Chat Logs for Episode 202 — #Category5 on /


With 75 Posts:JVSCC
With 75 Posts:SammySez
With 56 Posts:chrisreich
With 54 Posts:agamotto
With 29 Posts:troy74

Chat Logs:

7:00:10 PMajamison5579 Jonathon you must have the Mime feed
7:00:11 PMajamison5579 lol
7:00:15 PMedgardo
7:00:17 PMtroy74 ohhh fire
7:00:25 PMKing_Arthur we are outside
7:00:33 PMagamotto Wow, way out north of Peterborough
7:00:34 PMjonathon Got it no audio before the start of the show:)
7:00:41 PMSammySez man that sucks when the link doesnt appear until air time, then you get commercials
7:00:42 PMJVSCC Fire!!!
7:00:44 PM_Jot_ there definatly is audio
7:00:57 PMajamison5579 who in their right mind uses a fire when it is close to 100 degrees F
7:01:05 PMedgardo put in in oyur favorites
7:01:06 PMtroy74 hungry people
7:01:11 PMjonathon Yes audio is working.
7:01:18 PMSammySez then commercials play well longer than the countdowns
7:01:21 PMagamotto The same idiots who throw cigarettes in the grass during a drought
7:01:28 PMnaesa You still need to cook meat!
7:01:29 PMdman810 its on!!
7:01:30 PM_Jot_ hi RobbieF, hi Jerry
7:01:30 PMJVSCC Hi Jerry!
7:01:53 PMJVSCC Yes it is
7:02:05 PMSammySez hello gerry
7:02:24 PMlulu Hi RobbieF, i think the backlight is too strong
7:02:36 PMJVSCC A little bright...
7:03:01 PMdman810 Whats with Robbies caterpiller on his lip?
7:03:22 PMSammySez it feels weird seeing robbie on the right :)
7:03:26 PMagamotto As in Eee PC?
7:03:26 PMGadwil-Shop lets see if rebooting the video stream will get me audio.
7:03:44 PMJVSCC Need that software...
7:03:49 PMSammySez video and audio is just fine (after you get through the commies)
7:04:21 PMSammySez hello silver_beach_ger
7:04:38 PMedgardo please provide a link if theres one for the place you guys are in Haliburton@RobbieF
7:04:47 PMchrisreich People of Earth, Greetings.
7:04:51 PMJVSCC New advertisement customer...
7:04:52 PMlulu i think better put a curtain on...
7:04:55 PMlulu too bright..
7:05:00 PMSammySez is Robbie getting a discount on a new condo in exchange for air time? SWEET!!!
7:05:01 PMagamotto RobbieF- Considering a move, are we?
7:05:06 PMKing_Arthur,+Haliburton,+Ontario&hl=en&ll=45.005654,-78.604174&spn=0.048973,0.069523&sll=45.078854,-78.432083&sspn=0.391283,0.556183&z=14 is this where they are at?
7:05:10 PM_Jot_ I tried turning down the brightness but the remote-control doesnt work
7:05:15 PMedgardo thanks
7:05:17 PMajamison5579 shagawigamog? what a mouth full
7:05:29 PMSammySez is RobbieF getting a discount on a new condo in exchange for air time? SWEET!!!
7:05:31 PMJVSCC Live video same as photograph never shoot with a bright light source behind you need filter...
7:05:38 PMagamotto King_Arthur- yes
7:06:15 PMKing_Arthur nice
7:06:18 PMagamotto The view is very nice
7:06:31 PMedgardo did he said "windows"? uhh
7:06:32 PMchrisreich I tuned in late. Is this Category5-vacation edition?
7:06:35 PMlulu the view is nice, but not good for videos
7:06:39 PMJVSCC Squirrel!
7:06:43 PMagamotto edgardo- the glass kind
7:06:51 PMchrisreich Sasquatch!
7:06:51 PMedgardo ahh ok
7:06:53 PMdman810 Chrisreich - yes it is!
7:06:57 PMSammySez did you see that hot chick just jump off that diving board in the background???
