06:58:02 PM | Tennessee_Frank | A woman finally made it to the top of the warped wall.
06:58:14 PM | _Jot_ | RobbieF, baking? is she pregnant again?
06:58:17 PM | kyoshininja | Tennesee_Frank: No, missed it again.... I was traveling.
06:58:35 PM | Tennessee_Frank | kyoshininja, yep kind of started a little crap storm over there with my Manjaro Love, LOL
06:59:14 PM | kyoshininja | Tennesee_Frank: Ha! Loved it. LOL
06:59:51 PM | Tennessee_Frank | I still feel like a lot of the Arch guys over in their chat like to hack on me for not using "real' Arch even though they say they're not.
07:00:06 PM | alket | ok go now
07:00:07 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Howdy BB
07:00:30 PM | Budda_Belly | Yo to everybody
07:00:31 PM | kyoshininja | Tennesee_Frank: I know. I don't get what that's about.
07:00:59 PM | Tennessee_Frank | I don't either, seems like they'd be happy that I'm at least using an Arch Dirivitive.
07:01:03 PM | kyoshininja | Tennessee_Frank: I installed Arch in a virtual machine, but still use Manjaro for all my real stuff.
07:01:31 PM | MrNaturopathy | woo hoo Were up and Robbie says its going to be the Best Show Ever
07:01:36 PM | RobbieF | Perfect!
07:01:37 PM | RobbieF | :)
07:01:39 PM | RobbieF | enjoy the show
07:01:42 PM | Tennessee_Frank | RobbieF, say "hi" to my wife Flo, finally talked her into watching the show with me.
07:01:46 PM | _Jot_ | every show is the best show ever on category5 :)
07:01:50 PM | Dennis_Kelley | Hello
07:02:04 PM | MrNaturopathy | Indeed
07:02:05 PM | kyoshininja | RobbieF: so excited about the show's topic....great!
07:03:08 PM | stripe | hi all
07:03:16 PM | _Jot_ | hi stripe
07:03:25 PM | kyoshininja | Hi stripe
07:03:42 PM | alket | yeah Cupid Migration rocks
07:03:58 PM | Eric1212_ | Hi guys
07:04:00 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Google has an AI company, then they've gotten 4 or 5 Robotics companies and now they're putting up satellites so those AI Robots can all "talk" to each other. Scary stuff.
07:04:04 PM | _Jot_ | hi Eric1212
07:04:24 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Howdy Eric1212
07:04:34 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Howdy _jot_
07:04:35 PM | kyoshininja | Hi Eric1212
07:04:37 PM | Eric1212_ | Watching the Ontario Election Debate and Cat5, tonight!
07:04:42 PM | _Jot_ | hey Tennessee_Frank and Flo :)
07:05:09 PM | _Jot_ | don't confuse the both Eric1212, although talking heads and talking heads, how could you tell the difference
07:05:13 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Thanks, you guys Rock
07:05:21 PM | kyoshininja | Welcome, Flo.
07:05:41 PM | Eric1212_ | LOL _Jot_, believe me: Cat5 is much more interesting :P
07:05:57 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Yep, so did ya' get it working RobbieF?
07:06:41 PM | bigred1275 | Hello all!
07:06:42 PM | _Jot_ | yep, parity drive works great, but needs some more money, so send some to http://cat5.tv/c and if you buy stuff, http://shop.category5.tv
07:06:47 PM | _Jot_ | hi bigred1275
07:06:49 PM | alket | hey bigred1275
07:06:52 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Nice, glad things still work.
07:07:17 PM | bigred1275 | Wow! i see some names i recog from Jupiter!
07:07:21 PM | Eric1212_ | Yah that storm was nasty down here too!
07:07:38 PM | _Jot_ | I didn't know people lived on Jupiter, I must have missed a few hundred or thousand years
07:07:45 PM | GoodGuy | RobbieF, Can Unraid mirror the parity drive?
07:08:03 PM | bigred1275 | LOL JOT!
