Chat Logs for Episode 357 — #Category5 on /


With 80 Posts:_Jot_
With 40 Posts:Tennessee_Frank
With 27 Posts:GoodGuy
With 26 Posts:revdjenk
With 24 Posts:Garbee

Chat Logs:

06:58:04 PMTennessee_Frank Went online and looked them up and they had a 6Mb/s for $34.99 a month after they'd told me there was no specials going on.
06:58:23 PMkeckeckec Tennessee_Frank: typical...
06:58:32 PMoldsalt mine went from $24.99 to @79.99 in 2 years
06:58:44 PMrevdjenk Hey, noticed that it is Bekah's birthday today.... Happy Birthday, Bekah.... RobbieF can you tell her for me?
06:58:44 PMTennessee_Frank I ordered that service as a "new customer" so now I have 6Mb/s for $34.99. Why they couldn't just do that for me as an old customer is beyone me.
06:58:50 PMTennessee_Frank beyond, LOL
06:59:18 PMTennessee_Frank Bekah's B-Day, Beautiful.:-D
06:59:57 PMoldsalt Happy birthday Bekah
07:00:35 PM_Jot_ goood day :)
07:00:36 PMCliff_H If a cable company really wants to keep you as a customer, you can finaggle the rate down... Have to be more agressive than they are. If you can, go to another company & get a quote & let them know....
07:00:59 PMTennessee_Frank Is the Roku feed not up??
07:01:00 PMMrNaturopathy roku just went down
07:01:02 PMkeckeckec Happy B-day Bekah!!!
07:01:14 PMWhiskey_Zero Not now
07:01:30 PMtic-toc Im down too
07:01:31 PMTennessee_Frank Ahh, man, need Roku Feed
07:01:41 PMBobK54 technical difficulties? :P
07:01:56 PM_Jot_ radio is working
07:01:56 PMCliff_H So have the web page.... Cat-5 froze..... Chattered befor it quit.
07:02:08 PMBobK54 forgot to wind up the hamster
07:02:16 PMkeckeckec VLC died too
07:02:25 PMTennessee_Frank So all feeds are down
07:02:41 PMrevdjenk BobK54: hee hee
07:02:43 PMkeckeckec Category5 is so popular it took down the Internet to Barrie!
07:02:52 PMkeckeckec hee hee
07:03:11 PMCliff_H Locked up tighter than a kid with a sucker!
07:03:17 PMTennessee_Frank That's Barrie, Barrie Bad.
07:03:23 PMMrNaturopathy is the web site stream down as well
07:03:27 PM_Jot_ yep
07:03:37 PM_Jot_ radio is working though
07:03:44 PMtic-toc Someone should tell robbie his AOL trial disk just expired
07:03:55 PM_Jot_ it is Bekah's birthday so I'm not even sure he is here
07:04:02 PMTennessee_Frank _Jot_ Great, we can pretend that it's 1930
07:04:03 PMrevdjenk tic-toc: hah!
07:04:11 PMMrNaturopathy STUDIO D !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
07:04:24 PMCliff_H LOL tic-toc
07:04:24 PMWhiskey_Zero Robbie must have kicked out the extension cord.
07:04:38 PM_Jot_ at least you can still buy shirts at and donate at and shop at in the mean time
07:04:59 PMTennessee_Frank Well, at least we've got chat.
07:05:20 PMrevdjenk Isn't RobbieF getting his wifi from a line of sight transmitter in Saskatoon ?
07:05:31 PMCliff_H Please stand by.
07:05:32 PM_Jot_ yep! and to listen ot the radio, go to:
07:05:49 PMCliff_H We're experiencing technical difficulties.
07:06:01 PMWhiskey_Zero Chat server must not be in Barrie
07:06:13 PM_Jot_ no, it uses freenode
07:06:15 PMTennessee_Frank Well, someone tell me when Roku is up so I don't have to keep clickin' to see if it's up then.
07:06:24 PMSovereign Did RobbieD break it again?