7:07:08 PMJVSCC rewind!
7:07:17 PMedgardo print screen and post it
7:07:17 PMdman810 The view is very bright
7:07:33 PMJVSCC Need tinted windows...?
7:07:33 PMSammySez I keep cutting to commercials here - ugh!
7:07:36 PMchrisreich thanks dman810. He did one last year too, remember?
7:07:42 PMdman810 Yep
7:07:50 PMagamotto If you want deer, come to our area... I manage to see nearly two a week in our neighborhood.
7:08:13 PMlulu is it a tech tv?
7:08:14 PMagamotto SammySez- AdBlockPlus
7:08:17 PMlulu is this a smarthome
7:08:17 PMlulu ?
7:08:20 PMtroy74 good price
7:08:25 PMchrisreich We see two or three deer hit by cars each week in Rochester.
7:08:28 PMJVSCC Is that all, sign me up for 3........
7:08:32 PMtroy74 for that you get a crack shack here
7:08:33 PMedgardo we do
7:08:42 PMedgardo in Roc
7:08:48 PMchrisreich 84 degrees F and mostly cloudy, by the way.
7:08:55 PMScorpio55 We have over 800 Fallow deer on a back yard
7:09:00 PMSammySez I bought the side of a mountain for half that here
7:09:08 PMedgardo where in Roc are you chrisreich?
7:09:08 PMagamotto I could live w/o the golf....
7:09:21 PMajamison5579 JVSCC that is CAD not USD the USD would be higher i think if my knowledge of the exchange rate is valid
7:09:22 PMtroy74 oh no he lost me with exercise area
7:09:23 PMchrisreich golf. cow pasture billiards.
7:09:32 PM_Jot_ hey RobbieF, are you going to DrawBot a cottage?
7:09:37 PMagamotto ajamison5579- pretty much at parity these days
7:09:38 PMJVSCC Duh really....
7:09:47 PMSammySez does the hot chick in the bikini outside hang out at the model home a lot?
7:09:56 PMchrisreich exercise!? we don need no steeenking exercise!
7:09:59 PMlulu so, this week prize is a house!!!
7:10:17 PMSammySez lol @ lulu - comes with a pogoplug
7:10:20 PMedgardo for how many points?
7:10:21 PMJVSCC 1st prize is a small rock...
7:10:29 PMagamotto chrisreich- In this weather, just walking to get groceries is exercise!
7:10:30 PMlulu cool
7:10:39 PMchrisreich agreed agamotto.
7:10:52 PMJVSCC Except for deer urine....
7:11:09 PMsmittysmit Does it have a penguine
7:11:14 PMlulu just wonder if the house is hot, too much glass
7:11:17 PMchrisreich are the homes wired for category6 cable in every room?
7:11:27 PMagamotto People at the store yesterday thought I was weird for bringing my rolling Coleman with me... at least my frozen stuff was still frozen when I got home!
7:11:33 PMsmittysmit No, fibre
7:11:35 PMSammySez now you just need to buy one of these to fly your way up there: (seriously thinking about one of these things)
7:11:59 PMchrisreich "water is something that is very a community". Im going to remember that...
7:12:07 PMJVSCC And thats passed on to the renters....
7:12:12 PMajamison5579 silver_beach_ger is the official tech show of Silver Beach
7:12:17 PMagamotto lulu- Probably not. IR and UV coated glass is quite common in newer buildings now.
7:12:46 PMJVSCC Ptouch come here....
7:12:48 PMSammySez I want the p-touch. keep the house. :_
7:12:48 PMtroy74 possibly the first sewage talk on catergory5
7:13:01 PMlulu cool
7:13:15 PMJVSCC Whats the Technology of that new fangled sewer system....?
7:13:20 PMSammySez how warm is it at Silver Beach right now?
7:13:21 PMagamotto nah, you forget our discussing Googles national sewer-based broadband network ;)
7:13:28 PMsmittysmit Can they P-touch the sewage???
7:13:35 PMlulu what is the temp there
7:13:38 PMajamison5579 silver_beach_ger it sounds great wish someone would do the same in Michigan here in the states
7:13:52 PM_Jot_
7:14:02 PMagamotto RobbieF- Considering a move, are we?
