06:58:04 PM | RobbieF | Bahahah, nice
06:58:12 PM | kyoshininja | Cool. Then as it's said in New York: "then Everything...is everything"
06:58:38 PM | _Jot_ | 47 viewers on the statuspage
06:59:48 PM | _Jot_ | hello agamotto
07:00:06 PM | Dennis_Kelley | Hello agamotto _Jot_
07:00:20 PM | _Jot_ | hey Dennis_Kelley
07:00:23 PM | agamotto | How are things this evening?
07:00:32 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Just noticed, RobbieF has a tie on.
07:00:50 PM | _Jot_ | yep! it's a special celebration
07:00:52 PM | Dennis_Kelley | I am tired today!
07:01:04 PM | agamotto | Yes, I no longer have to support XP!!!!!!
07:01:06 PM | tic-toc | Who's the dressed up guy?
07:01:07 PM | _Jot_ | lots of people are tired of XP, even microsoft
07:01:07 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Now if they'll just kill off the other Windows Op Systems the world would be a much better place,
07:01:25 PM | _Jot_ | no idea tic-toc! But that is Kelsey Jensen with him
07:01:28 PM | Dennis_Kelley | There is a flicker on the feed today!
07:01:39 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Line Ex,
07:01:42 PM | _Jot_ | yep, there is a slight flicker in the camera, unfortunatly it couldn't be helped
07:01:43 PM | agamotto | I am tired of people who expect me to fix it w/o payment
07:01:46 PM | kyoshininja | Yes, I see the flicker too.
07:01:48 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Lyn X
07:02:11 PM | agamotto | Mazda's brake fluid drawing in the spiders again?
07:02:18 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Film must not be in the camera right.
07:02:21 PM | tic-toc | kick it
07:02:30 PM | agamotto | I have seen far worse on local tv
07:02:37 PM | _Jot_ | maybe its that new microphone
07:02:41 PM | kyoshininja | Flicker is fairly minor...
07:02:44 PM | FBTV-Gunnar-Swed | It's flickers all way to Sweden to :-/
07:02:51 PM | Tennessee_Frank | It's the tie, that's what's doing it, the dang tie. LOL
07:03:21 PM | kyoshininja | no flicker during intro video.... must be the tie
07:03:37 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Yep, it'd the tie.
07:03:49 PM | agamotto | Screen flicker - all because no one paid C= for a simple flicker-fixer that works down to 15Hz
07:04:03 PM | _Jot_ | Here, you don't even have to type, just click: http://shop.category5.tv
07:04:25 PM | _Jot_ | and if you just want to donate, and don't want to do it through the shop, go to http://cat5.tv/c
07:04:39 PM | agamotto | Perhaps the camera thinks it is a barcode or QR code?
07:05:04 PM | BobK54 | you're being SCANNED
07:05:40 PM | agamotto | Did Geordi mess with phasing again?
07:05:54 PM | _Jot_ | I don't see spock anywhere tonight, he must be up to no good
07:06:11 PM | FBTV-Gunnar-Swed | All of them, nice:-D
07:06:25 PM | ferr | I'm dumb but how do you watch thru roku
07:06:43 PM | _Jot_ | http://cat5.tv/rokuchannel for the category5.tv roku channel
07:06:45 PM | tic-toc | Spock and Scotty are working on the flicker
07:06:55 PM | Dennis_Kelley | Robbief - I am in the Chat room!
07:07:13 PM | _Jot_ | and if you don't have a roku yet but want one, go to http://cat5.tv/roku
07:07:18 PM | agamotto | Ignorant, not dumb.. ignorance can be cured with knowledge. I imagine you would search for Category 5 channel
07:07:21 PM | BobK54 | all the devices
07:07:50 PM | agamotto | How about a SuperPet?
07:07:53 PM | tic-toc | Its good till the next update
07:07:54 PM | Dennis_Kelley | I can TRS80
07:07:59 PM | BobK54 | Timex Sinclair ZX81 was my first
07:08:13 PM | Tennessee_Frank | I gave up on Windows after Windows 98. Switched to an iMac in 2001
07:08:16 PM | kyoshininja | commodore pet, vic 20, 64
07:08:52 PM | _Jot_ | CONNECT 9600
07:08:54 PM | agamotto | Oddly, XP is one of the things that made me go linux...
07:09:21 PM | Tennessee_Frank | FSK, LOL
07:09:24 PM | Dennis_Kelley | WOW 56K
07:09:26 PM | agamotto | V.92 handshakes
07:09:30 PM | tic-toc | you've got mail
07:09:44 PM | ferr | thankeess
07:10:02 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Lynn X
07:10:17 PM | tic-toc | Lie nux
07:10:19 PM | Tennessee_Frank | RobbieF Thank YOu
07:10:23 PM | kyoshininja | Thanks RobbieF....
07:10:26 PM | agamotto | ReactOS?
07:10:55 PM | Tennessee_Frank | SolydX is decent, panel is on the bottom of the screen just like XP
07:11:02 PM | _Jot_ | my laptop with XP is running fine, but then it won't connect to internet, I won't let it
07:11:15 PM | agamotto | Which is why it runs well :)
07:11:28 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Hackers will have a field day, LOL
07:11:37 PM | agamotto | I wonder who has the golden nail for the coffin?
07:11:57 PM | Voodoosandman | My wife says sorry her microwave was causing the flicker.
07:12:00 PM | _Jot_ | I haven't turned my laptop on today though, I didn't want it to have a bad day :)
07:12:15 PM | _Jot_ | Voodoosandman, its still there, she must be cooking a lot :)
07:12:23 PM | agamotto | _Jot_, turn it's clock back?
07:12:41 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Point Linux 2.3 will run on XP machines, SolydX will run.
07:12:43 PM | Voodoosandman | Its a big microwave.