07:07:00 PM_Jot_ I really can't, but somebody should try the phonenumber of the studio :)
07:07:07 PMMrNaturopathy RADIO LINK DOES NOT WORK
07:07:30 PM_Jot_ you have to open the radiostream in something like winamp, not sure if vlc work for it
07:07:30 PMTennessee_Frank Must be a Communist Plot to kill Linux or something
07:07:47 PMCliff_H Looks like everything has gone to hell in a handbasket.
07:08:15 PM_Jot_ yeah, VLC works for radio
07:08:16 PMWhiskey_Zero NSA plot
07:08:38 PMSovereign More like an NSA ploit
07:09:19 PMTennessee_Frank I can just picture Robbie scrambling trying to plug in cables and move stuff around to get a signal. LOL
07:09:30 PMMrNaturopathy vlc nope
07:09:43 PM_Jot_ :) I pm'd him, he isn't here otherwise he would have responded already :)
07:09:45 PMkeckeckec Radio is working here
07:10:22 PMTennessee_Frank So is RobbieF in chat???
07:10:24 PM_Jot_ For everybody who came in, yes, the show is broken, but there is radio at
07:10:29 PMkeckeckec Try calling the CAT phone
07:10:32 PMtic-toc Call robbie and tell him the video is down, his number is BR-549
07:10:57 PMMrNaturopathy I wish Sasha or Ericka were there to show Robbie what to do.
07:11:17 PMkeckeckec I think Sasha is there
07:11:25 PMMrNaturopathy lol
07:11:25 PM_Jot_ Sasha was with him :) you won't see it, but they recorded the show because of a birthday
07:11:53 PMkeckeckec Thanks, _Jot_ that explains a lot.
07:12:08 PMtic-toc So the vhs tape broke?
07:12:12 PM_Jot_ yeah, and it isn't just a birthday, but the birthdya of Bekah, his wife
07:12:16 PMTennessee_Frank I can just barely here the show with Clementine via the link.
07:12:17 PM_Jot_ yeah, stupid vhs-tapes
07:12:38 PMkeckeckec I'm glad they're able to spend it without having to do the show too.
07:13:17 PMkeckeckec _Jot_: I realized that was you on the Nerdy video. You looked great!
07:13:34 PMTennessee_Frank Ok, had to adjust my audio output to "on", LOL
07:13:41 PMtic-toc At least they both have a nice
07:13:55 PMTennessee_Frank Still no Roku feed but I can listen to em'
07:14:00 PM_Jot_ thanks :) if you have roku, you can't watch the show right now, so I have no idea if the radio-stream works on it, but otherwise the special feautures has the 'making of' the nerdy video
07:14:31 PMTennessee_Frank Radio is more or less working.
07:14:57 PM_Jot_ yeah, it isn't as good as usual, so I think there probably is very little internet today
07:14:59 PMkeckeckec _Jot_: I got my Roku working, and watched the video and the "making of"
07:15:11 PMkeckeckec I'm not home right now so no Roku here.
07:15:33 PMTennessee_Frank Roku live feed isn't working though.
07:15:34 PM_Jot_ keckeckec, but it is so small! and useful! why didn't you take it with you :)
07:15:42 PMtic-toc I can hear you
07:15:48 PMkeckeckec I'm at work. Hee hee
07:16:03 PMrevdjenk Sasha doesn't have wrinkles!!
07:16:29 PMApollo_17 Is RobbieF aware that the show is not streaming?
07:16:29 PM_Jot_ we can't even see RobbieF's wrinkles right now! But it also shows we really do need a new camera
07:16:38 PM_Jot_ apollo_17, he has a birthday, so no
07:16:41 PMrevdjenk Apollo_17: I believe so
07:17:01 PMrevdjenk _Jot_: time for a plea for donations?
07:17:01 PM_Jot_ the radiostream at is working
07:17:12 PMTennessee_Frank _Jot_, get a 4K video camera then add a filter to stop the wrikles from showing, LOL
07:17:52 PM_Jot_ stupid esc key :P
07:17:53 PMApollo_17 I was looking forward to checking out Studio D update.
07:18:12 PMTennessee_Frank RobbieF, should have snapped a chalk line along the wall so you'd have removed the drywall in a straight line so it'd be easier to replace later.
