWG, I think they have to move to 3 eventually, they are dedicated to giving the latest stable software with each release.
07:22:57 PM | labfan | leo laporte said yesterday he thought Rogers was a very good isp
07:23:06 PM | GoodGuy | I didnt have much luck in Virtualbox.... I believe it works fine in a real partition setup
07:23:25 PM | Gadwil | I dont see it in the Options.
07:23:33 PM | GWG | Gadwil, the whole Weyland thing indicates that they are going far afield.
07:23:36 PM | _Jot_ | we forgive you Hillary
07:23:38 PM | Gadwil | Hillary, is the Webchat window maximized?
07:23:43 PM | GWG | labfan: He isnt in Canada, how does he know?
07:23:50 PM | Gadwil | GWG, True, but that is not in stone yet.
07:23:58 PM | labfan | he use to work in Canada i guess
07:24:03 PM | Hillary | yes it is...
07:24:07 PM | Hillary | OH WIT
07:24:11 PM | _Jot_ | RobbieF, you can use that thing as a hammer
07:24:11 PM | Hillary | WAIT I Mean
07:24:12 PM | gsiegel | Robbie should load linux on Ipod..
07:24:13 PM | Hillary | I fixed it!
07:24:14 PM | Hillary | CHAMP!
07:24:24 PM | _Jot_ | cool beans Hillary
07:24:25 PM | Hillary | I can seeee
07:24:25 PM | Gadwil | Hillary, what did you do? enlarge Safari font?
07:24:43 PM | Gadwil | oh yea, ALERT ROBBIE! to that news Hillary.
07:24:54 PM | Hillary | Alert him of my awesomeness?
07:25:02 PM | agamotto | Robbie: Explain what seems to be going on with the UBB and new ISP caps and pricing affecting you lot up in Canada
07:25:04 PM | Gadwil | Yea, and that it is fixed.
07:25:35 PM | agamotto | Hillary: you keep messing with settings and you may become a hacker!
07:25:53 PM | Gadwil | Congrats Hillary.
07:26:17 PM | labfan | weather report?
07:26:29 PM | Gadwil | RobbieF, What is up with this " 10 digit Dialing " in Barrie?
07:26:32 PM | _Jot_ | its almost freezing here in the netherlands, but not quite yet
07:27:00 PM | agamotto | We made it up to freezing on Saturday, otherwise havent seen it in nearly a month
07:27:11 PM | GWG | Hillary: What would it take to put you in a Linux distro today?
07:27:19 PM | agamotto | hahahahah
07:27:29 PM | Wreken | uh oh.. Hillary, not really an HP is it, its a Windows system but you dont want to say the word "Windows"
07:27:31 PM | Gadwil | lol
07:27:33 PM | mindlord | lol
07:27:52 PM | _Jot_ | EricKidd, same thing, vista, me, same same
07:27:58 PM | gsiegel | ewwww Vista.. ouch Me.... - oh wait their is not difference.. haha
07:28:05 PM | KC9HI | Hey Robie, how did your unRAID upgrade go? Did you use preclear.sh make the 1.5G drive ready for the array?
07:28:09 PM | GWG | _Jot_: Both giant boondoggles.
07:28:13 PM | EricKidd | Same &%$#, different pile?
07:28:15 PM | agamotto | She needs to be agnostic with OSs
07:28:21 PM | Gadwil | Hillary, RobbieF, A virtual machine if possible? Unless it needs heavy resources.
07:28:23 PM | _Jot_ | exactly EricKidd :)
07:28:23 PM | GoodGuy | I still have a copy of Windows ME.. blew my big chance to sell it a few years ago
07:28:39 PM | annoyance | Ive had several dead windows computers that work graet with Linux
07:28:50 PM | KC9HI | in meant 1.5TB drive...
07:28:51 PM | GWG | Ooh, look, theres a free preview of Cantonese programming on my cable provider.
07:29:03 PM | Gadwil | I tried it in a VM, didnt really like it.
07:29:13 PM | gsiegel | I do also.. the only OS i actually paid for off the shelf
07:29:22 PM | Gadwil | 128MB RAM if I remember corrently for Antix.
