Chat Logs for Episode 388 — #Category5 on /


With 31 Posts:DJQuad
With 28 Posts:_Jot_
With 20 Posts:JoeInNH
With 20 Posts:SashaD
With 18 Posts:CarrieWebb

Chat Logs:

06:58:04 PMSashaD BRB.... Better focus for a moment :)
06:58:19 PMcomputerueser665 Sasha:it is being moved to Thursday and a new host is going to do it so yours will not chash
06:58:43 PMcomputerueser665 and I get more info here anyway
06:59:06 PMcomputerueser665 since I am trying to use Linux 100 of the time
07:00:15 PMDJQuad whuttup SashaD! don't laugh during the news after seeing
07:01:09 PMcomputerueser665 ho ho ho
07:01:30 PMDreamweaver909 Now it's time for Robbie in the silent spot.
07:02:10 PMDreamweaver909 whoops wrong setting... no problems now
07:02:24 PM_Jot_ I had a jetpaxk once, it worked fine but it kept putting my pants on fire so I had to change them all the time
07:02:47 PMSashaD Why would you do that to me DJ Quad.... Setting me up for failure!
07:02:59 PMsprintcowboy Howdy all
07:02:59 PM_Jot_ Hi Carrie
07:03:17 PMSashaD Yippee Carrie is here!!!
07:03:36 PMDJQuad our goal is to crack you up when you're trying to read the news :D
07:03:47 PMcomputerueser665 hello all you lovely people
07:04:07 PMSashaD I'm happy you find this show useful computeruser665
07:04:11 PMSashaD :)
07:05:33 PM_Jot_ hi CarrieWebb
07:05:38 PMkeckeckec Hi CarrieWebb
07:05:43 PMDennis_Kelley1 hi CarrieWebb
07:05:45 PMSashaD Hi CarrieWebb
07:05:50 PM_Jot_ glad to see you again :)
07:05:52 PMDennis_Kelley1 Hi SashaD
07:06:10 PMDJQuad h'looooo CarrieWebb, welcome to the nuthouse
07:06:35 PMCarrieWebb Hello Category 5 team!
07:06:48 PMDennis_Kelley1 hi CarrieWebb
07:06:58 PMCarrieWebb Jot I'm so happy to see you're still watching faithfully!
07:07:06 PM_Jot_ Not just watching :)
07:07:07 PMDennis_Kelley1 CarrieWebb good to see you again!
07:07:14 PMsprintcowboy Howdy CarrieWebb
07:07:20 PMCarrieWebb Howdy!
07:07:27 PMnapa_polarbear hello all
07:07:35 PMDennis_Kelley1 hello napa_polarbear
07:07:42 PMDennis_Kelley1 CarrieWebb can't win!
07:07:53 PMCarrieWebb Why?!!!
07:08:04 PMDennis_Kelley1 i dont know!
07:08:05 PM_Jot_ Carrie needs stickers too
07:08:06 PMnapa_polarbear hay jot,what uo
07:08:13 PM_Jot_ hi napa_polarbear
07:08:14 PMCarrieWebb Because I won't know how to use it....?
07:08:18 PMnapa_polarbear up
07:08:30 PMDennis_Kelley1 something tells me RobbieF can get her some stickers!
07:08:38 PMDJQuad plex robbie? relates to my question. heh
07:08:40 PMSashaD Hahaha.... We will save on shipping if you win :)
07:09:05 PMCarrieWebb True Sasha
07:09:47 PMDJQuad i'll cover carrie's shipping costs. no worries
07:10:42 PMCarrieWebb That's kind DJQuad
07:10:44 PMSashaD DJ Quad.... You are too generous :)
07:11:09 PMDJQuad lol
07:12:51 PMRP_Oshawa is that Wirecast Pro you are using?
