Chat Logs for Episode 223 — #Category5 on /


With 69 Posts:_Jot_
With 62 Posts:Garbee
With 32 Posts:chrisreich
With 27 Posts:Dennis_Kelley1
With 26 Posts:Dennis_Kelley

Chat Logs:

06:58:50 PMEricKidd Are you comparing me to a fruitbasket?
06:59:06 PM_Jot_ EricKidd, yes
06:59:08 PMGarbee Do I see an intel sticker on that laptop?
06:59:18 PM_Jot_ EricKidd, its because you are both very nice to see
06:59:34 PM_Jot_ as in, fun, entertaining, etc
07:00:03 PMRobbieF gonna be late
07:00:33 PMEricKidd Its not erics fault (this time).
07:00:34 PM_Jot_ we understand Robbie, you have to practice two, two, three all of a sudden, after you took weeks for two, two, two
07:00:38 PMloadedfastman i am trying to find the link for the live episode but have yet to find it
07:00:58 PM_Jot_ loadedfastman,
07:01:09 PMraptor222
07:01:15 PMmaxwell6307 i just saw yous
07:01:19 PMRobbieF
07:01:32 PMEricKidd Were having technical issues...will be up as soon as possible
07:01:36 PMloadedfastman ok found that
07:02:09 PMEricKidd Are we having fun yet?
07:02:27 PM_Jot_ EricKidd, yeah!
07:02:27 PMmaxwell6307 sure are
07:02:27 PMraptor222 yaaaaaay!:-(
07:02:38 PMEricKidd woot!
07:02:44 PMGarbee No EricKidd, I had to chase my dogs around since they kep chasing cars, then got all muddy, wet, and cold.
07:02:46 PMrobgor Hi Eric, RobbieF
07:02:56 PMGarbee At least the shower felt great after that.
07:02:58 PM_Jot_ Garbee, what do they do with them after they catch the cars?
07:03:03 PMloadedfastman i am new and have been watching shows from the past most helpful
07:03:10 PM_Jot_ EricKidd, did you see last weeks show?
07:03:11 PMGarbee Jot, they get the drivers to pet them.
07:03:29 PMDennis_Kelley almost
07:04:14 PMGarbee The show will go live once EricKidd learns how to use a trackpad and keyboard.
07:04:15 PMloadedfastman are they still running on the temp server or did they get a new one
07:04:15 PMEricKidd I did not see last weeks show. Im a baaad part-time co-host.
07:04:34 PMGarbee loadedfastman, New server has been running for weeks.
07:04:34 PMdavetech LOL
07:04:35 PMrobgor is the technical issues due to the cold? need to come to Melbourne, Australia nice and warm here LOL
07:04:36 PMEricKidd The servers great. Its not that.
07:04:36 PM_Jot_ EricKidd, you missed an important message! It started around 53:00 into the show
07:04:39 PMRobbieF count from 20
07:04:40 PMloadedfastman ok
07:04:49 PMDennis_Kelley EricKidd you know you can download the episodes you miss!
07:04:53 PMajamison5579 must be a bit delayed
07:05:05 PMGarbee ajamison5579, it is, 5 min past. Tech issues.
07:05:13 PM_Jot_ here we go!
07:05:15 PMDennis_Kelley Here we go!!
07:05:17 PM_Jot_
07:05:19 PMdavetech YAY!
07:05:29 PMmaxwell6307 yee haww
07:05:30 PMrobgor :)
07:05:32 PMEricKidd Were heeeere
07:05:33 PMDennis_Kelley _Jot_ stop coping me!
07:05:41 PMDennis_Kelley copying me!!
07:05:44 PM_Jot_ _Jot_ stop copying me!
07:05:51 PMDennis_Kelley Funny!
07:06:19 PMDennis_Kelley its the hair that is higher - EricKidd
07:06:28 PMrobgor no RobbieF its December 28th Iam in the future LOL
07:06:43 PMGarbee EricKidd, Dont forget you have a beard!
07:06:51 PMDennis_Kelley Bangs are bad!
07:07:02 PMrobgor did it have magic smoke
07:07:29 PMGarbee RobbieF, The computer got a cold.
07:07:38 PMDennis_Kelley RobbieF - so that is why you missed the links on the main page!!