7:14:07 PMSammySez p-touching is illegal in the U.S. just so you know. It must be a Canadian thing
7:14:13 PMJVSCC Alaska
7:14:25 PMlulu summer now?
7:14:30 PMSammySez the bluffs look awesome in the background
7:14:46 PMagamotto Yes, they are around 200km NE of Toronto
7:14:50 PMJVSCC Due to global warming...
7:14:59 PMedgardo so its just like Rochester ny
7:15:00 PMSammySez and ski resorts in the area?
7:15:03 PMdman810 Hockey!!
7:15:04 PMSammySez err.. .any
7:15:07 PMchrisreich closer to the North Pole - Santa come sooner.
7:15:08 PMedgardo just prettier
7:15:09 PMSammySez answered
7:15:11 PMdman810 only sport
7:15:16 PMchrisreich comes
7:15:28 PMSammySez wow! snowmobiling too
7:15:36 PMpyrosrock -what about biathlon?
7:15:42 PMJVSCC I dont want no stinken sno mobile running through my ward....
7:15:52 PMdman810 ok give you that SammySez
7:15:56 PMSammySez how many units in the development?
7:16:01 PMagamotto I am still recovering from Bix weekend....
7:16:09 PMsmittysmit Do they have Linux there?
7:16:16 PMSammySez RobbieF - how many units in the development?
7:16:26 PMJVSCC 23
7:16:27 PMGuest_6606 is this live?
7:16:33 PMpyrosrock y
7:16:34 PMSammySez fishing?
7:16:35 PMagamotto Guest_6606- yes
7:16:41 PMGuest_6606 thank U
7:16:42 PMJVSCC This is Zombie live tv
7:17:01 PMedgardo an underground distro?
7:17:24 PMJVSCC The cottage....
7:17:27 PMagamotto edgardo- thinking ParanoidX?
7:17:47 PMJVSCC Due to Nuclear fallout.. ..?
7:17:48 PMSammySez JVSCC - snowmobiling is the single most awesome thing, ever. Mine was forged in the fiery pits of Planet Kickass
7:17:49 PMedgardo hahah
7:18:16 PMsmittysmit Im stuck in Michigan and dont have a passport to go thru Windsor, ON....Guess ill go to the Plymouth ice-fest this winter.
7:18:16 PM_Jot_ Robbies head looks like a rock, he must have felt right at home
7:18:19 PMJVSCC If you like snow
7:18:20 PMlulu no worry, robbie is doing his best
7:18:53 PMGadwil-Shop I cant get audio... Will watch the on-demand once it is released.
7:19:06 PMJVSCC SO I can bring my guns and kill me some bambies ?
7:19:15 PMchrisreich unplug the headphones Gadwil-Shop
7:19:18 PMedgardo wow . a lot of people leaving
7:19:21 PMtroy74 mmmmm bambi
7:19:22 PMchrisreich or put them on...
7:19:28 PMSammySez IRC locked up
7:19:37 PMagamotto JVSCC- Yes, it is STILL Canada:)
7:19:39 PMsmittysmit JVSCC / Snow is better that the heat...just put a coat on.
7:19:40 PMlulu the video shoot is not so good today
7:19:59 PMJVSCC I would rather sweat than freeze any ol day.....
7:20:05 PMlulu and the house should be still quit empty as we can hear echo in the house
7:20:06 PMedgardo smittysmit, you are absolutly right
7:20:12 PMagamotto lulu- bandwidth limitations, I would imagine
7:20:30 PMpyrosrock nah cold is better!
7:20:39 PMlulu wonder i can see the resolution today is a little low
7:20:45 PMGadwil-Shop chrisreich, even then, no audio.
7:20:51 PMJVSCC Give me babes in bikinies any ol day! yee haw
7:20:53 PMsmittysmit JVSCC NO WAY. I would rather live in Alaska than Miami...if I could
7:21:14 PMagamotto At least with cold weather, you can put on more clothing. In hot weather, there is only so much you can take off before getting arrested...