07:18:16 PMrevdjenk _Jot_: Apollo_17 RobbieF's wife Bekah has a birthday, not RobbieF
07:18:58 PM_Jot_ while playing you can use your eyes and fingers to buy stuff: buy shirts at and donate at and shop at
07:19:01 PMTennessee_Frank I would have also gotten a small circular saw to cut along that line before tearing it out
07:19:19 PMMrNaturopathy Well have a Nice Day Folks, It breaks my heart to say this but Im going to have to go watch reruns of Something my ADHD is kicking in...
07:19:27 PMkeckeckec Tennessee_Frank: He probably can still do that, eh?
07:19:58 PMTennessee_Frank keckeckec, yep, that'd be the easy way to do it so you could precut the drywall that goes back in.
07:20:13 PMoldsalt see yo MrNaturopathy
07:20:53 PMTennessee_Frank Daleks, LOL
07:21:12 PMApollo_17 Tennessee_Frank - I'm going over to help him, I'll show him how it's done.
07:21:39 PMrevdjenk Apollo_17: wish I were closer... I would help, physically, too
07:21:40 PMoldsalt better have a real good dust mask!
07:22:01 PMTennessee_Frank Apollo_17 Awesome, I've done a lot of home repair stuff because I could never aford to have someone do it so I've picked up a lot of little tricks.
07:22:14 PM_Jot_ so can you patch cables? :)
07:22:17 PMTennessee_Frank OMG, Gag me with a chainsaw, LOL
07:22:25 PMTennessee_Frank fur sure fur sure
07:22:33 PMoldsalt I made the mistake of usinga
07:22:33 PM_Jot_ can you mend tubes?
07:22:56 PMTennessee_Frank _Jot_ like inner tubes??
07:22:59 PM_Jot_ cause those darn intarnet-tubes aren't doing it for me aymore
07:23:11 PMGoodGuy no video today?
07:23:26 PMrevdjenk GoodGuy: no, unfortunately
07:23:30 PM_Jot_ only radio is working, youtube and roku just stopped after a few minutes
07:23:35 PMrevdjenk video stream is working
07:23:38 PMoldsalt oops! Meant, I made the mistake of using a sander on drywall once.
07:23:49 PMrevdjenk oldsalt: noooooooooo
07:24:16 PMoldsalt yep, dumb huh?
07:24:18 PM_Jot_ it's bekah's birthday, and there is a show, but the video broke
07:24:20 PMTennessee_Frank Or even the NSA can hack into it and listen to you
07:24:29 PM_Jot_ I PM'd him and everything, but i can't call him, I don't have the money
07:24:56 PMTennessee_Frank Big Brother conditioning kids to accept the intrusion
07:25:03 PMGoodGuy Call on the Cat5 number _Jot_ ?
07:25:11 PM_Jot_ yeah
07:25:12 PMrevdjenk I'm only 9hrs away, I could drive up there...
07:25:22 PMoldsalt Jot, do you have Google Chrome?
07:25:22 PM_Jot_ I don't have any other way to contact him :)
07:25:30 PMGoodGuy I can call Canada for free if you want me to try
07:25:41 PM_Jot_ please do! RobbieF wants to know this
07:25:46 PMGoodGuy Ok brb
07:26:42 PMTennessee_Frank 254 522 8588
07:26:47 PMGoodGuy it was answered by a recording.. Do you have a home number by any chance?
07:26:49 PMDJQuad hey all
07:26:55 PM_Jot_ hi DJQuad
07:26:57 PMtic-toc I'll send a soon as it gets dark
07:27:06 PM_Jot_ sorry, the show isn't workin, except on the radio-stream
07:27:23 PMGoodGuy It said no one was home, so please leave a message
07:27:37 PM_Jot_ You can listen to the radio at (open with VLC or winamp or something) and you can use your eyes and fingers to buy stuff: buy shirts at and donate at and shop at
07:27:53 PM_Jot_ sounds like they went out for the birthday :)
07:28:02 PMGoodGuy Good point
07:28:12 PMTennessee_Frank Radio show is probably pre-recorded, LOL
07:28:16 PMDJQuad oh dear. did Robbie feed the gremlin after midnight?