07:12:57 PM_Jot_ yep
07:13:01 PMDJQuad yeah
07:13:08 PM_Jot_
07:14:30 PMSashaD Thanks Jot :)
07:14:43 PMDJQuad i prefer obs over wirecast because it's free and opensource but it's just a preference
07:15:15 PMspiceJax Whats OBS? DJ
07:15:37 PMCarrieWebb OBS is short for obstetrics
07:15:40 PMDJQuad
07:15:57 PM_Jot_ Open Broadcaster Software
07:16:57 PMspiceJax Hurry up and Wait, lol
07:17:06 PMDJQuad i can't wait for linux support. it'll be soon
07:17:40 PMSashaD You are a nurse Carrie lol
07:18:02 PM_Jot_ a good one too I am sure
07:18:09 PMjonathono Source is on github...
07:18:12 PMCarrieWebb Thanks Jot
07:18:57 PMjonathono but it's not a tarball format
07:19:01 PMDJQuad yep jon. they'll port it soon. such a fan of open source
07:21:53 PMspiceJax Just rub it three times?
07:22:07 PMDJQuad lol robbie it's turning into the stream Q&A. i emailed a streaming question a couple hours ago
07:22:24 PMDreamweaver909 lol
07:23:43 PMDJQuad are capture cards basically like a dvr for desktops?
07:24:28 PM_Jot_ capture cards capture video, so it a part of a dvr
07:24:30 PMSashaD Great question :).... Lets hopefully get that covered :)
07:25:08 PMRP_Oshawa can you use a matrox MX02 mini?
07:25:20 PMtic-toc what is she trying tonight?
07:25:20 PMspiceJax Drum roll please
07:26:08 PMGWG I have arrived
07:26:11 PMGWG Did I miss anything
07:26:17 PMDJQuad don't laugh SashaD
07:26:32 PM_Jot_ yep! Carrie Webb is here, and RobbieF talked a lot about streaming
07:27:07 PM_Jot_ is pretty cheap
07:27:43 PMtic-toc just don't eat beans before you fly
07:28:29 PMtic-toc Jane, stop this crazy thing
07:28:39 PMDreamweaver909 I could use it to go to wal mart
07:28:43 PMDJQuad link doesn't work Jot :(
07:29:09 PMDJQuad it redirects to
07:29:27 PM_Jot_ yeah, thats the proper link but something must have happened to them
07:30:38 PMtic-toc nsa
07:30:51 PM_Jot_ heh, swiftly if you count at least a week, which is unacceptable
07:33:20 PMCarrieWebb Good thing I got a MAC!
07:33:32 PMGWG CarrieWebb: Long time no see
07:33:36 PMDJQuad lenova removed it because they got caught doing it. cheap laptops come at a price
07:33:39 PMGWG I probably should turn on the show.
07:33:57 PMGWG I just walked in the door.
07:33:59 PMGWG Said hi first
07:34:15 PMTostoday Lenovo = Leave now or very often :)
07:34:36 PMCarrieWebb Hello!
07:34:46 PMCarrieWebb Hillary just joined me!
07:34:54 PM_Jot_ hi Hillary
07:34:58 PMGWG CarrieWebb: Still appearing in medical commercials?
07:35:02 PMCarrieWebb She says hi
07:35:22 PMCarrieWebb GWG what one did you see?
07:35:35 PMtic-toc Russia to invade Google
07:35:35 PMDJQuad lenovo is a chinese company which made the conspiracy theories run rampant as well
07:38:43 PMDennis_Kelley CarrieWebb: Hi Hillary
07:39:09 PMGWG CarrieWebb: I thought I saw one on Category 5. I don't think they got all the way to NY.
07:39:19 PMJoeInNH Hello everyone
07:39:26 PM_Jot_ hi JoeInNH
07:39:29 PMDennis_Kelley hello JoeInNH
07:39:36 PMDJQuad facebook autoplays videos that you can disable. if not it kills batteries
07:40:45 PMJoeInNH If you want to save battery life, make sure to put your phone in airplane mode when you are in low signal areas. Some phones drain the battery looking for a signal.
