Chat Logs for Episode 382 — #Category5 on /


With 55 Posts:JoeInNH
With 46 Posts:revdjenk
With 46 Posts:MaineGeek75
With 41 Posts:spiceJax
With 41 Posts:Lyndon

Chat Logs:

06:58:01 PMkeckeckec Hi robgor
06:58:03 PMKelseyJ Hey!
06:59:04 PMWhiskey_Zero Hi folks, another beautiful day in Cat5 land!
06:59:12 PM_Jot_ hi Whiskey_Zero
06:59:25 PMWhiskey_Zero Hay Jot
06:59:27 PMagamotto Doing fine here, how are things in Aussie-land?
07:00:07 PMJoeInNH I am back.
07:00:48 PMDJQuad whew just made it. lol. hey all :D
07:00:56 PMJoeInNH Hi DJ
07:01:04 PM_Jot_ hi DJQuad
07:01:06 PMJoeInNH First time live in a long time
07:01:57 PMJoeInNH Bluetooth baby stuff?
07:02:04 PMStraeger Leap Second!
07:02:22 PMSashaD I know.... Its all so crazy :) :)
07:02:29 PMJoeInNH That sound terrible.
07:02:35 PMMaineGeek75 why not...soon enough there will be robots instead of mothers taking care of babies :P
07:02:53 PMJoeInNH Let's bathe the child in radiation frmo birth. :(
07:03:21 PMMaineGeek75 :)
07:03:31 PMJoeInNH Hi Maine.
07:03:38 PMMaineGeek75 Hi :)
07:03:39 PMStraeger Been over a year.
07:03:40 PMJoeInNH You're just nextdoor
07:03:46 PMDJQuad if the robots run windows at least they're crash often
07:03:46 PMMaineGeek75 yup :)
07:03:50 PMSashaD Hi straeger
07:03:53 PMJoeInNH Nice state
07:03:54 PMMaineGeek75 rofl
07:04:15 PMMaineGeek75 Maine isn't too much different than New Hapshire...just more taxes :P
07:04:19 PMStraeger Had to finish that Computer Security degree.
07:04:21 PMMaineGeek75 in Maine that is :P
07:04:41 PMJoeInNH You have more wilderness than we do.
07:04:51 PMMaineGeek75 ya up north maybe...
07:05:09 PMMaineGeek75 i'm more central Maine
07:05:45 PMagamotto I watched about 20 minutes of the first one... very relaxing
07:05:46 PMJoeInNH I can see Robbie playign the pan flute
07:06:15 PMagamotto No.... no Zamfir, please
07:07:23 PMagamotto Prolonged bleating
07:08:03 PMSashaD Very relaxing and happily the length of a great nap :)
07:08:09 PMJoeInNH I have an app on my nook hd which I construct white noise to go to sleep. Usuall have a creek, camp fire, and camping playine
07:08:22 PMagamotto Does the viewer have AT&T DSL?
07:08:59 PMLyndon i have dsl and it does the same thing.
07:09:03 PMSashaD I want a Roku
07:09:30 PM_Jot__ SashaD,
07:09:44 PMJoeInNH I wonder is there is a cache setting in the roku
07:09:50 PMABQTKY Agamotto - I have enough trouble with CenturyLink DSL (actually VDSL2)
07:09:51 PMStraeger I haven't tried watching on our Roku, but it is a Roku 1. Wireless G only.
07:09:52 PMagamotto Does the viewer have the Roku set for 1080, 720, or 480?
07:09:56 PMWhiskey_Zero RobbieF, I have same problem with Roku
07:10:24 PMagamotto You really need N to do 720 + well
07:10:42 PMJoeInNH When I watch TV online I sometimes have to increase the cache buffer.
07:10:46 PMSashaD Thanks Jot
07:10:52 PMGuest_9945 my roku buffers too but it's wireless and it's a roku stick
07:10:56 PMLyndon my Roku2 automaticly selects low quality
07:11:08 PMWhiskey_Zero only A year old
07:11:24 PMagamotto 720 works better on 40" and smaller tvs
07:11:57 PMJoeInNH Whiskey, I don't have a roku is there a settings panel to change the cache size to increase it
07:12:02 PMWhiskey_Zero Demand is fine, problem with live program only
07:12:13 PMGuest_9945 yea it's only with live
07:12:13 PMrainbowman101010 switch roku from wired to wirless
07:12:26 PMagamotto That makes sense
07:13:00 PMagamotto Live will never work well on something like a Roku... not enough gfx hp
07:13:58 PMGuest_9945 live didn't do this until you moved to the new place actually
07:14:01 PMJoeInNH RObbie is right trying running a lower quality. Do you live in a crowded area?
