Chat Logs for Episode 353 — #Category5 on /


With 104 Posts:Tennessee_Frank
With 82 Posts:_Jot_
With 57 Posts:spice
With 52 Posts:Dennis_Kelley
With 23 Posts:kyoshininja

Chat Logs:

06:58:14 PMTennessee_Frank RobbieF, good deal pard. By the way, ChrisLAS got mad at me for calling him "pard" today. Though I said prad or something, LOL
06:58:18 PM_Jot_ redirects to a techpodcast-link which is 404 for me
06:58:26 PM_Jot_ wow, its working right now
06:58:29 PMRobbieF LOL
06:58:58 PM_Jot_ first thing on the radio 'stupid bald nerd' from a bald nerd
06:59:07 PMTennessee_Frank RobbieF, guess he'd never watch old Westerns or he'd have know that pard is short for pardner. LOL
06:59:17 PMRobbieF Yep
06:59:23 PMRobbieF Maybe thought you said something else...
06:59:29 PM_Jot_ you sound fine SashaD
06:59:57 PMTennessee_Frank RobbieF, I think so. He said "Why does Tennessee Frank keep calling me "prad"? LOL
07:00:12 PMTennessee_Frank Then he threatened to ban me from irc, LOL
07:00:27 PMDennis_Kelley Hello!
07:00:29 PMTennessee_Frank I think he was just in a bad mood in general though
07:00:33 PMTennessee_Frank Howdy DK
07:00:51 PMMrNaturopathy Show up on Roku
07:00:53 PMDennis_Kelley I am watching on my Roku
07:00:54 PMTennessee_Frank The screen goes dark, a hush falls over the room
07:01:32 PMMrNaturopathy How Exciting!
07:01:33 PMTennessee_Frank Flip a coin.
07:01:41 PM_Jot_ In case anybody wants to see a boxed greenscreen:
07:01:58 PM_Jot_ apparently they come cash on delivery
07:01:59 PMABQTKY Whoa! came on over on YouTube at the right time - not missing first few minute of the show! Woops just a bit of buffering on YouTube...
07:02:19 PM_Jot_ SashaD, that's not asking, that's verifying :)
07:02:34 PMkyoshininja Hi all.
07:02:43 PMDennis_Kelley hello kyoshininja
07:02:48 PMTennessee_Frank Howdy kyoshininja
07:02:48 PMSashaD haha
07:02:50 PMDennis_Kelley hello _Jot_
07:02:52 PM_Jot_ hi kyoshininja
07:02:56 PM_Jot_ hey Dennis_Kelley
07:03:02 PMTennessee_Frank Man it's raining like it's coming out of a boot here
07:03:03 PM_Jot_ and everybody else I didn't say hello to yet lately :)
07:03:08 PMDennis_Kelley I am liking the Roku RobbieF
07:03:33 PM_Jot_ did you buy it through ?
07:03:40 PMkyoshininja Tennesee_Frank: finally saw an episode of american ninja competition (in Saint Louis, I think).
07:03:42 PMTennessee_Frank Dennis_Kelley, I send RobbieF and e-mail with some of my fav channels so hopefully he'll share them with you.
07:03:43 PMDennis_Kelley of course I did
07:03:47 PMDennis_Kelley _Jot_:
07:03:47 PM_Jot_ the channel is at
07:03:59 PMnapa_polarbear hello all
07:04:16 PMTennessee_Frank Roku's Rock
07:04:21 PMDennis_Kelley hello napa_polarbear
07:04:31 PMoldsalt hi everyone
07:04:45 PMDennis_Kelley I got one!
07:04:46 PMTennessee_Frank Howdy oldsalt
07:04:50 PMnapa_polarbear ya
07:04:59 PMDennis_Kelley hello oldsalt
07:05:04 PMnapa_polarbear under 100.00
07:05:05 PMTennessee_Frank About what you'd pay for one month of DirectTV
07:05:10 PMGarbee RobbieF: I'm here for once.
07:05:13 PMkyoshininja Hi napa_polarbear, oldsalt,
07:05:19 PMoldsalt hey Tennessee_Frank
07:05:20 PM_Jot_ SashaD, you want to buy all the rokus, just to verify what RobbieF wrote is correct
07:05:30 PMTennessee_Frank My wife Flo is watching again, LOL
07:05:31 PMnapa_polarbear hi oldsalt
07:05:44 PMoldsalt Hi Dennis_Kelley
07:05:51 PMDennis_Kelley my wife is kind of watching with me also!