07:12:47 PM | _Jot_ | no need to turn the clock back, XP keeps working, just its a really bad idea to connect it to public internet
07:12:52 PM | Tennessee_Frank | eats up RAM and Drive Space
07:13:25 PM | agamotto | I suppose you could buy a new machine from HP with Win7 on it
07:13:33 PM | Tennessee_Frank | If it's an older 32 bit machine you can only run 4GB of RAM, may not be enough for newer Windows Op System
07:13:47 PM | keckeckec | KelseyJ: Linux like, Linda
07:14:13 PM | _Jot_ | that's Linda and Linux with an L, not with a J, like Jot
07:14:14 PM | iamboriskarloff | I had to upgrade my old pentium D 2.5GB ram to win8 to run the apps I need. I hat the win8 interface, but the PC actually runs much better than XP.
07:14:21 PM | tic-toc | I put naked pictures of me in every folder on my XP machine... Go ahead and hack it... That'll teach em'...lol
07:14:23 PM | agamotto | Use the 'old' computer strictly for games?
07:14:39 PM | agamotto | tic-toc, hahaahahahaha
07:14:44 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Mint isn't the best version of Linux to run, you have to nuke and pave over the older versions to get it updated to the newer versions.
07:14:49 PM | ccsdguru | wow tic toc
07:15:06 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Point Linux I just did a "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" and went from 2.2 to 2.3
07:15:12 PM | Tennessee_Frank | xfce
07:15:13 PM | _Jot_ | KelseyJ, and watching category 5?
07:15:16 PM | Guest_4149swl-br | hello
07:15:18 PM | Voodoosandman | They should have let the Windows OS die away with th W2K clock scare. I like Artist X Distro.
07:15:21 PM | _Jot_ | hi Guest_4149
07:15:30 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Yep, that's an xfce desktop
07:15:53 PM | agamotto | Tennessee_Frank, True, but if you stick to LTS, nuking every few years can help clean out the cruft
07:15:55 PM | Tennessee_Frank | LiberOffice
07:16:41 PM | Tennessee_Frank | agamotto, I did so much Distro Hoppin' I can install an op system in my sleep now. Sometimes I'll just nuke and pave over for fun, LOL
07:17:04 PM | _Jot_ | in your sleep? ha! try installing XP in your sleep
07:17:07 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Ding, Ding, Ding.
07:17:24 PM | Tennessee_Frank | You can even go Point Linux 3.0b1 and have Debian Testing.
07:17:26 PM | agamotto | RobbieF, What made you choose Point over Zorin?
07:17:29 PM | Dennis_Kelley | I Like Pointlinux alot!
07:17:54 PM | Voodoosandman | It's like when wife said,"Let's get married again" I said Fine. Who are you choosing this time?
07:18:05 PM | Guest_4149swl-br | antergos is great
07:18:09 PM | Tennessee_Frank | I like my Kali Linux 1.0.6 install, looks a lot like Point Linux, same Debian Stable and I have SDR stuff pre-installed.
07:18:13 PM | GoodGuy | hi ya agamotto
07:18:16 PM | talky_toaster | BOOM! I'm in!
07:18:27 PM | Dennis_Kelley | Hello GoodGuy
07:18:40 PM | GoodGuy | Hello Dennis_Kelley
07:18:40 PM | _Jot_ | RobbieF had some issues with zorin and drivers, when he upgraded, something he wanted wouldn't work, I don't remember exactly what it was
07:18:49 PM | agamotto | Ahhh
07:19:32 PM | ccsdguru | wasnt it sound cards or dsl/s
07:19:35 PM | Guest_4149swl-br | rolling releases is my choice
07:19:42 PM | Voodoosandman | Like all Sadists, I will just upgrade to Windows8.
07:19:49 PM | Tennessee_Frank | You can move it to the bottom if you want. Just make sure and move the lower panel to the side first.
07:20:03 PM | _Jot_ | Voodoosandman, I thought that was for masochists
07:20:03 PM | Dennis_Kelley | GoodGuy how you doing?
07:20:05 PM | GoodGuy | That's just what they wanted you to do
07:20:35 PM | ccsdguru | Windows are for Capitalists
07:20:36 PM | Guest_1661 | Hi guys
07:20:37 PM | ccsdguru | lol
07:20:41 PM | GoodGuy | Pretty good, just got in the door in time for part of the show
07:20:43 PM | _Jot_ | hi Guest_1661
07:20:48 PM | GoodGuy | Hi Guest_1661
07:21:14 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Ubuntu with an xfce desktop
07:21:37 PM | Voodoosandman | >>>Jot .>>>It's like when wife said,"Let's get married again" I said Fine. Who are you choosing this time?
07:21:43 PM | _Jot_ | Microsoft has support too! (much laughter ensues)
07:21:45 PM | agamotto | I thought it was pronounced shooboontoo
07:21:49 PM | Tennessee_Frank | :-D
07:21:50 PM | GoodGuy | The new Roku channel is well done
07:21:52 PM | tic-toc | Do they sell bras too?
07:22:11 PM | GoodGuy | I found it a few days ago and it updated this morni9ng iirc
07:22:43 PM | agamotto | I wonder if Mythbuntu will do something major toward the end of April
07:22:47 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Nice thing about Linux is you can always do a "sudo apt-get install "X" and get software easily.
07:22:53 PM | Tennessee_Frank | if it's Debian
07:23:16 PM | GoodGuy | I thought they always released at the same time as Ubuntu
07:23:23 PM | talky_toaster | Dejah Thoris bras
07:23:24 PM | Voodoosandman | A Myth is a Female Moth?
07:23:27 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Try to set the clock to 12hr time in xfce, SolydX is the only Distro with xfce that I've found that makes it easy.
07:23:33 PM | agamotto | GoodGuy, usually
07:23:42 PM | Dennis_Kelley | I put Peppermint Linux on my WYSE Thin Client
07:23:52 PM | Sovereign_ | Why not just move the panel to the bottom for windows users
07:23:58 PM | nakedcook | Hi guys
07:24:02 PM | Tennessee_Frank | yep, easy to do.
07:24:09 PM | GoodGuy | Search for strtime Tennessee_Frank ... they show the string values you can customize
07:24:11 PM | Dennis_Kelley | hello nakedcook
07:24:13 PM | _Jot_ | Tenessee_Frank, most people in the world have discovered days have 24 hours, so they use that :)
07:24:17 PM | talky_toaster | It's the cook and s/he's naked!