07:08:08 PM | Tennessee_Frank | I don't keep anything on my laptops so if I lose a hard drive or SSD it's just an install and set up. Nothing to be lost.
07:08:21 PM | _Jot_ | unraid only supports one parity drive, but of course if you lose that, you can always make a new one from the data-drives
07:08:53 PM | kyoshininja | Tennesee_Frank: have you installed/optimized Manjaro for SSD drives?
07:08:58 PM | GoodGuy | If a data drive dies at the same time, Houston we have a problem!
07:09:13 PM | Eric1212_ | Will RobbieF be singing?
07:09:18 PM | _Jot_ | yeah, if two drives fail at the same time, you lose data, thats why you always need backups
07:09:39 PM | _Jot_ | but like RobbieF said, the advantage of unraid, is you only lose what is on those drives, not the rest of the array, like with traditional raid
07:09:48 PM | Tennessee_Frank | kyoshininja, Yep, I always do a sudo pacman-mirrors -g then the sudo pacman -Syyu and finally a sudo pacman-optimize && sync
07:10:10 PM | bigred1275 | purposely??
07:10:29 PM | GoodGuy | If they auto mirrored a parity drive, it would add more data security
07:10:30 PM | tic-toc | Blasphamy
07:10:35 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Notice that you HAVE to break Linux, Windows breaks all on it's own. LOL
07:10:52 PM | bigred1275 | Got that right T_Frank!
07:11:08 PM | _Jot_ | People have been asking for a 2nd parity drive, and the makers are working on that, but it is a long-term thing
07:11:13 PM | kyoshininja | Tennessee_Frank: did you have to do anything to minimize writes to SSD, not use cache, etc to extend SSD life?
07:11:56 PM | GoodGuy | Seems like a hardware raid would help if they connected both drives to that special controller
07:11:58 PM | Tennessee_Frank | kyoshininja, all I've done was go into Firefox and set cache to 0. Other then that I've not done anything special
07:12:20 PM | Eric1212_ | Yikes!
07:12:23 PM | Tennessee_Frank | From what I understand newer SSD's don't need anything all that special to run like the older ones did
07:12:29 PM | Eric1212_ | RobbieF probably didn't get any sleep that night!!
07:12:34 PM | alket | Hillary: are you a linux guru yet ?
07:12:41 PM | Hillary | ummmm...
07:12:51 PM | _Jot_ | normally two drives failing doesn't happen a lot, so a raid-array for that may help, but you add complexity to that too
07:12:52 PM | kyoshininja | Tennesse_Frank: I see. I'm about to research arch wiki to see if I have to do anything (intel nuc SSD) for my Manjaro install.
07:12:54 PM | Tennessee_Frank | I also do a 'sudo fstrim -V /" about twice a week to clear any space that I have
07:13:09 PM | Kalecomm | I have an issue with the Xen Hypervisor...I keep getting an error relating to powernow_k8. Granted, it's an old machine, but it's a dual-core and should be able to run Xen.
07:13:15 PM | _Jot_ | and of course you still need backups anyway, having data in just one place is not safe
07:13:18 PM | kyoshininja | Nice....
07:13:31 PM | tic-toc | Debian did that twice to me
07:13:56 PM | Tennessee_Frank | And here we thought the General was the important one.
07:13:57 PM | GoodGuy | No backup kernel?
07:14:14 PM | Tennessee_Frank | I'd just Nuke and Repave, I'm lazy that way, LOL
07:14:40 PM | Tennessee_Frank | RobbieF, my wife is running Point Linux 2.3 on her Netbook and she loves it.
07:15:08 PM | Hillary | yayy
07:15:36 PM | Tennessee_Frank | I always keep a Live USB of Manjaro Xfce, Point Linux 2.3 and TAILS 1.0
07:16:06 PM | GoodGuy | Using Easy2Boot Tennessee_Frank ?