07:05:57 PMTennessee_Frank Roku 3 has a really cool headphone jack in the "clicker".
07:05:58 PMoldsalt Hi All
07:06:01 PMcliff_h @RobbieF Howdy there. Send me mail when you get the package.
07:06:10 PMMrNaturopathy Ill make it Simple only get the Roku3, I have them all and its the Best...
07:06:13 PMDennis_Kelley so does the 2 Tennessee_Frank
07:06:14 PMkyoshininja Tenneesee_Frank: say hi to Flo...
07:06:34 PMTennessee_Frank Dennis_Kelly, she got mad at me last night for switching out her Point Linux install with a Manjaro Netbook install, LOL
07:06:37 PM_Jot_ cliff_h, might want to email with a reminder of that :)
07:06:52 PMTennessee_Frank She'll catch on though and we'll both be on the same page.
07:06:58 PMnapa_polarbear u likw twit to robbie
07:07:04 PMTennessee_Frank My grandson is nice enough to let us use his account
07:07:12 PMcliff_h Jot OK.. will do.
07:07:24 PMnapa_polarbear ntwit not far from me
07:07:42 PM_Jot_ so did I win? I couldn't hear it
07:08:09 PMinvinciblemutant hi
07:08:15 PMinvinciblemutant i am on the
07:08:17 PM_Jot_ hi invinciblemutant
07:08:20 PMinvinciblemutant on my ipad
07:08:20 PMDennis_Kelley hello invinciblemutant
07:08:25 PMMrNaturopathy Just installed Peppermint5 going back to Elementary still the Best in my opinion...
07:08:25 PMinvinciblemutant it is cool
07:08:26 PM_Jot_ hope it works great invinciblemutant
07:08:30 PMinvinciblemutant super clear
07:08:56 PMcliff_h @robbie.... check msgs
07:09:04 PMTennessee_Frank invinciblemutant, my daughter just picked up an iPad. Now she has an iPhone, iPad and for some reason a Windows 8 laptop. go figure. LOL
07:09:28 PMinvinciblemutant cool
07:09:46 PMTennessee_Frank SashaD once you get use to Linux give Manjaro Xfce or Manjaro GNOME a try.
07:09:54 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, why didn't you give her a Category5 t-shirt you have in the studio from ? huh?
07:10:06 PM_Jot_ they are really nice shirts you know
07:10:23 PMTennessee_Frank That's really suck on St.Patty's Day. LOL
07:10:40 PM_Jot_ SashaD, and others, here is the first look of the new studio:
07:11:15 PMMrNaturopathy Wow thats Great now you can give Sasha a Raise,,
07:11:41 PMTennessee_Frank RobbieF, what no T1 cable
07:11:52 PM_Jot_ I'm all for digging a tunnel from RobbieF's house and the new studio, and put a cat5 cable between them, who needs wireless
07:11:56 PMinvinciblemutant i am on LTE 4g too
07:12:09 PMinvinciblemutant it is not too good to me
07:12:36 PMinvinciblemutant weather counts RobbieF
07:12:44 PMTennessee_Frank My 12Mb/s connection is giving me 1.3Mb/s download speed. about twice what my old 3Mb/s connection was doing.
07:13:08 PMDennis_Kelley invinciblemutant then he would have to change the name of the show!
07:13:10 PM_Jot_ at least it's an increase Tennessee_Frank
07:13:18 PMinvinciblemutant always fibre line is the best
07:13:23 PMDennis_Kelley
07:13:23 PMTennessee_Frank Jalapeno on a Stick
07:13:33 PMDennis_Kelley funny Tennessee_Frank
07:13:43 PMTennessee_Frank _jot_ yep, anything is better then what I did have.
07:13:44 PMkyoshininja _Jot_: link didn't work for me (new studio)
07:13:49 PMTennessee_Frank Jeff Dunham Rocks
07:13:51 PM_Jot_ If you want to do a donation, please go to and don't forget to buy stuff through
07:13:52 PMDennis_Kelley i like walter also!