07:07:41 PMgsiegel and playing guitar
07:07:51 PMchrisreich People of Earth, Greetings.
07:07:58 PMloadedfastman hello
07:08:08 PMDomenic yeah! finally they drop sun java
07:08:16 PMDennis_Kelley now we know why there was a bang, there was Java in it!!
07:08:31 PMloadedfastman we still on hold
07:08:37 PM_Jot_ a million dollar is worth about 5 euros
07:08:46 PMDave-Maydew Evening all
07:08:56 PMGoodGuy Oracle themselves is switching to OpenJDK iirc
07:09:03 PMGarbee Wow, a 15 second delay for me between BSP and the live stream.
07:09:05 PM_Jot_ nice card Raffer
07:09:13 PMRaffer thank
07:09:14 PM_Jot_ hi Dave
07:09:22 PMloadedfastman no live feed for me
07:09:24 PMdavetech HI!
07:09:33 PMTrekkie00 transcription would be keel
07:09:34 PMDomenic kiel is great
07:09:35 PMRaffer close
07:09:37 PMchrisreich spell it
07:09:50 PMGoodGuy Martians cant get any love :-(
07:09:51 PMmaxwell6307 is anyone else seeing this in slow motion?
07:10:08 PM_Jot_ not me maxwell6307
07:10:13 PMDennis_Kelley no maxwell6307, looks great here!
07:10:15 PMrobgor no its fine for me maxwell
07:10:15 PMGoodGuy Seems fine here maxwell6307
07:10:18 PMchrisreich Martians get ALL the LOVE!
07:10:30 PMRaffer when did it arrive RobbieF
07:10:30 PMmaxwell6307 must be my slow computer
07:10:34 PMGarbee Refresh gained me 15 seconds, yes!
07:12:29 PMloadedfastman even the on air link loaded nothing
07:12:30 PMDennis_Kelley Overeating is part of Christmas Dinner!
07:12:35 PMGarbee Once again, we will get NOTHING done this episode.
07:12:35 PM_Jot_ EricKidd, if you get me a planeticket, Ill come over
07:12:46 PMchrisreich Im too old to overeat anymore.
07:12:47 PMDave-Maydew Anyone know of a good IRC app for Android????
07:12:50 PM_Jot_ loadedfastman, sorry it didnt load fast, man
07:12:59 PMloadedfastman lol
07:13:01 PMGarbee So great to have EricKidd.
07:13:18 PMloadedfastman but for real it is just blank here
07:13:52 PMchrisreich Garbee - thats what SHE said...
07:13:53 PM_Jot_ loadedfastman, you can try the link, or the ustream link, usually one or the other works
07:14:03 PMDennis_Kelley Sweet!
07:14:10 PMDennis_Kelley Play it RobbieF
07:14:48 PMajamison5579 a Lute?
07:14:48 PMgsiegel solo by eric time
07:14:51 PMchrisreich Play that funky music, bald boy!
07:15:09 PMgsiegel The new theme song to cat5
07:15:13 PMDennis_Kelley Great Job EricKidd
07:15:42 PMchrisreich thats a dulcimer
07:15:44 PMsmittysmit Hello all...running a bit late.
07:15:45 PMDennis_Kelley EricKidd - if you watch backstage pass you can see you play it!
07:15:51 PMGuest_1772moment Has Robbie lost weight or is that just a big mug? nice new toy Robbie
07:15:56 PM_Jot_ hey smittysmit, the show was 5 minutes late too, so no problem :)
07:16:11 PMchrisreich I was answering ajamison5579, EricKidd
07:16:11 PMDennis_Kelley nice Guest_1772moment
07:16:25 PM_Jot_ Guest_1772moment, Robbie gained weight! Its a 3d-effect that makes it look like that
07:16:54 PMgsiegel how about some old school Run DMC Rap
07:17:12 PMmaxwell6307 need a bass player ?
07:17:34 PMchrisreich Best video of all time was "Addicted to Love" by Robert Palmer.
07:17:41 PMgsiegel great piece yes1
07:17:55 PMloadedfastman is there anything specal need to be added to the basic ubuntu 10.11 to watch the show
07:17:56 PMrobgor EricKidd I agree thats a great video clip
07:18:05 PMchrisreich Debian!!! a real mans Linux!
07:18:12 PMGoodGuy Tiny Core Linux?
