Chat Logs for Episode 410 — #Category5 on /


With 32 Posts:ajamison5579
With 32 Posts:Sparklyballs
With 31 Posts:Dennis_Kelley
With 25 Posts:lyndon
With 24 Posts:JoeInNH

Chat Logs:

06:58:03 PMlyndon Thats amazing for Michigan
06:58:16 PMDennis_Kelley thats amazing for anywhere
06:58:20 PMkeith_heaton ar hit 91 boy is it hot hear
06:58:28 PMlyndon heheh, true
06:58:44 PMlyndon goodne
06:58:49 PMlyndon ss
06:58:51 PMDennis_Kelley ABQTKY Hello
06:58:55 PMRobbieF Have fun folks!
06:59:14 PMDennis_Kelley Wait is that Weather Talk? have not heard that in a long time
06:59:43 PMRobbieF Bahahaha!
07:00:15 PMjwmp Midnight here
07:01:10 PMajamison5579 Who in the Michigan area wants to take a trip to Monroe and go into the Meijer and ask to speak to the store director then give him nothing but nice things to say about me lol
07:01:31 PMajamison5579 that guy is getting on my nerves figure a few positive things might get him off our back
07:01:43 PMajamison5579 ;)
07:02:08 PMkeith_heaton i have not haerd of meijer in a long time
07:02:23 PMajamison5579 Well now you have lol
07:02:41 PMajamison5579 its like the little well behaved brother of Walmart
07:02:51 PMDennis_Kelley I am not sure about Meijers but its 88 in Grand Blanc, MI.
07:02:52 PMlyndon I think i may have been to that same meijer a long time ago
07:02:58 PMSashaD tell your wife she would love it here.... its super awesome and hot for about 8 weeks lol
07:03:20 PMtroy74 whoa the show is so different,i havent been able to watch in a long time
07:03:28 PMlyndon I will =)
07:03:30 PMSashaD I don't know the conversion, but it's about 32 here
07:03:32 PMABQTKY Hey, Robbie - please ask about Active Noise Cancellation...and if Beltone gizmos can be programmed with, say a specific pattern to be inserted into the audio , umm, stream. As if that makes any sense.
07:03:41 PMDennis_Kelley troy74 you should see the whole studio
07:03:59 PMDennis_Kelley SashaD the guys mic is a little low!
07:04:04 PMGuest_9851 aoudio not loud enough
07:04:10 PMSparklyballs ironic
07:04:20 PMjwmp Turn the music off
07:04:29 PMtroy74 hopefully i can watch more regularily now,down time has been non exsistent
07:04:30 PMajamison5579 when did Hilary start signing the shows
07:04:41 PMjwmp Thanks
07:04:47 PMSashaD is that better?
07:04:50 PMDennis_Kelley ajamison5579 friat time today
07:04:56 PMDennis_Kelley SashaD yes
07:05:00 PMjwmp much better
07:05:01 PMCee_128d You need to turn your guest's mic up. Robbie is a lot louder than he is
07:05:28 PMSashaD I'll try to get the message to him
07:05:36 PMDennis_Kelley we are distracting robbie
07:05:40 PMjwmp not that bad really
07:05:43 PMtroy74 I think hillary just signed something dirty
07:05:50 PMjwmp LOL
07:06:43 PMDennis_Kelley SashaD the sound is working, but Robbie's mic is louder
07:07:40 PMCee_128d I think the problem is when he turns towards Robbie he is turning away from his mic. One of the drawbacks of a clip on mic
07:07:42 PMSashaD okay.... I think he got the message :)
07:08:03 PMDennis_Kelley think so SashaD - noticed him looking at you!
07:08:20 PMSparklyballs reading glasses wearer here
07:08:22 PMSashaD perfect :) :)
07:08:26 PMDennis_Kelley SashaD much better for me
07:08:40 PMDennis_Kelley i was born with glasses!
07:09:11 PMSparklyballs i was born in a denim jumpsuit
07:09:13 PMCee_128d Maybe someday they will be financially able to have a dedicated sound person for broadcasts. Robbie does a great job, but he has to do too much of the work each week.
07:09:24 PMSashaD i have had glasses for 10 years and I love them :)
07:09:33 PMDennis_Kelley Sparklyballs born with Sparklyballs?
