Chat Logs for Episode 359 — #Category5 on /


With 68 Posts:Tennessee_Frank
With 51 Posts:RobbieF
With 40 Posts:thezenguy
With 40 Posts:GoodGuy
With 35 Posts:_Jot_

Chat Logs:

06:58:15 PMthezenguy RobbieF LTS doesn't get get a bunch of updates either - pros & cons...
06:58:15 PMRobbieF ajamison5579 the upload will be 720p
06:58:21 PM_Jot_ the roku stream isn't working for me
06:58:27 PMRobbieF really?
06:58:29 PMRobbieF gah!
06:58:30 PM_Jot_ oh wait, it started again
06:58:33 PMRobbieF PHEW
06:58:36 PMRobbieF don't scare me
06:58:43 PMRobbieF only 1.5 minutes to show time
06:58:46 PMTennessee_Frank 2 minutes to go on Roku
06:58:49 PMthezenguy firing up roku...
06:58:49 PMajamison5579 Gawd I hate 3rd shift it wipes me out
06:58:55 PMajamison5579 can not wait to go back to days
06:59:00 PMRobbieF Enjoy the show everyone!!
06:59:09 PM_Jot_ it had some issues with the screen geting a weird artificat, and it froze up, but the artifact can be new VLC Version
06:59:14 PMDJQuad hey Robbie! I hope you got my email about MoCA. i'm confizzled
06:59:30 PMTennessee_Frank I use to work Security, 11pm to 7am, not too bad once you get use to it.
07:00:01 PMajamison5579 yeah well by that time i will be days again just covering for the girl who normaly does it in my department she is on maternity
07:00:07 PMTennessee_Frank I'm more of a night person anyway though
07:00:53 PMTennessee_Frank Of course now I normally go to bed around 11:30pm and I'm up by 7am
07:01:09 PMnetbook WOW 359 is Up on ROku
07:01:28 PMTennessee_Frank Getting a lot of buffering on Roku
07:01:36 PMDJQuad spoiler: they're gonna unbox a car!
07:01:51 PMRobbieF Hopefully the internet issues won't cause trouble TN Frank... keep me posted
07:01:56 PMTennessee_Frank If it was a Rail Road they could unbox a Box Car,
07:02:07 PMRobbieF Close but not quite - lol
07:02:09 PMthezenguy Loading, please wait...
07:02:21 PMTennessee_Frank RobbieF, my internet has been flaky as of late. Not sure what's going on with it.
07:02:27 PM_Jot_ try refreshing, thezenguy
07:02:41 PMBudda_Belly The bridge of the Enterprise?
07:02:50 PMajamison5579 Interesting RobbieF that when your wife's name shows up in the intro you show a lonely asteroid just floating by
07:02:55 PMnetbook Yikes Roku Buffering until eternity here
07:02:58 PMGuest_6960 Hi All
07:03:00 PMthezenguy windstream sucks
07:03:13 PMTennessee_Frank Stepped on your Hay, LOL
07:03:43 PMTennessee_Frank IAIB, LIB, MR Ducks
07:03:51 PMDJQuad Robbie needs to sell that shit in the merch store. WANT
07:04:09 PMDJQuad um, shirt, not shit. epic typo
07:04:33 PMTennessee_Frank Knot Two
07:04:34 PM_Jot_ I don't want that old smelly shirt! But you can buy a lot of nice new shirts at
07:04:35 PMthezenguy Chinese food just arrived!
07:04:41 PMTennessee_Frank I can't tie Knot One yet,
07:06:00 PMDJQuad "the mold is gone now, so that's good"
07:06:37 PMthezenguy i live in old farm house, so mold is the least of my worries.
07:07:19 PMTennessee_Frank We had a mouse die in the wall between the family room and the Landry room and it was stinking to high Heaven.
07:07:26 PM_Jot_ it was very nasty mold! You should really watch the videos :)
07:07:37 PMthezenguy even a new house has rats.
07:07:42 PM_Jot_
07:07:45 PMkeckeckec Good thing it wasn't a skunk, Tennessee_Frank
07:08:05 PMTennessee_Frank My cats normally keep the mice population around here in check but when they're in the wall, not much you can do.
