Chat Logs for Episode 413 — #Category5 on /


With 77 Posts:Sparklyballs
With 68 Posts:revdjenk
With 36 Posts:spiceJax
With 30 Posts:Bluenoseguy
With 29 Posts:WilliamMcD

Chat Logs:

06:58:11 PMNateUK-Laptop Hello RobbieF live stream working so far on that thing lol
06:58:43 PMrevdjenk ah, Sparklyballs , it isn't that bad
06:58:43 PMSashaD i used to work with some of the girls there... so they may recognize me
06:58:59 PMlifeofpi anyone tried 10 on pi yet
06:59:18 PMWilliamMcD getting close to start time!
06:59:23 PMWhiskey_Zero Just got a stream....
06:59:51 PMSparklyballs i got the "tonight's show" screen so far
06:59:55 PMDave_Maydew That'll teach me pressing the WiFi button on the Laptop
06:59:57 PMSparklyballs here we go
07:00:03 PMWilliamMcD same here
07:00:20 PMSparklyballs hallo ErikaL
07:00:25 PMrevdjenk lifeofpi: sorry, will not... only Linux here in this household
07:00:37 PMSparklyballs and Erikasdad of course....
07:00:50 PMrevdjenk hee hee
07:00:52 PMRobbieF Hey all! Have a fun time!
07:01:00 PMWilliamMcD YA! were live!
07:01:07 PMRobbieF Woot woot!
07:01:10 PMRobbieF \o/
07:01:13 PMRobbieF It works! Mwhahahahahaha!
07:01:24 PMlifeofpi well i dont like 10 but was going to try it
07:01:31 PMSparklyballs 16tb no less
07:01:37 PMWilliamMcD My first time live on Roku!
07:01:43 PMDave_Maydew Windows 10 update crashed my Dad's PC lol
07:01:49 PMRobbieF way to go WilliamMcD!
07:01:51 PMDave_Maydew I fixed it with a Linux DVD
07:02:01 PMRobbieF Dave_Maydew, that's my answer to EVERYTHING.
07:02:02 PMWilliamMcD Y
07:02:05 PMlifeofpi was going to try on pi
07:02:07 PMrevdjenk RobbieF: you didn't think it would???
07:02:10 PMRobbieF Rub some bacon on it? Neah, I fixed it with a Linux DVD.
07:02:20 PMWilliamMcD ya windoz to Linux!!!!
07:02:22 PMRobbieF revdjenk, we ARE pretty fancy, so...
07:02:33 PMSparklyballs i shout loudly at windows pc's and scare them into working
07:02:42 PMrevdjenk RobbieF: and looks better this week ... on screen
07:02:42 PMdreamweaver909 lol
07:02:46 PMlifeofpi i like ubuntu mate on pi
07:02:55 PMWilliamMcD Bacon? Canadian or American?
07:03:24 PMrevdjenk smile ErikaL you dad's watching
07:03:26 PMSparklyballs real bacon or that american stuff ?
07:03:27 PMspiceJax backbacon
07:03:56 PMDave_Maydew Real Bacon... YUM
07:04:00 PMWilliamMcD either is good
07:04:22 PMSashaD low carbon, gluten free bacon
07:04:33 PMSashaD carb... not carbon
07:04:36 PMSparklyballs da hell is gluten free bacon
07:05:06 PMdennis_kelley Hello
07:05:10 PMWilliamMcD Nah! only real stuff no fake bacon
07:05:12 PMdennis_kelley 48 45 4c 4c 4f 20 45 56 45 45 52 59 4f 4e 45 21
07:05:27 PMdennis_kelley Sweet
07:05:30 PMrobgor hi guys
07:05:31 PMskeezer gz dman
07:05:32 PMSparklyballs that's a long mac address
07:05:42 PMdennis_kelley not a MAc address
07:06:06 PMSashaD what is it Dennis Kelly?
