Chat Logs for Episode 281 — #Category5 on /


With 98 Posts:_Jot_
With 95 Posts:revdjenk
With 74 Posts:tic-toc
With 65 Posts:Scott_L
With 47 Posts:ajamison5579

Chat Logs:

06:58:01 PMpyrosrock_eee RobbieF all on time is the hangout up yet?
06:58:07 PMtic-toc hello
06:58:09 PM_Jot_ hey RobbieF
06:58:13 PM_Jot_ again
06:58:18 PMajamison5579 but that company is very trust worthy they have never had anything that screwed up my PC
06:58:25 PMmajnoon only trouble i have is on desktop when switch to console mode (ctrl+alt+Fx) no sound from hdmi
06:59:46 PM_Jot_ time to unpack your chocolate everyone, and get ready to eat it
07:00:03 PMajamison5579 ugg dark choclate :( to bitter
07:00:20 PMtic-toc 6 boxes of something on the desk
07:00:38 PMScott_L I prefer milk choclate
07:00:43 PMScott_L chocolate
07:00:47 PM_Jot_ SashaD, problem is no video, but there is audio
07:00:57 PMtic-toc I eat 1 square of 80% dark choc. every day
07:01:01 PMSashaD I love dark chocolare
07:01:17 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, main channel is working fine on justin
07:01:20 PMajamison5579 Most women love Dark Choclate I myself prefer milk or white
07:01:28 PMtic-toc dark chocolate is good 4 u
07:01:31 PMtroy74 hello all
07:01:52 PM_Jot_ hi troy74, hi everybody else
07:01:54 PMtic-toc dark organic chocolate
07:02:22 PMtic-toc now I want chocolate dang it
07:02:26 PMSwiss{choco}Andi :-D
07:02:29 PM_Jot_ chocolate is always good
07:03:00 PMtic-toc I hangin out
07:03:10 PMtic-toc nom nom
07:03:29 PMrevdjenk yay
07:04:10 PMajamison5579 and it only costs $2000
07:04:16 PMajamison5579 lol
07:04:44 PMtic-toc uh oh
07:04:56 PM_Jot_ darn, my video just stopped and couldn't load the plugin
07:04:59 PM_Jot_ oh wait, it's back :P
07:05:06 PMGarbee RobbieF, They have always done that.
07:05:11 PM_Jot_ We calculated that RobbieF needed to buy so many boxes for the whole team, it would cost him at least $2000
07:05:12 PMGarbee Pepper is just their new API.
07:05:28 PMGarbee For having other programs access Chrome's flash version.
07:05:29 PMtic-toc haven't they already had that integrated
07:05:49 PMGarbee tic-toc, Yes. Flash has always been in Google Chrome.
07:05:51 PMajamison5579 _jot_ I was refering to the Dyson sink they are so over priced
07:06:04 PMtic-toc thats what i thought
07:06:09 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, you can just use a proper non-privacy-invasive browser, such as Firefox, or even Internet Explorer
07:06:22 PMtic-toc chome or chromium? if it matters
07:06:30 PMajamison5579 Garbee but have they had it integrated in the Linux version always?
07:06:35 PMGarbee ajamison5579, yes.
07:06:43 PMGarbee ALL Chrome versions have always had it.
07:06:50 PMGarbee Just like Java.
07:07:06 PMSwiss{choco}Andi popcorn? chocolate!
07:07:07 PMGarbee *Chromium* the Open Source base for Chrome is another story...
07:07:08 PMtic-toc Java- now I want coffee
07:07:09 PMajamison5579 the Chrome for Android does not Garbee
07:07:12 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, the sign doesn't line up with the qr-code anymore, so you need to move it I think
07:07:14 PMajamison5579 it even says as muchh
07:07:17 PMGarbee ajamison5579, Android is a special build.
07:07:22 PMJeff_BT_Linux I need more memory so I run a good VM of Linux on my Windows 8 Machine
07:07:24 PMrevdjenk back again
07:07:46 PMGarbee It is removed from that due to resource usage.
07:07:57 PMJeff_BT_Linux Time to max out at 16 Gig on the laptop :)
07:08:07 PMpyrosrock_eee RobbieF the mobile site dont work for me nothing happens when i click anything
07:08:16 PMtic-toc Sasha's hair is different every show
07:08:47 PMtic-toc so is Robbies... lol
07:08:53 PMElmer_Fishpaw I live in Cleveland but from Cape Cod....I'll send You one from the Cape when I go home.
07:08:56 PMajamison5579 Robbief's Crazy Category 5 road trip
07:08:58 PMajamison5579 lol
07:09:14 PMajamison5579 Broadcast from a new location every week
07:09:20 PM_Jot_ pyrosrock_eee, it works for me on my regular computer, that website, so not sure what is up with that
07:09:21 PMJeff_BT_Linux She has the Dorothy Hammel (sp) haircut from the 70's Looks nice on her
07:09:29 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, there is a lot of nice chocolate here in the netherlands
07:09:40 PMElmer_Fishpaw vocm?
07:09:41 PMSwiss{choco}Andi seems to be working here, too, pyrosrock_eee
07:09:46 PMtic-toc never heard of that
07:09:48 PMtroy74 screech mmmm
07:09:48 PMrevdjenk Nova Scotia is a lot like my West Virginia
07:09:52 PMchrisreich People of Earth, Greetings.