7:21:15 PMSammySez JVSCC - snowmobiling is the most awesome thing ever. My sled was forged in the fiery depths of Planet Kickass, but I did have a bad wreck two years ago. I endod 5 times at 70MPH. The sled needed a new windshield was all, but I needed two new arms. :)
7:21:29 PMsmittysmit Besides, The Iditirod doesnt run thru Miami
7:21:39 PMlulu i thought it would be a smart home, with high end technology in the home...what is bombshell...
7:21:56 PMlulu surprise to know even the internet connection is an issue
7:22:12 PMtroy74 they save dollatr signs
7:22:15 PMtroy74 saqw
7:22:19 PMlulu sad
7:22:44 PMJVSCC too crowded for me...
7:23:08 PMtroy74 id love to live away from people
7:23:12 PMSammySez sudo apt-get install newtopictotalkabout
7:23:20 PMsmittysmit The first CAT-5 show when I havent watched the show...and focused on the forum
7:23:34 PMchrisreich I second the "notion", SammySez
7:23:42 PMSammySez sudo apt-get install nexttopicbutton
7:23:50 PMedgardo are we that geekie?
7:23:56 PMagamotto lulu- bear in mind that whenever Robbie has the show going out live, and being carried by justin and others live, he is using anywhere between 5Mb - 10Mb/sec of bandwidth going out. That doesnt include what he needs to keep up with the chatroom, which is paltry in comparison.
7:24:16 PMSammySez sudo apt-get install holdmyinterest
7:24:21 PMJVSCC He is a paying customer so he has the whole show guys. .....
7:24:58 PMedgardo letr him talk and pay, then we get better equip, there for better shows
7:24:59 PMlulu where is christie today
7:25:00 PM_Jot_ not to mention he gets the phonecompany to do stuff, whoever is able to do that? Not anybody I know
7:25:01 PMsmittysmit is this the entire show??? Then its just a chat room then
7:25:08 PMagamotto silver_beach_ger- What is the average speed of your internet runs to home/cottages in the area?
7:25:15 PMlulu Robbief: where is christie today
7:25:20 PMJVSCC You do what you gotta do to pay the bills. .....
7:25:32 PMtroy74 i cant even get my phone company to check my line in the middle of metropolis
7:25:34 PMSammySez my widdle baby kitty has a UTI - poor thing
7:25:50 PMagamotto troy74- the joys of living in America.. no competition
7:26:00 PMtroy74 canada but same thing
7:26:03 PMdman810 Does anyone know how to install Synergy on SLITAZ linux?
7:26:07 PMsmittysmit JVSCC- yes but this is radically different...
7:26:14 PMdman810 what is the distro based on?
7:26:40 PMtroy74 the horror
7:26:56 PMchrisreich As long as we can bring seemingly anything up, I ask anyone who can get word to Sandra Bullock that Ive never cheated on any woman. Thanks.
7:26:57 PMpyrosrock i am not suprised
7:26:59 PMedgardo 802.22 wiil get rid of that, isnt it?
7:27:20 PMtroy74 ill let her know chris
7:27:23 PMagamotto I rejected 13 houses for that very reason last time I was shopping for a house
7:27:30 PMJVSCC SU Root, "sleep mode"
7:27:30 PMchrisreich thank you troy74!
7:27:36 PM_Jot_ whos sandra bullock and why should she care about that?
7:27:41 PMagamotto chrisreich- eh?
7:27:42 PMSammySez chrisreich - hang on a sec, Ill let her know when she gets out of the shower
7:27:50 PMlulu hi
7:28:04 PMchrisreich LOL SammySez! I didnt see that one coming!
7:28:32 PMchrisreich will someone explain Sandra to _Jot_?
7:28:42 PMagamotto Yet they didnt sue until Spotify started business in the US.... no coincidence there...
7:28:47 PMJVSCC Poor Jot. ...
7:29:03 PM_Jot_ probably they didnt sue because you cant patent stuff like that anywhere else
7:29:07 PMagamotto chrisreich- your comment, your story. Esplain!