07:06:06 PMDave_Maydew AM Radio is no good in France
07:06:12 PMDave_Maydew they're switching it all off
07:06:23 PMdennis_kelley a message
07:06:32 PMSparklyballs trevor bayliss is a genius
07:06:37 PMdennis_kelley thank you
07:06:58 PMDave_Maydew He did a good thing... he's now a Open Source genius!!
07:07:19 PMSparklyballs oooh kodi
07:07:30 PMDave_Maydew I'm still running Plex
07:07:31 PMSashaD fun stuff....:)
07:07:34 PMSparklyballs way to go NateUK-Laptop
07:08:02 PMNateUK-Laptop
07:08:04 PMSparklyballs i can stop faffing around with mythtv and trying to get that to work
07:08:06 PMrevdjenk SashaD: speaking of gluten free, my grandpa made gluten free horseshooes
07:08:06 PMlifeofpi yes i would love that
07:08:07 PMNateUK-Laptop working on the live right now
07:08:09 PMDave_Maydew Nate is still humming the OutRun tune RobbieF
07:08:11 PMDave_Maydew lol
07:08:11 PMNateUK-Laptop working!!!
07:08:17 PMdennis_kelley SashaD its a message in Hex
07:08:25 PMNateUK-Laptop will update to github soon
07:08:56 PMWilliamMcD Ah! thought that was what it was :-)
07:08:59 PMDave_Maydew GE dave26
07:09:11 PMSashaD hex... is that a programing language?
07:09:31 PMDave_Maydew Oh yeah
07:10:06 PMDave_Maydew But you can go to the Dr's to get a cure for the Hex lol
07:10:10 PMrevdjenk SashaD: hexidecimal = base 16
07:10:46 PMdennis_kelley sweet
07:10:48 PMDave_Maydew RobbieF.... that brings back memories
07:10:53 PMrevdjenk SashaD: each two digit "number" equals a letter/symbol
07:10:53 PMspiceJax yeah and put the sign back!
07:10:57 PMlifeofpi i would love to have a warm coat
07:11:02 PMSashaD okay.
07:11:23 PMSashaD I am going to have to search it and see what you wrote
07:11:38 PMSparklyballs live stream coming soon.....
07:11:46 PMSparklyballs on the kodi plugin
07:11:50 PMrevdjenk SashaD:
07:11:59 PMWilliamMcD VHS LOL!
07:12:01 PMNateUK-Laptop just updated the plugin Sparklyballs
07:12:03 PMNateUK-Laptop this second
07:12:07 PMSparklyballs lol
07:12:10 PMdennis_kelley SashaD: it reads - HELLO EVERYONE!
07:12:11 PMNateUK-Laptop to github
07:12:12 PMjwmp HELLO EVEERYONE! (including spelling mistake)
07:12:39 PMspiceJax dell B?
07:12:40 PMNateUK-Laptop version 1.0.8 .. just download the zip again and install it will do over the top Sparklyballs ..
07:12:40 PMSashaD hahahaha... typos! my sort of message!
07:12:49 PMSparklyballs on it
07:12:53 PMdennis_kelley sorry for the spelling mistake
07:12:57 PMSparklyballs getting it i mean
07:12:58 PMjwmp lol
07:13:04 PMSashaD gosh, you guys make me smile!
07:13:10 PMjwmp programmers eh.
07:13:19 PMWilliamMcD no problem Dennis we all make them
07:13:37 PMdennis_kelley its a translation thing
07:13:45 PMspiceJax More info on that $250.00 i7 LT please.
07:14:35 PMSparklyballs yay NateUK-Laptop
07:14:41 PMNateUK-Laptop nice ?
07:14:46 PMSparklyballs we have live cat5 livetv
07:14:59 PMSashaD yippee :) :)
07:15:03 PMBluenoseguy Evening
07:15:11 PMskeezer hi
07:15:13 PMSparklyballs i'm telling the guys on unraid forum
07:15:14 PMWilliamMcD working well even on slower WIFI connection
07:15:31 PMWilliamMcD Roku live
07:15:54 PMSparklyballs smile ErikaL you're on the big tv now
07:16:16 PMNateUK-Laptop just remember Sparklyballs we are still working on it all .. both robbie and I
07:16:46 PMSparklyballs i'll star your repo
07:17:29 PMNateUK-Laptop SashaD btw Plex is the next project
07:17:36 PMNateUK-Laptop thank you Sparklyballs
07:17:56 PMSparklyballs my git repo is all dockers, lol.