07:16:07 PM | bigred1275 | same here T_Frank -- carry a manjaro usb on my keychain
07:16:07 PM | Tennessee_Frank | I've used Point Linux Live USB to use gparted to play with partitions in my Manjaro installs
07:16:17 PM | MrNaturopathy | Robbie I love your commitment to Linux, but that point linux drove me crazy, Im going to pass Point Linux and stick with Elementary OS
07:16:24 PM | Tennessee_Frank | I've been using UNetbootin GoodGuy
07:16:53 PM | MrNaturopathy | UNetbootin is the Great Stuff
07:17:02 PM | GoodGuy | Unetbootin runs on Linux also, but Easy2Boot is light years ahead of Unetbootin
07:17:10 PM | GoodGuy | Windows software
07:17:13 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Live USB would be faster but DVD's are cheap
07:17:29 PM | _Jot_ | only if you can still buy dvd's and such
07:17:35 PM | GoodGuy | Easy to create multi-boot USB
07:17:55 PM | Tennessee_Frank | my #1 is called LinuxMonster1
07:18:17 PM | Dennis_Kelley | My dog just came in from outside with squirrel in her mouth
07:18:18 PM | bigred1275 | Multiboot USB? haven't managed that just yet
07:18:28 PM | bigred1275 | but then again... haven't tried
07:18:42 PM | Tennessee_Frank | _jot_ I picked up 50 DVD's over the weekend for $20 bucks, can't beat that deal
07:18:47 PM | tic-toc | file systmSquirrel stew tonight
07:18:49 PM | GoodGuy | Take a look at Easy2Boot and RMPrepUSB.... author is amazing
07:19:08 PM | alket | dd for the win
07:19:10 PM | kyoshininja | GoodGuy: I just saw something in one of the linux print mags about multiboot USB utils, I'm going to check it out.
07:19:20 PM | GoodGuy | He makes multi-boot USB easy
07:19:23 PM | Tennessee_Frank | bigred1275, I've tried to do a multi boot USB but couldn't quite get it.
07:19:29 PM | _Jot_ | Tenessee_Frank, that is cheap, here they are much more expensive due to copyright-fees etc
07:19:42 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Narley Dude
07:19:45 PM | stripe | bigred1275: there is a feady made program for it, but I cant remember its name sorry
07:20:16 PM | GoodGuy | http://www.easy2boot.com/
07:20:23 PM | stripe | *ready
07:20:23 PM | bigred1275 | I've only been running the *buns since Warty (4.10)... and recently switched to MJRO after CHris and Matt reviewed
07:20:32 PM | GoodGuy | http://www.rmprepusb.com/
07:20:41 PM | _Jot_ | there's things like syslinux for bootmenus on usb too
07:20:42 PM | Tennessee_Frank | They're both 83 though.
07:20:43 PM | GoodGuy | The two pgms work together
07:20:57 PM | Tennessee_Frank | I though only swap was 83 or was it 82??
07:21:17 PM | Tennessee_Frank | I'm still learning though so be nice
07:21:22 PM | Sovereign_ | Anyone else heartbroken
07:21:31 PM | kyoshininja | Thanks GoodGuy for the links.
07:21:38 PM | GoodGuy | welcome
07:21:43 PM | _Jot_ | I think swap has two numbers assigned to it, but the numbers don't actually mean anything, it is just unspoken agreement
07:21:45 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Sovereign_ about what?
07:21:46 PM | Sovereign_ | Over true crypt
07:21:51 PM | kyoshininja | whoops...roku buffering
07:22:01 PM | Tennessee_Frank | _jot_, ahh, ok.
07:22:22 PM | GoodGuy | The author is very responsive... any problems and he tries to add whatever is needed to allow it
07:22:28 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Didn't use TrueCrypt so for me it's not a huge deal but for those that did use it then it's pretty bad news.
07:22:41 PM | GoodGuy | I use it
07:22:50 PM | GoodGuy | TrueCrypt
07:22:51 PM | MrNaturopathy | what would happen if I enter sudo pointlinux stinks unmount
07:22:57 PM | stripe | thanks GoodGuy
07:23:03 PM | GoodGuy | sure stripe
07:23:30 PM | Tennessee_Frank | With my Manjaro install I have sda1 as boot partition, sda2 is root and sda3 is swap.