07:24:19 PM | agamotto | Abiword will do for 80% of people
07:24:48 PM | Tennessee_Frank | GoodGuy, yep, ended up having to do that. Much easier for em' to just put a check box for 12 or 24 hr time in the pref for the clock. LOL
07:25:04 PM | tic-toc | I use PlayonLinux and use MS office
07:25:05 PM | talky_toaster | agamotto: I actually like Abiword better than libre office word.
07:25:29 PM | agamotto | I mostly use LibreOffice for conversions
07:25:32 PM | GoodGuy | Nice thing about Linux is the free software is AND, not OR.. you can have it all without paying your last dollar
07:25:35 PM | Tennessee_Frank | I like Synaptic Software Center for doing installs and searches.
07:26:25 PM | _Jot_ | RobbieF, don't wait untill the end of the month, your XP is vulnerable!
07:26:29 PM | tic-toc | 14.04
07:26:48 PM | kyoshininja | agamotto: I don't know if Abiword handles comments well, but when collaborating and tracking changes, editing comments, I was able to interact with Win Word users without problems (had to install true type fonts, etc) to have it present accurately at first.
07:26:49 PM | agamotto | 26/4, if memory serves
07:26:52 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Unity eats up RAM though.
07:26:55 PM | tic-toc | 18th
07:26:59 PM | Tennessee_Frank | May not be the best for older hardware.
07:27:18 PM | Tennessee_Frank | IT also looks a lot like GNOME 3 IMHO
07:27:19 PM | agamotto | Ahh, before my birthday then
07:27:52 PM | Voodoosandman | Tails on a thumb drive.
07:28:01 PM | _Jot_ | RobbieF, amazon for Roku? Or the category5 store?
07:28:15 PM | Tennessee_Frank | 14.04 won't have Amazon sync anymore.
07:28:18 PM | nakedcook | Robbie we need to chat about virus software for linux
07:29:33 PM | talky_toaster | Hmmm ... kinda like that search feature in ubuntu ... not seen it work until now.
07:29:48 PM | GoodGuy | Thats what I run as my main Linux OS
07:29:58 PM | Tennessee_Frank | MATE or Cinnamon
07:30:06 PM | agamotto | menus are easy to figure out
07:30:11 PM | GoodGuy | Cinnamon here
07:30:26 PM | tic-toc | I never had any luck with mint....It always breaks for some reason
07:30:34 PM | agamotto | tic-toc, sorry to hear that
07:30:38 PM | GoodGuy | Been great for me
07:30:51 PM | Tennessee_Frank | When I first came over from my iMac I liked Unity but as I got more use to drop down menus I started to really like MATE or GNOME 3 Classic Shell.
07:30:52 PM | GoodGuy | No issues that I can recall
07:30:55 PM | talky_toaster | I like linuxmint ... but I keep going back to debian
07:31:04 PM | _Jot_ | lol, my VLC stream cut out for a bit, I hope roku is still working :)
07:31:32 PM | kyoshininja | was running manjaro and antergo, but went back to mint recently
07:31:36 PM | Tennessee_Frank | MATE seems to be a happy medium between light weight and functionality.
07:31:39 PM | agamotto | MATE version should be ok
07:32:51 PM | talky_toaster | I always move the task bar to the top
07:32:59 PM | Tennessee_Frank | 99% of the time the person will be in their browser not on the Desktop. So you can install Chromium or Firefox and have at it.
07:33:04 PM | talky_toaster | task bar ... panel ...
07:33:22 PM | Tennessee_Frank | I like my panel at the top also. Makes it easier to see the clock and stuff.
07:33:37 PM | Dennis_Kelley | hello invinciblemutant
07:33:40 PM | invinciblemutant | hello
07:33:44 PM | Tennessee_Frank | RobbieF are you going to do SolydX.
07:33:47 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Zorin
07:34:00 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Windows XP, Windows 7 or Gnome 2
07:34:04 PM | Dennis_Kelley | unity you have to know the name of what you are looking for, that is what i found
07:34:05 PM | invinciblemutant | they slow because RobbieF has many vboxes
07:34:25 PM | talky_toaster | I used zorin for a while ... Gnome2 look
07:34:28 PM | Tennessee_Frank | RobbieF, show the "Look Changer"
07:34:33 PM | _Jot_ | Somebody shows Apple OS/X. KelseyJ 'Oh, looks just like windows' :)
07:34:52 PM | invinciblemutant | show apple alike version
07:35:18 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Zorin has Compiz pre-installed
07:35:42 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Sunset
07:35:45 PM | GoodGuy | I had a problem with Zorin.. The menu search did not work properly
07:36:14 PM | Tennessee_Frank | I tried Zorin on my daughter's old Dell but compiz wouldn't let it run. Didn't have enough "umph".
07:36:19 PM | _Jot_ | fortunatly there are a lot of distributions to choose from, so you don't have to pick one and thats it, like windows
07:36:47 PM | ferr | I love this chat romm you can read the chats easily
07:36:53 PM | Tennessee_Frank | RobbieF, You need to give SolydX a look.
07:37:26 PM | Voodoosandman | Well lost video could be the microware. The way she cooks, it would be more humane to set it on "Stun"
07:37:28 PM | Tennessee_Frank | YouTube is having to reload.
07:37:29 PM | _Jot_ | ferr, and you can even watch it while watching the show later, if you are a member on the website (which is free) you can turn on the subtitles in the options, and have the chat along with the episode
07:37:30 PM | agamotto | Win8 is one of the ways i managed to get our local Toys4Tots chapter to move away.
07:37:31 PM | talky_toaster | Hmmmm just checking out solydx screenshots.
07:37:55 PM | kyoshininja | I like to check out distrowatch.com to see what the trending linux distro's are, and see reviews or dowload.
07:38:09 PM | GoodGuy | I installed SolydX, but had a few issues.. dont remember what though... I switched to Makulu 5.0 XFCE
07:38:21 PM | Tennessee_Frank | SolydX is the first xfce DE that I actually liked. Couldn't run Kino on it, Disk Utility looked odd so I dumped it and went back to Kali. All in all though it was decent enough.
07:38:40 PM | talky_toaster | Holy cow ... I'm going to have to give SolydX a go!
