Chat Logs for Episode 321 — #Category5 on /


With 185 Posts:mastermindzh
With 160 Posts:TN_Frank
With 85 Posts:_Jot_
With 71 Posts:revdjenk
With 37 Posts:robgor

Chat Logs:

06:58:07 PMmastermindzh mmm indiegogo errors out on payment ...
06:58:09 PMShineShadow hey oldhack
06:58:39 PMIMTech5 Hey oldhack!
06:58:43 PM_Jot_ mastermindzh, you actually need to have money to pay
06:58:49 PMmastermindzh hehe thanks _jot_
06:59:08 PMoldhack I've been to Oz and back. Glad to see the gang is all here
06:59:25 PMTN_Frank LOL, Tuesday night at the Tech Pub. LOL
06:59:33 PMoldhack yup
06:59:41 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, it does it even to partners :)
06:59:43 PMmastermindzh Sorry RobbieF, Will have to try it again tomorrow :)
07:00:20 PMTN_Frank LOL
07:00:23 PMoldhack RobbieF really is the bomb
07:00:41 PMoldhack I mean that in the best possible way NSA
07:00:48 PMShineShadow haha
07:00:49 PMTN_Frank Fixin' to get really cold here in Tennessee for the next couple three nights.
07:00:49 PMmastermindzh youtube is being slow again hehe
07:00:56 PMTN_Frank Going to get down to 21*F tonight.
07:01:01 PMoldhack wow
07:01:08 PMTN_Frank Hey, there ya' are RobbieF
07:01:10 PMmastermindzh At least you can keep the drinks cool now TN_Frank ;)
07:01:13 PMoldhack we will freeze for the first time this year
07:01:23 PM_Jot_ here it is pretty cold too, not so much today I think, but apparently we had the first frost in the air
07:01:29 PMTN_Frank Rather have hot tea to tell ya' the truth.
07:01:32 PMDennis_Kelley 11/12/13 everyone! very unique
07:01:45 PMGoodGuy Hi Dennis_Kelley
07:01:54 PMmastermindzh TN_Frank, sorry man I have some here but I'm afraid it will be cold when it gets to your place hehe
07:02:01 PMTN_Frank LOL, when I set up a laptop for sale I use "1234567" as the password
07:02:08 PM_Jot_ hey Dennis_Kelley, in the civilized world, that day is next month :)
07:02:14 PMBobK54 Hey Tn_Frank. I'm headed to Gatlinburn on Saturday. Trying to keep you taxes low!
07:02:16 PMTN_Frank LOL, I have a ton of PG Tips tea here
07:02:30 PMBobK54 GatlinburG
07:02:35 PMDennis_Kelley Hello GoodGuy
07:02:45 PMDennis_Kelley _Jot_ Helleo
07:02:53 PMTN_Frank Gatlinburg is North of Nashville IIRC, that's about 120 miles West of me here in Crossville.
07:03:26 PM_Jot_ about 30 seconds delay on the youtube stream :)
07:03:29 PMBobK54 nope, east of knoxville. gatlinburg/pigeon forge. big tourist trap! :)
07:03:32 PMTN_Frank "but with one addition"
07:03:43 PMmastermindzh hey revdjenk :D
07:03:46 PMGoodGuy Abigail's name wasn't mentioned in the intro video
07:03:51 PMTN_Frank Oh, I was thinking Galitin, my bad, LOL
07:03:53 PMrevdjenk hey mastermindzh _Jot_
07:04:00 PM_Jot_ hi revdjenk
07:04:05 PMRobbieF GoodGuy: Abigail has left the show.
07:04:07 PMrevdjenk the show late, huh...
07:04:09 PMTN_Frank Yep, that's only about 90 miles East of me
07:04:13 PMShineShadow hey revdjenk
07:04:17 PMBobK54 yep, been to Galitin.
07:04:20 PMDennis_Kelley Bob54 - may parents live in NC near TN Boarder. not too far!
07:04:25 PMmastermindzh revdjenk, you only missed the intro :)
07:04:26 PMGoodGuy Oh sorry to hear that.. I am behind on the Cat5 news
07:04:27 PMrevdjenk hey ShineShadow
07:04:31 PMrevdjenk ahhhh
07:04:33 PMRobbieF ^^ Abigail got pregnant!
07:04:43 PMBobK54 uh oh...
07:04:46 PMrevdjenk ohhhh RobbieF
07:04:54 PMmastermindzh Well GoodGuy, there's this great indiegogo campaign going on right now at!
07:04:57 PM_Jot_ how did that happen? oh wait, don't tell us
07:05:00 PMTN_Frank It's really going to get cold in the Pigeon Forge area over the next few days.
07:05:23 PMrevdjenk TN_Frank: hey! yes, we are cold and some intermittent flurry activity
07:05:27 PMGoodGuy Wow that was quick... My wife did that and several family ppl said she must have been pregnant already.. their math was bad,,, 10+ months lol
07:05:36 PMBobK54 yeah. my wife and I have gotten a cabin there this time of year the past few years. time to recharge pre-holidays AND....we get some shopping done too!
07:05:41 PMrevdjenk GoodGuy: hee hee
07:05:43 PM_Jot_ Just donate at people
07:05:56 PMTN_Frank it was actually spitting show a very little bit earlier this a.m. here on the Plateau.
07:05:58 PMrevdjenk _Jot_: already have!
07:06:04 PMmastermindzh Paypal is not working right now for me though, anyone else having this issue?
07:06:13 PM_Jot_ revdjenk, so have I, good of us :) but I wish we could give more
07:06:32 PMrevdjenk still starting?
07:06:40 PMrevdjenk yes, _Jot_
07:06:44 PMBobK54 TN_Frank, I'm just south of Louisville KY, I had snow on my grass this morning. As soon as the sun got to it it was gone
07:06:50 PMmastermindzh no revdjenk, it has begun already
07:07:07 PMrevdjenk i have a black screen...should I move to youtube?
07:07:14 PMShineShadow Had flurries on the ground here in CT also this morning
07:07:17 PMTN_Frank BobK54, wow, looks like "Winter" is getting here early
07:07:22 PMmastermindzh probably, it's working fine now. does have a 30sec delay
07:07:28 PMGoodGuy How about a calendar with the girls of Cat5
07:07:38 PMBobK54 amen TN_Frank. a bit too early.
07:07:42 PM_Jot_ GoodGuy, they do have pictures!
07:07:49 PMmastermindzh GoodGuy, 50 bucks get you a cat5 season 6 team poster :D
07:07:49 PMTN_Frank A lady hit a Buck out front of the house a couple mornings ago
07:08:06 PMTN_Frank Global Warming my butt, LOL
07:08:08 PMGoodGuy I meant a calendar like many stores offer this time of year
07:08:14 PMShineShadow TN_Frank: did she keep it?
07:08:16 PMBobK54 "The Girls of".
07:08:17 PMoldhack GoodGuy, this is still a family show, right?
07:08:23 PMShineShadow or did you :)
07:08:47 PM_Jot_ so? Eric can be on it too
07:08:55 PM_Jot_ and RobbieF
07:08:56 PMTN_Frank TWRA had to come out and shoot it , it wasn't dead. They took it away, said the Adrenalin would make the meat bad anyway.
07:08:59 PMGoodGuy Sure... I didn't suggest any state of undress... we see their faces for an hour every week :-)
07:09:04 PMmastermindzh In a pink dress hehe :P
07:09:23 PMShineShadow too bad :(
07:09:26 PMDennis_Kelley Don't be sexist have RobbieF and EricKidd on the calendar also!
07:09:31 PMTN_Frank Linux is simple, I love Linux
07:09:31 PMmastermindzh GoodGuy, don't tell anyone. But you can make your own calendar by downloading the images from ;)
07:09:37 PMGoodGuy Sounds good
07:09:41 PM_Jot_ Sorry Hillary, my money went to so none for you :)
07:10:10 PMGoodGuy I know... I was kidding as another fundraiser idea
07:10:31 PMrevdjenk ah, there we go....