07:23:38 PM | bigred1275 | I'd love to look at some of those.. Thx GoodGuy
07:23:46 PM | Sovereign_ | We should light up the whitehouse phones
07:23:59 PM | _Jot_ | Tenessee_Frank, see for example http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Partition/partition-types.html
07:24:17 PM | GoodGuy | I use extended partitions with logical volumes for different distros
07:24:50 PM | GoodGuy | I use a shareware boot manager in the MBR
07:25:09 PM | GoodGuy | Install grub2 to the various PBR's
07:25:11 PM | Tennessee_Frank | On the Point Linux installs I've done there wasn't any swap, just one ext4 for everything
07:25:38 PM | Tennessee_Frank | I had to actually boot into a Live USB and cut of a 2GB chunk of sda1 to make a swap partition.
07:25:43 PM | GoodGuy | You can share swaps with different linux syste,s
07:25:56 PM | GoodGuy | systems
07:26:26 PM | Tennessee_Frank | RobbieF, I'm surprised that you're not running Arch, you sure know more then enough to use it.
07:27:21 PM | GoodGuy | RobbieF - can you make a sample BASH script to do all that and put on the Cat5 web site
07:28:06 PM | Tennessee_Frank | back to the root prompt
07:28:16 PM | MrNaturopathy | does anyone get this and can anyone remember this, Im getting dizzy, Your scaring me back to Mac Robbie...
07:28:41 PM | Tennessee_Frank | LOL, I'm trying but it's not easy.
07:28:54 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Like I said, I'd just nuke and repave LOL
07:28:56 PM | GoodGuy | Thats why I suggested a sample script MrNaturopathy
07:28:58 PM | MrNaturopathy | true
07:29:12 PM | _Jot_ | MrNaturopathy, you don't have to remember it, you just can watch it over and over again untill you get it when you need it :)
07:29:24 PM | GoodGuy | It will document it and allow you to review it at your own pace
07:29:46 PM | stripe | RobbieF: very well explained and presented :-)
07:29:49 PM | Tennessee_Frank | so we'll do an image install then?
07:30:15 PM | Tennessee_Frank | RobbieF, you mean an older system. LOL.
07:30:32 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Don't feel bad, two of my three laptops are only 32 bit.
07:31:12 PM | bigred1275 | i'm currently running on a Pent-4 HT
07:31:17 PM | GoodGuy | This is a really helpful episode for future reference
07:31:41 PM | _Jot_ | there's a lot more bits in your laptop Tennessee_Frank, especially if you treated it with a hammer
07:31:43 PM | Tennessee_Frank | In Tents ????
07:31:51 PM | GoodGuy | Needs a Nerdy background soundtrack
07:32:02 PM | Sovereign_ | I I would love to be as smart as RobbieF
07:32:08 PM | MrNaturopathy | I think ill just go Chrome OS and let the big boys at Google figure this all out for me. Im not that smart I guess, I better stick with Naturopathy at least that I understand ... Maybe...
07:32:37 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Sovereign_ Ditto, maybe someday. I'm still in the apt-get/pacman state in Terminal.
07:32:51 PM | jlim | how much did i miss???
07:32:52 PM | GoodGuy | No one is that smart until they learn it MrNaturopathy ... RobbieF wasnt born knowing it either :-)
07:33:29 PM | Tennessee_Frank | jlim, quite a bit.
07:33:36 PM | jlim | darn
07:33:43 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Grub2, yah
07:33:44 PM | MrNaturopathy | :) Thanks, Ill hang in there then...
07:34:02 PM | GoodGuy | You can play with it using Virtualbox dont forget MrNaturopathy
07:34:05 PM | stripe | MrNaturopathy: just take your time
07:34:06 PM | jlim | what is the topic?