07:08:23 PMTennessee_Frank LOL, we get those along the road keckeckec. I like the way they smell, LOL
07:08:33 PMTennessee_Frank Beer and Pizza
07:08:51 PMTennessee_Frank Donuts and Cake and Pie
07:08:58 PMkeckeckec Tennessee_Frank: One of our dogs killed one in the yard. Ugh!!
07:09:01 PMGoodGuy My wife tried my Cajun Bacon and now she loves it.... It's bacon up another notch
07:09:05 PMDJQuad bacon bowls are the best invention ever
07:09:13 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, maybe the weight-gain reacted automaticly on having extremely thin Jot videos on your show
07:09:14 PMTennessee_Frank bacon is awesome
07:09:23 PMMrNaturopathy I use Bacon to Lose Weight! Bacon is the Best Health Food of All
07:09:47 PMGoodGuy Cajun bacon makes regular bacon seem boring
07:10:00 PMTennessee_Frank I'm too close to 300 lbs to want to gain weight. Even at 6' 4". I really need to lose about 50lbs
07:10:04 PMMrNaturopathy I belong to the Bacon Club
07:10:08 PM_Jot_ how about cajun bacon rapped in regular bacon?
07:10:11 PMGoodGuy How did Dennis do that.. Roku?
07:10:28 PMRobbieF Mmm, bacon.
07:10:35 PMTennessee_Frank I don't have a twitter account either.
07:10:40 PMGoodGuy Probably the opposite _Jot_
07:10:44 PMRobbieF You need one
07:10:49 PMRobbieF ;)
07:10:57 PMTennessee_Frank Hey a forklift, I use to drive one of those
07:11:04 PMRobbieF Nice
07:11:25 PMBudda_Belly Me too
07:11:26 PMTennessee_Frank My Google+ account is more then enough for me.
07:11:35 PMajamison5579 why when the title said largest unboxing ever did i think you were going to introduce the new studio ? lol
07:11:48 PMRobbieF Not nearly there ajamison5579!
07:11:54 PMDJQuad i need to gain weight. my 'heavier' relatives have offered to donate their fat cells. maybe some sort of vacuum attachment could help
07:12:03 PMRobbieF I could unbox a box of drywall at this point at least...
07:12:16 PMajamison5579 lol
07:12:18 PMTennessee_Frank Sound like they're saying "Geek" in Italian or something.
07:12:23 PMRobbieF Lypo blower DJQuad?
07:12:39 PM_Jot_ there have been many unboxings. But I am a bit upset there was no unboxing of the mop, unboxing of the coffee, etc, etc
07:12:51 PMRobbieF ha
07:13:05 PMRobbieF This place was INSANE
07:13:15 PMDJQuad Lypo sucker/injector would be more appropriate
07:13:24 PMRobbieF HUGE robots doing all the heavy work... couldn't believe it
07:13:29 PMajamison5579 its a factory is it not Robbief they are allways a bit insane
07:13:43 PMRobbieF Huge and powerful though ajamison5579
07:13:49 PMRobbieF Never seen anything like it up close
07:13:58 PMGoodGuy Not to sound strange, but how does this relate to Cat5 or will I find out as it goes on?
07:14:10 PM_Jot_ its tech-stuff!
07:14:17 PMajamison5579 Robbief do a remote at the Tesla factory in CA lol that is something to see for sure
07:14:25 PMTennessee_Frank I was going to say, this has to do with Tech HOW???, LOL
07:14:37 PMkeckeckec A friend of mine has a shop with a 50-ton Piranha ironworker, I've used it many times.
07:14:43 PMTennessee_Frank Planting a Head, in the back yard
07:14:44 PMthezenguy going to hack a bunch of atm machines!
07:14:47 PMRobbieF GoodGuy we occasionally do a local business spotlight. I'd say this is more applicable than the chocolateiere, but even that seemed perfectly suited for us ;) hehe
07:14:47 PMDJQuad they need this -
07:14:58 PMGoodGuy Seems like how to run a factory better lol
07:15:00 PMjlim hey guys
07:15:11 PMjlim that is what i do cnc
07:15:12 PMRobbieF Hi jlim
07:15:14 PMBudda_Belly I used to work at Intel's fab in Alberquerque where they make CPU chips. Robots all over the place.
