Chat Logs for Episode 207 — #Category5 on /


With 91 Posts:agamotto
With 56 Posts:Gadwil
With 35 Posts:GoodGuy
With 32 Posts:JVSCC
With 24 Posts:ajamison5579

Chat Logs:

6:59:30 PMStraeger RobbieF - question for you. Is there a way to set up an UnRAID server to function similar to a PogoPlug?
6:59:37 PMG_dog1985_ brb coffee
6:59:41 PMagamotto I ventured out and saw "The Help" over the weekend... very enjoyable movie!
7:00:10 PMajamison5579 Straeger all you can yes but it would require more configuration then a Pogoplug
7:00:36 PMajamison5579 and would not worl exactly but almost the same thing
7:00:39 PMGadwil-dev RobbieF, I am trying to get the show live over wifi at the shop... this will be rough.
7:00:49 PMajamison5579 some of what pogoplug does is proprietary
7:00:52 PMagamotto I will never be able to look at a chocolate pie in the same way...
7:01:07 PMStraeger ajamison5579 - Id figured, but it would make life easier while Im on the road. Im out in MD for the next 2 weeks (been here for one already).
7:01:41 PMagamotto Your neck of Virginia has the mob?
7:01:43 PMagamotto heeheheh
7:02:01 PMagamotto Wow... audio is way over amped
7:02:13 PMGadwil agamotto, perhaps for you.
7:02:29 PMajamison5579 agamotto turn your speakers down
7:02:30 PMagamotto Ok, now it is fine.... must have been justin
7:03:05 PMagamotto I hope GregInTexas isnt involved in all those house fires...
7:03:46 PMagamotto The only time I would worry is if you started to enjoy the Smurfs....
7:04:04 PMajamison5579 Robbief just admit it you run and produce a tech show, code for a living, used to own a computer consulting/repair/what ever place your a geek
7:04:15 PMannoyance I could never take good enough close up pictures to do stop motion
7:04:25 PMG_dog1985_ ther fire near me
7:04:29 PMOldGuyJim Easy...whats good for you health is bad for your waistline...I know.
7:04:36 PMagamotto infrared cloaking?
7:04:52 PMG_dog1985_ haha
7:05:05 PMGadwil "Linux Kernel is safe"... goes without saying. Linus is way too anal about his kernel to let it get infected.
7:05:30 PMagamotto 80s reference? How about hearing Love & Rockets being played on the grocery store music overhead...
7:05:38 PMannoyance he must have aharley
7:06:15 PMG_dog1985_ wow
7:06:35 PMagamotto ghobe Wiv...
7:07:00 PM{BBI}Nexus{BBI} Hello all :)
7:07:12 PMajamison5579 its the great Invisible InvicibleMutant
7:07:15 PMannoyance its the mics that make the voices lovely
7:07:33 PMGadwil MORE RAM!
7:07:48 PMGadwil Oh, those too.
7:08:12 PMagamotto I have two characters in DDO that have partial invulnerability...
7:08:31 PMG_dog1985_ grrr
7:08:43 PMG_dog1985_ i know it
7:08:56 PMStraeger head crash!
7:09:04 PMagamotto Star Trek online is going free to play sometime this year... might get interested in that one as well
7:09:17 PMGadwil agamotto, I dont believe it until it happens.
7:09:45 PMdtapia63 hello everybody
7:09:51 PMagamotto I must have far better luck with HDs than most of you... I have only had five die over nearly 18 years...
7:10:10 PMdtapia63 #Hi Hillary!
7:10:17 PMajamison5579 gadwil it will be free to play with every single item worth owning costing $5
7:10:28 PMmathman47 Hi Hillary. I usually watch Cat5 in 3 windows - chat, main, and backstage. Both main & backstage have sound, but there isnt a volume slider on backstage so I get a delay echo. Can this be fixed?
7:10:32 PMdtapia63 Thanks Robbie
7:10:34 PMagamotto Gadwil- There was an article about it on
7:10:54 PMGuest_7550 who is the new girl? shes a babe!
