06:58:06 PM | Dave_Maydew | The only M$ 0 we have here are 2 Xbox 360's
06:58:40 PM | NateUK | i live in the world of mac .. linux and m$ lol my job keeps me there : (( lol
06:58:41 PM | Sparklyballs | the only ms i have are some croissants from marks and spencers
06:58:51 PM | ABQTKY | Dave_Maydew - did I see your typeface in FCM somewhere around issue 32, or so?
07:00:07 PM | Sparklyballs | it is tuesday ? right ?
07:00:27 PM | lyndon | Hey! =)
07:00:34 PM | jwmp | Not here it isn't
07:01:06 PM | Sparklyballs | it turned wednesday about a minute and a half ago here too ;)
07:01:08 PM | Natalia | daddy [ RobbieF ] and SashaD are almost ready
07:01:08 PM | Dave_Maydew | It's just gone Wednesday here lol
07:01:34 PM | Sparklyballs | i was wondering how you got my minecraft and now i see....
07:01:36 PM | Dennis_Kelley | Hello gang!
07:01:37 PM | Dave_Maydew | Hey Dennis_Kelley
07:01:49 PM | Dennis_Kelley | Dave_Maydew how are you?
07:01:58 PM | lyndon | yay
07:02:08 PM | Dennis_Kelley | And we're live people!
07:02:08 PM | jwmp | Woohoo
07:02:19 PM | Sparklyballs | minetest even, lol.
07:02:23 PM | Dave_Maydew | Doing good, my fiance can't sleep tonight, so she's watching Jeremy Kyle on the 42" and I'm on the Laptop lol
07:02:36 PM | Dave_Maydew | Pregnancy has it's downfalls lol
07:02:38 PM | Dennis_Kelley | Going back Berrie, Berrie!
07:02:41 PM | RobbieF | hi all!
07:02:52 PM | Sparklyballs | hello RobbieF
07:02:53 PM | NateUK | runs from that room lol Jeremy Kyle gives me headaches lol
07:02:58 PM | NateUK | hello RobbieF
07:03:11 PM | Dave_Maydew | Hi RobbieF
07:03:15 PM | Sparklyballs | my sister used to have a thing for mr kyle
07:03:18 PM | Dennis_Kelley | RobbieF Hello!
07:03:50 PM | SashaD | I feel I am late to the party.... Hi everyone!!!
07:04:03 PM | NateUK | Hi SashaD
07:04:04 PM | jwmp | Hey SashaD
07:04:04 PM | Dave_Maydew | Hola SashaD
07:04:05 PM | Dennis_Kelley | SashaD you are the Party!
07:04:12 PM | Natalia | meteor
07:04:13 PM | lyndon | hey SashaD
07:04:22 PM | Sparklyballs | Dennis_Kelley that's not polite.... lol.
07:04:36 PM | lyndon | oh no!
07:04:38 PM | Dave_Maydew | Oh we still don't know the sex of the baby guys
07:04:40 PM | Sparklyballs | or that means something different here....
07:04:44 PM | Dave_Maydew | Will know in 4 weeks!!
07:04:46 PM | Dennis_Kelley | I meant she is one of the reasons the Party is a Party!
07:04:48 PM | GWG | I just remembered I'm actually sitting here at 7PM
07:04:57 PM | lyndon | me
07:04:59 PM | GWG | Convalescing, but here
07:05:03 PM | lyndon | =)
07:05:16 PM | dreamweaver909 | lol
07:05:20 PM | Dave_Maydew | I've done that with the password RobbieF, it works really good :-)
07:05:27 PM | GWG | Wipe the OS partition and start again
07:05:28 PM | NateUK | don't use root in the first place then you won't forget the password lol
07:05:29 PM | Sparklyballs | show late ?
07:06:08 PM | Natalia | cool drone
07:06:12 PM | lyndon | he's been practicing!
07:06:18 PM | Natalia | yup
07:06:22 PM | Dave_Maydew | looks like it
07:06:28 PM | Sparklyballs | it's working now..., missed the first bit.... :(
07:06:28 PM | Whiskey_Zero | I'm late
07:06:36 PM | Dave_Maydew | Hey Whiskey_Zero
07:06:42 PM | lyndon | he crashed it like 10 times last week
07:06:46 PM | Whiskey_Zero | Hi Dave
07:07:02 PM | lyndon | hey WZ
07:07:03 PM | dreamweaver909 | tap tap
07:07:09 PM | Dave_Maydew | Gotta turn the bass down on these headphones lol
07:07:15 PM | Sparklyballs | is this thing on.....