07:38:43 PM | GoodGuy | Had a couple problems, but got help in the forum quickly
07:39:09 PM | agamotto | Yes, thankfully in most Linux forii, the first answer isn't
07:39:11 PM | agamotto | rt
07:39:18 PM | Tennessee_Frank | One cool thing I was looking forward to was that Debian Testing was going to get Gqrx so I could use my SDR dongle to play with radio
07:39:35 PM | agamotto | That was supposed to be RTFM
07:39:57 PM | tic-toc | lol
07:40:07 PM | kyoshininja | check out www.distrowatch.com for top 100 popular distributions of linux.
07:40:09 PM | Voodoosandman | Ultimate Edition 2.6.3 The compize is stunning I run it on my Monster Dell XPS 1730
07:40:10 PM | agamotto | Chromebook... hrm
07:40:12 PM | U-AL | That's ok Robbie can't say Beta. lol
07:40:21 PM | Tennessee_Frank | talky_toaster, SolydX isn't bad at all but had a couple issues. They also have a KDE version, SolydK and they have Home(Debian Testing) and Business(Debian Stable) versions
07:40:25 PM | GoodGuy | Make her write Linux 100 times while saying it correctly lol
07:40:32 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Zee or Zed, LOL
07:40:46 PM | _Jot_ | I wonder if she knows copy/paste, she'd be finished quickly :)
07:40:47 PM | talky_toaster | K ... I'm downloading SolydX now
07:41:05 PM | ferr | butterbeans I nmay lose dsl connection folks
07:41:05 PM | talky_toaster | ChromBook
07:41:06 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Distro Watch is my "go to" when I feel like playing around with some Live USB's of something new.
07:41:13 PM | BobK54 | the 303 is ARM based though
07:41:16 PM | tic-toc | Someone go get a chalkboard and have her write it 100 times after the show...
07:41:19 PM | talky_toaster | Pretty useless without a network connection.
07:41:39 PM | _Jot_ | maybe she can write on the wall :)
07:41:42 PM | BobK54 | nope. I use mine all the time off line
07:41:49 PM | GoodGuy | Take a look at Easy2boot and RMPrepUSB ... great multi-boot USB
07:41:55 PM | Tennessee_Frank | I'd have to say that SolydX is my #3 fav. Kali Linux 1.0.6 is my #1, Point Linux 2.3 is my #2
07:42:02 PM | agamotto | SCADA to be fixed? That would be nice
07:42:06 PM | talky_toaster | BobK54: I took mine on a cruise ... I couldn't even change the background image without a network connection.,
07:42:25 PM | talky_toaster | I still use it ... but not as an offline box.
07:42:33 PM | BobK54 | wow. now I havent tried that but I do work on docs I save locally. no problem there
07:43:08 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Lots of Bank Machines are running XP, suppose to be pretty bad.
07:43:10 PM | agamotto | Script-kiddie
07:43:17 PM | Tennessee_Frank | LOL
07:43:25 PM | agamotto | Skynet?
07:43:42 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Google is Skynet
07:43:49 PM | _Jot_ | RobbieF, you could mess with power and cause interference in cameras and such, so screens would act odd
07:44:20 PM | GoodGuy | They may have done that during the East coast blackout a few years ago
07:44:21 PM | agamotto | hehehehe
07:44:58 PM | _Jot_ | fire is cool! as long as it is in designated areas
07:45:13 PM | agamotto | The spiders seem to like the taste of the brake fluid in the cars
07:45:26 PM | kyoshininja | are they Radioactive spiders?
07:45:58 PM | BobK54 | hmmm. mazda 6's used to be built in flat rock michigan
07:46:04 PM | _Jot_ | RobbieF, he got a low reward for it too, really ridicilous
07:46:11 PM | Tennessee_Frank | LOL
07:46:21 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Kid has Mad Kung Fu,
07:46:28 PM | kyoshininja | how many spiders does it take to crack a gas tank?
07:46:45 PM | BobK54 | that kid copied stallman!
07:46:57 PM | agamotto | kyoshininja, it isn't the tank, but the fuel filter, if memory serves
07:47:02 PM | Tennessee_Frank | How much Crack does it take to fill the gas tank in my Fiat Spider?
07:47:15 PM | Dennis_Kelley | if anyone would do it,it would be RobbieF's kids!
07:47:28 PM | tic-toc | The kid is blacklisted
07:47:33 PM | _Jot_ | Don't forget you can get that roku 2 at http://cat5.tv/roku
07:47:33 PM | kyoshininja | thanksm agamotto...
07:47:42 PM | Sovereign_ | Phowabout a few dollar MS
07:47:44 PM | Tennessee_Frank | I have a Roku XD, best money I ever spent
07:48:05 PM | invinciblemutant | rock cool
07:48:08 PM | agamotto | The first time they had spider problems, they were eating ito the brake lines for the fluid
07:48:10 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Wife and I have been watching "Devious Maids" on LifeTime channel on Roku.
07:48:13 PM | _Jot_ | RobbieF is old, so he has old tvs
07:48:20 PM | GoodGuy | RobbieF - Do you need a wireless router to use the headphone jack?
07:48:22 PM | Tennessee_Frank | two more eps to go in season 1 and we're done.
07:48:44 PM | _Jot_ | Googuy, the headphone jack is build into the remote, so I assume you don't need a wireless router
07:48:46 PM | Tennessee_Frank | I need to get another Roku for the TV in my computer room
07:48:47 PM | kyoshininja | GoodGuy: No, the remote is radio based.
07:49:02 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Roku is basically AWESOME
07:49:10 PM | agamotto | Composite???? ick
07:49:15 PM | GoodGuy | Thanks! I have been trying to find the answer to that for awhile
07:49:17 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Fox News, tons of tech channels
07:49:41 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Think ChromeCast only better
07:49:43 PM | kyoshininja | it works great out of the box GoodGuy. Use that feature all the time.
07:49:49 PM | GoodGuy | Roku support connected to Manila Phil and the tech didn't know
07:50:18 PM | GoodGuy | I have a Roku 2 XS, but I want a Roku 3 for that and Youtube app
07:50:34 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Jupiter Broadcasting is a great channel
07:50:39 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Linux Action Show
07:50:52 PM | Dennis_Kelley | man I need that now! it has Chello Concerts
07:50:56 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Most sports are not free though.