07:15:15 PM_Jot_ hi jlim
07:15:21 PMMrNaturopathy If it cooks Bacon Ill buy two of them...
07:15:26 PMRobbieF that's neat Budda_Belly
07:15:29 PMajamison5579 If someone can raise 80k for freaking potato salad I am going to start a crowdfunding campaign to get a Tesla Model S !
07:15:30 PMTennessee_Frank jlim, I use to run a CNC mill and lathe
07:15:33 PMjlim RobbieF: hey \o i do cnc
07:15:38 PMGoodGuy I was thinking these guys were helping with Studio D somehow
07:15:49 PMRobbieF nice
07:15:53 PMRobbieF these are some sweet machines
07:16:07 PMRobbieF GoodGuy, we'll see ;)
07:16:22 PMRobbieF What goes around comes around right?
07:16:36 PMGoodGuy Our community college had an associate degree in Numerical Control
07:16:37 PMjlim Tennessee_Frank: i programming a vettical, horizontal and high speed machining centers
07:16:59 PMkeckeckec I did part of a CNC conversion using Linux on a knee mill
07:17:03 PMDJQuad if robbie talked them into linux i'll be a happy camper
07:17:03 PMTennessee_Frank jlim, I wanted to learn how to program but the guy didn't want to teach me because he was afraid he'd lose his job.
07:17:06 PMjlim Tennessee_Frank: mastercam
07:17:06 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, I hope they have firewalls and such, because such machines are extremely unsafe on the internet
07:17:12 PMGoodGuy My degree was in Business Data Processing at the same college
07:17:15 PMTennessee_Frank I could change out tool heads and do offsets and stuff though.
07:17:19 PMRobbieF TBH I personally just LOVE learning stuff. Any stuff. It's neat to know how things are done.
07:17:29 PMMrNaturopathy I just hope there not using Windows XP
07:17:30 PMkeckeckec Check out Linuxcnc
07:17:37 PMjlim Tennessee_Frank: and i am a shop grunt. i also set them up and run them lol
07:17:52 PMRobbieF Kurt mentioned they even use these machines to make roller coasters at Canada's Wonderland, and so-on.
07:17:59 PMTennessee_Frank I've worked in quite a few machine shops when I was younger but I'm getting too old now, just not physically able anymore.
07:18:08 PMGoodGuy That guy looks similar to the Video Processor
07:18:14 PMRobbieF MrNaturopathy I was suprised they are Windows based (not linux) but they are Windows 7
07:18:39 PMDJQuad lol Robbie, i've been hooked on the 'how stuff works' and 'how it's made' shows lately
07:18:55 PMRobbieF DJQuad - exactly.. but a lot of them are made for kids.
07:19:07 PMRobbieF So I thought it'd be neat to have one a bit more geared toward the adult crowd.
07:19:09 PMjlim Tennessee_Frank: yeah i am getting there too. i am 46 now. only another 20 years to retirement
07:19:21 PMGoodGuy Windows for Real Work... Linux for Play afterwards.... Did my Microsoft check arrive in the mail today :-)
07:19:26 PMthezenguy dev still uses windows because it's fast to develop applications. actually shows realtime data.
07:19:46 PMRobbieF true enough, and the remote support he was describing would be easy-breezy
07:19:51 PMRobbieF and drop in replacements are easy
07:20:10 PMMrNaturopathy Dont tell Jot that, Robbie, He loves Windows, I dont want it to go to his head...
07:20:39 PM_Jot_ nothing wrong with linux!
07:20:49 PM_Jot_ just many of my games don't run on it
07:21:21 PM_Jot_ the guy looks a bit like Picard :)
07:21:22 PMDJQuad Jot - that's the only reason i use windows
07:21:47 PMkeckeckec RobbieF: Great feature!!
07:21:50 PMjlim hi christa \o
07:22:21 PMDJQuad by windows i mean only when gaming. heh. about 10% of the time
07:22:29 PMkeckeckec How about doing a welding video?
07:22:39 PMthezenguy found out OS X isn't all that great. no better than linux except there is more commercial apps for it.