07:14:05 PMagamotto Anything live requires a video card/chip that can buffer at least 1Gb or more of said video
07:14:26 PMagamotto Hmmm, latency issues then?
07:14:51 PMJoeInNH I see it fine.
07:15:11 PMJoeInNH I am on a wireless pc though
07:15:16 PMGuest_9945 no it's not all the time it only buffers occasionally for me
07:15:21 PMagamotto Hmmmm, hack a Roku... show idea?
07:15:22 PMkeckeckec Watched last weeks show live on Roku 2 over DSL -- just fine
07:15:35 PMWhiskey_Zero Old studio worked better for me also
07:16:08 PMJoeInNH Sometimes the internet can be effected by the number of people in your neighborhood online at the same time. It depends on who your provider is
07:16:44 PMGuest_9945 I do watch live twitch feeds on my roku
07:16:48 PMGuest_9945 they work fine
07:16:55 PMagamotto Hmmmm
07:16:59 PMDJQuad wireless for me sucks. running ethernet thru brick walls isn't an option. ethernet is obviously king. i'm not sure whether to try powerline adapters or moca
07:17:42 PMDJQuad twitch streams are why i got my rokus. lol
07:17:50 PMStraeger poweline adapters aren't that great. Any surge protector has the possibility of filtering the signal
07:17:53 PMGuest_9945 try setting your QOS settings on your router to give your roku more bandwidth that's what I do
07:18:20 PMagamotto Those pesky things like work, family, etc...
07:18:38 PMagamotto No computer... wow
07:18:55 PMStraeger Give him the Raspberry Pi!
07:19:27 PMjwmp5051 Hooray, I'm back. Network issues. Reboot. Missed half the show. AAAaaarrrrgggghhh
07:22:26 PMSashaD We were waiting for you jwmp5051
07:22:34 PMSashaD :) :)
07:22:56 PMDJQuad @Straeger aren't they more reliable/faster than moca tho?
07:23:01 PMJoeInNH We held off the main part of the show...just for you. :)
07:23:11 PMGuest_hARRy look at the 666 surf...wooooaahhh
07:23:45 PMjwmp5051 Thanks SashaD. Hopefully people weren't too bored while waiting :)
07:23:48 PMStraeger Dunno. I tried it for awhile, but went with some dual band wireless extenders instead.
07:24:28 PMStraeger Sounds like we need a HijackThis log
07:24:29 PMJoeInNH I surf the web with Waterfox & noscript
07:24:45 PMJoeInNH I only turn on scripts I want to load
07:24:59 PMStraeger Might also be able to use Spybot to clean it.
07:25:08 PMJoeInNH Waterfox = 64 bit Firefox
07:25:21 PMStraeger I personally run AdBlock plus and NoScript to cut that stuff down.
07:25:25 PMagamotto It is a shame that you can't just sage the system to clean it out....
07:25:34 PMJoeInNH They make live Linux cds capable of clean windows system
07:25:54 PMdreamweaver909 brush twice daily
07:26:00 PMBobK54 libre
07:26:04 PMGuest_hARRy Libre
07:26:07 PMStraeger Free/Libre OSS
07:26:13 PMJoeInNH see a dentist regular;y
07:26:28 PMStraeger NP
07:26:28 PMDJQuad powerline is ethernet over the electrical system. moca is ethernet over the cable coax system
07:26:39 PMStraeger Free as in beer, free as in libre
07:26:42 PMJoeInNH libre? French for free
07:26:44 PMStraeger Different things
07:26:54 PMStraeger Libre=Freedom
07:26:56 PMGuest_hARRy or spanish
07:27:16 PMspiceJax Stumped Robbie lol
07:27:33 PMStraeger Ah, never messed with MOCA. Don't have enough jacks for it. Just the one from my cable modem.
07:28:08 PMDJQuad ohhh ok
07:28:47 PMJoeInNH I wonder what's the most alphabet soup you can put in one sentence
07:29:04 PMStraeger I'm running Ubuntu Server for my VirtualBox host. 8 core AMD, 16GB RAM. Running it headless.
