Chat Logs for Episode 276 — #Category5 on /


With 67 Posts:_Jot_
With 41 Posts:GoodGuy
With 31 Posts:ajamison5579
With 26 Posts:robgor
With 26 Posts:Dennis_Kelley

Chat Logs:

06:58:13 PMDennis_Kelley Hello Guest26023 how are you?
06:58:17 PMjaepea lol
06:58:20 PMajamison5579 I had to buy this out right but i used xmas money and ebay to get it was brand new and cost significantly less then buying it from sprint without a contract
06:58:47 PMErikaL Thanks i had a amazing christmas and a sleepy new year :P
06:59:11 PMajamison5579 2013 is here take that Mayians'
06:59:37 PMrobgor hey ErikaL welcome back to the cohosts seat
06:59:45 PM_Jot_ just cause one of them said 'okay, I'm not doing this calender anymore, this will last pretty much forever anyway'
06:59:55 PMinvinciblemutant hi
07:00:02 PMrobgor and hi RobbieF our fearless leader LOL
07:00:03 PM_Jot_ hi invinciblemutant
07:00:10 PMinvinciblemutant happy new year there
07:00:13 PMrobgor hey invincable
07:00:19 PM_Jot_ woops, show broke?
07:00:33 PMT0B33 Just me or is my screen blank? :O
07:00:42 PMErikaL here we go :)
07:00:44 PMausrob what a start for 2013
07:00:46 PMRobbieF Sorry about that folks :)
07:00:48 PMRobbieF Happy new year!
07:01:02 PM_Jot_ okay, working on justin now
07:01:02 PMT0B33 Your computer is a bit rusty RobbieF. haha
07:01:09 PMGoodGuy Happy New Year
07:01:11 PMRobbieF New year's glitch! :)
07:01:28 PM_Jot_ don't be a snitch!
07:01:28 PMT0B33 or your computer is stil getting over the new year celebrations ;)
07:02:02 PMjaepea robbief tripped over a cord lol
07:02:17 PM_Jot_ Happy new year and may only good things come to you this year everybody
07:02:25 PMajamison5579 I see a black screen with words
07:02:28 PM_Jot_ no video RobbieF, only sound
07:02:34 PMHillary greetings from the dominican republic
07:02:34 PMRobbieF boy oh boy
07:02:45 PMT0B33 Computer is still drunk :(
07:02:53 PM_Jot_ we're on camera 1 today RobbieF, not camera 23
07:03:07 PM_Jot_ or did you just forget to plug it in? huh? huh?
07:03:17 PMErikaL fixing the new year glitch
07:03:26 PM_Jot_ hi Hillary, nice to see you from far away
07:03:29 PMHillary is show not on..
07:03:32 PMfitty oh no
07:03:39 PMausrob New year but old glitches :P
07:03:42 PM_Jot_ Hillary, there's some technical difficulties, so right now not yet
07:03:47 PMErikaL on our way back up
07:03:48 PMfitty it is 186 al over again
07:04:03 PMDennis_Kelley maybe it was the mayans
07:04:06 PM_Jot_ Mayas were right, end of the world, no category5
07:04:18 PMHillary oh dear. well if anyone can fix it its robbie
07:04:22 PMajamison5579 its those dang goblins
07:04:27 PMjaepea we still love ya robbief
07:04:33 PMajamison5579 you can not do anything without them messing it up
07:05:13 PMausrob The truth is they just don't want to give stuff away :)
07:05:22 PMRobbieF :)
07:05:28 PMGoodGuy First I read Kary Osmond is leaving Best Recipes Ever and now Category5 isn't working.. 2013 is not starting well :-(
07:05:36 PM_Jot_ oh, Jot already won everything, so nothing left, sorry :P
07:05:46 PMGoodGuy lol _Jot_
07:05:49 PM_Jot_ working now again Hillary, and everyone
07:05:52 PMRobbieF Golly gee! That was amazing.