07:40:52 PMGWG Barbie must die
07:40:55 PM_Jot_ so now not only your tv and game-console will spy on you, but so will dolls
07:40:58 PMCarrieWebb DJQuad: thanks for the advice!
07:41:53 PMDennis_Kelley where is the plug to charger Barbie
07:41:55 PMJoeInNH Siri goes to the internet to process you voice
07:42:08 PMCarrieWebb I can see parents using this Barbie as crazy leverage.
07:42:14 PMJoeInNH All phone voice recognition apps go to an internet service
07:42:23 PMCarrieWebb Like Elf on a Shelf but worse
07:42:23 PMDreamweaver909 Reminds me of the Twilight Zone episode "The Doll" where the doll said that it was going to kill this guy.
07:42:32 PMGWG Dreamweaver909: I remember that one
07:42:37 PMJoeInNH What about Chucky...
07:42:40 PMDreamweaver909 lol
07:43:02 PMGWG RobbieF: Gender stereotyping your children?
07:43:02 PMJoeInNH Replace Chucky with Barbie
07:43:17 PMDreamweaver909 hahaha Evil Barbie
07:43:45 PMJoeInNH "Hello. Can I be your friend..."
07:44:11 PM_Jot_ Steam also showed off their virtual glasses
07:44:16 PMJoeInNH Is this for Win X?
07:44:39 PMDJQuad all devices like that listen. don't be paranoid. they're not manually listening. they don't have the resources. heh
07:44:51 PMDreamweaver909 lol
07:45:21 PMJoeInNH I want to see somebody hack the barbie to replace it with the Barney song...
07:46:01 PMGarbee Hi CarrieWebb !
07:46:10 PMDennis_Kelley Sweet!
07:46:24 PMJoeInNH Never had a sega
07:46:43 PMJoeInNH I had a coleco vision with atari adapter I think
07:46:45 PMDJQuad people who wear google glass are now commonly referred to as glassholes. lol
07:46:48 PMGWG Isn't this Sega review ever going to happen?
07:46:54 PMDreamweaver909 hahaha
07:46:55 PMGWG I've been sticking around for weeks
07:47:39 PMGWG I'll wait till I can play Tapper
07:47:40 PMJoeInNH Sonic ... Although it looked in reverse
07:48:28 PMDJQuad roku games are better. lol
07:49:29 PMKelseyJ wat
07:49:32 PMSashaD Roku has games!?
07:49:33 PMKelseyJ Roku has games?
07:49:41 PMGWG Yes
07:49:52 PMDJQuad well yeah. lol
07:50:00 PMJoeInNH I found this one game for the nook hd that I evently reached a level where is was impossible for anyone to lose
07:50:31 PMDJQuad :)
07:51:04 PMKelseyJ
07:51:11 PMDreamweaver909 I don't know it
07:51:22 PMDreamweaver909 Never played it....
07:51:39 PMjonathono Do the less expensive rokus have games? Is the motion control remote a requirement?
07:52:00 PM_Jot_ I alawys watch on the roku, isn't that like the only thing on it?
07:52:27 PMDreamweaver909 no they have channels with movies, etc tv shows
07:52:41 PM_Jot_ heh, that link also doesn't do things properly for me :)
07:53:21 PM_Jot_ ah, browser-issue
07:53:32 PMDreamweaver909 in other words when you lose the game don't throw it against the wall
07:54:00 PMJoeInNH I wonder if it is the Mame format?
07:56:12 PMDJQuad i'm not familiar with older rokus but i don't think they included the motion control? a lot of these games seem to support that but i'm not sure. i got all my 4 roku 3's thru robbie's link
07:56:29 PM_Jot_ only the 3 has that I think
07:56:33 PMDreamweaver909 umm..ok
07:57:20 PMWhiskey_Zero Sasha: Nice program, good job! Looking forward to future TiBi reviews.