07:22:45 PM_Jot_ Christa isn't in the chatroom :P
07:23:07 PMGoodGuy Our son is an expert in hot peppers
07:23:18 PMMrNaturopathy Thats No Longan Excuse Jot. LOL
07:23:26 PMTennessee_Frank I like hot to a certain point then it gets to much to handle
07:23:26 PMMrNaturopathy an
07:23:37 PMTennessee_Frank LOL, it's worked for him in the past
07:23:38 PMGoodGuy He grows peppers from all over the world
07:23:51 PMDJQuad hot is great. only tasting pain is not
07:23:54 PMRobbieF That's where imli is amazing... it is sweet / hot... not really that hot at all... just beautiful flavour.
07:24:16 PMTennessee_Frank Do I show up??
07:24:26 PMDJQuad tep tn
07:24:30 PMRobbieF
07:24:33 PMDJQuad yep*
07:24:37 PMGoodGuy A friend of his just got a pepper rated the hottest in the world in the Guiness book
07:24:53 PMTennessee_Frank So there's a pin in Crossville, Tennessee then?
07:25:00 PMGoodGuy Carolina Reaper iirc
07:25:28 PMajamison5579 you do not kick a Mac because it costs roughly the same as a down payment on a new car
07:25:31 PMTennessee_Frank Nope, have to be a Windows PC to deserve a good kicking like that.
07:25:57 PMMrNaturopathy If I went back to using AOL e-mail would people make fun of me?
07:25:59 PMBudda_Belly I've been trying to get in touch with someone in Antartica so there will be a logon from all continents. No response so far.
07:26:02 PMRobbieF Thanks keckeckec! :) Glad you enjoyed it.
07:26:05 PM_Jot_ if you want to kick the pc, then why do you kick the monitor :P
07:26:18 PMRobbieF Obviously a Mac _Jot_ :)
07:26:32 PMRobbieF It's all setup so if you break the screen, you break everything.
07:26:37 PMRobbieF and have to buy the new one.
07:26:39 PMGuest_6960 my cos Tommy Hunter is going to be on the Canada stamp soon!
07:26:44 PMthezenguy I gave up on sub-domains and just use /whatever because ssl cert.
07:27:21 PMGuest_6960 my cos Tommy Hunter is going to be on the Canada stamp soon
07:27:35 PMRobbieF thezenguy just register a cert that covers all?
07:27:39 PMDJQuad the last windows pc i had was 8.1 and i LITERALLY threw it in a pond. i may have an anger management issue
07:28:06 PMTennessee_Frank DJQuad, nope, you just Hate Windows like I do, LOL
07:28:07 PM_Jot_ apparently everybody needs internet, including fish
07:28:20 PMDJQuad get a wildcard cert. it works on all subdomains
07:28:26 PMthezenguy iphone not good. too darn small, itunes required, no web store, no good apps.
07:29:11 PM_Jot_ Maybe the bracelet will shock you if you don't run away
07:29:41 PMTennessee_Frank Is there a "snooze" button on that thing
07:29:46 PMthezenguy i'm going to throw this iphone in the pond.
07:30:18 PMDJQuad the only thing my bracelet app tells me is that i'm lazy
07:30:29 PMTennessee_Frank I'd get zapped to death then,
07:30:42 PMGoodGuy TENS units are supposed to do that in a way
07:30:48 PMthezenguy heck, blackberry is better than iphone. Android phones are much better.
07:31:05 PMGoodGuy They sell a knockoff on TV in the past
07:31:09 PMMrNaturopathy I m thinking of tossing my Fit Bit in the Lake now
07:31:11 PMTennessee_Frank I've got a Keg, LOL
07:31:39 PMthezenguy i'm going to smash this iphone just as soon as i can get another new android.
07:32:04 PMthezenguy if i don't go blind first.
07:32:13 PMMrNaturopathy If I wrapped my Fit Bit in bacon Do you think it would work better?