07:09:56 PMSparklyballs they were only shiny when i was born
07:10:03 PMSparklyballs the sparkle came in my teens
07:10:05 PMDennis_Kelley Sparklyballs sweet
07:10:06 PMSashaD that would be awesome... Cee_128d
07:10:40 PMajamison5579 i was one of the rare few who had their eyes correct themselves. My eyesight went back to 20/20 after using glasses for 8 years
07:10:45 PMCee_128d I would volunteer to do it, but the travel time from Wisconsin would be a killer.
07:10:48 PMDennis_Kelley I think it would have been cool if Hillary was wearing green!
07:10:54 PMSashaD and with things like patreaon on day we will
07:10:55 PM_Leland_ You were born with glasses, most of us get a mug.
07:11:11 PMSashaD lol.... that would have been hilarious
07:11:38 PMDennis_Kelley SashaD what would be
07:11:39 PMSashaD move to Barrie.... its a blast here!
07:11:48 PMtroy74 i was mesmerized as a kid with my grandfathers hearing aids,they were huge
07:12:02 PMSashaD green.... for Hillary, sorry
07:12:13 PMDennis_Kelley thats what i thought
07:12:38 PMajamison5579 troy74 you could tell when my grandfather was getting bored with your story he would descretely turn his hearing aids off and then pretend to listen lol
07:12:39 PMCee_128d Too many obligations down here for that Sasha.
07:12:41 PMSparklyballs 007 last week, more spy stuff
07:12:52 PMDennis_Kelley Must be hard for Hillary to sign some of these terms and words
07:13:22 PMSashaD I am blown away by how great she is doing
07:13:25 PMlyndon I love her facial expressions =)
07:13:30 PM_Leland_ My dad's hearing aid was in his shirt pocket.
07:14:25 PMajamison5579 SashaD i think she worked at a deaf camp so she is probably used to signing while trying to keep up with the conversation
07:14:45 PMDennis_Kelley ajamison5579 good point
07:14:50 PMCee_128d I have issues hearing a lot of female voices, especially when they use their indoor voices. Drives my ex nuts
07:15:02 PMtroy74 can the new hearing aids get software viruses now?
07:15:04 PMSashaD She still works there... we were talking about it before the show
07:15:05 PMSparklyballs i have trouble with accents
07:15:18 PMDennis_Kelley I have selective hearing. I am married!
07:15:26 PMajamison5579 cee_128d lol i thought you were going to say you had trouble hearing them when they used their nagging voices
07:15:32 PMCee_128d troy, if it executes code it's vulnerable.
07:15:43 PMSparklyballs i moved to the north of england and for the first year couldn't understand anything from the locals
07:15:46 PMDennis_Kelley Kidding aside! I think its an awesome device for people.
07:15:51 PMlyndon Your not alone Dennis
07:17:16 PMtroy74 definitely a cool device
07:17:24 PM_Leland_ You know seeing eye dogs have great hearing as well.
07:17:29 PMDennis_Kelley I think there is a Beltone store near my house
07:17:35 PMjwmp
07:18:13 PMSparklyballs there's a place on the main shopping street here that sells hearing aids
07:19:08 PMSashaD abqtky... did your question get answered?
07:19:20 PMSparklyballs hilary's hair looks like fleshy panels on her dress
07:19:21 PMABQTKY not yet, Sasha
07:19:47 PMlyndon Can we See it??
07:20:33 PMABQTKY Tinnitis
07:20:45 PMlyndon oh yeah!
07:20:55 PMlyndon that would be great
07:21:01 PM_Leland_ Sasha do they have microphones built in?
07:21:08 PMABQTKY Tinnitis, not just ambient noise.
07:21:32 PMlyndon I have to sleep with a fan because of that
07:21:37 PM_Leland_ For phone calls.
07:22:22 PMCee_128d lyndon, I have the same problem.
07:22:45 PMlyndon I dont think you can detect tinnitis though
07:23:00 PMSparklyballs isn't tinnitus internal
07:23:02 PMABQTKY I sure can!!
07:23:03 PMlyndon yeah its anoying =)
07:23:41 PMABQTKY A.N.C. works great for airplanes!!