07:07:20 PM | Whiskey_Zero | Hi there lyndon
07:07:22 PM | Dave_Maydew | RobbieF just blew my head off lol
07:07:22 PM | Natalia | every night he practices and my little brother liam always sneaks down to watch =]
07:07:42 PM | Dennis_Kelley | i missed last weeks show
07:07:52 PM | lyndon | its just tech, ists not alive
07:07:52 PM | Sparklyballs | we'll behave then
07:08:01 PM | C128D | Windows 10 users can use the free VLC Media Player or Media Player Classic Home Theatre to play DVDs and BluRay disks.
07:08:02 PM | Dave_Maydew | Smoking printer... oops
07:08:13 PM | Sparklyballs | hot off the press ?
07:08:16 PM | C128D | Both are better than what Microsoft offers
07:08:44 PM | Whiskey_Zero | I'm using a brand-new Fedora 22 install to chat tonight. So far, so good.....
07:09:02 PM | lyndon | so give it an external monitor
07:09:18 PM | Sparklyballs | someone should say a few words
07:09:22 PM | Dave_Maydew | I like using 2 Monitors
07:09:30 PM | dreamweaver909 | I use corel dvd for that
07:09:35 PM | Dennis_Kelley | Dave_Maydew me two!
07:09:36 PM | lyndon | tip jar and patreon
07:09:50 PM | Dave_Maydew | gotta set one up on both my Laptop and the Fianc?s
07:09:54 PM | jwmp | You should be able to pick up a new LCD screen on ebay
07:10:08 PM | Sparklyballs | i can just about cope with the screen on my macbook, let alone two screens
07:10:11 PM | Natalia | ;i
07:10:19 PM | Natalia | ;I
07:10:29 PM | Natalia | :I
07:10:35 PM | Natalia | oh no
07:10:38 PM | [1]MaineGeek75 | thats a good point. if you can use it with an external screen, that means the video adapter isn't bad...just the screen...
07:10:55 PM | [1]MaineGeek75 | :D
07:11:05 PM | Dennis_Kelley | Sparklyballs - its nice when i am watching a show and a chat room on two monitors
07:11:10 PM | [1]MaineGeek75 | what is the model of it?
07:11:14 PM | Natalia | ;0
07:11:23 PM | Sparklyballs | i just make my irc client transparent
07:11:28 PM | lyndon | on Amazon??
07:11:30 PM | Dave_Maydew | I hear you RobbieF
07:11:32 PM | C128D | What make and model is it? I have some screens around here.
07:11:36 PM | dreamweaver909 | did you try newegg.com
07:11:43 PM | [1]MaineGeek75 | scavenge the parts from it...or use it as a server ...no need to have screen for that :P
07:11:48 PM | Songbird | Hi everyone! :)
07:11:50 PM | jwmp | e-waste. Cool
07:12:00 PM | Dave_Maydew | I am just like that!! I saved the Laptop I bought... no was given it for the Fiance
07:12:09 PM | lyndon | hey Songbird
07:12:13 PM | Dave_Maydew | All that was wrong with it, was a dead HDD
07:12:17 PM | Sparklyballs | hiya Songbird
07:12:18 PM | lifeofpi | why not just replace the back light
07:12:28 PM | Songbird | Hi Lyndon and Sparklyballs. :)
07:12:31 PM | Dennis_Kelley | hi Songbird
07:12:33 PM | Dave_Maydew | LTE here in the UK still sucks
07:12:37 PM | Songbird | Hi Dennis!
07:12:43 PM | Natalia | i keep forgetting how to make the faces :l
07:12:56 PM | lyndon | nope
07:12:56 PM | Sparklyballs | shift 0
07:12:58 PM | Dennis_Kelley | :-D
07:13:16 PM | Natalia | :)
07:13:19 PM | Dave_Maydew | I get 76 down and 20 up on my Fibre :-)
07:13:37 PM | Natalia | thanks Sparklyballs
07:13:38 PM | Sparklyballs | bt Dave_Maydew ?
07:13:40 PM | [1]MaineGeek75 | dont like you :P
07:13:44 PM | Dave_Maydew | yeah BT
07:13:45 PM | [1]MaineGeek75 | i'm only 30/5
07:13:46 PM | Whiskey_Zero | Pretty good Dave
07:13:49 PM | Sparklyballs | snap
07:14:10 PM | Sparklyballs | small place canada
07:14:13 PM | Sparklyballs | lol.....
07:14:14 PM | Dave_Maydew | it's great, especially when we stream lots of video's across multiple devices
07:14:16 PM | Natalia | :D
07:14:16 PM | lyndon | im 12/4
07:14:51 PM | Songbird | I tried to find a postcard at the mall today to send. There was nothing. lol
07:14:56 PM | GWG | RobbieF: You goin to try it?
