07:00:17 PM | gpop7 | good evening everyone
07:00:45 PM | agamotto | I will decide what to do about the unity/etc thing when it is time for 12.04.... If I hate it that much, I will probably move over to Linux Mint
07:00:54 PM | Scorpio55 | Dave-Maydew prefer KDE to Gnome 3 may use one of the BSDs
07:01:14 PM | agamotto | Another Windows vuln?
07:01:37 PM | agamotto | I forgot about poppy day...
07:01:45 PM | Dave-Maydew | COD MW3 has already got an update to 1.02 24hrs after release!!
07:01:57 PM | as759 | Hi
07:01:58 PM | Rumplestiltskin | The 11th agamotto you still got time.
07:02:02 PM | _Jot_ | Dave, its strange if a game does not have an update at the day of the release these days
07:02:11 PM | agamotto | Dave-Maydew- wow.... that is a lot of bugs at release time
07:02:29 PM | agamotto | Rumplestiltskin- Oh, thats right, we dont do it same as Canada....
07:02:47 PM | _Jot_ | Dave, they also do it against crackers, to keep them from releasing the proper game etc
07:02:51 PM | agamotto | It has been a busy day...
07:03:06 PM | agamotto | pop/soda/fizzy drink...
07:03:23 PM | Dave-Maydew | Ive got my Caffeine
07:04:16 PM | Dave-Maydew | I thought RobbieF said a Cigarrette
07:04:23 PM | Dave-Maydew | excuse the typo
07:04:25 PM | agamotto | Ahhhh, Cloud-based Rsync
07:04:58 PM | agamotto | FIDOnet backups.... eeeeekkkkk
07:05:01 PM | EricKidd | Close ...Asigra
07:05:06 PM | Dave-Maydew | lol
07:05:11 PM | chrisreich | People of Earth, Greetings.
07:05:22 PM | _Jot_ | I thought it would be Asigra, since thats written all over the screen
07:05:28 PM | dman810 | Hello chrisreich
07:05:37 PM | Dave-Maydew | I do a lot of Google Calendar and Contact backup from my mobile
07:05:48 PM | agamotto | I know that if it werent for my bluebox, my long-distance bills would have done in some small nations....
07:05:51 PM | chrisreich | hey there, dman810. Good to see you
07:05:56 PM | dman810 | You too
07:06:10 PM | Dave-Maydew | Im still a little sceptical about Cloud based stuff
07:06:26 PM | agamotto | Dave-Maydew- majorly, in my case
07:07:13 PM | Dave-Maydew | Im feeling lucky that my phone got the sync and retrieved my contacts etc from Google
07:08:22 PM | agamotto | Better, I would presume...
07:08:59 PM | agamotto | Americans worry only after everything falls apart....
07:09:22 PM | _Jot_ | problem with cloud is single point of failure, if you have no internet for some reason, you have nothing
07:09:23 PM | troy74 | go canada
07:09:30 PM | Dave-Maydew | yeah, I like it that I can sync my calendar on the move
07:09:39 PM | chrisreich | and after everything falls apart, all the news is concerned with is whos to blame.
07:10:03 PM | Michaeliowa | RobbieF - Is there different prices points for your service?
07:10:44 PM | agamotto | Backup virgins = many of my customers!
07:10:49 PM | troy74 | i know plenty of people that dont backup at all
07:10:54 PM | Dave-Maydew | My wife is one
07:10:59 PM | troy74 | mine too
07:11:04 PM | agamotto | I make a nice side living off of them....
07:11:51 PM | Dave-Maydew | I cringed when she lost almost 10Gb of photos
07:11:51 PM | troy74 | one mans laziness is another mans paycheck
07:12:46 PM | agamotto | I tend to laugh when people lose files..... "Remember that boring thing I said you should get used to doing once a month?"
07:13:18 PM | Dave-Maydew | ISPs need to become more reliable
07:13:23 PM | _Jot_ | newsflash: RobbieF deletes stuff all the time accidentily :)
07:14:39 PM | Guest_8984 | what are those red rings on the hosts?
07:14:46 PM | invinciblemutant | i am using dropbox
07:14:47 PM | Rumplestiltskin | poppys
07:15:01 PM | agamotto | Veteran
07:15:04 PM | Mark__ | i like dropbox too
07:15:04 PM | troy74 | i also use dropbox,always works great
07:15:06 PM | Rumplestiltskin | for rememberence day on 11th
07:15:07 PM | agamotto | s Day poppies
07:15:09 PM | dman810 | Guest_8984 - its for a Canadian Holiday
07:15:10 PM | smittysmit | hello all...sorry Im late
07:15:24 PM | invinciblemutant | http://db.tt/UpFEVvQ
07:15:28 PM | invinciblemutant | i need more space as well
07:15:31 PM | chrisreich | heres another vote for dropbox
07:15:31 PM | _Jot_ | happens to everyone, once a while, smittysmit, dont worry
07:15:54 PM | invinciblemutant | could anyone here please try this link out, you will get 2GB as starter, and i will get a small amount of space as well
07:15:57 PM | Mark__ | there a few newer web services like dropbox, they do same thing, and offer extra free space..
