Chat Logs for Episode 280 — #Category5 on /


With 88 Posts:_Jot_
With 34 Posts:RobbieF
With 34 Posts:GoodGuy
With 24 Posts:robgor
With 24 Posts:tic-toc

Chat Logs:

06:58:11 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, I need chocolate. Send me chocolate. Don't act like you don't want to!
06:58:20 PMScott_L lol
06:59:25 PMRobbieF Hi everyone!
06:59:28 PMScott_L Hi
06:59:29 PM_Jot_ hi agamotto
06:59:34 PM_Jot_ oh hey RobbieF, nice of you to join us
06:59:48 PM_Jot_ SwissAndi, that's what I want to know
07:00:00 PMDennis_Kelley Hello RobbieF
07:00:03 PMScott_L Where is the chocolate, lol :)
07:00:04 PMSwissAndi :)
07:00:19 PMDennis_Kelley Game On!
07:00:23 PMeyemeansit Hi RobbieF & Hillary & all!
07:00:28 PM_Jot_ welcome tot he show everybody, Hillary and RobbieF
07:01:01 PM_Jot_ Hillary, we heard everything, even that... well, you know, that
07:01:26 PMajamison5579 Agamotto at least its not 22k (Kelvin)
07:01:36 PMagamotto ajamison5579, true, true
07:01:57 PMElmer_ Here we go!
07:02:11 PMDennis_Kelley I am New!
07:02:23 PMSwissAndi steamy
07:02:30 PMtic-toc :(
07:02:30 PMjaepea hi all
07:02:36 PM_Jot_ hi jaepea
07:02:58 PMpyrosrock or just get steam yourself
07:03:13 PMajamison5579 robbief does it meow when it rings
07:03:20 PMtic-toc da da da da da da da da ---catphone
07:04:02 PMeyemeansit Hello, New2Linux! Welcome!
07:04:18 PMinvinciblemutant hi
07:04:31 PMNew2Linux hi everyone
07:04:36 PMSteve[work] dun Dun DUNNNNNN
07:04:36 PM_Jot_ hi people!
07:04:39 PMtic-toc Have you seen the phone? ---- here kitty kitty
07:04:43 PMSwissAndi =^.^=
07:04:46 PMSteve[work] llol
07:05:12 PM_Jot_ I don't have a phone, but every time I ring my number, the dog rings. Unfortunatly, I don't own a dog, so what's up with that?
07:05:18 PMrats_ Hello All
07:05:22 PMwwwer hi
07:05:32 PM_Jot_ hi people!
07:05:33 PMagamotto _Jot_, Shizophrenia?
07:05:47 PM_Jot_ agamotto, I don't think so
07:05:49 PMSwissAndi lol@_Jot_
07:05:53 PM_Jot_ agamotto I think that might be it
07:06:23 PMwwwer did robbie fire up the backup systems and the emergency systems to hot standby
07:06:48 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, I have no time to call, I am watching the amazing show, and I'm busy in it's chatroom!
07:07:21 PMajamison5579 I do not want to get Carpal Tunnel from using the Pen
07:07:23 PMSteve[work] about a long running phishing attack. snail mail
07:07:24 PMpyrosrock i just cant afford to leave the com to go up and get the phone i might miss something
07:08:11 PMagamotto Yes... Category 1 exploded in a tragic IP accident, Categories 2 and 3 were destroyed by terrorist FTP attacks. Category 4 disappeared 24 hours before going online. This is the story of the last Category, Category 5. /cue music
07:08:14 PMinvinciblemutant live
07:08:15 PMinvinciblemutant ?
07:08:23 PMinvinciblemutant live stream?
07:08:29 PMrobgor hi RobbieF, Hillary and everyone else
07:08:33 PMElmer_Fishpaw love cat5 on roku
07:08:34 PMSteve[work] invinciblemutant: link on the site
07:08:37 PM_Jot_ hi robgor
07:08:48 PMrobgor hey jot
07:08:53 PM_Jot_ that pin is me over there!
07:09:18 PMtic-toc Thats me at the north pole...