07:06:00 PMrobgor jot isnt allowed to enter anymore
07:06:03 PM_Jot_ at least the titles are working
07:06:10 PMfitty I really felt bad on EP 186 robbie was really trying hard and the servers were crashing around like plaster
07:06:17 PMGoodGuy Ustream is working now
07:06:32 PMErikaL how awesome is that cool intro again :)
07:06:33 PM_Jot_ fitty, at least there's that new server now, so that helps
07:06:49 PM_Jot_ ErikaL, it's all the wonderful people in it that make it great
07:07:08 PMDennis_Kelley that was better the second time!
07:07:17 PMgpop7 happy new year everyone
07:07:17 PMGoodGuy ErikaL, looks different for some reason
07:07:20 PM_Jot_ thanks for waking us up RobbieF
07:07:24 PMajamison5579 Robbief are you trying to wake up your kids lol!
07:07:50 PMgpop7 i am awake now
07:08:07 PMfitty happy happy
07:08:22 PM_Jot_ I'll say it again for the chatlog: Happy new year and may only good things come to you this year everybody
07:08:48 PMGoodGuy If Justin Bieber can do it, why not Erica
07:08:51 PMT0B33 Yeah!!
07:09:07 PMrobgor cool shirt RobbieF
07:09:26 PMajamison5579 Robbief not the shirt to wear after a long night of beer drinking
07:09:36 PMajamison5579 people would be punching you in the gut
07:09:36 PMjaepea if _Jot_ i say we hunt him down lol
07:09:54 PMinvinciblemutant cool shirt...
07:10:06 PMinvinciblemutant put the drum on in your jeans
07:10:18 PMHillary well im.glad things are working again. well just wanted to say hi quickly. good luck to peeps in the contest.
07:10:19 PMGoodGuy Our son sold an old Nintendo game for over $100
07:10:30 PMGoodGuy on Ebay
07:10:48 PMHillary toodles people and enjoy the show. im outta here.
07:10:58 PMajamison5579 Goodguy?????!!!! Must go rummage through my on NES games
07:10:58 PMDennis_Kelley Hello Hillary
07:11:04 PMajamison5579 pay day !!!!!
07:11:06 PMausrob bye Hillary
07:11:15 PMGoodGuy Last year I gave him an unopened copy of Nascar 2003 and he sold that for $116 iirc
07:11:41 PMGoodGuy I had a chance to buy two at the time I bought them, but didnt get both
07:12:00 PMinvinciblemutant the next cat5 crew photo posting for 2013
07:12:14 PMGoodGuy Later I found an opened copy at a local thrift store, but kept that
07:12:18 PMajamison5579 I have like a paper bag full of NES games
07:12:24 PMajamison5579 and no working NES
07:12:27 PMajamison5579 :(
07:12:28 PM_Jot_ GoodGuy, it was the same copy?
07:12:30 PMGoodGuy Maybe I'll let him have it to sell
07:12:35 PMGoodGuy Yes
07:12:35 PMGWG ajamison5579: You can get one online
07:12:46 PMDennis_Kelley _Jot_ - Not a winner (of Prizes)
07:12:57 PMGoodGuy Papayrus Nascar 2003 was a PC game
07:13:04 PM_Jot_ Dennis_Kelley, even you can win
07:13:10 PMDennis_Kelley I can sweet
07:13:15 PMDennis_Kelley *Can't
07:13:24 PM_Jot_ Dennis_Kelley, you did cast your ballot, did you not?
07:13:25 PMajamison5579 gwg no NES game is really worth paying for an NES
07:13:31 PMGoodGuy I got a new copy at Staples a few years ago for $10 and they had two to sell
07:13:33 PMajamison5579 would rather sell the games and get the cash
07:13:36 PMGWG ajamison5579: Not even Mike Tyson's Punchout?
07:13:39 PMGWG I loved that game
07:14:02 PMGoodGuy The NES game was his from years ago
07:14:21 PMinvinciblemutant like the shirt...
