06:58:03 PM | eyemeansit | Currently 73
06:58:12 PM | _Jot_ | hi eyemeansit, sounds nice and warm, here it's not so warm, we're having snow in many places of the country
06:58:20 PM | Drumstick | Sucks! I like cold weather
06:58:46 PM | eyemeansit | I miss the snow... Michigan native. Cold makes me happy.
06:58:48 PM | T0B33 | Drumstick , same :) hate summer , The wasps come after you -.-
06:58:55 PM | _Jot_ | RobbieF, austrian viewers almost every week I'm sure
06:59:15 PM | EricKidd | Hey, everybody...it's good to be back. I hope everyone's having a happy new year!
06:59:44 PM | Drumstick | Good to see you EricKidd
07:00:01 PM | eyemeansit | Welcome back, Eric!
07:00:03 PM | albertr | hey all
07:00:05 PM | Drumstick | Better hustle people!!!
07:00:17 PM | Garbee | RobbieF, Can we join in the chat during the show?
07:00:24 PM | Garbee | I'll be at my desk in a bit.
07:00:27 PM | _Jot_ | EricKidd, I hope so too! Here we had a hydro-failure for 11 hours in much of the city, due to a fire, and it'll be months before it'll be fixed completely
07:00:40 PM | ajamison5579 | I am still waiting for Robbief to introduce the cooking segment he has said he wanted to do if he had time
07:01:48 PM | _Jot_ | EricKidd, you can watch the episodes you missed back on www.category5.tv (so have fun watching)
07:02:07 PM | Garbee | RobbieF, Youtube is very blurry.
07:02:36 PM | ajamison5579 | Now I want to load it up in youtube just for the closed captions
07:02:37 PM | ajamison5579 | lol
07:02:45 PM | eyemeansit | Eric! The facial hair?
07:03:26 PM | robgor | as good as australia post
07:03:27 PM | invinciblemutant | hi everyone
07:03:34 PM | _Jot_ | RobbieF, canada post - so good, you'll want to ship things twice for the experience
07:03:35 PM | RobbieF | heya!
07:03:42 PM | chrisreich | People of Earth, Greetings.
07:03:55 PM | invinciblemutant | eric...clean face..
07:04:00 PM | invinciblemutant | :)
07:04:17 PM | T0B33 | Ah Windows Live Messenger... So many many memories :'(
07:04:26 PM | tic-toc | gimme
07:04:31 PM | invinciblemutant | bye bye live messenger
07:04:53 PM | eyemeansit | Firefox phones, Ubuntu phones. interesting.
07:05:23 PM | T0B33 | EricKidd you normally get the names wrong haha
07:05:26 PM | popey | \o/ Ubuntu phones ☺
07:06:05 PM | tic-toc | Ubuntu phones with unity... :(
07:06:06 PM | Garbee | popey, I'm just waiting for the Chrome team to announce their phone.
07:06:35 PM | Garbee | tic-toc, Unity is perfect for that display. Considering they can get the 1000+ bugs under control.
07:06:57 PM | tic-toc | Unity is never perfect for me...lol
07:07:35 PM | pyrosrock | hey guys can anyone see this?
07:07:43 PM | _Jot_ | Jot loves getting viewer points, so give me more RobbieF :P
07:07:47 PM | _Jot_ | yes pyrosrock, we can see that
07:07:59 PM | _Jot_ | pyrosrock, stop picking your nose!
07:08:59 PM | GoodGuy | RobbieF - Use Mailnull
07:09:01 PM | pyrosrock | ok cool good to know im finaly working
07:09:16 PM | GoodGuy | a store and forward service (free)
07:09:19 PM | _Jot_ | pyrosrock, we can see it, but nobody will accuse you of working
07:09:57 PM | tic-toc | Luke, I'm your web master
07:10:54 PM | invinciblemutant | how many people here keeps 2 email address for companies that uses our email for marketing?
07:11:09 PM | popey | tic-toc: unity on the phone is _very_ nice :)
07:11:17 PM | _Jot_ | I bet it would be quicker to ask who doesn't
07:11:24 PM | GoodGuy | I have several invinciblemutant
07:11:40 PM | GoodGuy | Everyone says they dont do that, but many do
07:11:56 PM | invinciblemutant | I concern me a lot when a mailinglist does not allow to opt out
07:12:04 PM | Garbee | What was Robbie's question to us?