07:09:19 PMElmer_Fishpaw I saw one on the ocean between scotland and Iceland...faeroe islands?
07:09:19 PMagamotto Find Cuba, go south east
07:09:42 PMGoodGuy I was going to say DR shared an island with Haiti
07:10:22 PM_Jot_ Hillary, it was sad when that animal came out of it's shell and pinched your ear, but otherwise everything was fine I'm sure
07:10:31 PMjaepea blip seems better than justin
07:10:37 PMtic-toc adventure girl strikes again
07:10:38 PMagamotto _Jot_, That was just the babelfish
07:10:48 PMDennis_Kelley Fail!
07:11:21 PMGoodGuy I can't find a postcard for my area
07:11:23 PM_Jot_ Hillary's postcard wouldn't count anyway, since she's part of the show already, I guess that also means a part of the DR is already in the show too, even if it isn't a postcard
07:11:37 PMagamotto GoodGuy, Local rap sheet will do
07:12:26 PMGoodGuy I am law abiding, so no rap sheet.. don't even care for rap music :-)
07:12:46 PMtic-toc lets rap this up
07:12:46 PMSwissAndi word
07:12:55 PMdnls hey i did that a while back but had to install the Ubuntu font patched debs.
07:13:02 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, you talked about it in show 280
07:13:06 PMGoodGuy Wheezy
07:13:15 PMpyrosrock glad im not the only one that has trouble with the search on
07:13:29 PMdnls yeah, just get Wheezy beta installer iso.
07:13:30 PMSteve[work] FC18 + Cinnamon, thanks
07:13:31 PMagamotto What did Garbee do, go out and get a life? chuckle
07:14:17 PMElmer_Fishpaw ez tether?
07:14:21 PMagamotto That depends on your carrier and what country you live in
07:14:21 PM_Jot_ I wouldn't be suprised, I always suspected Garbee to have a life. Of course I hope it isn't something serious keeping him away
07:14:28 PMtic-toc phone/service/plan
07:15:06 PMagamotto It was much easier to tether back in the days of 2G
07:15:18 PMSteve[work] I use BT tethering on android
07:15:33 PMpyrosrock i think the question was the other way round
07:15:48 PMSteve[work] not at all
07:15:57 PMGoodGuy I bought a USB wireless adapter for $10 iirc
07:16:00 PMtic-toc If he does it usb his cell provider will be able to detect tethering
07:16:03 PMdnls no problem with usb cable on droid x.
07:16:08 PMGoodGuy Trendnet with an antenna
07:16:14 PMZythaera If you tether your mobile phone make sure you have at leat 5GB data.
07:16:31 PMZythaera I ended up paying an extra 100$.
07:16:32 PMdnls don't worry about it, $650 beans just pay it :)
07:16:35 PMGoodGuy worked on my wifes 10.04 lts Ubuntu out of the box
07:17:17 PMtic-toc back door access in everything anymore
07:17:36 PMGoodGuy USA, Canada, etc has the ability to record every call, fax, email etc
07:17:47 PMagamotto Which is a good argument for the ability to encrypt everything
07:18:00 PMGoodGuy It was called Carnivore.. may have a new name now
07:18:13 PMtic-toc The NSA knows all and see's all
07:18:34 PMGoodGuy Think it was for USA, Canad, UK, Australia, New Zealand and one more
07:18:45 PMdnls endsay ecretsay essagesmay inway igpay atinlay
07:18:49 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, so be careful what you say, we know who you are and where you live!
07:19:07 PMGoodGuy I watched a show on how they tracked down Pablo Escobar
07:19:35 PMtic-toc embedded trigger words
07:19:38 PMSwissAndi big brother machine - shudder
07:19:46 PMpyrosrock i have seen 1 ep and from what i saw it was good
07:19:50 PMdnls just post everything public so people can find links to your blog :o|
07:19:56 PMGoodGuy CIA and Delta Force flew a small plane and had voice recognition to detect his voice out of every call in Columbia
07:20:25 PMGoodGuy He still escaped numerous times with help from informers
07:20:28 PMdnls blackberry pretty secure, but i prefer this android.