07:10:35 PMTN_Frank RobbieF I wonder if your Canadian accent comes through with lip reading???
07:10:40 PMmastermindzh got it working revdjenk?
07:10:45 PMrevdjenk hey RobbieF Hillary
07:10:50 PMrevdjenk yes, mastermindzh
07:10:55 PMmastermindzh cool :D
07:11:00 PMrobgor Autographed Season 6 Portrait thats what Iam getting
07:11:16 PM_Jot_ oh wow, I'm going to win lots of batteries, I just needed some
07:11:32 PMmastermindzh I have 3 (soon 4), contributes on indiegogo in total. all for category5 hehe
07:11:50 PMmastermindzh robgor, I got the 20 dollar thing, 2 smiles and soon will get the stickers D:
07:12:06 PM_Jot_ Maybe paypal doesn't let you pay because it thinks something must be wrong since you keep doing the same thing over and over again
07:12:20 PMrobgor hey jot u are banned from prizes you have won to many lol
07:12:26 PMmastermindzh it's indiegogo erroring, not paypal ;)
07:12:33 PMTN_Frank I could only afford $10 but at least it was something. Wish I could do more.:-(
07:12:36 PMBobK54 I recently had that problem with paypal. contributed to my distro 2X. my fault.
07:12:38 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, you know I'm from Overijssel, which is a weird province, I already told you that before :P
07:12:46 PMmastermindzh TN_Frank, every bit helps :)
07:12:47 PMTN_Frank Tennessee
07:12:49 PMShineShadow CT
07:12:52 PMDennis_Kelley Can we do it twice?
07:12:56 PMShineShadow COnnecticut
07:13:00 PMmastermindzh Do what Twice Dennis_Kelley?
07:13:07 PMsanseriff Pennsylvania
07:13:08 PMIMTech5 New York!
07:13:10 PMrevdjenk _Jot_: you are really from Overthetop
07:13:12 PMDennis_Kelley cast my ballet
07:13:12 PMmastermindzh Donate at ? , you sure can!
07:13:13 PMJim_Gregory New York
07:13:15 PMkeckeckec California
07:13:20 PMrats_ Ohio
07:13:22 PM_Jot_ Dennis_Kelley, RobbieF surely will keep a count and only let you enter once so just do it twice i ncase he missed you
07:13:34 PMDennis_Kelley Michigan
07:13:34 PMBobK54 Dennis_Kelley: paypal sent me an email asking if my second donation was a mistake.
07:13:40 PMrevdjenk WV
07:13:53 PMrevdjenk wow
07:14:01 PMGoodGuy Freaky..I tried my password manager under Crossover... I used it often on PinguyOS 11.04 w/o issues
07:14:03 PMmastermindzh BobK54, I got that when I donated the $2's for the second time hehe
07:14:16 PM_Jot_ Hillary, it's amazing cool beans to be registered :P
07:14:20 PMGoodGuy It totally locked up on Mint 15
07:14:39 PMShineShadow cool beans...haha
07:14:47 PMrevdjenk we love love love
07:14:47 PMmastermindzh You can also join the whatpulse team:
07:14:47 PMTN_Frank GoodGuy you should switch to Point Linux. I've been running it for over 2 months problem free
07:15:16 PM_Jot_ ShineShadow, it's Hillary's words :)
07:15:34 PMShineShadow I know... :)
07:15:37 PMoldhack I just re-registered half an hour ago
07:15:43 PMTN_Frank I think I've got everyone here clued in to TN being Tennessee, LOL;-)
07:15:45 PM_Jot_ hi oldoldhack :)
07:15:46 PMmastermindzh why did you re-rgister oldhack?
07:16:13 PMTN_Frank ChrisLAS over at the Linux Action Show still wants to call me "T" "N" Frank instead of Tennessee Frank, LOL
07:16:31 PMmastermindzh I still don't get why you have Frank in your username :P
07:16:34 PMoldhack mastermindzh:: It's been quite a while since I have been here
07:16:53 PMmastermindzh well, welcome back :D
07:17:03 PMoldhack mastermindzh: maybe I forgot my password? I already tried 123456. lol
07:17:11 PMmastermindzh Try "Password" ;)
07:17:24 PMoldhack THAT'S
07:17:24 PMoldhack IT
07:17:25 PMTN_Frank In '99 in joined the Single Action Shooting Society (SASS) which is Cowboy action shooting and I needed an alias. My middle name is Francis so I went with Frank and we lived in Tennessee so TN.
07:17:29 PMmastermindzh cool!
07:17:29 PMmastermindzh :D
07:17:32 PMrevdjenk TN_Frank: but Chris can't pronounce a lot of words
07:17:49 PMmastermindzh Ah, that explains it TN_frank ;)
07:17:50 PM_Jot_ I log in to the site every day because viewer points, so I never forget the password :)
07:17:52 PMTN_Frank LOL, ChrisLAS is still wondering if he's going to do a video show or just go audio.
07:18:11 PMTN_Frank I'm Totally Old School
07:18:22 PMTN_Frank RobbieF Ditto to that, I love my MATE desktop
07:18:23 PMrevdjenk RobbieF: bought a new laptop, updated win8 to linuxmint 15 !!
07:18:33 PMmastermindzh nice revdjenk :)
07:18:43 PMrevdjenk my lenovo died!!
07:18:46 PMmastermindzh no uefi problems?
07:18:51 PMmastermindzh Did you mistreat it again!?
07:18:54 PMdos89 I like Windows 8.1 more advanced than Linux.
07:18:54 PMTN_Frank Way too much clutter
07:19:06 PMmastermindzh dos89, nothing is more advanced than linux ;)
07:19:27 PMrevdjenk mastermindzh: I booted off line, so I could get far enough into win8 to change the bios to legacy boot!
07:19:35 PMtic-toc 8.1 is much better
07:19:41 PMTN_Frank MicroSoft is EVIL
07:19:53 PMmastermindzh 8.1 is "good", linux is WAY better though hehe
07:20:09 PMmastermindzh I think most of the people in the chat tend to agree hehe
07:20:10 PMrevdjenk tic-toc: I started in windows with version 1.03 and win8 reminds me of that!!
07:20:12 PMtic-toc the NSA is inside them all, it doesn't matter
07:20:18 PMTN_Frank RobbieF You're NOT into Football!!!!!!
07:20:25 PMTN_Frank =-O
07:20:31 PM_Jot_ I like windows 1.03 even better
07:20:48 PMoldhack I love M$ Win 8. Because if you don't know what your hobbies are they will just give you some
07:20:53 PMrevdjenk _Jot_: but slow on 8088 based computer!
07:20:53 PMShineShadow tic-toc: your absolutely correct...
07:20:59 PMmastermindzh RobbieF, you sound like my dad right now lols
07:21:24 PM_Jot_ RobbieF< try installing linux, that should fix it
07:21:41 PMmastermindzh I like how RobbieF is using a preview build hehe :D
07:21:50 PMTN_Frank Classic Shell OR just download Point Linux and be done with it.
07:22:13 PMShineShadow Windows is making RobbieF lose his mind...
07:22:15 PMmastermindzh TN_Frank, you and your point linux :P
07:22:31 PMrevdjenk mastermindzh: I thought that preview build ended use in July?
07:22:35 PMTN_Frank LOL, can't help it. Point Linux just works and is easy for me to use.
07:22:39 PMmastermindzh Best windows, but that doesn't say much hehe
07:22:56 PMmastermindzh revdjenk, I believe a trial version displays the same message. not sure though
07:22:57 PMsanseriff linux only don't care what microsoft does to windoze
07:23:04 PM_Jot_ revdjenk, that is the preview beta, new preview-versions are trial versions, basically any windows 8 without serial works for 30 days
07:23:05 PMTN_Frank Quote for the night. "It is what it is Bro. " lOL
07:23:10 PMTN_Frank :-D
07:23:17 PMrevdjenk _Jot_: thanks
07:23:20 PMoldhack lol
07:23:25 PMTN_Frank Just about everything.