07:10:08 PM_Jot_ hi chrisreich
07:10:14 PMchrisreich Nova Scotia is Party Province!
07:10:15 PMrevdjenk hey pyrosrock_eee long time no see!
07:10:16 PMpyrosrock_eee _Jot_ yeah i duno whats going on but i have tryed it regualy with no scucess
07:10:20 PMchrisreich hey _Jot_
07:10:39 PMtic-toc Most of southern USA are Scott's Irish
07:10:43 PM_Jot_ pyrosrock_eee, try on your normal computer, it might be your device or ISP
07:11:11 PMrevdjenk tic-toc: one t and no 's to be correct!
07:11:16 PMpyrosrock_eee RobbieF no hangout?
07:11:18 PM_Jot_ hi Kevin, nice to see you after talking with you
07:11:22 PMtic-toc including me
07:12:19 PM_Jot_ Guys, go to and buy it, I'm sure Kevin will ship internationally if you ask
07:12:25 PMtic-toc But it goes start to their hips
07:12:28 PMbull422 Belgian Chocolate is the best
07:12:34 PMtic-toc lol
07:12:37 PMtroy74 i dont think chocolate can get me back in the good books
07:12:43 PMrevdjenk there you go bull422
07:12:47 PM_Jot_ Girls, buy some too, your partner will love it as well
07:12:58 PMGoodGuy Having me as a husband is pretty much anything a wife could ever want :-)
07:13:10 PMrevdjenk GoodGuy: :)
07:13:33 PMajamison5579 Goodguy what are you saying your married to yourself?
07:13:45 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, stop making us jealous! ('I tasted them', yeah, stop rubbing it in!)
07:14:13 PMtic-toc Mine comes from Krogers
07:14:31 PMajamison5579 tic-toc lol the contsour of choclate right there
07:14:39 PMajamison5579 Kroger's Finest
07:14:54 PMtic-toc yeah buddy
07:15:17 PMtic-toc Gonna get me some of that 2 for 1
07:15:20 PMdnls After 6 months of latency, Windstream seems to be working ok tonight :)
07:16:06 PMGoodGuy lol
07:16:43 PMGoodGuy Send your Chocolate to Kary Osmond and see what she thinks
07:17:18 PMSwiss{choco}Andi do we get free samples? please? :-)))
07:17:39 PM_Jot_ SwissAndi, I'm sorry, we did, but RobbieF ate them all
07:17:48 PMSwiss{choco}Andi awwww... lol
07:17:51 PMrevdjenk wow!!
07:18:07 PMGoodGuy Vietnames cinnamon
07:18:09 PMbull422 Chocolate covered bacon
07:18:18 PMjaepea i love ice wine
07:18:19 PMtic-toc I've gained 5 pounds since the show started.
07:18:25 PMSwiss{choco}Andi hehehe
07:18:42 PMGoodGuy Penzeys Spice has a lot of info on various spices.. free catalog
07:18:51 PM_Jot_ jaepea, Kevin will ship internationally, so don't let you stop that buying them
07:19:09 PMtic-toc MMmmm peanut butter& chocolate pancakes....
07:19:30 PMjaepea cool
07:19:40 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, you could then use that truffle as a head on a pez-dispenser
07:19:51 PMSwiss{choco}Andi Robbie Pralines? hmmm
07:20:37 PMGoodGuy White chocolate is really cocoa butter, isnt it?
07:20:49 PMSwiss{choco}Andi i think so, yes
07:21:43 PMajamison5579 Did I mention that my birthday is May 5th so how about a free box?
07:21:44 PMtroy74 tequila chocolate? yes please
07:21:45 PMajamison5579 lol
07:21:54 PMGoodGuy It sounds good
07:22:15 PMGoodGuy what is a trufle? Heard the name
07:22:31 PM_Jot_ GoodGuy,
07:22:39 PMGoodGuy ty _Jot_
07:22:41 PMdnls i kicked my $6 a day fudge habit. that brandy flavored jelly chocolate stuff is gooood.
07:23:19 PMrevdjenk yummmmm
07:23:39 PMtic-toc organic bananas last three times longer too
07:23:39 PMSwiss{choco}Andi "tastevision". yes, please
07:24:41 PMajamison5579 reminds me of Willy Wonka the whole television idea of sending a choclate bar through the air waves to have free samples
07:24:42 PMrevdjenk no /yum!
07:25:29 PM_Jot_ no, not yum! yum !
07:26:02 PMSwiss{choco}Andi oh, a golden ticket...
07:27:21 PM_Jot_ SashaD, you didn't do it right, you're going to have to do it again! (untill the box is empty)
07:27:28 PMdnls
07:27:42 PMSwiss{choco}Andi is she turning slightly green already?
07:27:52 PMtic-toc I do the same thing in Isle 6 at Krogers.
07:28:01 PMrevdjenk in love
07:28:14 PMrevdjenk reaching....
07:28:14 PMajamison5579 tic-toc lol
07:28:17 PMrevdjenk hee hee
07:28:22 PMtic-toc sneaky sasha
07:28:22 PMScott_L lol
07:28:24 PM_Jot_ way to go SashaD! Oh no, she put it back
07:28:52 PMSashaD He saw me... I thought I best be honest
07:28:54 PM_Jot_ By the way RobbieF he doesn't mention it on the website, but he will ship internationally, mention that
07:29:03 PMrevdjenk RobbieF: no /yum
07:29:26 PMdnls best pitch line ever - what can i say, it sells itself.