07:16:04 PM | invinciblemutant | i appreciate your help
07:16:08 PM | invinciblemutant | http://db.tt/UpFEVvQ
07:16:12 PM | smittysmit | Hey Jot...missed all of last week
07:16:13 PM | _Jot_ | dont spam please
07:16:25 PM | _Jot_ | smittysmit, it is online now, so at least you can watch back
07:16:49 PM | chrisreich | If anyone needs to establish a new free dropbox account, heres a link that will give us both more free storage in the cloud: https://www.dropbox.com/referrals/NTUzMTE5Njk
07:16:53 PM | invinciblemutant | dropbox is very most efficient could that i have use
07:17:07 PM | troy74 | i wish i needed a whellbarrow for my money
07:17:08 PM | invinciblemutant | d
07:17:27 PM | smittysmit | Jot, already downloaden on Miro...but no time (time is a commodity)
07:17:27 PM | invinciblemutant | referring allows us to have more space
07:17:28 PM | _Jot_ | when I go get money, the ATM laughs at me cause its so little
07:17:35 PM | agamotto | So, how many of you changed banks for Nov. 5th?
07:17:36 PM | Mark__ | box and comodo i thnk are another 2 services that offer like 5gb each.. not sure on exact details, google it
07:17:45 PM | Michaeliowa | troy74: yes me too..
07:18:06 PM | invinciblemutant | i really need more space on dropbox..:D
07:18:17 PM | cable101 | i got free 50G from box
07:18:20 PM | _Jot_ | dont forget you can also make storage off-site yourself with things like Pogoplug devices and software
07:18:35 PM | invinciblemutant | i have 2 computers side by side, when i have a file updated on one, the other one will update almost instantly
07:18:40 PM | invinciblemutant | i love it
07:18:54 PM | invinciblemutant | cable101, how did you get that for free
07:19:08 PM | Mark__ | this gives 5gb free http://www.comodo.com/home/backup-online-storage/online-storage.php ...
07:19:14 PM | cable101 | I saw an adv on billboard on highway
07:19:14 PM | chrisreich | I set up my friends office with the same capability, invisiblemutant
07:19:21 PM | EricKidd | Any questions for Eran?
07:19:31 PM | invinciblemutant | adv? what do you need to do to get that?
07:19:35 PM | cable101 | when i synced with ipad it gave me the 50
07:19:37 PM | Michaeliowa | cable101: the tis a lot
07:19:46 PM | invinciblemutant | for FREE
07:19:48 PM | invinciblemutant | ?
07:19:49 PM | cable101 | just go to site
07:19:55 PM | invinciblemutant | it is good for me to sync my thesis in progress
07:20:08 PM | invinciblemutant | everyone gets only 1GB without referral
07:20:10 PM | Guest_8984 | Windows Skydrive offers 25GB.
07:20:11 PM | cable101 | box.net
07:20:23 PM | invinciblemutant | ic...are are talking about box.net
07:20:24 PM | Mark__ | this give 50gb for ipad, iphone etc http://blog.box.net/2011/10/12/were-giving-ios-users-insane-amounts-of-free-storage-box50gb/
07:20:31 PM | voodoosandman | It seems that when ever you lump data somewhere, it creates a target
07:20:49 PM | agamotto | agreed
07:20:54 PM | invinciblemutant | i use wuala, but it is a badly written program
07:21:08 PM | invinciblemutant | i prefer dropbox more
07:21:24 PM | invinciblemutant | therefore, i appreciate if anyone here could help me to grow my space
07:21:38 PM | agamotto | More importantly, how resistant is your Cloud-storage to police/gov tampering, w/o informing you first?
07:21:38 PM | _Jot_ | RobbieF, if you store it in the US, it will become property of the US government automaticly
07:21:40 PM | vini_ | Hi This is Vini from India.. Just caught up with the show for the first time
07:21:41 PM | chrisreich | you cant get more simple and effective than the service dropbox offers
07:21:48 PM | cable101 | you can always use pogoplug online
07:21:51 PM | chrisreich | welcome vini_
07:21:52 PM | Mark__ | my free dropbox is already maxed out
07:21:57 PM | Dave-Maydew | The Cloud is sounding more of a Post Code lottery
07:22:04 PM | Mark__ | you can only use referals so many times etc
07:22:13 PM | voodoosandman | Hello VINI
07:22:17 PM | agamotto | vini_- welcome
07:22:24 PM | invinciblemutant | i agree with chrisreich
07:22:41 PM | OldGuyJim | Vini...welcome to the chat.
07:22:46 PM | invinciblemutant | i can get up to 8gb with referal
07:22:49 PM | smittysmit | Hello Vinnie...enjoy the show
07:22:49 PM | invinciblemutant | http://db.tt/UpFEVvQ
07:22:49 PM | chrisreich | Im nowhere near maxed out with my dropbox referrals. Feel free to use mine
07:23:11 PM | vini_ | 5:40 AM in the mornin here in india
07:23:15 PM | invinciblemutant | i have only 2gb from referreal
07:23:19 PM | Dave-Maydew | Its definitely official Mint as overtook Ubuntu
07:23:27 PM | invinciblemutant | it is mid night here in manchester uk
07:23:38 PM | agamotto | The only thing I can recommend about Cloud-data... encrypt everything
07:23:46 PM | voodoosandman | encrypt an iso and send it to your gmail
07:23:54 PM | vini_ | wow been amin to catchup with the show for quite a while... so have been awake for it:)
07:23:55 PM | Dave-Maydew | 00:23 Invinciblemutant
07:23:56 PM | Dave-Maydew | ll
07:23:57 PM | Dave-Maydew | lol
07:24:06 PM | invinciblemutant | r u in uk too, dave?
07:24:07 PM | _Jot_ | welcome back Bekah
07:24:11 PM | Dave-Maydew | Yup
07:24:16 PM | Dave-Maydew | West Mids
07:24:21 PM | agamotto | EricKidd- IF the government actually followed its own procedures in getting access to it.