07:51:09 PM | _Jot_ | RobbieF, so I cut the cable, but now my tv won't turn on. Did you mean cut the powercable, or the antenna-cable?
07:51:10 PM | GoodGuy | I have those as channels as well
07:51:21 PM | GoodGuy | lol _Jot_
07:51:29 PM | Tennessee_Frank | :-/
07:51:40 PM | kyoshininja | Tennessee_Frank: I agree. Great content in Linux Action Show, etc
07:51:50 PM | GoodGuy | Plus more Private channels
07:52:19 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Just couldn't afford DirectTV anymore so a guy at a local TV store mentioned Roku. We picked one up and WOW, totally love it.
07:52:45 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Nowhere.TV is a private channel
07:52:47 PM | _Jot_ | you'll love it even more now that category5 is on it I bet :)
07:52:48 PM | agamotto | Tennessee_Frank, how fast is your connection?
07:52:53 PM | Voodoosandman | Maybe Microsoft can still a new Window OS from my washing machine, Just copywrite the low suds feature,
07:53:05 PM | Tennessee_Frank | We have DSL, my download speed is around 700k
07:53:13 PM | _Jot_ | Voodoosandman, they do have an OS for that, windows CE or whatever they call it now
07:53:13 PM | astro_pensil | Voodoosandman: Ha!
07:53:14 PM | Tennessee_Frank | not really all that fast but it works fine.
07:53:18 PM | agamotto | Ok, sounds reasonable then
07:53:49 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Most times when you're coming back into a show it'll sparkle a bit until it loads but you get use to it, LOL
07:54:08 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Roku also has a Forum
07:54:21 PM | astro_pensil | I like that : 'sparkle a bit' :-)
07:54:34 PM | Tennessee_Frank | It's a digital kind of thing. LOL
07:55:16 PM | Tennessee_Frank | "JOBS" was a pretty good movie about Steve Jobs
07:55:33 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Been watching "Burn Notice" too
07:55:52 PM | GoodGuy | I watch that using an OTA antenna Tennessee_Frank
07:56:26 PM | _Jot_ | Theres some category5 special feautures too, like the server-build that hasn't been seen for years. Don't forget the washers, RobbieF!
07:56:31 PM | Voodoosandman | We used to give him wedgies at Homestead High. Woz is cool.
07:56:32 PM | Tennessee_Frank | I'd not watched Burn Notice at all but got bored one day and started at Ep 1, Season 1 and been watching in order up to Season 4
07:56:32 PM | GoodGuy | Ion TV channel
07:56:52 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Finally got Breaking Bad last 8 eps so I got to finish that.
07:57:02 PM | GoodGuy | has several shopping subchannels... HSN, QVC and Shop
07:57:06 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Waiting for Son's of Anarchy to update
07:57:22 PM | _Jot_ | KelseyJ, you looked very young in that episode, must have been a while ago :P
07:57:29 PM | agamotto | Shopping channels? cik
07:57:33 PM | Tennessee_Frank | I love it that Roku has History, A&E and Lifetime channel now
07:57:43 PM | GoodGuy | I tried the Live TV, but it buffered a min or so
07:58:18 PM | Tennessee_Frank | I have a digital converter for "local" stuff(60 miles East from Knoxville) and my Roku for all the "cool" shows.
07:58:28 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Vikings on History channel is uber cool
07:58:34 PM | GoodGuy | We cut the cord and my wife liked shopping channels once in awhile
07:58:50 PM | GoodGuy | RobbieF - any plans for a XBMC channel?
07:58:53 PM | _Jot_ | Don't forget to add http://cat5.tv/rokuchannel :)
07:58:56 PM | agamotto | Ok, just surprised that anyone would stream it
07:59:01 PM | Tennessee_Frank | GoodGuy, Roku has a few shopping channels tool
07:59:04 PM | Tennessee_Frank | too
07:59:13 PM | GoodGuy | I saw
07:59:27 PM | Tennessee_Frank | RobbieF, give Dr. Bill a look
07:59:45 PM | astro_pensil | Does it require a cat5/6 connection?
07:59:50 PM | astro_pensil | Or can I use it wireless?
07:59:56 PM | GoodGuy | Ion TV is 31.1 AND 31.4 31.5 31.6 were shopping
07:59:56 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Roku is WiFi
07:59:56 PM | agamotto | both
08:00:04 PM | astro_pensil | OK ... cool!
08:00:13 PM | GoodGuy | It has both wired and wireless astro_pensil
08:00:21 PM | Voodoosandman | Almond-Roku woud attract more.
08:00:24 PM | GoodGuy | I used wired
08:00:33 PM | ferr | nighty night
08:00:36 PM | kyoshininja | roku is easy to travel with and install on friend's tv when needed.
08:00:37 PM | astro_pensil | My TV is in a place where only wifi can get to it.
08:00:52 PM | _Jot_ | there's also some feautures of stuff at http://cat5.tv/roku if you want to check it it
08:00:53 PM | Tennessee_Frank | My router is in my computer room and the Roku is at the other end of the house in the family room.
08:00:54 PM | GoodGuy | It was wireless N iirc
08:01:15 PM | astro_pensil | Tennessee_Frank: thanks! I think I'll buy one then :-)
08:01:17 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Sounds Amish
08:01:37 PM | _Jot_ | RobbieF, no 'wee too low' ?
08:01:38 PM | Tennessee_Frank | astro_pensil it'll be the best money you've ever spend on entertainment.
08:01:39 PM | kyoshininja | I think you will enjoy it astro_pensil
08:01:53 PM | GoodGuy | same here.. I ran a 50 ft Cat 6 cable from the back of the house to the living room and installed a switch for multiple connected devices
08:01:55 PM | astro_pensil | Looking at Roku3
08:01:56 PM | agamotto | We just moved everything in the house to wireless N... nice difference
08:02:12 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Yep, got ya' rated at a 5
08:02:13 PM | GoodGuy | WD Live TV, Roku
08:02:36 PM | GoodGuy | RobbieF - any plans for a XBMC channel?
08:02:59 PM | BobK54 | flickery goodness.
