Chat Logs for Episode 403 — #Category5 on /


With 55 Posts:agamotto
With 46 Posts:UnraidAgainstThe
With 46 Posts:revdjenk
With 40 Posts:sparklyballs
With 38 Posts:lyndon

Chat Logs:

06:58:05 PMlyndon hey hey
06:58:07 PMagamotto So is anyone else above 30 degrees today?
06:58:43 PMlyndon 90F
06:58:47 PMrevdjenk SashaD2: it must be a secondary name... maybe you didn't leave cleanly the last time?
06:58:57 PMlyndon i dont know in C
06:59:11 PMWhiskey_Zero Yep, it's 83 F here today
06:59:15 PMDreamweaver909 75 F
06:59:16 PMDennis_Kelley Hello Everyone?
06:59:17 PMDennis_Kelley !
06:59:41 PMlyndon hey Dennis
07:00:00 PMrevdjenk agamotto: we were about 31 today... will be on Thursday 35.5!
07:00:03 PMWhiskey_Zero Hi Dennis
07:00:30 PMrevdjenk and we are live!
07:00:45 PMDennis_Kelley sweet
07:01:09 PMDennis_Kelley I Love unRAID
07:01:09 PMKorith hi
07:01:15 PMrevdjenk it is the glowing heads episode!
07:01:16 PMMaineGeek75 hi everyone
07:01:20 PMRobbieF Have fun everyone!
07:01:33 PMDreamweaver909 raid!!!!!!!!! lol
07:01:42 PMagamotto I knew things were bad in the store today when I was more comfortable outside watering the plants.
07:01:46 PMDreamweaver909 oh un the un cola
07:01:59 PMagamotto Dreamweaver909: hahahahah
07:02:29 PMrevdjenk Dreamweaver909: it brings 'em back to life
07:02:37 PMSashaD2 I'll leave and come back :) :)
07:02:43 PMrevdjenk noooooo
07:02:48 PMUnraidAgainstThe which one is JohnP?
07:02:48 PMSashaD2 bye for now
07:02:53 PMMaineGeek75 been a while since i was here last...wife actually had tonight off from work :P lol
07:03:01 PMrevdjenk just change your nick, SashaD2
07:03:06 PMDreamweaver909 seems the roku stream is doing okay so far...
07:03:11 PMDennis_Kelley is that like going back to cali?
07:03:24 PMagamotto No cookout smoke in the studio? I miss the special effects!
07:03:28 PMWhiskey_Zero No video on Roku, only sound here
07:03:35 PMlyndon ha!
07:03:40 PMrevdjenk small businessing!
07:03:48 PMSashaD did that work?
07:03:52 PMrevdjenk yes
07:04:06 PMSashaD perfect :)
07:04:20 PMDreamweaver909 well it's behind a couple of seconds than the website feed
07:04:26 PMrevdjenk hey _zoggy_ are you _jot_ with a new name?
07:04:28 PMlyndon hey theres ShashDa
07:04:39 PMUnraidAgainstThe You can buy a gaming computer, do tell?
07:04:41 PMSashaD I had a dream about tofurky last night, funny enough
07:04:44 PMDreamweaver909 but the show looks so good on a big tv
07:05:03 PMSashaD hi Lyndon :)
07:05:05 PMagamotto SashaD: ok.... I rarely dream about food....
07:05:24 PMUnraidAgainstThe Massive amounts of storage, mine has only 9 tb...
07:05:26 PMlyndon hey
07:05:35 PMMaineGeek75 btw...Robbie...I am now running Ubuntu 14.04 ... have been for about a month has been an interesting learning curve lol...
07:05:37 PMnapa_polarbear HI mall
07:05:38 PMDreamweaver909 had a phily cheese steak sandwich for dinner...yum yum....
07:05:42 PMnapa_polarbear all
07:06:04 PMlyndon why not an ever 10 right??
07:06:10 PMlyndon even*
07:06:26 PMUnraidAgainstThe got unraid pro, only use 3 disks...
07:06:43 PMlyndon i like this audio only thing
07:06:50 PMUnraidAgainstThe lol
07:07:50 PMSashaD This is going to be a great interview :)
07:07:52 PMagamotto Yet everyone who talks about this stuff completely ignores the whole concept of 'recording' media from what 99% of what people have in their houses... tellys!
07:08:10 PMUnraidAgainstThe So to get on this show, you have to have no hair, got it
07:08:44 PMlyndon ha
07:08:50 PMagamotto It is weird to see that I have more hair than Robbie this time around...
07:08:59 PMErikaL ahahahah thats quite funny :Unraidagainstthe
07:09:07 PMDreamweaver909 lol I'd have to shave my head....
07:10:13 PMDreamweaver909 get that shaolin temple look
07:10:28 PMlyndon MORE POWER!!
07:10:44 PMErikaL well we should start a cat5tv trend.. ill par take some how
07:11:11 PM[1]alphaomega777 I have a Dell DM1000, 30 terabytes of total storage
07:11:27 PMlyndon =0
07:11:49 PM[1]alphaomega777 I work for VMware, so I use it all for virtual machines
07:12:12 PMlyndon i see
07:12:23 PMUnraidAgainstThe well at 5 gig an hour for OTA video...