07:24:15 PMtroy74 i develop ringing in the ears every time i make my wife mad
07:25:27 PMajamison5579 he keeps forgetting to switch the cameras over
07:25:35 PMajamison5579 so no one can see what he just shot
07:26:01 PMlyndon He'll put it in post production i'm sure
07:26:57 PMSashaD I believe the plan is to post produce :)
07:27:10 PMajamison5579 ah ok
07:27:24 PMlyndon spin the case arround
07:27:25 PMthanwell I had an issue once with my hearing aids (so I thought). I was on the bus when 3 good looking girls got on and I couldn't make out anything they were saying. I then realized they weren't speaking English.
07:27:36 PMSparklyballs just over a year away
07:28:08 PMCee_128d One of the disadvantages of doing so much of the work himself during a broadcast. He does a great job overall, but he needs some help.
07:28:14 PMSashaD :).... now there will be a little behind the scenes
07:28:57 PM_Leland_ A Mini Me Sasha>>>>
07:29:11 PMSparklyballs and the illusion is spoiled
07:29:20 PMCee_128d Noooooo. You need to leave this part in.
07:29:21 PMDennis_Kelley Hi Hillary
07:29:31 PMHillary Hello World!
07:29:36 PMSparklyballs 007 mouse
07:29:41 PMkeith_heaton hi hillary
07:29:42 PMajamison5579 Great job on the signing Hillary
07:29:44 PMSashaD it will be deleted for sure
07:29:45 PMjwmp Good job Hillary
07:29:48 PMlyndon Hello Hillary
07:29:51 PMDennis_Kelley She has the James Donkey 007 Mouse!
07:30:10 PMlyndon Gotta love that mouse
07:30:15 PMDennis_Kelley Hillary where did you learn how to sign?
07:30:22 PMHillary deaf fammmm
07:30:29 PMJoeInNH Hello Everyone
07:30:38 PMlyndon And We're back
07:30:38 PMDennis_Kelley Hillary cool!
07:30:44 PMSparklyballs is sasha gonna vogue ?
07:30:53 PMCee_128d Sasha, it would look awesome on your set. Everyone would think you are controlling things by magic.
07:31:32 PMSparklyballs don't buy an apple watch ??
07:31:45 PMtroy74 finally some competition in my country
07:31:59 PMajamison5579 smart watches are nice but over priced regardless of who makes them
07:32:08 PMlyndon Gaming systems have gotten Bad!
07:32:16 PMkeith_heaton yes
07:32:22 PMSparklyballs they need to be independent devices
07:32:41 PMlyndon i wonder if Nintendos gonna be next
07:32:42 PMajamison5579 I hear Robbie slipping back into his Radio ad voice when he does those ads
07:32:43 PMajamison5579 lol
07:33:05 PMJoeInNH I will wait till I can get a larger holographic display with my smart watch
07:33:52 PMlyndon We are all gonna end up in an episode od=f Sword Art Online soon
07:34:05 PMJoeInNH Poor design on Apple's part!
07:34:24 PMajamison5579 iPhones are horrible at battery life
07:34:35 PMJoeInNH It's simple enough to link the accounts.
07:34:56 PMJoeInNH At least from a programming perspective
07:35:09 PMtroy74 I am still old school,i use actual money
07:35:27 PMalbertr I would never get any apple products - I like to have freedom
07:35:30 PMSparklyballs wot's money ?
07:35:37 PMajamison5579 Money is so 2011
07:35:37 PMjwmp How quaint
07:36:11 PMtroy74 seems like a good idea to let your devices spend your cash
07:36:44 PMlyndon yes Sasha
07:36:45 PMJoeInNH In next weeks news we will hear that Microsoft packaged the win10 upgrade with the "bug fix"
07:36:47 PMSparklyballs i wouldn't worry about anyone taking control of a windows computer, it'd BSOD in about 15 minutes
07:37:02 PMtroy74 whoohooo down with telus
07:37:14 PMJoeInNH bsod?