08:03:00 PM | _Jot_ | wait, we were supposed to have fun? why didn't anybody tell me. Fortunatly I did, but oh my
08:03:03 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Yep
08:03:05 PM | astro_pensil | Ahh ... the flickery goodness ... I thought it was my problem.
08:03:06 PM | RobbieF | Woh that flew by
08:03:16 PM | BobK54 | night all
08:03:21 PM | KelseyJ | that elt faster than last time
08:03:22 PM | FBTV-Gunnar-Swed | Fun :)
08:03:23 PM | Dennis_Kelley | Yes we did!
08:03:26 PM | GoodGuy | Night BobK54
08:03:27 PM | _Jot_ | normally there is no flicker, but there was a camera issue that turned up too late to fix
08:03:27 PM | RobbieF | Hope you all had a great time!
08:03:30 PM | Voodoosandman | As soon as my kids find out XP is dead, were going back to pencils and family talks.
08:03:31 PM | RobbieF | seeya bobk54
08:03:40 PM | FBTV-Gunnar-Swed | Bye :-[
08:03:46 PM | _Jot_ | night BoBK54
08:04:06 PM | kyoshininja | Thanks RobbieF. Great to see you onRoku
08:04:19 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Roku really is about one of the best deals going for entertainment.
08:04:34 PM | RobbieF | nice kyoshininja. How was the performance on Roku, live?
08:04:36 PM | GoodGuy | Best streaming option easily
08:04:42 PM | RobbieF | Tennessee_Frank it's AWESOME :)
08:04:52 PM | astro_pensil | I sometimes find myself whistling the theme music to cat5tv
08:04:53 PM | RobbieF | we've been looking for a worthy platform, as you know from all the reviews :)
08:04:56 PM | GoodGuy | It buffered a min or so when I tried it RobbieF
08:05:00 PM | RobbieF | astro_pensil - nice one!
08:05:01 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Now I can watch the show again on my Roku tomorrow RobbieF
08:05:08 PM | GoodGuy | Otherwise worked fine
08:05:23 PM | kyoshininja | RobbieF: performance was mostly great. however, I did have occasional "loading" bars show up as if it was buffering.
08:05:27 PM | Tennessee_Frank | RobbieF, check out Jupiter Broadcasting and Dr.Bill Baily, they're both pretty decent
08:05:38 PM | GoodGuy | I did think the text on screen was a little blurry, but it may be my eyesight
08:05:54 PM | _Jot_ | text looked great to me, just the flicker
08:06:04 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Most of the time the loading bars happen where you'd get a commercial anyway so I don't even notice them all that much.
08:06:23 PM | agamotto | One of our local stations has audio that is so bad, I no longer record shows from it
08:06:24 PM | GoodGuy | RobbieF - what resolution is the Roku Live stream?
08:06:32 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Also, sometimes you will get a commercial on your Roku to help pay for content.
08:06:45 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Like I said, it's Free, cool TV so I don't mind
08:06:46 PM | sym_farmer | K ... I'll see if I can free up $100 bucks and get one of them Roku thingys'
08:06:49 PM | Voodoosandman | Buffering. I had time enough for Four no make tat Three scoth and soda,
08:07:05 PM | Tennessee_Frank | We saved $78 a month by dropping DirectTV
08:07:08 PM | _Jot_ | I don't think you get ads with category5 on roku, but I think there is a premium option for if you do want to pay
08:07:16 PM | GoodGuy | I wish they wouldn't repeat the same commercial so often
08:07:17 PM | sym_farmer | Voodoosandman: I'm sipping on a 'red chair' ale
08:07:23 PM | kyoshininja | roku resolution appeared to be pretty good. I don't know for sure what it was set to, though.
08:07:43 PM | _Jot_ | I don't know the precise resolution, but RobbieF normally broadcasts in 720[
08:07:45 PM | _Jot_ | 720p
08:07:56 PM | Tennessee_Frank | _jot_, nope, no adds on Category5 but other shows will have them. Sometimes it's just to advertise another show on that channel, like on the History channel
08:07:59 PM | agamotto | I am pondering about whether to have mac&cheese or cereal for dinner
08:08:06 PM | Voodoosandman | It's the Pot I live in Mendocino Ca.
08:08:36 PM | Voodoosandman | If you don't act like a pot head they think you Cop.
08:08:46 PM | GoodGuy | We saved $86 by dropping Comcast... they raised internet some, so it ended up less than $86 but still worthwhile
08:08:49 PM | Tennessee_Frank | IIRC my Roku XD is 720p but then I have an older analog TV so it doesn't really matter.
08:09:33 PM | _Jot_ | in that case, you can watch the first episodes that were in 320x200, and not even see a difference much :)
08:09:35 PM | sym_farmer | Aaand ... I'm outta here. C'ya
08:09:53 PM | GoodGuy | The Roku 2 XS can do 1080p, but that doesn't mean the brodcast was in that resolution or used high quality cameras
08:10:06 PM | agamotto | GoodGuy, I cut Mediacom out when the raised the rate to over $80/month, while complaining they couldn't afford the TV guide channel anymore
08:10:09 PM | _Jot_ | yeah, its very difficult to get a good quality
08:10:33 PM | GoodGuy | Now they can't with less money :-)
08:10:40 PM | agamotto | Yet, somehow they can afford 5 different ESPN channels
08:10:57 PM | Tennessee_Frank | GoodGuy, so I wonder if the Roku2 XD, which replaced the XS does 1080p??. I only thought it was 720p, I'll have to check my box.
08:11:02 PM | GoodGuy | I think ESPN and the such make they buty a package
08:11:17 PM | Voodoosandman | You know starting a blog with our online viewing favorite links would be a good idea.
08:11:30 PM | GoodGuy | I thought they make Roku 1 - 2 and 3 now
08:11:37 PM | agamotto | yes
08:11:40 PM | Tennessee_Frank | I get clips from ESPN on my Roku which really is good enough to keep track of stuff.
08:11:45 PM | agamotto | XS and XD are gone
08:12:03 PM | _Jot_ | 1,2,3and streaming stick :)
08:12:04 PM | GoodGuy | IIrc XD was a slightly cheaper model than XS
08:12:06 PM | Tennessee_Frank | agamotto, yep, I know. I probably got one of the last XD's
08:12:31 PM | agamotto | Well, I am off to go stare at my kitchen and figure out what I want to consume
08:12:34 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Ahh, ok, so XD may only be 720p then.