7:10:56 PMagamotto ajamison5579- that would not be too surprising
7:11:08 PMG_dog1985_ wow
7:11:15 PMagamotto mathman47- yes, close a window! sheesh
7:11:18 PMdtapia63 #RobbieF Where is the best place to post a question?
7:11:21 PMGadwil They also skip the Ops.
7:11:44 PMGoodGuy She has been here for ages Guest_7550 .... Get with the program! :-)
7:11:46 PMagamotto dtapia63- it depends on how involved/detailed it is
7:11:48 PMG_dog1985_ yep Gadwil
7:12:03 PMtordeu @mathman47 - in backstage window, click on "main" in the backstage feed and use the slider there. Then click on "backstage" to go back to backstage
7:12:46 PMGadwil I can escape.
7:12:48 PMajamison5579 is Backstage pass worth having a seperate window open for
7:12:49 PMagamotto dtapia63- relatively quick or info, post to RobbieF here in the channel, if long and involved, send an email to
7:12:49 PMdtapia63 I really dont know how involved it is, it has to do with my 2nd lcd
7:12:52 PMGadwil I just dont feel like it.
7:12:53 PMG_dog1985_ haha
7:12:59 PMmathman47 tordeu: I do, but the sound in backstage isnt as good.
7:13:09 PMagamotto dtapia63- go for it
7:13:25 PMGuest_7640 biodegradeable
7:13:26 PMGuest_7550 Goodguy I have only watched a few times never seen her before sorry
7:13:33 PMajamison5579 mathman47 mute the backstage main table
7:13:33 PMmathman47 I do it because I can!!!
7:13:35 PMajamison5579 tab
7:13:35 PMdtapia63 once my 2nd lcd goes to sleep (DVI plug) how can I revive it?
7:13:37 PMagamotto RobbieF- Non-jobs-killing?
7:13:38 PMGoodGuy I was kidding Guest_7550
7:13:48 PMannoyance RobbieF really is a geek
7:14:04 PMGoodGuy She was off at college for awhile
7:14:27 PMagamotto Guest_7550- bear in mind, we are just teasing... Hillary has been with the show for quite awhile. She joins us from time to time now as her schooling allows.
7:14:27 PMmathman47 ajamison5579: that did it. Thanks.
7:14:30 PMdtapia63 I have a ratheon X300se card
7:14:34 PMtordeu mathman47, But you can turn off the sound in the backstage feed by switching to "main" in the window. Then, you only have the sound from the other window (where you watch the main feed), so no echo
7:14:55 PMajamison5579 they use Nuclear batteries in the future
7:14:57 PMG_dog1985_ true true
7:15:07 PMagamotto dtapia63- that is your video-out?
7:15:09 PMajamison5579 which sucks if your device overheats as you will have a meldown
7:15:10 PMajamison5579 lol
7:15:26 PMdtapia63 agamoto>> video out?
7:15:46 PMagamotto dtapia63- your question involves LCD monitors, yes?
7:15:50 PMdtapia63 ye
7:15:52 PMdtapia63 yes
7:16:10 PMagamotto dtapia63- So, the Raytheon is your video card?
7:16:11 PMGadwil
7:16:16 PMdtapia63 yes
7:16:31 PMGadwil I use the Mega version on my E2000.
7:16:40 PMagamotto dtapia63- ok, what is your concern with your monitor/s?
7:16:41 PMGuest_7550 @Hillary are you in to online dating as much as online shows?
7:16:50 PMOldGuyJim RobbieF...that was very artistic.... ;)
7:17:14 PMG_dog1985_ Guest_7550: G rating please
7:17:25 PMdtapia63 once my screens go to sleep my vga screen wakes up byt tapping the keyboard or mouse but not the dvi one
7:17:43 PMdtapia63 even if I turn it on and off
7:17:46 PMSkeptiThinker @Hillary ... love the show. This is my first time live though, joining you from India.