07:24:22 PM | Bekah | _Jot_ :)
07:24:29 PM | OldGuyJim | Vini..I know that is hard, but it is worth it.
07:25:09 PM | invinciblemutant | it is very difficult to get people signing up to my referral link
07:25:18 PM | Bekah | agamotto hey :)
07:25:20 PM | Dave-Maydew | what no Windows powered devices??
07:25:35 PM | invinciblemutant | i genuinely needs help to grow the space, but it seems most people see it as a spam
07:25:51 PM | agamotto | Bekah- how are you and the kidlets today?
07:26:00 PM | OldGuyJim | What makes Mint so special??
07:26:10 PM | _Jot_ | Im sure if you read the license agreement, it says youre not allowed to give your link unsollicited, so you may already have lost your account
07:26:25 PM | invinciblemutant | wuala has a good technology,but it is not efficient
07:26:27 PM | Mark__ | invinciblemut... get your family friends to sign up for you, or customers etc.... just guide them thru the process so they dont have do do anything etc
07:26:43 PM | chrisreich | Mint comes with non-free codecs and flash installed out of the box, OldGuyJim. That makes a difference for many people
07:26:54 PM | agamotto | OldGuyJim- No Unity, codecs and such installed for you, other nice touches
07:27:04 PM | troy74 | mint=gold
07:27:05 PM | invinciblemutant | i have my family done for me, but they cant do it on the same machine
07:27:11 PM | voodoosandman | Try Ultimate Edition
07:27:16 PM | invinciblemutant | dropbox cancel the referral
07:27:35 PM | _Jot_ | RobbieF, is that asigra like written all over the screen :P
07:27:39 PM | Mark__ | ahh i see
07:28:13 PM | voodoosandman | Great Segment Robbie
07:28:53 PM | invinciblemutant | dropbox also keep 30 days backup for us, that we can restore within 30 days if we would like revert to our previous versions
07:28:57 PM | invinciblemutant | http://db.tt/UpFEVvQ
07:29:09 PM | invinciblemutant | shit, ads again on ustream
07:29:20 PM | agamotto | Dooky virus?
07:29:20 PM | troy74 | what a shock a bug in windows
07:29:31 PM | Mark__ | RobbieF could a simple $4 a month web hosting account be used for "cloud storage" instead of just hosting html files etc?
07:29:31 PM | agamotto | Or like Lord Duqu?
07:29:38 PM | Bekah | agamotto Doing good, doing good :)
07:29:44 PM | chrisreich | "Windows has an attack vector" - - I thought this was a NEWS segment...
07:29:48 PM | invinciblemutant | i dont trust web hosting...
07:29:53 PM | raptor222 | invinciblemutant, then use the justin stream
07:29:58 PM | invinciblemutant | do not store your files on web hosting
07:30:15 PM | invinciblemutant | it is unsecure on shared hosts
07:30:26 PM | Dave-Maydew | I had one of those strange emails with a word doc attached but I delted the message
07:30:26 PM | _Jot_ | there are patches for the virus already if you updated yesterday or today
07:30:49 PM | Dave-Maydew | MW3 released 24hours ago, and already has a update out for it
07:30:52 PM | agamotto | So MOSSAD is trying to infiltrate fantasy basketball spreadsheets?
07:31:13 PM | dman810 | Drink!
07:31:20 PM | chrisreich | Whats with the red "Os
07:31:22 PM | Dave-Maydew | I call it Dewty
07:31:24 PM | Dave-Maydew | lol
07:31:27 PM | troy74 | beavis and butthead do linux
07:31:30 PM | NiTr0_FiSh | Aye, its your DUTY!
07:31:36 PM | chrisreich | on their shirts? Opera promotion?
07:31:40 PM | agamotto | chrisreich- Canadian Veterans Day poppies
07:31:50 PM | chrisreich | ah- thanks
07:31:53 PM | troy74 | boo
07:31:55 PM | invinciblemutant | american !!!
07:31:59 PM | dman810 | like duty on the bottom of your foot?
07:32:01 PM | agamotto | Doody not = Duty
07:32:08 PM | dman810 | oh!!
07:32:11 PM | NiTr0_FiSh | lol...
07:32:22 PM | raptor222 | chriereich, its a poppy flower, i belive its remebrence day in canada (for fallen veterans).
07:32:33 PM | chrisreich | thanks raptor
07:32:48 PM | Dave-Maydew | Its rememberance day on the 11-11
07:32:48 PM | invinciblemutant | is remembrance day a world wide event
07:33:01 PM | agamotto | Dave-Maydew- varies by country
07:33:03 PM | _Jot_ | world wide in canada?
07:33:13 PM | invinciblemutant | not sure when is UKs
07:33:19 PM | raptor222 | invincible mutand, every country has its own on different dates.
07:33:20 PM | Dave-Maydew | ahh, ok Agamotto
07:33:23 PM | _Jot_ | Uk is at the end of WW 2
07:33:24 PM | invinciblemutant | i thought it is for UK only
07:33:30 PM | darktower | 11/11 in UK
07:33:32 PM | _Jot_ | the netherlands is their end of WW 2 as well
07:33:35 PM | troy74 | the bots would be more interesting than my real friends
07:33:39 PM | Scorpio55 | remberence sunday 11th nov
07:33:40 PM | _Jot_ | so here it is may 4th and may 5th
07:33:53 PM | invinciblemutant | ic...interesting, 11/11 is the day for most countries
07:33:57 PM | NiTr0_FiSh | ...all my friends are bots.
07:34:08 PM | agamotto | Some do V-E, some do V-J.