07:32:32 PM_Jot_ of course! everything is better with bacon
07:32:40 PMDJQuad best idea ever
07:32:44 PMTennessee_Frank Needs solar panels on the wings to help regen the batteries
07:32:49 PMMrNaturopathy Excellent
07:32:57 PMajamison5579 its light enough that it will likely glide if it runs out of power
07:33:22 PMthezenguy haven't had an app crash on android in 3 years, til i got this iphone - crashes all the time.
07:33:37 PMTennessee_Frank RobbieF, we have people run out of gas out front of the house because the gas moves away from the sump doing up the hill out front.
07:33:44 PMGoodGuy My wife drove me to work years ago and ran out of gas a block away from work after dropping me off.. I had to walk for gas
07:34:03 PMMrNaturopathy Im cooking Bacon Right Now. Thanks Cat 5...
07:34:31 PMTennessee_Frank What, No Atari games??
07:34:47 PMGoodGuy You can play Nintendo games on MAME software
07:35:06 PMGuest_6960 robbie f my cos Tommy Hunter is going to be on the Canada stamp soon
07:35:12 PMGoodGuy MAME uses the actual ROM's the real game used
07:35:28 PMthezenguy Hey, I played a game this week. I never play games, but I like this PokerTH.
07:35:43 PMDJQuad mame rocks. many more games/platforems than just nintendo
07:36:07 PMBudda_Belly I have some frozen bacon in the freezer. Bacon popcicle any good?
07:36:09 PMTennessee_Frank I liked Jolt Cola
07:36:22 PMGoodGuy I know... some ppl built actual arcade machines at home
07:36:43 PMnapa_polarbear robbie f my cos Tommy Hunter is going to be on the Canada stamp soon
07:36:56 PMnapa_polarbear hi all
07:37:04 PM_Jot_ hi there
07:37:43 PMjlim hi christa \0
07:38:01 PMTennessee_Frank Too bad someone didn't make a Pod Casting kit or something with all the stuff you need to get started.
07:38:27 PMTennessee_Frank RobbieF, is a Hobbit
07:38:31 PMthezenguy buy some old junk, set it up and start broadcasting. Pirate TV!
07:38:35 PMjlim lol
07:39:01 PMTennessee_Frank Buy used off of EBay too
07:39:09 PM_Jot_ just watch the studio D videos, poor RobbieF uses steps for everything
07:39:11 PMDJQuad tennesse - there are books on it, like keith and the girl's. it's great
07:39:23 PMthezenguy actually that old stuff can be repaired. Transmitter is what cost.
07:39:40 PMjlim cheap? lol
07:40:02 PMthezenguy watch those zebra lines!
07:41:57 PMDJQuad obs is a great open source alternative to wirecast, but save your pennies and get wirecast if you're serious
07:42:11 PMthezenguy some webcams are 4x HD.
07:42:18 PMTennessee_Frank Interesting
07:43:13 PMTennessee_Frank Got to have a compressor
07:43:31 PMDJQuad yep definitely
07:43:37 PMsovereign__ which kind of camera is RobbieF looking to purchase?
07:43:47 PMTennessee_Frank RobbieF seems like way to mellow of a guy to ever yell at people
07:44:02 PM_Jot_ Funlly enough Christa sounds great with it turned off, and RobbieF sounds horrible only
07:44:17 PMTennessee_Frank muffled
07:44:19 PMthezenguy i can't buy anything, i'm like that guy on the jg wentworth commerical and my mailbox has cobwebs on it.
07:44:42 PM_Jot_ soverign_, this one:
07:45:53 PMMrNaturopathy Robbie will you be willing to work for Bacon
07:46:13 PMRobbieF That goes without saying.
07:46:16 PMTennessee_Frank When was your B-Day RobbieF???
07:46:38 PMTennessee_Frank Uber Cool and Totally Awesome
07:46:52 PM_Jot_ Robbie's birthday is 17th of july
07:46:55 PMthezenguy don't tell him, he's going to use it to break into your accounts :-|
07:47:11 PMTennessee_Frank _Jot_ Thanks, I did not know that.
07:47:24 PMGoodGuy Metasploit
07:47:37 PM_Jot_ it was on the calender on the right on the website :)
07:47:43 PMTennessee_Frank CoreOS or CentOS would be good for a server
07:47:49 PM_Jot_ not now obviously anymore, but around that date
07:48:13 PMMrNaturopathy Jot is Not a Linux User But I still think hes a Nice Guy...