7:17:51 PMagamotto dtapia63- is the dvi monitor the 1st monitor in the setup, or second?
7:18:00 PMagamotto SkeptiThinker- Welcome
7:18:00 PMJVSCC Howdy room from Tejas!
7:18:16 PMagamotto JVSCC- no fires in the neighborhood?
7:18:35 PMagamotto SkeptiThinker- Where in India?
7:18:37 PMdtapia63 no, it is the second and I get a little window message that states DVI sleep mode
7:18:38 PMStraeger JVSCC - welcome. Hows the Barbeque going?
7:19:00 PMJVSCC Not here Im close to Dallas
7:19:13 PMajamison5579 RobbieF has been catering to buisnesses a bit to much Mac Filtering seems a bit much for a home user
7:19:16 PMSkeptiThinker @agamotto- Pune, India
7:19:24 PMagamotto dtapia63- You most likely need to chose the dvi monitor as the 1st monitor for the keyboard/mouse wakeup to get both to come back live.
7:19:26 PMGoodGuy mac addresses can be spoofed fairly easy... they did it on Hak5 a few weeks ago
7:19:27 PMajamison5579 unless you have a history of being compromised
7:19:34 PMGadwil ajamison, MAC filtering is so simple to bypass though.
7:19:43 PMannoyance My oldest child is currently in Bangalore
7:20:09 PMdtapia63 I did that but even with that option my toolbar are still in the vga monitor
7:20:16 PMSkeptiThinker @Hillary.. yes its early (4:46 AM)
7:20:20 PMStraeger I use MAC filtering with WPA-2 Personal on my router.
7:20:32 PMJVSCC Have long passwords
7:20:44 PMagamotto dtapia63- Hmmm, Windows?
7:20:44 PMmathman47 I have my router set so it doesnt display at all. Unless you know its there, it isnt.
7:20:52 PMGadwil A good hacker can bypass MAC filtering and ESSID broadcasting disabled... WPA2 is the tough one.
7:20:58 PMagamotto mathman47- mine is cloaked as well ;)
7:20:58 PMJVSCC Hillary looken gued gurl!
7:21:05 PM{BBI}Nexus{BBI} Only simple to those who know how to bypass it.. :)
7:21:12 PMannoyance Like "lloonnggppaasswwoorrdd
7:21:17 PMdtapia63 Windows?
7:21:24 PMagamotto dtapia63- What OS?
7:21:27 PMdtapia63 am I running Windows?
7:21:35 PMdtapia63 no, I am running Mint10
7:21:44 PMdtapia63 it works fine in windows
7:21:54 PMGadwil annoyance, Yes, long passwords are good, but also password haystacks. Haystacking is a thing that Steve Gibson thought of for passwords, very useful and super simple.
7:22:10 PMagamotto annoyance- SuP3Rc9l1Fr9G!l!$T!C
7:22:35 PMagamotto Hillary- no, but I may get my hands on one early next year...
7:22:49 PMagamotto Selectric II
7:22:58 PMGadwil
7:23:03 PMG_dog1985_ RobbieF: hahaha
7:23:05 PMGoodGuy I probably have 5-6 IBM keyboards at my house
7:23:13 PMannoyance Just kidding you really need to use hard to crack passwords or risk big trouble
7:23:14 PMGoodGuy Best feel ever imho
7:23:20 PMagamotto The Amiga 500 keyboard was wondermous....
7:23:20 PMmathman47 I use a mechanical keyboard at the PC. Expensive but I can type so much faster.
7:24:02 PMajamison5579 "You think your comadore 64 is really neato what kind of chip you got in there a dorito" -- Werid Al
7:24:03 PMannoyance I had a vic 20 when I was a kid
7:24:06 PMajamison5579 lol
7:24:09 PMagamotto dtapia63- Hmmm, see if the nVidia control thing will let you switch the monitors
7:24:13 PMGadwil great reference ajamison.