07:13:08 PMagamotto UnraidAgainstThe: Yes? My dual-core Mythbox does this almost daily...
07:13:26 PM[1]alphaomega777 It goes fast, real fast since OTA is not compressed like cable or sat tv is
07:13:54 PMErikaL 30 terabytes sounds quite nice i got 3... you got me !
07:13:57 PMUnraidAgainstThe Yea back in the day i could almost fit a whole 42min episode on a dvd
07:14:10 PMagamotto Yes, but you can set the box (mine at least) to trancode/convert to Mpeg4... saves a lot of room
07:14:38 PMUnraidAgainstThe dont show the gui
07:14:42 PMUnraidAgainstThe 10 sec lag
07:14:53 PMUnraidAgainstThe if its gui is fast ill be jelly
07:14:58 PM[BRiT] lol
07:15:38 PMponack what was that email?
07:15:56 PMjumperalex hey mr-hexen
07:15:56 PMagamotto I presume
07:16:17 PMSashaD sure is.... I wonder if I'm eligible lol
07:16:26 PMponack thank you! :D
07:16:27 PMSashaD I would love this :)
07:16:33 PM[BRiT] UnraidAgainstThe, my ui is fairly snappy, only page that takes a while to load up is the plugins but thats because it hasn't checked for updates before i hit the page
07:16:38 PMSongbird Hi SashaD and Robbie good evening to all!
07:16:55 PMlyndon hey Songbird
07:16:59 PMSashaD hi Songbird :) :)
07:17:15 PMErikaL Hey songbird welcome to the chat room !!!
07:17:33 PMUnraidAgainstThe apps dont work for plugins, only dockers :(
07:17:34 PMSongbird Thank you ErikaL!
07:17:45 PMSongbird This all looks cool. :D
07:18:01 PMGoodGuy98 Hi agamotto hugs
07:18:26 PMGoodGuy98 I wish cat5 TV had the popout player in a window
07:18:29 PMjumperalex HANDBRAKE ... should use that example jonp :)
07:18:53 PMErikaL i want in this contest too ! You guys are super lucky im jelly you guys get the chance for a free UNraid6
07:19:04 PMarchedraft jonp is killing it!
07:19:35 PMJoeInNH Hello!
07:19:54 PMGoodGuy98 RobbieF - Any Unraid 6 support for Emby (was Media Browser)?
07:19:56 PMlyndon hey hey
07:20:08 PMrevdjenk my chromecast session keeps freezing...
07:20:11 PM[BRiT] yes, there's a docker setup with templates for unraid
07:20:19 PMErikaL ill ask him goodguy98
07:20:32 PMGoodGuy98 Thank you ErikaL
07:20:43 PMagamotto Oh, jailed containers
07:20:57 PMjumperalex oh haha cat5 newbie ... ErikaL are you the women we saw on screen earlier?
07:21:05 PM[1]alphaomega777 SOunds like all of it is VMware.
07:21:06 PMGoodGuy98 RobbieF needs to do a Docker show / series
07:21:08 PMrevdjenk the way it should be! thanks unraid ... and for the Linux version, too
07:21:09 PM[BRiT] for more information on docker --
07:21:25 PMjumperalex not vmware, docker
07:21:37 PMagamotto jumperalex: Yes, she is Robbie's co-host this week... the one at the newsdesk is Sashad
07:21:41 PMErikaL jumperalex are you on behind the scenes at cat5tv?
07:21:46 PMjumperalex ah cool
07:22:10 PMjumperalex ErikaL? me huh what?
07:22:39 PM[1]alphaomega777 Perfect, thank you Robbie, needed to here that
07:23:00 PMJoeInNH I am very tempted to dump win7. I got a an ad for win10 in my system tray now. :(
07:23:13 PMJoeInNH Still love my Arch box though
07:23:17 PMUnraidAgainstThe Phaze plugins 4 life
07:23:20 PMagamotto JoeInNH: You and about 30million this week :)
07:23:27 PMSongbird I have had that ad for a a couple of weeks now.
07:23:28 PMjumperalex sign up for the free upgrade JoeinNH ... wqorst case you decide not to install. but lock that down
07:23:30 PMErikaL i thought you had behind the scenes to see me earlier but then i realized i was on air :P jumperalex
07:23:50 PMjumperalex oh hahah
07:24:15 PMlyndon i traded win7 for ubuntu 14.04.
07:24:26 PMUnraidAgainstThe big announcement is they are both super sayian but due to no hair you cant tell
07:24:36 PMrevdjenk on the Cat phones in the Cat cave... same Cat time, same Cat channel
07:24:39 PMGoodGuy98 Neat
07:24:40 PMspgandau I am in the process of changing from Win7 to 14.04
07:24:41 PMarchedraft I KNEW IT!
07:24:49 PMagamotto I have to say that I am quite happy with Linux Mint
07:24:54 PMJoeInNH If I do, I dump win7 to a virtual machine
07:24:56 PMUnraidAgainstThe oh noes sparky
07:25:01 PMGoodGuy98 Emby is similar to Plex... Updated very often
07:25:02 PMsparklyballs not much use for shampoo, lol.