07:37:22 PMSparklyballs blue screen of death
07:37:33 PMajamison5579 My windows machine has never BSOD since i had windows on it and that has been 8 years
07:37:57 PMjwmp Yeah. I never turn mine on either! :)
07:37:57 PMajamison5579 only people who screw with stuff they are not supposed to cause it to BSOD
07:37:59 PMlyndon That is amazing
07:37:59 PMSparklyballs my sisters windows 8 machine does it practically every day
07:38:16 PMCee_128d When WordPerfect, EasyWorship, and a full featured and reliable video editor are available for Linux I'll consider switching full time. Until then, I'll deal with the few issues in Windows and use Linux when it's appropriate.
07:38:41 PMJoeInNH Windows 8 drives me crazy when I have to use it.
07:38:45 PMajamison5579 As soon as all the games I play work as intended on Linux Windows will still be on my system sadl
07:38:48 PMajamison5579 sadly
07:39:07 PMtroy74 yes the gubment
07:39:07 PMABQTKY I still have WordStar...on 5 1/4" diskettes!!
07:39:35 PMajamison5579 untill i mean
07:39:35 PMJoeInNH Robbie, I think they "lease" the lines from each other
07:39:36 PMABQTKY Ant it's WordStar for CP/M
07:39:46 PMlyndon I have windows 3.1 on 12 disks
07:40:00 PMtroy74 all the infrastructure is taxpayer built in Canada
07:40:44 PMJoeInNH I still have disks somewhere in the house with OS-9 Level 2 on it from the 80s. :)
07:41:16 PMSparklyballs sending out passwords via email ?
07:41:19 PMSparklyballs are they mad ?
07:41:49 PMtroy74 maybe they should send them to the watch?
07:42:06 PMCee_128d Steam knows nothing about security. They don't hash and salt their passwords. Instead they store them in plain text on their servers. Encrypted, but not salted and hashed. Very amateurish.
07:42:20 PMalbertr There are a couple of workarounds: one is to root your Android mobile and disable Stagefright. Another is to remove or disable Google Hangouts, the default messaging app on Android, which processes video messages automatically. Even without Hangouts, if you receive a booby-trapped MMS and accidentally view it, you'll still be infected. Finally, you
07:42:20 PMalbertr could tweak your carrier settings to not receive MMS texts
07:43:42 PMRobShad best protection. Airplane mode :D lol
07:43:53 PMSparklyballs hit it with a hammer
07:43:58 PMtroy74 best protection landline lol\
07:44:17 PMjwmp If you turn off mobile data, you will not be able to receive MMS
07:44:45 PMNateUK Googles own rules is 90 days after that publish ..
07:44:49 PMlyndon_ Am I still here??
07:44:55 PMSparklyballs no lyndon
07:44:58 PMJoeInNH what is today's topic?
07:45:05 PMkeith_heaton lol
07:45:07 PMlyndon_ noooooo!!
07:45:21 PMlyndon_ oh here i am
07:45:28 PMtroy74 smokey hovels
07:45:31 PMlyndon_ MIB
07:45:40 PMajamison5579 Hacking is a high dollar buisness
07:45:42 PMSparklyballs running around with black hats on
07:45:46 PMRobbieF \o
07:45:48 PMJoeInNH I am running 2.6
07:45:49 PMajamison5579 hackers make alot
07:46:15 PMJoeInNH MIBH
07:46:37 PMCee_128d I'm not scared. They ain't gettin' in my Razr V3M.
07:47:21 PMSparklyballs i had to get that card when i read it in the shop
07:47:38 PMDennis_Kelley funny Sparklyballs
07:47:42 PMlyndon_ They go my card yay!!
07:47:46 PMajamison5579 Hey RobbieF what if someone blocks all MMS and text messages from anyone not on their contact list? would that be a temporary way to side step the bug
07:48:21 PMJoeInNH Only if someone on your list doesn't get hacked
07:48:27 PMlyndon_ My addy is on the card... i hope you can read it
07:49:07 PMSparklyballs what about scotland , the spiritual home of 007 ?
07:49:25 PMJoeInNH Has anyone run Amazon Prime Videos on Linux?
07:49:45 PMlyndon_ I think so....
07:52:24 PMJoeInNH What was the shirt link?
