Chat Logs for Episode 398 — #Category5 on /


With 57 Posts:Dennis_Kelley
With 57 Posts:Songbird
With 54 Posts:revdjenk
With 40 Posts:ajamison5579
With 32 Posts:JoeInNH

Chat Logs:

06:58:04 PMSongbird Ty and ditto!
06:59:44 PMDennis_Kelley RobbieF - checking out the 'New Everyday' Show! Awesome!
06:59:46 PMspiceJax Gooood Eveeaaning
07:00:06 PMSongbird It is good Dennis!
07:00:15 PMSongbird Good Evening spiceJax
07:00:31 PMDennis_Kelley Songbird - yes it is. Have to Pause. there is another show starting
07:01:12 PMspiceJax 3sec!
07:01:24 PMtic-toc lol
07:01:28 PMSongbird LOL
07:01:42 PMDennis_Kelley TheChrista is in the house!
07:01:48 PMDennis_Kelley SashaD hello!
07:01:59 PMSongbird Hi Sasha and Christa too! :D
07:02:12 PMTheChrista Hi!
07:02:32 PMDennis_Kelley TheChrista how you been?
07:02:40 PMDJQuad hey peoples and robots! :)
07:03:15 PMSongbird Hi DJQuad
07:03:29 PMSashaD I hope your Tuesday is going well :)
07:03:51 PMSongbird No earthquakes here today for a change so it is good. lol
07:04:00 PMDennis_Kelley DJQuad hello
07:04:01 PMajamison5579 a few minutes short of making it on time
07:04:07 PMDennis_Kelley Songbird did you feel it?
07:04:30 PMSashaD Songbird.... Where do you live?
07:04:37 PMSongbird Yes my computer monitor was shaking so bad and cats flying around the house. lol
07:04:43 PMSongbird Midland Michigan
07:05:03 PMtic-toc Sasha still messing with the
07:05:10 PMSashaD Ugh! Scary stuff.
07:05:13 PMDennis_Kelley Songbird - did not feel it at all in Grand Blanc
07:05:37 PMSongbird It was real mild here in Midland, my bro in law got nailed worse in Jackson.
07:05:41 PMSashaD The remote isn't cooperating with me tonight
07:05:44 PMcalhydro Robbie: GIMP Question
07:05:44 PMcalhydro I discovered this great plug-in for GIMP to quickly create a tear-off image, the tread indicates that it is an older version that worked with GIMP 2.6 not GIMP 2.8 is there a way to get this plugin working or get the same effect in GIMP 2.8?
07:05:56 PMSashaD Andrew, happy birthday :) :)
07:05:59 PMtic-toc kick it
07:06:02 PMDennis_Kelley ajamison5579 - Happy Birthday!
07:06:15 PMSongbird Happy Birthday Andrew!
07:06:31 PMajamison5579 thank you all only 4 years away from 40 anyone have 60 grand for me to fund my mid-life crissis in 4 years
07:06:31 PMDennis_Kelley ajamison5579 you made it back live just in time for your birthday!
07:06:48 PMajamison5579 lol
07:07:02 PMDJQuad happy bday! if you were born one day earlier i would have said may the 4th be with you on your bday
07:07:24 PMajamison5579 djquad to which i would have rolled my eyes at you
07:07:27 PMajamison5579 lol
07:07:44 PMDJQuad i would hope you would have. lol
07:07:58 PMSongbird lollll
07:08:03 PMtic-toc Show us the comics
07:08:30 PMDennis_Kelley TheChrista keep SashaD calm over there!
07:08:36 PMdreamweaver909 ??
07:08:59 PMDennis_Kelley Nice
07:09:07 PMSashaD Hey now!
07:09:19 PMDennis_Kelley SashaD sorry!
07:09:35 PMajamison5579 let me ask my fellow geeks and nerds a question. Where exactly did the whole may the 4th thing come from surely its more then just a play on words
07:09:44 PMCrimsonDynamo Cinco De Mayo!! Happy B-day A.J.