07:20:32 PMScott_L I stopped using Skype when Microsoft aquired it myself
07:20:32 PM_Jot_ Hillary, don't worry, you look very pretty so you have nothing to worry about :)
07:20:40 PMSwissAndi i'm watching you!
07:20:49 PMpyrosrock same Scott_L
07:21:32 PM_Jot_ I always thought it was ey eme ans it
07:21:53 PMDennis_Kelley I am using unraid
07:22:30 PMagamotto An array, or a matrix?
07:23:28 PMDennis_Kelley Wow!
07:23:32 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, 5.0 is coming close to a release now, RC11 was just released of it
07:23:45 PMSteve[work] yay, go ESXi crashing yet again >.<
07:24:43 PMdnls ? What type of network connection does cat5 have T ?
07:25:18 PM_Jot_ dnls, I think a type of DSL
07:25:42 PMbull422 @robbie I recently upgraded to Lubuntu 12.10. The installation instructions said I needed a Computer with PAE, What is this?
07:25:49 PMdnls _Jot_, dat all?
07:26:04 PM_Jot_ dnls, Robbie only has to stream one stream to justin, google, etc, so it doesn't require much
07:26:17 PMajamison5579 PAE = Physical Address Extention
07:26:32 PMajamison5579 it lets you use more then 4gb of ram in a 32bit environment
07:26:52 PMajamison5579 by some complicated round about way of tricking the hardware
07:26:56 PM_Jot_ dnls, there was a tryout with glassfiber, but they didn't deliver any speed like promised, just 'yeah, that's what will be possible at a future time', so he went back to dsl
07:27:39 PMbull422 Thanks for the info
07:28:02 PMDennis_Kelley RobbieF - Do you have time someday to show how to do the fstab file to do that?
07:28:06 PMajamison5579 if you bought the computer after 2000 it supports PAE
07:28:16 PMajamison5579 most likely
07:28:26 PM_Jot_ on some computers it may have to be enabled in the bios
07:28:32 PM_Jot_ the PAE
07:28:35 PMeyemeansit Thanks for the answers!
07:30:26 PMagamotto Anything that could access your sensors would most likely have rooted your device anyway
07:31:34 PMtic-toc sweet
07:31:45 PMSwissAndi whooo, a Hillary PEZ
07:31:51 PMtic-toc make it so
07:32:13 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, does it sell already in the category5 shop, or will I have to wait untill tomorrow?
07:34:18 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, they tried your head, but it kept popping out funny coloured easter eggs instead
07:35:07 PMdnls There is a conspiracy to kill Java.
07:35:13 PMagamotto Just for grins, Robbie should set up
07:35:18 PM_Jot_ dnls, it's called Oracle
07:35:38 PMGoodGuy
07:35:58 PMGoodGuy That is the electronic intercept program
07:36:07 PMZythnix If i could get a PEZ of every Cat5 crew member, I would be ecstatic.
07:36:22 PMGoodGuy what is a PEZ?
07:36:29 PM_Jot_ hey Dennis_Kelley, you're cheap! But 20% off how much?
07:36:32 PMDennis_Kelley I did not buy though! My fail!
07:36:33 PMGoodGuy Pictures are on the Cat5 site
07:36:48 PMagamotto GoodGuy, Cartoonish tic tacs
07:37:16 PMGoodGuy Thanks.. never heard of them.. Rachael Xu may do that
07:37:48 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, Alice already contacted you if things went okay, so no need to mention them
07:37:52 PMDennis_Kelley i'll take them!
07:38:06 PMSwissAndi :)
07:38:21 PMtic-toc I never win anything so I don't have to worry about it......