07:23:40 PMdos89 You can change settings and get your own weather in Windows 8.1
07:23:53 PMmastermindzh dos89, should recognize that without you having to do anything ;)
07:24:11 PMmastermindzh wb slipp3d
07:24:13 PMjblake58 Robbie, I like win8.1 to a degree, but thanks to Category 5 I'm learning Linux, Thanks!
07:24:15 PM_Jot_ dos89, you know that and I know that, but it's RobbieF we're talking about :)
07:24:27 PMmastermindzh jblake58, nice! what distro are you using :)?
07:24:29 PMrevdjenk win8 doesn't let you use a planned file/folder...
07:24:34 PMTN_Frank Dr. Bill Baily uses Classic Shell on his Windows 8.1 computers even though he's a Linux guy
07:24:41 PMrevdjenk jblake58: yay!
07:25:02 PMrevdjenk jblake58: I have run Linux, w/o windows since 2006
07:25:12 PMrats_ jblake58: You'll be glad you are learning Linux
07:25:34 PMjblake58 I have been using Mint but this past week I just go Point 2.2. Not as easy but Robbie says more choices.
07:25:52 PMmastermindzh RobbieF might be biased though ;)
07:26:02 PMmastermindzh ask revdjenk, he's been using mint since forever ;)
07:26:13 PMTN_Frank I moved to Point Linux from Mint 15 MATE and it was a pretty seamless transition for me.
07:26:25 PMrats_ I use Kubuntu 12.04 and it just works
07:26:28 PMrevdjenk mastermindzh: mint since 2008
07:26:48 PMrevdjenk i do miss compiz and burn effect
07:27:06 PMTN_Frank That's one of the cool things I love about MATE and PL 2.2
07:27:07 PMmastermindzh I've been using Elementary since 2012, arch before that (mixed with ubuntu), and way back in the beginning I've used ubuntu.
07:27:38 PMrevdjenk I used ubuntu for two weeks, about how long I put up with vista
07:27:43 PMtic-toc Linux is ok for a single user, but it simply cannot replace windows as a complete operating system especially for enterprise or businesses.
07:27:54 PMmastermindzh revdjenk, why don't you just install it? I know it worked for version 14
07:27:57 PM_Jot_ hillary, just yank on the powercord to turn your computer off, works every time
07:28:12 PMTN_Frank _jot_ that's how I do it. LOL
07:28:13 PMmastermindzh tic-toc, that's not true though.
07:28:27 PMsanseriff quit running windows after microsoft said the copy of win 7 I was using which I had purchased as a family pack directly from microsoft when win 7 first came out which came with licence for 3 pc of which I was only using 2 was invalid for the third time
07:28:27 PMmastermindzh I know loads of companies that run solely on linux.
07:28:42 PMtic-toc sure it is, the software just isn't there for linux
07:28:51 PMmastermindzh do you have an example?
07:28:55 PMmastermindzh Because I tend to disagree :p
07:28:57 PMrevdjenk mastermindzh: really compiz in mint w/cinnamon? don't think they are compatible...maybe with MATE
07:29:06 PMTN_Frank Hey, a menu, wow.
07:29:07 PMmastermindzh revdjenk, think it was mate yeah.
07:29:53 PMrevdjenk MATE didn't appeal to me...just looked too "old"
07:30:23 PMmastermindzh revdjenk, MATE is great for the old gnome2 feel though :D
07:30:40 PMtic-toc try and put quickbooks on linux for a business that only uses quickbooks
07:30:50 PMTN_Frank MATE looked a little like OS 9 with the faunt that is used but I go for how it works more then how it looks.
07:31:07 PMmastermindzh tic-toc, it can be replaced by "GnuCash" ;)
07:31:12 PMrevdjenk hey everyone...blast from the past....a local non-profit asked me to look at their computer system... a pentium 4, 512meg RAM, 74Gb Hdd, running XP... woohoo
07:31:23 PMmastermindzh nice revdjenk :D
07:31:31 PMmastermindzh With linux that machine will run really well again :D
07:31:46 PM_Jot_ ah, classic shell from
07:31:55 PMrevdjenk yes... especially since April 2014 is on the horizon
07:31:56 PMtic-toc They don't want it replaced, they want quickbooks
07:32:09 PMGoodGuy I still run XP
07:32:11 PMrevdjenk tic-toc: how did you guess?
07:32:33 PMmastermindzh tic-toc, I don't see how a business that does not want to change has anything to do with linux actually being inferiour ;)
07:32:33 PMmastermindzh To me it just seems like someone is being naive and doesn't want to progress.
07:32:48 PMrevdjenk mastermindzh: or spend money
07:32:58 PMShineShadow revdjenk: sounds like a dell optiplex gx240 box
07:33:04 PMmastermindzh gnucash is free revdjenk ;)
07:33:26 PMrevdjenk Gateway,
07:33:50 PM_Jot_ I don't want gnucash! I want real cash! dollars or euros! So I can send them to
07:34:12 PMrevdjenk Gateway E-4600
07:34:19 PMShineShadow ahh
07:34:29 PMIMTech5 _Jot_: LOL!!!
07:34:47 PMTN_Frank LOL, that's too funny.
07:34:53 PMtic-toc They want software they are familiar with, they don't want change
07:34:57 PMShineShadow Nice RobbieF
07:35:01 PMmastermindzh You ruined the joke by doing it pre-show RobbieF
07:35:17 PMmastermindzh Still tic-toc, I don't see how that makes linux worse in the business environment.
07:35:20 PM_Jot_ mastermindzh, it is not a joke, that's actually what he does
07:35:27 PMShineShadow haha
07:35:51 PMmastermindzh you didn't pay attention very well pre-show did you _jot_ hehe?
07:36:00 PMmastermindzh wb dos89
07:36:07 PMtic-toc Because it simply doesn't have the software they want. It's just that simple
07:36:16 PM_Jot_ mastermindzh, of course he says it's now a joke. But my spyware says otherwise :P
07:36:27 PMDennis_Kelley Man that is my code for my luggage!
07:36:39 PMmastermindzh tic-toc, thats just 1 opinion. there are many people that DO want to change to linux.
07:36:40 PM_Jot_ really? only idiots would use such a code
07:37:01 PMDennis_Kelley what are you saying _Jot_
07:37:09 PM_Jot_ nothing, sir!
07:37:10 PMGoodGuy Many that don't also... room for both opinions
07:37:14 PMShineShadow Jot: I dont know if youve looked around lately but....
07:37:14 PMmastermindzh _Jot_ uses that code, he is trying to conceal the facts ;)
07:37:19 PMtic-toc sure there are, but those are single users, not enterprise
07:37:33 PMmastermindzh tic-toc, so the people I work for on a regular basis are not enterprises?
07:37:37 PMmastermindzh Just because they use linux?
07:38:16 PMShineShadow There are all types out there and a lot of people just dont think strong passwords are important
07:38:16 PMmastermindzh besides, most web servers use linux. most data centers use linux. but I guess those aren't enterprises are they?
07:38:24 PMGoodGuy Adobe needs to think their security procedures
07:38:44 PMtic-toc If they are not a business they are simply just users
07:38:49 PMmastermindzh ShineShadow, I hate it when I'm with a customer and they write their password on a piece of paper. and then show it to me carelessly.
07:38:51 PMrevdjenk tic-toc: this non-profit is a food bank for our local churches, most of the volunteer board are retired...and used to the older things, anyway
07:39:14 PMShineShadow I know ehat you mean mastermindzh
07:39:22 PMShineShadow what*
07:39:36 PMmastermindzh tic-toc, now you're just being ignorant. there are many businesses that use linux ;)
07:39:37 PMmastermindzh Most website providors use linux servers.
07:39:37 PMTN_Frank 13579
07:39:46 PMsanseriff not worried about my bank password if somebody wants the $1.30 I have in there their welcome to it
07:39:49 PMmastermindzh so saying that enterprises don't use linux is just ignorant
07:39:56 PMoldhack fibonocci series?
