Chat Logs for Episode 390 — #Category5 on /


With 30 Posts:revdjenk
With 18 Posts:Dreamweaver909
With 16 Posts:_Jot_
With 13 Posts:RobbieF
With 12 Posts:Dennis_Kelley

Chat Logs:

06:58:04 PM_Jot_ hi KelseyJ
06:58:40 PMnot_new_guy yes, hi KelseyJ
06:58:45 PMrevdjenk hey _Jot_ !
06:58:54 PM_Jot_ KelseyJ, what about grease 2?
06:59:42 PM_Jot_ grease is from 1978, the sequel, grease 2, is from 1982
07:00:01 PMrevdjenk well, the shows on the BIG screen and we are ready to go! Go Robbie, Go Kelsey, Go SashaD
07:00:26 PMDreamweaver909 Rokus at the ready....
07:00:35 PMrevdjenk Fine!
07:01:05 PMrevdjenk with Burns effects and everything?!?!
07:01:08 PMDreamweaver909 now it just started on the roku
07:01:12 PMRobbieF even better!
07:01:28 PMDreamweaver909 but it's lagging behind the online
07:01:36 PMFKing I'm Great!
07:01:43 PMDreamweaver909 not synchronized?
07:01:46 PMDennis_Kelley Hi _Jot_
07:01:57 PM_Jot_ hi people :)
07:02:37 PM_Jot_ if you have a line, write it down :)
07:02:45 PMDJQuad hey y'all :)
07:03:31 PMRobbieF Heya!
07:03:51 PMDennis_Kelley Hi Gang!
07:04:01 PMDreamweaver909 hi
07:04:59 PM_Jot_ Seeing Carrie was amazing :) and everybody else too of course
07:05:04 PMFKing it was great.
07:05:27 PMDennis_Kelley does anyone know how to check my wifi signal strength from the Command Line?
07:05:43 PM_Jot_ I hope all those viewers send some money to and shop through because it really helps with the cost of the show
07:06:47 PMFKing thank you for a great show.
07:07:06 PMRobGor Hi Guys
07:07:17 PM_Jot_ hi RobGor
07:07:55 PMrevdjenk is SashaD hiding today>
07:08:12 PMABQTKY Terrible catastrophe! Robbie is out of Veg-A-Mite!!
07:08:22 PMDreamweaver909 Amazon even delivers groceries....
07:08:27 PM_Jot_ revdjenk, I think she may be virtual today
07:08:38 PMrevdjenk ah....
07:09:21 PMRobGor hmm for some reason ABQTKY I dont think he will be upset that has happended
07:09:27 PMDreamweaver909 no refrigerated items...powdered and canned milk etc.
07:09:51 PMrevdjenk not a fan, ABQTKY, of veg-a-mite or any of the British types
07:09:59 PMDennis_Kelley i still like going to store for somethings. plus it supports local stores and jobs
07:10:34 PMABQTKY But, but Robbie is such a big fan of Veg-A-Mite!!
07:10:44 PMSmokyjoe I got a new elgato hd60 using the amazon affiliate link this week.
07:10:49 PMDreamweaver909 Being visually disabled it's easier because I have to arrange for a ride to the store.
07:11:10 PMDennis_Kelley true that Dreamweaver909
07:11:57 PMRobGor Anyone here upload clips to Youtube and use Linux to edit the video ?
07:12:03 PMrevdjenk Dreamweaver909: google cars can't come too soon for you then!
07:12:21 PMDreamweaver909 parallax..sounds
07:12:40 PMDreamweaver909 yeah really, self driving cars would be great
07:13:03 PMDreamweaver909 But it's 2015 I want the flying cars...
07:13:21 PMrevdjenk hee hee Dreamweaver909
07:13:34 PMDennis_Kelley RobbieF what if your in England and its on your left?
07:13:44 PMrevdjenk I have a para ears!
07:13:47 PMDreamweaver909 lol
07:13:56 PMrevdjenk para eyes but no para lax
07:15:19 PMDreamweaver909 more fiber with para lax
07:15:20 PMDennis_Kelley adam does want to be on camera more
07:16:14 PMrevdjenk Dreamweaver909: my stools have no legs .. ahem
07:16:37 PMDreamweaver909 lol
07:17:14 PMrevdjenk neat... RobbieF ... this will be one to watch live and review later as well!
07:17:51 PMtic-toc spiderman
07:18:11 PMGuest_3816 Roku only offered March 3 video
07:20:10 PMDennis_Kelley KelseyJ Gets the idea!
07:21:23 PMDennis_Kelley RobbieF -Kids are getting big!
07:29:19 PMDreamweaver909 freak bug? from Rick James?