08:12:42 PM | _Jot_ | enjoy whatever it'll be agamotto
08:12:47 PM | Tennessee_Frank | agmotto, have fun.
08:13:28 PM | GoodGuy | XS has USB, but I have never tried it... I have an older WD Live TV and that worked great for local content
08:13:31 PM | _Jot_ | whatever the resolution, its only 2d anyway :)
08:13:34 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Guess I'll go see what's on the TV. NCIS L.A. comes on at 8pm CST.
08:13:34 PM | GoodGuy | more codecs etc
08:14:05 PM | Tennessee_Frank | C you guys later.
08:14:14 PM | GoodGuy | Night Tennessee_Frank
08:14:27 PM | kyoshininja | GoodGuy: I have used the USB and it works great for your own content. Pix are easy, use handbrake to transcode for best roku display.
08:14:42 PM | kyoshininja | videos (transcoding)
08:15:04 PM | GoodGuy | The WD Live rarely required any transcoding other than Flash
08:15:32 PM | GoodGuy | I have the model before they added Netflix
08:15:34 PM | _Jot_ | doesn't sound very secure
08:16:01 PM | GoodGuy | very little online sources and a few of those closed up
08:16:38 PM | GoodGuy | I used to copy all the Rev3 shows and others to a USB Flash Drive
08:16:55 PM | GoodGuy | and play using the WD Live TV
08:17:12 PM | RobbieF | I hope the flicker was bearable.
08:17:28 PM | GoodGuy | but I stopped archiving most shows and just use the Roku for most
08:17:33 PM | GoodGuy | It was RobbieF
08:17:36 PM | kyoshininja | RobbieF: yes, it was definitely ok.
08:17:40 PM | RobbieF | kyoshininja, that's what every Roku user thought, and then I went and added ~350 hours of more video to the platform!
08:17:44 PM | Voodoosandman | High tide sunset going surfin. No fog 75F........ 73's and 88's........catch you all on the flip-flop..
08:17:45 PM | Garbee | RobbieF: Here is all the code I need to maintain for the product listing admin page: https://gist.github.com/Garbee/029497e4b06b2e9b0d09 (aside from a little bit of JS to generate the table.)
08:17:45 PM | GoodGuy | RobbieF - any plans for a XBMC channel?
08:17:54 PM | Garbee | But, that JS is going to be made pretty much universal.
08:17:55 PM | _Jot_ | I'm wondering what the flicker will look like in the files
08:18:09 PM | GoodGuy | XBMC looks neat
08:18:11 PM | ABQTKY | RobbieF, when you keep rolling the chairs over the cables you have to expect a bit of flicker or static.
08:18:26 PM | RobbieF | GoodGuy... no plans per se, but now that we have the infrastructure, I would be happy to entertain the idea!
08:18:29 PM | GoodGuy | Playing with it on the PC and a Raspberry Pi
08:18:32 PM | RobbieF | It's really just, do I have the time to program it
08:18:36 PM | Garbee | I have 20k records to make the table, stored in LocalStorage. So the table is generated client-side, and data is searched near-instantly.
08:18:37 PM | GoodGuy | Neat RobbieF
08:18:38 PM | RobbieF | which once this dies down, I may
08:19:01 PM | Garbee | oh, It is a Tuesday!
08:19:04 PM | RobbieF | ABQTKY the flicker was caused because at the very last minute I realized the roku has copy protection!
08:19:09 PM | RobbieF | so we couldn't capture it
08:19:17 PM | RobbieF | so I had to improvize and plug the Roku into the camera input
08:19:23 PM | _Jot_ | Garbee totally just missed episode 342?
08:19:23 PM | RobbieF | and the camera had to go into the BSP
08:19:32 PM | RobbieF | Garbee, Garbee, Garbee
08:19:48 PM | RobbieF | That code is insanely tiny for what it accomplishes for you. Lovely.
08:19:50 PM | Garbee | _Jot_: That isn't a big deal. I'll get it in the next few days.
08:20:02 PM | Garbee | Tonight I worked on the product edit pages more.
08:20:04 PM | ABQTKY | RobbieF, the flicker is probably caused by the special Roku 'chair simulator' module.
08:20:07 PM | Garbee | Got a lot of nice stuff done.
08:20:28 PM | RobbieF | hehe
08:20:28 PM | _Jot_ | I bet the camera ran on XP, so it was dying
08:20:30 PM | kyoshininja | RobbieF: Ha!....LOL
08:20:49 PM | Garbee | RobbieF: If you think that is pretty, you'd love how I'm doing some of the form stuff for editing products.
08:21:09 PM | Garbee | This new system is coming together beautifully so far.
08:21:22 PM | Garbee | Now is the hard part though, thinking through the best way to handle options and product varients.
08:21:23 PM | RobbieF | glad to hear it!
08:21:44 PM | _Jot_ | Garbee, group by SKU?
08:21:48 PM | Garbee | I have a few ideas, but I need to branch the codebase a few times to actually make a mini-test.
08:22:31 PM | Garbee | _Jot_: It is a bit more complex then that, especially since the SKU can change. I'll have variant products tied to the primary product directly by ID.
08:23:52 PM | Garbee | However, I still need a unique way to lookup the variants quickly.
08:24:10 PM | _Jot_ | I'd say bar-code, but I bet that doesn't work either :P
08:24:16 PM | kyoshininja | Goodnight all.....
08:24:16 PM | Garbee | So I'll need to do some kind of combination of things, like parentId_O1_O2 etc.
08:24:24 PM | _Jot_ | good night kyoshininja
08:24:30 PM | Garbee | Or hash the stuff together, which I'd rather not do.
08:24:40 PM | Garbee | Hashing removes legibility from the DB.
08:24:51 PM | _Jot_ | parent_id is usually a good solution
08:24:57 PM | _Jot_ | and NULL for the main article
08:25:33 PM | _Jot_ | wow, 341 still going up, 22.82
08:26:21 PM | Garbee | NULL for what?