07:29:27 PMjwmp5051 WOW. Nice spec
07:29:44 PMJoeInNH I am running arch on my old P4 Laptop with 1.5 gig mem
07:29:53 PMGuest_hARRy MOCA is more than just ethernet, I have to work with it all day every day
07:29:59 PMJoeInNH I need to unpack it since the move
07:30:04 PMStraeger About $350 for MoBo, Proc, and RAM. Drive was another $50, old case and PS.
07:31:03 PMrevdjenk ahhhhh, just signed on... so late!
07:31:12 PMrevdjenk look at all the people!
07:31:18 PMjwmp5051 Nice. I use Dell XPS M1730, with 4GB and 1.5TB dual HD
07:31:19 PMStraeger Yep, using PHPVirtualBox to admin it
07:31:32 PMStraeger SSH for command line access.
07:31:49 PMrevdjenk hey SashaD !
07:32:09 PMrevdjenk hey _Jot__
07:32:14 PM_Jot__ hi revdjenk
07:32:32 PMStraeger Found a nifty little A/B USB switch to swap my keyboard and mouse between Windows and Linux, using the multi-inputs on my monitor.
07:32:46 PMStraeger about $12 on Amazon
07:32:50 PMDennis_Kelley i have Linux mint on a P4 processor also
07:32:51 PMdreamweaver909 I heard her toes tapping
07:32:52 PMDJQuad virtualboxes rule. we run debian servers instead of ubuntu. i run a game server hosting company :)
07:33:16 PMdreamweaver909 impatiently waiting for her
07:33:35 PMSashaD Hi revdjenk... And yep, my toes are a tappin lol
07:33:38 PMStraeger I'm using my VB server to host a MineCraft server, a distributed rendering node, and a Kali Linux test system.
07:33:51 PM_Jot__ SashaD, have to do something to keep warm in the snow
07:34:18 PMrevdjenk _Jot__: hee hee
07:34:23 PMDJQuad nice @Straeger
07:34:50 PMrevdjenk one of these days, I'll put together a home network service
07:35:27 PMJoeInNH was that odoo?
07:35:35 PMrevdjenk my neighbor works at the local Toyota transmission factory here in WV
07:36:04 PMdreamweaver909 Microsoft stopped free Windows 7 support today.
07:36:18 PMdreamweaver909 revdjenk..I'm up by Wheeling!
07:36:23 PMrevdjenk beltone ad, so loud... hee hee
07:36:55 PMMaineGeek75 wait...micro$oft ACTUALLY had FREE support? lol
07:37:00 PMagamotto Yep, nothing like irritating most of your users
07:37:00 PMrevdjenk dreamweaver909: I'm midway between charleston and huntington. Used to live in the Steubenville area
07:37:00 PMdreamweaver909 lol
07:37:12 PMDJQuad minecraft is kinda silly. it's entirely java-based. java runs slightly faster on windows than linux
07:37:20 PMdreamweaver909 cool Stubenville is about 50 miles north
07:37:41 PMdreamweaver909 Heh, and I was born in Milton.
07:37:46 PMStraeger Beltone is a hearing aid company, right? They need their ad to be loud so their potential customers can hear it!
07:37:54 PMdreamweaver909 yeah really
07:37:59 PMrevdjenk just 10 miles west of me!
07:38:09 PMdreamweaver909 small world
07:38:13 PMrevdjenk Straeger: what did you say?
07:38:21 PMdreamweaver909 eh? huh?
07:38:26 PMJoeInNH Who was looking for project management?
07:38:52 PMJoeInNH There is also projectLibre
07:39:20 PMrevdjenk it sends signal to phones ok... hope to hear the smoke alarm first... but if out of the house... that would be good to know
07:39:41 PMagamotto At those levels, EVERYONE should want to run from a smoke alarm
07:39:43 PMrevdjenk Everyone knows when RobbieF is cooking!
07:39:59 PMStraeger That's how we know dinner's ready at my house.
07:40:07 PMJoeInNH I wonder if you can subscribe to it
07:40:19 PMJoeInNH Then we all will know when robbie cooks
07:40:42 PMStraeger I wish other companies would do that with their patents. Stupid patent trolls.
07:41:19 PMrevdjenk Straeger: it may be that they aren't going this direction? or need a LOT of help?
07:41:31 PMJoeInNH There are a lot of patent groups like this. Basically, a mutual not sue each.
