Chat Logs for Episode 283 — #Category5 on /


With 117 Posts:_Jot_
With 52 Posts:revdjenk
With 36 Posts:SwissAndi
With 32 Posts:Dennis_Kelley
With 30 Posts:RobbieF

Chat Logs:

06:58:12 PMDennis_Kelley Hello troy74 and everyone else!
06:58:18 PM_Jot_ hi troy74 and everybody else I didn't say hello to
06:58:19 PMRobbieF hey everyone!
06:58:27 PMajamison5579 alas you have used it thrice times _jot_
06:58:28 PM_Jot_ hi RobbieF
06:58:29 PMScott_L Hi RobbieF
06:58:48 PMDennis_Kelley RobbieF Hello!
06:59:17 PM_Jot_ RobbieF doesn't do scripts, he just does things that seem oddly familiar and very much like scripts
06:59:43 PMEricKidd Hello world!
06:59:44 PMGWG RobbieF: While you are encoding the show, you can tune into Android Buffet. We had to reschedule for tonight.
06:59:48 PMGWG Hello, EricKidd.
06:59:51 PMtroy74 uh uh youtube crash
06:59:55 PM_Jot_ hi EricKidd
07:00:00 PMScott_L Hello EricKidd
07:00:12 PMScott_L Yea, just lost video on Youtube
07:00:20 PMScott_L It was working perfectly before
07:00:31 PM_Jot_ fortunatly justin etc still work, Scott_L so you can switch to that
07:00:47 PMDennis_Kelley RobbieF - why does Backstage pass look funny?
07:01:00 PMpyrosrock can anyone tell me how to clear my chache in ff?
07:01:07 PMScott_L Youtube is working now
07:01:10 PM_Jot_ Scott_L, if you reload the page or something, then youtube seems to work again too
07:01:12 PMRobbieF infrared problems with the new camera dennis
07:01:16 PMajamison5579 shift + f5
07:01:31 PMajamison5579 i think
07:01:44 PMDennis_Kelley psychedelic colors!
07:01:53 PMSwissAndi groovy
07:01:55 PMDennis_Kelley EricKidd - we are great!
07:02:23 PMDennis_Kelley or let the kids play downstairs!
07:02:45 PM_Jot_ pyrosrock
07:02:51 PMchrisreich People of Earth, Greetings.
07:03:03 PMDennis_Kelley chrisreich - hello
07:03:06 PMScott_L Greetings :)
07:03:08 PMSwissAndi yodel chrisreich
07:03:13 PMOldGuyJim Live long and prosper.
07:03:20 PMchrisreich Hi Dennis_Kelley
07:03:26 PMtic-toc uh
07:03:29 PMchrisreich Hey there, SwissAndi
07:03:37 PMDennis_Kelley I walked up hill to school both ways!
07:03:43 PM_Jot_ EricKidd, you had to shovel in the winter and the summer?
07:03:55 PMpyrosrock but _Jot_ im using the en-GB verson
07:04:11 PMScott_L Funny joke
07:04:16 PM_Jot_ pyrosrock, okay, just for you
07:04:34 PM_Jot_ of course, you could go to but it'll just change it
07:04:46 PMpyrosrock haha thats better
07:05:03 PMajamison5579 EricKidd are you going to get yourself a Blackberry 10 device?
07:05:07 PM_Jot_ EricKidd, now how can I stalk you and annoy the viewers with the noise of your phone at the same time?
07:05:21 PMDennis_Kelley my Brain?
07:05:29 PMinvincib1emutant hello
07:05:30 PMScott_L Smaller than a Rasberry pi?
07:05:37 PMinvincib1emutant good evening
07:05:44 PMSwissAndi hi invincib1emutant
07:05:49 PM_Jot_ hi invincib1emutant
07:06:00 PM_Jot_ hi max! nice of you to watch
07:06:17 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, how many different ways can you say max?
07:06:18 PMinvincib1emutant i am an old viewer
07:06:22 PMinvincib1emutant OLD...
07:06:27 PMSwissAndi :)
07:06:28 PMDennis_Kelley Hello RobbieF
07:06:35 PMDennis_Kelley EricKidd
07:07:04 PMpyrosrock ok aparrently my hangouts aint working on my main computer
07:07:16 PMajamison5579 Pointless but interesting trivia time: Meat spelled backward spells Team!