07:15:06 PM | Dennis_Kelley | SashaD is there a sad Sarah McLachlan song?
07:15:08 PM | GWG | The old Concorde cost tens of thousands.
07:15:32 PM | Dave_Maydew | I know I've emailed the show RobbieF, but I doubt you'll read it this week
07:15:55 PM | Sparklyballs | spill ?
07:16:16 PM | Dennis_Kelley | mine sludge that was leaked
07:16:34 PM | Dave_Maydew | I'm Visually Impaired and other VI and Blind PC users have asked me about getting better voices on Orca if possible??
07:16:44 PM | Natalia | those james donkey mice feel good on my hands :P
07:16:58 PM | Natalia | they have good grip
07:17:10 PM | Sparklyballs | funny name though
07:17:53 PM | Dave_Maydew | The only mouse that has a licence to...
07:17:59 PM | Dennis_Kelley | only with a James Donky 007 can one say 'it feels good on my hands' 'they have a good grip'
07:18:26 PM | lyndon | put shortcuts on every computer
07:18:28 PM | Sparklyballs | shake it, don't stir it.
07:18:41 PM | Dave_Maydew | I'll play the last post for BlipTV
07:18:54 PM | Natalia | i never said others don't
07:19:14 PM | Dennis_Kelley | Dave_Maydew how you been doing?
07:20:32 PM | Dave_Maydew | I'm good
07:21:06 PM | Sparklyballs | blue screen of death just took on a new meaning
07:21:17 PM | Dave_Maydew | My Fianc? is doing good also, pregnancy is going good too
07:21:38 PM | Dennis_Kelley | Dave_Maydew way Cool!
07:21:53 PM | Sparklyballs | ctrl alt shift die
07:22:13 PM | GWG | Anyone who builds and uses a Do It Yourself Surgery Kit has questionable judgmet.
07:22:25 PM | Sparklyballs | keyhole surgery
07:22:33 PM | dreamweaver909 | Operation a milton bradley game~!
07:22:39 PM | Dennis_Kelley | orthoscopic
07:22:54 PM | Dennis_Kelley | something like that
07:22:58 PM | Sparklyballs | turn it off and on again, duh !!!!!!
07:23:18 PM | Natalia | many many electricians should be contacted
07:23:56 PM | Dave_Maydew | Roku ROCKS
07:24:03 PM | Dave_Maydew | I have the Roku Stick
07:24:07 PM | lyndon | yes you can
07:24:16 PM | Songbird | Roku is tiny or a stick. lol
07:24:39 PM | Dave_Maydew | but I do watch a lot on my HTPC on my 42" 3D TV lol
07:24:44 PM | Dave_Maydew | No
07:24:47 PM | NateUK | no
07:24:48 PM | Sparklyballs | nope
07:24:49 PM | Dennis_Kelley | no
07:24:53 PM | Dave_Maydew | No Adverts RobbieF
07:24:55 PM | ABQTKY | no audible ads here
07:24:57 PM | Natalia | no
07:24:59 PM | rd_blair | no
07:25:02 PM | lyndon | thats an awesome work arround
07:25:09 PM | dreamweaver909 | no
07:25:16 PM | Sparklyballs | i still want a feed in mythtv
07:25:27 PM | Dennis_Kelley | i see freshbooks add
07:25:35 PM | lyndon | biuld my own webpage for Cat5
07:25:41 PM | Songbird | I am not able to get some episodes from Cat 5 like from when Studio D was being built
07:26:11 PM | Songbird | On Roku it shows a 400 something error for Roku and Cat 5 episodes.
07:26:17 PM | Natalia | roku has youtube
07:26:26 PM | Natalia | channel
07:26:51 PM | lyndon | yes they do
07:27:01 PM | xypherjack | I'd like to find a xmbc / kodi Cat5 channel.
07:27:05 PM | lyndon | chromecast too
07:27:14 PM | Sparklyballs | +1 for kodi channel
07:27:26 PM | Sparklyballs | any way to get a live feed on my non smart tv
07:28:30 PM | fking | Yes a kodi channel would be nice.
07:29:14 PM | Natalia | my friend says she has kodi, although i have no idea on what it is
07:29:27 PM | Natalia | but not on roku
07:29:34 PM | Sparklyballs | it's a media player software Natalia
07:30:11 PM | Natalia | awesome
07:30:38 PM | Dennis_Kelley | SashaD say Hi to Tally for us!
07:30:52 PM | Songbird | Is Tally in chat?
07:30:58 PM | Dave_Maydew | Oh no, not Minecraft!!