07:34:09 PM | Bekah | chrisreich raptor222 Yes, this Friday is Remembrance Day
07:34:31 PM | Scorpio55 | 11th hour on the 11 day of the 11th month
07:34:33 PM | troy74 | do the bots update the status 87 times a day?
07:34:39 PM | NiTr0_FiSh | ...I forgot about Remembrance Day.
07:34:40 PM | _Jot_ | EricKidd, are you a real person then?
07:34:46 PM | invinciblemutant | is facebook going to shut down?
07:34:57 PM | agamotto | invinciblemutant- Please....
07:34:59 PM | Dave-Maydew | no way
07:35:04 PM | invinciblemutant | there are rumours that facebook is going to shut down
07:35:14 PM | Dave-Maydew | I hope not, else my wife will be unhappy
07:35:17 PM | invinciblemutant | google for it
07:35:38 PM | invinciblemutant | by march 2012
07:35:43 PM | Dave-Maydew | those rumours have been going around for a while
07:35:56 PM | _Jot_ | sounds more like something for snopes
07:35:59 PM | agamotto | And very thankfully, we can verify he is not a Femme-bot!
07:36:03 PM | Michaeliowa | no face book for me.
07:36:13 PM | troy74 | i dont facebook
07:36:19 PM | chrisreich | What is that grey stuff on RobbieFs head? It looks like a fungus...
07:36:21 PM | NiTr0_FiSh | Robbie, you are reconnecting with all your bot buddies.
07:36:29 PM | troy74 | it was unbearably boring
07:36:31 PM | agamotto | invinciblemutant- Oh well, that is ok, as the world is kaput in May 2012...
07:36:49 PM | invinciblemutant | end of the world?
07:36:52 PM | invinciblemutant | lol
07:36:59 PM | agamotto | invinciblemutant- according to some
07:37:06 PM | dman810 | i stopped using facebook when my account got hacked and my Pastor received porn thru my facebook acount!
07:37:13 PM | _Jot_ | RobbieF, if you put something on facebook, everybody can see it, you can only hide it, but that just means somebody has to pay for it to get it
07:37:23 PM | _Jot_ | RobbieF, the same for all other social networks
07:37:38 PM | invinciblemutant | how about google plus
07:37:47 PM | invinciblemutant | social networking is scary for me
07:37:55 PM | cable101 | i swithched to unthink wich they tout to be the anti facebook
07:37:58 PM | agamotto | I only share things I would be confortable hanging in the front yard on Facebok
07:38:11 PM | troy74 | i have a google plus account, me and the other 7 peiople on it are very happy
07:38:11 PM | agamotto | comfortable, even
07:38:15 PM | invinciblemutant | most of time, i feel like "i didnt mean to let you know these"
07:38:19 PM | vini_ | waiting to see how Dispora does in the network
07:38:20 PM | Michaeliowa | lol
07:38:24 PM | dman810 | NIce!
07:38:25 PM | NiTr0_FiSh | ...way to go Scotty!
07:38:40 PM | agamotto | vini_- i am looking for them to take off as well
07:38:59 PM | Bekah | I thought December was the end of the world
07:39:00 PM | Bekah | lol
07:39:01 PM | agamotto | Everyone... say moisturewhip....
07:39:09 PM | cable101 | www.unthink.com
07:39:11 PM | Michaeliowa | looks good.
07:39:15 PM | NiTr0_FiSh | No, its suppiose to be 11/9/11
07:39:22 PM | agamotto | Bekah- I suppose it depends on which nutcase is on the radio this week?
07:39:31 PM | NiTr0_FiSh | true
07:39:41 PM | chrisreich | December 22, 2012
07:39:44 PM | invinciblemutant | nice work
07:39:51 PM | vini_ | agamotto They have been workin hard on it... Hopefully that will pay off... I heard Mark Zukerberg has given a donation for it as well ;)
07:39:59 PM | dman810 | Any Lego Mainiac would have the towers already built!!
07:40:05 PM | Bekah | agamotto Tis true
07:40:07 PM | _Jot_ | agamotto, I think EricKidd was the nutcase on the newsroom today
07:40:16 PM | agamotto | Hmmmm
07:40:31 PM | NiTr0_FiSh | that is Erics bot.
07:40:33 PM | Dave-Maydew | hahahahahahaha
07:40:37 PM | troy74 | uncanny resemblance
07:40:41 PM | Michaeliowa | lol
07:40:47 PM | _Jot_ | RobbieF, which one is Eric?
07:40:48 PM | chrisreich | separated @ birth!
07:40:51 PM | Dave-Maydew | Monkey Boy
07:40:53 PM | agamotto | Eric the macaque....
07:40:54 PM | NiTr0_FiSh | lol
07:40:55 PM | Michaeliowa | yes
07:40:57 PM | Mark__ | and thats the 1% dna dif...
07:41:09 PM | Dave-Maydew | without the Canary Yellow jumper
07:41:09 PM | tordeu | That looks nothing like Eric. Where is the yellow shirt?
07:43:51 PM | smittysmit | no chat room for a couple minutes? Bump
07:44:08 PM | agamotto | What are all of you busy doing!?!!?!?!
07:44:29 PM | Rumplestiltskin | eating chocolate
07:44:30 PM | OldGuyJim | Hey Guitarplaya2000...what time did you get out of the shop?
07:44:37 PM | Michaeliowa | good job Eeic Kidd
07:44:43 PM | smittysmit | Im going to make a salad.
07:45:02 PM | vini_ | good job Eric!!!
07:45:08 PM | tordeu | @agamotto: Everyone is on google to find out what this "tabbed browsing" is
07:45:15 PM | agamotto | ahhh
07:45:18 PM | Guitarplaya2000 | Hey there OldGuyJim. Paula and I left around 2:30.