07:07:43 PMpyrosrock no it dont ajamison5579
07:07:43 PMtroy74 err
07:07:46 PM_Jot_ I'm feeling selfish tonight so I demand a whole page of pieces of video of RobbieF saying Jot as part of this 'The Meat' thingy
07:07:46 PMtroy74 lol
07:08:10 PMinvincib1emutant RobbieF: remember to wish viewer from China and chinese around the world 'Happy Chinese New Year'
07:08:16 PMajamison5579 Curse you for ruining my fun Pyrosrock lol was trying to see how many people i could convice ;)
07:08:17 PMpyrosrock i think it spells taem
07:08:28 PMSwissAndi bingo, pyrosrock
07:08:46 PM_Jot_ I thought it spelled 'Tame'
07:08:47 PMtroy74 hey dont wreck the commercial
07:08:59 PMajamison5579 although it may have been my dyslexia acting up to i may have flipped the a and the e in my head
07:09:13 PMinvincib1emutant oh no...
07:09:23 PMinvincib1emutant it is struggling for oxygen
07:09:26 PMSwissAndi hi Major Tom
07:09:37 PMDennis_Kelley bettas bite man!
07:09:38 PMrevdjenk alpha beta
07:09:41 PMinvincib1emutant RobbieF: it stays on top because of oxygen
07:09:41 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, why is he swimming on top, is he trying to escape, does he get enough air? what's wrong?
07:09:47 PMajamison5579 Ground control to Major Tom
07:09:59 PMchrisreich Thanks for the Major Tom viewing, RobbieF!
07:10:35 PMinvincib1emutant RobbieF: reduce the water level, so that the water surface area is bigger for Major Tom to get more oxygen
07:10:38 PMajamison5579 I use Ooma instead which works better then nettalk i only pay FCC and taxes
07:10:46 PMDennis_Kelley Why does EricKidd have to think?
07:10:47 PMrevdjenk _Jot_: I couldn't get into the view hangout, so I'm in the regular I the only one?
07:10:56 PMchrisreich _Jot_ Bettas have a labyrinth organ they use to get oxygen from the air. That's why they can live in small bowls unlike other tropical fish.
07:11:03 PM_Jot_ Of course no matter where you live, you could still use it to talk day and night for free to RobbieF and EricKidd
07:11:04 PMrevdjenk Dennis_Kelley: because otherwise he Kidds you not
07:11:09 PM_Jot_ that's what I would use it for at least
07:12:24 PMinvincib1emutant i friend told me, for this 'fish from the drain', dont use too much water becasue it will stay on top always if there is no oxygen supply
07:12:38 PM_Jot_ I didn't know that chrisreich, sounds scary a bit
07:12:38 PMinvincib1emutant the reason the oxygen level on top is higher than the bottom
07:12:41 PMrevdjenk ah, the hangout image is all blurry and someone is walkiing in front of the camera?
07:12:56 PM_Jot_ revdjenk, that's heather
07:12:57 PMinvincib1emutant if you oxygen supply, it will dive to the bottom
07:13:05 PMSwissAndi cool star trek cup
07:13:23 PMajamison5579 Robbief do you grind your own coffee beans or buy store bought ground coffee?
07:13:26 PM_Jot_ EricKidd, we saw you eat them on the backstagepass camera, stop demanding more, you even ate the plate
07:13:47 PMrevdjenk phphph
07:14:17 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, you could get a nettalkduo and then call RobbieF or EricKidd and ask for their password
07:14:25 PMbull422 Hey U-
07:14:26 PMSwissAndi for free
07:14:30 PMrevdjenk I'm RobbieF ... I'm here to fix your computer... first I need your visa # for verification
07:14:30 PMajamison5579 You know if these people who make these phishing sites applied their talents toward webdesign or something legit they would make way more money
07:14:57 PMbull422 Hey U-Al
07:15:01 PMJoeNH not according to P. T. Barnum
07:15:05 PMSwissAndi hi bull422
07:15:07 PMDennis_Kelley I get scams from fake paypal emails
07:15:16 PMDennis_Kelley all the time
07:15:18 PM_Jot_ revdjenk, okay, my visa is 4012888888881881 now fix my computer
07:15:24 PMbull422 Hi SwissAndi
07:16:05 PMrevdjenk PHixed!!!
07:16:35 PM_Jot_ yay! Suddenly I can see RobbieF much clearer. Or maybe it is because I put on my glasses
07:16:42 PMSwissAndi hehe
07:17:49 PMDennis_Kelley
07:17:58 PMDennis_Kelley send it to there!