07:18:13 PM_Jot_ EricKidd, I want to see a videoclip of you performing!
07:18:27 PMraptor222 chrisreich: ARRRRRRG!
07:18:33 PMDomenic chrisreich, lfs - a real mans Linux ;)
07:18:41 PMTrekkie00 :)
07:19:07 PMDennis_Kelley RobbieF - Say hi to my Wife!
07:19:17 PMTrekkie00 would be nice. Robbie doing workshop on lfs
07:19:19 PMmaxwell6307 lol
07:19:27 PMDennis_Kelley Beverly
07:19:44 PMDennis_Kelley Say hi EricKidd
07:19:53 PMchrisreich Actually, if anyone checks, theyll see my name as the project leader for New World Linux.
07:20:13 PM_Jot_ is that good or bad, chrisreich?
07:20:13 PMTrekkie00 lol
07:20:37 PMDennis_Kelley Sorry everyone for the shout out to my wife!
07:20:40 PMchrisreich Domenic, have you read LFS? I have - thats for superstars.
07:20:54 PM_Jot_ Dennis_Kelley, dont worry about it, if Robbie didnt want to do it, hed ignore it :)
07:21:08 PMDennis_Kelley _Jot_ - True That!
07:21:11 PM_Jot_ after all, its a community-show, and everybody is a part of it
07:21:18 PMDomenic chrisreich, nope... thats way to complicated...
07:21:18 PMrobgor Hey RobbieF thanks for the answers about the video cameras and NAS from a few shows ago, Robert from Melbourne, Australia
07:21:33 PMchrisreich well Ive been disappointed not to have received ANY feedback whatsoever on New World Linux _Jot_.
07:21:38 PMDennis_Kelley EricKidd is ad libbing again
07:23:09 PMbrimurray Hi all seasons greetings from Brimurray watching LIVE for first time! Edinburgh Scotland
07:23:30 PMDennis_Kelley Hello brimurray
07:23:36 PM_Jot_ chrisreich, google doesnt even know about it
07:23:48 PMgsiegel lets all great bracelets that say WWRD - What would robbie do ?
07:23:49 PMchrisreich about what?
07:24:00 PM_Jot_ chrisreich, about your linux
07:24:08 PMGarbee Is EricKidd lost here?
07:24:21 PMchrisreich I dont use Google. I said go to
07:24:34 PM_Jot_ Garbee, the speed of which he is writing things to google later, Id say definatly
07:24:51 PMGarbee Notes?! Dont you mean drawing?
07:25:06 PMGarbee haha
07:25:17 PMchrisreich gsiegel I like your idea, but with t-shirts.
07:25:19 PMrobgor nice one RobbieF
07:25:21 PMraptor222 EricKidd: was alienified!
07:25:43 PMGuest_1772moment Chatroom is on tonight ;)
07:25:49 PM_Jot_ chrisreich, sorry to say, I went to, typed new world linux, and no results
07:25:50 PMGarbee I like WWLTD more.
07:25:58 PMGarbee (What Would Linus Torvalds Do)
07:26:03 PMchrisreich hold on...
07:26:13 PMgsiegel Yes they should be on cat5 store
07:27:20 PMGarbee Virtual Machine.
07:27:39 PMTrekkie00 is netflix drm?
07:27:49 PMGarbee Netflix wont support Linux until sometime next year, and that is only because of Win 8 using IE 10 Immersive.
07:27:55 PMraptor222 He cant, No kernel support for netflix DRM.
07:28:00 PMGarbee Trekkie00, Yes, it is.
07:28:23 PMGarbee raptor222, It isnt because of Kernel, it is because of silverlight.
07:28:23 PMTrekkie00 garbee thx
07:28:43 PMraptor222 Garbee Both are true actually.
07:28:54 PMGarbee Silverlight wont run on Linux, and Moonlight does not have access to Silverlight DRM, which is the issue.
07:29:55 PMTrekkie00 that´s the point garbee
07:30:20 PMchrisreich Mmmm... I cannot log into It says no such account exists.
07:30:27 PMGarbee If MS would license the DRM to Moonlight,then yes, we could watch Netflix on Linux, but they wont.
07:30:31 PMraptor222 ???
07:30:42 PMDennis_Kelley What the...
07:30:47 PMgsiegel did someone say weather ? Where is kristy when you need her?