07:28:23 PM_Jot_ yep, it is becaue of Bekah's birthday
07:28:55 PMGoodGuy Unfortunately it breaks the streak of never missing a video brodcast.. audio streak remains though
07:29:10 PMtic-toc Radio show was taped on a 8-track,,, those things never break
07:29:11 PMGoodGuy broadcast
07:29:18 PMGoodGuy lol tic-toc
07:29:22 PM_Jot_ yep, the way the audio distorts sounds like their internet-lines are really broken
07:29:45 PMTennessee_Frank Jello Shots are made with Vodka
07:29:56 PMGoodGuy I remember when reel-to-reel was the best in audio quality
07:29:58 PMoldsalt Well, by all, I'll have to watch it later.
07:30:08 PMTennessee_Frank see ya' oldsalt
07:30:15 PM_Jot_ have a nice time oldsalt
07:30:28 PMoldsalt See ya T_F
07:30:43 PMGoodGuy the audio stream is having some glitches
07:30:46 PMrevdjenk _Jot_: we could lose it too?
07:30:46 PMTennessee_Frank GoodGuy, believe it or not Albums are making a come back. People like the Analog stuff because of the more 'real" sound of it.
07:30:52 PMoldsalt you too Jot
07:30:59 PM_Jot_ I hope not, but unfortunatly of course we could lose it :)
07:31:20 PMGoodGuy I know... a guy I used to work with had a brother in law who was a big name doctor
07:31:58 PMGoodGuy He was really into high end audio.. needles that cost all outdoors and a stone turntable
07:32:13 PMrevdjenk oh, audio getting worse...
07:32:16 PMTennessee_Frank LOL< "Contact" List,
07:32:17 PMDJQuad lol tennessee. hipsters miss that crappy sound
07:32:24 PMTennessee_Frank Contact Lens, Contact List,
07:32:26 PMApollo_17 Does anyone know what camera Robbie is wants to purchase?
07:32:28 PMSovereign Albums offer a fuller sound
07:32:39 PMGoodGuy I see stores looking to buy all the old records they can find if in good shape
07:32:58 PMDJQuad yes it's full of crackle
07:32:59 PMGoodGuy Blackstone I thought the audio said earlier
07:33:09 PMnapa_polarbear first ont missed
07:33:19 PM_Jot_ I'm looking for the camera-type, I he did tell me
07:33:27 PMGoodGuy audio died also.. may both rest in peace
07:33:30 PMTennessee_Frank Is RobbieF even in chat?? I don't think he's here.
07:33:37 PMrevdjenk Tennessee_Frank: no
07:33:56 PMGoodGuy no they think he took his wife out for her birthday
07:33:56 PMTennessee_Frank So for all we know this show may be pre-recorded then.
07:34:07 PMrevdjenk Tennessee_Frank: yes
07:34:20 PMGoodGuy Why she wasnt born on another day I'll never understand lol
07:34:23 PMrevdjenk Sasha isn't online, either
07:34:53 PMSovereign DJQuad listen to a good Coltrane lp to see what I mean
07:34:53 PMrevdjenk GoodGuy: every 7 yrs roughly, this would happen, anyway
07:35:06 PMrevdjenk Sasha is a linuxer!
07:35:09 PMTennessee_Frank Oh well, I guess I'll see what's on Netflix then and just wait for the show to air on Roku later. C ya'll later.
07:35:13 PMGoodGuy They could make birthdays that always fall on a fixed day or celebrated that way
07:35:51 PMGoodGuy Wonder if it will air or was damaged while recording
07:36:03 PMthezenguy no roku
07:36:19 PM_Jot_ The camera he hopes to be able to get, so with $1500 that he needs is a Panasonic Lumix DMC-GH4
07:36:34 PMApollo_17 Thanks
07:36:41 PMGuest_4985 what problem with broadcast i thought it was my internet was play up
07:37:29 PM_Jot_ look up the reviews for it, it is amazing, it's a 4k camera and it'll allow the show if it stays at 720p, to record the whole studio, and switch to 1080p sometime too without issues
07:37:36 PMGoodGuy audio stopped a few mins ago
07:37:44 PM_Jot_ its still playing for me
07:38:02 PM_Jot_ somewha,t that is
07:38:10 PMGoodGuy Hmmm i hit stop and start again w/o luck
07:38:15 PMApollo_17 Audio is still playing for me too.