07:40:00 PMoldhack sp
07:40:07 PMtic-toc maybe for servers, not for users
07:40:14 PMmastermindzh You could donate that 1.30 to ;)
07:40:21 PM_Jot_ don't sell yourself short Hillary. Oh wait, that's a joke too
07:40:28 PMdos89 mastermindzh I have used Linux in VMware and Virtual Box and planning to install to hard drive. thanks for wb.
07:40:54 PMmastermindzh dos89, you'll be amazed at how much better it is! Feel free to stop by during the week if you need some additional help :)
07:41:05 PMrevdjenk yay dos89
07:41:12 PMTN_Frank Hope the person doesn't get a muscle spasm and start smackin' the person next to them
07:41:13 PMmastermindzh Try out Elementary OS, Point Linux, Zorin OS they are all very easy.
07:41:42 PMmastermindzh tic-toc, the company I work for uses ONLY linux. both users and servers
07:41:44 PMmastermindzh nasa runs linux
07:41:48 PMmastermindzh for example
07:41:52 PMrevdjenk Mint! mastermindzh Mint!
07:41:55 PMTN_Frank RobbieF We're doing the 2 hour show tonight, Right??
07:42:02 PMTN_Frank :-D
07:42:04 PMmastermindzh oh sorry, mint as well dos89 ;)
07:42:16 PMrevdjenk :)
07:42:25 PMtic-toc one company ?
07:42:31 PMIMTech5 mastermindz: Nice! All Linux...
07:42:36 PM_Jot_ wow, Hillary actually has a life
07:42:55 PMmastermindzh yes tic-toc, I work at one company. but I have worked for others as well.
07:43:10 PMmastermindzh and I know loads of businesses actually use linux :)
07:43:29 PMTN_Frank sudo apt-get install wine
07:43:34 PMmastermindzh So saying linux isn't ready for the "enterprise" market is ridiculous
07:43:48 PMmastermindzh TN_Frank, don't forget winetricks ;)
07:44:03 PMTN_Frank And that only works if they're on a Debian based OS
07:44:22 PMtic-toc I have never walked into any major commercial business and seen one computer running any form of linux.
07:44:22 PMTN_Frank You'd need yum or pacman for Fedora or Arch
07:44:25 PMmastermindzh for rpm it would be yum TN_Frank, so "yum install wine"
07:44:42 PMTN_Frank zupper is OpenSUSE IIRC
07:45:01 PMmastermindzh tic-toc, I guess you haven't been in enough commercial businesses then ;)
07:45:01 PMmastermindzh Besides, you having been in a business doesn't mean that that automatically is the standard either.
07:45:07 PMmastermindzh zypper* TN_frank ;)
07:45:07 PMTN_Frank Way too many terminal commands, should just dump everything but Debian. LOL:-D
07:45:22 PMtic-toc Windows owns the enterprise market, it's just a fact
07:45:25 PMmastermindzh for arch it's yaourt -Sb wine ;)
07:45:30 PMTN_Frank apt-get is all ya' need, LOL
07:45:35 PMmastermindzh tic-toc, any evidence to back it up?
07:45:36 PMtic-toc like it or not
07:45:45 PMmastermindzh so nasa isn't an enterprise?
07:45:58 PMmastermindzh ubuntu is not a "commercial business"?
07:46:03 PMtic-toc you're kidding right?
07:46:09 PMmastermindzh those are 2 companies I can guarantee that are using linux ;)
07:46:32 PM_Jot_ I'm pretty sure a t-shirt is one of the perks you can pledge for at
07:46:33 PMmastermindzh all website providers use linux, but hey those aren't businesses either right?
07:46:51 PMrevdjenk wow
07:47:09 PMtic-toc I'm not defending or trying to knock any OS, those are just facts
07:47:11 PMmastermindzh Too bad some episodes are only available on dvd though RobbieF, could you rip them and upload them after all ?
07:47:17 PMTN_Frank RobbieF Yep, I love this place.
07:47:26 PMmastermindzh tic-toc, thats why I am simply asking you to prove your "fact" ;)
07:48:21 PMTN_Frank OK, what's a "CMS"??
07:48:35 PMGoodGuy ntent Mgmt System
07:48:37 PMmastermindzh Content management system, used to make building websites (and maintaining) them easier.
07:48:37 PM_Jot_ Content Managment System
07:48:45 PMtic-toc Please don't tell me you actually think linux has more computers in enterprise than Windows,
07:48:49 PMmastermindzh wordpress, drupal and joomla are great examples.
07:48:51 PMTN_Frank Ahh, ok, thanks. Still learning some of this stuff.
07:49:19 PMShineShadow Learning Management system
07:49:32 PMmastermindzh tic-toc, if you count the servers then yes. if you don't then probably not. Though there are a great many business that do.
07:49:34 PMdos89 Anyone tried Knoppix Linux?
07:49:49 PMmastermindzh I have dos89, wouldn't recommend it for anything other than a rescue disk though.
07:50:02 PMtic-toc I'm not talking about servers
07:50:07 PMShineShadow Is your CMS open source RobbieF?
07:50:15 PMShineShadow ooohhh closed :(
07:50:25 PM_Jot_ ShineShadow, it isn't, because its property of his employer
07:50:43 PMtic-toc I know linux has a lot of servers, I'm talking about enterprise users
07:51:21 PMTN_Frank I think I know a bit about computers, Linux and stuff until I sit in the chat room and listen to some of ya'll talk about stuff like this. Then I feel like I don't know much at all.:'(
07:51:51 PM_Jot_ Frank, everybody is welcome, and you know lots too, compared to others, you can't know everything after all
07:52:13 PMmastermindzh tic-toc, you said: Linux is ok for a single user, but it simply cannot replace windows as a complete operating system especially for enterprise or businesses.
07:52:13 PMmastermindzh Which would imply that linux is an inferior product that CANNOT replace windows. While in fact it CAN. users just don't want it. like you pointed out yourself ;)
07:52:19 PMTN_Frank I am learning thanks to Category5 and other shows I've been watching.
07:52:29 PMrevdjenk tic-toc: Google, Amazon, IBM, Facebook, US military all use Linux servers...would you include them in enterprise? Even MS has used Linux servers....
07:52:44 PMmastermindzh TN_Frank, you have learned loads about linux already, and there is way more to come :D
07:52:55 PMShineShadow LMS is what everyone in education calls it
07:53:16 PMTN_Frank Yep, I don't think I'll ever stop learning. There's always something new to learn or a new way to do something.
07:53:21 PMmastermindzh We're still missing you in chat during the week though!
07:53:36 PMmastermindzh Thats the beauty of linux :D always going forward with cool stuff :D
07:53:46 PMtic-toc I'm not talking about servers, Im talking end users for enterprise and software availability
07:53:51 PMrevdjenk hee hee RobbieF
07:54:07 PMrevdjenk and put down the anchor
07:54:15 PMdos89 I really like RSS really helps
07:54:18 PMTN_Frank Don't reinvent the wheel, invent the hover car and do away with the wheel all together.
07:54:30 PMoldhack there is always for an education CMS or LMS
07:54:32 PMrevdjenk parody disk
07:54:35 PMmastermindzh again tic-toc, nasa uses SOLELY linux, so for their users as well. idk if the companies revdjenk mentioned use linux on the employees computers though.
07:54:35 PMDennis_Kelley yes
07:54:42 PMDennis_Kelley yes it is blue
07:54:55 PMmastermindzh dos89, rss is great ;)
07:54:57 PMTN_Frank Didn't Germany just convert completly over to Linux recently?
07:55:12 PMDennis_Kelley I can even us UBCD to use the tools to check it.
07:55:18 PMDennis_Kelley *Can't
07:55:19 PMmastermindzh dos89, I like using "feedly" add on for firefox ;)
07:55:24 PMrevdjenk TN_Frank: portions, some of the cities and regions, not the whole country
07:55:32 PMTN_Frank There's a lot of places moving away from Windows and going to Linux if for no other reason to get rid of Lic. Fees.