07:30:48 PMGarbee Rachel Xu?
07:30:51 PMsmittysmit Its all DRM....Only the lawyers win.
07:31:38 PMraptor222 RobbieF, can I throw something in the news:
07:31:41 PMGarbee That just sucks.
07:32:03 PMTrekkie00 no didtribution is allowed to distribute sun java any longer
07:32:04 PMraptor222 *?
07:32:22 PMGarbee raptor222, You would need to email to before the show.
07:32:38 PMraptor222 ok
07:32:41 PMchrisreich _Jot_ It seems that may have purged their less active accounts. Thanks for letting me know.
07:32:42 PMDennis_Kelley BRB
07:32:56 PM_Jot_ chrisreich, sorry for being the bringer of not so good news
07:33:00 PMScorpio55 raptor222 that story was dec 11th
07:33:11 PMScorpio55 already covered
07:33:19 PMchrisreich relax _Jot_ Id rather know about it than not know about it.
07:33:42 PMraptor222 true enough Scorpio55, but still worth while mentioning.
07:33:55 PMTrekkie00 but coming back to netflix drm
07:34:02 PMTrekkie00 it´s the same with maxdome
07:35:18 PMScorpio55 rapto222 it was already covered in the newsroom or Robbie didnt use thestory
07:35:50 PMloadedfastman hello all
07:36:01 PMGarbee I have Papa Johns on the way! I hope it arrives before the end of the show.
07:36:37 PMG_dog1985_ haha
07:36:45 PMGarbee EricKidd, NICE!
07:36:50 PMGarbee haha
07:36:53 PM_Jot_ EricKidd falls under the ancient age-bracket
07:37:14 PMgsiegel it better be Guiness
07:37:14 PMloadedfastman any reason known for pink video screen on feeds
07:37:21 PMchrisreich "You look Canadian, have beer"
07:37:21 PMGarbee RobbieF, Better, "You look like EricKidd, have an American! "
07:37:29 PMDennis_Kelley1 Does anyone know how to disable requiring a password when logging into ubuntu 10.10
07:37:33 PM_Jot_ loadedfastman, could be flash, but usually that means connection not so good
07:37:45 PMGarbee or an anti-american person as Eric would prefer it according to Youtube.
07:37:49 PM_Jot_ Garbee, are you sure? according to youtube, EricKidd is anti-american
07:37:52 PMGoodGuy Auto Login Dennis_Kelley1
07:37:54 PMGuest_1772moment go erickider
07:38:06 PMchrisreich Is it Wheat? Is it Grass? Is it Juice? I dont know, YOU try it!
07:38:08 PMgsiegel If Google was making it , it might say " Your Eric Kidd - ant-american" lol
07:38:22 PMGarbee Haha " No wonder that they shortened it"
07:38:27 PMGoodGuy It was an option during install... not sure where it is located after install
07:38:30 PMGarbee SO many lolz.
07:38:59 PMG_dog1985_ wow
07:39:01 PMgsiegel We love you Eric
07:39:05 PMGoodGuy Try Administration/Login Screen
07:39:18 PMGarbee EricKidd, Look at crime rates in Canada compared to US... You should be scared to cross-over.
07:39:29 PMGoodGuy I use PinguyOS, but it is similar to Ubuntu
07:39:39 PMGarbee Father
07:39:40 PMGarbee ?
07:39:43 PMswissandi mother
07:39:54 PMchrisreich I endorse PinguyOS
07:40:01 PMgsiegel That is spock calling.. he wants his vulcan back
07:40:02 PMchrisreich "Ubuntu is an ancient African word that means I cant configure Debian", - Nick Francesco, September 2009
07:40:06 PMdavetech Pinguy OS rocks!
07:40:10 PMGarbee I have had so many issues getting Debian installed on a multi-disc setup.
07:40:17 PMGarbee All relating to GRUB.
07:40:20 PMGoodGuy I like it also
07:40:29 PMGarbee Lilo works fine, but I dont want that.
07:40:46 PM_Jot_ lol, Robbie posted my testimonial on the website
07:40:52 PMScorpio55 Freezy Linux is one to watch better than mint
07:40:58 PMloadedfastman the problem that i found with debain is that it will not support wireless
07:41:51 PMmaxwell6307 is it gnome 3?