07:29:29 PM | dino_ | RobbieF, when using a new virtual machine to access an old virtual hard drive, how do you get the network to work?
07:29:30 PM | Gadwil | correctly*
07:29:31 PM | annoyance | a 386 could
07:29:41 PM | agamotto | GWG- nothing exotic like Phillipines?
07:30:15 PM | GoodGuy | I tossed an old 430TX PC.... I tried Lubuntu, Lucid Puppy and DSL
07:30:26 PM | gsiegel | the good ole Y2K bug
07:30:29 PM | Gadwil | EricKidd, Tell Robbie that the 128MB RAM is under " About Antix ".
07:30:33 PM | GWG | agamotto: no. But they never preview HBO anymore.
07:30:34 PM | GoodGuy | It was so slow, I finally said see ya
07:30:35 PM | Gadwil | It is the recommended minimum.
07:30:37 PM | agamotto | Two of our local colleges still use Amigas for their interior info-screens setup on the campii
07:30:39 PM | gsiegel | That bug paid me well in OT
07:31:13 PM | GWG | I wonder if there is any good Linux- based teleprompter software
07:31:30 PM | Gadwil | We had ONE week with HDMI.... I WANT IT BACK!
07:32:32 PM | _Jot_ | amazing how Robbie is too lazy to go and buy a $1 cable
07:32:40 PM | agamotto | ?
07:32:45 PM | GWG | _Jot_: You can get an HDMI cable for a buck?
07:32:49 PM | gsiegel | yeah... ubuntu setting the trend...
07:33:00 PM | Gadwil | Jot, it is CA, add like $4 or $5 to all USD prices.
07:33:00 PM | agamotto | Perhaps he is out of dosh after shelling out for the HDMI cable?
07:33:15 PM | _Jot_ | GWG, usually, its digital so you dont need goldplated whatsnot and such
07:33:41 PM | GWG | _Jot_: I order cheap cables. I usually pay more than a buck.
07:34:02 PM | agamotto | My most expensive HDMI cable was $10
07:34:03 PM | _Jot_ | hopefully not too much more :)
07:34:04 PM | gsiegel | I heard the same thing that the whole gold plating is ove rated
07:34:25 PM | Gadwil | it is very possible for a refund, they just dont give you a full OEM price refund due to " bulk buy ", and you send the key sticker back to the company, if not some other hoops to jump through.
07:34:38 PM | agamotto | gsiegel- digital anything yes. Analog can be affected by such, but not much usually
07:34:46 PM | GWG | agamotto: I will agree with the $10. Although I paid more for a long heavy duty run
07:34:53 PM | Wreken | it seems as if the vidoe quality is degrading
07:34:58 PM | Gadwil | Robbie and Bekahs internet bill just sky-rocketed.
07:35:11 PM | agamotto | Gadwil- yes, but for the average person, it is too difficult to get the OEM or M$ to cough up
07:35:15 PM | Scorpio55 | http://www.redorbit.com/news/technology/1987898/microsoft_critical_warning_for_internet_explorer_users/index.html
07:35:50 PM | Wreken | jack a what...?
07:36:00 PM | Gadwil | RobbieF, Only ONE month notice?
07:36:01 PM | Hillary | Jackalope
07:36:10 PM | Gadwil | That should be illegal for an issue like that.
07:36:17 PM | Wreken | define please?
07:36:44 PM | Gadwil | Hillary, Smile because you need no reason too.
07:36:49 PM | gsiegel | I got a one month notice that my ISP was no longer going to be providing services...
07:36:55 PM | agamotto | Some ISPs here in the States are trying to use Netfix to justify much the same
07:37:31 PM | Hillary | Thanks Gadwil
07:37:34 PM | agamotto | Wreken: Jackalope - imaginary creature created by combining a jack rabbit and an antelope
07:37:34 PM | gsiegel | so off to fiber solution I went.. been very good. Dont like the router they gave me though.
07:38:16 PM | Gadwil | That is old school Spam to do that one.
07:38:19 PM | Gadwil | I cant script it.
07:38:25 PM | Gadwil | Unless you give us their email...