07:38:59 PM_Jot_ tic-toc, a lot of people won that show, but not me, so suddenly everybody really could win
07:39:35 PMajamison5579 Robbief maybe you can post a list of users that have not claimed their prizes
07:39:41 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, they only work if you plug them in and recharge the batteries though, you might want to remember that sometime
07:39:54 PMajamison5579 to help them realize they did not submit their info
07:40:55 PMajamison5579 Nod32 is nice but omg does it screw with your internet connections even after telling it to allow programs to connect it still blocks them
07:40:59 PMajamison5579 so i had to remove it
07:41:16 PMtic-toc i use trend micro on my windows machines
07:41:40 PMagamotto norovirus? hehehe
07:41:44 PMGoodGuy How do you like it tic-toc ?
07:41:58 PMtic-toc Its great..
07:42:06 PMGoodGuy RobbieF - I saw a guy bring that in to Micro Center
07:42:07 PMajamison5579 FBI in Canada? that should have been your first clue
07:42:11 PMdnls none of the anti virus software i have used over the past 18 yrs has ever found but 1 virus and it was on a floppy disk.
07:42:15 PMtic-toc I suggest it to everyone
07:42:17 PMajamison5579 they have no juristiction in Canada
07:42:17 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, they do have that kind of thing here too, but not the FBI, but the local audio/video-right corporations, and also one that claims to be from the police
07:42:28 PMZythnix AVG hasn't let me down yet.
07:42:37 PM_Jot_ Personally I have this thing called Category5 that takes over my computer once a week, like clockwork
07:42:42 PMGoodGuy Britec on Youtube has some good videos on removing that
07:43:02 PMZythnix @_Jot_ Yeah.
07:43:31 PMjaepea i dont use java
07:43:49 PMZythnix whats Java?
07:43:56 PMZythnix =.=
07:44:16 PMGoodGuy Format hard drive and NOD is gone
07:44:16 PMrobgor or the one where someone rings from microsoft offering to fix your computer lol
07:44:26 PMdnls jaepea, most people don't need it but in manufacturing environment all their interfaces use java custom build java apps.
07:44:32 PMNew2Linux Does Linux have System Restore?
07:44:49 PMajamison5579 New2Linux not in the sense that Windows does
07:45:05 PMajamison5579 its a bit more complicated unless you have a good UI front end
07:45:11 PMGoodGuy Regular backups do that New2Linux
07:45:14 PM_Jot_ Java is a virtual environment that is/was used by a lot of business applications, and a lot of websites, not on websites so much anymore after flash became more popular
07:45:46 PMScott_L Java is still a standard for mobile applications
07:46:03 PMGoodGuy Hillary - cellphones allow that if GPS is on
07:46:21 PM_Jot_ yes, I forgot about that Scott_L, but that will end soon too because of Android
07:46:45 PMrobgor RobbieF anything like that on linux
07:46:50 PMdnls don't need anti virus.
07:47:01 PMGoodGuy Terrorists were getting missles droppewd on them via tracking
07:47:12 PM_Jot_ Hillary, you might want to take it to the Bald Nerd (who is sitting next to you) and see if he can fix it (with a hammer)
07:47:16 PMScott_L Same here, have not used any ant-virus for years
07:47:19 PMZythnix If you want a Laptop with Ubuntu on it, get one from
07:47:20 PMtic-toc what did you get?
07:47:49 PMSteve[work] there is no need for AV on linux, but it is worth running something like rkhunter from time to time on a Linux box
07:47:52 PMGoodGuy Hillary has more money than .... I wont say it lol
07:47:52 PMrobgor hillary put linux on it
07:47:54 PMtic-toc I hear those something somethings are fast
07:48:37 PMGoodGuy hard drives are replacable
07:48:37 PMjaepea i hope when steam comes out of bata it runs more games
07:48:44 PMajamison5579 just throw a different drive in the laptop and see if it boots
07:48:49 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, you need a hammer to fix it. A big one.
07:49:08 PMGoodGuy She doesnt want to remember :-)
07:49:54 PMtic-toc poor laptop
07:50:05 PMtic-toc oops
07:50:14 PMSteve[work] never assume, just dd the drive off ;)
07:50:15 PMZythnix Thats because Windows is awful... Linux rules!