07:34:07 PM | kyoshininja | MrNaturopathy: I used my phone to search "chroot" or forums once my old system broke and followed the same guidance. Didn't have to memorize.
07:34:08 PM | alket | what about update-grub ?
07:34:13 PM | jlim | fedora?
07:34:18 PM | GoodGuy | Take a snapshot before messing the system up
07:34:26 PM | Tennessee_Frank | And I need to buy a book and watch some YouTube vids to get this stuff.
07:34:54 PM | GoodGuy | Play around and restore the snapshot if you screw something up... another chance
07:35:01 PM | _Jot_ | problem with books are they are out of date when they are new, let alone by the time you buy them, so they might confuse the situation
07:35:06 PM | Tennessee_Frank | pacman here
07:35:35 PM | Tennessee_Frank | _jot_ long as they can get me in the ball park
07:35:36 PM | jlim | awesome
07:35:49 PM | jlim | chroot your system
07:36:04 PM | Tennessee_Frank | This is some scary stuff right here
07:36:07 PM | jlim | why would you want to do that?>
07:36:08 PM | MrNaturopathy | Jot can you read the book for me, Im to lazy
07:36:53 PM | Tennessee_Frank | WE just can't trust the NSA.
07:36:58 PM | _Jot_ | I think I can read
07:37:20 PM | MrNaturopathy | thats a great start JOT
07:37:39 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Whooo, that's freaky right there RobbieF
07:38:04 PM | Tennessee_Frank | "Person of Interest" is real folks
07:38:19 PM | alket | DJIHAAD
07:38:20 PM | alket | :p
07:38:39 PM | GoodGuy | I thought they have that in some airports to search for known terrorists
07:38:39 PM | _Jot_ | be careful RobbieF, with your glasses they will zoom in and reverse it and see your whole home
07:38:44 PM | stripe | time for tin foil corner
07:38:55 PM | kyoshininja | jlim: chrooting is really useful if an update breaks your system, and you want to rescue rather than reinstall from sctach.
07:38:58 PM | GoodGuy | Searches thousands of faces in a second
07:39:08 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Google + hangouts is way better then Skype
07:39:11 PM | GoodGuy | lol stripe
07:39:23 PM | kyoshininja | Ha! _jot_.....LOL
07:39:51 PM | Tennessee_Frank | ah
07:40:00 PM | MrNaturopathy | What year do you think Skype will make that version work on Linux?
07:40:04 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Bable Fish
07:40:41 PM | _Jot_ | RobbieF, babelfish, hitchhikers guide of the galaxy
07:40:42 PM | GoodGuy | Someone told me the had employees to manage files starting with A or Be etc
07:40:45 PM | kyoshininja | Tennessee_Frank: you beat me to the keyboard (bablefish)
07:40:48 PM | Tennessee_Frank | RobbieF, what if it's as messed up as auto correct though.
07:40:55 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Hitcher's Guide
07:40:57 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Love that movie
07:41:01 PM | alket | lol
07:41:17 PM | GoodGuy | Imagine the hard drives or whatever the NSA has.. must be unreal
07:41:24 PM | _Jot_ | wow, RobbieF used his real voice there
07:41:27 PM | MrNaturopathy | my guess is the Skype version comes out in 2024
07:41:40 PM | jlim | did miss more than half the show?
07:41:43 PM | Tennessee_Frank | They'll "Drone" your pidgion, LOL
07:41:50 PM | GoodGuy | Iirc NSA has a quantum computer.. it does do one thing at a time
07:41:53 PM | _Jot_ | jilim, if you checked in just now you did :)
07:42:03 PM | Tennessee_Frank | This is why I don't like all this computer stuff in my car.
07:42:09 PM | Sovereign_ | That's a good point this show is not trans
07:42:10 PM | GoodGuy | Iirc NSA has a quantum computer.. it doesn't do one thing at a time
07:42:12 PM | kyoshininja | RobbieF: plan to do a show on carrier pidgeon encryption technology
07:42:32 PM | GoodGuy | GM needs that person!