07:45:22 PM | vini_ | ahahah
07:45:37 PM | OldGuyJim | Good!
07:45:43 PM | agamotto | kevoh, from Kenya
07:46:11 PM | Guitarplaya2000 | Yes, I was able to get a few "honey-do" tasks completed on the way home today.
07:46:35 PM | OldGuyJim | Me too...it was called groceries.
07:46:40 PM | vini_ | Its Dawn here in India... hahah
07:46:53 PM | Rumplestiltskin | Its almost like you are living in the future vini
07:46:54 PM | Guitarplaya2000 | LOL, thats right!
07:46:55 PM | agamotto | The newest version of Miro has some pains in the Ubuntu version...
07:46:59 PM | NiTr0_FiSh | Hi Dawn in India!
07:47:20 PM | chrisreich | Divx is deprecated? Is this for real? This is the first Im hearing this...
07:47:21 PM | tordeu | Miro is a pain
07:47:23 PM | agamotto | vini_- namaste
07:47:37 PM | vini_ | ahaha I can see the first ray of Light>>>
07:47:38 PM | agamotto | chrisreich- no one really uses it anymore
07:47:55 PM | Mark__ | xvid free
07:47:57 PM | vini_ | Lovely Namaste... Agamotto and everyone here
07:47:58 PM | OldGuyJim | Sun rises are beautiful.
07:48:00 PM | Rumplestiltskin | I remember the time bekah was upset cause she couldnt message any of her friends and she couldnt figure out why
07:48:08 PM | Rumplestiltskin | turns out your son had blocked everyone in her list
07:48:19 PM | invinciblemutant | i just sent robbie an email today
07:48:26 PM | invinciblemutant | just wonder my question is on the list
07:48:34 PM | smittysmit | Love Miro...Earth-Touch for some nature stuff
07:48:56 PM | NiTr0_FiSh | I have Linux Puppy running on a flash card.
07:49:13 PM | RobbieF | Love you all :) Hope youre having fun -- sorry were so rushed tonight :)
07:49:18 PM | _Jot_ | well, my internet connection stopped, Im glad I got two just in case
07:49:26 PM | _Jot_ | RobbieF, we love you too, too bad no BSP
07:49:27 PM | Bekah | Rumplestiltskin what are you talking about?
07:49:35 PM | Rumplestiltskin | remember msn
07:49:36 PM | Bekah | oooooh
07:49:37 PM | Bekah | lol
07:49:38 PM | Bekah | right
07:49:39 PM | Bekah | lol
07:49:41 PM | dman810 | RobbieF - Its all awesome when your on the air!
07:49:41 PM | agamotto | RobbieF- Doing fine by most of us
07:49:41 PM | Bekah | Yes!
07:49:48 PM | Bekah | Zech blocked everyone on my msn list
07:49:48 PM | Bekah | lol
07:50:02 PM | dman810 | Smart boy!
07:50:07 PM | _Jot_ | Bekah, hes a nice boy, wanting to give you some peace and quiet!
07:50:25 PM | agamotto | Can he do the same with mobiles?
07:50:28 PM | Bekah | hehe
07:50:36 PM | Rumplestiltskin | or thats just the excuse you use bekah
07:50:43 PM | Rumplestiltskin | when in reality you blocked everyone
07:50:48 PM | Bekah | haha "No, I didnt block you....it was Zech...." hehe
07:50:57 PM | invinciblemutant | i have upgraded my p4 machine to 11.10
07:51:01 PM | _Jot_ | RobbieF, dont worry about your cough, it sounds great, you must have practiced a lot
07:51:10 PM | invinciblemutant | but it hangs after a few hours#
07:51:12 PM | vini_ | haha
07:51:45 PM | NiTr0_FiSh | Take 10,000 IUs of D3 daily to prevent the common cold in Northern winters.
07:51:58 PM | chrisreich | what is the consensus on the gnome desktop on 11.10?
07:52:18 PM | agamotto | NiTr0_FiSh- I just stay away from people and wash my hands frequently
07:52:22 PM | _Jot_ | I blocked everybody except people on my contactlist on MSN, got sick of the dozens of bots sending requests daily
07:52:30 PM | troy74 | theres a consensus?
07:52:35 PM | NiTr0_FiSh | I only hang out with bots...
07:52:48 PM | agamotto | Netflix is convinced that linux doesnt exist unless it is being paid for
07:52:55 PM | Dave-Maydew | thats cool
07:53:06 PM | invinciblemutant | i am on gnome-shell now
07:53:07 PM | voodoosandman | I found it
07:53:08 PM | agamotto | The picture is a still from shooting photos for ST movie last
07:53:15 PM | OldGuyJim | That looks like the crane at the Newport News shipyard.
07:53:16 PM | troy74 | i have to use netflix on virtualbox
07:53:17 PM | NiTr0_FiSh | ...whats "netflicks"??
07:53:22 PM | NiTr0_FiSh | ; lolol
07:53:29 PM | invinciblemutant | gnome-shell goes refreshed by itself if my machine is too busy
07:53:34 PM | Guitarplaya2000 | Hey! Newport News Shipbuilding - it is OldGuyJim!
07:53:45 PM | Dave-Maydew | theres mono
07:53:53 PM | invinciblemutant | netflix is internet tv in the us i think
07:53:58 PM | agamotto | Mono
07:54:02 PM | Dave-Maydew | or is it something moonlight??