07:48:28 PM_Jot_ I use linux! I use unraid every day
07:48:37 PMnapa_polarbear robbie f my cos Tommy Hunter is going to be on the Canada stamp soon
07:48:38 PMTennessee_Frank _Jot_, you DON'T use Linux. Shame on you.
07:48:43 PMMrNaturopathy Thlol
07:48:49 PMMrNaturopathy LOL
07:48:56 PMsovereign__ Anyone here uses a VPN? If ap which one?
07:49:13 PMTennessee_Frank You can cut all the dead time during Post, LOL
07:49:30 PMDJQuad good luck with hardening web server security. the top hosting companies have a constant battle with it that invest hundreds of thousands of dollars in hardware/software/security systems
07:49:34 PMTennessee_Frank Just mice
07:49:41 PMjlim te i setup vpn into my router
07:49:42 PMthezenguy vpn? i guess if you got a job with some company, use theirs.
07:49:57 PMjlim Tennessee_Frank: set vpn into my router
07:50:49 PMjlim Tennessee_Frank: however i do not use a vpn server service
07:50:56 PMTennessee_Frank jlim, I've not messed with anything like that yet. I just did a basic set up for the crappy little NetGear 7550 that my Internet provider gives me.
07:51:22 PMTennessee_Frank isn't there something called "fail to ban"
07:51:45 PMsovereign__ Tennessee_Frank wi
07:51:49 PMTennessee_Frank or something like that where after 5 tries they're banned
07:52:01 PMjlim Tennessee_Frank: you can ssh also
07:52:22 PMMrNaturopathy Robbie what do you think of Justin TV closing down?
07:52:48 PMTennessee_Frank I've always wanted to figure out how to SSH into my router but I don't think it has that feature
07:53:04 PMjlim ten fail to ban protects against brute force attacks yes
07:53:18 PMDJQuad google bought twitch for 1 billion. justin will be fine closing
07:53:45 PMMrNaturopathy Twitch only does Gaming
07:54:00 PMjlim Tennessee_Frank: install tomato or ddwrt on your router and u will be able to ssh in
07:54:21 PMTennessee_Frank jlim, my router doesn't support DD-WRT,:-(
07:54:31 PMDJQuad twitch is basically the gaming network of justin
07:54:56 PMGoodGuy Buy a new router that does?
07:55:01 PMthezenguy i think running any server from home get you kicked off the isp, if someone complains?
07:55:02 PMMrNaturopathy So now the Broadcaster lost a venue
07:55:06 PMRobbieF MrNaturopathy we dropped a long time ago so doesn't matter to us.
07:55:19 PMjlim Tennessee_Frank: get a cheap one on ebay.. lot of linksys routers will work
07:55:22 PMTennessee_Frank GoodGuy, the next little inflow of cash that I get is going to a cheap SSD for my Dell D420
07:55:56 PMTennessee_Frank My chat logs go into a folder called "purple".
07:55:59 PMGoodGuy I found old Linksys WRT54G routers at garage sales
07:56:21 PM_Jot_ Tennessee_Frank, you get so angry from that guy Jot, he makes you go purple from frustration?
07:56:30 PMGoodGuy Put DD-WRT on one so I wouldn't have to play with retail priced hardware
07:56:54 PMDJQuad google are probably are the ones that forced justin to shut down so they migrate to youtube
07:56:55 PMthezenguy GoodGuy, yeah you can flash those easy. The newer Cisco branded I never did get to work.
07:57:39 PMGoodGuy They use VxWorks as an OS on newer Linksys models of WRT54g
07:57:47 PMTennessee_Frank In Arch -R is "remove", LOL
07:58:01 PMjlim is there a way to get irssi or weechat installed in android?
07:58:11 PMthezenguy Mate starting to look like some ol...
07:58:41 PMTennessee_Frank thezenguy, if you have the RAM give GNOME a try
07:58:43 PM_Jot_ there are irc clients for android
07:58:49 PMthezenguy Scroll bars should be banned.