07:18:00 PMrevdjenk _Jot_: you now have MS Vendow 15.48 with Freedom Bank Account. Just connect to and login!
07:18:23 PMDennis_Kelley they will tell you if its fake
07:18:48 PM_Jot_ revdjenk, woohoo! I don't know what that is, but it sounds good.
07:19:26 PMrevdjenk _Jot_: just a few payments and your computer will sing and flash with the best of them!
07:19:30 PMSwissAndi
07:19:38 PMrevdjenk SwissAndi: hee hee
07:19:43 PMSwissAndi :)
07:20:02 PM_Jot_ revdjenk, I don't know if I want my computer to sing and flash, it reminds me of stripping, and somebody has actually stripped some parts from my computer, and that wasn't nice
07:20:43 PMSwissAndi timbits!
07:20:49 PMScott_L Yummy
07:20:52 PM_Jot_ EricKidd, you have to tell Rachel that unfortunatly, there are no chocolates from
07:20:55 PMDennis_Kelley is that a plug?
07:21:18 PMtic-toc Nothing better than a Hortons coffee
07:21:41 PMSwissAndi dear canada, please bring some Tim Hortons over to switzerland. pretty please.
07:21:56 PMrevdjenk hee hee _Jot_ don't worry, you didn't need them! MS Vendow 15.48 is the newest OS which runs almost on air...
07:21:59 PMScott_L A Timmies chocolate MArble donut is better tic-toc
07:22:03 PM_Jot_ I thought about asking RobbieF to send some, but I'm sure they would have gone bad by the time they would get here
07:22:09 PMajamison5579 SwissAndi Wendy's owns Tim Hortons
07:22:20 PMajamison5579 so if you have a Wendy's over there you may get one
07:22:23 PMSwissAndi ah? didn't know that, ajamison5579
07:22:31 PMSwissAndi thanks :)
07:22:41 PMScott_L Wendys no longer owns Tim Hortons
07:22:49 PM_Jot_ revdjenk, well, I logged in, I'll keep an eye on that computer and I'll see what happens
07:22:58 PMrevdjenk woohoo
07:23:23 PMDennis_Kelley the phone call is the exploit!
07:23:38 PM_Jot_ EricKidd, apparently that virus RobbieF is talking about makes you eat tim hortons a lot and makes you fat, so be careful, you might already be infected
07:23:55 PMtic-toc Older people fall for this scam
07:23:57 PMrevdjenk the object in the chair is the exploitee, Dennis_Kelley !
07:24:11 PMScott_L I have herd a lot of people getting that phone call scam
07:24:38 PMrevdjenk Yes, several blogs have reported this...
07:24:41 PM_Jot_ Scott_L, indeed, I haven't talked with somebody myself, but they happen here too, so they happen all over the world
07:24:41 PMOldGuyJim I, too, got the FedEx phish at work...fortunately I am very skeptical about any incoming email and did the hover, saw the link and nuked the email. The phish looked very real.
07:25:23 PMScott_L _Jot_ yea, here in Barrie it was bad
07:25:29 PM_Jot_ I report all the phishinglinks to so that helps a bit too
07:26:00 PMrevdjenk hee hee
07:26:39 PM_Jot_ if I'm reliable, then trust me, if you get an email, always go to a site manually (e.g. your bank, paypal, fedex, etc, etc, etc)
07:26:54 PM_Jot_ even if you are a member of a site, and allowed them to send you emails
07:26:58 PMrevdjenk the sony minidvd
07:26:59 PMSwissAndi meany dvds
07:27:10 PMbull422_ My wife got one of those emails, but had the foresight to ask me about it first
07:27:15 PMrevdjenk bad news!!!
07:27:33 PMrevdjenk sony had the minidisk...duh
07:27:56 PM_Jot_ good for you bull422_
07:28:08 PM_Jot_ unfortunatly you can't be too cautious these days
07:28:15 PMSwissAndi true, true
07:28:17 PMtic-toc Disk to Disk
07:29:11 PMrevdjenk testdisk will recover this...hmmm
07:29:23 PM_Jot_ EricKidd, I know a way to make money! And it's absolutely free! But, in order to tell you about it, I'll need to recover some administation costs. So, send $10 to.....
07:29:37 PMSwissAndi
07:29:42 PMDennis_Kelley are you sure the photos are ok for on air?
07:30:01 PMrevdjenk _Jot_: hee hee
07:31:11 PMDennis_Kelley Rachel su looks bored!