07:29:32 PMrevdjenk ah, just cat5/yum
07:29:42 PM_Jot_ yep,
07:29:44 PMScott_L Goodbye little penny :)
07:30:29 PM_Jot_ great for amazon, having lots of customers money they don't use because not enough coins to buy anything, yet money in the bank, and if you want your money back, you get coins, so nothing useful, and amazon still has the money
07:30:41 PMtic-toc Not me... my twitter never leaves its cage....
07:31:35 PMajamison5579 Robbief anything is possible if the FBI can be hacked then certainly Twitter can
07:32:04 PMdnls is every haker chinese or romanian? i think they say that when they can't trace ip back to tor user.
07:32:22 PMtic-toc I hope chocolate man washed his hands before rapping sashas
07:32:29 PMajamison5579 Dyson = Overpriced crazy British products that work
07:32:57 PM_Jot_ dnls, definatly not, most hackers are americans, but they hire criminals from russia who use proxies in china and hacked computers in south america to send stuff most of the time, something like that
07:33:10 PMajamison5579 NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Not the Mini Disc
07:33:22 PMrevdjenk this is still being made?
07:33:36 PMajamison5579 I had a portable one
07:33:58 PM_Jot_ they are used a lot in music production and were used a lot in the radio-industry for jingles and such
07:34:12 PMdnls _Jot_ i used tor once and it say i was in the south pacific ;)
07:34:12 PMSwiss{choco}Andi ditto. it was nice, but kind of instable
07:34:15 PMrevdjenk sony makes so many mistakes...high price and proprietary hardware are the main problems
07:35:59 PMtic-toc He's doing the moon walk
07:36:06 PMSwiss{choco}Andi :D
07:36:10 PMrevdjenk would they also cover them back over for more protection
07:36:39 PMajamison5579 the issue is the moon gets hit by meteors almost daily putting a building on it might be a bit insane of a move
07:36:44 PMGoodGuy Make magazine has a current special issue on 3D printers
07:36:57 PM_Jot_ revdjenk, yeah, normally you would dig a hole and drop the structure in it for protection, but they propose to build a shell around it like a box and blow up the structure inside
07:37:12 PMajamison5579 on the plus side you should never have to worry about getting a clear line of site for ample solar power
07:37:18 PM_Jot_ you can't really dig in the moon cause you don't know what is there, so that's why doing it like this is better
07:37:22 PMGoodGuy Ppl are worried that users can manufacture guns with a 3d printer
07:37:38 PMDreamer__ i can see it now..printer error 44 building stuck
07:37:42 PMrevdjenk GoodGuy: we'll soon be able to make our own tablets...
07:37:44 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, SashaD! hide the chocolate!!!
07:37:50 PMSwiss{choco}Andi too late
07:37:53 PMtic-toc Sasha ate them all
07:38:02 PMGoodGuy neat revdjenk
07:38:15 PM_Jot_ SashaD already is addicted poor girl
07:38:45 PMrevdjenk GoodGuy: but we need the open hardware to go along with the open software!
07:38:51 PMSwiss{choco}Andi careful. you can get high from chocolate...
07:39:00 PMSashaD mmmmmmmmm
07:39:06 PMtic-toc nom nom nom
07:39:09 PMrevdjenk describe it
07:39:12 PMrevdjenk Sasha
07:39:16 PMGoodGuy I saw.. printers were costly for a home user
07:39:42 PMSashaD its magical... I will be happy all week
07:39:47 PMrevdjenk hee hee
07:39:53 PMSwiss{choco}Andi :-D
07:39:59 PM_Jot_ SashaD, we're all jealous
07:40:18 PMajamison5579 SashaD makes voluntering worth it doesn't it?
07:40:30 PMSashaD The only thing beter is if I would be eating this in Barbados haha
07:40:43 PMSwiss{choco}Andi can't beat that
07:40:44 PMrevdjenk wow, just 7 years!
07:41:03 PM_Jot_ SashaD, but Barbados can be warm, the chocolate would melt
07:41:11 PMSashaD And yes... this makes it worth it (although I would do this anyway, this is a great show)
07:41:15 PMrevdjenk I have some I should!
07:41:20 PMSashaD you guys make it aweosme
07:41:29 PMajamison5579 Robbief but Hard Drives Fail
07:41:42 PMajamison5579 also
07:41:47 PMdnls 3.5 floppies seemed more reliable than cdr's, and I think those Windows cds are self-destructing along with disappearing ink for the license key.
07:41:49 PMGoodGuy Archival grace DVD's?
07:41:52 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, SashaD, we want to know if Kevin ships internationally (I know he does, but nobody mentioned that on the show)
07:42:05 PMrevdjenk Will you be taking Android questions - soon, since it is Linux?
07:42:26 PMajamison5579 dnls could you imagine the thickness that a 3.5" floppy would need to be to fit 1gb of space?
07:42:59 PM_Jot_ revdjenk, RobbieF helps with all operating systems if he can, so yes, but it might be better to email him at with them so he can prepare
07:43:06 PMrevdjenk thought I heard THAT sound!