7:29:12 PMsmittysmit Now the show gets teckkie
7:29:20 PMSammySez that is a great view out those windows though - i bet sunsets are off the charts
7:29:21 PMJVSCC Jot "use the book of Knowledge" Wiki pedia
7:29:48 PMJVSCC Dont get too excited its just the news....
7:30:02 PM_Jot_ including the obligatory speech-errors
7:30:03 PMSammySez is that a rock BBQ out there?
7:30:12 PMsmittysmit and Im Ted Coppel
7:30:29 PMSammySez is he reading off his phone?
7:30:30 PMJVSCC Well Robbie is a little rusty, after all he usually has the babes reading .. ....
7:30:41 PMchrisreich _Jot_ Sandra Bullock is a beautiful actress whose husband cheated on her. She soon thereafter filed for divorce. I want her to know that Ive never cheated on anyone so that shell return my calls.
7:30:55 PMScorpio55 silver_beach_ger has Robbie converted you to
7:30:56 PMsilver_beach_ger Sammy: that is the gated entrance to the development
7:30:57 PM_Jot_ chrisreich, Ill get her to call you tonight
7:31:03 PMSammySez I was watching the "12,000 minutes" episode and thinking the same thing
7:31:19 PMagamotto So, that means that about 3% of Mac users would actually be vulnerable....
7:31:20 PMpyrosrock hmm im looking for a new Eee does it have USB3?
7:31:23 PMJVSCC Hang on Chrisreich I asl her....
7:31:24 PMSammySez silver_beach_ger: how many units on the property?
7:31:25 PMchrisreich thanks _Jot_!
7:31:28 PMtroy74 i wonder what the crime rate is
7:31:32 PMJVSCC Nope she says get lost ....
7:31:42 PM_Jot_ chrisreich, if she doesnt call, at least youll know what it feels like to get cheated on for once
7:31:44 PMchrisreich "asl" ?
7:31:54 PMsilver_beach_ger atotal of 59 - 23 townhomes and 36 detached
7:32:04 PMagamotto chrisreich- i wasnt aware that Sandra Bullock bothered with men.
7:32:06 PMchrisreich Oh Ive been cheated ON. Make no mistake about that!
7:32:07 PMtroy74 is it strata?
7:32:13 PMJVSCC Chat room newbie...
7:32:17 PMSammySez and that will be the final size, or just the first phase of many?
7:32:27 PMJVSCC asl = age sex location .. .....
7:32:38 PMJVSCC Here is hillary watch her Rumble !!!!
7:32:58 PMchrisreich agamotto she seems to be VERY selective.
7:32:59 PMSammySez look at all the hot-mx-chix trophies in the background - hee hee
7:33:07 PMsilver_beach_ger 59 is the complete project
7:33:09 PMJVSCC Now thats Tech I can use !!!
7:33:11 PMRobbieF any questions for me that I can answer without a demo computer?
7:33:13 PMtroy74 i could use those on the subway
7:33:15 PMRobbieF Please PM me your questions
7:33:25 PMSammySez silver_beach_ger: thx - good to now
7:33:35 PMSammySez is that a Raptor?
7:33:47 PMJVSCC Dig those groovy tunes... ..
7:34:00 PMchrisreich Eddie and the Cruisers!
7:34:10 PMSammySez On the Darkside!
7:34:14 PMdman810 RobbieF - is there a model goggles for just mountain Biking?
7:34:16 PMagamotto silver_beach_ger- What is the average speed of your internet runs to home/cottages in the area?
7:34:27 PMRobbieF Please PM me your questions since I dont have a demo machine tonight.
7:34:29 PMJVSCC Instant reply, coming up. .....
7:34:43 PMScorpio55 We do that in Land Rovers in our local forrest
7:34:45 PMJVSCC More groovy tunes...
7:34:53 PMagamotto You have to like a woman who isnt afraid of mud!
7:34:54 PMtroy74 muddy good fun
7:34:55 PMSammySez I have my own course here
7:35:02 PMJVSCC Ya!