07:41:56 PMDomenic nope
07:42:03 PM_Jot_ I wonder if it has Java, because of that news-item
07:42:03 PMgsiegel Open office going by bye I read today on
07:42:08 PMloadedfastman or it wouldnt support wna1100 wirelessly
07:42:09 PMDomenic gnome 3 is coming to debian unstanlr
07:42:14 PMDomenic unstable
07:42:31 PMTrekkie00 does oneiric still have sun java?
07:42:52 PMG_dog1985_ lol
07:42:54 PMDomenic the problem with debien is that it needs soo much time to get fresh, updated packages
07:42:56 PMGarbee Scorpio55, Looks like Freezy is using fallback mode, which is not good since it wont be there in 2 or 3 revisions of Gnome 3. Perhaps even the next now that Software rendering is working.
07:43:01 PMScorpio55 gnome 2 is antiquated now
07:43:27 PMGarbee Trekkie00, It might, but will be removed in their update.
07:43:35 PMraptor222 Its one of those shows!
07:43:37 PMTrekkie00 ah ok
07:43:59 PMGarbee Nice thougth though.
07:44:00 PM_Jot_ EricKidd, please tell Rachel: geez RachelXu! dont touch the vulcan, they are touch-telepaths, respect their boundaries!
07:44:26 PMGarbee Freezy seems to have gotten some of the theme issues fixed with using Fallback mode.
07:44:26 PMScorpio55 Freezy is Gnome 3 GTK 3
07:45:05 PMswissandi Xu-buntu
07:45:11 PMDennis_Kelley1 I reinstalled Ubuntu 10.10
07:45:55 PMG_dog1985_ RobbieF: i am look for a linux distro for a 5yr what distro would be good ?
07:46:15 PMgsiegel Nice review ot compiz too
07:46:33 PMG_dog1985_ for my newphew
07:46:39 PMGarbee G_dog1985_, A rolling-release distro such as Arch or Gentoo, or wait for the Ubuntu 12.04 rounds and pick one. Also CentOS would be nice, but updates are very slow.
07:47:31 PMgsiegel CentOS = Redhat without branding
07:47:43 PMGarbee Yes, that is why updates are slow.
07:47:44 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, I saw a burning-effect, is that the same as EricKidds laptop earlier?
07:47:48 PMG_dog1985_ Garbee: my newphew is 5yr for edu
07:47:50 PMloadedfastman what about fedora
07:47:56 PMchrisreich G_dog1985 Scientific Linux is practically a CentOS clone
07:48:05 PMGarbee G_dog1985_, Oh, you meant a 5 year old.
07:48:12 PMG_dog1985_ yep
07:48:14 PMGarbee I thought you meant 5 year support.
07:48:20 PMGarbee THen try Edubuntu.
07:48:21 PMG_dog1985_ nope
07:48:21 PMgsiegel yes, but great for using to study for redhat exams
07:48:35 PMswissandi not a 5 year old pc
07:48:35 PMGarbee It is built for educational purposes.
07:48:45 PMloadedfastman theres like sone school linux
07:49:05 PMloadedfastman k-12 progret
07:49:23 PMGarbee G_dog1985_, Here is a good list as well,
07:49:41 PMG_dog1985_ nice
07:49:52 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, you can also buy a bigger monitor with a higher resolution
07:49:56 PMDomenic it would be awesome if xfce would support compiz
07:50:16 PMloadedfastman
07:50:30 PMchrisreich compiz never helped me get any work done. I dont install it.
07:50:30 PMsmittysmit I use a Kwnsington moube and change with the scroll ring
07:50:32 PMloadedfastman that is the organal k-12 project
07:50:52 PMGarbee Domenic, It is the other way around, Compiz needs to support XFCE. XFCE is fully capable, someone simply needs to want to develope it for that DE.
07:51:10 PMDomenic mh
07:51:28 PMDomenic well i asked google and now it told me its possible
07:51:32 PMDomenic lets try
07:52:15 PMmaxwell6307 does compize work in gnome classic?
07:52:29 PMTrekkie00 should work
07:52:57 PMGarbee Domenic, Dont do the pacman command, since that is their package management, try this guide to get XFCE + Compiz work,
07:53:01 PMmaxwell6307 thanks
07:53:13 PMDomenic im on xubuntu ;)
07:53:23 PMDomenic -> i try this method
07:53:46 PMGarbee Pizza is here.