07:50:15 PMajamison5579 Windows is built on the libraries of its predicesors so it slows it down in an effort to maintain backwards compatibility
07:50:17 PM_Jot_ Robbief, she's thinking at least, that's an improvement
07:50:24 PMSwissAndi episode 282: the 'save hillary's notebook' show
07:50:27 PMtic-toc sweet
07:50:34 PMGoodGuy lol _Jot_
07:51:05 PMScott_L Geep does that here in Barrie
07:51:13 PMSteve[work] lulz!
07:51:16 PMGoodGuy Replace hard drive first or use a spare
07:52:09 PMSteve[work] GoodGuy: exactly
07:52:10 PMtic-toc What web sites are you going to?
07:52:15 PMajamison5579 Acer + Laptop = Blah
07:52:19 PM_Jot_ Hillary, we love you, don't worry
07:52:24 PMajamison5579 Acer + Monitor = Decent
07:52:26 PMrobgor you also need to be carefull with windows when reinstalling I have had it say that it cant active windows :(
07:53:09 PMajamison5579 he wants you to help him setup a Teamspeak voice server
07:55:13 PMGoodGuy MS TT Fonts
07:55:21 PMdnls Debian no longer needs multimedia repos for most people.
07:56:13 PM_Jot_ I want PerfectBuntu it to make coffee, and fix Hillarys laptop every time it breaks
07:56:38 PMGoodGuy Maybe just tear out the pieces the user wants if they can read BASH scripts
07:56:40 PMpyrosrock i want it to bring back wobbly windows
07:56:57 PMNew2Linux Thanks guys for a great show:)
07:57:00 PMGoodGuy Raspberry Pi had a coffee maker forum post
07:58:08 PMZythnix I've been looking for an alternative to MS Project. Thanks!
07:58:21 PM_Jot_ Hillary, I just make it up as I go along, just trying to add something fun for you too since you add so much joy to our lives as well
07:58:53 PMScott_L Thank you for the great show
07:58:56 PMbull422 Great Show
07:58:57 PMtic-toc good show
07:59:05 PMSwissAndi merci for the show :)
07:59:07 PMagamotto What is first run?
07:59:16 PMdnls Tue Jan 29 19:59:07 EST 2013
07:59:18 PMrats_ TY for the Great Show
07:59:28 PMrobgor great show robbieF hillary
07:59:28 PM__JimBobMedia__ Another GREAT Show !!!!!
07:59:31 PMDennis_Kelley I am here!
07:59:34 PMdnls 73*F in Georgia USA, take care.
07:59:36 PMrats_ YW
07:59:50 PMScott_L +1 in Barrie Canada
08:00:00 PMScott_L +1C
08:00:28 PM_Jot_ pez dispensers for the win
08:00:36 PMSwissAndi :D
08:01:01 PM_Jot_ the material in 3d printers is very expensive too often, depending on what 3d printer you have
08:01:34 PM_Jot_ I don't think anybody else came today RobbieF
08:01:38 PM_Jot_ on the hangout
08:01:44 PMHillary Thanks for the memories, ya'll. Peace out, a town down.
08:01:51 PM_Jot_ I'm sure Heather took some pictures RobbieF?
08:02:14 PM_Jot_ bye bye godzillaHillary, have a great week
08:02:44 PM_Jot_ don't forget to mow down some trees on the slopes Hillary
08:03:07 PMagamotto Well, I must go hang out with my dog tonight...
08:04:38 PMScott_L Goodnight all, have a nice week
08:04:48 PM_Jot_ you too Scott_L
08:05:46 PMScott_L Thanks _Jot_
08:05:57 PMGoodGuy night all
08:06:05 PMrats_ ty7 Scott_L same 2u
08:08:39 PMrats_ have a good week everyone and again TY for the Great Show
08:08:47 PM_Jot_ you too rats_!
08:11:03 PMrd_blair RobbieF I sent an email to my claim my prize did you see it? Only asking because you spoke about unclaimed prizes on the show.
08:11:52 PMRobbieF rd_blair; let me verify--one second please.