07:43:09 PMtroy74 blasphemy
07:43:23 PM_Jot_ not sure if he would be able to answer just any Android question from the top of his head
07:43:26 PMrevdjenk thanks _Jot_
07:43:46 PMGuest_4065 Hey robbie how long have you stopped doing the perfectbuntu?
07:43:46 PMSashaD I'll be sure to ask about the international shipping... as soon as I get a chance
07:44:07 PM_Jot_ SashaD, just remember, don't talk with your mouth full :P
07:44:14 PMrevdjenk what? IE is not the internets?
07:44:21 PMpyrosrock_eee RobbieF IE is not a web browser!
07:44:39 PM_Jot_ what is IE? I always click this blue E for the internet. Not sure why it is called Internet when it starts with an E anyway
07:44:50 PMrevdjenk hee hee _Jot_
07:45:00 PMrevdjenk I run chromium
07:45:02 PMGuest_4065 this is talibcyg
07:45:02 PMajamison5579 IE = Internet Errors
07:45:04 PMtic-toc You've got mail.....
07:45:05 PMSwiss{choco}Andi @guest_4065: i think he mentioned that in the last episode. it's been dead for quite a while since ubuntu now comes with all those media features included
07:45:14 PMpyrosrock_eee yes it does RobbieF if you are driving a toyota you will never break down!
07:45:18 PMdnls ie = for example ;)
07:45:31 PMGarbee IE10 is fine. 9 is okay. 8 and less are just complete junk.
07:45:43 PMrevdjenk look - half the screen is control and msn notices!
07:45:59 PMajamison5579 Garbee IE has gotten better for sure
07:45:59 PMGarbee Actually jQuery has more hacks for browsers other than IE10 if they remove old IE support from it (which they are with 2.x.)
07:46:14 PM_Jot_ Guest_4065, in last show, he did mention that if enough people wanted some of the other features from the script that he would consider doing something with that, so you might want to watch it
07:46:15 PMajamison5579 but still not quite what i like in an experience
07:46:18 PMGarbee ajamison5579, IE10 is actually very good compared to even Opera and Firefox.
07:46:21 PMajamison5579 which is fine i just install Chrome
07:46:26 PMGarbee In fact, better than Opera.
07:46:45 PMajamison5579 I ditched Firefox 2 years ago Garbee when it started crashing every version update
07:47:03 PMajamison5579 Chrome is my primary browser though it seems to be glitching at times now to
07:47:26 PMdnls You know, i would use an all-in-one aol type desktop app without the ads etc. Seems like a good idea. Aol was ahead if it's time! lol
07:47:35 PMhrbllv I just updateds my FF and had no proublems
07:47:37 PMrevdjenk ajamison5579: RobbieF explained that at the top of the show... flash difficulties
07:47:43 PMGarbee Firefox has been much better since like 11 or 10. They had a bad memory leak for a while.
07:47:58 PMGarbee Chrome, is my favorite. I in fact an thinking of using a Chromebook as my main system now.
07:48:04 PMajamison5579 revdjenk my issues have nothing to do with Flash
07:48:09 PMrevdjenk ah
07:48:17 PMGarbee revdjenk, He dumped it two years ago. ;)
07:48:23 PMGarbee nothing related to today.
07:48:33 PM_Jot_ omg, RobbieF changed the intenret
07:48:42 PMGarbee From a web developer point of view, I recommend Chrome to everyone.
07:48:46 PMGarbee Auto update is peic.
07:48:47 PMGarbee epic*
07:48:51 PMGarbee FF can't seem to get it together.
07:48:58 PMrevdjenk Garbee: not chromium?
07:49:00 PMGarbee Opera is just a trashy cousin to me.
07:49:08 PMajamison5579 Chrome for me will occationaly slow down but closing out the tray icon that caches the browser seems to rectify it again not an big issue
07:49:11 PMGarbee revdjenk, heh, yea. Tell people to compile that in Windows...
07:49:18 PMrevdjenk hee hee
07:49:23 PMGarbee Plus, just no.
07:49:26 PMGarbee Chrome
07:49:30 PMGarbee No need to complicate it.
07:49:35 PMGarbee = done.
07:49:37 PMpyrosrock_eee i just use FF due to the superior addons
07:49:41 PMdnls I can't believe nobody ever made a crossplatform all-in-one aol style desktop app to beat out these browsers. Seriously, without the junk though.
07:49:56 PMajamison5579 dnlas lol AOL
07:49:57 PMGarbee dnls, Chrome.
07:49:58 PMDreamer__ How do you feel about people using adwords with
07:50:10 PMGarbee You can do anything AOL did in software just with the web itself.
07:50:17 PMrevdjenk dnls: hee hee zuckerberg wants FB to be that
07:50:22 PM_Jot_ dnls, First there were 10 browsers. Then somebody wanted to make a crossplatform all-in-one-aol-style desktop-app to beat out the browsers.
07:50:26 PMajamison5579 I remember using prodigy
07:50:30 PM_Jot_ dnls, Then, there were 11 browsers. Then somebody wanted...
07:50:31 PMajamison5579 those were the days
07:50:45 PMrevdjenk america online with my colorcomputer
07:51:23 PMSwiss{choco}Andi holy modem, batman
07:51:42 PMScott_L Yay! Wikipedia
07:51:57 PMtic-toc and chocolate
07:52:03 PMSwiss{choco}Andi :)
07:52:05 PMrevdjenk tic-toc: you beat me!
