06:58:02 PM | robgor | I know but still
06:58:12 PM | Mastermindzh | Don't wanna jinx it again ? xD
06:58:20 PM | robgor | no
06:58:23 PM | _Jot_ | TheChrista: 'I am now going to ask a totally spontaneous question. Let me check my list'
06:58:56 PM | revdjenk | _Jot_: you are always spontaneous...
06:58:56 PM | Mastermindzh | 1 more min :D
06:59:05 PM | Dave-Maydew | Oh no _Jot_ is going to Spontaneusly combust
06:59:06 PM | TheChrista | Hey folks!
06:59:12 PM | _Jot_ | hey TheChrista
06:59:19 PM | paulr8 | hello
06:59:19 PM | _Jot_ | Nice to see you here with us :)
06:59:21 PM | Mastermindzh | hey theChrista :)
06:59:23 PM | _Jot_ | hi paulr8
06:59:32 PM | robgor | jot maybe we shouldnt be good to apple users apparently they have lots of $$$
06:59:45 PM | Dave-Maydew | hahahaha
06:59:49 PM | Mastermindzh | hey TNfrank :)
06:59:52 PM | Dave-Maydew | do they??
06:59:56 PM | ShineShadow | hey theChrista
07:00:01 PM | TNFrank | Howdy, looks like I just made it in time. LOL
07:00:01 PM | Mastermindzh | Enjoyed the bite you had haha ?
07:00:01 PM | _Jot_ | robgor, they gave it all to apple
07:00:05 PM | robgor | considering they pay double for the hardware
07:00:23 PM | robgor | hmm yes you are right again jot
07:00:27 PM | Mastermindzh | nonsense, apple machines are cheap as hell, and run great ! #not
07:00:28 PM | Mastermindzh | D:
07:00:29 PM | _Jot_ | Starting soon... :)
07:00:30 PM | Dave-Maydew | hardware that's intel
07:01:02 PM | TNFrank | I tried to install Point Linux on an 16MB SanDisk Crusier that I have, didn't work though.:-/
07:01:10 PM | _Jot_ | we support you TheChrista :)
07:01:11 PM | Garbee | RobbieF, Technical issues?
07:01:19 PM | Mastermindzh | Well 16MB is a little small don't you think TNFrank :P
07:01:19 PM | _Jot_ | just youtube Garbee
07:01:34 PM | TNFrank | LOL, ups, I meant 16GB, my bad.
07:02:03 PM | Mastermindzh | youtube now working :)
07:02:03 PM | revdjenk | we is on the air in YT
07:02:29 PM | TNFrank | I got the same "startpar" failure that I got when I tried to install it on my buddies hard drive outside of his desktop
07:03:23 PM | revdjenk | Can't go anywhere, I am here
07:03:37 PM | _Jot_ | try typing 16MB, you'll find it isn't so small :)
07:03:43 PM | TNFrank | LOL, my wife just went to the store but I stayed behind so I can be here, LOL
07:03:53 PM | revdjenk | TNFrank: hee hee
07:03:58 PM | Mastermindzh | Husband of the month award goes to ... TNFRANK :P
07:04:18 PM | Mastermindzh | will we get an indiegogo plug after the batteries ?? :p
07:04:22 PM | TNFrank | I picked up an old copy of "Linux for Dummies' and they were saying that an 8MB hard drive was plenty big to install Linux on,
07:04:37 PM | Mastermindzh | Must've been a REALLY old book lols
07:04:44 PM | _Jot_ | Masterminzh, you already went to http://cat5.tv/studio but feel free to keep pledging
07:04:54 PM | TNFrank | Hey, we'd only spend more money if I went with her. I'd have to get cookies, beer, ect. LOL
07:05:08 PM | Mastermindzh | So now you have money to spend on studio D TNFrank :D
07:05:12 PM | Mastermindzh | http://cat5.tv/studio
07:05:13 PM | Mastermindzh | :D
07:05:38 PM | TheChrista | cookies and beer sounds delicious Mastermindzh!
07:05:48 PM | TNFrank | If I was working I'd not mind at all but being unemployed doesn't mean I have that much extra to spend
07:05:59 PM | TNFrank | Beer and Donuts are awesome too, LOL
07:06:13 PM | Mastermindzh | I don;t like beer :)
07:06:15 PM | _Jot_ | Don't be afraid to check because maybe there is something you actually need there :)
07:06:17 PM | Mastermindzh | I prefer Whisky :D
07:06:41 PM | Dave-Maydew | Mastermindzh Malt I hope
07:06:54 PM | Mastermindzh | I don't like any beer I tried so far haha
07:07:04 PM | Mastermindzh | didn't like*
07:07:14 PM | TNFrank | I'm half Irish and half Czech so I love beer, it's in my DNA. LOL
07:07:15 PM | Dave-Maydew | a good single Malt
07:07:32 PM | revdjenk | nice! have the cat5 on 20" monitor and chat on the laptop monitor first time to try this,,,,
07:07:35 PM | Mastermindzh | what brand dave :P?
07:07:43 PM | _Jot_ | hope it works well revdjenk :)
07:07:52 PM | revdjenk | yes, looking very nice
07:08:03 PM | TNFrank | Yep, FBI Ransom Ware.
07:08:04 PM | Dave-Maydew | revdjenk, I've got it on 2 x 20" monitors too
07:08:25 PM | Mastermindzh | I got the livestream on 27" and the chat on 24" myself
07:08:30 PM | Mastermindzh | work is dragging along on the other 24" :p
07:08:49 PM | TNFrank | I've got live on one HP nc6400 laptop(14") and my chat on the other.
07:09:07 PM | TNFrank | Sounds like we need to get the NSA in on this, they'll decrypt it in no time fast,
07:09:16 PM | Mastermindzh | Haha true :)
07:09:21 PM | revdjenk | cryptolocker affects linux?