7:35:08 PMJVSCC Muud babe
7:35:10 PMchrisreich I hope Hillary knows that shes gaining SO MANY hot points with this video.
7:35:23 PMRobbieF Please PM me your questions since I dont have a demo machine tonight.
7:35:35 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, I hope youre giving Hillary some big viewer points for this, shes done a lot of work for it
7:35:57 PMJVSCC Kewl
7:36:02 PMSammySez now if Christa and Hillary could just rumble in the mud.... errr.... did I type that out loud?
7:36:18 PMchrisreich or Jello
7:36:28 PMJVSCC Nooooo They both need to do some under water scuba action!!!
7:36:46 PMSammySez I bought this Samsung solid state bullet cam a few years ago for shooting wheelies and stuff
7:36:56 PMRobbieF Please PM me your questions since I dont have a demo machine tonight.
7:36:57 PMSammySez it was terrible
7:36:57 PMagamotto Straight guys... worse than drunk women at a stripclub
7:37:05 PMchrisreich this will teach RobbieF to have a non-tech show!
7:37:09 PMSammySez these new solid state Flips work great though
7:37:56 PM_Jot_ Hillary uses windows :)
7:37:57 PMSammySez we shot all this great video out on the lakes with our snowmobiles. We were shooting each other with closure rates over 210MPH about 18" apart
7:38:00 PMSammySez very cool
7:38:05 PMchrisreich Is this Hillarys first infomercial, I wonder?
7:38:16 PMSammySez chrisreich - hah!
7:38:19 PMagamotto 2hrs? not bad
7:38:32 PMRobbieF Please PM me your questions since I dont have a demo machine tonight.
7:38:32 PMdman810 thats a hott look!
7:38:33 PMtroy74 order in the next 4 minutes on save 10 percent
7:38:49 PMchrisreich OMG Im dying here
7:38:51 PMtroy74 now shes just showing off
7:38:54 PMedgardo look a stunt
7:39:02 PMSammySez when all else fails: man show girls jumping on trampolines!! EPIC!!
7:39:03 PMagamotto HillaryCam
7:39:11 PMJVSCC Whats kewl is that we are working on "Data through Illumation, everyone uses light!"
7:39:18 PMchrisreich its like the Man Show used to be.
7:39:24 PMtroy74 lol half a sugar
7:39:28 PMdman810 what until she gets to the window!!
7:39:47 PMJVSCC Alien
7:39:48 PMdman810 wow
7:39:59 PMSammySez is this a fisheye lens?
7:40:00 PMagamotto A loony paying with loonies!
7:40:01 PMtroy74 crazy kids dontchaknow
7:40:06 PMdman810 at least she is not driving!
7:40:09 PMchrisreich 135 degress of view
7:40:11 PMRobbieF Please PM me your questions since I dont have a demo machine tonight.
7:40:15 PMJVSCC She a wild and crazy gal!!
7:40:26 PMchrisreich I dont think Hillary is old enough to drive.
7:41:01 PMSammySez so Hillary, how well does it hold up in the shower? just asking....
7:41:08 PMchrisreich Hillary, wear it on your prom night!
7:41:19 PMJVSCC Thats just silly.
7:41:34 PMSammySez that was EPIC!!
7:41:51 PMpyrosrock hmm i never wear goggles
7:42:00 PMchrisreich RobbieF I have a question - WTF?
7:42:09 PMagamotto I only wear them skiing...
7:42:21 PMSammySez is giggling himself right out of his chair
7:42:54 PMtroy74 i wonder if my boss would freak if i wore that to work
7:42:58 PM{BBI}Nexus{BBI} Late to the party, greets everyone :)
7:43:02 PMchrisreich can you imagine this room if we were drinking?
7:43:10 PMagamotto eek
7:43:24 PMtroy74 im sorry was i not supposed to be drinking?
7:43:34 PMdman810 Chrisreich arent you always drinking?
7:43:35 PM{BBI}Nexus{BBI} whos that with robbie?
7:43:36 PMSammySez our tomatoes just started coming in. having BLTs tonight - yummy.