07:52:07 PM_Jot_ I always search for Robbie Ferguson, and Category5 comes up, how odd is that
07:52:48 PMdnls Just sayin' the basic design of the aol desktop app was pretty good. Today, all the sites are trying to do all-in-one social media, so you just go to one place. same damn thing!
07:52:49 PMrevdjenk Midori is spare and fast
07:53:07 PMtic-toc Chrome baby - I like shinny browsers
07:53:18 PMrevdjenk yes! RobbieF
07:53:22 PMScott_L Agree
07:53:35 PM_Jot_ chocolate is better than internet explorer to surf the internet
07:53:38 PMdnls RobbieF - comment of the night :)
07:53:38 PMajamison5579 I am just going to draw a window int he dirt and pretend i am using the net
07:53:40 PMpyrosrock_eee RobbieF the most important thing is not to click run when it askes to run a .exe!
07:53:43 PMajamison5579 call it Dirt
07:54:14 PMrevdjenk pyrosrock_eee: didn't they stop the autoexec 'feature'
07:54:30 PMrevdjenk reel us in, RobbieF
07:54:41 PMSwiss{choco}Andi fishy
07:54:44 PMdnls Aol hackers perfected this phishing, heehee.
07:54:49 PMajamison5579 No OS is every 100% safe from anything
07:54:51 PMpyrosrock_eee revdjenk no that i know of my frend still gets it come up!
07:54:57 PMajamison5579 regardless of what people think
07:54:58 PM_Jot_ SashaD, honestly, if it was Robbie, you wouldn't loan him anything, unless he gave you chocolate, right?
07:54:59 PMtic-toc A long what?
07:55:02 PMajamison5579 some are just harder then others
07:55:17 PMrevdjenk pyrosrock_eee: wow
07:55:39 PMpyrosrock_eee revdjenk thats on win7
07:56:39 PMrevdjenk pyrosrock_eee: well - there's your problem!
07:57:32 PMbull422 Phising scams can trick even the IT professionals
07:58:01 PMpyrosrock_eee revdjenk but thats what come with most computers and the point of this show is baised about
07:58:31 PMbull422 It looks just like facebook
07:58:38 PMrevdjenk duh, pyrosrock_eee ... I've run Linux since 2006 full-time, and part-time since 2001
07:58:38 PMgpop7 my wife got one like that from someone she knew so it seem. it was a scam.
07:59:01 PMDreamer__ hee hee
07:59:01 PMgpop7 that was on facebook
07:59:27 PMajamison5579 they could have at least made the address look more real fizibook really
07:59:27 PMtic-toc fizibooks? That's my accounts name
07:59:28 PMajamison5579 lol
07:59:35 PMrevdjenk the problem is often the one sitting in the seat!
08:00:11 PMgpop7 then it was passed on to everyone she chat with.
08:00:13 PMChrisM We call that the space between the keyboard and the chair
08:00:16 PMtic-toc oops accountants name
08:00:29 PMrevdjenk theobroma means the ankles are tasty!
08:00:30 PMdnls what i hate is all the fake news online these days.
08:00:42 PMSwiss{choco}Andi thanks for the YUM show!
08:00:46 PMScott_L Thank you for the show :)
08:00:53 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, will you talk about the DNS-providers such as openDNS that do protect against phishing? you probably mentioned it in the past but since you mention it today
08:00:57 PMbull422 Good show good nite
08:01:07 PMdnls hey, i finally switched to Ubuntu and Unity. goodnite.
08:01:11 PMgpop7 great show. have a good week everyone.
08:01:15 PMScott_L Great show
08:01:17 PM_Jot_ don't forget to drool about http;// everybody
08:01:22 PMtic-toc 3rd box for sasha
08:01:30 PMgpop7 share sasha
08:01:34 PMrevdjenk RobbieF: hee hee
08:01:34 PM_Jot_ or (your choice)
08:01:42 PMScott_L Have a great week gpop7
08:01:43 PMdnls get'er back to "Tech TV"
08:01:58 PMScott_L I miss Tech TV
08:02:04 PMtroy74 now that the camera is off the real chocolate carnage begins
08:02:09 PMrevdjenk Scott_L: now
08:02:27 PMdnls idea? try testing some new apps in the Ubuntu Software Center or something.
08:02:29 PMpyrosrock_eee no hangout this week RobbieF ?
08:02:37 PMtic-toc Watch - leo laportes web shows
08:02:40 PMrevdjenk this is my Tuesday show, when I am not in meetings!
08:02:44 PM_Jot_ pyrosrock_eee, no, somehow youtube wouldn't cooperate and show a picture
08:03:05 PMtic-toc
08:03:10 PMScott_L Thank you revdjenk. I have not checked out twit in a while
08:03:22 PMrevdjenk they have youtube channels too
08:03:35 PMrevdjenk Scott_L: you can do a lot of catchup!
08:03:56 PMdnls tic-toc i usually watch twit podcast on Roku box.
08:04:13 PMrevdjenk Scott_L: I assume you use linux? but they have shows for mac and win also
08:04:20 PMtic-toc I watch it everyday on my pc
08:04:41 PMScott_L I use Linux, yes, revdjenk. Thanks
08:04:42 PMtic-toc All about android is on now
08:04:59 PMrevdjenk I am glad RobbieF switched ot G+ notifications... I get good reminders for this show
08:05:11 PMScott_L Same here, I like G+
08:05:19 PMdnls Well, sound is working great now in Ubuntu 12.10 after updates, and Debian Wheezy is already outdated and not even released yet.