07:09:40 PM | TNFrank | That's why you back up your files
07:09:54 PM | revdjenk | wow
07:09:56 PM | Mastermindzh | Indeed :)
07:09:59 PM | _Jot_ | revdjenk, at first glance doesn't seem like it
07:10:12 PM | oldsalt | robbief hello can't get teamviewer installed-will try next week
07:10:14 PM | revdjenk | that's what I thought
07:10:39 PM | TNFrank | Of course I really don't have any files, just pics of the family and those are backed up on a 32GB USB drive and on a 320GB external Hard Drive too.
07:10:40 PM | revdjenk | does it affect files only on the machine, or on any usb connected hdd
07:10:46 PM | revdjenk | ohhh
07:10:59 PM | Mastermindzh | I use dropbox and 2 external servers
07:11:03 PM | Mastermindzh | should be good
07:11:21 PM | TNFrank | Hey Old Salt, good to see ya' in chat. Saw you on the Point Linux forum the other day.
07:12:12 PM | Guruofthematrix | I go to CMU and they had an outbreak yesterday.
07:12:18 PM | robgor | Adamkujawa will it affect zfs file system i.e a NAS setup with zfs
07:12:21 PM | TNFrank | I have NoScript and Self Destructing Cookies installed in my Firefox 24 browser
07:12:29 PM | revdjenk | ie "has come a long way" not far enough and doesn't run on linux anyway
07:13:18 PM | revdjenk | my two sons still have a machine running windows...need to get them the news
07:13:20 PM | TNFrank | IE had a HUGE hole in it that could allow someone to take over your computer
07:13:40 PM | revdjenk | ahh good news
07:14:07 PM | TNFrank | Hey Crista, you do know they make Linux for Power PC, Right.;-)
07:14:19 PM | Mastermindzh | Here's a guide to remove it, haven't tested it though
07:14:20 PM | Mastermindzh | http://malwarefixes.com/remove-cryptolocker-virus/
07:14:21 PM | Dave-Maydew | Don't run Windows
07:14:27 PM | _Jot_ | TNFrank, apples don't use powerPC processors
07:14:30 PM | Mastermindzh | Global advice ^^
07:14:33 PM | Guruofthematrix | Robbie tryed to get her to do it..non committal
07:14:41 PM | TNFrank | LOL, and my daughter just bought a new Win 8 laptop even with me telling her not to do it.
07:14:48 PM | TNFrank | Guess she'll learn the hard way.
07:14:56 PM | TheChrista | technicalities TNFrank
07:15:12 PM | TNFrank | _jot_ the older ones were PPC but yep, now they've gone Intel
07:15:12 PM | Guruofthematrix | Fear TheChrista
07:15:15 PM | Mastermindzh | Did you show her the awesomeness of linux TNFrank? (compiz, conky, screenlets, etc.)
07:15:34 PM | Dave-Maydew | I purposely put Ubuntu onto my sisters PC
07:15:50 PM | oldsalt | hey TNFrank I'm good, and you?
07:15:58 PM | TNFrank | I put Point Linux on her old Desktop, a Dell L866r, couldn't do Compiz though because she only has 512MB of RAM
07:16:18 PM | TNFrank | oldsalt doing good,
07:16:19 PM | Mastermindzh | mmm too bad :P
07:17:09 PM | oldsalt | TNFrank sorry it took so long to respond
07:17:11 PM | Guruofthematrix | What about TrueCrypt files
07:17:40 PM | TNFrank | oldsalt no problem pard, you've probably got a life, unlike me who sits home all day, LOL:'(
07:18:05 PM | oldsalt | somewhat I guess
07:18:09 PM | TNFrank | RAID will only pass the virus along to all the drives, yep.
07:18:42 PM | GoodGuy | they encrypt the Truecrypt file to you
07:18:43 PM | TNFrank | Why don't we see you in the chatroom Christa??
07:18:55 PM | _Jot_ | Another problem, in some countries you are required by law to give decoding-passwords when asked, and in this case you can't give them so you can go to jail for it
07:18:56 PM | GoodGuy | double encryption
07:19:02 PM | GoodGuy | TheChrista:
07:19:07 PM | TNFrank | Ok, never mind, you're further down on the list, LOL
07:19:18 PM | TNFrank | I've got an old 100MB Zip drive,
07:19:29 PM | _Jot_ | TNFrank, it doesn't have the click of death?
07:19:33 PM | TNFrank | That was a huge deal a few years ago, LOL
07:19:36 PM | TheChrista | you can find me under the "t"'s
07:19:57 PM | TNFrank | First job I had out of DeVry in '83 was working for Western Dynex,
07:20:22 PM | _Jot_ | yay, I'm going to win :P
07:20:37 PM | TNFrank | They made some big, removable storage drives and they were working on a small, removable hard disk kind of like the ZIP ended up being.
07:20:52 PM | TNFrank | He ended up putting the company into bankruptcy trying to get that thing to work
07:20:56 PM | revdjenk | I see more and more new Linux users on G+ every day
07:20:58 PM | Mastermindzh | No _jot_, i'll win :)
07:21:13 PM | _Jot_ | it's really difficult to make something that is safe and easy to use
07:21:22 PM | Mastermindzh | Steamboxes will certainly get more people to linux :)
07:21:37 PM | TNFrank | Hey, now you're up top TheChrista with a star.
07:21:43 PM | TNFrank | That's where I'm use to seeing you.
07:22:14 PM | revdjenk | TheChrista: IS a star! she is a graphic example, even
07:22:19 PM | Dennis_Kelley_ | Hello All!
07:22:25 PM | TNFrank | Howdy Dennis
07:22:29 PM | _Jot_ | hi Dennis-Kelley
07:22:33 PM | Mastermindzh | Hey Dennis_kelley :)
07:22:33 PM | TheChrista | buot time I was recognized as a star!
07:22:35 PM | TheChrista | haha
07:22:38 PM | TheChrista | Thanks folks
07:22:46 PM | Mastermindzh | You've got Garbee to thank for that really :p
07:22:52 PM | Guruofthematrix | Your gonna be a star!!!
07:22:55 PM | TNFrank | LOL TheChrista, don't let Robbie here ya' say that.
07:23:16 PM | Garbee | Mastermindzh, She just has ops. That has nothing to do with stars.
07:23:26 PM | Garbee | However, if I were handing out stars she would get one (or four.)