07:10:06 PMSashaD Its okay... I am a bit hyper today. The coffee is delicious
07:10:12 PMjwmp Well it's from Star Wars of course
07:10:17 PMDennis_Kelley ajamison5579 its a Star Wars Geek thing
07:10:51 PMSashaD As in, may the force be with you :)
07:10:54 PMjwmp "May the FORCE be with you"
07:10:58 PMajamison5579 dennis_kelley i get that but where did it come from? Aside from being a take on the may the force be with you
07:11:04 PMspiceJax To Aussies it looks ok lol
07:11:10 PMajamison5579 i get the whole play on words but is that the only reason?
07:11:18 PMSashaD Yeppers
07:11:20 PMjwmp Probably an advertising gimic.
07:11:41 PMDennis_Kelley ajamison5579 thats it! just a play on words
07:11:45 PMDJQuad yes aj. nerds are amused easily. lol
07:11:46 PMajamison5579 well that has to be the dumbest exuse for a merchandising holiday i have ever heard lol
07:12:01 PMSashaD I think, anyhow. I think social media made it big
07:12:17 PMajamison5579 Meijer and maybe other retailers run specific sales call May the 4th sales
07:12:38 PMDennis_Kelley have you heard 'Revenge of the 5th'? - i know very silly
07:12:49 PMGuest_3309 does anyone know how to over clock ubuntu mate for rasperry pi 2
07:12:59 PMajamison5579 I plan to visit mexico one year for the entire country to celebrate my birthday
07:13:04 PMajamison5579 mwuhahaha
07:13:20 PMspiceJax Master PDF Editor is good also
07:13:23 PMWhiskey_Zero Cool tool there Robbie
07:13:36 PMSashaD Dennis Kelly, strangely... I have heard of it
07:14:14 PMDennis_Kelley ajamison5579 - i have a friend that is born on St. Patrick's day. he says the same thing. everyone celebrates his b-day.
07:14:15 PMSashaD Andrew... Best idea ever! Tequila was on sale at my work in celebration of your birthday today :)
07:14:16 PMajamison5579 I have alot of friends who view Starwars as the sci-fi eqivilant of the science fiction bible
07:14:37 PMSashaD I've never seen it
07:14:42 PMSashaD :(
07:15:00 PMDJQuad aj - thankfully most arent that extreme :)
07:15:01 PMrevdjenk ajamison5579: I was practicing science friction, just finished mowing the lawn!
07:15:08 PMDennis_Kelley SashaD what the Star Wars Bible?
07:15:15 PMajamison5579 so i have heard all of those play on words things the whole haun shot first fiasco to may the 4th be with you and revenge of the 5th
07:15:44 PMDJQuad OMG SASHA. i'm not sure we can be friends anymore
07:16:14 PMrevdjenk DJQuad: hee hee
07:16:16 PMajamison5579 one of my favorite geek personalities Chris Pirillo is a Starwars nerd in the extreme
07:16:45 PMSashaD DJ Quad..i will try very hard to watch it soon. Don't leave me!
07:16:47 PMSongbird I have an external hard drive that I took things from a computer and it crashed a week later.
07:16:54 PMDennis_Kelley i have alot of friend who have made thier own Star Wars Armor
07:16:57 PMSongbird I wonder if it is safe to use that again?
07:18:25 PMDJQuad one if the prerequisites of being a geek is star wars ;) i was 4 when the original came out and i remember seeing it in the theater. :)
07:18:40 PMjwmp FreeFileSync is a good backup tool. It does live sync too.
07:18:41 PMrevdjenk hey everyone, if anyone has a question about choosing between Windows and Linux, our church's Windows' network has been torn up with a new anti-virus installation which failed and then corrupted files and programs, etc!
07:19:03 PMGuest_3309 windows 10 is out for pi if you like windows
07:19:04 PMrevdjenk took two days to straighten out!