07:31:24 PMSwissAndi dancing the Su
07:31:31 PMSwissAndi X*
07:31:34 PMrevdjenk Yay RobbieF !!!
07:31:36 PMtic-toc atta boy
07:31:41 PMDennis_Kelley thats right Sorry!
07:31:49 PM_Jot_ I'm suprised Rachel came to bring food, usually she just comes to eat the food
07:32:00 PMrevdjenk RobbieF: is not just a pretty face [said with a manly voice]
07:32:32 PMrevdjenk wow
07:33:09 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, I remember from my burning days that you were able to finalize disks with CD-writing software, often this would work even with disks from other recorders and other software, wouldn't it work here?
07:33:12 PMrevdjenk Jeep had its turn today with this same type of hack
07:33:38 PMGuest_2574 how many times you you say account in sentance?
07:34:04 PMrevdjenk account account account three times it seems Guest_2574
07:34:28 PM_Jot_ if you go for four, will a sirene sound because of an overdrawn account?
07:34:37 PMGuest_2574 nice!
07:34:49 PMtroy74 "microsoft" called me this morning
07:34:50 PMrevdjenk I have no idea!!
07:35:07 PMGuest_2574 What did Bill want?
07:35:15 PMrevdjenk the Brazilian iphone runs LINUX
07:35:24 PMrevdjenk sorry Android
07:35:29 PM_Jot_ troy74, that reminds me, the creditcard number you gave me was fake, so I'll call you again tomorrow, I hope you won't say 'a big fat zero' again
07:35:59 PMtroy74 jot sorry man my wife beat you to it
07:36:28 PMtic-toc Bet it can't do ebonics
07:36:45 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, the big question is, how are they going to verify that the result is correct
07:36:46 PMGuest_2574 What you talkin about willis?
07:37:08 PMGuest_2574 Your dead now so shut up!
07:37:11 PMSwissAndi oh, a green screen
07:37:19 PMDennis_Kelley sweet
07:37:44 PMtroy74 pretty cool
07:37:46 PM_Jot_ EricKidd, you really don't want to know what he put behind you on that greenscreen
07:37:54 PMwwwer eric was snowing
07:37:55 PMajamison5579 who spotted the netflix logo behind Eric
07:38:03 PMrevdjenk Kidd has an ocean bib
07:38:03 PMGuest_2574 idiot!
07:38:04 PMDennis_Kelley your shirt look like it had bugs
07:38:16 PMSwissAndi lol@eric
07:38:25 PMScott_L It worked better that time
07:38:25 PM_Jot_ you're still working EricKidd
07:38:34 PM_Jot_ work harder though EricKidd, stop lounging around in the sand
07:38:40 PMRobbieF :)
07:38:54 PMrevdjenk Eric Chu!?
07:38:58 PMwwwer you continue to talk at this point as the mics are still on
07:39:15 PM_Jot_ Xu isn't the name Rachel came with, at least now we know who she's married to
07:39:33 PMrevdjenk Sorry RAchel Xu
07:39:35 PMGuest_2574 that seems big!
07:39:39 PMSwissAndi mk802?
07:39:43 PMScott_L Smaller than a Raspberry pi RobbieF
07:39:58 PMDennis_Kelley looks like it Scott_L
07:40:06 PMtroy74 i want....
07:40:10 PMrevdjenk yes, read that review
07:40:21 PMBobK54 I have one of those! GREAT on my 52" screen. Android powered.
07:40:22 PMGuest_2574 6000SUX
07:40:28 PM_Jot_
07:40:32 PMajamison5579 it only costs $40000
07:40:39 PMajamison5579 ;)
07:40:45 PMDennis_Kelley an unboxing!
07:40:50 PMSwissAndi hehe
07:40:57 PMrevdjenk unboxing
07:41:05 PMScott_L Is it ARM?
07:41:10 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, there is a manual, you're supposed to read it, but I guess you didn't even bother like usual
07:41:36 PMGuest_2574 Gootta say I dont think i care....
07:42:04 PMGuest_2574 Smart TV....
07:42:21 PMinvinciblemutant i am having 1 of this
07:42:30 PM_Jot_ Scott_L, yes, it is Cortex A9 so ARM
07:42:31 PMBobK54 you wont beleive the price!
07:42:42 PMinvinciblemutant rokomagic
07:42:45 PMGuest_2574 Droid.. BOOOOOOooo
07:42:50 PMDennis_Kelley Guest_2574 what are you talking about?