07:23:33 PM | TNFrank | Facebook is covered up with malware and viruses
07:23:37 PM | Guruofthematrix | He didnt say no...lol
07:23:41 PM | revdjenk | Garbee: hee hee
07:23:47 PM | Mastermindzh | Haha i was merely reffering to the star next to her name now :P
07:24:01 PM | oldsalt | hate to go but got company now, see ya
07:24:05 PM | Mastermindzh | Though yeah she'd get a star from me as well haha
07:24:09 PM | Garbee | All realtive Mastermindzh. All she has in my client is a green circle.
07:24:14 PM | Mastermindzh | Cya later oldsalt :P
07:24:19 PM | TNFrank | ClamTK will always find 2 or 3 things in my cache after I'm online
07:24:19 PM | TheChrista | well, then thanks Garbee!
07:24:21 PM | Guruofthematrix | later oldsalt
07:24:35 PM | TNFrank | see ya' oldsalt
07:24:41 PM | Mastermindzh | Then Christa is a green circle star being O.o
07:24:51 PM | revdjenk | Thanks AdamKujawa ... thanks for the news ... well, not for the nature of it
07:25:00 PM | Mastermindzh | Circle, star, square == great :)
07:25:40 PM | revdjenk | I can bet that xp will be a nasty bridge for this
07:25:40 PM | TNFrank | I was just going to say, XP is EOL so it'll be awful to run.
07:25:48 PM | Mastermindzh | xp loosing support isn't a problem at all, it's an opportunity to switch to linux :D
07:26:00 PM | Guruofthematrix | just switch to linux
07:26:01 PM | _Jot_ | wow, drawbot is fast again :)
07:26:10 PM | AdamKujawa | Not a problem =D
07:26:24 PM | revdjenk | there is still 30% usage, but may not have internet connection
07:26:26 PM | Mastermindzh | Also thanks for the potential copy of malwarebyes AdamKujawa :)
07:26:33 PM | Garbee | Wow, nice background for the pick.
07:26:46 PM | TNFrank | That would make a killer screen saver
07:26:49 PM | AdamKujawa | =)
07:26:50 PM | _Jot_ | I recently found a virus that I reported, it got marked as FakeTwain, I wonder if that is this virus :)
07:26:55 PM | Mastermindzh | Just as nice as the intro Garbee :)
07:27:08 PM | revdjenk | round and round we go
07:27:11 PM | _Jot_ | and with found, I mean, one that wasn't detected yet becuase it was new
07:27:19 PM | Dennis_Kelley_ | Where it stops...
07:27:29 PM | Mastermindzh | come on drawbot
07:27:31 PM | Mastermindzh | show me some love :D
07:27:34 PM | Garbee | _Jot_, Faketwain? What did that thing do?
07:27:35 PM | BobK54 | go go go
07:27:36 PM | Mastermindzh | I like winning :D
07:27:41 PM | Guruofthematrix | no kidding
07:27:43 PM | Dennis_Kelley_ | faster
07:27:44 PM | TNFrank | I never win anything so I'm not holdin' my breath.
07:28:00 PM | _Jot_ | Garbee, I didn't run it, but it was obviously a virus, it's partially encoded, basically seems like an old windows XP twain.dll file but it isn't
07:28:03 PM | Garbee | RobbieF, You made this selection last way too long.
07:28:11 PM | _Jot_ | congratulations rdblair
07:28:18 PM | Garbee | _Jot_, Sorry mate. You should have ran it.
07:28:23 PM | Mastermindzh | it does bring excitement though :P
07:28:24 PM | TNFrank | He's keepin' us in supenders
07:28:33 PM | revdjenk | passed me by
07:28:34 PM | Guruofthematrix | lol
07:28:40 PM | Mastermindzh | Congrats rd_blair !
07:28:42 PM | Dennis_Kelley_ | any time
07:28:43 PM | revdjenk | congrats rd_blair
07:28:44 PM | rd_blair | Thanks
07:28:49 PM | Guruofthematrix | Congrats rd
07:28:50 PM | _Jot_ | Garbee, I'm thinking of decoding it sometime, in a VM or something just to see what happens :)
07:28:50 PM | Carley | congrats
07:28:51 PM | TheChrista | yay! congrats rd_blair!
07:28:57 PM | ShineShadow | good job rd_blair
07:29:02 PM | Dennis_Kelley_ | congrats
07:29:04 PM | revdjenk | thanks AdamKujawa
07:29:06 PM | Dave-Maydew | Nice one rd_blair
07:29:10 PM | BobK54 | sheesh...at least a 20 second delay video to chat. Congrats rdblair
07:29:33 PM | AdamKujawa | Not a problem =D
07:29:34 PM | _Jot_ | BobK54, blame youtube :)
07:29:45 PM | Dave-Maydew | I'm converting my friend over to Linux too
07:29:56 PM | Guest_7609 | Adam is AWESOME!
07:30:07 PM | AdamKujawa | hehe
07:30:11 PM | Dave-Maydew | He wants to install a server, with back up facillities
07:30:12 PM | BobK54 | just launched the player, its more on time than youtube
07:30:14 PM | TNFrank | I need to get my buddy John in Phoenix to start watchin' the show. I sent him a link to the web site.
07:30:33 PM | Guest_7609 | It's me, babe!
07:30:43 PM | _Jot_ | TNFrank, always nice to have new viewers :)
07:30:47 PM | TNFrank | I helped him install Point Linux on a desktop that he has over the weekend via phone.
07:30:58 PM | TNFrank | Seen Your Wensis
07:31:06 PM | _Jot_ | Guests, if you want to change your name so they are more visible, you can type /nick newnickname
07:31:07 PM | AdamKujawa | For anyone who wants the link right now to our Cryptolocker Blog, here you go http://blog.malwarebytes.org/intelligence/2013/10/cryptolocker-ransomware-what-you-need-to-know/
07:31:23 PM | Mastermindzh | For me the player is slightly more behind than youtube is bobk54
07:32:09 PM | TNFrank | NEWS
07:32:09 PM | Mastermindzh | Donate now for category 5's new studio! @ http://cat5.tv/studio
07:32:16 PM | TNFrank | Da' Noose, LOL
07:32:29 PM | Mastermindzh | wb robgor
07:32:49 PM | robgor | damn internet rrrrrrrrr !!!!!!!!