7:43:44 PMJVSCC I like Tacos!
7:43:45 PMchrisreich carry on troy74, as you were.
7:43:47 PM_Jot_ dont drink and drive, or drink and snowmobile
7:43:54 PMpyrosrock how 2 pm?
7:44:03 PMSammySez linux?
7:44:04 PMedgardo get him to the dark side here
7:44:05 PMchrisreich dman810 not really, though many cant tell.
7:44:07 PMSammySez whats that?
7:44:13 PMagamotto I have a horrible mental picture of a Scottish pub, and the locals a bit tipsy trying to type in dialect.
7:44:24 PMJVSCC Ya Mac Groupie!!!
7:44:26 PMtroy74 the only way to improve on a mac is to turn it linux
7:44:26 PMajamison5579 pyrosrock type /message then the name of the person then the message
7:44:33 PMJVSCC Macs Rock!!!!
7:44:38 PMSammySez I love RockBox on my Sansa Fuze by the way. The terminal window is really cool to play with
7:44:48 PMpyrosrock macuser!
7:45:11 PMJVSCC Uboo who?
7:45:22 PMedgardo untu
7:45:38 PMJVSCC Macs RulzE
7:45:41 PMLetter cool
7:45:55 PMLetter Whats on
7:46:07 PMchrisreich lets all flood him w/ messages right now!
7:46:19 PMSammySez Macs are the cool cousins. Windows are in-laws you never invite to dinner.
7:46:34 PMLetter Miss cristie
7:46:37 PMJVSCC Christa Rocks too!
7:46:41 PMedgardo sammysez thats absolutly right
7:46:47 PMagamotto Macs are great if you dont mind designer prices and handcuffs to go with it.
7:46:48 PM_Jot_ silver_beach_ger, its okay, we accept macs, we know some people are scared of real computers, dont worry, youre okay
7:46:49 PMdman810 for sure!
7:46:53 PMdman810 No Logo
7:47:24 PMJVSCC RobbieF secretly used a Mac classic when he was a child....
7:47:29 PMLetter I am now waiting for my friend for a lift home
7:47:40 PMLetter On android phone now...
7:47:41 PMchrisreich My Inter iMac runs OS X. My PPC Macs run Debian.
7:47:43 PMedgardo u can always jailbreak
7:47:55 PMLetter He cool
7:48:00 PMpyrosrock am i the only one that knows the macuser shock site?
7:48:01 PMagamotto JVSCC- I remember laughing when someone showed me a Mac+ in comparison to my Amiga 500
7:48:06 PMSammySez I really want to shoot a relevant question to poor Robbie, but I just cant relate on a non-technical level
7:48:33 PMSammySez its like asking him where babies come from or something. it feels icky.
7:48:48 PMchrisreich pyrosick what is the macuser shock site?
7:49:01 PM_Jot_ chrisreich,
7:49:05 PMagamotto The site where people find the prices?
7:49:13 PMpyrosrock google macuser
7:49:14 PM_Jot_ chrisreich, check out the prices for example
7:49:15 PMJVSCC Dont be haten SammySez
7:49:34 PMchrisreich SammySez why dont you ask Robbie it that thing looks infected?
7:49:36 PMSammySez no haten here
7:49:53 PMJVSCC Mac facts
7:49:54 PMSammySez hee hee
7:50:20 PMSammySez I admit, Ive been frustrated trying to get anything to work with WINE other than the bundled Notepad that comes with it
7:50:29 PMagamotto I am simply amazed at the sheer number of lakes in ON
7:51:05 PMchrisreich This part of the planet is bless with abundant fresh water.
7:51:12 PMchrisreich blessed, that is.
7:51:13 PMchrisreich \\
7:51:19 PMJVSCC Ohh black magic!
7:51:22 PMSammySez I saw the "12,000 Minutes" show the other day - that was very very cool seeing the history of
7:51:30 PMsilver_beach_ger there is over 400 lakes in the haliburton area
7:51:46 PMJVSCC I like pie
7:52:01 PMagamotto I can only imagine what that does to property values!