07:19:06 PMajamison5579 I love the reactions when you compare Startrek to Starwars or worse mix them up its hilarious
07:19:20 PMDJQuad haha aj for sure
07:19:53 PMDJQuad beam me up han solo
07:20:19 PMrevdjenk Guest_3309: no, I don't ... see my post above!
07:20:22 PMajamison5579 Boldly going where no wookie has gone before
07:20:32 PMSongbird I am more of a Star Trek fan than Star Wars. :)
07:20:55 PMJoeInNH I found Star Trek to narrow
07:21:24 PMSongbird I just love Spock and Kirk. lol
07:21:30 PMGuest_3309 how can you clock up ubuntu mate for raspberry pi 2
07:21:30 PMajamison5579 i think George Lucas summed up Star-wars the best when he says its a space opera
07:21:43 PMajamison5579 all we need now is a musical staring luke skywalker
07:21:46 PMDennis_Kelley I mean how cool can Star Wars be? they do not even have Teleport.
07:22:10 PMDJQuad star trek had the advantage of tv series :)
07:22:14 PMrevdjenk ajamison5579: didn't Bill Murray sing a medley of star wars songs?
07:22:28 PMDennis_Kelley Yes he did revdjenk
07:22:38 PMDennis_Kelley That is the best!
07:22:38 PMJoeInNH 1 phrase: Light Sabers
07:22:51 PMajamison5579 one phrase Science Fiction
07:23:02 PMJoeInNH More aliens, and Star Wars is less of a steril world
07:23:19 PMDennis_Kelley JoeInNH - another Phrase - Cloaking Device!
07:23:31 PMSashaD I'll watch both and do a comparison :)
07:23:42 PMrevdjenk SashaD: !
07:23:52 PMDennis_Kelley SashaD - I like both actually!
07:23:54 PMSongbird I guess it is because I am watching Star Trek on Netflix again. lol
07:24:24 PMrevdjenk Songbird: used to live a mile from George Lucas, so partial to the S'Wars
07:24:24 PMDJQuad i can't recommend enough :)
07:24:36 PMcalhydro Robbie: GIMP Question
07:24:36 PMcalhydro I discovered this great plug-in for GIMP to quickly create a tear-off image, the tread indicates that it is an older version that worked with GIMP 2.6 not GIMP 2.8 is there a way to get this plugin working or get the same effect in GIMP 2.8?
07:24:41 PMrevdjenk SashaD: and da news
07:24:47 PMJoeInNH TheChrista: are those new glasses. You didn't specify the question topics
07:24:57 PMSongbird I could see why then revdjenk
07:24:58 PMrevdjenk hee hee JoeInNH
07:25:00 PMtic-toc Daaa News
07:25:16 PMajamison5579 revdjenk i read what you just wrote in my head with a bostonian accent
07:25:27 PMJoeInNH I am more partial to Babylon 5. I like star trek, but it is still stale and narrow.
07:26:18 PMDennis_Kelley Here comes the Sun!
07:27:02 PMDennis_Kelley because plam sounds wierd!
07:27:06 PMJoeInNH It gives Robbie more depth
07:27:15 PMJoeInNH plam?
07:27:16 PMDennis_Kelley *weird
07:27:30 PMDennis_Kelley Not LAMP
07:27:53 PMtic-toc Who's shinning a flashlight in Robbie's face
07:27:53 PMMaineGeek75 Hi everyone! Been a little while since i have been in here lol...
07:28:07 PMVoodoosandman Buck Rodgers on the radio!
07:28:08 PMrevdjenk Here's a question for RobbieF ... if you could vote in the 2016 presidential primary, would you vote for Carly Fiorina?
07:28:17 PMDennis_Kelley PHP Linux Apache MySQL
07:28:31 PMSongbird Hi MaineGeek75!
07:28:31 PMDennis_Kelley MaineGeek75 welcome back!