07:32:53 PM | BobK54 | @Masterminzh - Ive had to switch back and forth some nights to get the most up to date video
07:33:14 PM | TNFrank | OUCH!!!!!
07:33:33 PM | TNFrank | Just sleep on a recharge pad
07:33:34 PM | BobK54 | it an ecoline battery
07:33:48 PM | Guruofthematrix | near feild
07:34:07 PM | Mastermindzh | probably runs for years though
07:34:11 PM | paulr8 | haha
07:34:17 PM | Mastermindzh | nice on theChrista :)
07:34:21 PM | Mastermindzh | one*
07:34:26 PM | Guruofthematrix | only fails once per patient
07:34:41 PM | Mastermindzh | lol
07:35:14 PM | TNFrank | I can encrypt, I use HushMail(out of Canada) LOL
07:35:14 PM | GoodGuy | Cryptolocker is already doing it for you :-)
07:35:24 PM | _Jot_ | RobbieF, you can also learn to send something in time, and not on the same day it happens
07:35:42 PM | Guruofthematrix | write in spanish
07:36:10 PM | TNFrank | "Killer Self Driving Car Zeros in on Target"
07:36:10 PM | revdjenk | crypto locker encrypts our files for us and with the NSA we have our stuff saved
07:36:15 PM | BobK54 | death race 2000 all over again
07:36:20 PM | Guruofthematrix | what kind of tea is he driking today
07:36:24 PM | GoodGuy | lol revdjenk
07:36:36 PM | _Jot_ | radar? problem, you're not allowed to use radar on public roads
07:36:43 PM | GoodGuy | always the optomist
07:36:45 PM | Guruofthematrix | offsite backup revdjenk
07:36:50 PM | TNFrank | Great until it gets a glitch and drives you over a cliff, LOL
07:36:55 PM | robgor | its by FORD RobbieF
07:37:05 PM | Dave-Maydew | What happens if a cat or Dog runs in front?
07:37:06 PM | revdjenk | yes... Guruofthematrix
07:37:15 PM | revdjenk | i was making a jk
07:37:22 PM | Mastermindzh | think of all the apocalyptic stories these cars will stur up haha
07:37:43 PM | Guruofthematrix | sounds like a prius
07:37:56 PM | TNFrank | As much as I like computers I just don't trust em' in my car
07:38:02 PM | Dave-Maydew | how to turn right in a Prius
07:38:12 PM | Mastermindzh | Stick your hand out of the window
07:38:13 PM | Mastermindzh | :P
07:38:19 PM | Dave-Maydew | hahahaha
07:38:21 PM | _Jot_ | TNFrank, your car is a computer with wheels, if it is made in the last 20 years or so
07:38:22 PM | Guruofthematrix | lol
07:38:23 PM | revdjenk | TNFrank: they are already there...
07:38:23 PM | Dave-Maydew | you beat me to it
07:38:29 PM | TNFrank | RobbieF don't worry, I'm your friend.:-[
07:38:53 PM | Guruofthematrix | nice, hardware hacks
07:39:15 PM | TNFrank | My '96 S-10 had the computer yanked because it doesn't need it. Old School carb and dizzy, no EFI for me thanks.
07:39:32 PM | Garbee | TheChrista, Was that a spaceballs reference from you?!
07:39:35 PM | GoodGuy | it was the User-Agent
07:39:48 PM | _Jot_ | RobbieF, they could encrypt your data :)
07:40:06 PM | TNFrank | I think it still has the body computer though but no engine control at all, it's nice to be able to adjust the fuel mixture with a screw driver.
07:40:09 PM | RobbieF | There's a virus for that _Jot_
07:40:30 PM | _Jot_ | RobbieF, but they could install that virus by controlling your router
07:40:39 PM | Mastermindzh | I'm just waiting for the first call "uhh, I downloaded cryptolocker to encrypt my files but seem to have lost the decryption key" haha
07:40:39 PM | revdjenk | what route to drive for that router?
07:40:42 PM | TNFrank | We need to get some Counter Hackers to hack the Hackers, LOL
07:40:54 PM | revdjenk | Mastermindzh: hee hee
07:41:09 PM | _Jot_ | Masterminzh, I heard RobbieF talk about this cryptolocker thing so that must be a good program to use right?
07:41:20 PM | Mastermindzh | pff he talks about viewer question but we sent him pictures and everything but he ignores us :P
07:41:20 PM | TNFrank | Bet Darren Kitchens would love a job as a Counter Hacker.
07:41:27 PM | Mastermindzh | Exactly _jot_!
07:41:38 PM | Guruofthematrix | he would tnfrank
07:41:49 PM | TNFrank | sudo apt-get install wine???
07:41:59 PM | revdjenk | red, white or rose
07:42:07 PM | Mastermindzh | you need to specify what kind TNFrank :)
07:42:11 PM | TheChrista | I'm sorry to say Garbee, that I've never seen spaceballs
07:42:18 PM | TheChrista | Therefore, it was coincidental
07:42:22 PM | Guruofthematrix | Sangria
07:42:27 PM | Mastermindzh | Your password is "demo" RobbieF :p
07:42:31 PM | TNFrank | I like Pizano, not as bitter as Chianti
07:42:37 PM | _Jot_ | TheChrista, you are missing a part of cultrue
07:42:44 PM | Mastermindzh | TheChrista, _jot_ and RobbieF talked me into seeing it and it's great :)
07:42:45 PM | _Jot_ | culture even
07:42:46 PM | TNFrank | Synaptic is another way, LOL
07:42:56 PM | revdjenk | TheChrista: what!? well, you could sleep through a lot of it, actually... but there are some funny bits
07:42:59 PM | TheChrista | I will make a point of watching it then....promise!
07:43:05 PM | Mastermindzh | Awesome !