07:41:33 PMDJQuad i had to move the smoke detector away from my bbq smoker. lol
07:41:40 PMspiceJax Ty oh Dah
07:42:07 PMrevdjenk collaborative who would know anything about such a subject, how this could work... I don't know of anyone sharing their work for free... ahem
07:42:37 PMrevdjenk but then, who would we be able to sue!
07:42:48 PMdreamweaver909 But where are the flying cars????
07:43:07 PMLyndon or at least hover cars...
07:43:17 PM_Jot__ all cars are flying cars, they just need to be travelling fast enough up the ramp, and they don't fly very far
07:43:35 PMdreamweaver909 I mean like in Back to the Future 2 lol
07:43:43 PMrevdjenk _Jot__: and the landing isn't so graceful
07:43:52 PMStraeger What's sad, is a patent troll's business model is to acquire patents specifically to sue people. It's pathetic.
07:44:27 PMBobK54 SashaD....former cohost of Cat5tv.....
07:44:37 PMrevdjenk you may have your child in someone else's care.... and if you are a type A you NEED to know
07:44:44 PMrevdjenk SashaD: ^
07:44:55 PMdreamweaver909 muwhahahaha
07:45:01 PMdreamweaver909 lol
07:45:31 PMStraeger I could use one of those bluetooth baby items. I have a lot of trouble figuring out why our 4 month old is crying. It's usually hungry/dirty/tired (in that order), but sometimes it's hard to tell.
07:45:39 PMrevdjenk We've noticed that you haven't acknowledged the app alarms about the care of your child
07:45:49 PMdreamweaver909 hopefully no diapers with
07:45:54 PMspiceJax big brother strikes again
07:46:00 PMJoeInNH Why not take the technology from mugs that change based on water temp & put it on Diapers!!!!
07:46:06 PMStraeger diapers already have that wet/dry stripe.
07:46:11 PMrevdjenk Straeger: not telling you? what kind of parent are you! teach 'em sign language!
07:46:14 PMagamotto No kidding
07:46:23 PMdreamweaver909 not the probes I'm talking about
07:46:24 PMdreamweaver909 lol
07:46:25 PMMaineGeek75 lol
07:46:38 PMspiceJax electric nanny for the wealthy
07:46:56 PMLyndon baby signs are the best!!
07:47:09 PMMaineGeek75 they made a winning poker robot...what about taking care of baby robot? lol j/k
07:47:11 PMJoeInNH if (true == child.stinks ) then change diapers
07:47:12 PMLyndon worked with both of our kids
07:47:15 PMdreamweaver909 lol
07:47:26 PMMaineGeek75 lol
07:47:47 PMrevdjenk I used to play POKEr with my old CoCo's Color Basic
07:47:55 PMJoeInNH This is a technology show. Not put everything in the form os pseudo code
07:48:07 PMDennis_Kelley i did not have so much technology as a baby and i am fine i am fine
07:48:17 PMJoeInNH The CoCo Ruled
07:48:28 PMrevdjenk JoeInNH: yes
07:48:36 PMMaineGeek75 i had a coco II
07:48:39 PMagamotto I purposely take technology breaks just to keep from being lost in a screen.
07:48:42 PMStraeger Sound like tic-tac-toe. No winners until one person makes a mistake
07:48:46 PMJoeInNH I had I, II, and III
07:48:53 PMPCtweaker Sasha: take it from someone with six kids, they all show signs of being sick differently. Two of my kids don't even start to ack sick until temp is over 101 degrees.
07:48:54 PMDJQuad poker is primarily a math game. of course computers are better at it
07:48:57 PMMaineGeek75 nice
07:49:20 PMrevdjenk JoeInNH: used them from '84 to about '87 (had six at one time!)
07:49:25 PMJoeInNH I wonder if they'll put a gps on the bluetooth pacifier/diaper?
07:49:28 PMdreamweaver909 the earth is getting tired
07:49:31 PMdreamweaver909 lol
07:49:40 PMMaineGeek75 lol
07:49:43 PMMaineGeek75 i know i am
07:49:59 PMrevdjenk JoeInNH: just I and II for me.
07:50:02 PMStraeger Not just internet companies, but the Satellite Communications field is affected too. Doppler shift over 1 second off can cause...issues.
07:50:29 PMrevdjenk JoeInNH: then switched to Geos and windows 1.03 yikes!