07:53:55 PMswissandi :))
07:54:01 PM_Jot_ yay! I was getting hungry
07:54:18 PMdavetech @EricKidd can you use different themes on the window border in with compiz installed?
07:55:02 PMTrekkie00 yes
07:55:14 PMgsiegel LOL
07:55:15 PMGuest_1772moment My Side! My Side! Must to go wee!!! :D
07:55:16 PMTrekkie00 i think it´s called emerald
07:55:28 PMTrekkie00 @davetech
07:55:38 PMdavetech Oh thats right!
07:55:40 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, I am going to win again anyway, why bother?
07:55:42 PMgsiegel Robbie has been de feated by Rachel
07:55:45 PMDennis_Kelley1 Happy New Year! to the Gang!
07:56:23 PMDennis_Kelley1 _Jot_ - if you win again, can I have one of your many Pogoplugs?
07:56:38 PM_Jot_ Dennis_kelley1, if I really win again, Im going to make RobbieF do it again
07:56:59 PMloadedfastman this is crazy i can watch this show on windows but not on linux
07:57:43 PMDennis_Kelley1 Sweet
07:57:47 PM_Jot_ loadedfastman, sometimes linux has flash issues
07:57:52 PMDennis_Kelley1 Awsome!!
07:57:54 PMsmittysmit Congrats...
07:57:59 PMrobgor congrats dennis
07:58:02 PM_Jot_ Dennis_kelley1, so, can I have one of your many Pogoplugs? Oh wait, you wanted mine, well, there you go
07:58:03 PMswissandi yay
07:58:11 PM_Jot_ congrats Dennis :)
07:58:15 PMDennis_Kelley1 Tanks!!
07:58:18 PMDennis_Kelley1 Thanks!
07:58:24 PMGarbee No beer?
07:58:30 PMswissandi hehe
07:58:36 PMDennis_Kelley1 Pull the Popper!!
07:58:53 PMgsiegel Cheers!
07:58:55 PMloadedfastman would it be firefox
07:59:18 PMGuest_1772moment Robbie, I have installed trial version 11.04 on a 4 Gig thumb drive. After about a week I have used up all my space. I keep all my files on a separate thumb drive. But still I run out of space. I find that Ubuntu keeps a lot of thumb nails, (well over a Gig.) So I trash em. I go back into the thumbnail folder and find it has not trashed them, but doubled them. Is there a “C Cleaner” for Ubuntu. Or a system restore
07:59:28 PMchrisreich Apple is NOT the dark side!
07:59:55 PMraptor222 Yes they are chrisreich, pure tech evil!!
08:00:00 PM_Jot_ thats right! Even the dark side has something attractive for some people, apple doesnt
08:00:11 PMchrisreich I stand my ground
08:00:33 PMswissandi getting popcorn
08:00:48 PMrobgor Eric Kidd heard that when I was at a computer store a salesman said that to a customer, I felt like saying crap
08:01:17 PMchrisreich Eric tell your son to run as a user and not as an administrator and hell be fine.
08:01:47 PMGoodGuy BleachBit Guest_1772moment
08:02:09 PMchrisreich Robbie there are NO Mac viruses. Trojans yes, not viruses.
08:02:19 PMTrekkie00 but be careful with bleachbit especially when running as root
08:02:47 PMGuest_1772moment BleachBit? thank you
08:02:52 PMGarbee I do everything.
08:02:56 PMrobgor Hey RobbieF any suggestions for speeding up read/write to a NAS device
08:03:06 PMGoodGuy Yes.. in the repositories
08:03:28 PMchrisreich depends where the bottleneck is.
08:03:42 PMrobgor ubuntu with a gigabit switch a readynas nv+ NAS
08:03:45 PM_Jot_ many NAS devices are just very slow because they have slow processors
08:04:30 PM_Jot_ robgor, you might want to check online to see speedtests of that device, and see what the max speed is, most likely youre already hitting it
08:04:38 PMrobgor robbie have gigabit switch, could it be the green drives
08:04:44 PMGoodGuy Robbie.. Is it wise to run a USB hard drive connected to a Pogoplug 24 x 7?
08:04:47 PMrobgor thank guys
08:05:17 PMgsiegel " I just cant do it captain ! I need more power !