07:30:58 PM | NateUK | all over the floor
07:31:07 PM | Songbird | Hi Tally! :D
07:31:10 PM | Natalia | hi
07:31:13 PM | Dennis_Kelley | Hi Tally
07:31:18 PM | Natalia | hi
07:31:43 PM | Dave_Maydew | My one step son plays Minecraft, it reminds me of a old game I used to play on my old 386
07:31:52 PM | Sparklyballs | is there an mp4 direct link there ?
07:32:03 PM | Natalia | i love minecraft and minetest...
07:32:21 PM | Sparklyballs | my macbook smells like toffee apples... uh oh
07:32:24 PM | Natalia | they're really fun to play
07:33:19 PM | Songbird | Those stickers are great!
07:33:30 PM | Natalia | there is one on the laptop i'm useing
07:33:38 PM | Sparklyballs | sports sedan allegedly
07:33:39 PM | Natalia | two
07:33:45 PM | Natalia | of em
07:33:48 PM | Songbird | I have one in my car window. lol
07:33:52 PM | Whiskey_Zero | Thanks Robbie! I'll send again
07:33:57 PM | RobbieF | moce
07:34:04 PM | RobbieF | whoops
07:34:04 PM | RobbieF | lol
07:34:05 PM | RobbieF | NICE
07:34:08 PM | Sparklyballs | i'm one of the 5 woohhoo
07:34:09 PM | Songbird | lol
07:34:17 PM | lyndon | me too
07:34:26 PM | lyndon | =)
07:34:40 PM | Whiskey_Zero | Me three
07:34:58 PM | Natalia | yes, please don't go ANYWHERE..
07:35:01 PM | Dennis_Kelley | GoodGuy98 how are you
07:35:07 PM | Natalia | unless you need too
07:35:19 PM | Songbird | I need to get a pop Tally will be right back. lol
07:35:23 PM | lyndon | hey GoodGuy98
07:35:26 PM | GoodGuy98 | RobbieF, SashaD Have the person access Cat5 via IP address
07:35:46 PM | GoodGuy98 | Terrible, but thanks for asking :-)
07:36:20 PM | GoodGuy98 | How about you?
07:36:57 PM | Songbird | We have enough stuff made in China. Now they want to do iPhones too. lol
07:37:06 PM | dreamweaver909 | When you called you'd get connected to a recording of Mao's little red book.
07:37:18 PM | Sparklyballs | they make iphones in china now anyways
07:37:19 PM | GoodGuy98 | They already do iPhones.. Foxconn
07:37:34 PM | Dave_Maydew | Counterfeit laptop?? Windows??
07:37:35 PM | Dave_Maydew | :-)
07:37:39 PM | Natalia | china salespeople dont seem care about things other than money
07:37:52 PM | Natalia | Chinese
07:38:07 PM | GoodGuy98 | Do USA ones also? Just better Govt regulation
07:38:29 PM | Dave_Maydew | It's illegal to use iTunes here in the UK now too
07:38:38 PM | GoodGuy98 | In fairness, USA has been free markets longer
07:38:39 PM | Dave_Maydew | thanks to our Copyright regs
07:38:46 PM | Songbird | To use iTunes Dave?
07:38:58 PM | Sparklyballs | i got a hp ir reciever from china once, that thing is still going strong !!!
07:38:59 PM | Natalia | my favourite youtuber lives in the UK
07:39:15 PM | NateUK | i expect a letter then lol
07:39:27 PM | GWG | Slave labor compared to the actual Chinese factories?
07:39:48 PM | Dave_Maydew | Carphone Warehouse is terrible anyway
07:39:52 PM | Sparklyballs | let's hear it for the uk faction
07:39:57 PM | Songbird | lollll
07:40:01 PM | lyndon | Nope
07:40:05 PM | NateUK | my misses is with carphone : (( lol
07:40:08 PM | GoodGuy98 | BTW... micro surgery is called Laproscopic... I have had it and glad it was that method instead of a very large incision
07:40:11 PM | Sparklyballs | i'm up near liverpool
07:40:12 PM | Dave_Maydew | Yup we love in the dark ages here in the UK
07:40:50 PM | GoodGuy98 | I was up walking in a little over two hours... I accidently hit one cut and shocked by no pain
07:40:56 PM | Sparklyballs | and people complained a U2 album !!!!!
07:40:58 PM | dreamweaver909 | Cool I listen to Radio Merseyside all the time
07:41:16 PM | lyndon | As long as we have Windows there will always be data breaches
07:41:19 PM | Dave_Maydew | Microsoft also say if you upgrade your PC with Windows 10 on, and it crashes you have to purchase a new copy of W10!!
07:41:21 PM | GoodGuy98 | It did hurt some a few days later, but nothing by comparision
07:41:46 PM | Dave_Maydew | so if you upgrade the GPU, W10 complains that you have a new PC!!