07:18:13 PMDJQuad heya peeps :)
07:18:14 PMSashaD that's great NateUK. :)
07:18:22 PMskeezer hi
07:18:25 PMNateUK-Laptop lol use a docker for a plugin .. that would be fun lol
07:18:26 PMBluenoseguy Hi DJ
07:18:36 PMDave_Maydew Hey DJQuad
07:18:42 PMdennis_kelley DJQuad Hello
07:18:42 PMSparklyballs i have a headless kodi docker
07:19:08 PMNateUK-Laptop oh nice so you use it like a plex server ?
07:19:13 PMrevdjenk Sparklyballs: are you taking medicine for your condition?
07:19:14 PMSparklyballs i was trying to get cat5 working with my mythtv docker, but it wasn't playing ball.
07:19:23 PMSparklyballs my condition ?
07:19:25 PMrevdjenk hee hee
07:19:44 PMSparklyballs the kodi headless docker is for library updates
07:19:52 PMrevdjenk jk
07:19:52 PMlifeofpi i use kodi on pi and pc
07:19:54 PMNateUK-Laptop aha got you
07:20:18 PMWilliamMcD didn't realize he had a condition
07:20:38 PMSparklyballs over shiny extemeties allegedly
07:20:45 PMSparklyballs extremeties*
07:20:50 PMrevdjenk hee hee
07:21:04 PMrevdjenk glittery globes
07:21:10 PMWilliamMcD LOL
07:21:12 PMdreamweaver909 lol
07:21:27 PMSparklyballs shiny spheres
07:21:45 PMrevdjenk brilliant balloons
07:21:53 PMdennis_kelley No hablo espaƱol
07:22:00 PMSashaD oh dear
07:22:12 PMvoodoosandman The kids are back to school. Cheers!
07:22:13 PMBluenoseguy And there went the line :)
07:22:25 PMSparklyballs iridescent somethings beginning with i..... damn it...
07:22:25 PMdreamweaver909 badges, we don't need no steenken badges........
07:22:27 PMWilliamMcD glowing globuals
07:22:28 PMskeezer scintillating spheroids
07:22:33 PMrevdjenk oh RobbieF that's cheating
07:22:38 PMlifeofpi anyone tried lynda yet
07:22:47 PMvoodoosandman Ya
07:23:21 PMvoodoosandman Linda?
07:23:25 PMlifeofpi do they have things for linux
07:23:41 PMSparklyballs they have lots of stuff...
07:23:58 PMlifeofpi ok thanks
07:24:16 PMrevdjenk lifeofpi: I would assume, but you could probably do a search first, before signing up
07:24:17 PMBluenoseguy I think Erica may be the most patient person I've seen recently.
07:24:28 PMSparklyballs very laid back
07:24:51 PMSparklyballs make a great teacher
07:24:58 PMBluenoseguy Yes, exactly
07:25:11 PMlifeofpi i looked but seen alot of thinks for windows
07:25:15 PMSashaD she would make the perfect teacher :)
07:25:44 PMrevdjenk she is a lot more relaxed then her first go!, and a bit more animated
07:25:49 PMdennis_kelley Not only that but she is cool!
07:25:52 PMWilliamMcD there's that 7 letter word again!
07:25:53 PMBluenoseguy It's always the quiet ones... still waters run deep ;)
07:26:13 PMWilliamMcD gotta watch out for them
07:26:49 PMSparklyballs glowing gems ?
07:26:54 PMBluenoseguy But... at what point do the statistics become skewed?
07:26:58 PMrevdjenk and she is talking her language (and schooling, now) SashaD did the same explosion once she started with Linux!
07:27:54 PMBluenoseguy Ah huh
07:28:00 PMSparklyballs new lappy ?