07:28:34 PMrevdjenk this does have a tech angle, sort of
07:28:45 PMMaineGeek75 now if blizzard would only come out with a version of their games for linux :(
07:28:55 PMfking GO TUX GO!
07:29:09 PMrevdjenk turn it off and on again....
07:29:24 PMoldsalt MaineGeek75, where in Maine?
07:29:52 PMDennis_Kelley Does anyone watch/listen to any of the Podnutz shows?
07:30:23 PMDJQuad not sure if you have time to skim this during the show robbie, but any thoughts on ?
07:30:27 PMJoeInNH Good thiing I can't afford to fly
07:30:30 PMoldsalt Hey Robbie.
07:30:43 PMDennis_Kelley oldsalt hello!
07:30:56 PMDennis_Kelley been awhile oldsalt
07:31:22 PMajamison5579 here it comes Microsoft is going to change the name from Skype to Sky.Net
07:31:27 PMoldsalt Hey Dennis_Kelley, how have you been?
07:31:30 PMajamison5579 and hence Skynet will be born
07:31:31 PMrevdjenk oh, the EU court is good when they go after google, eh Microsoft
07:31:39 PMDennis_Kelley oldsalt good!
07:31:39 PMJoeInNH Cloud have been used to represent the internet & networking for decades...
07:31:48 PMrevdjenk and there is blue in the logo
07:31:55 PMTheChrista haha, nice JoeInNH! I like you're ability to find loopholes. They are relatively new. I guess I'm not on the show enough anymore, so they would be new to you folks. I feel that they make me look brilliant!
07:32:34 PMDJQuad that's like candy crush trying to trademark the word fruit
07:32:37 PMSongbird If I squint my eyes hard they look the same? lol
07:33:02 PMrevdjenk microsoft will change the name to modern!
07:33:07 PMJoeInNH or when microsoft tried to trademark "windows"
07:33:09 PMTheChrista tic-toc, I noticed that too! The light is shining in from the window...he looks rather angelic, no?
07:33:16 PMSongbird Oh my they are DJQuad? wow
07:33:18 PMajamison5579 Mark my words Microsft will be the creator of Skynet they have the two products allready all we need is Skype to be re-designed in .net and then we get SkyNet
07:33:21 PMajamison5579 the end is nie
07:33:24 PMMaineGeek75 sorry just sat back down...pittsfield/newport/st albians area
07:33:32 PMMaineGeek75 why?
07:33:39 PMMaineGeek75 @oldsalt :)
07:34:34 PMoldsalt I'm from Scarboro but live in Mattawamkeag now.
07:34:45 PMDJQuad Songbird, sorry, candy. lol.
07:34:58 PMrevdjenk TheChrista: hey! busy... yay!
07:35:13 PMDennis_Kelley oldsalt - what ever company can do it first, will be the ones to do it.
07:35:17 PMSongbird I will check that out DJQuad. That is far out. lol
07:35:21 PMJoeInNH The only way Microsoft could do produce skynet is if the Unix world did it first. Then, the would copy the open source code and rename
07:35:34 PMrevdjenk TheChrista: name something skypie or skypoo or skycloud.. while you can
07:36:12 PMajamison5579 Sky.Net its coming
07:36:26 PMajamison5579 I have been saying that since they bought skype
07:36:35 PMMaineGeek75 @oldsalt, very nice
07:36:44 PMSongbird Michigan is buried on the map. lol
07:36:46 PMJoeInNH Peterborough NH?
07:36:56 PMMaineGeek75 HI :)
07:37:06 PMrevdjenk that does look nice
07:37:13 PMDennis_Kelley SPeaking of which, where has Jot been?
07:37:26 PMtic-toc 1 viewer in
07:37:36 PMajamison5579 He has been making a surplus of wooden shoes ;)
07:37:38 PMSongbird lol
07:37:42 PMJoeInNH They have internet in Mongolia?
07:37:44 PMDennis_Kelley upper Mongolia
07:37:45 PMrevdjenk Dennis_Kelley: I was just looking for him...