07:41:54 PM | Sparklyballs | win ME cd free, but £17 postage
07:42:06 PM | Bluenoseguy | It's the Evil Microsoft Empire... were you really expecting cookies?
07:42:07 PM | Dave_Maydew | hahaha
07:42:21 PM | Dave_Maydew | Is it... ooops
07:42:24 PM | NateUK | like to see them enforce that
07:42:28 PM | Dave_Maydew | I'm in trouble
07:42:35 PM | Dennis_Kelley | would it kill Microsoft to pay the fees and give it to users for free?
07:42:39 PM | GoodGuy98 | That doesn't sound correct Dave_Maydew.. I saw articles on how to download an ISO and do a clean install
07:42:45 PM | dreamweaver909 | I heard that they are going to charge you using solitare in win 10.
07:42:59 PM | RobbieF | ha-what a joke dreamweaver909!
07:42:59 PM | Dave_Maydew | Firefox just got updated today
07:43:00 PM | lyndon | HA!
07:43:09 PM | dreamweaver909 | not a joke
07:43:12 PM | RobbieF | nasty!
07:43:37 PM | Sparklyballs | shift key presses are now a penny a shot in win10
07:43:39 PM | GoodGuy98 | I do NOT run Windows 10, but I read some on it
07:43:44 PM | Bluenoseguy | Really? Solitaire? What will thousands of government workers do to waste time :)
07:43:51 PM | lyndon | As long as Mine Sweeper is still free....
07:43:52 PM | Songbird | I would not doubt that Sparkly. lol
07:43:58 PM | RobbieF | Bluenoseguy government workers are still on Windows 9.
07:43:59 PM | RobbieF | 95
07:43:59 PM | GoodGuy98 | They added other card games iirc
07:44:04 PM | Natalia | probably Dennis kelley
07:44:07 PM | Bluenoseguy | :)
07:44:11 PM | Dave_Maydew | I had a chat with a M$ operative on the phone as I was helping upgrade a friends PC after he upgraded/downgraded to Windows 10
07:44:26 PM | Sparklyballs | don't say mac :(
07:44:28 PM | GoodGuy98 | Plus instruction to run Solitaire on W10
07:44:38 PM | Dave_Maydew | He ended up paying for a copy of Windows 10 in the end to shut the person on the phone up
07:45:00 PM | C128D | Firefox released 40 today
07:45:03 PM | Sparklyballs | it's up to 40 today
07:45:03 PM | Natalia | i used firefox today...
07:45:04 PM | GoodGuy98 | MS reps aren't all created equal.... same as other computer ppl
07:45:05 PM | Songbird | I use Firefox ...I had better check it.
07:45:09 PM | Sparklyballs | that's ridiculous
07:45:18 PM | Dave_Maydew | Yup
07:45:25 PM | dreamweaver909 | http://www.pcgamer.com/windows-10-solitaire-requires-a-subscription-to-remove-ads/ they are putting ads in the game
07:45:26 PM | GoodGuy98 | One might know everything another does and BS'es
07:45:43 PM | GoodGuy98 | not know
07:45:46 PM | Dave_Maydew | I only run Firefox as Pipelight doesn't work on Chrome
07:45:52 PM | lifeofpi | the update is 40.0 now
07:45:54 PM | Sparklyballs | i couldn't get on with chrome. last i used it there wasn't a way of getting it to accept self signed certs after a warning..
07:45:58 PM | Dave_Maydew | and I watch BT Sports
07:46:06 PM | lyndon | I still use Chrome, sorry
07:46:13 PM | Dave_Maydew | Silverligjt.. gotta love it!!
07:46:13 PM | Songbird | Some of this tech stuff is getting on my nerves anymore. lol
07:46:14 PM | Sparklyballs | drove me up the wall every time i wanted to access my firewall admin page
07:46:14 PM | Bluenoseguy | Google's reach is as bad as Microsoft's
07:46:36 PM | Songbird | A person has to worry all the time it seems.
07:46:45 PM | RobbieF | Seems that way Songbird...
07:46:47 PM | Dave_Maydew | Google is as bad as M$, but I'd rather use Chrome
07:47:32 PM | Dave_Maydew | new update for Android got pushed also
07:47:49 PM | Dave_Maydew | my Nexus device got updated yesterday
07:47:53 PM | Bluenoseguy | Linux bias... lol love it
07:48:01 PM | Natalia | alphapet inc... possibly SashaD's new favourite word or combination of words... i have to admit, it IS fun to say..