07:25:07 PMUnraidAgainstThe and insta crashes
07:25:11 PMUnraidAgainstThe thanks sparky
07:25:12 PMarchedraft ahhhh
07:25:30 PM[BRiT] 200, stream not found
07:25:35 PM[BRiT] eep :(
07:25:38 PMagamotto No, but you might be surprised at how much exfoliant we use
07:25:39 PMsparklyballs i can kill ANYTHING
07:25:40 PMSongbird Yes keeps freezing up
07:25:43 PMarchedraft click refresh
07:25:44 PMjumperalex bwahaha
07:25:46 PMrevdjenk spgandau: welcome to fulltime linux!
07:25:53 PMspgandau thanks!
07:26:06 PM[BRiT] too much shiny
07:26:06 PMspgandau learning curve is a bit steep, but it works well so far.
07:26:07 PMsparklyballs i'm just spazzing that one of my dockers was featured.
07:26:20 PMjumperalex haha
07:26:24 PM[BRiT] working again :)
07:26:36 PMJoeInNH spgandau, welcome to linux
07:26:42 PMagamotto Skyrim?
07:27:04 PMjumperalex coward jonp!!
07:27:07 PMspgandau JoeInNH: thanks
07:27:08 PMJoeInNH Win7 on my "newer" machine is annoying me more and more lately.
07:27:15 PMjumperalex low ping is for babies
07:27:22 PM[1]alphaomega777 It's the same issue I see at work, people just don't understnad virtua;ization
07:27:24 PMlyndon spgandau, i love that i can use chrome in ubuntu, its great!
07:27:54 PMreluctantflux Unraid 6 finally offers what I've been waiting for for over a decade. Gaming machine off of one vid card, and media center off of another, plus it adds on application isolation and NAS capabilities.
07:27:54 PMJoeInNH I wish windows had shade/rollup for there windows like linux
07:27:54 PMErikaL i was thinking skyrim tooo...
07:27:58 PMspgandau lyndon: better than mozilla?
07:28:12 PMsparklyballs i just want to hear someone say my name and keep a straight face
07:28:29 PMlyndon its a hard comparison
07:28:30 PMagamotto ErikaL: Warm sands to you, friend.....
07:28:45 PMlyndon but i think so
07:28:49 PMjumperalex hahaha sparklynalls
07:29:02 PMCHBMB I know your real name Sparkly, and I have trouble saying that with a straight face...
07:29:03 PMagamotto sparklyballs: I just thought you were a Twihard...
07:29:12 PM[BRiT] glitter
07:29:15 PMlyndon i switch between the two
07:29:31 PMagamotto Windows not being aware.... hahahaah
07:29:32 PMCHBMB Twihard?
07:29:32 PMarchedraft Well that's fancy
07:29:37 PMreluctantflux What? This is new...
07:29:48 PMlyndon ha
07:29:55 PMsparklyballs <<<< team jacob
07:30:00 PMUnraidAgainstThe yes fast ssd over a user share on a 1gabit lan
07:30:04 PMSashaD oh goodness
07:30:07 PMUnraidAgainstThe wooo 100mBs
07:30:20 PMreluctantflux is that using iscsi?
07:30:40 PM[BRiT] well the fast ssd served up to the VM is done via virtio drivers so it never hits the network
07:30:46 PMagamotto SashaD: Nodding off yet?
07:31:03 PMErikaL Yes warm sands to you agamotto... lets show cat5tv viewers how unRAID 6 works on skyrim. New side project ! im looking forward to fall out 4 though.. any one else ?
07:31:21 PMlyndon i can't believe its half over already
07:31:31 PMarchedraft For real
07:31:33 PMUnraidAgainstThe yea i guess if you are gaming on your nas, and not saving your game library to the nas and playing on another box
07:31:49 PMlyndon isnt it time for news SashaD??
07:31:57 PMSashaD I feel this is more amazing than I understand.
07:32:00 PMSongbird I just play Pogo. lol
07:32:05 PMUnraidAgainstThe i when things kack out on me
07:32:09 PM[BRiT] BTRFS pooling
07:32:20 PMSashaD yepper.... but news will have to wait until the interview ends
07:32:28 PMsparklyballs unraid really is a great app platform now with docker and vm's on the one box
07:32:34 PMUnraidAgainstThe did he say butter FS?
07:32:38 PMlyndon ahh. gotit =)
07:32:47 PM[BRiT] yes, BTRFS is pronounced as "butter fs"
07:32:49 PMagamotto sparklyballs: I suppose, for those that have lots of stuff to manage
07:32:55 PMsparklyballs unsalted i hope
07:33:03 PMUnraidAgainstThe U Ben U
07:33:06 PMSashaD sparklyballs.. that's what I was thinking
07:33:10 PMUnraidAgainstThe not ubuntu
07:33:15 PMagamotto Butters has his own OS... oh geez, I don't know about that!
07:33:23 PMSongbird Like last weeks show I have to go back and rewatch it. :)
07:33:32 PMsparklyballs i can't believe it's not butter FS
07:33:46 PMSongbird That is what I love about this show is I can go back and learn things later.