07:32:57 PMFKing XBMC lot's of media.
07:33:42 PM_Jot_ RobbieF, you may need a haircut
07:37:02 PMDreamweaver909 Romulans
07:37:19 PM_Jot_ *goes hide under the table*
07:39:28 PMDreamweaver909 it's a super freak super freaky...
07:41:12 PMrevdjenk You have to be on the same wifi
07:41:26 PMRobbieF I know eh Dennis_Kelley?! Scary and exciting at the same time!
07:43:29 PMtic-toc or the one
07:43:30 PMrevdjenk Nimoy is recently late.
07:45:07 PMtic-toc connect the dots la-la-la-la-la
07:45:10 PMGarbee I hope his kids don't go invisible like that in real life...
07:46:09 PM_Jot_ they probably will move out of the house at one point, thats like being invisible
07:49:24 PMGrumpyHamster so its like an index in a book?..pointing to pages (files) ?
07:51:44 PMrevdjenk _Jot_: some move back!
07:52:05 PM_Jot_ oh dear, I better change the locks then
07:52:12 PMDennis_Kelley RobbieF is that like a symlink
07:52:53 PMRobbieF Yeah DK you got it bud!
07:52:55 PMGuest_5536 Linux has a hard link too.
07:53:00 PMDennis_Kelley sweet
07:53:23 PM_Jot_ windows can make softlinks and hardlinks too, but you have to do it manually
07:53:45 PMrevdjenk I did that once on my Zaurus pda, deleted my files to which the symlink pointed, and there was nothing there, afterwards
07:54:44 PMrevdjenk how we learn!
07:56:35 PM_Jot_ That was when RobbieF still had hair
07:58:36 PMrevdjenk Kelvin
07:58:46 PMrevdjenk Calvin was a reformer
07:59:28 PMrevdjenk nice!!
08:00:10 PMrevdjenk initialize
08:00:12 PMGuest_5536 Roku loading... i got teenagers
08:01:28 PMCrimsonDynamo Darnnit, Already ending? This is the quickest hour in time.
08:01:49 PMrevdjenk and with Spring daylight saving time, we lose even more!
08:02:59 PMnapa_polarbear hello all
08:03:35 PMrevdjenk hey napa_polarbear
08:04:04 PMrevdjenk go another hour RobbieF !!!
08:04:11 PMRobbieF Hahaha!
08:04:13 PMRobbieF would LOVE to
08:04:18 PMRobbieF but we don't have the hard drive space!
08:04:50 PMWhiskey_Zero Robbie and Kelsey (and virtual Sasha), thanks for another awesome program. Roku was perfect reception tonight! See you all next week.
08:04:59 PMRobbieF thanks buddy!
08:05:40 PMrevdjenk yes, my web chromecast had about three minor freezes, otherwise, best looking/sounding show to date...
08:05:51 PMDennis_Kelley Great Show RobbieF and KelseyJ. Great Job SashaD
08:06:03 PMCrimsonDynamo LOL
08:06:04 PMDJQuad later all, have a great week
08:06:04 PMGuest_5536 Got Linux? Update either your intel or amd processor microcode. It's a deb package on Debian, non-free or contrib.
08:06:04 PMGuest_5536 microcode is updated fairly often.
08:06:04 PMcalhydro Thx robbie Calvin
08:06:04 PMCrimsonDynamo Jot - Hey I gotta say, Hey ther' Jot!
08:06:04 PMDreamweaver909 good show...later!
08:06:04 PMBear55 Good night ever body. Have a good week ever body
08:06:04 PMGuest_5536 nice irc!
08:06:04 PMFKing Good night all.
08:06:04 PMnot_new_guy adios amigos
08:06:23 PMrevdjenk RobbieF: you will have a second part to the parallax gimp fix?
08:06:55 PMRobbieF and third!
08:07:16 PMrevdjenk Guest_5536: of course!!!
08:07:35 PMrevdjenk yay!
08:08:07 PMrevdjenk because I got to the marquee stage, but without movement... will have to review
08:08:09 PMGuest_5536 think i'll watch some previous episodes while I got roku on...
08:09:09 PMCrimsonDynamo Good one, Thanks Cat5TV crew! Goodnite.
08:09:22 PMRobbieF :)
08:09:26 PMRobbieF thanks CrimsonDynamo
08:10:08 PMGuest_5536 facebook is not the biggest strain on my phone, i don't have facebook.
08:15:34 PMRobbieF Night all! Files are rendering out> :)
08:15:34 PMRobbieF seeya
08:15:46 PM_Jot_ yay
08:18:09 PMGuest_5536 :-\


Does Not Include Lurkers