07:42:51 PMinvinciblemutant rikomagic
07:43:02 PMajamison5579 But will it blend?
07:43:10 PMtroy74 thats kind of awesome
07:43:17 PMSwissAndi cool little gadget indeed
07:43:22 PM_Jot_ Dennis_Kelley, it is the same type of thing you will find in a smart tv, except you can connect it to other things as well
07:43:50 PM_Jot_ Dennis_Kelley, a smart tv is a regular tv, so monitor+tuner, but with an extra computer, that has a chip or system like this
07:43:56 PMinvinciblemutant I still cant get my media server played well
07:43:58 PMrevdjenk The first thing I would have to do is buy a new TV!
07:44:04 PMBobK54 It's weird to NOT have to power it off. It stays on all the time.
07:44:23 PMinvinciblemutant the wifi is not strong enough i think
07:44:28 PMinvinciblemutant the wifi sucks
07:44:35 PMajamison5579 robbief but will it blend
07:44:40 PMGuest_2574 I think ill keep my apple tv for 99bux
07:44:43 PMinvinciblemutant RobbieF: have you test the wifi
07:44:43 PMSwissAndi hehe, ajamison5579
07:44:52 PMinvinciblemutant and connect to a media server
07:44:58 PM_Jot_ so small - EricKidd needs his reading glasses (but then, EricKidd is really old, so he needs that just to read license plates from 1m distance)
07:45:08 PMGuest_2574 LO!!!!
07:45:28 PMBobK54 mine is the MK808 or GV20. the wifi works great. but my router is only 15 feet from the TV too.
07:45:32 PMScott_L Good price
07:45:35 PMSwissAndi glad noone is asking if it runs windows 8
07:45:42 PMinvinciblemutant i think mind is MK802
07:45:47 PMinvinciblemutant mine
07:46:08 PMGuest_2574 my apple tv came with a remote..
07:46:12 PMtroy74 new toy...must have
07:46:35 PMinvinciblemutant lol...i am using a fullsize keyboard
07:46:46 PMScott_L I still want to have a Raspberry pi to play with
07:46:51 PMinvinciblemutant it accept any 2.4ghz wifi HID
07:47:15 PMBobK54 I bought a K400 keyboard, almost full size keyboard with integrated touchpad.
07:47:32 PMinvinciblemutant BobK54: me too...i am using the K400 too
07:47:41 PMBobK54 works great!
07:47:45 PMinvinciblemutant yes
07:47:53 PMGuest_2574 Good keyboard
07:48:03 PMinvinciblemutant what software you use to play files on media server?
07:48:03 PMSwissAndi for small hands
07:48:18 PMrevdjenk Aren't there some bluetooth keyboards with remote buttons, too?
07:48:18 PMinvinciblemutant BobK54: what app you use to play files on media server
07:48:18 PMinvinciblemutant ?
07:48:35 PMrevdjenk BobK54: ah, that too!
07:48:35 PMinvinciblemutant revdjenk: it does not support bluetooth i think
07:48:38 PMGuest_2574 like someone said... Will i Blend?
07:48:56 PMrevdjenk RobbieF: reported that it had bluetooth
07:49:02 PMGuest_2574 Blow up the T!!!
07:49:07 PMBobK54 I use netflix on mine but never streamed files on it yet. My surround sound unit is what I use to stream today. I need to try it on the MK808
07:49:23 PMrevdjenk It is Tech Tuesday!!!
07:50:03 PMtic-toc Christmas in February
07:50:34 PM_Jot_ the big question of course is, will it blend... oh sorry, different show
07:51:14 PMrevdjenk oh, it has a full size usb, too
07:51:16 PMBobK54 INFINITE LOOP........
07:51:18 PMtroy74 good birthday gift for my wife lol
07:51:55 PMSwissAndi the peripherals are bigger than the pc itself. hilarious.
07:52:07 PMtic-toc Widows TV..WT?
07:52:09 PMrevdjenk plug in the hdmi, bobs your uncle
07:52:31 PMrevdjenk ah cute android
07:53:03 PMtic-toc Thats slick
07:53:13 PMjonathon invinciblemutant I use Plex to stream media from my home server to my Roku, there is an Android app, but it is not free like the server software
07:53:30 PMGuest_2574 29 bux on amazon...
07:54:02 PMinvinciblemutant I already have a media server at home
07:54:02 PMtic-toc Snappy too
07:54:20 PMinvinciblemutant jonathon: Plex is an app? paid?