07:14:09 PMTennessee_Frank LOL, my wife says that I"M Walter
07:14:13 PM_Jot_ kyoshininja, weird, link works for me, maybe RobbieF moved the video, but he didn't tell me :)
07:14:19 PMinvinciblemutant RobbieF: he has to change to a radio station (RF LTE)
07:14:22 PMMrNaturopathy Are you taking Bit Coins?
07:14:23 PMDennis_Kelley Tennessee_Frank sweet
07:14:47 PMTennessee_Frank I think I'm more like Peanut, LOL
07:14:52 PM_Jot_ MrNaturopathy, he does, its on the main site at
07:14:53 PMkyoshininja _Jot_: perhaps it's the computer I'm on.
07:15:10 PMMrNaturopathy cool
07:16:37 PM_Jot_ just make sure to not complan about the temperature in a bathingsuit, there's not even a meter of snow!
07:16:59 PMTennessee_Frank VM FL.
07:17:02 PMTennessee_Frank LOL
07:18:03 PM_Jot_ wow, they do have legs! that's new
07:18:09 PMTennessee_Frank RobbieF, Manjaro, LOL
07:18:52 PMspice So now instead of building a freestanding studio Cat5 is moving to a warehouse complex?
07:18:54 PMTennessee_Frank RobbieF will have to start wearing pants now.
07:19:01 PM_Jot_ I hope there isn't a little piece of paper on the bottom with 'Sorry for the missing pieces, we'll ship those later' cause RobbieF never reads manuals untill it is too late
07:19:29 PMTennessee_Frank Heavy Light Stands, LOL
07:19:32 PMDennis_Kelley whatt was that site
07:19:33 PMkyoshininja RobbieF: can you greenscreen away screaming kids?
07:19:36 PMalket dont break it
07:19:51 PM_Jot_ spice, pretty much, because there wasn't enough money for building a proper studio, so another solution had to be found, but the money raised will be used for that
07:20:21 PMTennessee_Frank alket, I always break it then I engineering it to be better and then put it together.
07:20:23 PM_Jot_ Dennis_Kelley, you mean
07:20:34 PMalket :)
07:21:06 PMTennessee_Frank Need some Roadies to do that stuff RobbieF
07:21:33 PM_Jot_ isn't his full name Robbie the Roadie?
07:21:53 PMTennessee_Frank _jot_ thought that was Robbie the Robot. LOL
07:21:55 PMspice Ok, have they looked at ?
07:22:46 PMTennessee_Frank What, no Czechs or Russians, just Poles.
07:22:59 PMMrNaturopathy This is Cool, I love live UnBoxings.
07:23:02 PM_Jot_ spice, I have no idea if RobbieF ever heard of that site
07:23:04 PMspice No instructions? lol
07:23:22 PMinvinciblemutant hit each other :P
07:23:23 PM_Jot_ instructions are in the manual, RobbieF tends to try things without manuals. But he has learned a little bit to read them sometimes.
07:23:32 PMTennessee_Frank spice, instructions are for later after you've exhausted all efforts to put it together.
07:23:44 PM_Jot_ SashaD, be careful, don't give him a tripod-stick, he might indeed hit you with it, he had that period before
07:23:57 PMspice lol yup that's SOP
07:24:14 PMinvinciblemutant is the screen one piece or combined with seems
07:24:17 PMinvinciblemutant seams
07:24:17 PMkyoshininja _Jot_: when you read manuals, you deprive others of accosting you with RTFM.
07:24:28 PMTennessee_Frank spice, it's better that way because that way you have extra parts left over.
07:24:37 PMspice Gonna poke a hole in the wall next
07:24:38 PMstripe hi
07:25:06 PMMrNaturopathy Robbie your lucky you have a Professional Assistant.
07:25:08 PMDennis_Kelley hello stripe
07:25:35 PMDennis_Kelley stripe that is ok once they move studios they can patch the hole
07:25:44 PMspice this is the same way I'm learning Linux 'oopsie'
07:25:54 PMTennessee_Frank Don't forget to get the level out and make sure it's, well, level
07:26:08 PM_Jot_ yeah, about 10 minutes
07:26:33 PMDennis_Kelley 15 min
07:26:34 PM_Jot_ By the way, the greenscreen comes from
07:27:16 PMspice Where's the McKennsie bros when you need them, eh?
