06:58:12 PM | T0B33 | JeffWeston: hiiiiiii!!
06:58:23 PM | Sparklyballs | hello
06:58:37 PM | T0B33 | Hello Sparkly-Bits
07:00:22 PM | T0B33 | Here we go
07:00:46 PM | T0B33 | If anybody is having trouble, refresh the page
07:01:34 PM | Dreamweaver909 | hmmm
07:01:52 PM | T0B33 | Dreamweaver909: Hi :)
07:01:57 PM | Dreamweaver909 | hi
07:02:12 PM | T0B33 | Not seen you here before
07:02:28 PM | Dreamweaver909 | I've been here quite a bit
07:02:37 PM | lifeofpi | Nate you on
07:03:05 PM | JeffWeston-cohos | Evening
07:03:19 PM | T0B33 | Hey JeffWeston-cohos
07:03:22 PM | Sparklyballs | cohos , that a north american snack ?
07:03:37 PM | T0B33 | That had me thinking then Sparklyballs lol
07:03:47 PM | JeffWeston-cohos | T got cut off
07:04:06 PM | T0B33 | JeffWeston-cohos: Who cut it? :P
07:04:33 PM | Dreamweaver909 | yes.....the delorean!!!!!!
07:04:51 PM | T0B33 | My dog runs on Garbage too
07:04:53 PM | lyndon_ | hey we have natural gas
07:05:08 PM | lyndon_ | biodiesal
07:05:17 PM | Guest_3709 | Where can I view on iPad?
07:05:31 PM | Sparklyballs | there are buses in ireland that run on chip fat
07:05:31 PM | T0B33 | Guest_3709: One second
07:05:53 PM | T0B33 | Guest_3709: M.Cat5.tv
07:06:11 PM | lyndon_ | *bio-diesel
07:07:04 PM | Sparklyballs | i want a real hoverboard, not the ripoff board on balls things.
07:07:10 PM | lyndon_ | they were still in transition with hover conversion
07:07:35 PM | lyndon_ | remember they were advertising it
07:07:42 PM | T0B33 | Sparklyballs: Get a Skateboard and put a gas tank behind it, turn the cap till the gas springs out and put a lighter too it :)
07:08:23 PM | _Leland_ | Wake up ghost official Cat5 Java blend.
07:09:26 PM | T0B33 | Never trust GPS around here
07:09:30 PM | _Leland_ | ESP8266
07:09:54 PM | Jeff-Weston | Bah connection issues
07:10:03 PM | Sparklyballs | gps is only needed for destination, car to cars spacing only needs radar
07:10:55 PM | fking | George Jetson drives a Volkswagen diesel now.
07:11:38 PM | Guest_3709 | 😔 can't use my iPad
07:11:50 PM | T0B33 | Why Guest_3709?
07:11:52 PM | Sparklyballs | pitch and yaw
07:11:57 PM | _Leland_ | The transportation infrastructure here in the United Sates couldn't support a mule team. Flying cars ya, launch out of a pothole.
07:12:29 PM | _Leland_ | pinch and thaw
07:13:19 PM | tic-toc | Hovering toll booths in the sky
07:13:26 PM | Sparklyballs | drones when i was a kid, the best we had was a frisbee
07:14:13 PM | T0B33 | Sparklyballs: I had a remote control car that used to run out of battery when you used the spring jump thing underneath lol
07:14:13 PM | _Leland_ | Buying a stairway to Detroit?
07:14:32 PM | Sparklyballs | we had jet cars though....
07:15:06 PM | T0B33 | Sparklyballs: Some friends had very dangerous remote control cars that run on petrol that were super fast
07:15:09 PM | _Leland_ | At least when you die in a mid-air you are closer to heaven.
07:15:10 PM | Sparklyballs | washing up liquid bottle strapped to a roller skate,,, filled with water and attach a foot pump
07:15:22 PM | Mike44 | maybe people should mix cars, buses, trucks, and planes
07:15:44 PM | T0B33 | Maybe people should make a helicopter/car Mike44
07:15:53 PM | T0B33 | That would be a flying car lol
07:15:59 PM | _Leland_ | They do they are called TRAINS.