07:54:43 PMinvinciblemutant RobbieF: Netflix is on available in Malaysia
07:55:04 PMjonathon This is less expensive and more flexible than the Roku. Plex is media server application that runs on Win/Linux (Mac?) and there are android apps for streaming.
07:55:13 PMrevdjenk they just announced their tablet version of ubuntu...released on Thursdya
07:55:33 PMDennis_Kelley RobbieF - Sounds cool!
07:55:45 PMSwissAndi 8 GB of flash memory? sounds like some external storage would be helpful.
07:55:58 PMBobK54 it has a micro sd slot too
07:56:29 PMrevdjenk SwissAndi: you could plug in an external drive through the usb, or connect to your network through the wifi
07:56:38 PMSwissAndi sounds cool
07:57:00 PMtroy74 i wonder how the wifi is on it
07:57:28 PMinvinciblemutant my wifi experience on it is not good
07:57:33 PMinvinciblemutant i think it is a bit slow
07:57:38 PMrevdjenk Wonder where Eric got that idea!!!
07:57:46 PMSwissAndi :)
07:57:48 PMinvinciblemutant perhaps i need to ensure enough power
07:58:16 PMinvinciblemutant i use 1A supply
07:58:45 PMSwissAndi about $150 in switzerland. but still affordable...
07:58:57 PMrevdjenk EricKidd: lemonade and cookies
07:59:04 PMBobK54 60 USD for MK808 + 40 USD for the keyboard = $100 for an android computer on my TV
07:59:23 PMtroy74 sounds good to me
07:59:29 PMrevdjenk RobbieF: always gets food for Hillary, come back EricKidd
07:59:32 PM_Jot_ EricKidd, you could just wear a wig and pretend you're hillary, you're just as handsome
07:59:34 PMGuest_2574 Give away Eric!
07:59:43 PMSwissAndi McTimbits
08:00:14 PMinvinciblemutant RobbieF: what is the best media client on MK802 rikomagic?
08:00:41 PMtroy74 great show guys
08:00:45 PMSwissAndi thanks for the show, RobbieF and EricKidd :)
08:00:51 PMBobK54 good show!
08:01:02 PMScott_L Yes, great show
08:01:23 PMpyrosrock RobbieF just orded 2 pi's now i want one of those :(
08:01:45 PMRobbieF :) You can still buy one pyrosrock!
08:01:46 PMrevdjenk maybe therewill be a giveaway
08:01:55 PM_Jot_ pyrosrock, pi's are nice for electronics and such, it's really hard to do that to these thingies
08:02:40 PMpyrosrock yeah RobbieF but i got no monnies as i spent it on py
08:02:43 PMDennis_Kelley so how much is that MK802 device
08:02:46 PMpyrosrock pi*
08:03:07 PMrevdjenk 60-70$
08:03:17 PMDennis_Kelley cool
08:03:21 PMinvinciblemutant having a raspberry pi too, still havent got time to play with it
08:04:12 PMinvinciblemutant any good recommendation for media client?
08:04:23 PMinvinciblemutant i mean on the rikomagic
08:08:11 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, yay, Jot wins one too?
08:10:21 PMrevdjenk pyrosrock: are you the blank screen
08:10:27 PMrevdjenk gone
08:11:18 PMrevdjenk Well, I'm going to go... see you all next week perhaps...
08:11:38 PM_Jot_ have a nice week revdjenk, and if you get any calls from me, don't forget to give me your creditcardnumbers and passwords
08:11:56 PMrevdjenk right, turn around, fair play, and all!
08:12:53 PM_Jot_ Rachel, so are the $4 chocolates tasty? would you share with me?
08:15:25 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, thanks for the show, it felt nice
08:16:10 PMGWG Felt nice?
08:16:11 PM_Jot_ EricKidd, you were good too, but you seemed a bit distracted the whole show, are you okay?
08:17:29 PMRobbieF Cheers :)
08:17:32 PMRobbieF hope you all had fun!
08:18:56 PMDennis_Kelley Well I am off! _Jot_ Sorry for your mess there! Hope all gets sorted out!
08:19:20 PM_Jot_ have a great week Dennis_Kelley
08:19:23 PMRobbieF night dennis
08:19:29 PMRobbieF Take care!
08:19:55 PMEricKidd Thanks for having me. If i seemed distracted, please accept my apologies. It must have been the "TimBits" that Rachel brought.