07:27:21 PMTennessee_Frank Wife said this seems kind of pointless watching ya'll build stuff. She doesn't understand this is the ONLY Social Live I have.:'(
07:27:44 PMMrNaturopathy Sasha is doing a better and faster job than Robbie
07:28:04 PMDennis_Kelley RobbieF likes to take it slow!
07:28:07 PM_Jot_ Tenessee_Frank, you are a part of the show too! Like all the community. So you have to be here
07:28:12 PMMrNaturopathy lol
07:28:34 PMTennessee_Frank _jot_, yep, they couldn't have a show without little ol' ME. ;-)
07:28:38 PMspice Jot I think RF want people to buy thru his affiliate link
07:28:48 PM_Jot_ I don't have that yet :)
07:28:54 PMTennessee_Frank Not to be comfused with a "Thing a ma jobber"
07:29:15 PMDennis_Kelley for sure Tennessee_Frank
07:29:22 PMMrNaturopathy What is the price of this Set Up?
07:29:25 PMspice dont drop it! lol
07:29:32 PMTennessee_Frank Don't drop it. It has mercury in em'
07:29:45 PMspice unlike eco alkalines
07:29:51 PMDennis_Kelley mr 299.00
07:29:59 PMDennis_Kelley MrNaturopathy: $299.00
07:30:00 PM_Jot_ its really cheap I think
07:30:12 PMTennessee_Frank That'd make a good grow light.
07:30:18 PMMrNaturopathy Thanks, I need this...
07:30:25 PMTennessee_Frank 105 What's ??
07:30:36 PMspice use leds save watts
07:30:37 PMDennis_Kelley MrNaturopathy
07:30:51 PM_Jot_ maybe RobbieF can use the studio-lights he already has :)
07:31:07 PMnapa_polarbear kavin is temp
07:31:08 PMTennessee_Frank ta da
07:31:32 PMspice well will it rain inside?
07:31:35 PMDennis_Kelley the glare!
07:31:58 PMTennessee_Frank Shinny, isn't it.
07:32:09 PMspice whereed he go?
07:32:15 PM_Jot_ wow, I never saw RobbieF's head that shiny
07:32:39 PMDennis_Kelley what is it off the back of RobbieF head?
07:32:40 PM_Jot_ there is so much glare from it, it's like a star trek movie
07:32:40 PMTennessee_Frank I had a Teacher glare at me once.
07:32:57 PMTennessee_Frank Of course I was talking in class so there ya' gol
07:33:02 PMspice now it will collect rain if the roof leaks, lol
07:33:46 PMspice oopsie doodle do
07:33:46 PMTennessee_Frank What would that be in lumens
07:33:49 PM_Jot_ with the old studio there is a house above it, so there won't be leaks but the new studio did suffer water-damage, which explains having to clean it up
07:34:51 PM_Jot_ SashaD, if you can't find the wall, its that big thing keeping the ceiling up
07:35:05 PMspice let robbies finger do the walking
07:35:26 PMTennessee_Frank You ate a Power Bar,
07:35:36 PMTennessee_Frank I love Power Bars but they're expensive
07:35:47 PMDennis_Kelley can you tell RobbieF is excited? he could not wait until studio d to unbox it
07:35:49 PMspice it seems crooked
07:36:02 PMTennessee_Frank See Spot, See Spot Run, See Spot lose his eye sight. OUCH.
07:36:10 PMspice will the wrinkles show?
07:36:40 PMTennessee_Frank Need to iron the cloth I guess
07:36:44 PM_Jot_ they tend to show a little, but normally you iron it. Oh wait, RobbieF doesn't iron curtains. We're screwed
07:37:14 PMTennessee_Frank _jot_ it'll be like "why do those mountains have wrinkles in em'?" LOL
07:37:25 PMspice oopsie crash archbang boom lol
07:37:47 PMMrNaturopathy Im gonna order one of these tomorrow. Robbie, can you send Sasha here to help me set it up? Ill never be able to do this alone... lol
07:37:49 PMkyoshininja RobbieF: can you clip the corners at the bottom to stretch out some of the wrinkles?