07:12:20 PM | _Jot_ | no idea Garbee
07:12:22 PM | tic-toc | Like I said, Unity is never good for me. But on the phone it does make a better fit
07:12:23 PM | GoodGuy | or act as if they do, but ignore unsubscribe requests
07:12:51 PM | tic-toc | I just hate unity and always will
07:13:33 PM | pyrosrock | anyone know how to get the hangouts working in linux?
07:14:07 PM | tic-toc | Im using 12.04 in classic mode. Im more than pleased with it.
07:14:20 PM | King_Arthur | Just login to Google Plus
07:14:39 PM | scott_L | I switched to Linux Mint at the moment because I found Ubuntu not very stable over all
07:14:44 PM | pyrosrock | yeah but the plugin dont seem to work
07:15:00 PM | King_Arthur | pyrosrocks r u using Chromium?
07:15:05 PM | pyrosrock | no
07:15:13 PM | pyrosrock | is that better?
07:15:15 PM | King_Arthur | download chromium
07:15:32 PM | King_Arthur | it comes with gtalk etc
07:15:32 PM | pyrosrock | ok i have chromium just dont use it
07:16:23 PM | King_Arthur | then click here https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/116166939572467405742
07:16:35 PM | invinciblemutant | sorry, where does gerold come from...
07:16:37 PM | King_Arthur | that is Robbies communite
07:16:41 PM | invinciblemutant | ?
07:16:42 PM | GoodGuy | Austria
07:16:45 PM | EricKidd | Austria
07:17:14 PM | invinciblemutant | interesting accent...
07:17:19 PM | GoodGuy | Trouble is forums promise not to sell your email address and do anyway
07:17:28 PM | tic-toc | robbie's mic is weak
07:17:44 PM | tic-toc | or something
07:17:44 PM | EricKidd | Robbie is weak :)
07:17:52 PM | tic-toc | ouch
07:18:07 PM | invinciblemutant | yea...the guest's voice is louder
07:18:24 PM | scott_L | Noone is ever weak when living in Barrie. lol :)
07:18:32 PM | pyrosrock | hmm yeah chomium dont work either
07:18:39 PM | pyrosrock | probs need to reboot
07:18:40 PM | EricKidd | We're tough here in Barrie
07:18:52 PM | _Jot_ | even Barry?
07:18:57 PM | invinciblemutant | is there any possibility that the domain is blocked?
07:19:06 PM | invinciblemutant | the api is then blocked?
07:19:23 PM | invinciblemutant | it runs on webservice?
07:21:23 PM | pyrosrock | got it working on a difrent com though
07:21:32 PM | slipp3d | sounds like a great option
07:22:09 PM | invinciblemutant | what if someone uses a secondary email which is legit?
07:22:18 PM | GoodGuy | I have a couple questions for Gerold
07:22:32 PM | Garbee | http://cat5.tv/badmail
07:22:35 PM | invinciblemutant | instead of a disaposable email, dumpyard email?
07:22:40 PM | tic-toc | bad male or bad mail ?
07:22:48 PM | tic-toc | lol
07:23:08 PM | GoodGuy | If a user of your service sells email addresses, do you have a capability of billing them for breach of contract?
07:23:09 PM | _Jot_ | who is the bad male? RobbieF or EricKidd?
07:23:42 PM | GoodGuy | I use Yahoo email so I am not locked into an ISP
07:24:00 PM | albertr | @RobbiF - does Gerold's API use SPF and/or DKIM?
07:24:02 PM | slipp3d | RobbieF, is my vote :p
07:24:15 PM | GoodGuy | It will be a huge task to change to another email address from an ISP
07:24:45 PM | tic-toc | Isn't Yahoo the most hacked email service?
07:24:54 PM | EricKidd | cat5.tv/badmail
07:24:54 PM | GoodGuy | Don't know
07:25:03 PM | EricKidd | Robbie is the "bad male"!
07:25:10 PM | GoodGuy | If I use a Comcast email and hand it out, they own me
07:25:19 PM | _Jot_ | EricKidd, at least he provides the beer
07:25:26 PM | EricKidd | Shhh!