07:50:31 PMJoeInNH The coco III had lots of cool stuff. Ever get to a rainbow fest
07:50:54 PMJoeInNH Switched to windows 1.03...Man that must of been depressing
07:50:54 PMrevdjenk no never made it to one... even though I lived in the SF Bay area then
07:50:59 PMMaineGeek75 i ran geos on my old 286 sx 15 lol...MEMORIES :P
07:51:23 PMspiceJax Loved my CoCO! still have them
07:51:32 PMMaineGeek75 do you remember the old DeskMate software from Tandy?
07:51:36 PMdreamweaver909 yeah and they said rolling over to the year 2000 would mess things up...
07:51:40 PMrevdjenk MaineGeek75: it is amazing how much win8 reminded me of that! basic colors, split screen programs, flat design
07:51:50 PMDJQuad my birthday is feb 29th. i'm 6. lol
07:51:50 PMJoeInNH I was playing with speech synthesis and recognition on my coco 3, then moved to a pc with no sound at all
07:52:05 PMPCtweaker Sasha: Plus with that many kids, doing the hand to the forehead isn't consistent. My wife will say he's hot, I'll say he's fine. A device like this could bring peace to my house :-)
07:52:09 PM_Jot__ DJQuad, are you even allowed to stay up this late?
07:52:19 PMMaineGeek75 lol...went from my CoCo II to a tandy 1000HX
07:52:24 PMJoeInNH I am so glad I am not the only one who thinks it
07:52:25 PMjwmp5051 Why would it be a problem? Computers regularly update the RTC from an NTP server.
07:52:29 PMDJQuad lol jot
07:52:30 PMrevdjenk JoeInNH: hee hee, I know, the 8088 chips were so limited
07:52:46 PMrevdjenk friction!
07:53:05 PMspiceJax Amiga 1000 for me
07:53:10 PMrevdjenk friction, moving further from the sun in its orbit
07:53:13 PMagamotto The moon is pulling on it, causing the rotation to slow. The moon will eventually drop onto/into the Earth.
07:53:14 PMStraeger
07:53:16 PMMaineGeek75 was like playing with a brick as a keyboard and the screen was an empty tv (with out its tube) lol
07:53:17 PMDJQuad here we go. science
07:53:33 PMBobK54 :)
07:53:47 PMLyndon i think the moon is floating away
07:53:53 PMrevdjenk RobbieF: it is a lot warmer than 100 years ago!
07:53:55 PMStraeger you need an exclamation point: Science!
07:54:01 PMrevdjenk Lyndon: that, too
07:54:10 PMLyndon =)
07:54:17 PMdreamweaver909 lol
07:54:32 PMrevdjenk RobbieF: you should understand the "hockey stick" graph of temp increases
07:54:32 PMJoeInNH 100 years ago we were on the tail end of coming out of a mini ice age
07:54:43 PMJoeInNH Actually the moon is floating away
07:54:51 PMspiceJax Wait a second
07:54:56 PMBobK54 robbie has lost all control
07:55:19 PMJoeInNH That's new?
07:55:19 PMspiceJax her newsroom now!
07:55:21 PMrevdjenk SashaD: back to sleep, or into your chat!
07:55:58 PMStraeger Isn't there a leveling program to wipe SSDs by erasing them and then leveling the wear of the transistors?
07:56:17 PMDJQuad we're all doomed robbie. the universe is expanding and therefore stars and planets are getting further apart. grab your winter coat
07:56:23 PMrevdjenk Straeger: trim?
07:56:42 PM_Jot__ Straeger, modern SSDs do that automatically, and every SSD is different so you need manufacturer supplied software for that SSD specifically if it isn't in the firmware already
07:56:43 PMLyndon just copy a large Linux distro onto it
07:57:30 PMPCtweaker Think of the Earth as a ballerina and the Moon are her hands. As the Moon moves away, the Earth's spin will slow down. That's my crazy hair-brained theory, and I'm sticking to it :-)
07:57:47 PMrevdjenk PCtweaker: yes! science!
07:58:07 PMrevdjenk PCtweaker: and the score... 4.95
07:58:34 PMLyndon sounds true to me PCtweaker
07:58:35 PMPCtweaker revdjenk: Yes, Mythbusters style!
07:58:55 PMagamotto I have been using parted magic for a long time... fixes many systems
07:59:22 PMSashaD Wowsers... That was a lot of reading to catch up on!