07:14:38 PMGoodGuy Having the box made the NES game worth more
07:14:38 PMinvinciblemutant put the tweeting sound in the front jeans pockets
07:14:46 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, you grew hair, so obviously you have been patient
07:16:19 PM_Jot_ I want ErikaL to teach me, it sure sounds interesting
07:16:34 PMGoodGuy or flying down the hill
07:16:48 PM_Jot_ ErikaL, what if you love hamburger, is there something for that too?
07:17:06 PMajamison5579 ErikaL I can see a side effect of your teaching being that people are more hungry afterward
07:17:36 PMT0B33 Will it work on my tablets i wonder?
07:17:52 PMGoodGuy Getting old makes things different... nothing like meeting the colonoscopy nurse in a restaurant lol
07:18:14 PM_Jot_ GoodGuy, at least you'll have something to talk about
07:18:26 PMGoodGuy Or blush about lol
07:18:54 PMGoodGuy I had a Samsung Galaxy 2 10 in tablet and returned it... I didnt like it
07:19:27 PMfitty that is the new spelling
07:19:29 PMDennis_Kelley must be Canadian!
07:19:32 PMGuest_Mike_Schol Hello from Germany and I whish you a Happy New Year too ;-)
07:19:40 PMGoodGuy I was going to get a Google Nexus 7 instead.... No place to lay the Galaxy down in the living room
07:19:45 PM_Jot_ YRAE is short for Year of Robbie's Amazing Entertaining show
07:20:28 PMausrob Samsung Galaxy S3 3G/4G both work with the live feed from the mobile site :)
07:20:44 PMajamison5579 I sadly use Sprint and google said they will not make a CDMA version of any of the new Nexus devices
07:21:14 PMT0B33 I'll send in a pic of my tablet with cat5 on it sometime RobbieF and my second tablet :)
07:21:40 PMHank_ Happy New Yearr all!
07:22:08 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, in my profile it has a line sayings Social. But nothing is there. Does that mean I am not social, and in fact, anti-social?
07:22:17 PMajamison5579 I have like way more points then I thought
07:22:37 PMDennis_Kelley he is anti-social
07:22:38 PMajamison5579 _jot_ it means your Anti-Social
07:22:52 PM_Jot_ oh yeah? well, you guys stink!
07:23:02 PM_Jot_ :) not really I hope
07:23:15 PMDennis_Kelley you can smell me from all the way over there!!
07:23:23 PMErikaL ewww
07:23:51 PMDennis_Kelley well i live in michigan!
07:23:53 PM_Jot_ yeah! And in the profile, it shows the location on the map, so I know where!
07:24:34 PMDennis_Kelley wow!
07:24:37 PMjaepea lol
07:24:45 PMHank_ The Chipmunks! Love them!
07:24:51 PM_Jot_ that's a long way from The Netherlands, so I'm sorry for all the people in the states surrounding Michigan
07:25:00 PMrobgor didnt know u had chipmunks RobbieF
07:26:08 PMDennis_Kelley how do i start synaptic from command line?
07:26:09 PMajamison5579 Robbief wandering around aimlessly infront of the camera lol
07:26:21 PMDennis_Kelley he does that very often!
07:26:35 PM_Jot_ sounds like usual ajamison
07:27:15 PMDennis_Kelley not the giggles!
07:27:17 PMrobgor dennis_kelly sudo synaptic will do it from command line
07:27:21 PMGoodGuy sudo apt-get install xxxxx
07:27:24 PMRobbieF Someone must've released a cloud!