07:33:55 PMrevdjenk sparklyballs: hee hee
07:34:01 PMGoodGuy98 I wonder how trustworthy BTFS is... heard some negative comments about it
07:34:02 PMlyndon butter fizz
07:34:06 PMlyndon haha
07:34:21 PMKorith didn't mention with unraid you can use different sized drives
07:34:26 PMsparklyballs you don't have to use butter fs
07:34:27 PMCHBMB Do Canadians & Americans have I Can't Believe It's Not Butter?
07:34:31 PMreluctantflux Woo!
07:34:46 PMsparklyballs i want a damn mention now, no fair
07:34:47 PMlyndon yes
07:34:49 PMUnraidAgainstThe touch of butter
07:34:53 PMagamotto CHBMB: Yes, and I sure believe it isn't
07:35:09 PMCHBMB Better than marg though
07:35:13 PMagamotto Full fat, full cream, full flavor!
07:35:19 PMrevdjenk this all sounds wonderful, but beyond my needs, I think, although i can see with the raid1 and btfs that my mismatched hdds can be utilized to their greatest use
07:35:37 PMjwmp single point of failure?
07:35:53 PMsparklyballs revdjenk, the unraid community is really helpful and can get you through setting up etc....
07:35:59 PMUnraidAgainstThe point of failure is parity drive and the real drives
07:36:09 PMUnraidAgainstThe so you would have to loose both
07:36:30 PMKorith yep
07:36:45 PMKorith big selling point is you can use drives of varying sizes, the largest drive has to be the parity drive though
07:36:50 PMCHBMB Yep, helpful community for sure, and unlike Sparkly, some of us are sane,,,,
07:37:04 PMjumperalex I AM NOT SANE!!!
07:37:07 PM[BRiT] and if you have 10 data drives and 1 parity drive, if you unfortunately lost the parity drive and drive number 10, you STILL have the data on drives 1 through drives 9...
07:37:08 PM[BRiT] :)
07:37:19 PMsparklyballs my sanity is parity protected
07:37:24 PMCHBMB lol
07:37:28 PMreluctantflux Also helps with power saving
07:37:42 PMbreakline7933 I've consolidated 3 machines onto unraid so far working on the 4th because of docker and kvm
07:37:43 PMsparklyballs i am going to scream, what has reluctant got that i haven't ?
07:37:51 PMCHBMB hair?
07:37:54 PMarchedraft LOL
07:38:01 PM[BRiT] blackmail pics ?
07:38:04 PMreluctantflux a SFW name
07:38:12 PMJoeInNH Anyone use skype on linux?
07:38:16 PMCHBMB Not my wife's butt shot I hope?
07:38:22 PMUnraidAgainstThe sparky needs to run a parity check
07:38:25 PMsparklyballs the raw "caitlyn/jonp" shots
07:38:26 PMUnraidAgainstThe its been over 30 days
07:38:33 PMCHBMB sanitycheck more like
07:38:37 PMagamotto Hmmm, I smell a future project to condense my machines down into one mega-ish machine....
07:38:39 PM[BRiT] noice!
07:38:39 PMsparklyballs WOO HOO
07:38:41 PMarchedraft OMG
07:38:57 PMjumperalex SAT IT!!!!!
07:39:01 PMjumperalex SAY IT!!!
07:39:03 PMreluctantflux congrats Lime-Tech team!
07:39:07 PMjumperalex start the clock
07:39:09 PMGuest_8753 did I miss it?
07:39:10 PM[BRiT] 2014-09-30, never forget. ;)
07:39:11 PMsparklyballs say sparklyballs
07:39:19 PMjumperalex oh BRIT
07:39:27 PMarchedraft lol we were all thinking the same thing... START THE COUNTDOWN
07:39:28 PMCHBMB shiny b******s
07:39:49 PMagamotto I feel as if I have somehow dropped into some online soap-opera....
07:39:54 PMjumperalex haha
07:40:01 PM[1]alphaomega777 I have almost 30 terabytes used
07:40:03 PMDreamweaver909 that or the twilight zone
07:40:03 PMSongbird lol agamotto
07:40:05 PMsparklyballs my big annoucement is coming on june 16th , topping unraid
07:40:08 PMrevdjenk we only need 640k ram
07:40:10 PMjumperalex hahaha
07:40:18 PMjumperalex no one needs a computer on their desk
07:40:19 PMCHBMB sparklynoballs?
07:40:29 PMagamotto Lovingly hand-crafted from assembly?
07:40:38 PMDJQuad heya people :)
07:40:40 PMsparklyballs finally getting graylog docker out of beta
07:40:43 PM[BRiT] tjena
07:40:46 PMSongbird Hi DJQuad
07:40:52 PMjumperalex SPARKLYBALLS!!! SAY IT
07:40:55 PMhernandito Did I miss the video? There is nothing showing.
07:40:55 PMlyndon sup DJQuad
07:40:57 PMagamotto UnRAID is going vegan?