07:38:28 PM | GWG | This week on Category 5...Robbie opens his mail.
07:38:37 PM | GWG | Next week...Robbie pays his bills live.
07:38:59 PM | gsiegel | This week we will feature how to open spam Snail Mail ..
07:39:09 PM | agamotto | RobbieF- put it up on the website, so 35milion Helens can tell them where to go
07:39:53 PM | _Jot_ | I heard the rumour that Bekah is the one that pays the bills
07:40:13 PM | labfan | that should be illegal
07:40:36 PM | Gadwil | Canada has a Better Business Beaurau?
07:40:40 PM | agamotto | RobbieF- put it up on the website, so 35milion Helens can tell them where to go
07:41:03 PM | GWG | g
07:41:13 PM | agamotto | Sounds like a ripe target for a DDoS attack....
07:41:18 PM | Kyrin | of course we do
07:41:33 PM | GWG | Gadwil: Who else would regulate the maple syrup industry and ensure it says Product of Canada on every bottle I buy?
07:41:37 PM | _Jot_ | yay, Jot wins!
07:41:40 PM | Gadwil | Lets not encourage DDoS targets in the chatroom.
07:42:00 PM | agamotto | Just sayin
07:42:22 PM | Gadwil | EricKidd, Did you install using TurnKey linux to test it with?
07:42:57 PM | EricKidd | NO, but that would have been a good idea!
07:43:13 PM | agamotto | No, yours is legible... not covered in Flash garbage
07:43:20 PM | GWG | Why dont I have an Author Page, by the way?
07:43:42 PM | Gadwil | Erickidd, Check TurnKeyLinux first! I downloaded 8 different images this afternoon to test. 4 or 5 are Wikis.
07:44:31 PM | agamotto | Which is pretty much why I dont have one
07:45:21 PM | _Jot_ | omg, Robbie is showing the password, its all dots!
07:45:26 PM | Gadwil | password1 is not a good password for a test account even.
07:45:45 PM | gsiegel | 12345 is not a good one either.. .lol
07:45:56 PM | _Jot_ | thats the same code I have on my luggage
07:46:03 PM | agamotto | I see some of you are Flikr users
07:46:15 PM | GWG | Gadwil: My employers IT department keeps setting user passwords to the month and year they set it
07:46:35 PM | agamotto | GWG- OMG
07:46:37 PM | annoyance | bluesuedeshoes is a good password
07:46:44 PM | Gadwil | GWG... so sad.
07:46:58 PM | Gadwil | I guess it is specific to the person, which can also be an issue in itself.
07:47:15 PM | GWG | Gadwil: It annoys the heck out of me
07:47:17 PM | agamotto | supercalifragilisticexpialodocious
07:47:29 PM | Gadwil | Wow, overladed already
07:47:53 PM | GWG | I use Wordpress for all my CMS needs.
07:48:01 PM | Gadwil | Or it just had to load for the first time... So bland. Post something.
07:48:03 PM | GWG | Android Buffet and Gadget Wisdom both run on Wordpress
07:48:32 PM | agamotto | Is that part of why they view so cleanly?
07:49:23 PM | Gadwil | Wow, it is up quick.
07:49:30 PM | agamotto | I wonder if I have any black beans in the house....
07:49:51 PM | GWG | RobbieF, unfortunately, doesnt know much about advanced Wordpress stuff. He hasnt used it much, I gather.
07:49:51 PM | agamotto | I might try those under 100 calorie brownies tomorrow...
07:49:55 PM | labfan | geek theme
07:49:55 PM | gsiegel | Is there a beans theme ?
07:50:17 PM | Gadwil | Comments are moderated by default.
07:50:18 PM | annoyance | try coffee
07:50:18 PM | Hillary | cool beans theme.
07:50:54 PM | GWG | And if there arent enough settings, you can add plugins to add more
07:51:02 PM | agamotto | Background music.... "I love Java" by Manhattan Transfer
07:51:23 PM | labfan | dont use the twitter
07:51:33 PM | agamotto | or is it Java Jive?