07:27:32 PMajamison5579 Did robbief put a picture of a cloud infront of her
07:27:34 PMfitty how many hard drives got used for the program
07:28:18 PMGoodGuy light a fire under RobbieF's rear literally
07:28:33 PM_Jot_ he was responsible for the placement so it's his own fault :)
07:28:39 PMajamison5579 You can tell they have been there to long when Robbief's sweater ignights
07:28:42 PMajamison5579 ignites
07:28:44 PMfitty Is there going to be a blooper reel that can be downloaded
07:29:12 PMGoodGuy lol
07:29:18 PM_Jot_ fitty, you can download the show after ti is done, just like all the older shows, so perhaps not by itsself, but yes, you can download it
07:29:29 PMGoodGuy Rachael seems fun to be around
07:29:54 PMDennis_Kelley that could be the name of the bloppers reel - 'Way back with Racheal Su'
07:29:58 PMtic-toc gimme
07:30:05 PMGoodGuy Xu
07:30:05 PMjaepea i cant stop laffig
07:30:08 PMDennis_Kelley sorry
07:30:30 PMGoodGuy Football player is Suh :-)
07:30:39 PMajamison5579 Robbief you should have made Rachel sing it in Maderian
07:30:55 PMajamison5579 I butchered that spelling
07:31:10 PM_Jot_ they don't celebrate Christmas there, so I doubt there are any Christmas songs in Mandarin
07:31:31 PM_Jot_ of course the stores are filled with Christmas things like everywhere, but it isn't really celebrated
07:32:58 PMT0B33 urgh LXDE Crashed on me and all i can see if my chat and i cant get run up to restart it -.-
07:33:04 PM_Jot_ I wonder if that involved sharks and laserbeams, those fines
07:33:34 PMT0B33 BINGO its alive!
07:36:46 PMGoodGuy Can two family members use it at the same time?
07:37:16 PMGoodGuy Samsung Galaxy actually is a remotre!
07:37:20 PMGoodGuy remote
07:37:34 PMT0B33 Two Tablets :D
07:37:38 PMajamison5579 I got a Samsung Galaxy Note 2
07:37:41 PMT0B33 Samsung Galaxy ACE
07:37:43 PMT0B33 New Laptop!
07:37:51 PMDennis_Kelley RobbieF - I got more Arduino stuff!
07:37:52 PMT0B33 New Ipod
07:37:55 PMinvinciblemutant i still cant get the airplay on android
07:38:03 PMrobgor I got my nephews a wii U
07:38:08 PMtic-toc I got a lump of coal
07:38:10 PMinvinciblemutant any idea how to use airplay on android?
07:38:22 PMrobgor cool very good
07:38:44 PMtic-toc yes i
07:39:11 PMDennis_Kelley yep
07:39:14 PMGoodGuy
07:39:48 PMGoodGuy That is for Erica
07:39:56 PMDennis_Kelley thanks
07:40:01 PMErikaL awesome i will cheack it out
07:41:37 PMrobgor very nice jot
07:42:07 PMGuest_hArrY finally... hey guys good evening and very Happy New Year for all!!
07:42:19 PMGuest_hArrY I was given my pc back...hahaha
07:42:24 PMT0B33 No haha
07:42:35 PMT0B33 7061! :D
07:42:48 PMGuest_hArrY RobbieF, it works well on my Cruz Tablet Android 2.3
07:44:24 PMGuest_hArrY sorry,,,the live show feed I refered too
07:44:35 PMRobbieF Thanks!
07:45:03 PMtic-toc The Christmas special was really good
07:45:15 PMT0B33 Thank you RobbieF and ErikaL :) and i don't do the L33T thing on purpose. Why would i do such a thing? ;) muhahahahahahahaha
07:45:26 PMajamison5579 ok
07:45:34 PMajamison5579 2.3
07:45:36 PMajamison5579 is old
07:45:38 PMajamison5579 android
07:45:59 PMGuest_hArrY RobbieF mine comes from Justin though
07:46:03 PMtic-toc root that dude
07:46:12 PMT0B33 ErikaL it always does hahah
07:46:20 PMDennis_Kelley Prizes!
07:46:37 PMinvinciblemutant enjoy the mp3 !!!
07:47:04 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, I donated, but not especially because of the music
07:47:16 PMinvinciblemutant no drawbot ?
07:47:37 PM_Jot_ drawbot failed, it said 'Jot wins' every time
07:47:45 PMGuest_hArrY could you send me the Mouse already,,please!!!hahaha
07:47:52 PM_Jot_ it was sick of itsself, and terminated itsself
07:47:58 PMinvinciblemutant all by just one winner?
07:48:11 PMtic-toc good thing that wasn't a small
07:48:24 PMDennis_Kelley Yes!