07:59:36 PMJoeInNH Wouldn't a giant electro magnit do the same thing?
07:59:37 PM_Jot__ scrolling down really helps eh?
07:59:55 PMrevdjenk JoeInNH: yes, but with less control
08:00:08 PMSashaD Thank Jot, yep.
08:00:20 PMPCtweaker RobbieF: oh, I'm sorry. Are we talking technology again? Ok, I'll come back down to Earth now :-)
08:00:23 PMJoeInNH Control was not specified as a requirement
08:00:46 PMrevdjenk oh noes, over already!?!?
08:00:58 PMBobK54 wow, quick hour!
08:00:59 PMJoeInNH Wow that went fast.
08:01:00 PMSashaD Over already :(:(
08:01:16 PMJoeInNH Control is a windows extra option...
08:01:16 PMLyndon very quick
08:01:23 PMDJQuad that's right PC. watch the netflix flick about what would happen if the moon disappeared. scary stuff
08:01:23 PMStraeger Ciao, all.
08:01:32 PMJoeInNH bye rev
08:01:37 PMspiceJax what was the feature? more PHP?
08:01:42 PMWhiskey_Zero Great show tonight! See you all next Tuesday night folks. Good night to all.
08:01:42 PMagamotto Great way to check drives as well
08:01:43 PMBobK54 night all !!
08:01:48 PMJoeInNH bye everyone.
08:02:01 PMjwmp5051 bye all
08:02:03 PMdreamweaver909 Good show...night all!
08:02:06 PMJoeInNH time to go fuss with the new ups
08:02:10 PMLyndon this was fun. lets do it again sometime!
08:02:21 PMPCtweaker DJQuad: sounds like my kind of show, thanks.
08:02:38 PMagamotto Hmmmm, and I don't have to run away this evening
08:02:39 PMrevdjenk now over to the All About Android at TWiT tv
08:02:47 PMspiceJax wow mass exodus
08:02:50 PMrevdjenk bye everyone
08:02:56 PMDJQuad fastest hour of the week
08:02:59 PMRobbieF The weekly #Category5 rapture :)
08:03:02 PMrevdjenk still love ya, SashaD
08:03:03 PMRobbieF hope you all had fun!
08:03:09 PMrevdjenk RobbieF: hee hee
08:03:33 PMLyndon yes
08:03:45 PMPCtweaker Wish I didn't join so late :-(
08:03:51 PMSashaD Thank you revdjenk :)
08:03:52 PMDJQuad thx for another great show robbie. make them longer! lol
08:03:58 PMLyndon this was my second time in the chatroom, you all are great!
08:04:11 PMKelseyJ Welcome to the chat!
08:04:12 PMSashaD Thanks Lyndon :)
08:04:24 PMLyndon thank you =)
08:04:48 PMspiceJax oh well...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
08:04:59 PMrevdjenk hey RobbieF I have a great survey question for chat next week.... I have a guess that many Linux users started on other OS' earlier on.... you can see the discussion in chat about CoCo, geos and early win versions.... we were more apt to try something else?
08:05:37 PMPCtweaker DJQuad: Bring the sponsors and more Robbie will follow. Right Robbie?
08:06:08 PMrevdjenk bye, and I mean it this time...
08:06:09 PMagamotto So, how are things up in Barrie, besides chilly?
08:06:18 PMKelseyJ thats it
08:06:20 PMKelseyJ chilly
08:06:40 PMspiceJax I wanted a laptop so I had to get win95
08:07:11 PMagamotto I will just be happy when the 20-degree weather swings are over...
08:07:13 PMLyndon why not 98? hehehe
08:07:46 PMPCtweaker Guess I better go as well, because six kids don't feed themselves (when Mom is at work)
08:07:50 PMspiceJax now all Linux Mint Laptops
08:08:14 PMagamotto They can,,, but you usually don't want to clean up after them if they do.
08:08:18 PMspiceJax No 98 in 95 lol
08:08:40 PMLyndon i just installed mint 12 on my old computer that had xp
08:08:55 PMspiceJax cinnamon?