07:48:04 PM | RobbieF | Slight one
07:48:05 PM | RobbieF | ;)
07:48:29 PM | Sparklyballs | shoot the computer
07:48:35 PM | Dave_Maydew | lol
07:48:40 PM | lyndon | yes Shoot it!
07:48:42 PM | Dave_Maydew | someone did and got arrested
07:48:57 PM | Dave_Maydew | only in the USA!!
07:49:09 PM | lyndon | I lost my password... time to get a new computer =)
07:49:21 PM | Songbird | I would rather throw my computer out the window lately. lol
07:49:37 PM | JoeInNH | Hello Everyone
07:49:39 PM | Songbird | If I shoot it the neighbors will hear.
07:49:50 PM | Songbird | Hi JoeInNH
07:49:56 PM | dreamweaver909 | Use a silencer
07:50:01 PM | Songbird | lollll
07:50:07 PM | NateUK | sudo ftw always
07:50:11 PM | lyndon | Its a love/Hate relationship with my computers
07:50:11 PM | JoeInNH | Hi Songbird
07:50:15 PM | Songbird | Good idea dreamweaver909
07:50:15 PM | Natalia | but you have to risk accidently throwing it on the mailmans head Songbird...
07:50:23 PM | dreamweaver909 | lol
07:50:28 PM | Dave_Maydew | :-)
07:50:33 PM | Songbird | lol That is true Tally. I wouldn't want to do that.
07:50:42 PM | Dave_Maydew | install Linux on it Songbird ;-)
07:50:53 PM | Songbird | I will be in the near future Dave. :)
07:51:03 PM | Dave_Maydew | sweet
07:51:10 PM | Bluenoseguy | In general I hate updates. If it's not broken... " "
07:51:10 PM | Songbird | I want out of Windows junk
07:51:22 PM | Dave_Maydew | I moved to total Linux early 2009... not looked back since
07:51:46 PM | Songbird | I can see why Dave_Maydew
07:51:59 PM | Bluenoseguy | Windows "junk" and apples platforms to buy stuff... rock -> hard place
07:52:08 PM | Sparklyballs | i've got a mix of macs and linux
07:52:16 PM | lyndon | sorry guys i have to bale. See you all next week. =)
07:52:19 PM | Dave_Maydew | and having my Fianc? and Step Children now running Linux is even better
07:52:26 PM | Bluenoseguy | later lyndon
07:52:34 PM | Songbird | Bye lyndon hagn
07:52:42 PM | Dave_Maydew | See ya Lyndon
07:53:00 PM | lyndon | thanks, bye guys =)
07:53:02 PM | Natalia | bye lynden
07:53:08 PM | Natalia | lyndon
07:53:09 PM | Dennis_Kelley | see ya lyndon
07:53:27 PM | Sparklyballs | cya lyndon
07:54:17 PM | alket-tab | hi all
07:54:34 PM | Dave_Maydew | Hi alket-tab
07:54:36 PM | Songbird | hi alket-tab
07:54:39 PM | Bluenoseguy | hey hey
07:54:54 PM | Dennis_Kelley | alket-tab hello!
07:55:03 PM | Natalia | RobbieF can you tell the people that linux is truley amazing
07:55:13 PM | Natalia | AMAZING
07:55:29 PM | Natalia | i mean dad
07:55:34 PM | Dave_Maydew | hahahaha
07:55:34 PM | Dennis_Kelley | I will second that Natalia
07:55:44 PM | Dave_Maydew | Linux is totally AWESOME
07:55:47 PM | Songbird | It is certainly better than what I am using Tally
07:55:58 PM | Sparklyballs | i like linux a lot too
07:56:04 PM | alket-tab | i was watching the show but its hard to irc chat and watch at same time on smartphone
07:56:39 PM | Dave_Maydew | I have a nickname from a few people here in the UK.... it's PINGU :-)
07:56:40 PM | Dennis_Kelley | two hour show for the win!
07:57:08 PM | dreamweaver909 | nice question!
07:57:30 PM | Sparklyballs | shame on you SashaD
07:57:38 PM | NateUK | oh wow ... never watched Dr Who .. you got many years to catch up SashaD lol
07:57:39 PM | dreamweaver909 | exterminate! lol
07:57:45 PM | Dave_Maydew | Sorry SashaD forgot some people don't watch Doctor Who
07:57:46 PM | JoeInNH | Definately nice question.