07:48:36 PMT0B33 ErikaL throwing Zorin OS on your laptop will be god if you want to stop people playing with your laptop because my brother demolishes computers if windows is installed. haha
07:48:38 PMjaepea i did
07:48:55 PMinvinciblemutant hello bro
07:48:57 PM_Jot_ I don't need luck! I'm a winner already!
07:49:07 PMDennis_Kelley Sweet
07:49:28 PM_Jot_ you know, all those names sound really familiar
07:49:37 PM_Jot_ I'm sure I saw them somewhere before, but where?
07:49:40 PMT0B33 Ah men i might have to go now :(
07:49:50 PMajamison5579 so if someone wins do they win everything
07:50:04 PMT0B33 Congratulations :)
07:50:58 PMT0B33 Congrats Biggie :)
07:51:22 PMT0B33 Congrats Troy!
07:51:26 PM_Jot_ congratulations winners :)
07:51:28 PMGuest_hArrY Congrats every body!!!
07:51:38 PMDennis_Kelley Congrats everyone who won!
07:51:40 PMGuest_hArrY I finally won something aoohoo
07:51:45 PMinvinciblemutant congratulations...happy new year
07:51:56 PMgpop7 congrats everyone
07:51:56 PMeyemeansit And thanks, RobbieF
07:52:03 PMgpop7 thank you
07:52:13 PMGuest_hArrY Thanks Ganag
07:52:17 PMGuest_hArrY Gang
07:52:44 PMrobgor congrats to the winners
07:52:52 PMinvinciblemutant lucky year ahead for the winners
07:53:04 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, there was no 'spaceship moving through space' sounds like on other TV shows!
07:53:10 PMgpop7 thanks robbief
07:53:17 PM_Jot_ while the prices where moving across the space of the screen :P
07:53:29 PMjaepea i neverwin boohoo
07:54:09 PM_Jot_ jaepea, you made it through the end of the world, isn't that a win?
07:54:09 PMrobgor has anyone here made a diy cnc machine?
07:54:46 PMjaepea yeah =]
07:55:07 PMrobgor I have steam on my linux box:)
07:55:08 PMausrob bye all have a good week
07:55:10 PM_Jot_ robgor, I'm sure since there's a lot of information about it online
07:55:27 PMGoodGuy is it out of beta robgor ?
07:55:41 PMausrob maybe robbieF should play with steam too since I now believe the beta is open to all
07:56:10 PMrobgor not sure but I have it running no hack involved so must be official version
07:56:35 PM_Jot_ GoodGuy, it is still in beta, but downloadable for everyone, so it's public beta now
07:56:40 PMDennis_Kelley You too RobbieF
07:56:49 PMGoodGuy cool thanks _Jot_
07:57:08 PMGoodGuy Not a gamer myself, but it should help Linux grow
07:57:18 PM_Jot_ GoodGuy,
07:57:30 PMT0B33 If you are watching category5 the internet is still here :)
07:57:31 PMGoodGuy Unless the Mayans had math errors
07:57:48 PMrobgor jot I have checked out info online just wanted to get peoples opinion an what hardware they use, Iam looking at getting a gecko g540 driver board
07:58:08 PMGoodGuy I thought I read some ppl committed suicide fearing the end
07:58:17 PMgpop7 where do you send the info
07:58:35 PMT0B33 urgh so many around here think a zombie apocalypse coming. I looked in the mirror this morning and realised its already happened :)
07:59:02 PMtic-toc No man knows the day or the hour
07:59:11 PM_Jot_ robgor, it mostly depends on what motors you want to use, a lot of smaller cnc's or ones that use finished things like dremels use arduinos, like the 3d-printers for example
07:59:14 PMGuest_hArrY guys the math guy for the Mayans got bored of writing numbers and then got sick and never finished the work!
07:59:14 PMGoodGuy Finding assault weapons for the end of world is difficult now
07:59:33 PMGoodGuy sales are going crazy
07:59:35 PMgpop7 wanted to make sure i had it right thanks.