07:43:06 PM | Mastermindzh | :D
07:43:32 PM | TheChrista | And by watching it, I mean I will play it as something to listen to in the background while I'm working
07:43:54 PM | revdjenk | notepad is in wine, RobbieF
07:43:54 PM | Mastermindzh | TheChrista, yeah you can TRY to do that, you'll look at it after 5 mins though :)
07:43:59 PM | Garbee | TheChrista, It is a hilarious satire of Star Wars.
07:44:08 PM | Garbee | Very well worth a watch if you ever get the chance.
07:44:10 PM | Guruofthematrix | Mel Brooks is great
07:44:19 PM | TheChrista | Will I like it due to my dislike of Star Wars?
07:44:26 PM | Garbee | TheChrista, Oh yea!
07:44:28 PM | TNFrank | Ya'll are talking Space Balls, aren't ya'.
07:44:29 PM | Mastermindzh | Yes, even more so :P
07:44:35 PM | Mastermindzh | yeah TNFrank
07:44:51 PM | _Jot_ | TheChrista, it is funnier if you don't like star wars
07:45:06 PM | TNFrank | I'm not good at multi tasking, trying to watch the show AND be in chat, over loading the ol' brain, LOL
07:45:16 PM | Guruofthematrix | but the references would be obscure
07:45:18 PM | TheChrista | Good! Then this will be fun
07:46:03 PM | TNFrank | Maybe they should call it "Whine",LOL
07:46:15 PM | _Jot_ | RobbieF, aren't you going to get windows virusses on your linux by running windows programs, like that cryptolocker virus from earlier?
07:46:18 PM | Garbee | TheChrista, Another big bonus, this is one movie vs three!
07:46:28 PM | Guest_9189 | jsut dropping back in after feeding the barbarians dinner.
07:46:46 PM | Mastermindzh | Garbee, that's a bad thing :P The Star Wars movies were great ! :(
07:46:47 PM | revdjenk | theword.exe works nicely
07:47:24 PM | GoodGuy | Crossover creates menu items under the menu Windows Applications
07:47:29 PM | _Jot_ | geez, ignoring me when I ask a valid and interesting question
07:47:33 PM | Guruofthematrix | <_Jot_> RobbieF, aren't you going to get windows virusses on your linux by running windows programs, like that cryptolocker virus from earlier?
07:47:35 PM | Mastermindzh | Crossover isn't free though is it goodguy?
07:47:47 PM | Mastermindzh | I like "playOnLinux" as a frontend to wine :)
07:47:51 PM | TNFrank | Robbie isn't good at multi taking either, LOL
07:47:51 PM | Garbee | Mastermindzh, Nope.
07:47:56 PM | Garbee | Crossover is paid.
07:48:03 PM | revdjenk | _Jot_: actually, windows isn't running in wine... just dll's etc.
07:48:04 PM | Mastermindzh | Thought so :)
07:48:06 PM | GoodGuy | no, but they donate code to Wine, so it benefits everyone
07:48:15 PM | Garbee | Plus it isn't expensive.
07:48:22 PM | GoodGuy | It wasn't real expensive
07:48:23 PM | Garbee | $40-$60.
07:48:27 PM | _Jot_ | revdjenk, but it does execute the same stuff, so if it has virus-like code it may infect stuff
07:48:36 PM | Garbee | $40 has 1 month support with $60 being a year of support.
07:48:41 PM | Mastermindzh | I still like to create my own or use playonlinux though :P
07:48:44 PM | Garbee | Other than support levels, no difference.
07:48:48 PM | revdjenk | only the files in the windows "partition"
07:49:18 PM | Guruofthematrix | seems like because wine files are deep in the file system, and not writeable, it would not be succeptable.
07:49:44 PM | EightMilesFromTJ | could you mount the iso, then do a dd?
07:49:45 PM | _Jot_ | Guru, at first not, but for example suppose you run cryptolocker that goes encrypt your files
07:49:45 PM | TNFrank | LOL,
07:49:48 PM | robgor | Sorry RobbieF yes its for games
07:50:09 PM | Garbee | RobbieF, You use Windows for testing Chrome Canary for bugs because Canary isn't available for Linux and I don't feel like compiling Chromium from source every few hours to test. ;)
07:50:36 PM | TNFrank | What if your files are already encrypted, would cryptolocker decrypt them.:-/
07:50:39 PM | Guruofthematrix | Yeah, it would hit the c:/ file wouldnt it.
07:51:04 PM | Mastermindzh | Probably encrypt the encrypted files TNFrank, thus creating encryptception :O
07:51:05 PM | robgor | RobbieF its to disable the flash drive and usb wifi device
07:51:37 PM | TNFrank | Mastermindzh "encryptioncryption"
07:51:57 PM | TNFrank | Still think the NSA could decrypt it.
07:52:00 PM | Mastermindzh | hey inviciblemutant, you're kinda late :(
07:52:04 PM | Garbee | TNFrank, No they can't.
07:52:11 PM | Garbee | And yes it would encrypt over the encryption.
07:52:14 PM | invinciblemutant | was driving
07:52:22 PM | Garbee | But, encrypting encryption is generally wasteful.
07:52:37 PM | Mastermindzh | I don't think cryptolocker cares about that garbee :P
07:52:42 PM | Mastermindzh | they just want all of them monies :p
07:52:42 PM | GoodGuy | not for their purposes
07:52:44 PM | Garbee | Mastermindzh, It doesn't, but in general...
07:52:48 PM | Guruofthematrix | Thats why its a windows thing
07:52:49 PM | Guruofthematrix | lol
07:52:58 PM | invinciblemutant | huh? interesting points
07:53:01 PM | Garbee | Guruofthematrix, It actually could be done for Linux.
07:53:08 PM | invinciblemutant | like locking up your pad locks
07:53:27 PM | TNFrank | LOL, locking up your pad locks, that's a good one.
07:53:52 PM | Mastermindzh | It's quite a bit of work for a very small yield I guess garbee
07:53:59 PM | Guruofthematrix | Sounds Bureaucratic
07:54:06 PM | Guruofthematrix | lock the locks
07:54:14 PM | Garbee | Mastermindzh, Nah, the yield is massive.
07:54:25 PM | Garbee | All the linux users finally shut up about being "virus immune".
