Chat Logs for Episode 308 — #Category5 on /


With 64 Posts:_Jot_
With 27 Posts:RobbieF
With 27 Posts:ajamison5579
With 25 Posts:GoodGuy
With 15 Posts:Guest_hArry_

Chat Logs:

06:58:19 PMRobbieF Hey all
06:58:29 PM_Jot_ hey RobbieF
06:58:32 PMBobK54 Good evening!
06:58:42 PMpaulr8 hello
06:59:21 PMRobbieF all feeds a-go?
06:59:31 PMRobbieF so it would appear.
06:59:33 PM_Jot_ main feed and radio are up
06:59:41 PMRobbieF VLC should be working tonight too.
07:00:12 PM_Jot_ yep!
07:00:44 PMpaulr8 i see video on web page
07:00:46 PM_Jot_ no Bekah? sorry to hear it
07:01:23 PMmaxwell6307 hi all
07:02:33 PM_Jot_ no audio?
07:02:36 PMRobbieF having issues folks
07:02:37 PMRobbieF sorry
07:02:38 PMRobbieF brb
07:03:11 PMGuest_hArry ey gana!!
07:03:15 PM_Jot_ nice echo!
07:03:20 PMGuest_hArry hey gang!!
07:03:23 PM_Jot_ RobbieF is handling some sound-issues
07:03:24 PMmaxwell6307 hi jot
07:03:46 PMKing_Arthur Hi GoodGuy
07:03:48 PMGoodGuy Needs to handle it again... Just died again
07:03:51 PMGoodGuy Hi King_Arthur
07:04:06 PMRobbieF Will be up in a moment folks
07:04:09 PMRobbieF sorry for the delay
07:04:19 PMmaxwell6307 np
07:04:21 PM_Jot_ it's okay RobbieF! We understand
07:04:23 PMGoodGuy Get the knights around the round table and work on the sound issue my sire
07:04:36 PMKing_Arthur should we remote into Robbie's system to see what the mater is?
07:04:38 PMacessweb off line
07:04:53 PMRobbieF :)
07:04:56 PMRobbieF thanks King Arthur
07:05:08 PMGoodGuy Perhaps that's an option
07:05:11 PMGuest_hArry_ let's do it all at once right now
07:05:28 PM_Jot_ feed will go down, and then start without audio but go live right away
07:05:41 PM_Jot_ as in, no theme music
07:06:07 PMGuest_hArry_ I guess tech is not good since Sunday for most of us!!
07:06:10 PM_Jot_ it'll take about a minute o r3
07:06:22 PMRobbieF Looks like a 7:10pm start again this week folks, sorry for the issues.
07:06:36 PMGuest_hArry_ no prob go right ahead
07:06:53 PMBobK54 life happens!
07:07:18 PMGuest_hArry_ I waited a whole week,,,why not some more minutes
07:07:55 PMKing_Arthur How many have switch from team viewer to Google Hangouts for remote desktop support?
07:08:05 PMajamison5579 Robbief what is that thing sitting on top of your desk with the ubuntu logo under the BSP camera
07:08:08 PMGuest_hArry_ i guess server does not want to be with just you RobbieF
07:09:04 PM_Jot_ I think the ubuntu mug?
07:09:25 PM_Jot_ oh, that looks like a screen
07:10:04 PMGuest_hArry_ it's a credit card scanner
07:10:22 PMajamison5579 an awfully huge CC scanner if that is what it is
07:10:32 PMGuest_hArry_ hahahahaha
07:10:45 PMGuest_hArry_ 1st iteration of it
07:10:49 PM_Jot_ yay, it started again :)
07:12:31 PM_Jot_ I wonder where this chatroom is that RobbieF talked about
07:12:36 PMajamison5579 Ah this reminds me of old school Robbief solo without a co-host
07:12:55 PMRobbieF :)
07:13:10 PMthiebaude the good ole days :)
07:13:14 PMajamison5579 so robbief what is that contraption under the BSP camera
07:14:25 PMthiebaude Robbie you going up to the lake?