07:59:08 PMGoodGuy They have grep for windows also
07:59:42 PMjlim wonder why they call it greo
07:59:45 PMjlim grep
08:00:23 PMTennessee_Frank LOL, way to sell product
08:00:40 PMsovereign__ plrxtor m6s 256gb ssd
08:00:47 PMthezenguy RobbieF my TV has something like Roku builtin but it's not Roku.
08:01:14 PMsovereign__ plextor
08:01:27 PMTennessee_Frank RobbieF, and plug your phone line into it as well, not directly into the computer.
08:01:33 PMthezenguy They never pay that.
08:02:34 PMGoodGuy in Michigan a turn signal means the cars behind you speed up so you can't get over lol
08:02:56 PMnapa_polarbear robbie f my cos Tommy Hunter is going to be on the Canada stamp soon
08:03:05 PMBudda_Belly Virginia too
08:03:11 PMthezenguy Roku actually worked good, I got original #1 i think.
08:03:15 PMGoodGuy Roku XS has the gyro feature.. not the headphone jack
08:03:23 PMMrNaturopathy Great SHow Robbie, Have a Good Week, Be Well Chat Room!
08:03:29 PMWhiskey_Zero RobbieF. Good show tonight. Thanks for all and see you next week!
08:03:29 PMDJQuad thanks for answering that Robbie1
08:03:36 PMDJQuad !
08:03:41 PMTennessee_Frank Cool show. Thanks guys
08:04:07 PMRobbieF Thanks a lot everyone!
08:04:20 PMjlim good to see u christa
08:04:23 PMGoodGuy Great job on the logo Christa
08:04:48 PM_Jot_ you can get the logo too, just buy some shirts or the mugs from
08:04:55 PMTennessee_Frank Well, I'll see ya'll later. Have a great rest of the week folks.
08:05:02 PMRobbieF night tn frank
08:05:05 PMBudda_Belly U2
08:05:06 PMRobbieF thanks for the help with the news again
08:05:11 PMnapa_polarbear latter all
08:05:20 PMRobbieF night napa_polarbear
08:05:22 PMjlim thanks RobbieF
08:05:26 PMnapa_polarbear quit]
08:05:28 PMGoodGuy
08:05:30 PMnapa_polarbear quit
08:05:30 PMRobbieF Gonna get the uploads going... brb
08:05:38 PMWhiskey_Zero good night everybody
08:05:39 PMDJQuad btw - powerline info is here - i'm definitely going with moca instead tho
08:05:55 PMGoodGuy I believe that includes grep and other Linux features on Windows
08:05:57 PMBudda_Belly Bye all
08:06:15 PMthezenguy nothing ground breaking this week except iphone is bad, real bad. all those on youtube are a bunch of apple lovin' liars.
08:07:15 PM_Jot_ iphone must have some use! Even a useless box has a use
08:07:17 PMthezenguy or they just never used an Android phone before :-\
08:07:31 PMGoodGuy I have an old book about GNU Software for MS-Windows and MS-DOS is the book title
08:07:32 PM_Jot_ you could use an iphone as a doorstop for example
08:07:57 PMthezenguy _Jot_ rear view mirror cam, but it might get wet and short out.
08:08:16 PMGoodGuy
08:08:23 PMthezenguy bat go dead quick.
08:08:31 PM_Jot_ you should be able to watch episodes on an iphone
08:08:36 PMGoodGuy That has the various Linux software that runs on Windows
08:09:58 PMthezenguy I'm selling Windows Ultimate aka "Black Edition" on ebay. You know the one where your wallpaper turns black because the key's not good :-\
08:10:55 PMthezenguy Reduced functionality version.
08:11:09 PMthezenguy heehee
08:12:14 PMthezenguy bye, nobody likes me jokes :(
08:13:48 PMGoodGuy
08:14:16 PMGoodGuy That is where to find Linux software ported to Windows
08:14:50 PMGoodGuy You can get the individual program you want
08:15:58 PMGoodGuy
08:16:18 PMGoodGuy MobaXterm also has some command like grep
08:21:10 PMRobbieF Okay uploads are going well. Gotta run folks. Probably be back, depends how late we're there till.
08:21:18 PMRobbieF thanks again & Have a great night!!


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