07:41:13 PM[BRiT] hernandito, its working for me --
07:41:16 PMErikaL sparkly balls as tempting as it is to say your name or blurt it out. send us a question and then i can tell the world who sent the question :P
07:41:20 PMSashaD DJQuad :) :) :)
07:41:31 PMSongbird lol ErikaL
07:41:31 PMDreamweaver909 Dr. Daystrom's computer is coming after
07:41:47 PMhernandito Bummer NOT WORKING IN FF gonna try Chrome
07:41:50 PMCHBMB How do they make Kellogs Crunchy Nut cornflakes so very very tasty.. I need to know!
07:41:52 PMUnraidAgainstThe more accessible to a wider audience? Have you ever tried to setup a docker??????
07:42:03 PMUnraidAgainstThe it requires abstract thought
07:42:08 PMagamotto Dreamweaver909: Nah, BMW stole it for their cars... where do you think iDrive came from?
07:42:11 PMreluctantflux I love sparklyball's docker repository. It helps me really utilize my hardware for what I want.
07:42:12 PMDJQuad dangit i didn't get the email reminder. 45 min late. heh
07:42:13 PMsparklyballs can the host ask about how resource light docker on unraid is.
07:42:15 PMDreamweaver909 lol
07:42:18 PMrevdjenk unraid in a subscription all the 92T you need!
07:42:30 PMGoodGuy98 Who does the email go to for the contest
07:42:31 PMUnraidAgainstThe NOOOOOOOO
07:42:42 PMsparklyballs say DP
07:42:55 PMjumperalex ok ErikaL you have your question
07:43:00 PM[BRiT] ErikaL, I've watched quit a few video casts, and I must say this is a very well run video cast and the choice of using irc for "chat" is nice too. Very well produced show Cat5.
07:43:03 PMJoeInNH Did they say the announcement?
07:43:10 PMKorith ya
07:43:10 PMagamotto GoodGuy98:
07:43:15 PMKorith june 15 v6 release
07:43:17 PMUnraidAgainstThe yup june 15ish
07:43:19 PMGoodGuy98 thanks agamotto
07:43:27 PM[BRiT] also very well presented info jonp
07:43:28 PMsparklyballs and mention how an unraid license is for life
07:43:30 PMhernandito Any new big announcement?
07:43:32 PMrevdjenk UnraidAgainstThe: that was meant as a jk!
07:43:44 PMagamotto [BRiT]: 8 years? and growing
07:43:45 PMCHBMB Sparklyballs is the docker hero. We all love him, bit like how I love my cat.
07:43:56 PMJoeInNH Cool!
07:43:57 PMErikaL the email goes straight to robbie , admin for cat5tv :)
07:44:04 PMagamotto 4k... hahahaha, what content?
07:44:10 PMErikaL i just tested the email now
07:44:27 PMJoeInNH I am getting poor video performance until the stupid win7 machine reboots
07:44:40 PMhernandito Oh man, I dont see video... just flow plawer w/ a gradient background
07:44:40 PM_zoggy_ revdjenk, nope
07:44:41 PMsparklyballs i am going to dockerise that damn cat
07:44:46 PMSongbird lol RobbieF
07:44:55 PMrevdjenk _zoggy_: delay much! hee hee
07:45:15 PMKorith cat5 guy, take a look the hp n54l microserver, can hold 6 drives, and small footprint, quiet
07:45:17 PM_zoggy_ HGST, a Western Digital company today announced the first enterprise-class 10TB (terabyte) hard disk drive (HDD) for next-generation active archive applications.
07:45:21 PMCHBMB Will he ever get out of beta? He's got gray on him?
07:45:23 PMUnraidAgainstThe SAF Spousal approval factor
07:45:25 PM_zoggy_ The host-managed Ultrastar Archive Ha10 SMR HDD sets a new standard in enabling the world’s densest server and storage systems with unprecedented TCO levels. This industry-defining product is the result of combining two complementary technologies – HGST’s second generation, field-proven HelioSeal platform and shingled magnetic recording (SMR)
07:45:37 PMSongbird I wish I could do all the things RobbieF can do. :)
07:46:15 PMSongbird I turn on the computer and am just grateful it came on. lol
07:46:19 PMSashaD me too Songbird
07:46:21 PMsparklyballs another thing to note, i've made close to 60 dockers and all of them were made and tested on my unraid box.
07:46:24 PMSongbird :D
07:46:29 PMDJQuad lol
07:46:29 PM_zoggy_ cat5, your video player seems to be in the wrong aspect ratio..
07:46:31 PMUnraidAgainstThe i watched this entire episode just looking at their hands due to this chat
07:46:32 PMrevdjenk UnraidAgainstThe: she's the Minister of Finance at my um her house
07:46:39 PMJoeInNH You can learn Songbird...
07:46:55 PMSongbird I have learned so much from this show JoeInNH
07:47:05 PMKorith _zoggy_ i think the shine off his forehead is causing the aspect ratio to look off
07:47:10 PMhernandito Is there really something playing?
07:47:12 PMagamotto Yes, like properly pronouncing Wee-Fee
07:47:13 PMrevdjenk _zoggy_: you can donate on the cat5 site toward a new camera!
07:47:14 PMDJQuad _zoggy_ robbie does that so he looks thinner
07:47:22 PMjumperalex roku stream paused ....
07:47:33 PMSongbird It is pausing on the computer here too.