08:09:42 PMLyndon oh right sorry. ( feeling stupid)
08:09:52 PMspiceJax One's 17.1 and one 17
08:09:59 PMLyndon cinnamon, yes
08:10:05 PMLyndon love it
08:10:05 PMspiceJax No prob
08:10:14 PMorangeman the tv wont go to 720p Robbie in samsum
08:10:27 PMLyndon my 6 yr old can use mint, lov'n it
08:11:06 PMspiceJax a song for robbie (Ronnie lol)
08:11:19 PMMaineGeek75 ya i was tired of fixing my teenage daughter's computer everyweek, so i put mint on it, stopped all the issues she was having AND she was able to do all the normal stuff she wanted...
08:12:08 PMLyndon thats what makes mint and ubuntu so great. user friendly
08:12:35 PMMaineGeek75 yup
08:12:48 PMspiceJax A good copy paste for Linux COPYQ try it
08:13:23 PMspiceJax Not thrilled with Unity
08:13:26 PMMaineGeek75 she was and still is a Windows kid...but when she was using that, she was happy to be able to do the same stuff in mint. I also tried Zorin on her laptop too
08:14:32 PMMaineGeek75 i use Zorin to introduce everyone i talk with to Linux.
08:15:29 PMspiceJax A good way to transition to Mint is to replace any programs on the Windows side to OpenSource like Libre office Gimp etc
08:15:40 PMagamotto I am just happy to be using my computer more than spending time maintaining it
08:15:42 PMLyndon is Zorin based on Ubuntu?
08:16:01 PMMaineGeek75 yes
08:16:37 PMLyndon hmmm... might give it a try.
08:17:07 PMspiceJax debian > ubuntu > mint
08:17:09 PMMaineGeek75
08:17:55 PMMaineGeek75 has a "look changer" in it that makes it look like windows, gnome, mac ... couple different version of windows xp and 7 i think
08:18:02 PMLyndon thanks MaineGeek75. going there now.. in another tab =)
08:18:20 PMMaineGeek75 glad to help out :)
08:19:04 PMspiceJax this will 'blow your mind' Linux Family tree
08:19:13 PMLyndon does this chatroom shut down at a certain time or do you guys stay on here all night??
08:19:35 PMMaineGeek75 i think you can stay here as long as you want BUT i'm not 100% sure on that
08:19:38 PMspiceJax it's open but people fade out
08:19:43 PMMaineGeek75 it is up every time I look so...
08:20:25 PMspiceJax sometimes robbie pops in
08:21:11 PMspiceJax he has 3hr of work to post the show
08:21:15 PMLyndon good grief!! i had to zoom out like a mile!
08:21:18 PMagamotto It is open 24/7, people flow in and out as time allows
08:21:35 PMLyndon so debian was the seedhuh?
08:21:46 PMMaineGeek75 rofl...watching last week's show...SashaD: "I'd like to learn PHP and that other one....." :P
08:21:49 PMspiceJax wild aint it
08:21:58 PMRobbieF :) hehe that was a great line
08:22:15 PMMaineGeek75 yes it was...couldn't stop laughing :P
08:22:27 PMMaineGeek75 its funny...i'm right there with her :P
08:22:49 PMspiceJax She's owning the newsroom!
08:23:13 PMRobbieF Wait till you see Try It. Buy It.
08:23:15 PMLyndon crazy! spiceJax
08:23:27 PMspiceJax not afraid to speak her mind
08:25:10 PMLyndon when does that air Robbie
08:25:38 PMspiceJax mainly all come from three Redhat Debian and Slackware mostly Deb and RedHat
08:26:25 PMagamotto Yes, Sasha's new show ought to save folks some money
08:26:45 PMspiceJax then we have many desktops to choose from on top
08:27:06 PMRobbieF Lyndon the new show is still in production. Should be within the next week or two. We keep having to bump it back, but it'll be soon.
08:27:13 PMRobbieF It's a big production (all CGI)
08:28:36 PMLyndon even Shasa?
08:28:53 PM_Jot__ lensflare galore
08:28:56 PMMaineGeek75 Hey Robbie, how did you learn all this stuff? Did you just sit down and tinker or did you go to shcool for it all?
08:29:38 PMLyndon just like Startrek hehe
08:30:07 PMLyndon cool. Thanks Robbie
08:30:38 PMspiceJax He got fed up with Windows LOL
08:31:11 PMLyndon lol
08:31:18 PMRobbieF LOADS of lens flares
08:31:53 PMLyndon yess!
08:31:54 PMRobbieF MaineGeek75 that's a loaded question. Each thing is different, but essentially, years of being in the field. Started my first computer company when I was 17.