08:20:52 PM_Jot_ EricKidd, did you have the $4 chocolates? TimBits is nothing compared to that
08:21:22 PM_Jot_ I haven't tasted them myself yet, but I will, I'm sure of that
08:23:00 PMEricKidd No chocolates for Eric.... What a rip-off!
08:25:16 PM_Jot_ the good thing is, you live in Barrie, and so do the chocolates, so you could find some fine food and buy them
08:25:51 PM_Jot_ I'm not one to say you really should, but in some cases, you really should, and you might want to mention category5, since you even work there, it may help
08:26:36 PM_Jot_ one good reason I've been using is, chocolate
08:26:52 PM_Jot_ eehmmm I just had a weird image, I saw two Rachel Xu heads and only one Rachel Xu body
08:27:31 PM_Jot_ seriously, they had the exact same expression and everything, just one looked a bit more yellow than the other
08:28:18 PMEricKidd She is tee-hee-ing now!
08:28:43 PM_Jot_ yay! it's really hard to normally get a response from her on air, so good for me :)
08:32:07 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, by the way, the colours looked good from up close, so it shows you did set it up correctly even though the lights make things look odd sometimes, so good job and good camera
08:32:42 PM_Jot_ bad thing for me, good thing for Rachel Xu, I forgot to hit PrtScr, so no screenshots
08:33:16 PMRobbieF :)
08:33:25 PMRobbieF the infrared likes to run all the time.
08:33:51 PM_Jot_ apparently, I'm infrared, since I would watch all the time :)
08:34:11 PM_Jot_ I don't know why, but I still would, weird eh
08:37:14 PMRobbieF :)
08:37:20 PMRobbieF it's entirely entertaining.
08:39:11 PM_Jot_ you learn very interesting things, for example 'how many of the TimBits' did Rachel eat?' 'Practically all of them', and things like 'Canadian women keep the food to themselfs', and 'like in other countries, the sexes still sit on different sides of the room, no matter how old they get, instead of mingling'
08:40:52 PM_Jot_ hi girls, and Rachel and Heather
08:41:02 PMEricKidd C'mon _Jot_, we want more made them giggle again :)
08:41:30 PM_Jot_ it's all in the screen, I haven't even called to secretly speak with them or something
08:41:32 PMEricKidd That's Bekah, not Heather!
08:41:45 PM_Jot_ oh sorry, I wasn't looking when they were walking over
08:42:04 PMEricKidd Too late....they're mad at you now!
08:42:21 PM_Jot_ Bekah is a good author, and Rachel is pretty creative as well, so who knows what they can think of that makes them giggle
08:42:31 PM_Jot_ or mad, for that matter
08:42:48 PM_Jot_ (I am glad I am sitting here on the other side of the camera right now though)
08:43:53 PM_Jot_ but seriously, I have all three books sitting right next to me all the time since I finished reading them, so I probably see them more often than you guys do
08:44:58 PM_Jot_ and yeah EricKidd, I have some of your music, and Robbies of course, nothing from Rachel yet though, but who knows in the future :)
08:45:19 PM_Jot_ if only I remembered screenshots, but oh well, maybe next time
08:46:27 PMRobbieF Jot; Rachel Xu & Bekah Ferguson have written a novel together. It comes out this summer.
08:47:26 PM_Jot_ geez, they already sold a copy, can you imagine that?
08:47:40 PMEricKidd Where'd you get the books?
08:49:18 PM_Jot_ EricKidd, I bought two of them through cafepress, since I couldn't get them here, and the other from amazon, but Uk since I wouldn't have to pay taxes
08:49:59 PM_Jot_ in case RobbieF never showed you:
08:50:11 PMEricKidd Well done, sir!
08:50:39 PM_Jot_ EricKidd, if you had a CD or something, I'd buy it too, so get to it :)
08:50:49 PMEricKidd I'll get on that :)
08:51:43 PM_Jot_ the one I got from amazon was this one:
08:51:46 PMRobbieF I've mentioned to Eric he should record something here.