07:54:33 PM | TNFrank | And they'll charge you double, LOL
07:54:37 PM | robgor | thanks RobbieF
07:54:38 PM | Mastermindzh | you and your linux hate :P
07:54:49 PM | Guruofthematrix | Garbee It was bound to happen
07:55:18 PM | Garbee | I love how a forbes article came out this week claiming a "bash 0 day vulnerability"... It is 20 years old. And bash is just the example language, the attack actually can be launched against *any* language.
07:55:37 PM | TNFrank | I can't find any reason what so ever to run any version of Windows. There's enough open source stuff that'll run under Linux to do ANYTHING that I want to do.
07:55:39 PM | Garbee | So the writer rewrote most of the article to fix his mistakes once intelligent people pointed out all the issues.
07:55:40 PM | Mastermindzh | It's not really the linux users that boast about not having any viruses, it's the mac fans that do that :P
07:55:57 PM | Mastermindzh | TNFrank, games :)
07:56:05 PM | TNFrank | Eat Cheese and drink too much and you'll bring up cheese, LOL
07:56:16 PM | TNFrank | Steam OS
07:56:28 PM | Mastermindzh | Steam for linux has a SMALL library though
07:56:29 PM | TheChrista | This episode has all the makings for a nice party. We can eat cheese and drink wine!
07:56:34 PM | Garbee | Mastermindzh, I don't hate linux. I hate linux users thinking it is all there is and/or should be.
07:56:41 PM | TNFrank | Besides I don't play games so it's not a huge deal for me
07:56:47 PM | Garbee | My problem is not the tech, as usual it is the people.
07:56:48 PM | _Jot_ | Garbee, google finds nothing if I look for that, sounds interesting :)
07:56:48 PM | revdjenk | Garbee: but it is...
07:56:55 PM | Mastermindzh | Haha that goes for just about anything Garbee :P
07:56:57 PM | TNFrank | Then bring up the cheese, puke and rally, LOL
07:57:03 PM | Garbee | _Jot_, Yea, I had to site:forbes.com it.
07:57:35 PM | Guruofthematrix | From Wisconsin
07:57:57 PM | revdjenk | Jamie Swanson from Wisconsin
07:58:04 PM | Mastermindzh | Almost right christa :p
07:58:15 PM | TNFrank | In his undies, LOL
07:58:17 PM | Mastermindzh | of course it's 2 am here lol :)
07:58:20 PM | Garbee | haha.
07:58:24 PM | Garbee | Blog plug.
07:58:34 PM | Mastermindzh | I actually have 3 more thechrista, don't tell anyone :P
07:58:53 PM | revdjenk | nice
07:58:53 PM | _Jot_ | we always have to undamage TheChrista
07:58:57 PM | Mastermindzh | You'll see me registered :P YOU entered my details in the database O.o :p
07:58:58 PM | invinciblemutant | TheChrista: microbs create cheese and wines
07:59:05 PM | TNFrank | Thanks for having us RobbieF
07:59:15 PM | paulr8 | haha
07:59:15 PM | revdjenk | we love ya TheChrista
07:59:17 PM | Mastermindzh | Good luck with the indiegogo campaign RobbieF :p
07:59:20 PM | invinciblemutant | including those computer microbs
07:59:20 PM | _Jot_ | I know how you can make TheChrista happy, pledge at http://cat5.tv/studio
07:59:30 PM | Mastermindzh | Have you donated yet _Jot_? :P
07:59:32 PM | napa_polarbear | u have a good night!!!
07:59:39 PM | Garbee | RobbieF, Space Fish passed away?!
07:59:40 PM | invinciblemutant | ok...gonna go
07:59:42 PM | TNFrank | If you can't say anything nice then make something up.
07:59:45 PM | Garbee | And has it really been two years?
07:59:46 PM | invinciblemutant | work is pilling up
07:59:46 PM | Mastermindzh | Yes Garbee, it did :)
07:59:49 PM | _Jot_ | Masterminzh, I don't have any money at all right now, but I will as soon as I have some
07:59:59 PM | invinciblemutant | bye everyone...have a nice day or night ahead
08:00:00 PM | revdjenk | Yes, nice 3d of the garage
08:00:05 PM | paulr8 | good show, thanks :)
08:00:08 PM | TNFrank | RobbieF you need to do a longer show.
08:00:24 PM | Mastermindzh | Yeah RobbieF, start an hour earlier and make it 2 hours :D
08:00:31 PM | _Jot_ | TheChrista, you're not going to get rid of us that easy :)
08:00:37 PM | Garbee | http://www.baldnerd.com/farewell-space-fish/
08:00:38 PM | Guruofthematrix | A lot of Skipping
08:00:57 PM | Guruofthematrix | It was the Tribbles
08:00:58 PM | revdjenk | did space fish work for scale?
08:01:02 PM | paulr8 | bye
08:01:08 PM | TheChrista | Haha, I did try, but failed!
08:01:08 PM | ShineShadow | Thanks RobbieF and TheChrista...great show...
08:01:08 PM | Guruofthematrix | water
08:01:16 PM | TheChrista | thanks for joining us folks!
08:01:18 PM | TNFrank | Of course there's always the "After Party" after the show
08:01:21 PM | BobK54 | night all. good show!
08:01:23 PM | _Jot_ | RobbieF, she even drinks your beer so you won't get drunk from it and have a bad day at work due to hangovers, how more considerate can she be
08:01:24 PM | Guruofthematrix | See ya
08:01:28 PM | TNFrank | We do have all this Wine and Cheese
08:01:30 PM | AdamKujawa | Thanks =)
08:01:33 PM | RobbieF | Thanks everyone
08:01:35 PM | revdjenk | TheChrista: RobbieF nicely done!
08:01:37 PM | RobbieF | Thanks again, AdamKujawa
08:01:38 PM | Mastermindzh | Thanks again adamkujawa :)
08:01:41 PM | Mastermindzh | Very informative :)
08:01:43 PM | RobbieF | COKE!
08:01:44 PM | RobbieF | ;)
08:01:47 PM | Dennis_Kelley_ | Thanks RobbieF and TheChrista - Great Show
08:01:57 PM | AdamKujawa | Not a problem, glad to be on and safe surfing everyone!