07:51:38 PM | gsiegel | Need to have some of Ericks guitar riffs
07:51:45 PM | GWG | RobbieF: Update your plugins
07:51:46 PM | gsiegel | as background tunes
07:51:47 PM | Guest_1558 | spillinthecoolbeans has a comment already!
07:53:26 PM | labfan | 7 minutes left
07:54:43 PM | gsiegel | need another episode with fun green screen..
07:55:02 PM | dman8101 | what was the website for the spillinthecoolbeans?
07:55:02 PM | labfan | i could use a pogoplug
07:55:22 PM | Gadwil | spillinthecoolbeans.wordpress.com
07:55:30 PM | gsiegel | the holiday episode was the only episode I got my wife to actually watch.. greenscreen power
07:56:12 PM | agamotto | gsiegel- I hope that doesnt mean she watches those horrible Saturday SciFi movies...
07:56:31 PM | Gadwil | RobbieF, EricKidd, Hillary .. Can Wirecast be used to simply record a netcast vs having to stream it each time?
07:56:37 PM | gsiegel | ha ha nope.. geek speak makes her sleepy..
07:56:44 PM | labfan | the holiday show was great
07:57:23 PM | agamotto | "Oh no, the scary alligator is walking ON the water!!! eeekk"
07:57:26 PM | labfan | hows the new baby doin Robbie?
07:57:50 PM | Gadwil | Maybe I could get my teacher to get Wirecast to do some videos for his A+ and Cisco classes....
07:58:32 PM | agamotto | bad bad bad
07:58:33 PM | Gadwil | Hillary, I am laughing.
07:58:34 PM | gsiegel | Hopefully next time she will not have a smack book.. lol
07:58:49 PM | labfan | agreed,winters are too long
07:58:51 PM | Gadwil | I wouldnt mind if you were trapped streaming live online for Cat5TV forver...
07:58:55 PM | dino_ | could you use Wire Tap instead of Skype for Hillarys remote broadcast?
07:58:55 PM | GWG | What happened to Snowpocalypse?
07:58:57 PM | GWG | how many inches?
07:59:00 PM | gsiegel | NJ getting good winter too..
07:59:04 PM | Gadwil | I mean, you may run out of news like CNN....
07:59:05 PM | agamotto | That was almost as good as the Siamese elephants
07:59:21 PM | labfan | nite all
07:59:37 PM | agamotto | Gadwil- hahahahah, or at least people to read it on air
07:59:42 PM | GWG | It could be like the View
07:59:45 PM | Gadwil | dino_, no they cant, it isnt for chatting, but streaming one-way.
07:59:58 PM | agamotto | GWG- No thanks, I dont need people screaming at each other
08:00:14 PM | GWG | Oh, you gotta go to B&H
08:00:17 PM | GWG | 34th and 9th avenue
08:00:22 PM | GWG | Just down the road from Penn Station
08:00:24 PM | Gadwil | Hillary, You are way off-beat.
08:00:35 PM | Hillary | i cant hear
08:00:36 PM | Hillary | or see myself
08:00:37 PM | Hillary | hahahaha
08:00:45 PM | Gadwil | At least you tried.
08:00:56 PM | dman8101 | Great show Robbie and Gang
08:01:06 PM | _Jot_ | dont worry Hillary, you looked eehmmm completely normal and not strange at all
08:01:14 PM | Wreken | Good job Gang!
08:01:19 PM | Hillary | im an odd duck, no getting around it
08:01:22 PM | agamotto | No worse than the local news, at any rate :)
08:01:27 PM | GWG | Robbie gets extra points for ordering from B&H. Great camera and video store. I should go down there one of these days.
08:01:44 PM | Gadwil | If the camera-man can see this... Thanks for the close-up of Robbies chin, that is exactly what we need Tuesday nights.
08:02:15 PM | _Jot_ | I think its great Johannes got to do something other than the usual
08:02:57 PM | Gadwil | Thanks for a great show, have a good week everyone.
08:02:58 PM | agamotto | I wonder what a net usage map of Egypt would look like lately
08:03:10 PM | Hillary | ciao peoples! thanks for watchinnnnnnnnnnn
08:03:15 PM | dman8101 | Thanks Gadwil
08:03:18 PM | Gadwil | Bye HILLARY!