08:26:40 PM | _Jot_ | NULL as parent_id so you can keep parents and children in the same database
08:26:53 PM | Garbee | god no.
08:26:59 PM | Garbee | Oh good effing lord no.
08:27:09 PM | Garbee | product_variants table for variations.
08:27:50 PM | _Jot_ | just figured the articles would have the same information so a seperate table would seem strange
08:28:02 PM | Garbee | product_options table to store the options themselves. (possibly values in the same table, or another joined via hasMany).
08:28:12 PM | Garbee | It isn't for performance.
08:28:33 PM | Garbee | The primary table will initially sit at about 22k records. Adding variations into that makes it over 100k.
08:28:50 PM | Garbee | That then increases the time to go through and find just the primary product info, which is what is most needed.
08:29:06 PM | Garbee | Also, that would increase complexity of app-logic needing to find just the primary products vs variations.
08:29:09 PM | _Jot_ | yeah, sounds a bit too much
08:29:22 PM | Garbee | My products table only has like 14 columns.
08:29:24 PM | Garbee | It is beautiful.
08:29:40 PM | Garbee | Each type of product, will get its own table(s) to store information about a product of that type.
08:29:47 PM | Garbee | Related via one-to-one.
08:29:59 PM | Garbee | It makes things so beautiful and expandable.
08:30:25 PM | Garbee | Whereas our current systems shop_products table carries like 60 or 80 columns in it.
08:30:30 PM | Garbee | Performance is horrible.
08:30:37 PM | Garbee | With 20k records.
08:31:12 PM | Garbee | Plus it allows me to do a lot of fun stuff with the UX. So things are as simple as can be.
08:31:16 PM | _Jot_ | yeah, when I worked with the new thing a bit earlier with the test data it was great
08:31:46 PM | Garbee | Yup, the backend I'm building is *far* superior to *ANYTHING* I could have done with our current system hacking on it.
08:32:16 PM | Garbee | Honestly, if this variation stuff flows well, I think I can hit my end-of-the-month deadline I set for myself to get the code to version 1.x.
08:32:34 PM | Garbee | But, I'm seriously in crunch-time now.
08:32:48 PM | _Jot_ | sounds like you'll do fine, with what you have now
08:33:12 PM | _Jot_ | I mean, with your current plans
08:33:25 PM | Garbee | It certainly isn't the prettiest backend, but I can fix that up later.
08:33:27 PM | GoodGuy | night all
08:33:31 PM | Garbee | Right now, it just needs to be functional.
08:33:34 PM | Garbee | Night GoodGuy.
08:33:59 PM | Garbee | Using LocalStorage for the listings too is great. Reduces search time by absolute loads.
08:34:13 PM | Garbee | I just spent about 3 total days fussing to get DataTables working properly.
08:34:21 PM | Garbee | But, once I did, boy-oh-boy it is nice.
08:35:19 PM | Garbee | Plus, the new site is responsive.
08:35:35 PM | Garbee | Works pretty good on mobile so far.
08:35:52 PM | Garbee | Whereas our current site I hide all the shop stuff on there since it isn't responsive.
08:36:17 PM | _Jot_ | yeah, it looks really nice
08:36:41 PM | _Jot_ | and even though many stores work fine, having something custom is really nice since no shop is really the same
08:37:19 PM | Garbee | Well, most pre-fab systems are fine for (eventually) rigging it to *look* different.
08:37:24 PM | Garbee | Our problem is, structured data.
08:37:51 PM | Garbee | I see a clear structure in how our stuff can be done, forcing it through the forms used to create and manage products, makes a whole lot less worry.
08:38:11 PM | Garbee | Plus, just faster workflow for people managing the stuff.
08:38:34 PM | _Jot_ | which is very important too :)
08:38:59 PM | Garbee | Yea, people keep wondering why I am custom building. None of them get workflow of structured data.
08:39:47 PM | Garbee | Also, they want me to wait even longer for new CMS's/platforms to come out. Which would just have us waiting even longer than me just making it and being done.
08:40:09 PM | _Jot_ | yeah, I understand that completely, when I design something, how people have to use it, and what they are used to, is the first thing I think about
08:41:25 PM | Garbee | Used to has nothing to do with this.
08:41:37 PM | Garbee | I'm just building what we *need* and I can fix missing/broken things later.
08:42:09 PM | Garbee | Most of the benefits of LS, are for me. A GUI to manage just about everything. But that means a lot is in the DB and it adds tons of overhead to each request.
08:42:23 PM | Garbee | Laravel's response times, will be in sub-80ms times most likely.
08:42:26 PM | Garbee | if not sub-50's.
08:42:35 PM | _Jot_ | yeah, it sounds like it'll work really great
08:43:04 PM | Garbee | Another cool benefit, caching certain items forever.
08:43:20 PM | Garbee | Currently, LS using file-based caching, has a set limit on everything globally.
08:43:28 PM | Garbee | Laravel let's me individually set the cache timeout, always.
08:43:34 PM | Garbee | So our category listing, is cached forever.
08:43:40 PM | Garbee | Generated once, then stored away.
08:43:46 PM | _Jot_ | thats very useful
08:43:51 PM | Garbee | On change of the category table in the DB, it will invalidate.
08:43:59 PM | Garbee | Next request, generate, then cached forever.
08:44:01 PM | Garbee | Repeat.
08:44:18 PM | Garbee | So as little computing time is used as necessary for just about everything.
08:44:52 PM | _Jot_ | now all it has to do is make coffee :)
08:45:45 PM | Garbee | meh, we aren't StarBucks. ;)
08:46:23 PM | _Jot_ | well, lets hope at least it'll make bucks then :)
08:49:11 PM | Garbee | Oh well, I'm off to bed.
08:49:15 PM | Garbee | Ya'll have a good night.
08:49:21 PM | RobbieF | Night Garbee
08:49:23 PM | RobbieF | have a good one
08:49:29 PM | _Jot_ | night Garbee
09:09:09 PM | RobbieF | phew
09:09:13 PM | RobbieF | so much fun!
09:17:44 PM | _Jot_ | can't wait to see what the impact will be :)
09:19:17 PM | RobbieF | true!
09:19:20 PM | RobbieF | that'll be fun!