08:05:31 PMrevdjenk I am Douglas Jenkins there, in case you find me sometime
08:05:49 PM_Jot_ I keep thinking about what theobrama means for the quiz, and I bet it is something like Theo being the name of his father or grandfather who introduced him to chocolate, and Brama meaning good or something
08:06:11 PMrevdjenk dnls: I am using Mint13, staying with this for the LTS for a while longer
08:06:25 PMtic-toc I install 12.10 on a machine last week and after I did the update it self destructed on me
08:06:25 PMScott_L I have been looking around for a switch to a different distro
08:06:33 PM_Jot_ don't tell me if I'm wrong though, I'll be sure to win :)
08:06:37 PMrevdjenk _Jot_: the answer is on their website
08:06:38 PMScott_L Tried Linux Mint, it was close, but did not like it
08:06:55 PMtic-toc 12.04 4 me
08:06:56 PM_Jot_ revdjenk, I know, but I'm hoping somebody will send that in because I said it
08:06:59 PMScott_L I am using Kubuntu right now, but don't know if I will switch back to Ubuntu or not
08:07:09 PMrevdjenk Scott_L: been using mint for over 5 years
08:07:18 PMrevdjenk _Jot_: I tried that, too
08:07:25 PMtic-toc 12.04 classic mode
08:07:40 PMScott_L I like the look of mint and like the updates, Cinnimon just did not have the features and stability I wanted
08:08:09 PMrevdjenk Scott_L: I started with Color Computer in 1984, have been through quite a few OS' since!
08:08:10 PMtic-toc mint always crashes bud for me with mate or cinnamon
08:08:15 PMtic-toc bad
08:08:20 PMrevdjenk tic-toc: wow
08:08:21 PMScott_L I still have Linuc Mint on my other partition revdjenk, just don't use it
08:08:31 PMpyrosrock_eee i cant use mint cause every time i tryed it didnt work, even though i know now it was hardware/kernal related but i got bad memorys
08:08:41 PMScott_L Wow, you beat me lol. I started in late 80's
08:08:47 PMrevdjenk pyrosrock_eee: ah
08:09:14 PMrevdjenk Scott_L: even used win 1.03... and now I know where they got the idea for win8
08:09:15 PMScott_L I was having problems with video playback on Mint
08:09:39 PMtic-toc debian or ubuntu for me
08:09:40 PMScott_L I started on DOS, never used Windows until Windows 95
08:09:46 PMrevdjenk Scott_L: tic-toc are you guys using amd vid by chance?
08:10:06 PMtic-toc nvidia only
08:10:08 PMScott_L Then Used Unix in College then after being screwed for the last time from M$ I switched over to Linux in 2006
08:10:37 PMScott_L I am using AMD right now
08:10:44 PMrevdjenk tic-toc: have you checked under additional drivers? should have the proper nvidia driver listed there for you
08:10:51 PMScott_L But let me check, I can not remember for sure lol
08:11:12 PMrevdjenk Scott_L: me, too! tried Vista for three weeks...
08:11:22 PMtic-toc always
08:11:40 PMrevdjenk wow, tic-toc
08:11:43 PMScott_L I installed Vista for a friend revdjenk, it crashed on me and it could not finish lol
08:12:01 PMScott_L Died before installing lol
08:12:07 PMtic-toc Every Mint distro crashes on me, 2 days tops.
08:12:23 PMScott_L Wow tic-toc, that is much worse than me
08:12:56 PMtic-toc Every other distro I dont have issues with
08:12:57 PMrevdjenk tic-toc: what is working?
08:13:04 PMrevdjenk wow...
08:13:10 PMtic-toc ubuntu 12.04 now
08:13:19 PMScott_L Radeon HD 3450
08:13:27 PMtic-toc 12.10 has issues too
08:13:51 PMScott_L I used Ubuntu for a while and do like Unity except it is just not stable enough for me yet
08:13:53 PMrevdjenk I would imagine, since mint has relational background with ubuntu
08:13:55 PMpyrosrock_eee i dont mind 12.10
08:14:00 PMScott_L Plan to return to it once it becomes more stable
08:14:17 PMpyrosrock_eee havent had any issues that i didnt have with 12.04
08:14:24 PMtic-toc I hate unity, I use classic mode
08:14:50 PMrevdjenk I liked gnome 3... actually quite fast 'if you learn the keyboard commands' which is the hue and cry from the win8 crowsd
08:15:27 PMpyrosrock_eee tic-toc i am getting to like unity even without wobbly windows
08:15:29 PMScott_L I have only brefly seen screen shots of Win 8, looks like it is designed for Tablets and Phones
08:15:55 PMpyrosrock_eee Scott_L it is
08:16:17 PMtic-toc Unity isnt too bad if you enable my unity to auto hide unity
08:16:31 PMScott_L Who would want to use a tablet OS for a desktop or laptop. I know Unity is Tablet kind of, but still utilized for desktop
08:16:32 PMpyrosrock_eee but in a way unity is also well at leat cross platform with the same interface
08:16:43 PMrevdjenk Scott_L: try, except I read a blog today which talks about win8's treatment of the touch experience... limiting it primarily to the landscape mode. Their tablets especially.