07:57:47 PM | Dave_Maydew | lol
07:57:50 PM | Natalia | two hour show means i don't get to read tonight, but it would still be fun
07:57:58 PM | Songbird | I've never watched Dr Who...I need to. :)
07:58:04 PM | Dennis_Kelley | Dave_Maydew have you looked into http://sonargnulinux.com/
07:58:21 PM | Dave_Maydew | Yeah, it's still Orca
07:58:25 PM | Dave_Maydew | :-(
07:58:37 PM | dreamweaver909 | lol
07:58:53 PM | GoodGuy98 | cant sit longer
07:59:02 PM | Sparklyballs | allophones
07:59:12 PM | dreamweaver909 | zoomtext has humanlike voices
07:59:15 PM | [1]MaineGeek75 | my gps reads street names well
07:59:21 PM | dreamweaver909 | i used to use that
07:59:47 PM | JoeInNH | Try these sentences in festival: I can read that later. and I read that yesterday
08:00:45 PM | JoeInNH | A program can't tell the difference
08:00:47 PM | RobbieF | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=751169
08:00:47 PM | Guest_3697 | bye
08:00:49 PM | Dave_Maydew | SashaD reading the newspaper on my PC... please lol
08:00:57 PM | Dave_Maydew | Thanks RobbieF
08:01:04 PM | Dennis_Kelley | i use other voices at the Michigan renaissance Festival
08:01:12 PM | dreamweaver909 | huzzah!
08:01:17 PM | Songbird | Thank you Robbie and Sasha for another great show!
08:01:17 PM | dreamweaver909 | lol
08:01:27 PM | alket-tab | thanks RobbieF and Sasha
08:01:35 PM | Natalia | my grade 4 teacher once was using a gps in Quebec and the gps broke down and her and her family were lost in the middle of nowhere but she found her way home... eventually
08:01:36 PM | Dennis_Kelley | dreamweaver909 for sure
08:01:47 PM | dreamweaver909 | now a mug of mead...
08:01:50 PM | dreamweaver909 | hahahaha
08:02:14 PM | Natalia | with a rasberry pie?
08:02:16 PM | Dennis_Kelley | dreamweaver909 -turkey drumbstick
08:02:16 PM | JoeInNH | What was the site for the extra voices?
08:02:17 PM | Bluenoseguy | Whattt? cool
08:02:38 PM | Songbird | Nice seeing you in chat too Tally! Big hugs
08:02:49 PM | Dave_Maydew | I will be tuning in to those!!
08:02:52 PM | Sparklyballs | night folks
08:02:57 PM | dreamweaver909 | night
08:03:00 PM | NateUK | need to make it 2 hrs show lol
08:03:03 PM | Natalia | thanks Songbird
08:03:05 PM | Dave_Maydew | Many thanks once again RobbieF
08:03:08 PM | Dennis_Kelley | Have a great night Natalia!
08:03:15 PM | Songbird | yvw!
08:03:17 PM | Dave_Maydew | and SashaD...
08:03:18 PM | Dennis_Kelley | 2 hours show!
08:03:21 PM | Sparklyballs | cliffhanger !!!!!!!!!
08:03:23 PM | Bluenoseguy | There goes the awards show... ;)
08:03:24 PM | Natalia | dad RobbieF can i earn one?
08:03:26 PM | JoeInNH | What was that site...
08:03:32 PM | Natalia | ...
08:03:34 PM | Bluenoseguy | nighters
08:03:38 PM | Dave_Maydew | right ladies and gentlemen, it's time to go to bed here...
08:03:40 PM | Natalia | the end
08:03:48 PM | Dennis_Kelley | see Dave_Maydew
08:03:48 PM | Whiskey_Zero | Another great program! Thanks Robbie & Sasha! See y'all next week.....
08:04:02 PM | dreamweaver909 | bombs away...lol
08:04:09 PM | Sparklyballs | back to the movie, next week folks.
08:04:15 PM | GWG | You have overlooked my question for the last time, RobbieF.
08:04:15 PM | Dennis_Kelley | Night/Day all@
08:04:17 PM | dreamweaver909 | bye
08:04:17 PM | Dennis_Kelley | !
08:04:17 PM | Bluenoseguy | later all
08:04:17 PM | JoeInNH | RobbieF, what was that site with extra voices?
08:04:23 PM | Dave_Maydew | I'll be back next week.... and I'll give that site a look in the morning RobbieF
08:04:49 PM | NateUK | JoeInNH http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=751169
08:04:50 PM | RobbieF | Thanks everyone!
08:04:54 PM | SashaD | Thank you my friends :):)... I'll see you next week!
08:04:54 PM | Natalia | great credits! they were short... witch i like cuz i don't like waiting for them to end
08:04:55 PM | MaineGeek75 | great show as usual
08:05:06 PM | JoeInNH | No the other one RobbieF showed at the end
08:05:22 PM | Natalia | woah
08:05:46 PM | JoeInNH | With the extra voices...