07:25:32 PM | GoodGuy | It is too much work changing email addresses to another ISP
07:25:40 PM | albertr | @RobbieF - does Gerold's API use SPF and/or DKIM?
07:27:12 PM | EricKidd | neither spf nor dkim
07:28:24 PM | GoodGuy | I asked a couple
07:28:24 PM | invinciblemutant | i am signing in...
07:28:39 PM | Garbee | I wonder if Robbie will be using arrays tonight...
07:29:06 PM | invinciblemutant | what will happen with usage exceeds quota
07:29:56 PM | invinciblemutant | ok...found the answer myself...response: fail_key_low_credits
07:30:33 PM | scott_L | I like the pricing, wish more services used this model.
07:30:54 PM | invinciblemutant | yea...cool stuff
07:31:50 PM | tic-toc | ouch, cut in half
07:31:54 PM | gpop7 | Sorry i am late but i am here. Hello everyone
07:32:09 PM | _Jot_ | hi gpop7
07:32:43 PM | gpop7 | hello Jot
07:32:53 PM | tic-toc | close enough
07:33:20 PM | Garbee | Time to some tacos... See yall later.
07:33:27 PM | gpop7 | hello tic toc
07:33:33 PM | tic-toc | hello
07:33:43 PM | pyrosrock | awesome!
07:33:50 PM | gpop7 | enjoy garbee
07:33:52 PM | Guest_2360 | nothing about Aaron Swartz
07:34:06 PM | _Jot_ | RobbieF, it is just the program that will stop working, the service will keep working, because the protocol is the same as in skype
07:34:17 PM | tic-toc | yeah, he's dead
07:34:27 PM | _Jot_ | RobbieF, so pigeon etc should keep working
07:34:28 PM | invinciblemutant | how about msn on yahoo, as yahoo and msn do cross talk
07:35:40 PM | _Jot_ | EricKidd, don't put Spock in the box to disguise the weight and take the phonesystem home, that's not nice
07:36:10 PM | scott_L | You meant $30/year?
07:36:29 PM | slipp3d | very cool
07:36:44 PM | tic-toc | can you get your number back when you leave them?
07:36:46 PM | _Jot_ | welcome to 2000, canada
07:36:47 PM | albertr | _Jot_ I think the name is Pidgin
07:37:08 PM | _Jot_ | albertr that should keep working too :P
07:37:24 PM | tic-toc | wow
07:37:28 PM | albertr | hope so :)
07:37:31 PM | Smittysmit | I live outside Detroit an hve a North Dakote Net Talk Duo (wired)#.
07:37:45 PM | scott_L | Wonder if service is better quality than Magic Jack plus
07:39:18 PM | tic-toc | hey, something good to watch...lol
07:39:28 PM | GoodGuy | Every Revision show host was there or close to it
07:39:48 PM | pyrosrock | RobbieF still got mics on!
07:39:53 PM | slipp3d | RobbieF, mics are on
07:40:03 PM | pyrosrock | EricKidd mics on!
07:40:40 PM | EricKidd | Fine! I'll shut up!
07:40:59 PM | _Jot_ | mics are only on on youtube :)
07:41:09 PM | EricKidd | metube?
07:41:12 PM | pyrosrock | lol ok
07:42:00 PM | _Jot_ | it's a whole website about you, EricKidd
07:42:21 PM | _Jot_ | RobbieF, yes, the audio is working on the video
07:43:27 PM | EricKidd | _Jot_, from where are you watching? Via youtube?
07:43:44 PM | _Jot_ | EricKidd, BSP, justin, and youtube
07:44:13 PM | Smittysmit | We're trying to sell the LG EZ-Sign TV at work.
07:44:21 PM | tic-toc | I like the girl in the red dress the best so far.
07:44:46 PM | EricKidd | Tic-toc made me chuckle! :)
07:44:46 PM | Smittysmit | Had one die after 4 months but a very cool product.
07:44:47 PM | _Jot_ | yeah, you can see tech stuff everywhere on the web, but girls, not so much
07:45:56 PM | invinciblemutant | RobbieF: are you sure that the block-disposable-email.com works?