07:28:04 PMBluenoseguy Love filters
07:28:25 PMSparklyballs now you're on the big screen i can see stuff like that...
07:28:39 PMrevdjenk same here, Sparklyballs
07:28:55 PMSparklyballs NateUK-Laptop: i'm loving the plugin
07:28:59 PMBluenoseguy nice when you can read it... projector tv... 8ft screen
07:29:49 PMSashaD 8ft screen?! wowsers
07:30:03 PMNateUK-Laptop I really glad : )) Sparklyballs
07:30:06 PMBluenoseguy Ah huh
07:30:33 PMSparklyballs 8ft screen, crikes you can count the nasal hairs....
07:30:35 PMrevdjenk My laptop is very "mobile" RobbieF
07:30:52 PMSparklyballs safari
07:30:55 PMSparklyballs MAC
07:31:05 PMBluenoseguy No worries SashaD, you look great ... now we just have to get Robbie to broadcast in true HD :)
07:31:09 PMSparklyballs well kodi now, lol.
07:31:59 PMSparklyballs i don't have to make my irc client transparent anymore while watching the show :)
07:32:00 PMSashaD I hope you can't see my Arctic highlights
07:32:12 PMBluenoseguy LOL
07:32:19 PMSashaD I am due for a colour
07:32:25 PMrevdjenk SashaD: that's why we tune in!!!!
07:32:31 PMSparklyballs is that a canadian way of saying grey ?
07:32:45 PMWilliamMcD lol
07:33:04 PMWilliamMcD Not SashaD!
07:33:08 PMBluenoseguy You're still very environmentally friendly
07:33:15 PMSparklyballs my highlight these days are my natural hair colour....
07:33:16 PMjwmp Green maybe?
07:33:25 PMSashaD its sad but true :)
07:33:42 PMSashaD green hair would make me look bald!
07:33:42 PMrevdjenk SashaD: but you are only 20 or so?!
07:33:49 PMWhiskey_Zero join the club shasha
07:33:53 PMWilliamMcD my natural color ain't what it used to be
07:33:55 PMSparklyballs revdjenk: you are smooth........
07:34:03 PMSashaD revdjenk, you are officially my favourite
07:34:06 PMrevdjenk thanks! Sparklyballs
07:34:10 PMspiceJax just started on my G Tab to up your
07:34:11 PMrevdjenk yay!!!!
07:34:16 PMNateUK-Laptop explains Robbies hair then SashaD .. thought i was the only bald one lol
07:34:22 PMBluenoseguy No, she's simply old enough to be sobered by the inexperience of youth ;)
07:34:26 PMvoodoosandman Ran in the other room to see who was screaming. It was a pair of linguisa in the microwave.
07:34:29 PMSparklyballs clear highlights ???
07:34:31 PMrevdjenk Bluenoseguy: hee hee
07:34:57 PMspiceJax 2 sec delay
07:35:13 PMSashaD sparklyballs... I will find a synonym for balls starting with i after the news
07:35:33 PMSparklyballs cool, i love the word synonym
07:35:40 PMSashaD bluenoseguy, I like it!
07:35:48 PMrevdjenk RobbieF: ErikaL do the Analytics tell more about system than just browser?
07:35:56 PMspiceJax keep the cat of of your sandbox
07:35:58 PMSparklyballs antonym is good too
07:36:08 PMspiceJax out
07:36:09 PMdreamweaver909 globe, sphere
07:36:20 PMskeezer testes? is synonymous? ;-)
07:36:35 PMSparklyballs it's got to start with i skeezer
07:36:39 PMskeezer glittering gonads?
07:36:44 PMBluenoseguy Meanwhile in Canada, during an election ... political parties are pouring over data like this on an hour by hour basis.
07:36:59 PMSparklyballs so we can have iridescent i.......
07:37:06 PMskeezer oh, i'll think some more...
07:37:40 PMdreamweaver909 hoodangs
07:38:12 PMSparklyballs i'd say distinction rather than artic highlights
07:38:51 PMspiceJax hah ha Microsoft bites again
07:38:53 PMrevdjenk nice Sparklyballs
07:39:06 PMjwmp When are the Windoze users going to learn!!