08:16:52 PMScott_L MY unity did not work for 12.10 when I had it installed. One of my problems with it
08:17:13 PMtic-toc Im using awn launcher for now with dockbarX
08:20:13 PMtic-toc I wonder if sasha has ate all the chocolate by now?
08:20:22 PM_Jot_ I'm sure of it
08:20:31 PMScott_L Same here :)
08:20:46 PMtic-toc She should do a M&M's commercial
08:20:46 PM_Jot_ Kevin had 3 or 4 boxes at the end, I'm sure they were all empty
08:21:35 PMScott_L How much does one of those boxes cost? Looks expensive
08:21:52 PMScott_L I would get one of them for my girlfriend, but she is very worried about her weight
08:21:55 PMtic-toc Poor Robbie had to fight for 1 little
08:21:55 PMrevdjenk tic-toc: can you get rid of the panel at the top...or do you like that showing with your dock ?
08:22:00 PM_Jot_ Scott_L, $4 each, or $15 per box of 4
08:22:12 PM_Jot_ Scott_l, right now he sells 7 kinds of truffles
08:22:19 PMScott_L That is not to bad _Jot_
08:22:31 PMtic-toc I keep the top panel and loose the bottom panel
08:22:34 PMrevdjenk what is the exchange rate with Canada from US now?
08:22:53 PM_Jot_ if I see how he talks about it and how much he knows about it, then I would say it's definatly worth it cause he cares about his craft
08:23:34 PMScott_L Yea, it is nice to have someone like that in Barrie
08:23:36 PMrevdjenk almost 1/1
08:23:54 PMtic-toc In the panels. click alt+windows key+right click to change panel properties just like in gnome 2
08:23:55 PM_Jot_ it should be about the same, $4 in CAD is $4.01526 USD at the moment
08:24:15 PM_Jot_ $15 is $15.0570 USD
08:24:26 PM_Jot_ not sure if it includes shipping though, darn, forgot to ask
08:24:28 PMrevdjenk RobbieF: probably got a factory tour, dipped his fingers in the vat multiple times, I'm sure! hee hee
08:24:53 PM_Jot_ revdjenk, most definatly, that is where the videos came from, he went there this weekend
08:25:10 PMScott_L Sounds like an idea revdjenk. It is only a 20 min city bus ride for me. lol :)
08:25:51 PM_Jot_ Scott_L, 20 minutes? that's bad. Sounds like you need to buy at least twice as much, otherwise it's all finished before you're home again
08:26:27 PMScott_L lol, good suggestion
08:27:08 PM_Jot_ but I think these will be so good, you really should not eat them all at once, I mean, if you buy different kinds, so you don't mix the tastes and such
08:28:16 PMScott_L I just wish my girlfriend was not so down about her weight as I am sure she would love them _Jot_
08:29:21 PM_Jot_ Scott_L, I think the most important would be to let her know you love her, because its her, and that body is only a small part of that love
08:29:55 PMScott_L _Jot_ I do that all the time which does help a lot, but she did say she did not want treats for Valentines
08:30:45 PM_Jot_ Scott_L, that's good because valentines is something that can be nice, but you're supposed to love all the time. So now you can give her chocolate, and say well, it was category5 that made me do that
08:31:06 PMScott_L lol _Jot_ good idea
08:31:22 PMrevdjenk Scott_L: don't fall for that!! she wants a treat...but wants you to show chutzpah!
08:31:24 PM_Jot_ you can show her the show, and how much he cares about it, I'm sure if you asked Kevin he would give a tour too
08:31:49 PM_Jot_ just in case it isn't what revdjenk says, but I'm sure he's right
08:32:11 PMtic-toc MMmm. cabbage soup. The bed sheets will get a work out
08:32:20 PMrevdjenk tmi
08:32:39 PM_Jot_ either you live alone, or somebody really loves you, tic-toc
08:32:40 PMtic-toc lol
08:33:17 PMrevdjenk I'm having russian tea... with a little mexican fortification, if you know what i mean...
08:33:23 PMScott_L I thought about that revdjenk, you may actually be right
08:33:52 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, please tell Sasha to have a great week and have fun with her present
08:34:01 PMrevdjenk Scott_L: I'll show you my scorch marks where I believed my wife...
08:34:46 PMrevdjenk take that back. it is polish fortification...
08:34:53 PM_Jot_ SashaD, what was in the box you got?
08:35:17 PMGarbee Have a good week everyone. I'm out.
08:35:24 PM_Jot_ you too Garbee
08:35:26 PMtic-toc bye
08:35:29 PMScott_L lol revdjenk, I can afford to gert the $15 deal
08:35:35 PMrevdjenk Garbee: bye
08:35:43 PMScott_L Hav e a good week
08:36:17 PMrevdjenk _Jot_: thought he only brought the ice wine and the caramels... that's all he talked about
08:36:31 PMrevdjenk oh, he did mention the peanut butter ones
08:36:56 PM_Jot_ revdjenk, yeah, but he has more kinds for sale, but I bet RobbieF ate the rest so he didn't have any to bring anymore
08:37:00 PMrevdjenk we call those buckeye where I'm from in Ohio
08:39:38 PMrevdjenk SashaD: you appear to be picking up the lingo and are more familiar with linux than when you started... yay!