07:47:35 PMKorith reload it works
07:47:36 PMDreamweaver909 I feel lost, never messed with any of this RAID stuff
07:47:39 PMjumperalex working
07:47:40 PMCHBMB What percentage of dockers are Sparkly?
07:47:48 PMjumperalex paused ...
07:47:52 PM[BRiT] slight hiccups on the web browser tv show, but it's back...
07:47:52 PMjumperalex working
07:47:56 PMUnraidAgainstThe this is cat5tv from bills basement, and hes just got a wifi and 5mbs up
07:48:06 PMDJQuad it paused for a few seconds. it's fine now
07:48:32 PMsparklyballs stuck on a pic of jonp
07:48:47 PMErikaL nooooooooooooo i tried sparkly balls !!!!!!!! i tried you gave me a question and we ran out of time :( man oh man i failed you
07:48:47 PMDreamweaver909 addy was contest@????
07:48:48 PMrevdjenk and an 8 HOUR video...! TLDW
07:48:48 PMlyndon lol
07:48:53 PM[BRiT] sparklyballs, possibly idea for you to look into... perhaps a customized Docker to serve up Cat5.TV shows on unRAID.
07:48:54 PMCHBMB could be worse, could have been a picture of Caitlyn
07:48:56 PMagamotto Ahhh, useful data from Youtube
07:49:00 PMsparklyballs i thought freddy kruger had a red stripey top
07:49:15 PMrevdjenk sparklyballs: yes, he did
07:49:21 PMGoodGuy98 How much is Unraid Pro?
07:49:40 PMKorith
07:49:41 PMrevdjenk sparklyballs: I went to same college as Robert Englund, who played Freddy
07:49:44 PMKorith thats the main unraid site
07:49:50 PM[BRiT]
07:49:56 PMKorith
07:49:59 PMUnraidAgainstThe defeated 22 other robots
07:50:01 PM[BRiT] jinx
07:50:02 PMrevdjenk sparklyballs: he was scary, even not in character!
07:50:04 PMUnraidAgainstThe um some just fell over
07:50:11 PMagamotto Caitlyn needs to change her last name to Kardashian to complete the reality tv dreck transition....
07:50:11 PMDJQuad much like esports, the south koreans win everything
07:50:14 PMDreamweaver909 got it sent
07:50:32 PMUnraidAgainstThe national gigabit will do that for you
07:50:46 PMCHBMB Price depends on how many disks you want, starts at $59 then $89 then $129
07:50:53 PMagamotto It will keep going on for about.... 20k years
07:51:08 PM[BRiT] in the past, the license was for lifetime
07:51:17 PM[BRiT] I started on unraid 4.x and now on 6.x series
07:51:35 PMUnraidAgainstThe i started with unraid 5 beta "shudders"
07:51:36 PMErikaL BRit ! Wow thank you. Robbie and the help of our most helpful viewers have contributed to our smooth running ( for the most part ;P ) online as well as live show! We appreciate your feedback
07:51:38 PMCHBMB Me too, worth every penny
07:51:40 PMGoodGuy98 $129 isn't too bad fr the great feature set
07:51:44 PMrevdjenk But how would they change out the batteries on the robot after being in a radioactive situation... maybe they change themselves?
07:51:52 PMDreamweaver909 the terminator....
07:52:27 PMsparklyballs did she say caitlyn ?
07:52:31 PMCHBMB I'm impressed with Cat5 tv, never knew it existed before, just up my street i have to say
07:52:36 PMJoeInNH I wonder if Apple's mapping software will send people to these ocean site
07:52:41 PMrevdjenk CHBMB: yay
07:52:45 PMErikaL HA! thats funny CHBMB
07:52:59 PMJoeInNH Cat 5 tv is awesome
07:53:09 PMJoeInNH Best viewed live...
07:53:11 PM[BRiT] I want an Emby plugin for Cat5 TV
07:53:17 PMCHBMB I wasn't trying to be funny, for once
07:53:18 PMagamotto CHBMB: In Barrie, are you?
07:53:18 PMrevdjenk yes, and look how many in chat!
07:53:19 PMsparklyballs for tech tv it's not too "techy"
07:53:26 PMsparklyballs which is a good thing
07:53:32 PMDreamweaver909 wish Samsung had one
07:53:52 PMCHBMB No, Wolverhampton, which is a bit like a festering boil on the arse of the world for anyone that's wondering
07:53:53 PMagamotto Yes, we usually don't drown in technobabble here
07:54:04 PMJoeInNH David H. is still popular in Germany I think...
07:54:18 PMsparklyballs raised by wolves was funny as
07:54:18 PMrevdjenk CHBMB: but you are still a polite boil?
07:54:27 PMDreamweaver909 hmmm maybe Paul McCartney could use that
07:54:27 PMUnraidAgainstThe I live in Ohio, we measure distance in hours
07:54:28 PMJoeInNH Attention all 80s geeks. KITT is up for sale!