07:38:06 PMcalhydro Haven't tried it yet
07:38:18 PMrevdjenk JoeInNH: Yaknet
07:38:20 PMDennis_Kelley revdjenk he has not been on for three weeks now.
07:38:36 PMajamison5579 he lives in the netherlands i think its rather early there
07:38:39 PMajamison5579 or late
07:38:43 PMrevdjenk wow... I've been missing in that period, too
07:38:43 PMDJQuad use a responsive wordpress theme and you're fine. i don't blame google when sites that show up in search results are worthless on mobile. it's not hard to make a site look fine on any mobile device. welcome to 2015 :)
07:38:50 PMtic-toc What's
07:38:59 PMrevdjenk ajamison5579: but he hasn't missed for years
07:39:14 PMajamison5579 maybe his work has demanded more of his time
07:39:25 PMrevdjenk ajamison5579: hope that is the case
07:39:42 PMrevdjenk we might ask RobbieF post show
07:39:46 PMJoeInNH ~/Dropbox is my favorite folder
07:39:52 PMajamison5579 Stay positive Rev I am sure he is fine
07:39:54 PMDennis_Kelley revdjenk for sure
07:40:55 PMajamison5579 Robbie makes Linux look so fun i install it natively and get excited until i get the urge to play a game then i panic and reboot into windows :( I am weak
07:41:07 PMSongbird lol
07:41:11 PMrevdjenk hee hee
07:41:15 PMDennis_Kelley ajamison5579 we did the same thing when we didn't see you on for a few shows
07:41:30 PMjwmp script-fu?
07:41:42 PMajamison5579 yeah my stupid job has been eating alot of my time lately
07:41:42 PMJoeInNH my favorite game is on Linux...Angband
07:41:51 PMcalhydro No haven't tried it yet
07:42:05 PMSongbird He has an answer
07:42:08 PMajamison5579 I usually would be sitting in a photo department right now pretending to be busy while i wait for someone to submit pictures
07:42:25 PMrevdjenk does the article say which location?
07:42:40 PMjwmp TheChrista - check Script-Fu
07:43:02 PMDennis_Kelley RobbieF TheChrista - I found the Sun!
07:43:41 PMTheChrista It's starting to blind me now Dennis_Kelley!
07:43:43 PMrevdjenk RobbieF: plugin script puts a "Tear-off" menu item on the Image menu
07:43:47 PMJoeInNH I think it would have been under the python
07:43:51 PMJoeInNH menu
07:43:53 PMCrimsonDynamo Plug-in Browers??
07:43:58 PMDennis_Kelley TheChrista get your sunglasses!
07:44:04 PMSongbird You will need sunglasses TheChrista lol
07:44:32 PMJoeInNH what was the name of this filter?
07:44:40 PMDennis_Kelley Maybe we can get a shine of RobbieF's Head!
07:44:42 PMTheChrista this one is called tear off
07:44:59 PMlifeofpi look at that glowing head
07:45:06 PMajamison5579 I feel a song coming on "The sun is so bright, i gotta wear shades"
07:45:08 PMSongbird lol
07:45:20 PMJoeInNH I wonder if it is in packer
07:45:20 PMajamison5579 can not remember what song that is from though
07:45:29 PMSongbird Cool I have to watch this later...very slowly. lol
07:45:31 PMDennis_Kelley its fun to talk about RobbieF when is busy doing something!
07:45:33 PMcalhydro I will give it a try - Cool good deal
07:45:43 PMSongbird lol Dennis_Kelley
07:46:02 PMSongbird I see Angels on the show! lol
07:46:05 PMDennis_Kelley RobbieF is the Man!
07:46:29 PMJoeInNH Robbie is in "the light" and sasha is in "the dark"?
07:46:42 PMrevdjenk JoeInNH: that's a reversal!