07:54:03 PM | Rumplestiltskin | one day the penguins will take over linux
07:54:16 PM | invinciblemutant | moonlight is disabled on the latest firefox
07:54:23 PM | raptor222 | RobbieF, netflix isnt working in linux because the linux kernel dosent support the drm that netflix uses.
07:54:25 PM | vini_ | Moonlight is what i guess they are workin on
07:54:37 PM | smittysmit | Then its time for N-flix to wake up and get with the program.
07:54:40 PM | agamotto | Or just spend your money with someone else....
07:54:42 PM | Dave-Maydew | ah well
07:54:46 PM | vini_ | oh i did not know that... thanks RobbieF
07:54:49 PM | NiTr0_FiSh | I just watch Youtube... (but then again, all my friends are "bots").
07:54:52 PM | invinciblemutant | it is linux....
07:54:56 PM | invinciblemutant | ic...
07:55:04 PM | troy74 | it takes one second to boot up virtual xp
07:55:10 PM | Dave-Maydew | Microsoft have the upper hand there then
07:55:12 PM | raptor222 | I belive that netflix working on an standalone linux client.
07:55:14 PM | Rumplestiltskin | or just dont use linux
07:55:16 PM | Rumplestiltskin | problemo solved
07:55:22 PM | smittysmit | More & more people are jumping the Linux scene.
07:55:23 PM | tordeu | I didnt even now that someone really used Silverlight.
07:55:27 PM | chrisreich | I just dont use netflix
07:55:28 PM | invinciblemutant | i hate M$, silverlight stuff
07:55:31 PM | agamotto | I sent netflix a lovely letter explaining how they will not get my money until they support my OS.
07:55:32 PM | NiTr0_FiSh | Does "netflicks" cost money?
07:55:40 PM | voodoosandman | Boycot Netflix
07:55:44 PM | invinciblemutant | boycott it
07:55:52 PM | agamotto | NiTr0_FiSh- think BSkyB with On-Demand
07:55:56 PM | invinciblemutant | we need open standard
07:56:03 PM | Garbee | I made it in time for the final 5 minutes.
07:56:06 PM | invinciblemutant | no vendor lock in
07:56:07 PM | _Jot_ | some netflicks do cost money, some are free
07:56:09 PM | NiTr0_FiSh | ...doesnt everyone run Linux?
07:56:12 PM | smittysmit | agamoto, no respose i bet
07:56:22 PM | _Jot_ | for example, category5 is a flick that is free
07:56:35 PM | troy74 | not so latest movies but its not bad
07:56:39 PM | agamotto | smittysmit- they told me to go buy a device that supports it... so i take my money to Redbox
07:56:45 PM | invinciblemutant | hi, the open source community, lets have a freeflix
07:56:45 PM | voodoosandman | I found the picture Leland.......
07:56:46 PM | Michaeliowa | yes is will RobbibF
07:56:47 PM | Garbee | Someone from Netlfix claimed that they would have Netflix support on Linux within the next year.
07:57:02 PM | invinciblemutant | we need FREEFLIX
07:57:05 PM | invinciblemutant | :P
07:57:10 PM | troy74 | windows is great as a virtual box
07:57:10 PM | Rumplestiltskin | dont even get into photoshop you and yoru gimp
07:57:15 PM | _Jot_ | RobbieF, maybe you have heard of this thing called gimp which is pretty good too
07:57:21 PM | voodoosandman | I found the picture Leland.......
07:57:22 PM | chrisreich | who needs netflix? All they offer is the crap that Hollywood produces anyway. No loss that they dont support Linux
07:57:26 PM | Mark__ | i only use linux when an old machine
07:57:26 PM | smittysmit | Garbee, which year?
07:57:34 PM | Garbee | 2d has no bad effects either.
07:57:35 PM | agamotto | Garbee- Linux devices yes, but not home computers.... they will not give code to any box that is capable of copying/moving content
07:57:53 PM | Garbee | smittysmit, The next 12 month span, and that was like one or two months ago, so sometime next year.
07:58:06 PM | Rumplestiltskin | what shampoo does eric use his hair is so fluffy hehe
07:58:15 PM | smittysmit | Only the hollywood lawyers win on this one
07:58:16 PM | voodoosandman | all my art is 8bit
07:58:16 PM | Garbee | Star Trek Online is going F2P this year! - by the end of 2011!
07:58:23 PM | _Jot_ | Rumplestiltskin, I wonder what Robbie uses, his hair falls out from it
07:58:25 PM | Dave-Maydew | Simon Pegg as Scotty :-)
07:58:38 PM | invinciblemutant | i think we should what robbie uses
07:58:40 PM | Mark__ | he not using Robbies
07:58:43 PM | invinciblemutant | avoid that
07:58:51 PM | troy74 | dont use robbies shampoo
07:58:53 PM | Garbee | Avoid the Shampoo Robbie used when he was 20.
07:58:53 PM | dman810 | RobbieF - I will edit that out of the show!
07:59:06 PM | vini_ | ahah
07:59:07 PM | Dave-Maydew | Robbie uses Wash & Go
07:59:21 PM | Scorpio55 | Wash & Go he washed it and it went
07:59:26 PM | Garbee | So it is the Canadian Veterans Day.
07:59:29 PM | Dave-Maydew | hehehehe
07:59:29 PM | agamotto | Facial scrub does wonders for keeping my chrome-dome clean
07:59:40 PM | smittysmit | Poppies, thats cool
07:59:53 PM | raptor222 | RobbirF, its symbolizes the poppy field of WW1
07:59:54 PM | invinciblemutant | Poppies for drug deals?
07:59:57 PM | Garbee | RobbieF, Why did you not tell me this earlier, I would have made a popey for ya.