08:02:01 PM | Garbee | RobbieF... On this crypto virus thingy... What about gdrive/skydrive? If people are syncing data using those services automatically, and it encrypts stuff, wouldn't the encrypted data then get uploaded over the actual data?
08:02:02 PM | TNFrank | PG Tips tea and oatmeal cookies
08:02:13 PM | ShineShadow | Til next time all...be well
08:02:28 PM | Mastermindzh | Garbee, it will and it does. Gdrive has no way of recovering it as of yet (according to a google forum post)
08:02:30 PM | sr_wences | is the quad core Rikimagic worth it?
08:02:31 PM | TheChrista | I hope ya'll will keep your systems safe now-a-days with this virus out there!
08:02:37 PM | TNFrank | RobbieF do ya'll get PG Tips tea in Canada??
08:02:42 PM | _Jot_ | I'll miss Heather RobbieF :)
08:02:43 PM | Mastermindzh | I'll see if I can find the link for you
08:03:00 PM | revdjenk | thanks TheChrista
08:03:10 PM | _Jot_ | sr_wences, pledge at http://cat5.tv/studio and try one out
08:03:23 PM | Mastermindzh | Garbee, http://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/drive/R_trY87xyWY
08:03:28 PM | revdjenk | TheChrista: I am more worried about my sons who still run windows, at least one box in their homes
08:03:30 PM | sr_wences | well that's whatI'm thinking... but at what level...
08:03:37 PM | robgor | great show RobbieF, TheChrista
08:03:52 PM | robgor | thanks for that info RobbieF
08:03:57 PM | TheChrista | great "viewering" folks! You guys watch this show in such style!!
08:04:04 PM | Mastermindzh | Only thing I'm slightly worried about is my VM
08:04:09 PM | _Jot_ | sr_wences, I was going to go for the 15,000 level but it said I needed actual money for that, so it didn't work for me :)
08:04:14 PM | revdjenk | viewering... now a word
08:04:18 PM | sr_wences | Bye Christa and Robbie - from Sr. Wences...
08:04:18 PM | Mastermindzh | I don't do any surfing on it though
08:04:39 PM | sr_wences | @_jot_ - LOL!
08:04:42 PM | revdjenk | Mastermindzh: windows free, here
08:04:45 PM | Garbee | Mastermindzh, Well, normal people don't.
08:04:57 PM | Garbee | We use google apps. I can get the vault service for it.
08:05:05 PM | TNFrank | Does it strike anyone else as Very Cool that we have folks here from around the world and we're all coming together because of Linux?
08:05:10 PM | sr_wences | OK - off to do dishes.
08:05:14 PM | Mastermindzh | That might be a good idea , I use dropbox with their recovery thing :)
08:05:25 PM | Garbee | Mastermindzh, I won't use Dropbox again.
08:05:28 PM | Mastermindzh | why?
08:05:29 PM | Mastermindzh | :p
08:05:34 PM | Garbee | The way they store files.
08:05:36 PM | Garbee | It isn't one to one.
08:05:40 PM | _Jot_ | sr_wences, the 100 CAD level has the quad-processor riko-device, and there are others at lower levels
08:05:50 PM | Mastermindzh | I know, but my info isn;t THAT sensitive :p
08:06:00 PM | Garbee | They check the files, and if you file is found to be the same as someone elses, it is basically a symlink. Further, when you delete, they don't.
08:06:08 PM | TheChrista | revdjenk, that's why I put it in ""'s
08:06:16 PM | robgor | will be back soon guys
08:06:21 PM | Mastermindzh | I know, but I don't really care about that :)
08:06:24 PM | Mastermindzh | It's not THAT sensitive
08:06:25 PM | Mastermindzh | :)
08:06:26 PM | TNFrank | c ya' rogbor
08:06:39 PM | TheChrista | Adios folks! See ya soon!
08:06:41 PM | Mastermindzh | And god knows what google does with your files
08:06:42 PM | revdjenk | ""'s is now a word
08:06:46 PM | _Jot_ | see you soon TheChrista
08:07:02 PM | TNFrank | c ya' TheChrista
08:08:19 PM | TNFrank | Oh well, guess I'll go see what's on the tube. Great show RobbieF, see ya' next Tuesday.
08:08:35 PM | Mastermindzh | you should visit the chatroom during the week, it's great fun :)
08:08:52 PM | revdjenk | TheChrista: bye!
08:08:56 PM | TNFrank | I do stop in from time to time but no one is around:'(
08:09:02 PM | Mastermindzh | You go to quickly
08:09:04 PM | TNFrank | C you guys later.
08:09:18 PM | Mastermindzh | you can get our attention by mentioning us in your message :P
08:12:23 PM | Mastermindzh | RobbieF, I'm registered under "Mastermindzh" on the website :)
08:12:44 PM | _Jot_ | I'm sure he knows :)
08:12:56 PM | Mastermindzh | probably :P
08:13:42 PM | RobbieF | cheers
08:18:44 PM | Mastermindzh | We're almost done watching star trek season 1 :)
08:18:56 PM | Mastermindzh | The funny thing is, I actually forgot some parts of it :P
08:19:02 PM | _Jot_ | which one?
08:19:08 PM | Mastermindzh | the very first :)
08:19:15 PM | _Jot_ | ah, the original series
08:19:22 PM | Mastermindzh | yep :)
08:19:41 PM | Mastermindzh | Still hate kirks acting though
08:19:51 PM | _Jot_ | wait, shatner is acting?
08:20:12 PM | Mastermindzh | haha :)
08:21:09 PM | Mastermindzh | Which captain did you like best _jot_?
08:21:52 PM | _Jot_ | I like all of them but the one I liked the best first was of course from TNG because that is the one I saw first most
08:22:05 PM | Mastermindzh | ah picard
08:22:18 PM | Mastermindzh | I liked janeway the best :P
08:22:38 PM | _Jot_ | she's a good captain, makes a good admiral too
08:25:06 PM | GWG | My favorite Captain is Captain Morgan Bateson
08:25:38 PM | _Jot_ | I remember the name :)
08:25:39 PM | Mastermindzh | He didn't get all that much screentime though :p
08:25:46 PM | revdjenk | bye all!!