07:42:47 PM | Tennessee_Frank | I'm still waiting for bugs to show up in those Automatic braking systems
07:42:56 PM | Sovereign_ | Ayablets needs lager keyboards
07:43:02 PM | Tennessee_Frank | and apply your brakes at 70mph
07:43:30 PM | _Jot_ | problem with automatics isn't just hacking but also things like what happens in unexpected circumstances with weird data entering the system
07:43:40 PM | GoodGuy | Years ago I used to race slot cars.. One other racer was a top brake engineer for the Neon cars
07:43:49 PM | Tennessee_Frank | "Total Recall" kind of Taxi
07:44:02 PM | GoodGuy | Another racer worked at Roush Racing
07:44:05 PM | GoodGuy | brb
07:44:51 PM | Tennessee_Frank | That's why I don't like Drive by Wire
07:44:52 PM | _Jot_ | apparently tinfoil actualy enhances the frequencies that government would use because they would potentially work for mindcontrol, so not wearing them is a big advanage against mindcontrol
07:45:14 PM | kyoshininja | _Jot_: good to know.
07:45:45 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Hey guys, glad I could contribute.
07:46:17 PM | alket | do we people have a word what its above our heads , that could potetianly fall ?
07:46:20 PM | MrNaturopathy | Robbie would trust a google car with no sterring wheel?
07:46:30 PM | stripe | Tennessee_Frank: thanks
07:46:33 PM | _Jot_ | the source-material doesn't exist anymore, but for example see http://www.howtogeek.com/114037/researchers-prove-tin-foil-hats-boost-receptivity-to-government-signals/
07:46:46 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Google needs something to comunicate with all those robots they're building. LOL
07:46:57 PM | Tennessee_Frank | stripe, no problem pard, glad to help out where I can
07:47:25 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Robots and AI
07:47:39 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Skynet is REAL
07:47:47 PM | jlim | google is taking over
07:47:53 PM | stripe | skyner LOL
07:48:20 PM | stripe | skynet*
07:48:31 PM | Dennis_Kelley | weird!
07:48:33 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Be glad when I get my 12Mb/s connection next Monday.
07:48:35 PM | kyoshininja | Tennesee_Frank: what about the botnet built from your "internet of things" enabled household (washing machine, microwave, tv, etc)?
07:48:44 PM | Tennessee_Frank | This 700kb/s is killing me.
07:48:51 PM | MrNaturopathy | Robbie I predict that in 2016 a robot will be your co-host,
07:48:53 PM | stripe | hi
07:49:13 PM | kyoshininja | RobbieF: please shout out to Jet (my son)
07:49:33 PM | alket | now using Google Maps, what a good way to illustrate your point
07:49:42 PM | GoodGuy | RobbieF - Hillary Ever saw viewers from North Korea?
07:49:49 PM | kyoshininja | RobbieF: he just came in to watch the show with me.
07:49:52 PM | _Jot_ | there are viewers? I thought I was the only one. Hi viewers
07:50:32 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Hey, even Croatia
07:50:45 PM | alket | Tennessee_Frank: also Albania
07:50:53 PM | jlim | i meant nsa
07:50:54 PM | jlim | lol
07:50:58 PM | GoodGuy | It sure is amazing to think how far we came in a few years
07:51:10 PM | Tennessee_Frank | My Grandpa on my birth mom's side is from Croatia
07:51:46 PM | _Jot_ | so you don't even have to type: http://cat5.tv/isscam
07:51:50 PM | GoodGuy | Old modem days it was unthinkable to chat with folks across the world.. cost prohibited
07:52:06 PM | Tennessee_Frank | There's an app you can get called Gpredict that'll let you track satillites.