08:32:09 PMagamotto Well, I think I will wander off. Grace is nibbling on my toes, so I think she wants some attention
08:32:17 PMRobbieF Night agamotto
08:32:37 PMagamotto Chat with you all later
08:33:46 PMMaineGeek75 very nice...didn't mean to have it be a loaded one though :P. What was the first thing that introduced you to the field? School or did you just tinker :P
08:35:47 PMMaineGeek75 for me, my teacher asked me to tinker with some computer's he had in his class room and told me that if i could fix 4 out of the 8 that were not running i could have one. it turned out i was able to fix 5 of them. he basically said pick the one you i did...
08:35:54 PMspiceJax Computers, BiPolar Love/Hate it's better with Linux now more Love
08:36:32 PMMaineGeek75 lol
08:36:37 PMLyndon me too spiceJax
08:37:28 PMRobbieF Nice, MaineGeek75. Sounds like me in school.
08:38:03 PMspiceJax Anyone else a "TABaholic"?
08:38:04 PMMaineGeek75 ya was fun way back then.... :P they were a bunch of old PCjr's ...
08:38:05 PMRobbieF In Grade 9 I was moved out of the basic programming class and became the teacher's aid for OAC Computer Science.
08:38:22 PMRobbieF Started with computers (which weren't "really" computers back then) when I was 4.
08:38:35 PMLyndon I learned from my friends durring UT parties!
08:38:41 PMRobbieF Coffee for me spiceJax :)
08:38:44 PMspiceJax Speak and Spell? lol
08:38:46 PMRobbieF UT GOTY?
08:38:48 PMRobbieF Nice.
08:38:52 PMMaineGeek75 ya, i tried programming in highschool. i ended up dropping the course because i actaully knew MORE than the teacher...they didn't like it when i took their 20 lines of code and did the same thing in 5 lines.
08:39:04 PMRobbieF I had a GOTY server on a 100 Mb/sec collocation ;)
08:39:08 PMMaineGeek75 really makes the teacher angry lol
08:39:26 PMRobbieF Yeah I hated school for that. Poor teachers who had to put up with me :)
08:39:38 PMMaineGeek75 lol
08:39:40 PMLyndon GOTY yes
08:39:41 PMRobbieF I'm sure I seemed like a snob... "this is SO beneath me"
08:39:42 PMRobbieF lol
08:39:58 PMSashaD I love being part of the show... Thank you for all your kind words, ad also your honest feedback :)
08:40:02 PMMaineGeek75 yes....
08:40:04 PMRobbieF Like learning algebra in highschool. Uh... I've been programming object oriented software for the last 10 years....
08:40:29 PMRobbieF \o Sasha
08:40:34 PMRobbieF Great job!
08:40:58 PMMaineGeek75 ya you started before me...from the sounds of it...i didn't get into programming until about 9th grade....and yes thank you Sasha for all that you do:)
08:41:21 PMspiceJax SD FTW!
08:41:54 PMspiceJax Is Eric on tour or sumthin'?
08:42:01 PMRobbieF Not really
08:42:08 PMRobbieF Just a local gig circuit.
08:42:16 PMRobbieF I'm sure he feels like he's on tour, but he never has to go far. :)
08:42:25 PMRobbieF playing music like it's a full time job.
08:42:31 PMRobbieF Can't beat that!
08:43:21 PMLyndon sounds awsome!
08:43:57 PMspiceJax He need to do a show or two to keep his credits. lol
08:44:16 PMRobbieF Well folks, the Category5.TV Newsroom with SashaD just finished rendering, so time for me to pack up and hit the road so I can do all the uploads. Have a marvellous week!!
08:44:27 PMSashaD Good night all😆
08:44:35 PM_Jot__ have a good night SashaD
08:44:37 PMRobbieF Night SashaD
08:44:38 PM_Jot__ anda good week :)
08:44:45 PMspiceJax Stay warm.
08:44:49 PMLyndon just have him seak into the frame every now and then. lol'
08:44:53 PMMaineGeek75 take care and good night
08:45:11 PMMaineGeek75 and as always; thanks for putting the show on :)
08:45:16 PMLyndon good night
08:45:38 PMspiceJax He could do a short 'remote cameo'.
08:45:53 PMLyndon yeah
08:46:42 PMspiceJax crowd gets smaller, room gets bigger. lol


Does Not Include Lurkers