08:00:03 PM | _Jot_ | agamotto, I hear you can use chrome-stifts and paint that you use for cars too to keep things all chrome-y
08:00:20 PM | Garbee | EricKidd, Our "Rememberance Day" is Sep. 11th. So I guess they stole that name from you guys.
08:00:25 PM | _Jot_ | EricKidd, have you seen the episode with Rachel and her picture?
08:00:26 PM | vini_ | Nice being here Robbie for the first time
08:00:26 PM | simon-sez | The star trek photo was in new port new VA I was station on the USS Enterprise and we were dry docked there
08:00:27 PM | Guitarplaya2000 | Have a good night OldGuyJim!
08:00:29 PM | raptor222 | buy everyone
08:00:31 PM | invinciblemutant | good night
08:00:34 PM | agamotto | _Jot_- yah, but ick
08:00:36 PM | Dave-Maydew | Ill be running Linux Mint from tomorrow and will be in here next week running it
08:00:41 PM | chrisreich | all my best wishes to everyone. Even Scorpio55.
08:00:46 PM | EricKidd | Rachel and her picture? Tell me more...
08:00:47 PM | RobbieF | Thanks everyone
08:00:48 PM | vini_ | Good mornin from India!!!! ahaha
08:00:49 PM | troy74 | good show guys
08:00:50 PM | smittysmit | Night all...I never did get my salad...
08:00:52 PM | NiTr0_FiSh | ...lack of Iodine in ones diet can cause hair loss.
08:00:54 PM | dman810 | RobbieF - Thanks
08:00:54 PM | Garbee | Maydew, Free-BSD 9 is in RC, you could wait for that...
08:00:54 PM | invinciblemutant | is there any good music data editor that does batch updating of metadata
08:01:05 PM | Dave-Maydew | Will be seeing Dad on Saturday
08:01:08 PM | vini_ | Mint 12 is going to great
08:01:12 PM | invinciblemutant | i need one that does update my music metadata in batch
08:01:15 PM | agamotto | Dave-Maydew- how is he doing?
08:01:20 PM | troy74 | when does mint 12 come out?
08:01:27 PM | invinciblemutant | any recommendation
08:01:29 PM | Garbee | mutant, You could create a Bash script...
08:01:30 PM | invinciblemutant | ?
08:01:34 PM | Garbee | Troy74, When they are ready.
08:01:35 PM | agamotto | I am guessing sometime in 2012?
08:01:41 PM | Dave-Maydew | Hes having the bladder removed on the 29th
08:01:44 PM | invinciblemutant | what is the command to update the metadata?
08:01:45 PM | Garbee | Read their blog post. http://blog.linuxmint.com/
08:01:46 PM | _Jot_ | EricKidd, the picture is a photoshop in http://static01.cat5.tv/thumbs/213/213-rachel-creature.zip apparently the gnome in it is called Eric
08:01:50 PM | NiTr0_FiSh | Im trying ouy Mint 11 right now
08:01:56 PM | troy74 | i love mint
08:01:59 PM | Garbee | mutant, No idea, have fun man.
08:02:00 PM | vini_ | their release cycle is usually 20th nov
08:02:05 PM | agamotto | Dave-Maydew- Are they talking pig transplant?
08:02:14 PM | Garbee | vini_, In their blog post, they say they wont release until it is ready.
08:02:19 PM | invinciblemutant | anyone here please help
08:02:25 PM | vini_ | but since they are workin on gnome 3 it might take a while
08:02:25 PM | Garbee | So if it inst ready nov 20th, they wont be releasing it.
08:02:27 PM | invinciblemutant | how to update song metadata in batch
08:02:28 PM | Dave-Maydew | no, just total removal with bag
08:02:36 PM | vini_ | ya the blog says a lot
08:02:41 PM | NiTr0_FiSh | Ive been on PCLinuxOS for years... but had to give the new number 1 a try.
08:02:44 PM | agamotto | Dave-Maydew- Hmmm, that will take getting used to
08:02:45 PM | voodoosandman | Robbie all of myown art is 8bit
08:02:46 PM | troy74 | gotta like the fact they arent rushing
08:02:48 PM | Bekah | hahaha _Jot_
08:02:51 PM | Garbee | vini_, They are working on Gnome3, and getting MATE (Gnome2 port) on the disc as well, and make their own mods to Gnome3, to make it feel more like Gnome2.
08:02:58 PM | Bekah | "The gnome in it is called Eric" lol
08:03:03 PM | Garbee | Bekah, Any issues tonight I should be aware of?
08:03:03 PM | Dave-Maydew | yeah tell me about it Agamotto
08:03:12 PM | _Jot_ | Bekah, its true! it was said in the show
08:03:17 PM | Dave-Maydew | itll be a total change for all the family
08:03:21 PM | Bekah | Garbee Issues?
08:03:37 PM | agamotto | People taking about naught bits, etc....
08:03:39 PM | Garbee | Bekah, Bad behavior?
08:03:42 PM | vini_ | invinciblemutant... are u looking for something like MusicBrainz Picard
08:03:46 PM | Dave-Maydew | oh well, I better go to bed, my wife the lovely Debby has to be up at 6am
08:04:07 PM | agamotto | Dave-Maydew- cheers
08:04:10 PM | Garbee | I was at dinner, unfortunately that will overtake Cat5 most nights.
08:04:18 PM | Dave-Maydew | Ill pop in tomorrow once I have Linux Mint 11 installed
08:04:20 PM | NiTr0_FiSh | This Mint 11 is Lxde - I like it (snappy).
08:04:23 PM | dman810 | RobbieF _ am getting a You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of pogoplug any Idea what I did wrong?