07:45:57 PM | _Jot_ | RobbieF, where is the Category5.tv booth?
07:46:40 PM | invinciblemutant | i have these in the bulk tester
07:46:54 PM | invinciblemutant | 1) yahoo.com: OK (response from mirror3_amazon) 2) homelinux.com: OK (response from mirror2_chicago) 3) disposable.com: OK (response from mirror3_amazon) 4) temporarymail.com: OK (response from mirror2_chicago) 5) getairmail.com: OK (response from mirror3_amazon) 6) www.guerrillamail.com: OK (response from mirror2_chicago)
07:47:07 PM | invinciblemutant | what does it mean?
07:47:17 PM | invinciblemutant | guys, help?
07:47:57 PM | _Jot_ | invinciblemutant, it is possible nobody used those before, and then they are OK-ed the first time but then later checked manually and might be rejected from then on
07:48:42 PM | BDEA_Gerold | www.category5.tv/badmail does not seem to work.
07:49:08 PM | invinciblemutant | try this robbie:
07:49:10 PM | invinciblemutant | getairmail.com
07:49:19 PM | Garbee | That email is fine. (The one w/o a TLD)
07:49:36 PM | _Jot_ | RobbieF, it considers test@example.com good, that's not good?
07:49:36 PM | pyrosrock | BDEA_Gerold its cat5.tv/badmail
07:49:47 PM | BDEA_Gerold | OK, thanks.
07:49:54 PM | pyrosrock | np
07:50:00 PM | Garbee | _Jot_, It is actually a fine (and routable) email.
07:50:21 PM | _Jot_ | Garbee, yes, it is supposed to be used in examples, but it is not valid for user-purposes
07:50:47 PM | tic-toc | :)
07:51:17 PM | _Jot_ | RobbieF, your password '1234' has too few characters, use 123456 instead
07:51:35 PM | invinciblemutant | lol...does not make any difference
07:51:54 PM | invinciblemutant | shorter easy-to-guess password to the longer
07:52:06 PM | invinciblemutant | RobbieF: try bulk-tester
07:52:46 PM | ajamison5579 | BDEA_Gerold what happens if you use shared hosting your server IP may change can you still use your service
07:53:02 PM | tic-toc | I never like giving my email to another party...
07:53:23 PM | pyrosrock | quick everyone bomb robbies ip
07:53:29 PM | Guest_Harry | good evening guys,, I'm so mad ause a customer just got here at the last minute and lost all the show,,,but business is business
07:53:34 PM | scott_L | Good question ajamison
07:53:37 PM | tic-toc | crash party
07:53:47 PM | _Jot_ | hi Guest_Harry, at least a customer brings in some business
07:54:13 PM | _Jot_ | yay, now we can hack RobbieFs IP! It was so hack away :P
07:54:21 PM | scott_L | lol
07:54:24 PM | Garbee | _Jot_, I see no mention of test@example.com being reserved. http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3696
07:54:27 PM | Guest_Harry | hahahaha
07:54:45 PM | Garbee | The example domains are set aside for free usage, but that doesn't mean there is any routing restrictions.
07:54:54 PM | Guest_Harry | and pretty sure pw is admin
07:54:58 PM | Guest_Harry | or 123
07:55:12 PM | Garbee | If you read the spec, test@example.com *is* routable. It may even be set aside, but it is *still* a valid address.
07:55:14 PM | invinciblemutant | explode? split is used in most programming languages
07:55:33 PM | ajamison5579 | inviciblemutant php is more violent that way
07:55:37 PM | ajamison5579 | :)
07:56:04 PM | invinciblemutant | therefore php is 18+ PG
07:56:08 PM | _Jot_ | Garbee, they are valid email-addresses, but they are disposable as in BDEA_Gerold service is concerned
07:56:34 PM | Guest_Harry | what have I lost???
07:56:51 PM | pyrosrock | Guest_Harry everything
07:56:53 PM | _Jot_ | Guest_Harry, your innocence?
07:57:09 PM | Guest_Harry | hahahabesides that, what was the first part about?
07:57:29 PM | pyrosrock | Guest_Harry there was a thing about how to win a thing
07:57:41 PM | Guest_Harry | what eva!