07:38:05 PM_Jot_ MrNaturopathy, I'm sure she'd be happy to, if you pay for the trip :)
07:38:11 PMDennis_Kelley does anyone else with roku have it load alot of times
07:38:15 PMspice y'all need safety helmets
07:38:18 PMMrNaturopathy lol
07:38:36 PMjonathono Dennis_Kelley, roku stream is solid here
07:38:41 PM_Jot_ Dennis_Kelley, the stream hasn't failed for me last week and this week, but it does do that sometime, unfortunatly
07:38:48 PMDennis_Kelley might be my wifi
07:38:57 PMGuest_1804 sashaD are you still using linux
07:38:57 PMTennessee_Frank yep, Roku has been solid here as well and my wife and I are both on our laptops.
07:38:58 PM_Jot_ wifi definatly affects streaming
07:38:59 PMjonathono RobbieF, what is the weather like in Barrie?
07:39:54 PMDennis_Kelley might have to put my wifi adaptor under my roku
07:39:57 PMTennessee_Frank RobbieF, that's why you need a 2 hour show, LOL
07:40:12 PMspice better to build a frame to hang it from the ceiling like Leo on TWiT no tripping at Studio D
07:40:33 PMspice the lights that is
07:40:54 PMTennessee_Frank spice, if the wall is close enough where the green screen will go you can get an adjustable curtain rod to hang it up with.
07:41:11 PMspice Go Daddy yuck
07:41:23 PM_Jot_ in the new studio there is enough room to properly set it up, but here there is almost no space, there is about 1 or 2 meter between the desk and the wall
07:41:24 PMTennessee_Frank I use a couple of those to hang sheets in the winter to block off rooms to keep my heating bills down.
07:41:42 PMTennessee_Frank Who's Your Daddy.
07:42:06 PMTennessee_Frank Moving along.
07:42:09 PMspice Hover no muss or fuss lol
07:42:15 PMDennis_Kelley danica patrick
07:42:35 PMGarbee spice: Funny, I've been fussing with their broken interface.
07:42:50 PMMrNaturopathy Great Way to give Google some more of your private information, Were do I sign up...
07:43:02 PMGarbee Hover is really awesome. But they still need to put more effort behind the UX of their site.
07:43:27 PMspice No Nokia meh
07:43:50 PMGarbee MrNaturopathy: Google probably already has all the info on you that you would need to give them to register a domain name... So, where does the "more" part come in?
07:43:57 PM_Jot_ apparently there is nothing wrong with Big Brother Google
07:44:18 PMMrNaturopathy Im kidding!
07:44:43 PMspice Ditto on No Doubt
07:45:07 PMspice Bidet mate
07:45:25 PMTennessee_Frank Bad Day for the Bede
07:45:37 PMDennis_Kelley you could run away from the robot couldn't you?
07:45:43 PMspice Used to be Wackenhut lol
07:45:47 PMTennessee_Frank spice, is that how you spell it? I'm bad with spelling
07:45:55 PMTennessee_Frank even with auto correct
07:46:03 PMcliff_h I always pronounced it Gloster..
07:46:16 PM_Jot_ just throw a sheet over the robot, robot neutralized
07:46:19 PMTennessee_Frank Bob may not be your Uncle but he can be your Security Guard
07:46:39 PMTennessee_Frank Dalek, scary
07:46:57 PMTennessee_Frank RobbieF, can we put bubble gum in his head
07:47:12 PMspice hey its French but Aussie say it G'day Mate
07:47:24 PM_Jot_ I don't think putting chewing gun in RobbieF works very well, he has enough dexterity to chew it, or to remove it
07:47:32 PM_Jot_ gum*
07:47:37 PMABQTKY Ooh, Frank just got billing - never heard that before!! Way to go, Frank!!
07:47:46 PMTennessee_Frank _jot_ I ment the robots head, LOL
07:47:48 PMspice what I cant hear ya
07:47:50 PM_Jot_ for the greenscreen :)
07:48:31 PMspice ooh I see 2 Sashas
07:48:38 PM_Jot_ for the recording-software
07:48:41 PMTennessee_Frank ABQTKY, my Monday Morning "job" is to look up interesting news articles for Category 5
07:49:32 PMTennessee_Frank Pick a card, any card.
07:49:38 PMSashaD I love your monday morning job.... great stories!
07:49:50 PMspice who won that Wirecast contest anyhoo?