07:39:10 PMlifeofpi windows 10 sucks
07:39:54 PMErikaL Revjenk Yes system provider as well
07:39:58 PMSparklyballs hot pockets
07:39:59 PMrevdjenk spiceJax: i've already warned my grandson and granddaughter after they got rid of their linux partitions and "upgraded" to win10. I don't work on MS systems
07:39:59 PMspiceJax medical supplies?
07:40:08 PMBluenoseguy Just a comment... that shot is just way too wide... we loose Sasha, especially when she's wearing dark clothing. It's fine for an establishing shot, but after that... rather see who 's speaking.
07:40:15 PMrevdjenk ErikaL: ah
07:40:36 PMWilliamMcD Agreed, Bluenoseguy
07:41:21 PMspiceJax I just upgraded a Lady to Mint from XP
07:41:24 PMSparklyballs one of my friends burnt his down with candles once....
07:42:02 PMlifeofpi i love mint
07:42:05 PMvoodoosandman An app that sends an sms when the phone detects flame.
07:42:18 PMjwmp Yes. mint good.
07:42:21 PMspiceJax 10 tracks you with its 'Tiles' and cloud connection
07:42:24 PMSparklyballs hey sucker, your house is on fire........
07:42:30 PMrevdjenk lifeofpi: spiceJax most in my family use mint, i've used it since 4.0
07:42:50 PMrevdjenk hee hee
07:43:07 PMSparklyballs roger ramjet
07:43:08 PMspiceJax thats great revdjenk
07:43:11 PMdreamweaver909 lol
07:43:22 PMlifeofpi yep love it just wish they had it for the pi
07:43:30 PMjwmp wait for 2.1
07:43:34 PMBluenoseguy Who you fly it if Microsoft was the designer?
07:43:35 PMrevdjenk sounds like three different propulsion devices!
07:43:37 PMvoodoosandman hypersonic
07:43:47 PMSparklyballs concorde 8 with no start button
07:43:49 PMrevdjenk 60 miles up is the space limit
07:43:56 PMspiceJax I thought they quit the Concord as not cost effective
07:44:16 PMvoodoosandman Airbags when braking.
07:44:19 PMBluenoseguy They did, but the concord was physically an older plane. No new ones being built
07:44:27 PMWilliamMcD right very expensive to opperate
07:44:49 PMrevdjenk RobbieF: from the wiki altitude of 100 km (62 mi) above sea level, is conventionally used as the start of outer space
07:45:07 PMspiceJax Rather get a Tesla...Apple car wtf
07:45:14 PMvoodoosandman I thought they quit the Apple as not cost effective
07:45:26 PMWilliamMcD Would love a Tesla!
07:45:39 PMSparklyballs the wheels all have little bites out of them
07:45:45 PMBluenoseguy Would never spend enough money for a house... on a car
07:46:12 PMspiceJax iKar lol one button to go back to your house?
07:46:28 PMfking I would rather fly in airwolf.
07:46:29 PMjwmp WOW
07:46:35 PMspiceJax O face?
07:46:44 PMBluenoseguy Someone wipe the drool from Robbie's face :)
07:46:44 PMdennis_kelley fking i hear you there!
07:46:57 PMSparklyballs i want an airwolf
07:47:21 PMSparklyballs i'd shoot kit , smug car.
07:47:23 PMvoodoosandman twking frking bb gnad
07:47:27 PMdreamweaver909 standing room only
07:47:29 PMWilliamMcD Appache Lowbow
07:47:33 PMfking Dom go get the lady.
07:48:03 PMskeezer iridescent icosahedron! that's the best i can think of ;-)
07:48:15 PMSparklyballs not really round though
07:48:16 PMspiceJax and the Cost...8 grand?
07:48:30 PMskeezer i know, closest i can think of
07:48:37 PMSparklyballs 10mb hdd
07:48:38 PMspiceJax is it 2.5 lt size
07:48:43 PMBluenoseguy LOL
07:48:43 PMSparklyballs i remember those
07:48:45 PMrevdjenk RobbieF: you could store all your things!