08:25:54 PM | Mastermindzh | Uss bozeman if I remember correctly?
08:25:57 PM | robgor | Iam back
08:26:02 PM | Mastermindzh | wb robgor
08:28:06 PM | robgor | so it was malwarebytes pro that will protect you from this cryptolocker malware, looks like I need to contact some people to get this
08:28:34 PM | robgor | and turn off java in the browser
08:28:50 PM | _Jot_ | yep
08:36:32 PM | RobbieF | I feel like I should break out in a spontaneous dance or something.... BSP is pretty dull when I'm uploading the images :)
08:36:55 PM | _Jot_ | nah, it isn't :)
08:37:23 PM | _Jot_ | there's lots of things to look at, the postcards, the startrekbooks, wondering what the heck is on the counter
08:39:06 PM | _Jot_ | I tried pledging for the 15,000 level but it asked me actual money so I was like yeah, you can have my empty wallet right now
08:39:38 PM | RobbieF | a video projector.
08:39:55 PM | _Jot_ | oh yeah, but the other things that are there, there's so much :)
08:40:33 PM | _Jot_ | a great white square, nice RobbieF
08:40:43 PM | RobbieF | haha is that all it gave you?
08:40:46 PM | RobbieF | darn infrared :)
08:41:10 PM | _Jot_ | it probably said hi jot :)
08:56:54 PM | _Jot_ | RobbieF, I had no idea Christa was that tall :)
08:57:08 PM | RobbieF | really?
08:57:26 PM | RobbieF | we are pretty close in height, but I think she's a half inch or so taller than me
08:57:28 PM | _Jot_ | well, in the picture you just posted she's taller than you :)
08:57:32 PM | RobbieF | yeah
08:57:38 PM | RobbieF | I was standing all "hip" like
08:57:44 PM | RobbieF | but we're about the same height
08:57:53 PM | RobbieF | she's the tallest cohost
08:58:01 PM | robgor | grrrr damn internet :(
08:58:19 PM | _Jot_ | maybe the virus is sending everything away for encryption :)
08:58:25 PM | RobbieF | are you getting campaign updates?
08:58:38 PM | _Jot_ | no, I was just staring at the site
08:58:43 PM | RobbieF | refreshing?
08:58:45 PM | RobbieF | :)
08:59:08 PM | robgor | no its my modem from my isp every since I switched modem I have had issues, just seems to be getting worse
08:59:09 PM | _Jot_ | yeah, not a lot mind you but I just noticed an update
08:59:29 PM | RobbieF | awesome
08:59:36 PM | _Jot_ | it could be the cable-connection between the modem and the outside as well
08:59:40 PM | RobbieF | hmm, that's annoying robgor
09:01:08 PM | robgor | yeah my contract ends in december if I cant sort it out by them I think I will be looking for a new ISP
09:01:42 PM | _Jot_ | I hope it works out
09:02:39 PM | robgor | yeah I cant even go back to my old modem because I cant find it, think I may have throw it out when I cleaned out some of my old pc gear
09:07:21 PM | robgor | and trying to talk to my isp is hopeless, call centre is in a different country which wouldnt be an issue if the first language they speak was english which it isnt. So no idea if they totally understand me when I talk to them
09:13:04 PM | RobbieF | How did the show look/sound tonight? No glitches?
09:13:24 PM | RobbieF | I even double-checked that Christa's mic would be on for the WHOLE THING! ;)
09:13:45 PM | _Jot_ | only thing was that my VLC cut out in the middle and had to reload that, and Adams sound was pretty lousy but otherwise everything was great
09:13:59 PM | RobbieF | yeah good 'ol skype....
09:14:04 PM | RobbieF | i hope it was understandable enough
09:14:07 PM | _Jot_ | and VLC reloading seems to be because VLC is sensitive to stuff, it happens smetimes
09:14:32 PM | _Jot_ | yeah, almost everything came through
09:14:55 PM | _Jot_ | oh, and you and christa ignored my pretty good question about vmware :)
09:15:06 PM | _Jot_ | or about wine rather
09:15:08 PM | RobbieF | ach, sorry
09:15:14 PM | RobbieF | of course, we didn't "ignore" it
09:15:18 PM | RobbieF | but sorry for missing it
09:15:21 PM | robgor | yeah was good robbief apart from it stopping just after your interview with adam but thats an issue with my internet I would say
09:15:26 PM | RobbieF | I'll read over the chat logs tomorrow and kick myself. :)
09:15:34 PM | RobbieF | k robgor
09:15:45 PM | RobbieF | I'll get to see the file in the morning when I write the show notes, so hopefully all was good
09:15:52 PM | RobbieF | things looked good on my end (eg., no buffering or issues)
09:16:02 PM | _Jot_ | it was just I figure that if you go and run windows stuff on linux, you are susceptible to windows virusses as well
09:16:25 PM | _Jot_ | and with stuff like this ransomware, it can encrypt linuxfiles etc perhaps as well so I was wondering if that isn't a risk
09:16:56 PM | robgor | sound was good
09:17:24 PM | RobbieF | yeah this is a really scary one _Jot_. I think the sad thing is that some people with all their pictures, etc. on their hard drive, and it will all be gone.
09:18:12 PM | _Jot_ | it's also why I'm looking to building myself a router, using an old pc or something for it, at least that way I know there is no backdoor
09:18:12 PM | robgor | yeah going to be contacting a few people to warn them about this thats for sure
09:19:15 PM | robgor | well just did a speed test and that looks fine
09:19:23 PM | RobbieF | check out M0n0wall _Jot_
09:19:31 PM | RobbieF | lmgtfy ;)
09:20:06 PM | _Jot_ | I've been looking at a few and I think that was one of them, funnily enough none of them ran on the modern pc I was trying it on :)
09:22:50 PM | robgor | yeah I was looking at some small form factor boards which were around the $100ish dollar mark over in the states. Once landed her in Australia it was alot more so just ended up getting a consumer router that I can put dd-wrt on