07:55:46 PMDennis_Kelley *USE
07:55:47 PMmastermindzh TN_Frank, indeed :)
07:55:53 PMoldhack parroty drive
07:55:56 PMTN_Frank revdjenk just give em' time. LOL
07:56:13 PMmastermindzh TN_Frank, and with steam coming to linux (well it's here already hehe) even some gamers will move over!
07:56:19 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, unraid doesn't care what cable a drive is on, it checks by serial
07:56:20 PMtic-toc If you guys really think more enterprise and businesses use linux than Windows, you have been smoking the crack pipe with Mayor Ford
07:56:28 PMrevdjenk pear o'tee
07:56:28 PMrevdjenk drive
07:56:53 PMDennis_Kelley RobbieF _ I will try!
07:56:59 PMmastermindzh tic-toc, we didn't say that. in fact I know loads of companies still use windows.
07:56:59 PMmastermindzh you stated that linux was not advanced enough to take over, which is false.
07:57:04 PMTN_Frank Yep, Steam OS and the Steam Box is going to totally revolutionize the gaming industry. You'll actually be able to mod your Steam Box and upgrade it with new GPU's and stuff.
07:57:11 PMtic-toc ya think?
07:57:27 PMmastermindzh tic-toc, if you'd use linux for a year or so you'd know as well ;)
07:57:31 PMDennis_Kelley RobbieF - I can Not use UBCD to even check the drive. Bios Does not see it
07:57:32 PMtic-toc try over 90%
07:57:43 PM_Jot_ TN_Frank, it's just a PC, it isn't a revolution
07:57:56 PMmastermindzh yeah TN_Frank, and steam won't even make the box themselves. so other companies will probably jump on it too!
07:57:59 PMGoodGuy If BIOS doesn't see it..bad news
07:58:06 PMtic-toc I use linux, elementary OS
07:58:09 PMrevdjenk tic-toc: because Linux isn't normally "bought" it is hard to discover how many servers are actually using it. You could judge by those buying service from RedHat, but not every one is doing that, even
07:58:21 PMDennis_Kelley RobbieF My unRAID is down right now until I fix it.
07:58:28 PMTN_Frank _jot_ but it's the entire way they're doing it, you can mod your gaming box with Steam OS. You can't mod an XBox or PS4
07:58:37 PMmastermindzh tic-toc, cool I'm using elementary as well lols.
07:58:37 PMmastermindzh But your 90% is very specific, not validated, and simply not true either ;)
07:59:16 PMmastermindzh I agree with TN_Frank, _jot_ it's an integrated solution. Which will appeal to many users.
07:59:24 PM_Jot_ TN_Frank, but you can get a box with a pc and do that already, and you can also display stuff already on it that comes from another computer, so that isn't entirely new either. It's nice that it happens because it can mean something, but it isn't revolutionary
07:59:48 PMmastermindzh _jot_ but how many "regular" people want a near their tv?
07:59:57 PMmastermindzh I can see them getting a steam box
07:59:59 PMGoodGuy tell me about it. I wear a neck brace while on the PC
08:00:04 PMTN_Frank You could even theoretically build a Steam Box from a desktop PC that you have sitting around if you want.
08:00:19 PM_Jot_ mastermindzh, depends on what it looks like, I think a lot of people do seeing how tablets are popular and netbooks were with them etc, just have to sell it
08:00:44 PM_Jot_ They actually tried it before with computers looking like audio-furniture but somehow that didn't work and now most models are out of production
08:00:44 PMmastermindzh _jot_, agreed. but the steam box focuses on being in the living room. so it has to be small ;)
08:01:00 PMmastermindzh yeah thats a pain, most of those smaller cases are awesome looking hehe
08:01:47 PMtic-toc 90.54% use windows, 1.61% use linux, happy now?
08:01:50 PMrevdjenk the hour is over, already?? noooooo
08:01:55 PMTN_Frank I don't game anymore so I'm really not into any box for gaming.
08:01:57 PMsovereign a trackball may work
08:01:57 PMmastermindzh _jot_, check out the Thermaltake Element Q case. that's awesome
08:01:59 PM_Jot_ there is a chance it may work again because now if you have cable or something you get a decoder-box you have to install so people might be willing to install another device
08:02:13 PMdos89 Since Windows Xp will not be updated I will put Linux on them. Thanks guys for a great show and everyone's insight:;
08:02:14 PMTN_Frank but if I could dual boot with Steam OS then I could have a regular PC and also have a gaming PC all in one.
08:02:29 PMrevdjenk tic-toc: those are the same %'s for super computers, but switch the OS's
08:02:30 PMShineShadow Hillary over-load :)
08:02:33 PMIMTech5 Thanks Robbie and Hillary! Great show!
08:02:35 PMShineShadow love it
08:02:37 PMtic-toc Oh and 7.73% use OSX
08:02:37 PMmastermindzh tic-toc, it's still you saying that. and again, I don't disprove the fact that windows is used more. I'm just saying it could be easily replaced by linux as well.
08:02:42 PMmastermindzh Thanks hillary and RobbieF ;)
08:02:44 PMrevdjenk g'nite
08:02:45 PMTN_Frank Great Show RobbieF and Hillary.
08:02:48 PMShineShadow Thanks for naother great show guys :)
08:02:52 PMoldhack thx Robbie and Hillary!
08:03:06 PMBobK54 good show! nite all....
08:03:07 PMjblake58 Great Show! Thanks!
08:03:15 PMtic-toc That's just your opinion, I'm stating facts
08:03:15 PMrobgor thanks hills robbie great show
08:03:16 PMrats_ Thanks hillary and RobbieF
08:03:17 PMTN_Frank I think Windows is used as much as it is because it simply comes on the computer that you buy.
08:03:19 PMrevdjenk we can interact in the chat room? yay
08:03:37 PM_Jot_ mastermindzh, I have an Antec thing myself, I think it's called Antec Fusion or something
08:03:40 PMmastermindzh yeah you can revdjenk, would be awesome if we saw you during the week as well :D
08:03:42 PMoldhack l8r all
08:03:59 PMrevdjenk hee hee mastermindzh
08:04:04 PMrevdjenk I've had a busy week
08:04:04 PMmastermindzh _jot_, I googled that real quick. that looks awesome too! Do they still sell that?
08:04:08 PMTN_Frank I'd bet if you'd give folks a choice of Windows 8.1 or a good Linux Distro they'd start to go Linux more and more.
08:04:24 PM_Jot_ mastermindzh, possibly, but it isn't on their website anymore so I don't think they make it anymore
08:04:33 PMmastermindzh TN_Frank, it's our job to bring attention to linux then :D
08:04:47 PMTN_Frank Yep, I'm a Linux Preacher. LOL
08:04:47 PMmastermindzh _jot_, will do some searching around. Looks like a fine case. Is it loud?
08:04:55 PMmastermindzh we know you are TN_Frank ;0
08:05:04 PMrevdjenk TN_Frank: I'm a Preacher using Linux
08:05:17 PMTN_Frank Heck, I love Linux so much that I'm even totally over Apple now too.
08:05:36 PMmastermindzh TN_Frank, lemme guess. it's because everything apple does linux does better hehe?
08:05:56 PM_Jot_ mastermindzh, it is completely quiet for me, I have an asus e35m1-i deluxe motherboard in it, which does't require active cooling, so I have the fans on half but just for safety
08:06:02 PMTN_Frank revdjenk Dr. Bill is also a Preacher of sorts, you should check out his show too if you get a chance.
08:06:23 PMmastermindzh _jot_, i've been eying an passivly cooled asus board with an amd c60 ;)
08:06:24 PMrevdjenk TN_Frank: he is "of sorts" isn't he!!??
08:06:29 PMTN_Frank It's mostly because Apple costs so dang much. I loved my iMac but man, they're expensive.
08:06:42 PMGoodGuy He has two PhD's in theology iirc
08:06:54 PMrevdjenk GoodGuy: really?