08:12:12 PM_Jot_ *plays annoying waiting-telephone-elevator music*
08:12:53 PM_Jot_ I read a long and fruitfull live with at least 3 children in tht hand, RobbieF
08:13:20 PMRobbieF yep; good stuff rd_blair. Shipment is going out very soon.
08:13:33 PMrd_blair Thanks
08:17:44 PMeyemeansit Goodnight, all, and thanks again, RobbieF for the time and attention you gave to my question. Will be setting up that unRAID server soon, I hope.
08:19:03 PM_Jot_ I just messed up my unraid server by the way, because I changed something in the startup-menu, but putting that back fixed it so it was no big deal, but annoying cause I had to actually take the USB stick to another computer, boy does unraid make me lazy
08:19:32 PMRobbieF hehe
08:19:33 PMRobbieF it just works
08:19:41 PMRobbieF any time I messed it up, it was easily fixed
08:20:28 PM_Jot_ yep! oh and I changed the menu because the latest version has a setting to use only 4GB memory, and I wanted to try that without having to attach a monitor, but I probably copy/pasted wrong
08:22:50 PM_Jot_ I think it's a bit sad that Hillary keeps breaking laptops and is too shy or emberassed to get it fixed, I mean, it can't be cause she does't know anybody who could look at it
08:23:51 PMrobgor cant wait till tonight so I can watch the show, live stream keeps cutting out over this hopeless wifi :(
08:24:42 PM_Jot_ that's too bad robgor, not sure if it helps but have you tried which works on many things too? and there's justin and ustream I think that have different qualities
08:24:45 PMRobbieF robgor, it's up on YouTube already if you don't mind it being terrible quality :)
08:24:59 PMRobbieF otherwise, it'll be up in about 1.5 hours
08:25:55 PM_Jot_ it even features the 20 minutes pre-show-thing so pretty much every second
08:25:59 PM_Jot_ at least, it does for me
08:26:00 PMrobgor jot havnt and dont think it will work, trying to watch it on ipod touch in a tin shed, tin shed is the problem on get 2 bars if Iam lucky
08:26:39 PM_Jot_ sorry you have to watch from a shed robgor, maybe one day you'll be allowed to watch in the house again where it has heating and whatnot
08:26:50 PMrobgor oh RobbieF will just wait till I get home and watch it
08:28:03 PMrobgor lol jot Iam at work, the tin shed has been converted to a workshop. If I was at home it will be no problem
08:28:38 PMrobgor and dont need heating atm jot summer here now
08:29:12 PM_Jot_ they should make a category5 tv watching hour at work every tuesday/wednesday I think
08:29:28 PMrobgor need aircon more, not today is nice day only going to be 26c so not to hot :)
08:29:31 PM_Jot_ it would improve moods and knowledge everywhere
08:29:44 PM_Jot_ 26c can be nice especially if it's a bit dry heat
08:30:37 PMrobgor yeah jot that why I use the ipod at work, cant watch videos etc and still work
08:30:50 PM_Jot_ today at the official measuring site we have the hottest day and night ever, of all the 29/30th of januaries there have been since measuring started, but here it was about 5c today where I am
08:31:37 PM_Jot_ not sure if there is an audio-only stream, but there is the mp3 file posted I think, that is a lot smaller as well
08:32:00 PM_Jot_ not right now of course, but later :)
08:32:03 PMrobgor well it generally doesnt get bellow 10c here during the day
08:32:40 PM_Jot_ pretty cold for you I know :)
08:34:05 PMrobgor yeah a relo called the other day from poland was -5c
08:34:35 PM_Jot_ yep :) like I said it's warm here hehe
08:34:57 PM_Jot_ I mean, compared to poland, we had those temperatures a few days ago too with snow and such
08:38:46 PM_Jot_ I wonder what it's like in Canada
08:39:02 PM_Jot_ I think it must be pretty cold, even indoors, since RobbieF always wears his earmuffs
08:41:18 PMRobbieF :)
08:51:42 PMRobbieF Hahaha
08:52:07 PM_Jot_ well, it isn't a rickroll
08:55:59 PM_Jot_ not sure, you only live once, so it's good to spend that with loved ones, but the way the people who followed advice within that video, they will die from stress, it looks like
08:56:08 PMRobbieF :) You know these guys right?