08:04:30 PM | Garbee | vini_, You arent supposed to give the actual answer.
08:04:48 PM | Dave-Maydew | Im going to keep with the Gnome edition of Mint
08:05:00 PM | Dave-Maydew | its what Im used to... I hope
08:05:01 PM | Dave-Maydew | lol
08:05:03 PM | Dave-Maydew | night all
08:05:03 PM | agamotto | Garbee- please tell me that at least THIS dinner didnt come from a take-away window
08:05:03 PM | invinciblemutant | vini_, does it update song metadata like album and artist info in batch
08:05:11 PM | Dave-Maydew | Will chat over the week
08:05:12 PM | Bekah | Garbee , thankfully Eric isnt wearing a paper dress, so there were no naughty comments
08:05:15 PM | Garbee | It looks like the Mint 12 should be releasing on time, but it still could be getting pushed back.
08:05:22 PM | Rumplestiltskin | hehe bekah
08:05:27 PM | vini_ | Nice meeting u guys for the first time... Will try to make it up for the next week as well
08:05:34 PM | Garbee | agamotto, No. We ate at a local place called La-Villa, very nice place and owner.
08:05:39 PM | Dave-Maydew | Garbee and Scorpio speak over the next couple of days
08:05:40 PM | agamotto | vini_- enjoy your day
08:05:46 PM | troy74 | mint 11 is working like perfection anyway
08:05:52 PM | Dave-Maydew | and Ill phone you Scorpio possibly 2morrow
08:05:54 PM | _Jot_ | thanks for being here vini_
08:05:57 PM | Garbee | Bekah, If he were in one, I for one would have laughed straight through the show and off to bed.
08:06:13 PM | Rumplestiltskin | maybe youd get more viewers
08:06:14 PM | Garbee | Maydew, Please join in during the week, I am normally here.
08:06:15 PM | Dave-Maydew | as long as it works better than Ubuntu, thats what I want
08:06:31 PM | Garbee | Fedora 16 is released now as well... I am running it now.
08:06:31 PM | Dave-Maydew | okies
08:06:32 PM | Garbee | Very nice.
08:06:39 PM | _Jot_ | I imagine Eric would look more like a robot packed in paper than a princess though
08:06:54 PM | agamotto | Hmmm, hockey-bot
08:06:54 PM | Rumplestiltskin | hey now be nice he may make a very nice princess :)
08:07:15 PM | _Jot_ | Rumplestiltskin, the beard gives it away though
08:07:21 PM | agamotto | After all, it takes a REAL man to be a Queen :)\\
08:07:24 PM | Garbee | Jot, Why would you even think of what he would look like in a paper outfit?! That just seems so wrong.
08:07:30 PM | agamotto | ahahahahah
08:07:30 PM | Rumplestiltskin | ive seen some bearded women before
08:07:33 PM | Rumplestiltskin | not that eric is a woman
08:07:49 PM | dman810 | RobbieF - I figured it out. I was using SUDO
08:08:07 PM | RobbieF | dman810 - great man!!
08:08:07 PM | voodoosandman | Try Ultimae Edition it has everythng
08:08:08 PM | Bekah | EricKidd Dont look, theyre talking about you wearing a paper dress
08:08:16 PM | _Jot_ | You can make clothes from cotton, cotton is used in paper sometimes
08:08:32 PM | Garbee | Bekah, You said that.... Then I thought of what it would look like...
08:08:39 PM | Garbee | AAAAHHHAHFAHHAHFHAH! Get it out of my head!
08:08:41 PM | Bekah | haha
08:08:52 PM | agamotto | Tyvek is a cotton/polyester blend....
08:08:56 PM | invinciblemutant | gonna go
08:08:59 PM | invinciblemutant | cya
08:08:59 PM | Rumplestiltskin | Its one of those images you cant unsee
08:09:01 PM | Michaeliowa | bye have a good night all!!
08:09:03 PM | NiTr0_FiSh | I think that would be considered a "tear-away" hockey jersey.
08:09:06 PM | _Jot_ | at least the backstagepass isnt working today, so no images to soil our minds
08:09:07 PM | voodoosandman | from plastic sheep
08:09:17 PM | Garbee | with all the blood loss*
08:09:26 PM | dman810 | RobbieF - Side note when I play a video in OpenShot its skips/Choppy. When I play the same video in Miro it plays great.
08:09:31 PM | agamotto | "Escuese me, why is there a Canadian man dressed in drag by the corner?"
08:09:38 PM | _Jot_ | Garbee, dont worry, we understand bloodloss may make your typing a bit odd
08:09:45 PM | Garbee | dman810, I have noticed that too, but only after moving around the film.
08:09:58 PM | Garbee | Jot, litterally it burns.
08:10:09 PM | dman810 | Garbee - this does it from the start for me
08:10:21 PM | Garbee | btw, Titanium Studio... One awesome web-dev IDE.
08:10:47 PM | _Jot_ | Unfortunatly I know seeing worse things make it not so bad, but I dont promote that either, I guess it will just have to quietly go away by itsself
08:11:08 PM | voodoosandman | 73s and 88s Great Show
08:11:08 PM | Rumplestiltskin | I wish my walls were round i want to live in a bubble, tired of square edged rooms, thats my random comment.
08:11:15 PM | Garbee | dman810, Interesting. Could you perhaps post something in the General chatter area, simply outlining some specs of your system and the OS. I would love to try and figure out why.
08:11:24 PM | _Jot_ | thanks agamotto
08:11:38 PM | agamotto | de nada
08:11:38 PM | dman810 | sure thing Garbee