08:52:20 PM_Jot_ that's just so he would have to pay royalties to you RobbieF, but yeah, I think the sound would be good for that
08:52:37 PMRobbieF I even bought the drum kit! :)
08:52:41 PM_Jot_ if you listen to the show, it sounds okay, but the MP3s already sound a lot better
08:53:28 PM_Jot_ there's even been rumours you can play them, at least, one drum at a time, otherwise it gets too complex
08:54:33 PM_Jot_ I bet they are very glad for the headphones, the whole day 'bang bang bang' on the same drum
08:55:33 PM_Jot_ poor kids too, people thinking it is them playing the drums, when it's really RobbieF
08:58:05 PM_Jot_ I was hoping Bekah was going for popcorn, but alas, maybe next time
08:58:35 PM_Jot_ at least, I think it's Bekah, I mean, Rachel, Bekah and Abigail look so much alike, they could be sisters
08:59:14 PMRobbieF :)
09:01:29 PM_Jot_ but thanks for letting me watch, it's nice to see something normal, and before you go 'hey, who says this is normal', I'm Jot, how would I know what is normal
09:03:00 PMRobbieF :)
09:03:01 PMRobbieF haha
09:03:17 PMRobbieF well, we're just chatting, hanging out, while I get the photos and such ready for the upload.
09:04:07 PM_Jot_ wow RobbieF, that's just like working, before you know it, you'll get a real job
09:06:04 PM_Jot_ it does help me seeing this because tomorrow I'll go visit my neighbour, so I'll know just how to behave
09:06:31 PM_Jot_ I'll go look for hidden cameras, and hold up stuff to it, just like Rachel Xu, and I'll tell them, well, that's what Rachel did, so that must be normal
09:07:02 PM_Jot_ then I'll wiggle around in my chair a lor, 'that's what RobbieF did'
09:07:06 PM_Jot_ lot*
09:07:23 PM_Jot_ or I'll walk back and forth like Bekah
09:07:34 PM_Jot_ or maybe go sit in the officechair and drive around like EricKidd
09:07:57 PMRobbieF haha
09:07:59 PMEricKidd Good night Jot!
09:08:06 PMGWG I have a podcast in 52 minutes
09:08:18 PMGWG Now that I've finished work.
09:08:22 PMRobbieF oh cool :) Moving to Tuesdays?
09:08:22 PMGWG You are all welcome to join
09:08:26 PMGWG We have a room on this server
09:08:29 PMGWG RobbieF: Only this week
09:08:35 PMRobbieF groovie!
09:08:46 PMGWG My co-host had a personal emergency so we moved it
09:08:50 PMRobbieF if I wasn't working 'till 10:30, I'd tune in!
09:08:54 PM_Jot_ thanks for letting us know GWG, got a link that I can use then to listen at that time too?
09:08:55 PMGWG RobbieF: YOu can lurk in #AndroidBuffet if you want.
09:08:57 PMRobbieF especially since tonight's feature was an android device
09:09:08 PMGWG _Jot_:
09:09:17 PMGWG redirects to the live stream
09:09:19 PMGWG It's audio only
09:09:41 PM_Jot_ I'll be there then :)
09:09:58 PMGWG I'm already in #AndroidBuffet
09:10:47 PM_Jot_ as you can see, I opened that room too so I won't forget
09:11:34 PM_Jot_ hi there!
09:11:48 PM_Jot_ darn, not sure about the timedifference so not sure if she saw it
09:13:00 PM_Jot_ I bet it is different between locations as well, so it's hard to tell when something happens and when somebody else sees it, without a clock onscreen
09:17:33 PM_Jot_ RobieF, with the cameracolours a bit strange because of the distance, at first I thought somebody in a white bunnysuit like in a laboratory had come in
09:17:53 PMRobbieF hahaa
09:18:02 PMRobbieF well, it's dark now, so the infrared is actually what lets you see
09:18:16 PMRobbieF but it'd be nice if the infrared would turn off when the lights come on
09:18:29 PM_Jot_ well RobbieF, you look just as nice in the dark as in the light
09:18:33 PM_Jot_ now I hope Bekah isn't jealous...
09:21:02 PMRobbieF lol
09:21:08 PM_Jot_ not that I'm flirting, but then I would have to explain about how you got attacked as well to police and it would be hard keeping all those stories seperate
09:22:40 PMRobbieF This is getting awkward ;)
09:22:41 PMRobbieF haha
09:23:34 PM_Jot_ geez, I haven't been flirting with anybody else! I meant that I know about others getting attacked which I have to tell the police, geez
09:23:49 PM_Jot_ (how to make it even more awkward in one easy lesson)
09:24:36 PM_Jot_ but Bekah came to the screen earlier, at least I think it's Bekah who's sitting near the fireplace, and I'm sorry that because of the time difference she didn't see anything happening


Does Not Include Lurkers