07:48:48 PMvoodoosandman Skinny Data
07:48:56 PMspiceJax 19 reboot LOL
07:49:10 PMspiceJax 10 reboots
07:49:26 PMSparklyballs i was working for a computer company and nobody could believe 1gb hard drives, "you'll never need that much storage"
07:49:50 PMfking In 10 years 16tb will be a small hd.
07:50:11 PMBluenoseguy The larger the storage space, the more lazy people are about designing, cleaning and deleting. You use as much as availabe.
07:50:13 PMspiceJax I already have a guy who is getting grief with 10
07:50:23 PMskeezer go linux!
07:50:30 PMSparklyballs more than a slight linux bias this week ;)
07:50:37 PMspiceJax Can you retro to 7?
07:50:54 PMSparklyballs hit it with a hammer
07:50:59 PMBluenoseguy 7 pro, 7 pro, 7 pro.... happy and staying
07:51:01 PMrevdjenk fking: small for cloud storage. I don't think many individuals will use that large a storage.
07:51:04 PMvoodoosandman Someday all hardrives will come preloaded with everything like the internet is.
07:51:13 PMrevdjenk BN
07:51:14 PMjwmp Windoze removes user control, linux frees the user
07:51:15 PMlifeofpi just hide kb3035583
07:51:20 PMspiceJax Tease
07:51:27 PMrevdjenk jwmp: correct!
07:51:30 PMSparklyballs ooooohh......
07:51:42 PMlifeofpi yep go linux
07:51:56 PMBluenoseguy And roll tape...
07:52:03 PMspiceJax handy to have chalk
07:52:21 PMrevdjenk jwmp: and the google swoop of your data was limited to your choice of browser. This data slurp is built into the operating system!!!
07:52:24 PMC128D
07:52:29 PMvoodoosandman said the gymnast.
07:52:41 PMErikaL Bluenoseguy: Stats on Google Analytics can become skewed if users do not enable cookies or third party tracking data. Then Google Analytics can not track any data on your website or blog from users who hide their web browsing data. Since a small of amount of users actually hide their data on line Google analytics will never be able to collect 100% of data from user sessions on your tracking code.
07:52:43 PMfking revdjenk: your right.
07:52:49 PMSparklyballs is that chekov ?
07:52:51 PMspiceJax chekov
07:52:53 PMdreamweaver909 nukclear wessels
07:52:57 PMdennis_kelley looks like it
07:52:59 PMC128D It's easy to block unwanted Windows 10 updates by using the information in this link
07:53:20 PMspiceJax mixin STs
07:53:24 PMSparklyballs it is chekov
07:53:30 PMBluenoseguy Yes ErikaL, I'm one of those few who blocks everything I can.
07:53:35 PMdennis_kelley spiceJax thats cool
07:53:43 PMjwmp OOOooooohhhhhh!!
07:53:48 PMdennis_kelley wow
07:54:03 PMWilliamMcD me too, Bluenoseguy
07:54:13 PMspiceJax mixin STs
07:54:15 PMBluenoseguy :) thanks ErikaL
07:54:26 PMDJQuad yeah blocking updates is so smart. especially when there are 0 day exploits
07:54:33 PMspiceJax Net for the win
07:55:19 PMlifeofpi update KB 3035583 will hide them all
07:55:28 PMErikaL No problem i noticed your question eariler
07:55:55 PMdennis_kelley Hi
07:56:14 PMspiceJax Easy block for Win updates Install Linux
07:56:20 PMrevdjenk C128D: I block windows updates by using only Linux
07:56:38 PMdennis_kelley revdjenk i hear that
07:56:39 PMlifeofpi LOL
07:56:44 PMC128D lifeofpi, KB 3035583 is the one that controls the upgrade from Win 7 or 8.1 to 10. It has nothing to do with any of the actual updates of Windows 10.