07:54:32 PMErikaL awe that's awesome chbmb. Thanks again for your well appreciated comments
07:54:43 PMCHBMB Yeah, but I have an awful accent
07:55:04 PMrevdjenk CHBMB: hee hee
07:55:11 PMalphaomega77 .quit
07:55:11 PMSongbird lol
07:55:13 PMrevdjenk UnraidAgainstThe: where? born in London
07:55:35 PMCHBMB Those in England will understand just how bad a Black Country accent sounds
07:55:41 PMsparklyballs the uk is well represented
07:55:41 PMUnraidAgainstThe by the great lakes
07:55:54 PMagamotto You mean 'tweedy?'
07:55:57 PMsparklyballs i'm up near liverpool
07:56:04 PMJoeInNH RobbieF, did you see that the Knight Industries Two Thousand is up for sale.
07:56:13 PMJoeInNH The controller looks cool
07:56:14 PMrevdjenk ah... lived in NW PA near Erie for a while
07:56:29 PMsparklyballs i want to see the girls, canadian chicks sound hot
07:56:31 PMJoeInNH touchpad built in to the controller!
07:56:36 PMCHBMB Actually had to get an online translator website up for the wife when we first met, and she's from Somerset. Apparently I use words that aren't real English
07:56:39 PMlyndon i want one
07:56:45 PMRobbieF :)
07:56:49 PMSongbird I have relatives from Erie PA. :)
07:57:03 PMrevdjenk small world Songbird !
07:57:04 PMagamotto British, Canadian, Pinyin, or American English?
07:57:10 PM[BRiT] E I E I O
07:57:10 PMjohnodon I'm and born/bred Philly
07:57:17 PMUnraidAgainstThe abooot
07:57:21 PMSongbird :D
07:57:29 PMCHBMB Old Macdonald had a farm
07:57:31 PMDJQuad
07:57:34 PMCHBMB E I E I O
07:57:37 PMUnraidAgainstThe salad? No solid
07:57:43 PMDreamweaver909 lol
07:57:45 PMagamotto If you are Scottish, that is a whole other vowel movement.
07:57:50 PMrevdjenk ahrn = iron
07:57:50 PMKorith well email to contest thing failed
07:58:01 PMjohnodon Where's Caitlyn?!?!
07:58:02 PMspgandau Oh, that is fine. I will try again next week.
07:58:03 PMsparklyballs i'm from near london and glottal stops are king
07:58:06 PMCHBMB and class of drinking... Bring on the buckfast!
07:58:12 PMKorith ?
07:58:22 PMrevdjenk really another hour gone!???
07:58:32 PMagamotto That, or
07:58:35 PMsparklyballs i can't see sasha's stafff
07:58:37 PMUnraidAgainstThe this is what it looks like but video is frozen
07:58:41 PMSongbird This is frozen now. I can't seeeee! lol
07:58:55 PMlyndon thats why audio is great
07:58:56 PMUnraidAgainstThe eh roku users cant see anyway
07:58:57 PMSongbird I will rewatch on Roku. :D
07:59:01 PMMaineGeek75 video out of sync and was freezing a bit...
07:59:03 PMCHBMB Man, that was a quick hour, I need my beauty sleep, with my mug about a millenium and a half should sort me
07:59:03 PMagamotto ErikaL: Quick, blast out the official email for the contest again!
07:59:04 PMKorith weird
07:59:07 PMrevdjenk SashaD: great newscast in spite of all the time spent on unraid
07:59:11 PMsparklyballs can we get an ascii version of sasha's staff
07:59:20 PMDJQuad not frozen but 4 fps is lacking a bit
07:59:32 PMDreamweaver909 my ballot went through ok
07:59:37 PMJoeInNH Excellent news as always SashaD
07:59:52 PMMaineGeek75 must be an upstream problem :(
07:59:53 PMErikaL
07:59:56 PMKorith maybe my mail server
07:59:56 PMDreamweaver909 now we can get stamped photos of Sasha
08:00:02 PMagamotto There you go!
08:00:09 PMKorith ahh category not cat
08:00:10 PMlyndon yay!
08:00:11 PMSashaD thank you so much :)
08:00:13 PMrevdjenk thanks ErikaL for tonight, except for the alphabet soup
08:00:20 PMDJQuad if you think an hour went by fast, i saw 15 min. lol
08:00:21 PMjohnodon Has to be a handful of Rush fans on that set! :)
08:00:23 PMSashaD I love doing the news
08:00:32 PMsparklyballs i want stickers
08:00:38 PMSongbird Thank you so much RobbieF, ErickaL and SashaD.
08:00:46 PMSongbird The stickers are so cool! I love mine.
08:00:49 PMSashaD thanks for joining in time to see me :) :)
08:00:50 PMDJQuad i want snickers. frozen
08:00:52 PMWhiskey_Zero Good night all. Many Roku problems tonight!
08:00:53 PMJoeInNH Excellent show tonight!
08:01:03 PMMaineGeek75 lol
08:01:04 PMrevdjenk too short, go to a two hour show
08:01:07 PMMaineGeek75 oh...bye :P
08:01:09 PMrevdjenk caught
08:01:13 PMKorith they should as wel
08:01:15 PMCHBMB Sparklyballs, talking of stickers, you need a Limetech one? I ordered two, can pop one in the post for you
08:01:21 PMKorith and sell cat5 cable on the side
08:01:29 PMDJQuad night all. have a great week!