07:14:35 PM_Jot_ yep, like the olden days, RobbieF is still old
07:14:48 PM_Jot_ how I know? well, no hair
07:14:57 PMthiebaude ^^
07:15:09 PM_Jot_ (okay,my obligatory no hair joke done)
07:16:30 PMOldGuyJim Robbie, sorry I haven't been online lately...scheduling difficulties...So I've been watching the episodes at a later date. I wanted to give you a big "thank you" for the lesson on ffDiaporama. I've been looking for something that I could use in Linux that would come close to ProShow Gold for windows. Thank you. This did it
07:16:35 PMthiebaude Hi robbie and everyone
07:16:55 PM_Jot_ hi thiebaude
07:17:00 PMthiebaude Hey Jot
07:17:01 PM_Jot_ nice to see you OldGuyJim
07:17:16 PMU-Al hello
07:17:29 PMgpop7 Hello Robbief
07:17:39 PMgpop7 hi everyone
07:17:42 PM_Jot_ hi U-Al
07:17:44 PM_Jot_ hi gpop7
07:17:49 PMGuest_hArry_ Am I in now?
07:17:56 PMthiebaude Hi U-Al
07:17:58 PM_Jot_ hi Guest_hArry
07:18:02 PMU-Al no lovely co-host tonight. oh well
07:18:02 PMgpop7 hello jot
07:18:03 PMGuest_hArry_ yessss finally
07:18:33 PMU-Al Hi Jot, theibaude
07:19:03 PM_Jot_ I see a co-host? at the edge of the screen
07:19:43 PMU-Al Mr. Spock
07:19:51 PMajamison5579 Oh Robbief themes his vacations
07:21:19 PMajamison5579 I allways loved going to Historic Williamsburg VA
07:21:35 PMajamison5579 they have alot of American history related buildings and stuff there
07:21:44 PMthiebaude bush gardens was fun
07:21:50 PM_Jot_ so they have Dutch windmills and everything?
07:22:07 PMajamison5579 Robbief Do they have a disney world or land in Canada
07:22:16 PMajamison5579 Virginia
07:25:00 PMajamison5579 I went to a Paramount theme park in one park you had Yogi walk a little to the left and you got greated by a Klingon in full makeup and speaking kilingon
07:25:31 PMajamison5579 Greeted
07:25:35 PMajamison5579 stupid spelling
07:26:03 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, go through the old episodes! you can do it!
07:26:22 PMmaxwell6307 whats happening with linux and flash?
07:26:22 PMGoodGuy video looks very good tonight
07:26:54 PMKing_Arthur yes, great video
07:27:14 PMGoodGuy Adobe basically dropped Flash Linux suppport other than major security flaws afaik
07:27:56 PMthiebaude and i guess it dont matter, if you ues google chrome
07:27:58 PMthiebaude use
07:28:01 PMmaxwell6307 is there an open source flash?
07:28:19 PMthiebaude is pepperflash open source?
07:28:19 PMajamison5579 yes
07:28:24 PMajamison5579 its called Gnash
07:28:29 PMajamison5579 but does not allways work
07:28:47 PMthiebaude eww, that was awful when i first tried it, did not work at all
07:28:55 PMthiebaude 6yrs ago,lol
07:29:16 PMajamison5579 gnash works well enough for most things but flash heavy sites may complain
07:29:28 PMajamison5579 it works well enough for youtube if I am not mistaken
07:29:58 PMU-Al can't you use a tool like Easeus to combine partitions
07:30:09 PMGoodGuy There is a gadget that allows switching SATA drives by switch.. comes in both 3/12 and 5 1/4 in bays
07:30:32 PMGoodGuy I have the links on my WinXP desktop, but I'm on Linux now
07:30:38 PMajamison5579 U-Al combining partitions is not recomended its messy and if you manage to get it to work your likely to have broken something else
07:30:53 PMGoodGuy I will try to remember and send RobbieF links
07:31:13 PMU-Al i have done it with no problems ajamison5579
07:31:47 PMajamison5579 U-Al then you obviously know something I do not when ever I tried it disaster followed
07:32:13 PMU-Al I see.