07:52:34 PM | GoodGuy | We have a large Albanian community in the Detroit area
07:52:37 PM | Dennis_Kelley | every 90 minutes
07:52:58 PM | alket | GoodGuy: yes I heard
07:53:16 PM | Tennessee_Frank | New sponsor, nice
07:53:24 PM | GoodGuy | My wife goes to the hospital and they had a sign with various languages... I asked what one was and it was Albanian
07:53:41 PM | GoodGuy | a good number from Romania as well
07:53:49 PM | Tennessee_Frank | I'm using Pidgin
07:54:02 PM | jlim | get an irc client
07:54:21 PM | Tennessee_Frank | I had my firewall set too strict and I couldn't get connected but backed it off a bit and it connects fine
07:54:25 PM | jlim | i am using irssi
07:54:25 PM | kyoshininja | beltone phone connectivity (like Jack Bauer) on 24
07:54:32 PM | MrNaturopathy | Robbie What will be on Next Week?
07:54:32 PM | GoodGuy | I use Hexchat.. like Xchat.. it just had an update today
07:54:42 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Nice, I have Manjaro GNOME on my #2 Testing laptop.
07:54:46 PM | alket | GoodGuy: there are more albanians living in Istanbul alone than in Albania
07:54:48 PM | Sovereign_ | I remember wehad to put the receiver in a cradle to communicate with the home office
07:54:48 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Xfce on my other two
07:54:54 PM | GoodGuy | I thought I read Xchat wasnt being updated
07:55:07 PM | alket | hexchat
07:55:31 PM | GoodGuy | or it had not been.... maybe it wasnt official policy
07:55:39 PM | kyoshininja | GoodGuy: I'm using hexchat on an old powermac g4 currently (debian linux)
07:55:46 PM | GoodGuy | Yes alket ... It is an IRC client
07:56:07 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Picture actually looks pretty decent
07:56:09 PM | RobbieF | \o
07:56:20 PM | Dennis_Kelley | cat5.tv/isscam has video now!
07:56:26 PM | RobbieF | thanks!
07:56:27 PM | MrNaturopathy | Roku3 is the only unit worth buying , I have them all and this is the only box that is Awesome...
07:56:31 PM | stripe | iss cam is backup
07:56:32 PM | _Jot_ | don't forget the http http://cat5.tv/isscam
07:56:35 PM | GoodGuy | I like Hexchat because it made logging on to NickServ with a self signed certificate easy
07:56:46 PM | Tennessee_Frank | I have the older Roku XD and love it
07:56:56 PM | GoodGuy | I have a Roku 2 XS.. want the Roku 3
07:57:09 PM | kyoshininja | Hillary, you rule!
07:57:18 PM | _Jot_ | get a Roku is at http://cat5.tv/roku and category5 on roku: http://cat5.tv/rokuchannel
07:57:21 PM | Tennessee_Frank | We're going to get another Roku so that 12Mb/s connection will really some in handy
07:57:32 PM | GoodGuy | They just added YouTube.. a bit slow.. Roku 3 is much faster
07:57:38 PM | _Jot_ | make sure to get it through that link Tennessee_Frank :)
07:57:46 PM | Dennis_Kelley | i have the ISS as my desktop
07:58:16 PM | Sovereign_ | Good guy does that mean you don't enter the password easc time you logon to irs
07:58:21 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Got it bookmarked _jot_ Thanks
07:58:23 PM | GoodGuy | Yes
07:58:54 PM | GoodGuy | There is several ways of doing that, but the way I mentioned is most secure
07:59:00 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Great show guys and thanks again for saying "Hi" to my wife, you should have seen her blush. LOL
07:59:01 PM | _Jot_ | ISS cam is great, but I loved spaceshuttle video more
07:59:03 PM | alket | RobbieF , Hillary , great episode ,thanks.
07:59:06 PM | GoodGuy | Encrypts private msgs
07:59:19 PM | Sovereign_ | Think I'all try hexchat
07:59:29 PM | kyoshininja | Great show RobbieF and Hillary! Thanks for the really useful content!
07:59:43 PM | GoodGuy | HexChat and I believe XChat can auto enter the NickServ password
07:59:44 PM | stripe | great show thanks all
07:59:47 PM | Dennis_Kelley | thanks RobbieF and Hillary
08:00:06 PM | GoodGuy | The certificate method adds encryption etc
08:00:08 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Hillary, RobbieF, you guys are awesome, Thanks for the great show and I'll see ya' later.