08:07:03 PMTN_Frank Yep, if you subscribe to Dr. Bill's Roku channel you get a Bible study show as well,
08:07:11 PMGoodGuy yes... he isn't a precher by trade though
08:07:26 PMGoodGuy Works in IT at a large hospital
08:07:30 PM_Jot_ mastermindzh, they are awesome, I know you can get cheaper ones but with all the feautures it has I figured it was all I needed. Unfortunatly it doesn't run a lot of software, somehow many older software isn't compatible. Fortunatly the important stuff like media players etc are, but not many games
08:07:33 PMrevdjenk I've tried to get through some of his vids...
08:07:55 PMTN_Frank Dr. Bill also has one in some IT position that's not given out anymore. Forget what it was but he mentioned it the other day on one of his shows.
08:07:56 PMGoodGuy Strange personality, but I like him
08:08:05 PMmastermindzh _jot_ I need something to replace my HTPC though, it is strictly used for media streaming so it doesn't really need to be powerfull :)
08:08:10 PMDennis_Kelley RobbieF - how do I find my actual IP address for command line
08:08:20 PMmastermindzh Dennis_kelley: ifconfig ;)
08:08:22 PMTN_Frank I like the way Dr. Bill says "Dude", reminds me of ME. :-D
08:08:30 PMGoodGuy He works with VMware products and Citrix
08:08:42 PMmastermindzh ifconfig and then look at the line that has "inet addr: number here"
08:08:57 PM_Jot_ mastermindzh, then such boards are excellent, I think the c60 has a videochip build in as well so for htpc it is excellent, it'll probably have hdmi on the board as well
08:08:59 PMrevdjenk mastermindzh: to the rescue
08:09:08 PMDennis_Kelley mastermindzh does that show my outside ip or my internal
08:09:13 PMmastermindzh _jot_, it does ;) that's why I want it hehe :P
08:09:16 PMGoodGuy Go to to get your external IP
08:09:18 PMmastermindzh Dennis_kelley, inside
08:09:26 PMmastermindzh yep what goodguy said :D
08:09:37 PMDennis_Kelley GoodGuy - how do I find it from a command line
08:09:40 PMTN_Frank Not to totally change the subject but I need to vent a little to the chat room. I got so mad at myself yesterday.
08:09:41 PMGoodGuy ifconfig displays the internal ip on a LAN
08:09:44 PM_Jot_ oh man, my IP is I hope nobody will hack me now
08:09:54 PMmastermindzh _jot_ the case you have is micro atx isn't it?
08:10:04 PMmastermindzh would give me more space to put a better pc in there hehe
08:10:08 PM_Jot_ mastermindzh, no, it is quite big, it is microatx
08:10:15 PMTN_Frank We've needed a couple new panes of glass in our garage door for quite a while so I finally broke down and bought a sheet of plexiglass
08:10:25 PMmastermindzh _jot_ I said micro atx you dummy ;)
08:10:51 PMDennis_Kelley mastermindzh - how do I find the external from a command line
08:10:52 PMrevdjenk your micro is big?
08:10:55 PMTN_Frank I figured I could cut it with a jig saw and a fine blade, NOPE, wrong, cracked it and I basically threw $45 bucks down the toilette.
08:10:58 PM_Jot_ mastermindzh, so who accused me of being able to read :)
08:11:26 PMGoodGuy You can try looking in the file .conkyrc if you have it on your system
08:11:37 PM_Jot_ but it's a bit bigger than that becuase it also has space for a full power supply next to it with a divider between the board and the supply
08:11:39 PMTN_Frank I got so mad at myself. We really didn't have that kind of money to waste. Now I'm just going to have to get some 1/8" ply wood and cut it to fit and we'll just do without the two windows in the garage door.
08:11:49 PMrevdjenk TN_Frank: yes, score and crack along a sharp edge.... like doing tile or glass
08:11:50 PMGoodGuy They have a lookup procedure. but it may need work
08:11:53 PMTN_Frank Anyway, that's my chat room confession for the night.
08:12:03 PMmastermindzh I found it in the antec store :)
08:12:09 PMmastermindzh 189.95 it says
08:12:14 PMrevdjenk I found that out making birdfeeder
08:12:15 PMTN_Frank LOL, I found that out when I read the sticker on the plexiglass.:-(
08:12:22 PM_Jot_ mastermindzh, sounds about right :)
08:12:29 PMmastermindzh dennis_kelley, not sure if you are able to.
08:12:37 PMmastermindzh Using the website would be way easier.
08:12:51 PMmastermindzh external ip is the same for every computer in the house so you can do it at any pc :)
08:12:55 PMTN_Frank I just felt to totally stupid by not reading the sticker first, guess I AM a man after all.
08:13:04 PMrevdjenk TN_Frank: hee hee
08:13:11 PMTN_Frank Don't read the instructions, just jump in and go to town.
08:13:18 PM_Jot_ mastermindzh, it comes with a display which makes it a bit more expensive, and it has a driver that antec hasn't upgraded but the company that makes it has gone up two or three versions but I don't even know the name or what you have to install now since I haven't used it in a while :)
08:13:26 PMTN_Frank Then when it breaks read the instructions, LOL
08:13:35 PMGoodGuy
08:13:41 PMrevdjenk yes, I tried a skilsaw, too, just made a lot of little pieces!
08:13:47 PM_Jot_ Frank, you learned from RobbieF, he never reads instructions, blame him :)
08:13:48 PMmastermindzh _jot_, I think I might order it :D
08:13:58 PMGoodGuy take a look at that for external IP
08:14:16 PMmastermindzh I noticed the screen yeah, would be fun if I could program that myself though :D
08:14:20 PMTN_Frank _jot_ I can normally figure stuff out pretty well without reading them but in this case I really wish I had read them first.
08:14:56 PM_Jot_ mastermindzh, together with the C60 board it will be an excellent HTPC, comes with a good remove and everything and the display is actually useful, I have it set to the time normally but with video etc it is so helpful to see runtime without having to do weird stuff to the video
08:15:22 PMmastermindzh _jot_ yeah I noticed the remote
08:15:26 PMmastermindzh don't like remotes though
08:15:32 PMmastermindzh I have those tiny usb keyboard thingies
08:15:40 PMmastermindzh I like having full control hehe
08:16:29 PM_Jot_ you don't have to use a remove if you don't want to, but you can :) normally with most of these you need to have a usb receiver that you plug in and that you have to lay down somewhere but since it's build in there's nothing sticking out etc
08:16:42 PMmastermindzh I use these:
08:16:47 PMTN_Frank On a totally different subject. Moving to Google Plus and Hangouts and Video Chat(not a Hangout Video Chat) I have a question.
08:17:00 PMmastermindzh different brand though, but similar in design. it comes with a VERY tiny usb receiver ;)
08:17:21 PMTN_Frank I remember RobbieF saying that when you're in a Hangout Video Chat that folks on YouTube can watch you but can't join in.
08:17:29 PMGoodGuy
08:17:36 PMmastermindzh TN_Frank, only if you broadcast it :)
08:17:42 PM_Jot_ mastermindzh, the board I have has bluetooth build in, which is why it has one USB less than the less deluxe versions, so that would work too :)
08:17:51 PMTN_Frank So, if I call my buddie and we're in a Video Chat via Hangouts then it's private, right.
08:17:58 PMmastermindzh yes TN_Frank.
08:18:09 PM_Jot_ Frank, it should be, but google has made mistakes with that before
08:18:10 PMTN_Frank Ahh, ok, so you have to Broadcast the chat for folks on YouTube to watch. Got it.
08:18:28 PMTN_Frank And of course we all know that the NSA is Always Watchin'.
08:18:31 PMmastermindzh _Jot_ those extras are cool, I'd be getting it based on the look though :D
08:18:43 PMmastermindzh TN_Frank, yeah nothing you can doa bout that :P
08:19:07 PMTN_Frank mastermindzh Yep, not even moving to another Country will help.