08:57:13 PMRobbieF How was the show tonight? Everything go okay?
08:57:20 PM_Jot_ I don't recognize them, because of the sunglasses I think
08:57:28 PMRobbieF I had had a really rough day, and had hoped I could pull myself together.
08:57:32 PM_Jot_ yeah, it was great, didn't hear any complaints either
08:57:36 PMRobbieF Okay, well, you should know then that it's entirely a joke
08:57:38 PMRobbieF the song
08:57:45 PMRobbieF the one singer is adam levine from Maroon5
08:57:54 PMRobbieF but the other guys are from Saturday Night Live.
08:58:01 PMRobbieF they make songs that poke fun at pop culture
08:58:09 PM_Jot_ oh, it's obviously a joke, but it still has a message
08:58:39 PMRobbieF so in this song, they're making fun of the "You Only Live Once" ... which says you should party it up because you only live once, and instead they say since you only live once, you shouldn't even go to parties because loud music is bad for your ears.
08:58:40 PMRobbieF ;)
08:58:42 PM_Jot_ I've heard of SNL but only from decades ago, so I wouldn't know them, since they don't show such things here
08:58:45 PMRobbieF just making fun of the culture.
08:59:27 PMDennis_Kelley RobbieF - Nice ear muffs
08:59:45 PM_Jot_ yeah, and people use it as an excuse to party all the time, when at one point they'll get sick of that anyway :)
09:00:41 PMRobbieF they're quite good Dennis_Kelley :)
09:00:46 PMRobbieF thank you, thank you.
09:00:47 PMRobbieF ;)
09:01:23 PM_Jot_ they're even wireless so RobbieF can go to the toilet and everything with them. As featured on the hidden audio-track from when the microphone was still on.
09:02:18 PMRobbieF Since I know you guys are wondering...
09:03:48 PM_Jot_ I know it's cheaper there, but they still have them at sony too, at (for specs)
09:04:41 PMRobbieF cool, cool.
09:04:56 PMRobbieF Got 'em as a gift for when I'm banging on the electronic drums (the cables were getting annoying)
09:05:22 PMRobbieF but I like using them for music and computer too, because the wires free is unbelievably freeing.
09:06:15 PM_Jot_ it is a bit easier since you can plug it all in the same mixer though, instead of having to plug the base-unit in everything
09:07:15 PMRobbieF oh for sure. I just have it running off the main headphone channel on the audio board.
09:08:56 PM_Jot_ sometimes I do wonder where you find the time, with spending time with the family, work, and all the people you know and then still having hobbies :)
09:13:15 PMRobbieF It's a juggling act sometimes.
09:13:48 PMrobgor how cool is this 5axis cnc machine running linuxCNC -
09:13:50 PMRobbieF I tend to get up and start work early to get a head start, that way I'm not eating into my family time too much.
09:15:27 PM_Jot_ it looks very impressive
09:17:47 PMRobbieF looks very cool robgor... wowzers. I can't imaging being capable of building something like that.
09:18:27 PMrobgor yeah Iam going to give that linuxcnc a go on the cnc machine Iam building atm
09:18:44 PM_Jot_ the most difficult is getting everything to fit, since so much is available these days
09:19:10 PMrobgor though mine is only 3axis x y z
09:19:50 PM_Jot_ 3 is still a lot and impressive too :)
09:20:01 PMRobbieF I could maybe do 1
09:20:58 PMrobgor yeah it will do the job jot
09:21:25 PMrobgor robbieF it isnt as hard as you think to make
09:22:07 PMrobgor mine the work area is going to be about 1200mm x 700mm
09:22:36 PMRobbieF what will the purpose be? Or just for the project?
09:22:54 PMrobgor the table is 1600mm x 900mm but you end up losing some space
09:24:15 PMrobgor going to use it to beable to fabricate parts for my project car and also for the experince of it. Love working out in the garage when I have time


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