7:24:20 PMdtapia63 yes it does
7:24:27 PMOldGuyJim There is a vendor that is hooking old Royal type writers to a USB cable for those who like true typing as an input device...but it is pricy.
7:24:31 PMGoodGuy Whats next.. a Modern TRS-80 lives again
7:24:32 PMdtapia63 everything works but the wake up
7:24:38 PMannoyance Its all about the pentiums baby
7:25:13 PMStraeger GoodGuy - I hope not. The trash-80 was not my favorite system...
7:25:14 PMmathman47 I still havve a working TRS-80!
7:25:38 PMdtapia63 agamoto>> I am going to document all the steps that I am doing and maybe send it in as an email
7:25:46 PMGoodGuy Wow mathman47 .. collectors item
7:25:48 PMagamotto RobbieF- dtapia63 has an interesting thing going on with two monitors under wake up conditions...
7:25:57 PMagamotto dtapia63- good idea
7:26:05 PMGadwil Wow, the internet is actually working at the shop.
7:26:08 PMagamotto Welsh?
7:26:29 PMdtapia63 thank you
7:26:34 PMmathman47 It includes the expansion & an Epson dot matrix printer without descenders.
7:26:42 PMGoodGuy Hebrew
7:27:06 PMGadwil
7:27:07 PMGadwil ?
7:27:17 PMagamotto Put in on the screen or run it through google/bing
7:27:18 PMJVSCC Google Translate
7:27:34 PMGadwil hahaha, Did he just say Google translates well?
7:27:38 PMGoodGuy I think Chrome does it automatically
7:27:50 PMmathman47 Chrome rules.
7:27:54 PMagamotto Save that Google hasnt yet embraced thlingan Hol
7:28:03 PMGadwil mathman47, I can debate that.
7:28:10 PMagamotto Gadwil- some languages, yes
7:28:12 PMGuest_7550 I LOVE TECHNOLOGY
7:28:23 PMmathman47 Sorry, dont want a debate at the moment.
7:28:25 PMGoodGuy I have a Norwegian friend
7:28:42 PMannoyance its not as bad as you tubes text to speech
7:28:47 PMagamotto Norges mit fisken!
7:29:14 PMJVSCC Whaa writing a book or what?
7:29:33 PMGadwil Yea, somehow Eric Kidd became anti-american because of youtubes translation.... Both literally and metaphorically.
7:29:53 PMagamotto I am guessing it involves how to set up a Wordpress blog page/site with various templates
7:30:11 PMtordeu Afaik, youtube got a LOT better. At least I have seen some videos with virtually no errors some time ago.
7:30:22 PMGadwil Here is how to setup a wordpress blog... Install Drupal.
7:30:45 PMagamotto You-Tube: Responsible for more misunderstandings than missionaries....
7:30:51 PMCameron_ Now, that we have the question,here is the question i have, do you answer in engligh or Norwegian?
7:31:02 PMagamotto Neither, Sverge
7:31:10 PMCameron_ here is my qestion
7:31:14 PMtordeu dansk
7:31:29 PMagamotto Dansk would be just as fun, yes
7:31:46 PMinvincibleMutant hi hillary
7:31:55 PMinvincibleMutant sorry for being late
7:31:59 PMagamotto i am still waiting to see who integrates IRC and Google translate first
7:32:01 PMinvincibleMutant i missed the first part
7:32:17 PMStraeger good lord, I just found a Klingon translation of the Bible...
7:32:36 PMagamotto Straeger- fun to read as well
7:33:00 PMagamotto RobbieF- you should try it on your Ipod/phone
7:33:55 PMagamotto Hmmm, we may need those space lasers faster than we though
7:33:56 PM{BBI}Nexus{BBI} Its a disgrace that we are now polluting space :(
7:34:23 PMannoyance I love the Tux
7:34:32 PMkiwi_tux yep were going to need space garbage men
7:34:48 PM{BBI}Nexus{BBI} and big wheelie bins too :D
7:34:52 PMagamotto hmmmm, LEO giant magnets.... when the hit critical mass, burn off in atmosphere?