07:56:50 PMspiceJax Great minds revdjenk
07:56:52 PMvoodoosandman Nancy Kerrigan and Tonya Harding =Windows 10
07:57:05 PMDJQuad since linux works so well for gaming. lol
07:57:07 PMSparklyballs it's that time already... damn....
07:57:24 PMSparklyballs i synonym SashaD , come on....
07:57:26 PMC128D revdjenk, not an option for me. I need too many programs that simply aren't available for Linux, and more than likely never will be
07:57:29 PMBluenoseguy FEEL THE LOVE ;)
07:57:44 PMDJQuad same here C128D
07:57:46 PMspiceJax Spoild on Chekov thou
07:57:59 PMrevdjenk C128D: but you do run you windows in a VM inside Linux, right?
07:58:01 PMSparklyballs look in the volume mappings settings for the docker
07:58:21 PMrevdjenk DJQuad: not all of us are players
07:58:46 PMC128D Nope, I run Windows 7 bare metal and rarely have any problems. Most of the programs I require that do not have Linux equivelents will not function in a VM.
07:58:50 PMDJQuad a non admin account is equally as safe as non root
07:59:18 PMlifeofpi if you look in c drive and see new windows your in trouble
07:59:23 PMDJQuad when i need linux i fire up virtualbox
07:59:38 PMrevdjenk well, glad I am not in that situation. C128D I used windows for 20 yrs, 1986 - 2005 long enough
08:00:34 PMlifeofpi been using linux for 8 years
08:00:40 PMSparklyballs we have real bricks in the uk
08:00:48 PMdennis_kelley
08:00:57 PMrevdjenk what? another hour!!!
08:01:02 PMBluenoseguy Live long and prosper
08:01:06 PMWhiskey_Zero Good night everyone, time's up for another week. See y'all next week!
08:01:07 PMdennis_kelley go for two!
08:01:09 PMRobbieF I know right?!
08:01:10 PMjwmp Night all
08:01:14 PMspiceJax just another fake brick on the wall
08:01:15 PMSashaD ugh, Sparkly balls.... I will have to figure it out by next week!
08:01:18 PMNateUK-Laptop great show
08:01:22 PMRobbieF Thanks!
08:01:22 PMrevdjenk bye SashaD ErikaL RobbieF and Erikasdad
08:01:29 PMSparklyballs i'll hold you to that SashaD
08:01:36 PMvoodoosandman Windows uses you, you don't use Windows
08:01:45 PMWilliamMcD Great show!
08:01:50 PMdennis_kelley SashaD ErikaL RobbieF - Great Show
08:01:52 PMSashaD goodnight, goodbye and I'll see y'all in a week :):) :)
08:01:55 PMErikaL Thanks everyone! Glad to be back on the show have a great night!
08:01:58 PMBluenoseguy As always, enjoy the rest of the week people
08:01:59 PMskeezer thanks for the show and chats everyone - maybe i can watch live again in another year ;-)
08:02:00 PMrevdjenk well, switching chromecast to All About Android
08:02:12 PMrevdjenk skeezer: hee hee!
08:02:14 PMlifeofpi what was the like for kodi again
08:02:22 PMspiceJax AAA yup
08:02:23 PMskeezer take care all
08:02:23 PMWilliamMcD night all!
08:02:24 PMSashaD skeezer.... thank you for watching live :)
08:02:29 PMskeezer ;-)
08:02:31 PMC128D revdjenk, I want to actually use my computer to get things done, not spend most of my time installing, configuring, and playing with it. That's why I mostly use Windows, and use Linux for when I want to mess around. It's just impossible to do enough serious work in Linux.
08:02:33 PMDJQuad C128D when they say there are linux equivalents it's really gimp vs photoshop? lol. i use va mac for desktop publishing stuff
08:02:41 PMSparklyballs
08:02:53 PMSparklyballs lifeofpi
08:03:03 PMlifeofpi thanks
08:03:30 PMspiceJax I see win linux brewhaha starting lol
08:03:38 PMspiceJax ttfn
08:03:45 PMrevdjenk C128D: which is why I use LinuxMint ... very little need for "playing" unless I want to
08:03:48 PMErikaL Good night everyone!