07:57:43 PM | _Jot_ | there was an interview about the service you are watching now, and a video about CES from LEI electronics
07:57:57 PM | Guest_Harry | ok thanks
07:58:20 PM | ajamison5579 | inviciblemutant i think php has an implode command as well which does the reverse of explode
07:58:45 PM | Guest_Harry | gotta run Bye!!
07:58:53 PM | _Jot_ | there was also something about Guest_Harry winning his weight in gold, if only he was there but he wasn't so he was disqualified, or maybe not, who knows
07:58:58 PM | _Jot_ | darn!
07:59:01 PM | pyrosrock | quick RobbieF EricKidd time is running out
07:59:54 PM | tic-toc | Do we get overtime pay for this?
07:59:56 PM | robgor | erickidd dont argue you will get paid overtime
08:00:01 PM | invinciblemutant | try a bad mail !!!
08:00:06 PM | _Jot_ | we better get paid in extra beer!
08:00:39 PM | EricKidd | $0.00/hr at time-and-a-half?
08:00:52 PM | _Jot_ | that's your pay EricKidd, not ours!
08:01:27 PM | _Jot_ | because of your pay, we were able to negotiate some extra for us
08:02:00 PM | scott_L | lol
08:02:18 PM | _Jot_ | it's working because we're getting extra show today :)
08:02:20 PM | EricKidd | I'm glad I could help you out
08:02:35 PM | _Jot_ | we're glad you're there EricKidd, it would be a whole different show without you
08:03:11 PM | tic-toc | impressive
08:04:34 PM | tic-toc | good show.
08:04:34 PM | albertr | thanks for show ;^)
08:04:47 PM | scott_L | Thank you guys. :)
08:04:49 PM | invinciblemutant | good show...like the hacking show today...
08:04:59 PM | Drumstick | Bye all!
08:05:01 PM | invinciblemutant | thumb up to the hosts
08:05:13 PM | _Jot_ | see you Drumstick
08:05:13 PM | gpop7 | Goodnight everyone.
08:05:18 PM | _Jot_ | goodnight gpop7
08:05:32 PM | tic-toc | c ya
08:05:32 PM | EricKidd | g'night! That was fun! :)
08:05:48 PM | gpop7 | great show Robbief and EricKidd
08:06:11 PM | gpop7 | UNtil we meet again
08:06:24 PM | gpop7 | Until we meet again
08:06:59 PM | Garbee | RobbieF, Youtube live quality with hangout was poor as far as the main video for it was concerned.
08:07:16 PM | _Jot_ | it's a lot better now after the show
08:07:17 PM | invinciblemutant | i just found out the reason why it didnt work
08:07:26 PM | invinciblemutant | see this in http request...
08:07:39 PM | _Jot_ | it was really lousy and blurry RobbieF
08:07:42 PM | Garbee | It got better as the show went on.
08:07:50 PM | Garbee | But, was pretty poor for at least 30 minutes.
08:07:59 PM | invinciblemutant | {"request_status":"fail_key_low_credits","domain_status":"ok","version":"0.1","servertime":"2013-01-16 2:07:51","server_id":"setzling"}
08:08:18 PM | invinciblemutant | fail_key_low_credits ....urgggg...
08:08:36 PM | invinciblemutant | lol
08:08:50 PM | invinciblemutant | and then domain status:OK
08:08:55 PM | _Jot_ | invinciblemutant, psst, just go to http://www.category5.tv/tmp/badmail/
08:09:12 PM | eyemeansit | this entire show, as well as last week's went RIGHT over my head. Not a web hacker. Oh well. Y'all are fun to listen to anyway
08:09:24 PM | eyemeansit | or web master
08:09:31 PM | invinciblemutant | yea...the best show ever....
08:10:15 PM | _Jot_ | RobbieF, I'll win anyway, just give those unclaimed prizes to me, you know you want to anyway
08:11:26 PM | robgor | great show RobbieF & EricKidd
08:12:19 PM | _Jot_ | RobbieF, you can do something as the owner to prevent people from coming in, not sure what though
08:13:52 PM | _Jot_ | EricKidd, of course it does depend on which side you are on as well, if you're on the same side as the dog, it wants to get out, and if you're on the other side, it just wants to be with you
08:14:28 PM | _Jot_ | Garbee, because of privacy?