07:32:17 PM_Jot_ Sata itsself can be attached and detached without issues, but the OS may not like it
07:32:37 PM_Jot_ I mean, with the computer on, it is hot-swappable
07:32:39 PMOldGuyJim Robbie, You are never alone...:)
07:32:55 PMGoodGuy I didn't know Roku could do that
07:33:11 PMGoodGuy If that only for BLIP TV?
07:34:12 PM_Jot_ if you'd like to help RobbieF reducing his bills, deposit some at
07:34:18 PMajamison5579 Robbief are you renting a new space?
07:34:24 PMajamison5579 or did you buy one
07:35:56 PM_Jot_ building, I think
07:36:48 PMGuest_hArry_ what was the name of the volleyball man that apperared with Tom Hanks in the movie?
07:37:15 PMmaxwell6307 flash?
07:37:26 PM_Jot_ Wilson?
07:38:01 PM_Jot_ from Cast Away?
07:38:05 PMGuest_hArry_ yes Mr Wilson!!! is what RobbieF needs tonite
07:38:52 PMajamison5579 Robbief Mr. Spock the Bobble Head behind you can be the co-host
07:39:46 PMGoodGuy Terrorist target someday
07:40:00 PMOldGuyJim I heard about the project this morning on was DejaVu...I've read about this type of transportation in more than one science fiction story. I never thought I'd live long enough to see a real-life concept proposed.
07:40:36 PMGoodGuy Magnetic powered?
07:41:13 PM_Jot_ no, vacuum-tubes
07:41:27 PM_Jot_ they think it will cost 5 billion, and it is only an idea at this point
07:41:41 PM_Jot_ it's completely stupid, because even a bunch of trains already cost 20 billion
07:41:44 PMGoodGuy I thought he said vacuum wasn't feasable for that long a path
07:42:43 PMGoodGuy TMI :-)
07:43:24 PMOldGuyJim Wow! Interesting night.
07:43:57 PMGuest_hArry_ did it stopped again?
07:44:05 PM_Jot_ still going fine for me
07:44:28 PM_Jot_ if you are watching the VLC stream, that is still going fine for me also
07:45:00 PMGoodGuy They didn't give a poop about toilet security
07:45:01 PMGuest_hArry_ nope. it came back for me,,,an internet sneeze down in FL US
07:45:32 PM_Jot_ I don't like advanced toilets. Too much that could break.
07:46:08 PMGoodGuy Japanese are big into advanced toilet technology
07:46:21 PM_Jot_ yeah, definatly
07:46:49 PM_Jot_ not suprisingly, seeing how many of them live, in very small spaces a toilet is one of the few places you can be alone and relax
07:47:02 PMOldGuyJim Large capacity as long as you don't do a lot of read/writes. Still not there yet from what I can tell.
07:47:28 PM_Jot_ I bet Rachel Xu send the toilet story :)
07:47:43 PMajamison5579 who buys a $6000 toliet anyway
07:47:59 PMajamison5579 serves them right for flushing their money down the pooper
07:47:59 PM_Jot_ wow, didn't expect that!
07:48:25 PMGoodGuy Wealthy ppl who have large amts of cash to use
07:49:03 PM_Jot_ Wealthy people should go to and make a donation. Maybe they can get a tax-deduction on it
07:49:08 PMBobK54 only a bigsh*t can afford them. What? BigshOt. What were you thinking?
07:49:08 PMajamison5579 goodguy true but I would think they use it for more productive means
07:49:41 PMGoodGuy We think that way because we don't have much spare cash... they do!