07:46:49 PMSongbird LOL
07:46:51 PMDennis_Kelley we are going to have to put on our sunglasses soon! RobbieF
07:46:51 PMcalhydro Bring the clones
07:46:55 PMrevdjenk lol
07:46:58 PMDJQuad lmao
07:47:02 PMSongbird LOLLLL
07:47:17 PMrevdjenk and you need the french accent, RobbieF
07:47:27 PMJoeInNH The onther looks like the first cohost
07:47:37 PMDennis_Kelley Carrie Webb
07:47:52 PMSongbird My Hubby is in a picture smiling with and I said you look like Robbie! He said Robbie? lol
07:48:06 PMrevdjenk Songbird: hee hee
07:48:09 PMSongbird lol
07:48:15 PMDennis_Kelley a glare?
07:48:22 PMajamison5579 i am bald myself the only person i ever thought looked like Robbief was that physisit on the science channel but i can not remember his name
07:48:36 PMrevdjenk kill
07:48:44 PMrevdjenk killall
07:48:46 PMrevdjenk halt
07:49:49 PMDJQuad killall is a bit OP :)
07:49:54 PMrevdjenk hee hee
07:49:58 PMajamison5579 Revdjenk is that your impersonation of a serial killer in a chat room
07:50:04 PMSongbird lol
07:50:23 PMrevdjenk ajamison5579: DJQuad well, it would work... !
07:50:57 PMrevdjenk _jot_ isn't here, so someone has to supply comic relief
07:51:04 PMDJQuad it would fix that problem and many more ;)
07:51:32 PMJoeInNH If tribbles can be used for meat...we could end world hunger
07:51:45 PMSongbird lol They are too hairy.
07:51:46 PMMaineGeek75 lol
07:51:55 PMrevdjenk kibbles, yes, tribbles, no
07:52:04 PMSashaD The only one I get is that I look like Velma from scoobie doo
07:52:13 PMJoeInNH Robbie ate "k" What did J & L think?
07:52:20 PMSongbird I could see that Sasha! :)
07:52:20 PMDennis_Kelley Songbird - some people like hair balls!
07:52:37 PMajamison5579 SashaD you do not say Jenkies though that would be a pre-requesit to be velma
07:52:37 PMSongbird LOL Dennis_Kelley. gags
07:52:40 PMSashaD Jinkies!
07:52:44 PMrevdjenk Dennis_Kelley: Songbird my cat must love me, he delivers them all the time
07:52:52 PMDennis_Kelley Songbird :-D
07:52:52 PMSongbird ewwww. lol
07:53:17 PMSongbird LOL
07:53:19 PMlifeofpi can we have a show on raspbrrypi
07:53:34 PMDennis_Kelley this conversation took a very wrong turn
07:54:02 PMrevdjenk SashaD: you know more about Linux than Velma
07:54:09 PMSongbird lol
07:55:00 PMSashaD :) :). True... Other than that, she has me beat! She solve crime in no time (or 30 mins)
07:55:20 PMDennis_Kelley we scared rd_blair away!
07:55:37 PMSashaD It takes me that long just to find my glasses in the morning
07:55:42 PMrevdjenk hee hee
07:55:52 PMDJQuad nah SashaD more like mary ann from gilligan's island :)
07:56:16 PMrevdjenk mary ann was always my favorite
07:56:24 PMSashaD That is way better! Thanks guys!
07:56:51 PMSongbird You are a cutie SashaD! :D
07:56:56 PMWhiskey_Zero Hey Robbie, Sasha and Christ's,
07:57:29 PMnapa_polarbear hi all
07:57:29 PMWhiskey_Zero Whoops.... Wrong button
07:57:33 PMDJQuad i use updraftplus on every site. rocks
07:57:39 PMDJQuad lol robbie
07:57:41 PMSongbird
07:57:45 PMSongbird lol
07:57:52 PMSashaD Lol
07:58:12 PMrevdjenk Chat question... where is _jot_ ?
07:58:50 PMDennis_Kelley napa_polarbear hello!