08:19:12 PM_Jot_ mastermindzh, yeah, it's really nice, a bit bright but you can disconnect the leds and dim the display a little and that isn't too bad really
08:19:43 PMmastermindzh I plan on changing the led's though
08:19:49 PMmastermindzh Everything else I own is black / red
08:19:49 PMmastermindzh :p
08:19:57 PMmastermindzh so it would have to be red anyways ;)
08:20:11 PM_Jot_ it's not red, it's white or blue like most things these days
08:20:29 PMmastermindzh Yeah I know, thats why I will have to change the colour of it hehe
08:20:48 PMrobgor anyone using a folio case with a keyboard on a android tablet?
08:20:50 PM_Jot_ I really don't get why they went 'oh look, we can make blue now, let's put it in everything' and still do instead of more varied colours so you can tell status more easily
08:21:16 PMmastermindzh _jot_ I know right, same with their other cases
08:21:18 PMmastermindzh all blue fans
08:21:31 PMmastermindzh getting rgb LED's isn't even that much more expensive
08:21:49 PMTN_Frank robgor Dr.Bill was using some kind of case with a keyboard with his Nexus 10. Looked pretty cool.
08:22:03 PM_Jot_ no, but rgb leds cost more resources to program
08:22:25 PMmastermindzh robgor, I stricly use tablets for development purposes so they don't have a case hehe
08:22:30 PMTN_Frank I forget which one it was though. If I ever got a tablet I'd for sure get a case with a bluetooth keyboard, seems like it'd be a lot easier to type with.
08:22:33 PMrobgor yeah just wanted to know if it clicks into the tablet like the surface or is seperate
08:22:50 PMTN_Frank robgor the one I saw was bluetooth.
08:22:52 PMmastermindzh _jot_ well, there are like a million really cheap ic's that you could get to do that though
08:23:14 PM_Jot_ mastermindzh, yeah, but they require 3 pins per led instead of 1
08:23:45 PMmastermindzh thats true
08:23:53 PMmastermindzh but still, wouldn't be that much more expensive
08:24:02 PMmastermindzh and it would be so awesome hehe
08:24:06 PM_Jot_ no, but it does add up quickly :)
08:24:10 PMmastermindzh now I basically have to replace all LED's
08:24:25 PMmastermindzh They can charge 5 bucks more for the mutlicolored display hehe
08:24:29 PMGoodGuy Asus Transformer has a dock with keyboard
08:24:30 PMrobgor mastermindzh was going to get my sister a tablet for xmas but she wants a keyboard, trying to get her off windows, which really what she uses her old laptop for she doesnt need it, plus she has limited internet per month so never upto date with her security updates etc
08:24:55 PMmastermindzh robgor, getting people to linux is always awesome hehe
08:24:56 PM_Jot_ I'm not sure how easy it will be to replace the leds, I think I looked into opening it, but decided not to becuase I didn't want to risk it
08:25:19 PMmastermindzh _jot_ I'll risk it , quite good with electronics ;) besides if it breaks it breaks hehe
08:25:23 PMTN_Frank There's quite a few cases with bluetooth keyboards for most popular tablets.
08:25:24 PM_Jot_ mostly becuase if you fit it together and it doesn't fit exactly right you get noise or vibration or stuff etc
08:25:31 PMGoodGuy logitech sells bluetooth keyboards for tablets... iPad for sure and I think Android
08:25:54 PMrobgor mastermindzh yeah I just put linux on my parents pc moved off from windows 7
08:25:55 PMTN_Frank Just whatever you do don't go Surface RT, from all I've read they're total junk.
08:25:56 PMmastermindzh _Jot_ I'll probably end up replacing most parts with high quality stuff after opening it anyways hehe
08:26:07 PMGoodGuy Linux Action Show host showed a case with a keyboard, but it was quite a few months ago
08:26:08 PMmastermindzh cool robgor :D
08:26:17 PMmastermindzh I moved my dad over a few months ago
08:26:20 PMrobgor more people off windows the less issues I have to deal with
08:26:34 PMTN_Frank Here and LAS are the only two chat rooms that I'm on.
08:26:39 PMmastermindzh I didn't want to do it at first, because he doesn't really pick stuff up all that quickly. But he seems to be doing really well.
08:26:51 PMTN_Frank Of course on Roku I watch a few other tech shows.
08:27:37 PMTN_Frank Have you checked out EBay robgor??
08:27:58 PMrobgor TN_Frank the surface the hardware seems ok its just the os thats junk
08:27:59 PMTN_Frank You might find something on EBay that'd work well, even get a small laptop and install LInux on it for her.
08:28:28 PMTN_Frank robgor, yep, it's a stripped down version of the OS so you can't run "regular" Win8 stuff on it.
08:28:40 PM_Jot_ we need to get RobbieF on linux cause he seems to have so much trouble with windows
08:28:41 PMrobgor ok
08:29:05 PMrobgor the chromebook would be ok if it wasnt so underpowered
08:29:18 PMTN_Frank _jot_ I think now that RobbieF has Classic Shell he'll be ok with his Windows 8.1 set up. LOL
08:29:40 PMmastermindzh Well guys, I'm going to get off now :D
08:29:42 PMrevdjenk hey gotta go...laters
08:29:45 PMmastermindzh have to be at work in about 3 hours lols
08:29:49 PMTN_Frank C ya' later mastermindzh
08:29:50 PMmastermindzh gotta get some sleep in :D
08:29:53 PMTN_Frank Have a good one pard.
08:29:55 PMrevdjenk mastermindzh: bye
08:29:59 PMmastermindzh cya all tomorrow :D
08:30:08 PMmastermindzh thanks for the info about the case _jot_
08:30:19 PMGoodGuy
08:30:38 PMGoodGuy That article discusses a tablet holder and kb
08:30:53 PMTN_Frank robgor seems like one of the dual core Atom N450 netbooks would run a light version of Linux ok if you max out the RAM to the full 2GB.
08:31:08 PMrobgor well Iam glad that my sister doesnt watch cat5, because I know she wont like win8, which hopefully will make it easier for me to get her onto linux
08:31:11 PMGoodGuy I opted to use the Bluetooth Logitech Tablet Keyboard. It's full-sized, portable, has a great feel and comes with a nice stand to put your tablet on, effectively turning your tablet into an uber-portable, modular laptop.
08:31:24 PMTN_Frank Sure, it'd not be the fasted kid on the block but still, power consumption would be next to nothing and it should be ok for surfing the web.
08:31:56 PMrobgor TN Frank I want to stay away from the Atom because if its slow it will put my sister off linux
08:32:11 PMrobgor which it will be
08:32:28 PMTN_Frank Intel has a new version of the Atom(forget what they're calling it) but it's suppose to be a lot better then the older ones.
08:33:22 PMTN_Frank My old HP nc6400's are running pretty good for being only a Core Duo 1.83GHz processor and only having 2GB of RAM.
08:33:25 PM_Jot_ maybe they are calling it an Intel Atom :P
08:34:00 PMTN_Frank _jot_ nope, they've got a new name for it, It's in Maximum PC, forget which issue, one of the newer ones.
08:34:18 PMTN_Frank I could run into the living room and get it if you want.
08:34:23 PMTN_Frank brb
08:34:53 PMrobgor hmm another thing I need to find out is if I remove windows and replace linux on it will it void the warranty
08:35:43 PM_Jot_ it shouldn't, but make sure to check
08:36:14 PMTN_Frank I'd risk it to get rid of Windows.:-D
08:36:21 PM_Jot_ and even if it doesn,t it can be troublesome if the person doing warranty doesn't understand what linux is :)
08:36:58 PM_Jot_ they are fortunatly getting better at that sort of thing, but since it still happens a lot, I figure I'd say it
08:37:19 PMTN_Frank The Atom chip is code named "Bay Trail"
08:37:51 PMrobgor if the shipping wasnt so much I could get a laptop from system76 they
08:38:17 PM_Jot_ Frank, that's just the code name the actual chips are called the usual pentium, atom and celeron names
08:38:25 PM_Jot_
08:38:26 PMTN_Frank Looks pretty decent too, Quad core, 1.4-2.4Ghz
08:38:41 PMTN_Frank 22nm die.