08:18:42 PM | _Jot_ | no RobbieF, google is not in 3D
08:21:10 PM | Garbee | Robbie, I already knew nothing happens after the show.
08:21:11 PM | _Jot_ | RobbieF, with the way some mis-pronounce the questions, you do need the extra time as well
08:22:31 PM | Garbee | RobbieF, Did you see my Sublime Text demonstration?
08:23:00 PM | _Jot_ | Garbee, it did show on the bottom but I wasn't really watching
08:23:26 PM | Garbee | I know it went there. I was just wondering if he happened to catch it.
08:23:32 PM | invinciblemutant | ok..guys...gonna go
08:23:41 PM | _Jot_ | have a great week invinciblemutant
08:23:43 PM | Garbee | I was showing off some of the cool things, like snippets and go to anything within projects.
08:23:43 PM | invinciblemutant | cya ...
08:24:04 PM | Garbee | My dogs kept going nuts, so I was muted almost the whole time.
08:24:31 PM | _Jot_ | it was interesting to hear you Garbee
08:24:48 PM | Garbee | For what the two seconds I said something?
08:25:06 PM | Garbee | Pop into one of the Webplatform Telcons, I can talk quite a bit there sometimes.
08:25:11 PM | Garbee | Like I will be next week. :/
08:25:45 PM | _Jot_ | I think it's always interesting to see and hear the viewers, because of the community-thing, not sure what RobbieF and EricKidd think of course
08:26:00 PM | RobbieF | Thank you all!
08:26:12 PM | RobbieF | sorry; was hard to keep up with G+, YouTube, Chat Room, etc.
08:26:14 PM | RobbieF | :)
08:26:26 PM | _Jot_ | RobbieF, are you saying you are getting odl?
08:26:29 PM | _Jot_ | old even?
08:28:28 PM | Garbee | I'm off for the night.
08:28:33 PM | Garbee | Hanging out so much was exausting.
08:28:42 PM | _Jot_ | have a good night Garbee, good luck with the dogs
08:28:51 PM | Garbee | heh, the dogs are fine.
08:28:59 PM | Garbee | spoiled mutts.
08:29:08 PM | _Jot_ | exactly :)
08:29:11 PM | EricKidd | woof!
08:35:51 PM | _Jot_ | sounds like you're trying some of the hair of the dog that bit you in that bottle, EricKidd
08:49:13 PM | _Jot_ | Don't forget to drink your beer RobbieF
08:51:37 PM | RobbieF | I'll remember.
08:51:56 PM | RobbieF | I mean, I'll remember TO drink my beer. I might not remember HAVING drunk my beer.
08:52:00 PM | _Jot_ | it was getting warm and you were sitting like that for a good 5 minutes, so I figured you needed a remember
08:53:09 PM | _Jot_ | the good thing is, if you forget having drunk your beer, there's always more beer to be drunk in case you're not sure you needed some or not
08:59:36 PM | RobbieF | perfect
09:00:07 PM | _Jot_ | of course, you still need somebody to buy or make the beer, but that's a whole different problem
09:11:59 PM | _Jot_ | what video is that RobbieF?
09:15:23 PM | robgor | bugga Iam going to miss the live show next week :(
09:16:21 PM | _Jot_ | robgor, at least you'll be able to watch it later
09:16:38 PM | _Jot_ | nothing worse than missing something knowing you won't be able to watch it another time
09:17:45 PM | robgor | yeah will be at hospital having tests and doubt I will be back in time :(
09:19:23 PM | _Jot_ | let's hope everything will be okay
09:20:51 PM | robgor | yeah its for an eco cardigraph, basically a test to check my heart
09:21:05 PM | _Jot_ | good news, you do have one and it's working
09:21:33 PM | robgor | I have one but not working properly :(
09:22:07 PM | _Jot_ | then at least you know about that, so hopefully can do something, and hopefully the tests will help
09:23:56 PM | robgor | yeah going to have surgery but at this stage not sure when, which makes it worse
09:24:35 PM | _Jot_ | I'm sure we're all rooting for you, even EricKidd