07:50:03 PMTennessee_Frank SashaD, gives me something to do while I'm having my coffee and I can help out a bit too.
07:50:16 PM_Jot_ there have been a few contests, he did say it on the show back then I think but i can't remember which one it was off hand
07:50:47 PMTennessee_Frank Attack of the 50 foot SashaD. LOL
07:51:16 PMspice I'd have weekend update from SNL
07:51:31 PMTennessee_Frank RobbieF, you'll need to get some Virtual Coffee to put on the desk now.
07:52:34 PMinvinciblemutant muted
07:52:36 PMinvinciblemutant ops
07:52:38 PMMrNaturopathy How much is wirecast now I only have $6.00 left after I buy the Green Screen...
07:52:41 PMspice I remember the Star trek ep
07:52:43 PMalket no sound for me
07:52:46 PM_Jot_ see, SashaD looks great, RobbieF is wearing a wrong shirt. RobbieF, didn't the director tell you to change shirts and not wear green or blue?
07:52:53 PMjlim no audio
07:52:53 PMinvinciblemutant muted !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
07:52:54 PMspice did the sound cut out?
07:52:57 PMalket RobbieF: no audio
07:53:00 PMDennis_Kelley i sound in roku
07:53:00 PMkyoshininja RobbieF: looks like you wore the green t-shirt
07:53:04 PMGarbee RobbieF: Stop talking.
07:53:09 PMGarbee We can't hear you.
07:53:13 PMjlim RobbieF: no audio
07:53:14 PMkyoshininja No sound.
07:53:15 PM_Jot_ there is still sound for me on the radio
07:53:17 PMalket SashaD: no audio
07:53:19 PMMrNaturopathy Is audio extra? lol
07:53:20 PMspice anybody read lips?
07:53:20 PMDennis_Kelley SashaD no sound
07:53:26 PMGuest_6775 No audio
07:53:27 PMkyoshininja sound
07:53:29 PMkyoshininja sound
07:53:30 PMkyoshininja sound
07:53:37 PMGarbee kyoshininja: Chill
07:53:38 PM_Jot_ there is audio on the radio, but not on the streams
07:53:43 PMoldsalt SashaD, no sound
07:53:45 PMinvinciblemutant Sasha !!! no sound
07:53:53 PMkyoshininja Garbee: thanks....I needed that.
07:54:01 PMinvinciblemutant it is back
07:54:02 PMspice I cant afford the software
07:54:08 PMspice back
07:54:10 PMTennessee_Frank Now it's back
07:54:15 PMoldsalt back
07:54:16 PMjlim audio is back
07:54:19 PMVoodoosandman Where Hillary to sign?
07:54:27 PMDennis_Kelley ok better
07:54:39 PMGuest_6775 I hear her
07:54:39 PMspice too small to see too
07:54:42 PMinvinciblemutant ok...
07:54:46 PMinvinciblemutant good now
07:54:49 PMTennessee_Frank I can hear ya' SashaD
07:54:55 PMkyoshininja I can hear SashaD as well
07:54:59 PM_Jot_ RobbieF mostly talked about that he had to pick a colour and that it wasn't easy, because of the bad lighting due to the size of the current studio etc
07:55:01 PMspice I hear Sasha
07:55:05 PMDennis_Kelley the check is in the mail
07:55:18 PMTennessee_Frank Anything new needs to be tweaked a bit.
07:56:04 PMTennessee_Frank RobbieF, do you need to green cloth or can you paint a wall the same color green and get the effect?
07:56:17 PMspice Just like windows learn by fixing the crashs lol
07:56:23 PM_Jot_ as long as the colour is the same it works, Tenneessee_Frank
07:56:42 PM_Jot_ but these clothes are great because they don't fade, and are colour-consistent etc, so you won't have to adjust things, and that is very important
07:56:45 PMTennessee_Frank _jot_ cool, seems like paint would be easier to use then the stands and cloth.
07:56:50 PM_Jot_ when you paint a wall, the colour tends to fade etc
07:57:29 PMDennis_Kelley well i am stuck in a loop on roku
07:57:41 PMTennessee_Frank For a tight space it seems it'd be easier then having stands and stuff.