08:01:34 PMDreamweaver909 hahahha
08:01:35 PMrevdjenk gnite all
08:01:40 PMRobbieF Thanks everyone!!!!
08:01:41 PMRobbieF what a blast
08:01:52 PM[1]alphaomega777 good info Robbie
08:01:54 PMagamotto So, how has everyone been while I have been away from the show?
08:01:55 PMSongbird Night all! :D
08:01:59 PMlyndon we love the chatroom
08:02:00 PMJoeInNH night everyone. Thank you Robbie. I look foreward to the show.
08:02:02 PMrevdjenk RobbieF: good show, unraid meets some real needs
08:02:04 PMErikaL My apologies revdjenk ! my screen scrolled quicker than i can articulate ! again my apologies!
08:02:11 PMDreamweaver909 Quit:
08:02:12 PMErikaL Have a wonderful night everyone !!!
08:02:13 PMrevdjenk no problem ErikaL !
08:02:20 PMDreamweaver909 damn it
08:02:27 PMlyndon i want one to sashaD
08:02:31 PMCHBMB @RobbieF great show, enjoyed my first experience, thanks for the heads up on the limetech forums
08:02:32 PMErikaL i just saw Rush actually ...
08:02:33 PMDreamweaver909 quit
08:02:50 PMagamotto ErikaL: They are still playing together? cook
08:02:53 PMagamotto cool, even
08:02:53 PMrevdjenk Dreamweaver909: dpm
08:02:55 PMDreamweaver909 have more troub;le with
08:02:59 PMlyndon i still dont know much about it though =)
08:03:04 PMDreamweaver909 dpm
08:03:09 PMrevdjenk Dreamweaver909: don't you need a / before that
08:03:16 PMDreamweaver909 dunno
08:03:16 PMErikaL yeah this summer is going to be their"last tour"
08:03:26 PMMaineGeek75 have a great week. hopefully will be back next week..will have to see if my wife is working :/
08:03:42 PMrevdjenk gnite
08:03:52 PMErikaL ahahhah when i saw them two years ago i thought it was the last
08:04:31 PMagamotto I should be here next week. Puppy obedience classes are now on the weekend
08:04:37 PMSashaD see you next week! good night :)
08:05:05 PMErikaL Have a wonderful week everyone !!!!
08:05:10 PMsparklyballs @cat5tv, i got a docker i created featured, reluctantflux can stick his 2 mentions where the sun don't shine, lol.
08:05:17 PMGoodGuy98 Note: unRAID Server OS boots from a 128MB or larger USB Flash storage device.)
08:05:26 PM[BRiT] lol
08:05:42 PMagamotto In the cupboard?
08:05:45 PMGoodGuy98 I was thinking 128GB... 128MB is no big deal
08:06:30 PMKorith keep a small one
08:06:31 PMErikaL NO sparkly balls i will not fail again :( your on air shout out is on the do do list
08:06:44 PMErikaL just asked robbie :)
08:06:44 PMKorith your unraid key is tied to your usb flash drive
08:07:08 PMsparklyballs cool, lol. i'm out. cya next time...
08:07:10 PMGoodGuy98 I thought 128GB flash drives still aren't cheap, but have dropped in price
08:07:11 PMagamotto So you would have to keep it in all the time?
08:07:24 PMGoodGuy98 128MB is very small
08:07:24 PMKorith ya unraid uses it when it first boots up, thats it
08:07:35 PM[BRiT] yes, some of us have the usb key drive mounted INSIDE the server.
08:07:50 PMsparklyballs don't take the usb out on a running server though.
08:07:50 PMagamotto Interesting... so acts as something like an encyrption dongle/boot drive?
08:07:52 PMlyndon i cant say Sparklyballs with out laughing =)
08:07:55 PMKorith thats the best, avoids people(kids) pulling the flash out by mistake
08:08:01 PMGoodGuy98 I have one of those old DRM infested Sony 128MB drives from Comp-USA... a blast from the past
08:08:13 PM[BRiT] you can transfer the license to a new usb key via the web interface on lime-technology website once a year via automated process
08:08:15 PMKorith an 8gb flashworks well enough
08:08:21 PM[1]alphaomega777 off to bed, night everyone
08:08:31 PM[BRiT] though some have had flash usb drives fail and got prompt response on a new license to a new usb key
08:08:43 PMagamotto That is good to hear
08:09:08 PMKorith GoodGuy98 i have an old nintendo display monitor from when comp-usa sold off all their fixtures and stores:p
08:09:42 PMGoodGuy98 The desk my PC is sitting on was from Egghead when they closed their stores
08:09:42 PMsparklyballs really going this time, lol. is this thing on tuesdays all the time ?
08:09:43 PMagamotto Well, I suppose I should go make something for dinner. Something with feta cheese....
08:10:09 PMagamotto sparklyballs: Yes, same bat-time, same bat-channel.
08:10:17 PMGoodGuy98 My table downstairs is from an old sporting goods store that closed
08:10:29 PMCHBMB Yeah, night guys, sweet dreams and all. Thanks for having me.
08:11:03 PMagamotto Time for some mass quantities
08:11:22 PMGoodGuy98 night CHBMB
08:12:35 PMlyndon by everyone! =)


Does Not Include Lurkers