07:52:31 PMRobbieF
07:52:55 PMJoeInNH Oh. I tried
07:53:49 PMSparklyballs kodi i think can do karoake
07:55:20 PMCee_128d Looks like a dubbed Japanese horror movie from the 60's
07:55:38 PMtroy74 sigh now i have dont worry be happy in my head
07:56:04 PMSparklyballs doo wop
07:56:27 PMajamison5579 Dwee bot ta bonna bo
07:56:29 PMajamison5579 lol
07:56:41 PMajamison5579 i have that dang skat man song stuck in my head
07:56:47 PMlyndon_ hahaha
07:57:13 PMCee_128d Robie, any plans to eliminate the use of Flash on your website and live streams?
07:58:18 PMalbertr I uninstalled flash from my Ubuntu today and I'm watching the show live :)
07:58:42 PMlyndon_ Search function on the Category5 website??
07:59:21 PMCee_128d Strange. I tried watching it from a clean install of Point Linix without Flash and it kept bugging me to install Flash to watch.
07:59:22 PMalbertr Chrome has flash support
08:00:06 PMCee_128d Was using Firefox (I don't install Chrome and won't till they fix the Logjam vulnerabilty).
08:00:15 PMlyndon_ thats why i like ubuntu 14 beacause i can install Chrome
08:00:31 PMajamison5579 Robbief should start the Candian Ministry of Redundancy !
08:00:50 PMSashaD lol.... perfect title for him!
08:01:48 PMRobbieF lol
08:01:59 PM_mote_ Yay watching it :D
08:02:19 PMajamison5579 Since all you Canadians use Ministy instead of Department lol
08:02:50 PMRobShad 3 requests, all you can do is pick 2
08:02:52 PMSparklyballs CRD
08:05:14 PMCee_128d But does it support FrontPage Extensions Robbie?
08:05:31 PMlyndon_ Thats $1.30 per week
08:05:49 PMvoodoosandman Can you use Green host from any where?
08:06:20 PMlyndon_ use the links people
08:06:44 PMABQTKY Voodooman, that's DREAMHOST, as if I would know...since I'm deaf in on ear and the other one doesn't work.
08:07:24 PMJoeInNH Wouldn't that be the Canadian Ministry of Redundancy Canadian Ministry of Redundancy?
08:07:25 PMvoodoosandman Ditto
08:07:31 PMABQTKY voodooSANDman - see what I mean?
08:08:17 PMalbertr thanks foe the show all
08:08:25 PMSparklyballs night everyone
08:08:42 PMJoeInNH Our if it's raid with striping... CCaannaaddiiaann MMiinniissttrryy ooff RReedduunnddaannccyy
08:08:50 PMJoeInNH OUR=or
08:08:55 PMJoeInNH Great Show.
08:08:57 PMtroy74 great show,congats on all the improvements
08:09:00 PMSashaD great show everyone!!! have a great week!
08:09:13 PMJoeInNH You too Sasha
08:09:18 PMRobShad i was finally home for part of the show. :D
08:09:21 PMWhiskey_Zero Thanks Robbie, Hillary and Sasha for a great show! See y'all next week.
08:09:30 PMvoodoosandman 73's & 88's
08:09:31 PMJoeInNH Same here.
08:09:41 PMWhiskey_Zero 73
08:10:18 PMjwmp Dreamhost can be used from the UK - see
08:10:22 PMDennis_Kelley Whiskey_Zero is that a going linux thing?
08:10:22 PMCee_128d Wouldn't you know it. They pick a week that I have volunteer work and VBS to have giveaways.
08:10:31 PMDennis_Kelley missed him!
08:10:46 PMlyndon_ see you guys next week. peace out! (Y)
08:10:56 PMjwmp Yeah :(
08:11:03 PMjwmp See you all
08:11:11 PMlyndon_ yeah i know its upside down...
08:11:30 PMlyndon_ Bye
08:11:39 PMCee_128d Dennis, 88 is a newspaper thing meaning end of story and 73 is a radio thing meaning end of transmission.
08:12:00 PMlyndon_ =)
08:13:13 PMCee_128d 73's
08:22:51 PMDennis_Kelley See ya all next week!
08:24:21 PMRobbieF :-D
08:24:25 PMRobbieF hope ya all had fun!
08:25:14 PMJoeInNH yup
08:25:33 PM_mote_ :)


Does Not Include Lurkers