7:35:13 PMGadwil is really just that, they use a seperate git server for the actual code-base.
7:35:26 PMkiwi_tux bags me not wheel them out
7:36:31 PMJVSCC Groovy Baby!
7:36:33 PMannoyance moo
7:36:41 PMGoodGuy Russians created a bunch of realistic inflatable tanks
7:36:53 PMajamison5579 it could be a biotic cow
7:37:04 PMGoodGuy I think it even mimiced heat signatures
7:37:06 PMYazid1965 wow
7:37:14 PMGadwil RobbieF, At least 8 devices.
7:37:24 PMOldGuyJim The command bridge on a naval vessel
7:37:24 PMannoyance infrared cows were never on Star trek
7:37:26 PMStraeger data solids = sd cards
7:37:38 PMkiwi_tux Beam me up Scottie
7:37:43 PMagamotto I am still waiting for my non-lethal gun
7:37:54 PMJVSCC Tasers
7:37:56 PMajamison5579 annoyance you never saw the rare lost Bovine episode?
7:38:03 PMagamotto JVSCC- Ok, sort of
7:38:06 PMGoodGuy Yes JVSCC
7:38:08 PMStraeger agamotto - use bean-bag rounds or plastic bullets
7:38:10 PMannoyance ha haha
7:38:12 PMJVSCC Hillary in a bikini?
7:38:35 PMGadwil jvscc, Where did that come from?
7:38:58 PMJVSCC The big intro into what was next?
7:39:05 PMagamotto Grace is eyeing me.... she seems annoyed that her window perch is being used as keyboard tray currently....
7:39:56 PMStraeger oooOOOOoooo. Nifty close window animation...
7:40:06 PMGadwil
7:40:13 PMJVSCC Stop motion?
7:40:15 PMGadwil ^^ That is the stopmotion homepage.
7:40:37 PMajamison5579 that is 2 CAD though so its like 1USD
7:40:39 PMagamotto Who is the guy who was famous for the stop-motion stuff in the 50s? Harry....
7:40:43 PMkiwi_tux I get accused of that at work or is it "no motion"
7:41:22 PMtordeu well, 2 cad is more like 2.02 USD
7:41:24 PMGadwil DONT!
7:41:27 PMagamotto heheehh
7:41:37 PMGadwil his price is reduced by 3/4 when you open it!
7:41:40 PMStraeger nrfb....NRFB!!!!
7:41:57 PMGadwil I should not be here right now.
7:41:59 PMGuest_6191 childproof pacaging
7:42:19 PMGoodGuy I had an old NASCAR video game.... our son sold an unopened copy for $120+
7:42:40 PMagamotto GoodGuy- for NASCAR? wow
7:42:50 PMGoodGuy As you said unopened made it way more valuable
7:42:57 PMGoodGuy PC Game
7:42:58 PMJVSCC Problems Hill?
7:43:11 PMJVSCC Rip its head off, Noooooo
7:43:14 PMGoodGuy Last version of the non EA one
7:43:15 PMStraeger Those are a lot of twist-ties.
7:43:17 PMGadwil Twist ties... the scurge of consumer friendly packaging.
7:43:23 PMagamotto Give Hillary a ceramic blade... no problems
7:43:31 PMkiwi_tux Maybe the packaging is alive
7:43:40 PMtroy74 sledgehammer and a reciprocating saw
7:43:50 PMGoodGuy I found another copy at a thrift store a few months ago, but it was open already
7:44:04 PMagamotto GoodGuy- awww
7:44:08 PMOldGuyJim Be careful...dont cut yourself with the plastic.
7:44:12 PMGadwil Good job Hillary!
7:44:18 PMStraeger Gadwil - Actually, the heat-sealed packed WITH twist-ties is the scurge of consumer friendly packaging.