07:57:50 PMspice editing aint easy or everyone would be doing it
07:58:13 PM_Jot_ Dennis_Kelley, that's the wireless keeping the same packets because it can't get the new ones :)
07:58:15 PMTennessee_Frank Roku buffered a bit here but it's still working
07:58:39 PMDennis_Kelley not sure if i am liking this loading, have adjust my wifi
07:58:49 PMspice ooh its a ghost
07:59:23 PMDennis_Kelley _Jot_ how do i fix that?
07:59:48 PM_Jot_ Dennis_Kelley, you can't fix wireless, thats how it is designed, to only send packets when they are there, and not keep the connection active
07:59:57 PMTennessee_Frank RobbieF, picture looks pretty good to me.
08:00:04 PMWhiskey_Zero RobbieF Cool show tonight, thanks for the behind-the-scenes look. See you next week!
08:00:31 PMDennis_Kelley if i put my wifi router closer to mu roku will it work better
08:00:35 PM_Jot_ Whiskey_Zero, don't forget to check out the special feautures, there is the BSP-videos where you can view more of the current basement-studio
08:00:41 PMnapa_polarbear latter
08:00:44 PMTennessee_Frank Broadcasting "Live" from Hawaii.
08:00:48 PMspice man that zipped by
08:01:01 PMTennessee_Frank Cool show, bugs and all. Thanks guys
08:01:02 PMspice thanks yall
08:01:11 PMMrNaturopathy Awesome Show tonight Robbie and Sasha
08:01:12 PMWhiskey_Zero jot. thanks for the info.
08:01:13 PMalket good episode
08:01:14 PM_Jot_ it worked pretty well Sashad, considering. Except RobbieF, he looked horrible. but it made you look even better
08:01:42 PM_Jot_ there is a tour of the studio-video with SashaD in there too :)
08:01:43 PMDennis_Kelley of course it is working great now!
08:02:04 PMTennessee_Frank RobbieF, have you checked out tubi tv and "Space 1999" yet?
08:02:21 PMspice ha after show its ok
08:02:35 PMDennis_Kelley does anyone know how to remove recently watched videos from Amazon Prime
08:02:36 PMMrNaturopathy Robbie stay live for another hour while you continue to play with the new set up.
08:02:42 PMSashaD Thanks Jot :)
08:03:02 PM_Jot_ normally you do have to set up chromakey, so from unpacking to setting up in 15 minutes, and having it working without really setting it up is great already
08:03:22 PMspice last words "I love it" lol
08:03:41 PMMrNaturopathy Roku closed :(
08:03:57 PM_Jot_ yep, everything went away for tonight :) except the chatroom, of course
08:04:14 PMTennessee_Frank MrNaturopathy, yep, after the show the stream shuts down.:-(
08:04:18 PM_Jot_ means it is time to go to and buy everything, and
08:04:25 PMTennessee_Frank Still got the chat room to play in though.
08:04:30 PM_Jot_ and if you have any money left, send it to
08:04:50 PMspice Robbie was cool, but I think he was a little stressed but didn't show it
08:05:03 PMoldsalt night all
08:05:05 PMMrNaturopathy yep to short.but enjoyable while it lasted... See you guys next week. Be Well...
08:05:09 PMTennessee_Frank C ya' oldsalt
08:05:32 PMkyoshininja It was a fun show for sure.
08:05:41 PM_Jot_ youtoo MrNaturopathy
08:06:05 PMspice well back to working on my VBox with LMDE inside vista
08:06:08 PMTennessee_Frank I put YouTube on my Roku the other day so I can watch YouTube Vids on my TV. Much nicer then watching them on my laptop
08:06:26 PMSashaD It's always a blast doing shows that are out of the box.... I love nights like these
08:06:58 PMkyoshininja Tennessee_Frank: I did the same. Nice to view linux and OpenERP vids on a big screen while working on the computer
08:06:58 PMTennessee_Frank SashaD, as long as there's something cool to take out of the box.:)
08:07:06 PM_Jot_ RobbieF tries to make unboxings real so yeah, they are great :) most of the other unboxings are very rehearsed
08:07:33 PMTennessee_Frank kyoshininja I was watching a lot of Manjaro Linux vids.
08:07:49 PMspice now yall gotta rebox for the move
08:07:56 PMTennessee_Frank spice, LOL
08:08:03 PMkyoshininja Tennessee_Frank: Sweet....I have to check those out.