08:39:55 PM_Jot_ revdjenk, sorry, she left already
08:40:21 PMrevdjenk ah, her name's still in the list...
08:40:30 PM_Jot_ yeah, laptop is still on
08:41:14 PM_Jot_ I think it's because Kevin can talk so passionately about chocolate that Robbie is forgetting what to do after the show and so on
08:41:51 PMrevdjenk hee hee
08:42:29 PMtic-toc Anyone else try XBMC 12.0 ?
08:43:07 PM_Jot_ apparently not a lot of people :)
08:43:32 PMtic-toc aapparently
08:45:04 PMScott_L I have not tried XBMC in a while
08:46:28 PMrevdjenk don't own a flat-screen yet to use it with...
08:46:53 PMtic-toc use your computer
08:47:00 PMScott_L I have a Boxee Box and never use it
08:47:51 PMtic-toc I was thinking of getting slingbox
08:51:56 PMrevdjenk i used a slingshot on a tv once... doesn't help not at all
08:52:57 PM_Jot_ I guess a slingbox is one of those old tvs that are shaped like a box with a big behind for the tube, and then you use a sling to carry it around or something
08:53:53 PMrevdjenk hee hee
08:54:00 PMRobbieF Hi gang; what a busy night :) Sorry I've been a chat room absentee :)
08:54:20 PMrevdjenk well...I'm heading out.... g'nite all
08:54:22 PM_Jot_ hey RobbieF, you were missed :)
08:54:28 PM_Jot_ have a great week revdjenk
08:54:41 PMrevdjenk sure, eating chocolate, eh RobbieF ?
08:55:03 PM_Jot_ by the way RobbieF, some people wenre't happy about the show, they would prefer more tech stuff in a tech show
08:55:31 PMtic-toc must be hard to type on a keyboard with chocolate covered
08:55:56 PM_Jot_ I think you're supposed to lick your fingers if chocolate covers them
08:56:19 PMtic-toc i thought that was for KFC
08:56:29 PM_Jot_ maybe chocolate was suck your fingers then
08:56:34 PMtic-toc finger licken good
08:56:40 PMrevdjenk RobbieF: I'll rustle up some Android questions for you... Mrs. Santa brought me a 9" Lenovo tab...and I am using it for much of my computing...even church work...
09:07:45 PMRobbieF Mmm, 'tis some AMAZING chocolate.
09:08:12 PM_Jot_ he's very passionate about his craft too, that helps
09:08:17 PMRobbieF sure does
09:08:23 PMRobbieF he knows what he's talking about too
09:08:32 PMRobbieF How was the show?
09:08:47 PMScott_L I am thinking about grabbing some of the chocolate for my girlfriend
09:08:56 PM_Jot_ I liked it, but like I said, some people wanted more tech stuff
09:09:15 PMScott_L It was fine for me, I thought enough tech stuff
09:09:35 PMRobbieF Scott_L - definitely man. And please let them know you saw the show
09:09:50 PMScott_L For sure RobbieF
09:10:05 PMRobbieF I try to keep a balance, but I think it's fun to once in a while do something a little different.
09:10:10 PMScott_L I wonder if they have mint chocolate, I will ask when I go there
09:10:38 PMRobbieF Yes, they do, and oh. my. goodness. It's the best.
09:10:45 PMRobbieF It's made with real spearmint
09:11:05 PMScott_L Nice, my girlfriend really likes mint chocolate and orange chocolate
09:11:37 PM_Jot_ Scott_L, you had me on chocolate
09:11:48 PMScott_L lol _Jot_
09:12:04 PMScott_L I just need to find a nice way to give the chocoaltes
09:12:25 PMScott_L I was thinking of taking the $15 for 4 and get 4 different kinds
09:12:52 PM_Jot_ they come in a nice box, I think I even saw some ruffles or whatever those ribbons are called, so just handing them over would be fine
09:14:13 PMScott_L Commerce Park Drive, I will take the bus there some time this week and check out their store
09:14:51 PMScott_L Probably true _Jot_. I am just a serious hopeless romantic lol
09:15:20 PM_Jot_ yeah, Cravings Fine Food Market, sounds more like a supermarket or something like that, so I'm sure they'll have more things than just chocolate, at least that is what it sounds like
09:17:02 PM_Jot_ google isn't much help in pictures of the place
09:17:10 PM_Jot_ at least the maps-part isn't
09:17:27 PMScott_L How about street view?
09:17:47 PM_Jot_ it shows a lot of grassy fields, and a tire centre a bit further away
09:18:02 PMScott_L Probably on the wrong part of the street
09:18:26 PMScott_L Near Dunlop street there is a few comercial plazas
09:20:37 PMScott_L Lol, wrong street
09:20:51 PMScott_L It is commerce park drive, not cedar point pd. lol
09:21:37 PM_Jot_ they have menus too, so I wouldn't be suprised if it is a restaurant or something
09:21:46 PM_Jot_
09:22:30 PMScott_L They do caterinmg
09:22:34 PMScott_L catering
09:22:39 PMRobbieF Oh yes; by the way--how did the community like the fact that you can now see a much wider area on BSP?
09:23:24 PM_Jot_ *ding dong* clean up on isle 3, and will secuity please come to the store-floor, a suspicious bald guy has been spotted and has to be arrested, he has been seen taken stuff away from the space
09:23:36 PMRobbieF :)


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