07:38:30 PM_Jot_ try re-opening the url instead of start/stop
07:38:38 PMGoodGuy Can you post the URL again
07:38:49 PM_Jot_ You can listen to the radio at (open with VLC or winamp or something) and you can use your eyes and fingers to buy stuff: buy shirts at and donate at and shop at
07:39:01 PMApollo_17 the audio is breaking up...
07:39:17 PMGoodGuy it is working now
07:40:49 PM_Jot_ audio is horrible too but I guess you take what you can get :)
07:41:03 PMnapa_polarbear is this the new studio?? soinds goooood!
07:41:09 PMGuest_4985 i cant hear see any thinh
07:41:30 PM_Jot_ if you are trying on roku, or youtube then yes, there is no show there, due to internet-trouble
07:41:32 PMthezenguy audio in and out.
07:41:37 PM_Jot_ either that or the server is dying
07:41:56 PMApollo_17 audio was fine earlier
07:42:04 PMrevdjenk _Jot_: won't that camera allow him to dual screen using a 1080p base, so each "screen" will be at the full 720 and give people the best resolution on those split shots?
07:42:23 PM_Jot_ revdjenk, it's a 4k camera!
07:42:34 PMthezenguy Using VLC in Linux and audio is in and out.
07:42:55 PM_Jot_ with 4k, you can do like 4 or 5 720p screens if you wanted :)
07:43:49 PM_Jot_ and yes, it is amazing, there are reviews online, and even 1080p is very clear, and better than 1080p cameras, because with 4k, you can leave out information, but with 1080p canera you can't get the clarity
07:43:58 PMrevdjenk Yes, but he was talking several weeks ago that the advantage of a much higher resolution camera is giving the best resolution when he does the cutaway, split shots, where each "screen" offers the highest resolution he will be streaming, anyway
07:44:13 PMrevdjenk oh, we said the same thing
07:44:19 PM_Jot_ yes :)
07:44:44 PM_Jot_ and if you didn't get it, I would pull out the resolutions from the wiki that showed the difference between the different screenformats
07:45:06 PMrevdjenk _Jot_: you have everything at the ready, don't you!!!
07:45:22 PM_Jot_ nah, it's on the wiki at
07:46:03 PM_Jot_ I'm hoping we really can get the money together, otherwise RobbieF will be forced to buy a 1080p camera now, and the 4k camera later
07:46:23 PMthezenguy This Ubuntu menu only on-mouse-over is driving me nuts.
07:46:57 PM_Jot_ youtube just started again
07:46:59 PMrevdjenk oh the vid, just restarted
07:47:11 PMtic-toc back up
07:47:16 PM_Jot_ roku is back up too
07:47:53 PM_Jot_ In case you want to check out the site they are editing, it is at:
07:47:54 PMCliff_H Web site up too....
07:47:57 PMrevdjenk RobbieF: must have checked in on his phone... sneaking a peak during the celebration!
07:48:03 PMnapa_polarbear yaaaaa
07:48:04 PMthezenguy Yeap Roku back on.
07:48:37 PMRobbieF_iPOD Sorry about the problems! It's up now & the show must go on :)
07:48:58 PMGarbee omg.
07:49:00 PMRobbieF_iPOD Even trouble with irc
07:49:00 PMGarbee wordpress sucks.
07:49:03 PM_Jot_ Happy birthday to Bekah RobbieF, and don't worry! At least the show isn't lost, since it is prerecorded
07:49:46 PMRobbieF_iPOD Wordpress is excellent for someone like Sasha
07:49:56 PM_Jot_ what about the hackers?
07:49:57 PMGarbee I will restate.
07:49:58 PMGarbee omg.
07:50:01 PMGarbee wordpress sucks.
07:50:05 PMGarbee :P
07:50:15 PM_Jot_ I don't know any wordpress site that hasn't been hacked
07:50:25 PMRobbieF_iPOD Lol
07:50:46 PMGarbee Also, anyone running WP. Please remember to limit when the admin system can be logged into.