08:08:23 PMSashaD We are always 100%
08:08:24 PMRobbieF well that was fun!
08:08:24 PMRobbieF :)
08:08:39 PMTennessee_Frank kyoshininja, let me get the folks names for ya'
08:08:42 PMspice alls well that ends well
08:08:58 PMkyoshininja Tennesse_Frank: ok, great...thanks
08:09:44 PMspice thats the beauty of live 'TV' then theres the chat room too
08:09:56 PMTennessee_Frank Spatry is one, he's kind of a nut though, LOL and Matthew Moore is the other guy. He'd more low key.
08:10:07 PMTennessee_Frank Spatry's Cup of Linux
08:10:48 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, you should do the same show in the new studio, so people can see the difference and how much difference a little more space makes
08:10:59 PMTennessee_Frank There's only about a million Linux videos on YouTube, LOL
08:11:10 PMkyoshininja Tennessee_Frank: thanks alot. I have seen some Spatry, but not Matthew Moore...looking forward to it.
08:11:27 PM_Jot_ really? I thought there was only about 350 of them on
08:11:56 PMspice Spatry live in FLA like me someday I will visit his work at Subway if I can figure which one
08:12:05 PMTennessee_Frank _jot_ I was talking ALL Linux vids on YouTube, not just Cat5,
08:12:15 PM_Jot_ there are other videos on youtube?
08:12:55 PMTennessee_Frank _jot_ yep, all kinds. We watched one about how they made "World War Z" that was pretty interesting.
08:12:57 PMspice I think Robbie is best at real how to on Linux
08:13:02 PMSashaD That would be great.... I know we will be using this green screen often. Maybe we can use this night in a bit of a before and after segment
08:13:10 PMSashaD this being the before :)
08:13:37 PMTennessee_Frank SashaD, so where do you think your first show will "Be" from??
08:13:40 PM_Jot_ yeah! and let's hope it won't be about how young you looked then (because RobbieF tends to be so slow sometimes)
08:14:59 PMSashaD ooooo..... likely space, knowing Robbie. But I would be cool with a beach or a jungle or something :)
08:15:16 PMTennessee_Frank RobbieF could take a pic of his Basement and use that so it'd look like you were still in the original studio. LOL
08:16:13 PMspice put a roller coaster in back so the audience gets queasy lol
08:16:40 PMTennessee_Frank _jot_ can you have live action on a green screen?
08:16:47 PMspice TF I like that idea!
08:16:51 PM_Jot_ of course, you can put anything you want
08:16:57 PMSashaD I love coasters!
08:17:25 PMTennessee_Frank Then you could make it like you're on a Star Ship and see the stars and stuff moving along as you go someplace.
08:18:46 PMTennessee_Frank Oh well, I'm going to make like a Tree and Leaf. I'll C ya'll later. Take care and have a great rest of the week.
08:19:01 PMspice see yall next week I hope bye now
08:19:01 PMDennis_Kelley see ya Tennessee_Frank
08:19:07 PMkyoshininja Cya Tennesse_Frank
08:19:08 PMDennis_Kelley see ya spice
08:20:13 PMSashaD The possibilities are endless!
08:20:52 PMSashaD I am also going to head out.... but, as always, this was a great night and I will see you all again soon :)
08:22:23 PMkyoshininja Goodnight all...
08:22:32 PM_Jot_ nigh kyoshininja
08:22:34 PM_Jot_ night*
08:24:09 PMDennis_Kelley does anyone know can i remove the UEFI from my laptop
08:24:18 PMGarbee Dennis_Kelley: You don't.
08:24:19 PM_Jot_ UEFI is the new BIOS
08:24:40 PMGarbee You can turn off the safe-boot to get Linux installed.
08:24:42 PMDennis_Kelley oh ok
08:24:43 PMGarbee Other than that...
08:25:18 PMDennis_Kelley i got linux installed but i was thinking about removing win8 all togther
08:25:29 PMGarbee So just do it.
08:25:38 PMGarbee UEFI has nothing to do with that.
08:26:50 PMDennis_Kelley i am think about just keeping also in case i do need to learn a thing or two about it, for fixing customers computers
08:27:39 PMDennis_Kelley there are about four partitions i do not know what to do with


Does Not Include Lurkers