7:44:24 PMJVSCC Watch it might bite you
7:44:30 PMStraeger *package
7:44:33 PMGoodGuy I guess they have online leagues and customizations for the software
7:44:36 PMagamotto Especially for those of us with arthritis
7:44:39 PMtroy74 xmas morning is hell of twist ties and dual packaging
7:44:51 PMtordeu they should make more stuff out of metal, so that you could use a flamethrower to open these annoying packagings.
7:44:54 PMGadwil Forget the gun!
7:44:58 PMJVSCC DAng it Jim I cant get me self open!
7:45:01 PMGadwil He needs a transporter!
7:45:09 PMagamotto Hillary- Does this Scotty have the missing finger?
7:45:26 PMGadwil agamotto, When did Scotty lose a finger?
7:45:28 PMStraeger I canna do it captain, I dont have the power!
7:45:31 PMmathman47 Beam me out of the package.
7:45:48 PMCameron_ Now, U need a Borg figure! 7 of 9 would be a good choice in my opinion.
7:45:49 PMsmittysmit Hello all. 45 minutes late. Long story....dont ask. Hope I didnt miss much.
7:45:55 PMGadwil Having Scotty opened on air has sturred a bunch of throwback quotes.
7:46:11 PMagamotto Gadwil- James Doohan lost part of a finger in his early life, some of the action figures feature this... they are worth boatloads
7:46:19 PMStraeger I know this ship like the back of me hand....*CLANG*
7:46:30 PMJVSCC its using masking
7:46:51 PMmathman47 My wife & I used to watch Star Trek when we were dating in the 60s.
7:47:14 PMajamison5579 this is why we will never see "Startrek the stop motion experience" A category 5 TV production
7:47:17 PMGoodGuy My wife and I watched some rat named Ben on a date lol
7:47:29 PMagamotto mathman47- I am still a bit miffed over how Paramount has treated the Trimbles(sp?) over the years
7:47:29 PMGoodGuy How romantic
7:47:30 PMJVSCC Run Scotty!
7:47:39 PMG_dog1985_ lol
7:48:03 PMYazid1965 GoodGuy- Ben was a great movie though
7:48:04 PMkiwi_tux Darn the browser on my television just died.
7:48:14 PMJVSCC Now Do the Tango!
7:48:23 PMtroy74 make it slow
7:48:25 PMGadwil Get an explosion in there.
7:48:27 PMagamotto No budget...
7:48:31 PMGoodGuy If you dig overgrown rats, I suppose so! lol
7:48:36 PMJVSCC Where is the Disco Ball Robbie?
7:48:41 PMYazid1965 lol
7:48:44 PMannoyance scotty is much shorter than sulu
7:48:56 PMJVSCC Kick em
7:48:57 PMGadwil Dont upset the trekkies.
7:48:58 PMagamotto Wasnt that the movie Michael Jackson did the theme song for in the 70s?
7:48:59 PMajamison5579 his belt just fell to the ground hugging would seem wrong
7:49:01 PMtroy74 this is getting uncomfortable
7:49:08 PMJVSCC Chop one off!
7:49:13 PMagamotto Darn... drops the value considerable
7:49:23 PMJVSCC Body slam
7:49:26 PMagamotto ajamison5579- hahahaahah
7:49:29 PMsmittysmit is this all claymation???
7:49:32 PMmathman47 Keep it clean, RobbieF.
7:49:50 PMagamotto Oh no, those people protesting the dancing show are on the phone!!!!!
7:50:24 PMkiwi_tux but what about the large alien being
7:50:30 PMmathman47 This will be a special on DWTS next week.
7:50:37 PMagamotto hahaha
7:50:42 PMGadwil I havnt seen Picard in this movie!
7:50:48 PMdman810 Hello All!
7:50:52 PMJVSCC Now add the laser effectas!
7:50:59 PMkiwi_tux now you need a chalk outline around sulu
7:51:24 PMagamotto Dont forget the bumpa bumpa bumpa" music
7:51:37 PMmathman47 Lots of fun.