07:49:42 PMajamison5579 why do you want to spend 6000 on something you evacuate your bowels in
07:50:13 PMGoodGuy Because they can and it's "bragging" rights I suppose
07:50:27 PMGuest_hArry_ that's Snoop's Lion toilet
07:50:58 PMGoodGuy Use a Virtual Image and mount that on a HTPC
07:51:23 PMajamison5579 or that guy who wears the clocks around his neck he can switch to toliets
07:52:26 PMGoodGuy RobbieF - Have you played with Linux VortexBox... they seem to have MakeMKV installed
07:53:04 PMGoodGuy I don't know if they handle Blu-rays, but they do DVD's
07:54:01 PMGoodGuy
07:55:41 PM_Jot_ hi Guest
08:00:54 PM_Jot_ keckeckec, remember, backups are only backups if you can restore them!
08:01:10 PMdjrick2005 make sure you backup your backyp your backup. lol
08:01:10 PMkeckeckec Yes, I know.
08:01:13 PM_Jot_ so make sure to test that functionality without overwriting, but as verificaiton sometime
08:01:42 PMkeckeckec Back-U-La
08:05:55 PM_Jot_ lol, I never mentioned cds, I guess Robbie is stuck in his recording days now :)
08:06:21 PMdjrick2005 they're pressed.
08:06:24 PMkeckeckec _Jot_ I've done several bare-metal restores. Linux is a snap. XP not so easy.
08:07:26 PM_Jot_ yeah, if you can restore them it's always good :)
08:07:32 PMacessweb RobbieF you could talk about NAS storage
08:07:57 PM_Jot_ check out unraid, that's one of the NAS storages RobbieF discussed in the past
08:08:44 PM_Jot_ I mean, if you search on the site for unraid, some episodes will come up and he'll discuss some of those things
08:10:15 PMkeckeckec Gotta run -- later all.
08:10:23 PM_Jot_ have a great time keckeckec
08:10:28 PMGoodGuy bye keckeckec
08:15:24 PMgpop7 great job robbief. good show
08:15:39 PM_Jot_ RobbieF still got it :)
08:15:58 PMRobbieF thanks everyone
08:16:14 PM_Jot_ *fires phaser at the screen*
08:16:29 PMgpop7 Goodnight everyone.have a good week.
08:16:39 PMRobbieF Well, I hope you all had a great time
08:16:41 PMRobbieF night gpop7
08:17:02 PM_Jot_ good show RobbieF
08:17:06 PMRobbieF thanks _Jot_
08:17:30 PMgpop7 Until we meet again. Same time same station.
08:17:42 PM_Jot_ see you gpop7
08:17:58 PMgpop7 Later jot
08:20:52 PMRobbieF Thanks for your patience while I had some technical difficulties
08:21:58 PM_Jot_ it happens
08:22:19 PM_Jot_ at least you had it all set up easily enough being just you, so video and audio were amazing
08:23:04 PMRobbieF cool
08:23:21 PMRobbieF yeah video is usually good when we don't need to have wider shots (I can focus all the quality on my FACE) :)
08:24:09 PM_Jot_ oh, this is where I am supposed to go: so why didn't you put the shot on something with quality, right?
08:24:36 PMRobbieF haha
08:24:41 PMRobbieF something a little less boring to look at.
08:26:07 PM_Jot_ it wasn't boring at all, there were enough shot-changes :) the director didn't rest even with fewer presenters in the studio
08:31:24 PM_Jot_ they only should fire the news-reader though, she didn't look that nice tonight
08:48:35 PMRobbieF :)
08:48:57 PMRobbieF but even still, she didn't stumble on a single word!
08:50:44 PM_Jot_ yep :)
09:02:57 PMGWG Evening
09:03:08 PM_Jot_ hey GWG
09:04:11 PMrobgor hey all
09:04:42 PMGWG Did I miss anything?
09:05:36 PM_Jot_ today was RobbieF alone, because scheduling-issues, so it was a nice show
09:06:09 PMGWG He has dozens of co-hosts
09:07:22 PM_Jot_ today was supposed BekahF but she couldn't, and nobody else wanted to I bet
09:07:23 PMRobbieF Vacation week GWG
09:07:43 PMRobbieF I decided to go on live instead of pre-record.
09:22:33 PMRobbieF ahh, good 'ol show notes.


Does Not Include Lurkers