07:50:55 PMRobbieF_iPOD If nobody maintains it!
07:50:55 PMGoodGuy How do you get on IRC with an iPod?
07:50:57 PMGarbee You aren't blogging 24/7, so the admin login shouldn't be usable at all times.
07:51:00 PMtic-toc I already hacked sasha's
07:51:11 PMGarbee GoodGuy: pixie dust.
07:51:15 PM_Jot_ GoodGuy, very carefully, other people will buy your head off for letting such filth in the room
07:51:22 PMDJQuad wordpress sucks if you don't know how to secure it. hiding wp-admin and wp-login are basic
07:51:27 PMRobbieF_iPOD Irc999 goodguy
07:51:28 PMGarbee There are many IRC clients for iOS/Android.
07:51:43 PM_Jot_ buy? bite your head off :)
07:51:47 PMGarbee You never know now if I'm mobile or not.
07:51:48 PMGarbee :P
07:52:02 PMGarbee DJQuad: WP sucks outright. It still uses MySQL functions.
07:52:03 PM_Jot_ we've seen Garbee_Mobile, I'm not falling for that!
07:52:03 PMGoodGuy iPod is like an iPhone only just wireless?
07:52:20 PM_Jot_ yeah
07:52:23 PMGarbee (and no, the "mysqli extension" doesn't cut it, since plugins still depend upon mysql functions.)
07:53:03 PMGarbee --My first blog post.
07:53:07 PMGarbee No real thoughts there...
07:53:13 PMthezenguy I got an iphone, locked down piece of crap.
07:53:57 PM_Jot_ weird blog Garbee. Nothing about macaree, knitting, and no cat-video to be found
07:54:29 PMtic-toc every apple product is a locked down piece of crap to me
07:54:44 PMthezenguy i agree tic-toc
07:54:50 PMnapa_polarbear i do needle art
07:55:11 PM_Jot_ that can be nice too :)
07:55:24 PM_Jot_ mostly I'm just kidding about his blog of course
07:55:41 PM_Jot_ but no cat-videos, I mean, isn't the internet mostly about cat-videos?
07:55:54 PMthezenguy had an android but wife bought this iphone. no K-9 mail, no Torque, Circa news only good app on iPhone.
07:55:58 PM_Jot_ there's even a cat in the category5 studio sometimes
07:58:44 PMthezenguy With some of those shared hosting sites, you better off using or blogger.
07:59:42 PMGarbee thezenguy: Depends on what you want/need.
07:59:59 PMGarbee Things like SquareSpace are also fantastic, even though it is a paid product.
08:00:43 PMthezenguy I'd rather have dedicated server or just use the free stuff.
08:03:12 PM_Jot_ lol, there's already spammers on the site too
08:03:54 PMthezenguy Yeah, she already got comments about vitamins.
08:04:17 PMthezenguy Disqus
08:05:23 PMGarbee I only got the last 10 minutes so.... What was that show about?
08:05:33 PMGarbee All I saw was some junk PHP being installed and used.
08:05:36 PM_Jot_ news, and sashas new website
08:05:38 PMGarbee :P
08:05:52 PM_Jot_
08:05:59 PMGarbee oh, Robbie already left.
08:06:00 PMGarbee :(
08:06:12 PMGarbee You all have a good evening.
08:06:19 PM_Jot_ thanks! you too
08:06:23 PMthezenguy Wife gave me an x200 tablet thing from ebay, got a tracking chip in it!
08:07:48 PM_Jot_ she doesn't trust you thezenguy?
08:08:13 PMthezenguy Yeah, it's got a cam too they prolly see me.
08:08:32 PMthezenguy Looks like it come out of some school or something.
08:09:39 PM_Jot_ I think it's pretty funny though, I said I never saw a wordpress site that wasn't hacked, and spammers falls under hackers in that, so again, hacked already :P
08:11:01 PMthezenguy Got Wordpress, better install Disqus for comments, go ahead and buy full version :-\
08:13:53 PMthezenguy Goodbye!
08:14:00 PM_Jot_ have a nice day thezenguy


Does Not Include Lurkers