07:59:12 PMSongbird LOL
07:59:13 PMJoeInNH Wedding photos....somebody would be in trouble.
07:59:22 PMDJQuad in a nutshell is was about m$ slowly embracing linux and open source more and more :)
07:59:22 PMSashaD Has anyone heard from him?
07:59:36 PMJoeInNH Speaking of photos, did you back up your weding photos christa..
07:59:57 PMDJQuad Jot's been mia for like a mo
08:00:05 PMDJQuad month :(
08:00:23 PMDennis_Kelley JoeInNH is there a difference between Angband and zAngband
08:00:39 PMJoeInNH not sure.
08:00:50 PMJoeInNH I think it might be a varient
08:00:52 PMSongbird Fast hour!
08:01:17 PMDennis_Kelley Songbird time flies by when we have fun!
08:01:22 PMlifeofpi we need 2 hours
08:01:23 PMSongbird It sure does!
08:01:29 PMJoeInNH may the 5th be with you
08:01:34 PMjwmp Good fun show. Cheers all
08:01:34 PMDennis_Kelley lifeofpi - i agree!
08:01:42 PMSongbird Or may you drink a 5th. l ol
08:01:46 PMrevdjenk nice show
08:01:49 PMWhiskey_Zero Thanks for another great show guys! See you all next week.
08:02:03 PMDennis_Kelley Songbird good one!
08:02:08 PMDJQuad life - everyone suggests it, including me. lol
08:02:09 PMSongbird :D
08:02:09 PMJoeInNH Unfortunately, May 5th in the US tends to be 1 of the 2 big drinking holidays
08:02:14 PMSashaD See you next week! I'll be co hosting!
08:02:19 PMTheChrista great "chatrooming" folks!
08:02:22 PMrevdjenk yay SashaD !
08:02:25 PMTheChrista you guys have done this before!
08:02:27 PMjwmp bye all
08:02:33 PMSongbird Thanks everyone and the show was great!!!
08:02:35 PMrevdjenk SashaD: come dressed as mary ann
08:02:41 PMSongbird lol
08:02:51 PMJoeInNH Nice of you to visit Christa
08:02:54 PMSashaD Maybe for Halloween :)
08:02:58 PMSongbird Now I have the gilligans island song stuck in my head..great
08:03:18 PMrevdjenk TheChrista: great to hear that your business is still getting better
08:03:40 PMDJQuad songbird -
08:03:48 PMSongbird :D
08:03:51 PMrevdjenk Songbird: sing it to amazing grace.. just double the last line
08:04:04 PMSongbird lol Oh my
08:04:19 PMSongbird I will have to write it out and try it. If I dare. lol
08:04:22 PMrevdjenk Songbird: I mean sing gilligan theme using amazing grace
08:04:48 PMSongbird Yes! I will try it. I guess I can sing that one. I hope. lol
08:04:58 PMDJQuad i won't link remixes. lol
08:05:04 PMJoeInNH now I am looking for cool plugins to gimp
08:05:34 PMrevdjenk yes, tear off looks interesting
08:05:46 PMTheChrista thanks revdjenk! It's definitely going the correct way....better than down and bankrupt anyways!
08:06:02 PMrevdjenk yay TheChrista !
08:06:29 PMCrimsonDynamo Thanks all for another great show. Have a good evening!
08:06:39 PMDJQuad there are a ton joe. it's a revolt against photoshop, but i still use it, heh
08:06:42 PMrevdjenk see you next week, hopefully
08:07:00 PMrevdjenk off to all about android
08:07:31 PMDJQuad take care all. see you next week :)
08:07:56 PMVoodoosandman Great Show,
08:07:56 PMVoodoosandman My Dad has Parkinsons We take him tagging, He shakes up the paints.
08:08:25 PMJoeInNH great show. Later everyone
08:17:00 PMRobbieF Hope everyone had a fun time!


Does Not Include Lurkers