08:38:51 PMrobgor yeah they got that on a tablet asus transformer Book T100
08:39:24 PMGoodGuy night all
08:39:26 PMTN_Frank ups, my bad, process is 22nm, the die size isn't listed
08:39:30 PMTN_Frank Suppose to blow the ARM out of the water.
08:39:44 PMrobgor but for that price I can get an i5 laptop
08:39:54 PM_Jot_ arm works completely different from how x86 does things so it isn't easily comparible
08:40:18 PMoaesystemstech oaesystemstech Oceanside CA
08:40:24 PMTN_Frank I don't know if you want to buy new or used robgor but personally you can get get some really great deals if you buy used.
08:40:44 PMrobgor I prefer to get new
08:41:04 PMTN_Frank I picked up my HP nc6400's for $60 U.S. each, that's why I could afford to get 3 of em'.
08:41:12 PM_Jot_ oasystemstch, is that California, or Canada?
08:41:32 PMTN_Frank Oceanside is in Calif.
08:41:39 PM_Jot_ ah, I had no idea :)
08:42:08 PMTN_Frank I know, with the show being broadcast from Canada, it could go either way sometimes.
08:42:38 PMoaesystemstech Faught the slow windows system to log in and finally get on to listen and make dinner...
08:42:44 PM_Jot_ here we don't even use provinces, I mean, we have them, but since we have almost no places with the same name, there is no need for it almost always
08:43:20 PM_Jot_ great you made it oaesystemstech, and of course you can download the episode shortly in many qualities
08:43:29 PMTN_Frank So it's just like Vancouver B.C. or would you also add in the Canada to that??
08:43:35 PMrobgor yeah problem for me getting stuff outside Australia is the shipping, that vegemite that I sent to robbie cost me $28 to post, so imagine how much a laptop would be, so after shipping I might not save and maybe better getting local
08:44:24 PM_Jot_ robgor, somebody could smash up the laptop in many tiny pieces and then take those all together so it takes up less space and is cheaper, that would work
08:44:28 PMTN_Frank robgor I had a guy that was interested in a couple harmonicas that I had for sale, he lived in Australia and it would have cost twice as much on shipping as the harmonicas would cost.
08:45:04 PMTN_Frank LOL, hey, a Laptop Kit.
08:45:19 PMTN_Frank Just glue the pieces back together and bingo, you've got a laptop.
08:45:57 PMrobgor yeah TN Frank I got a panel from the UK for a car Iam restoring and the shipping was more than the panel almost double
08:46:21 PMTN_Frank That's just crazy. But it's the cost of doin' business I guess.
08:46:36 PM_Jot_ was it okay and not damaged and such? I remember you being a bit afraid of that
08:46:58 PMrobgor hmm TN Frank I want it for this xmas not next xmas
08:47:32 PMrobgor yeah well one was ok and another was damaged
08:47:37 PMTN_Frank Just over a month left before Christmas. We need to help ya' find a solution to this "problem"
08:48:06 PMTN_Frank I know Dr. Bill really talks up his Nexus 10 tablet on his show.
08:48:09 PMrobgor thing is they were the last ones available also so couldnt get another
08:48:53 PMRobbieF hey folks
08:48:54 PMRobbieF :)
08:49:11 PMTN_Frank robgor if you ever need car parts/panels, doors, ect. you should really give Arizona a try, they'd be pretty much rust free
08:49:19 PMTN_Frank Howdy RobbieF. We're all still here.
08:49:22 PMrobgor yeah I got a note 10.1 great tablet, for a tablet I wouldnt get anything less than a quad core, I
08:49:41 PMTN_Frank Do those have Snapdragon's like the phones??
08:49:50 PMrobgor TN Frank dont think the would have it have you heard of Ford Cortinas?
08:50:10 PMTN_Frank Isn't the Cortinas like the Comet??
08:50:38 PMTN_Frank I know Ford has a few cars that are similar from "down under" and "up over" LOL
08:51:39 PMrobgor no it origionally was made in the UK but also made in Australia and other countries, the USA only got the MK1 and MK2 cortina I think
08:52:09 PMTN_Frank Ahh, so it's one of those special cars that we really didn't get many of here in the U.S. then.
08:52:25 PMrobgor comet is a bigger car sorta like a falcon
08:52:49 PMTN_Frank Yep, Mecury Comet and Ford Falcon is the same car except for the badging.
08:53:58 PMrobgor TN_Frank thats an example of the model I have
08:54:46 PMTN_Frank Almost(and notice I said "almost") looks like a Maverick.
08:55:10 PMTN_Frank My buddy in AZ. had a Maverick Grabber with a wicked fast 302 in it.
08:55:54 PMTN_Frank I'd say it was as quick as my V8 S-10 Chevy is and that's quick.
08:56:40 PMrobgor yeah maverick probably bigger, cortina is around the capri size I would say
08:57:06 PMTN_Frank Ok, yep, I had a Capri, they're quite a bit smaller then the Maverick.
08:57:26 PMrobgor what year was your capri
08:58:21 PMTN_Frank Oh gosh, I really can't remember to tell you the truth. It was one of those cars that I only had for a few months then I sold it to get into something else. Late 70's, maybe early 80's I guess.
08:58:52 PMTN_Frank I also had a Ford Tempo, that was an '86 IIRC
08:59:31 PMTN_Frank I've gone through so many cars and trucks over my lifetime I have a hard time remembering most of them
08:59:41 PMTN_Frank I do remember my first though, it was a '66 Mustang.
09:00:02 PMrobgor nice coupe or fastback
09:00:15 PMTN_Frank Coupe, 289, C4 trans
09:00:32 PMTN_Frank 2.73:1 gears so it was a real dog off the line though.
09:02:24 PMrobgor yeah well Ive only had 2 cars well 2 that have been driven had heaps of parts cars, the first was a cortina which I kept the front and converted into a bbq, current one is a 2001 Falcon
09:03:09 PMTN_Frank LOL, that's funny to hear you say "2001 Falcon" since we've not had Falcons made in the U.S. since the '60's
09:04:16 PMrobgor yeah well still have them, will have them untill 2016 which is when ford closes local manufacturing in Australia :(
09:04:28 PMTN_Frank :-(
09:05:50 PMTN_Frank I'm going to have to get rid of my truck, it's just not practical. I love it, it's uber quick but it only gets around 14mpg and it needs new tires and could really use a Limited Slip rear axle to help it hook all the power it has to the road. One wheel just ain't cutting it with all that power. :-/
09:05:56 PMrobgor Holden (G
09:06:16 PM_Jot_ cars will be really expensive then with shipping costs
09:06:17 PMTN_Frank I'll probably end up with a full size Chevy short bed or maybe an extended cab S-10 with a V6.
09:06:44 PMrobgor no Jot thats the problem cheap crap imports
09:07:06 PMrobgor we are even getting chinese made cars now
09:07:16 PMTN_Frank Funny thing, "Imports" here in the U.S. are mostly made here in the U.S. now.
09:07:42 PMTN_Frank Toyota, Honda, Volkswagen, a few others that escape my mind right now.
09:08:15 PMTN_Frank Those are called the "Ding, Pow" because that's the sound they make when the motor lets go, LOL
09:09:02 PMTN_Frank Hey, the World needs something to replace the Yugo, guess China will step up to fill the bill.
09:11:02 PMTN_Frank Well, heck. It's been fun but I need to get off here and get a cup of tea and some fruit cake.
09:11:15 PMTN_Frank I'll catch ya'll later on. Take care everyone and keep on keepin' on.
09:16:19 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, am I supposed to see a fire in that corner over there?
09:17:44 PMRobbieF not quite yet _Jot_ :) The lights keep it warm enough in here :)
09:17:49 PMRobbieF it's just now cooling down
09:18:23 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, good, since there isn't one but it did wake you up since you were falling asleep


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