08:00:10 PM | Whiskey_Zero | Robbie - Super good show tonight! Lots of great info. Thanks
08:00:18 PM | RobbieF | Best show EVER!
08:00:19 PM | RobbieF | haha
08:00:21 PM | GoodGuy | Just seemed neat to do
08:00:23 PM | Hillary | Thanks gang for tuning in! Have a fabulous night!
08:00:25 PM | RobbieF | hope you all had fun!
08:00:40 PM | MrNaturopathy | Great Show Tonight, Robbie. Your Co-Host tonight was Awesome,
08:00:41 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Next week is show number 350, can you believe it. wow
08:00:45 PM | _Jot_ | I'm not sure I had fun. Can you do the show again so I can pay attention and see if I have fun?
08:00:49 PM | Whiskey_Zero | See you all next week.
08:00:51 PM | GoodGuy | Great show that will serve as reference for ages RobbieF
08:00:51 PM | jlim | RobbieF: how long does it usually take you to get show up on the site ofter filming?
08:01:04 PM | RobbieF | jlim about 3 hours
08:01:10 PM | RobbieF | Roku gets it first in about 1 hour.
08:01:23 PM | _Jot_ | RobbieF usually does shownotes in the morning, so that takes a bit longer
08:01:42 PM | Tennessee_Frank | Oh well, going to watch "America's Got Talent" C ya'll later and take care.
08:02:12 PM | MrNaturopathy | Good Night Folks, Its been a Pleasure Be Well...
08:02:17 PM | jlim | i got roku
08:02:33 PM | kyoshininja | night MrNaturopathy
08:02:37 PM | stripe | Dennis_Kelley: I am going to try the iss cam as a wallpaper thanks for the idea
08:02:41 PM | MrNaturopathy | :)
08:02:55 PM | kyoshininja | C ya Tennessee_Frank
08:03:01 PM | GoodGuy | Have a great evening MrNaturopathy
08:03:26 PM | MrNaturopathy | Thanks GoodGuy, You really are a Good Guy
08:03:34 PM | GoodGuy | Thank you
08:04:06 PM | GoodGuy | Learned so much here, it is nice to try and add something back
08:05:38 PM | Budda_Belly | Time for dinner. Enjoyed the show. See everybody next week.
08:06:05 PM | _Jot_ | have a nice dinner Budda_Belly
08:06:25 PM | kyoshininja | see ya Budda_Belly
08:06:26 PM | Budda_Belly | Thanks. Bue.
08:06:32 PM | GoodGuy | Just FYI.. If anyone has family overseas they wish they could call more often... Obihai has phone gadgets that allow free calls from Obihai to Obihair
08:06:46 PM | alket | ?
08:07:05 PM | GoodGuy | Obviously have to purchase the two units, but no charges after that last I read
08:07:44 PM | GoodGuy | Calls from Obi to USA and Canada were free via Google Voice
08:08:16 PM | GoodGuy | But Google was supposed to close an interface the Obi used
08:08:43 PM | GoodGuy | Our daughter was still receiving calls as of last week
08:08:54 PM | GoodGuy | Not sure if she could dial out
08:09:26 PM | GoodGuy | They have SIP Providers now for a fee
08:09:30 PM | kyoshininja | bigred1275: I have a tab with your nick on it, did you attempt to get my attention?
08:09:50 PM | stripe | night all, see you all later
08:09:56 PM | kyoshininja | night stripe
08:09:57 PM | GoodGuy | But Obi-Obi calls should stay free
08:10:45 PM | kyoshininja | gotta go... have a great night all....
08:10:55 PM | GoodGuy | I bought the unit a year or two ago and gave it to our daughter since we have an Ooma
08:10:59 PM | _Jot_ | you too kyoshininja
08:11:01 PM | GoodGuy | Night kyoshininja
08:40:36 PM | GoodGuy | night all