08:06:02 PM | Natalia | nearly half the users have logged out
08:06:35 PM | C128D | Sasha and Robbie, Firefox released version 40 today so that is the latest. Not sure about Mac, but there is one for Windows and Linux.
08:07:39 PM | RobbieF | Great, thanks C128D
08:08:28 PM | JoeInNH | RobbieF, what was that last site you showed. University of what? The one to try out the new voices.
08:08:38 PM | C128D | Still working on getting Compiz or Kwin working in Point 3.0, but so far no luck with either. Others have been able to accomplish it, but I guess I'm just too stupid .
08:09:49 PM | NateUK | http://festvox.org/voicedemos.html ??
08:10:38 PM | RobbieF | yeah that's right
08:10:41 PM | NateUK | ^^ think that was it JoeInNH sorry was searching for it
08:12:13 PM | C128D | Robbie, I haven't recieved my stickers yet. Was mine one of the problems? Oconto Falls, WI
08:12:25 PM | RobbieF | here's another link - http://hts.sp.nitech.ac.jp/?Download
08:12:33 PM | RobbieF | more high-end sounds
08:12:44 PM | RobbieF | lemme check C128D
08:13:30 PM | C128D | Okay, thanks
08:13:58 PM | RobbieF | Yes, it came back to us. Please email me your address.
08:14:05 PM | RobbieF | Maybe a mis-write or something.
08:14:28 PM | RobbieF | Here is a huge repo: http://tcts.fpms.ac.be/synthesis/mbrola.html
08:14:55 PM | C128D | I will do that. What model of laptop has the bad screen? Is it the entire screen, or possibly just the inverter or backlight?
08:15:06 PM | RobbieF | and here are some instructions - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=751169
08:15:32 PM | RobbieF | It's the MSI A6000 - yes, the entire screen is dead.
08:16:27 PM | RobbieF | Alas, I did buy a replacement laptop, so we're good to go--it just hasn't arrived yet. The only nice thing out of it is that though the laptop I bought is a refurb, it's still better specs (i7, 8GB Ram) so it will be an "upgrade" for us.
08:16:46 PM | RobbieF | Got it on the B list, so it was a steal.
08:16:55 PM | C128D | Bummer. I have two Toshiba's here with screen problems. Luckily one is the backlight that I can salvage from the other so I only need to actually buy 1. I'll try to send along something this next payday to help.
08:17:02 PM | JoeInNH | THanks RobbieF! I couldn't find the extra voices last time I installed Festival...
08:17:07 PM | JoeInNH | night everyone
08:17:09 PM | RobbieF | thanks C128D
08:18:00 PM | NateUK | can see Sasha's face now with her new mouse and now laptop .. you won't be able to get her off it RobbieF lol
08:18:52 PM | C128D | No problem buddy. Sent an e-mail with my address to the General Inquiries address from RedneckCheesehead at gmail
08:19:11 PM | RobbieF | ha
08:19:27 PM | RobbieF | Well the thing is NateUK - I take it home with me and it's what I use to produce and upload the show afterward!
08:19:38 PM | RobbieF | Of course, now with having a studio OUTSIDE the home, I no longer have a home computer.
08:19:52 PM | RobbieF | So the laptop is where I do most of my work when not live.
08:20:05 PM | RobbieF | Our other shows are entirely produced on it (eg., New Every Day, Nature Sounds, etc.)
08:20:19 PM | NateUK | what do you use for editing ? because I am stuck with Final Cut on Mac for my teaching job !!! RobbieF
08:20:25 PM | NateUK | if you do not mind me asking
08:21:16 PM | C128D | I couldn't deal with just a laptop for video production. I have a dual 24" monitor setup on an i7 3770k. That's difficult enough.
08:21:29 PM | RobbieF | I'm using this: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00N4OLGL6/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B00N4OLGL6&linkCode=as2&tag=cattectv03-20&linkId=6LZY2XMRYNQVSOXM
08:21:46 PM | RobbieF | yeah, we do the best we can with what we have.
08:22:02 PM | RobbieF | ^^Cheap and dirty video editing.
08:22:31 PM | C128D | I'm using Kdenlive mostly, with some Openshot thrown in for some of the more complex titles
08:23:15 PM | NateUK | whatever tool that works really .. just was hoping a good linux one would be around so i could hide the back and do it on there lol
08:23:18 PM | C128D | Not as fancy as some, but I'm used to it and it get's the job done well enough for what I normally do.
08:26:31 PM | C128D | Gonna have to sign off. Time for another live stream. Have a great week and I'll see some of you next Tuesday.
08:28:32 PM | NateUK | tc C128D
08:28:56 PM | RobbieF | have a great night all!!
08:29:07 PM | NateUK | tc RobbieF
08:29:27 PM | RobbieF | u2