7:51:42 PMG_dog1985_ lol
7:51:55 PMYazid1965 that was nice
7:52:01 PMajamison5579 Robbief you need to remove the hands from the frame
7:52:22 PMagamotto "Jim, I hate to tell you this, but we have been cancelled."
7:52:31 PMJVSCC Slap action theater~!
7:52:36 PMdman810 RobbieF - We are kids!!
7:52:36 PMStraeger RobbieF - use OpenShot to add the audio track!
7:52:39 PMGadwil ajamison, that is a part of the storyline.
7:52:47 PMGadwil We call call the hands the "Crystalline entitiy"
7:52:48 PMkiwi_tux is it life but not as we know it?
7:52:53 PMGadwil entity*
7:53:29 PMmathman47 What software did Robbie use? I missed that.
7:53:45 PMSammySez whats so special about this weeks DWTS?
7:54:09 PMagamotto SammySez- some people are upset that Chaz Bono is going to be on the show
7:54:15 PMGadwil Robbie, You are in the mailing list.
7:54:20 PMGadwil Openshot!
7:54:21 PMdman810 RobbieF - is the man behind
7:54:25 PMmathman47 Nothing - this video will be a special on DWTS.
7:54:34 PMGadwil Windows movie maker!
7:54:38 PMGadwil iMovie!
7:54:38 PMStraeger audacity!
7:54:45 PMGoodGuy Hillary needs to borrow that Michael Buffer "Lets Get Ready to Rumble" sound bite
7:54:48 PMSammySez ahh - no wonder I pitched television 6 years ago
7:54:52 PMGadwil There are 3 for any platform.
7:54:54 PMkiwi_tux morse code
7:55:12 PMJVSCC RobbieF how do I make Ubuntu 11.04 show details when it boots up instead of static screen?
7:56:06 PMYazid1965 I would have Scottie yell---- Cool Beans!
7:56:06 PMGadwil jvscc, Turn off plymouth.
7:56:06 PMYazid1965 crash
7:56:06 PMJVSCC Where they go?
7:56:06 PMOldGuyJim What...happened
7:56:06 PMtroy74 fade to black
7:56:06 PMmathman47 Main is off.
7:56:06 PMGoodGuy I think you add nosplash to the kernel boot parms
7:56:06 PMJVSCC Lost video feed?
7:56:06 PMStraeger ok, so its not just me...
7:56:06 PMsmittysmit I just froze...
7:56:06 PMGadwil
7:56:09 PMagamotto well, poo
7:56:10 PMdman810 Thought it was me for a second!
7:56:12 PMYazid1965 fade to black without the fade
7:56:19 PMjonathon backstage is up
7:56:20 PMGoodGuy maybe add or remove quiet also
7:56:21 PMOldGuyJim I hear Hillary
7:56:23 PMStraeger cant wait until the new server is up and running...
7:56:23 PMGadwil jvscc, Link above to turn off plymouth.
7:56:27 PMOldGuyJim Theyre back.
7:56:48 PMJVSCC Thanks
7:57:07 PMinvincibleMutant yes
7:57:16 PMinvincibleMutant right click a file then sendto
7:57:18 PMagamotto wakarimasen
7:57:21 PMinvincibleMutant exactly
7:57:25 PMinvincibleMutant cool
7:57:41 PMGadwil You should create a link in /bin to gmail, then link that to the feature of nautilus.
7:57:52 PMGadwil RobbieF, I will have it in the Wiki in full tomorrow or the day after.
7:57:53 PMagamotto Nautilus menu editor/?
7:57:55 PMkiwi_tux Hey guys gotta go lunch time is over
7:58:01 PMGoodGuy I think there is an addin nautilus-actions
7:58:03 PMinvincibleMutant
7:58:13 PMGoodGuy It may be helpful
7:58:18 PMajamison5579 there is still a Wiki i thought it shutdown
7:58:26 PMGadwil ajamison, It is back up
7:58:29 PMagamotto GoodGuy- yes, that is what I was thinking of
7:58:34 PMGadwil
7:58:42 PMGoodGuy I saw it used to secure delete a file via right-click
7:58:46 PMGadwil The main page is protected though.