07:59:42 PM_Jot_ robgor and with arduinos, you can use chips like the L293D, which isn't very powerful but works great
07:59:53 PMalket late again
08:00:29 PM_Jot_ ErikaL, at least you still have all your 7 fingers left on your hands
08:01:03 PMtic-toc bye
08:01:22 PMgpop7 May everyone have a great Year. Have a great week. Good show as always
08:01:31 PMErikaL good night every one great to be back
08:01:37 PMrobgor Jot I will be using it for aluminuim so need some with a bit of go
08:01:41 PMGoodGuy night ErikaL
08:01:47 PM_Jot_ ErikaL, always nice see you and have you back :) and do well on school
08:01:57 PMT0B33 Good night all. Great Show RobbieF and ErikaL as always xD
08:01:58 PMgpop7 Good night everyone.
08:02:18 PMjaepea cya all god bless
08:02:30 PM_Jot_ robgor, yeah, so in that case, try to find what other people already used, since you need a lot of power for that sort of thing
08:03:00 PMeyemeansit Good night all, and Happy New Year!
08:03:34 PMGuest_hArrY Gnight yall and happy new tear , again!haha or hohoho
08:03:45 PMErikaL yeah ill try in school :P
08:03:50 PMGuest_hArrY year I meant
08:04:05 PMrobgor jot yeah people say good things about the gecko boards, not sure what size motors to use though
08:04:21 PM_Jot_ robgor I found plans for a cnc for aluminium, but it's in Dutch, one person mentions he has a lot of trouble with the aluminium because drilling is difficult cause the drill tends to move around
08:04:29 PMrobgor great show RobbieF and ErikaL
08:05:04 PMrobgor Jot I have made the table and gantry from steel
08:07:10 PM_Jot_ robgor, it'll use stepping motors but they sell those too, so I'd buy some together
08:07:25 PMrobgor Jot I just reused a frame table that I had made for a car project I had, reduced the size down to 1600mm x 900mm which will be big enough
08:09:05 PM_Jot_ robgor, sounds great, and of course if you build it yourself, then you can always change things if you need
08:09:25 PMrobgor jot yeah
08:10:03 PM_Jot_ like for example, I took apart an all in one, and the scannerbed can be used to move small stuff, so instead of moving a drill everywhere, it only has to go in two directions, while the material moves under it
08:11:28 PMrobgor my friend has a roland milling machine that cost him $10,000 but only has a small work area of 300mm x 300mm x 100mm think
08:12:11 PMrobgor hopefully I can get all the parts for around $1,000
08:14:07 PM_Jot_ the controller and motors will be the most expensive, the ones they sell are pretty light but way under that so from that it should be possible
08:14:19 PMrobgor he's also got a 3d scanner which is really cool
08:14:51 PM_Jot_ yeah, I think it's amazing how people can create stuff like that
08:15:25 PMDennis_Kelley Night all! Have a great week!
08:15:37 PM_Jot_ you too Dennis_Kelley
08:16:12 PMrobgor yeah I ordered some supported rails of ebay was much cheaper than froma bearings supplier I tried, got 2 x 900mm rails with 4 bearings for $200 from the bearing supplier it would have been $400
08:16:21 PMRobbieF hope you all had fun!
08:16:34 PMrobgor great show RobbieF
08:16:41 PMRobbieF Cheers robgor
08:16:41 PM_Jot_ yes RobbieF, only sorry the show was not as long :)
08:16:52 PMRobbieF Ah; the glitches, yes... :(
08:17:26 PM_Jot_ you were just getting allt hat done first thing, so it wouldn't bother you when to do those the rest of the year
08:18:01 PM_Jot_ so totally on purpose, you didn't fool us RobbieF
08:18:13 PMRobbieF :)
08:39:21 PM_Jot_ by the way, thanks for the reply on my email RobbieF :)
08:39:59 PMRobbieF Thank YOU _Jot_
08:40:00 PMRobbieF :)
08:40:07 PMRobbieF but no problem re. the reply :)


Does Not Include Lurkers