7:52:04 PMSammySez we used to fish in Ontario every other summer
7:52:13 PMSammySez some place called Big Indian Lake
7:52:15 PMchrisreich Whens Judge Wapner on?
7:52:23 PMSammySez I remember climbing the waterfalls there
7:52:25 PMJVSCC Buy a Condo and get a free Mac!
7:52:27 PMagamotto vas?
7:52:41 PMchrisreich thanks pyrosock/sick for the link. Ill check it out.
7:52:42 PMedgardo a donde?
7:52:44 PM_Jot_ JVSCC, you can even format them and put linux on it
7:53:19 PMJVSCC Ya Jot but better to partition just in case....
7:53:20 PMtroy74 that same car has driven by 8 times, i think they wanna be on camera
7:53:30 PMonewanman watching this on HP touchpad
7:54:40 PMJVSCC Oh shoot are they talking Tech now,. whu.....
7:54:52 PMagamotto That would make his and hers suites truly practical
7:55:01 PMJVSCC Show almost over now we get Techy.....
7:55:19 PMtroy74 my house would be like africa and alaska
7:56:40 PMchrisreich We should make a thermostat calibrated in degrees Kelvin. That would be cool.
7:56:50 PMpyrosrock yep
7:57:21 PMpyrosrock 295c sounds good
7:57:36 PMchrisreich so "star trek"
7:58:17 PMSammySez that sounds cool
7:58:23 PM_Jot_ Geez, its freezing here, Im sorry Dave, youre in the wrong zone
7:58:38 PMSammySez but do the doors make that cool "swoosh" sound?
7:59:00 PMtroy74 i want my furnace to have a mudulating motor
7:59:10 PMsmittysmit I love the basement. I love the cold...the wife hates it, then I can do my Linux stuff.
7:59:16 PMdman810 and everyone understands what everyone else is saying!
7:59:20 PMSammySez my house comes with the obligatory woman cage in the basement
8:00:09 PMchrisreich "woman cage"?
8:00:20 PMsmittysmit Sammy- Every house shoud have one...unless shes a Linux geek.
8:00:27 PMSammySez I enjoy my occasional caged woman now and then
8:00:38 PMagamotto chrisreich- Its a "Bob & Tom" thing
8:00:55 PMchrisreich IDK "Bob and Tom"
8:01:16 PMdman810 Thanks Jerry
8:01:17 PMSammySez welp - off to fight communism - thanks for letting us look at your beautiful home - very nice!!
8:01:20 PMtroy74 so we watched all this,can we come visit now
8:01:29 PMagamotto chrisreich- Edgy radio kinda-shock radio jocks
8:01:39 PMJVSCC
8:01:40 PMchrisreich thanks agamotto.
8:01:48 PMsmittysmit SilverBeach...the new OS
8:02:04 PMagamotto chrisreich- welcome
8:02:08 PMchrisreich DM me anyone who needs my number to give to Sandra Bullock
8:02:12 PM_Jot_ thanks silver_beach_ger for showing the place
8:02:18 PMJVSCC "And now for something completly different"
8:02:23 PMagamotto If you are curious, they do stream the show on the internet, if memory serves
8:03:24 PMchrisreich agamotto no thanks, Im not a fan of shock-jockery. Too much important stuff to absorb. Or as I sometimes say, "So many magazines, so little time"
8:03:37 PMpyrosrock chrisreich checked the site yet?
8:03:48 PMchrisreich give me a moment... brb
8:03:53 PMRobbieF Thanks everyone!
8:03:54 PMagamotto So, why would Asus go with MeeGo, which is dead in the water, over something like Ubuntu on a netbook?
8:03:58 PMRobbieF Did you have a good time?
8:03:59 PMJVSCC No females, chow for now . ......
8:04:17 PMRobbieF We tried to give you a fair amount of tech while still remembering that HEY--Im on vacation! ;)
8:04:28 PMagamotto chrisreich- agreed, but they are amusing at times - like Jay Leno
8:04:57 PMdman810 Thanks RobbieF


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