7:59:18 PMinvincibleMutant chmod +x
7:59:25 PMOldGuyJim I had the same problem. There were 2 header characters at the beginning of the filename you need to delete...
8:00:50 PMdman810 GoodGuy - Hello
8:00:56 PMGoodGuy hi dman810
8:01:03 PMG_dog1985_ hey dman810
8:01:32 PMdman810 RobbieF - Great show! From what I caught of it!
8:01:35 PMagamotto LL&P
8:01:38 PMYazid1965 Hillary Rocks! :)
8:01:43 PMGoodGuy Hillary has a boy-toy now lol
8:01:46 PMinvincibleMutant it is 1am in the morning
8:01:46 PMOldGuyJim Have a great week folks...bye.
8:01:46 PMmathman47 Had a great time tonight. Nice to see Hillary in person too, instead of just that bald guy, whoever he is.
8:01:48 PMinvincibleMutant here
8:01:49 PMdman810 Hello G_Dog1985_
8:01:52 PMinvincibleMutant i am still int he office
8:01:52 PMinvincibleMutant gosh
8:02:00 PMinvincibleMutant just for you Robbie and gang
8:02:06 PMagamotto invincibleMutant- you are nuts
8:02:12 PMG_dog1985_ wow GoodGuy
8:02:13 PMannoyance Hes Co-Host
8:02:25 PMdman810 Thanks Robbief
8:02:32 PMJVSCC Hillery u look great in orange!
8:02:34 PMRobbieF invincible does this help at all?
8:02:40 PMGoodGuy Didnt Madonna use that nickname in one of her songs?
8:03:03 PMGuest_7550 Im with JVSCC about Hillary
8:03:08 PMagamotto interesting... my web brower has switched to Italian for some reason....
8:03:42 PMJVSCC Great and fun show guys!
8:03:42 PMGoodGuy I am married, so I view myself more as one of those puppets.. do this, do that.. yes dear
8:03:47 PMgpop7 great show. have a good week. see all of you next week. goodnight.
8:03:48 PMJVSCC Chow 4 Now....
8:03:58 PMagamotto Ok, whatever randomness inspired that...
8:04:14 PMagamotto GoodGuy- which pretty much explains why I am single
8:04:19 PMGoodGuy lol
8:04:34 PMHillary Thanks for watching!
8:04:37 PMHillary Catch ya later!
8:04:53 PMgpop7 the best way to stay married is to learn to say yes dear.
8:04:56 PMlittle_mn take care guys enjoyed show
8:04:57 PMagamotto I love pointing to my ring finger when some people get push
8:04:58 PMagamotto y
8:04:59 PMSammySez I couldnt carve out enuff bandwidth for the live video
8:05:02 PMYazid1965 Good Night All... Great Show
8:05:04 PMGoodGuy yes indeed
8:05:05 PMSammySez will wait for Miro podcast
8:05:10 PMagamotto SammySez- such happens
8:05:19 PMSammySez yeah - no worries
8:05:31 PMSammySez laterz all - back to lurk mode
8:06:07 PMGadwil Hillary, Are you still around?
8:06:30 PMagamotto nyet
8:06:45 PMannoyance bye all, Peace
8:06:47 PMagamotto Oh, wait... she is there in the OPs
8:07:07 PMdman810 RobbieF, Sorry I Missed the show!
8:07:48 PMinvincibleMutant RobbieF, it give mesg: unable to determine imap draft location
8:08:34 PMagamotto invincibleMutant- wouldnt that just be the /usr/lib/program dir?
8:08:39 PMdman810 Hillary has left the Room!
8:08:40 PMsmittysmit Night all. I missed the majority of the show....courtesy of 5-days vacation time.
8:09:05 PMdman810 Night smittysmit


Does Not Include Lurkers