08:05:35 PMGuest_1772moment Lots of fun .Have a good year all ;)
08:05:59 PM_Jot_ I know with a good network you can even with a clickrace
08:06:06 PMDennis_Kelley1 Thanks RobbieF
08:06:10 PMbrimurray been great being here live! see you again next year!
08:06:23 PMrobgor happy new year all
08:06:34 PMcalix great show, thanks
08:06:46 PM_Jot_ Dennis_Kelley, dont forget to watch the show back in a few days to check what you have to send in
08:06:47 PMraptor222 goodnight everyone, see you all in 2012!
08:06:57 PMchrisreich Happy New Year to all. Even GeorgeB
08:06:58 PMDennis_Kelley1 Thanks _Jot_
08:07:14 PMDennis_Kelley1 _Jot_ Dont you have the process memorized?
08:07:26 PMGarbee EricKidd, Thanks for joining us tonight.
08:07:40 PMTrekkie00 see you next year
08:07:44 PM_Jot_ Dennis_Kelley1, sure! THat is why I remind you now to watch, so you can memorize it too
08:07:47 PMmaxwell6307 happy new year all .....Later
08:08:02 PMDennis_Kelley1 _Jot_ Tanks!
08:08:07 PMDennis_Kelley1 Thanks
08:08:31 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, did you make EricKidd and RacheLXu and the rest watch my video yet?
08:08:53 PM_Jot_ that would be plenty of punishment I bet
08:09:40 PMDennis_Kelley1 _Jot_ it was a great Video!
08:09:58 PM_Jot_ thanks Dennis_Kelley1!
08:10:39 PMDennis_Kelley1 Anyone know where I can get CD ISO of Ubuntu 10.04
08:11:07 PM_Jot_
08:11:29 PM_Jot_ on that page you can select version 11 or 10, and 32 or 64 bit
08:12:01 PMloadedfastman or you could torrent it
08:12:01 PM_Jot_ for torrents etc, see
08:12:39 PMDennis_Kelley1 ThankS _Jot)
08:13:05 PM_Jot_ maybe I chould change my name to GoogleJot
08:14:00 PMDennis_Kelley1 so 10.04 is supported for 3 years, 2013
08:14:04 PMDennis_Kelley1 LTS
08:14:08 PM_Jot_ yep
08:14:13 PMDennis_Kelley1 sweet
08:14:22 PM_Jot_ I think they were going to change it to 5 years, but I have no idea why I think that
08:14:36 PMGarbee Jot, They ARE changing to 5 years.
08:14:41 PMGarbee with 12.04.
08:14:47 PMbrimurray 12.04 will be supported for 5 years
08:14:51 PMGarbee Also they are going to a DVD size release.
08:14:54 PM_Jot_ 3 years desktop and 5 years server, right now
08:14:58 PM_Jot_ with LTS
08:15:04 PMGarbee 7 or 850 MB is the ISO size.
08:15:14 PMGarbee Jot, Yes, but 12.04 will bring 5 years to each.
08:15:46 PM_Jot_ I think I watch category5 too much, I actually remember things from when Robbie said them or they were in the newsroom
08:16:20 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, how can you tell the difference between the top and bottom of RachelXu? They are both striped
08:16:25 PMDennis_Kelley1 RobbieF - Thanks!
08:18:39 PMDennis_Kelley1 RobbieF - I need to email you my address right
08:18:49 PM_Jot_ yep, pretty much
08:19:47 PM_Jot_ I think he didnt say that with me the last time, but I did it anyway :)
08:20:56 PMDennis_Kelley1 Well he had you address already on file, since you won before!!
08:21:28 PM_Jot_ yeah, but you saw in the video, I found his old power-tester, and some cables he was missing, so hes very good in misplacing things
08:21:42 PM_Jot_ just leaves everything all over the place
08:22:23 PMDennis_Kelley1 messy messy!
08:22:53 PM_Jot_ you can see it on the BSP too, theres people and stuff everywhere
08:23:14 PMDennis_Kelley1 like beer cans!
08:23:54 PMDennis_Kelley1 Ok I got to go! My Sump Pump stopped working just before the show!
08:24:07 PM_Jot_ good luck Dennis_Kelley1
08:26:24 PMDennis_Kelley1 EricKidd has a pogoplug shirt


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