08:04:09 PMDJQuad later all
08:04:30 PMC128D No it.s Libre Office Calc vs MS Excel. Calc doesn't have Macros so it isn't capable of doing nearly as much. It's EasyWorship for my Church. OpenLP lis only capable of doing about 20% of what EW is capable of.
08:04:42 PMdennis_kelley have a great week everyone!
08:04:48 PMrevdjenk C128D: my understanding is that I do less babysitting for my system now than with windows...
08:04:58 PMC128D It's WordPerfect vs LO Writer. That's like comparing Writer to a basic text editor.
08:06:08 PMC128D revdjenk, in my case it the exact opposite. I haven't had to do any work on my Windows 7 install in 4 years except for running Windows update.
08:06:11 PMrevdjenk C128D: opensong for me... but yes, the windows programs tend to be a little more capable, mature true, but they still run on windows
08:06:59 PMC128D Opensong is even less capable than OpenLP. Might as well go back to running PowerPoints.
08:07:01 PMrevdjenk C128D: my current mint is the long term support, good from 14-18
08:08:13 PMC128D revdjenk, I know about the so-called LTS releases. Unfortunately, they still break way more often than any Windows install I have ever done.
08:08:58 PMrevdjenk C128D: fine for me! on my tablet. the desktop (win7 is running easyworship) which has its own problems... with exporting song setup, etc
08:09:27 PMC128D EW 2009 or the piece of crap new release?
08:10:26 PMrevdjenk C128D: I know this is anecdotal, just like your report, I've never had a system break with mint. I've had more devices work (and do so immediately upon first connection) than anything with windows
08:11:02 PMrevdjenk 2009 I think
08:11:43 PMC128D The only problems I have had with 2009 has been less than capable users or using an nVidia graphics card. It's been solid as a rock for the past three years for us. The new one is a disaster.
08:12:16 PMrevdjenk There is another free worship program, which I tried, forgotten the name, but really worked smooth and I thought easier to work than even EW
08:12:21 PMRobbieF wow, what a storm...
08:13:18 PMrevdjenk C128D: videopsalm
08:13:24 PMC128D Mint has never been as well behaved for me, even the LTS releases. I do prefer Mate, but their release with Mate has way too many issues to be useful. KDenlive needs a lot of extra work to get going, which should not be the case. UbuntuMate works much better as does PointLinux 2.3.2
08:13:29 PMrevdjenk RobbieF: we had that last night!
08:13:35 PMRobbieF getting scary out there actually
08:14:13 PMC128D I'll have a look at it revdjenk.
08:14:40 PMrevdjenk hope that will help! C128D
08:14:43 PMrevdjenk where
08:14:52 PMrevdjenk where is your church C128D ?
08:15:08 PMrevdjenk I'm at Teays Valley Presbyterin in Scott Depot WV
08:15:28 PMC128D Oconto Falls, Wisconsin. Missionary and Christian Alliance.
08:17:20 PMrevdjenk almost related! a presbyterian, Methodist, and two other denominational ministers wanted to do joint mission work... and it became a denomination
08:17:33 PMRobbieF aww poo--one of the windows is leaking
08:18:26 PMrevdjenk RobbieF: that's how you discover! Hope it is something on the landlord? give sasha a paint brush later
08:18:35 PMC128D You can't catch a break Robbie. Is it one of the ones you initially had issues with when you were renovating the building?
08:18:59 PMNateUK-Laptop Robin at least you can patch it and not be caught in a loop
08:19:03 PMNateUK-Laptop RobbieF
08:19:10 PMNateUK-Laptop ggrrr autocorrect
08:20:25 PMrevdjenk NateUK-Laptop: type rob then hit tab... it'll autocomplete
08:20:59 PMNateUK-Laptop thanks
08:21:02 PMrevdjenk np
08:21:18 PMrevdjenk that's the only way I'd type NateUK-Laptop
08:21:35 PMRobbieF glad I happen to be here


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