07:57:29 PMtic-toc good job
07:57:33 PMDennis_Kelley Great Job SashaD!
07:57:37 PM_Jot_ wow SashaD, quick wardrobe change
07:57:38 PMDJQuad nice SashaD!
07:57:42 PMJoeInNH Cool review. <-- code library to develop game for it even on linux
07:58:01 PM_Jot_ hi DrawBot
07:58:10 PMDreamweaver909 whoo hoo
07:58:17 PMSashaD Thanks guys :)
07:58:21 PMBradlee Congratulations SashaD
07:58:28 PMSashaD Good luck to you all :) :)
07:58:41 PMJoeInNH You can develop games for the Megadrive on linux. Good job Sasha!
07:59:28 PMCarrieWebb I want it!!!!
07:59:54 PM_Jot_ congratulations alpeck
07:59:59 PMalpeck thank you
08:00:05 PMDJQuad grats dude!
08:00:05 PMBobK54 congrats!!!
08:00:05 PMJoeInNH Carrie: the shipping cost would've been too much
08:00:24 PMSashaD Let me know what you would like me to review :)
08:00:24 PMnapa_polarbear :-*
08:00:26 PMJoeInNH congradulations alpeck
08:00:36 PMSashaD Congratulations alpeck :)
08:00:38 PMalpeck thank you
08:00:39 PMDennis_Kelley congrats alpeck
08:00:46 PMWhiskey_Zero congrats alpeck
08:01:07 PM_Jot_ SashaD, you should do a review of RobbieF
08:01:14 PMBobK54 good night all!
08:01:30 PMSashaD Except he is the editor lo
08:02:19 PMRP_Oshawa Wow..time went by fast...Good show
08:03:00 PMWhiskey_Zero Good night folks. Great show and perfect Roku reception.
08:03:48 PMRobbieF Thanks folks!
08:04:32 PMDJQuad SashaD: A Roku! how easy or hard it is to use for a beginner
08:05:32 PMSashaD What a great idea DJ Quad :)
08:06:10 PMJoeInNH How to I join....
08:06:20 PMDJQuad like starting from unboxing it, to plugging it into a TV, to setting it up. either that or reviewing a universal remote to control all our devices. just throwing some rambling thoughts out there :)
08:08:46 PMSashaD Okay... I'll have to wait until I buy one, but I could conceivably do that in March :)
08:09:03 PM_Jot__ make RobbieF buy you one :)
08:09:20 PMJoeInNH I think I got this figured out
08:16:52 PMDJQuad tell robbie to get ya one, it's a business expense ;)
08:16:55 PMDJQuad sorry for not paying attention, the google hangout is tonight?
08:17:21 PMGWG Google Hangout, or new episode of Air Crash Investigation.
08:17:24 PMGWG Decisions, decisions
08:19:12 PM_Jot__ watch the jotbot :)
08:19:37 PM_Jot__ don't forget to tell people to kill their microphone if they are not talking :)
08:23:59 PM_Jot__ when you hold the microphone, don't hold the bottom part, it'll break up the sound
08:24:58 PMRobbieF does it?
08:25:09 PM_Jot__ yep
08:25:15 PM_Jot__ because thats where the transmitter is
08:25:30 PMjonathono I can hear
08:25:51 PMWhiskey_Zero could someone give me the hangout URL please
08:26:21 PMjonathono
08:27:01 PMWhiskey_Zero thanx jonathono!
08:36:56 PMMaineGeek75 So i'm watching the live but my cam and mic dont work atm...
08:48:53 PM_Jot__ Sashas blog:
08:56:02 PMSashaD :)
09:08:25 PMkeckec hey all, i'm trying to get the hangout to work. Is it still on?
09:15:06 PMRobbieF just wrapping up keckec, sorry.
09:15:10 PMRobbieF I'll post it to youtube though


Does Not Include Lurkers