07:16:00 PM | Sparklyballs | when the air got to high enough pressure and because you can't compress water it went like a rocket
07:16:34 PM | T0B33 | There is a festival in england called bulldog bash and they create custom cars and race with them, never seen a car take off the ground though lol Jet cars yes
07:16:54 PM | Mike44 | make a tiny car for kids
07:17:11 PM | _Leland_ | Sleep Windows 8
07:17:39 PM | T0B33 | Those Mini moto bikes with engines, they got banned very very quick. Mini cars would be no different i would imagine lol
07:17:52 PM | Mike44 | I LOOOOOOOOVE Windows 8
07:17:53 PM | _Leland_ | Many kids have been made in tiny cars.
07:18:23 PM | Mike44 | no the are made in peoples bodies
07:18:27 PM | Sparklyballs | date rape
07:18:43 PM | lyndon_ | we do have these though: http://mashable.com/2015/10/15/little-tikes-drivable-car-ebay/#nG4j7NccOuqO
07:18:44 PM | _Leland_ | Netflix killed the drive-in.
07:19:28 PM | _Leland_ | Harp
07:19:42 PM | _Leland_ | Silver
07:20:04 PM | _Leland_ | +/-
07:20:11 PM | Mike44 | no im 28 years old
07:20:19 PM | Sparklyballs | if you want it to rain, just plan a bbq
07:20:20 PM | T0B33 | Jeff-Weston: What problems are you having?
07:20:29 PM | Mike44 | +/-
07:20:31 PM | T0B33 | What are you using? Pidgin?
07:20:39 PM | lifeofpi | popcorn time is killing netflix
07:20:45 PM | _Leland_ | Twice as wise as a 14 year old?
07:20:55 PM | Jeff-Weston | Web client. It's stable now. Was a WiFi issue
07:21:14 PM | lyndon_ | checks in the mail...hahah
07:21:17 PM | Mike44 | www.category5.tv/chat/
07:21:29 PM | _Leland_ | No pidgin pony express.
07:21:42 PM | T0B33 | Jeff-Weston: On a tablet?
07:22:03 PM | _Leland_ | My wife has a stable issue.
07:22:29 PM | Mike44 | my place
07:22:44 PM | _Leland_ | Money for nothing Chic in the mail.
07:23:25 PM | Mike44 | did you watch part 2 because i watch all in 3d
07:23:30 PM | lyndon_ | 3D tvs?
07:23:32 PM | Sparklyballs | if you had a chip in your hand and you were pleasuring yourself online and accidentally switched to amazon halfway through... you'd make a lot of purchases.
07:23:50 PM | Mike44 | 2/3 tvs are 3d at my house
07:24:19 PM | Jeff-Weston | Yeah. Just part 2. No 3d viewing
07:24:24 PM | _Leland_ | Girlfriend De'jour consort De'noches.
07:24:34 PM | Sparklyballs | james bond is in the 20's
07:25:16 PM | Mike44 | in 2 days Ubuntu 15.10 WILL BE OUT!
07:25:23 PM | _Leland_ | Anything over 18 Mr Bond?
07:25:40 PM | Sparklyballs | i'm waiting for 16.04
07:25:46 PM | Mike44 | me too
07:25:48 PM | Sparklyballs | i only do lts
07:26:13 PM | _Leland_ | Windows CE 4.2
07:26:21 PM | fking | Waiting for 16.04 also
07:26:25 PM | T0B33 | Unity is pretty stable now. Who here uses unity?
07:26:38 PM | Sparklyballs | i don't linux desktop
07:26:54 PM | Sparklyballs | but my servers are linux
07:27:06 PM | Mike44 | I use GNOME
07:27:21 PM | Mike44 | I have 14.04
07:27:27 PM | Mike44 | anyone
07:27:31 PM | T0B33 | Xubuntu 14.04
07:28:23 PM | lifeofpi | does any one know of a pvr program for linux using hauppauge
07:28:40 PM | Sparklyballs | myth... tvheadend
07:28:47 PM | Mike44 | I have UBUNTU 14.04 and DOWNLOADED GNOME
07:29:09 PM | _Leland_ | Cat5 changhes the future thousands of viewers tuning in VS ?
07:29:23 PM | fking | I use Mate 14.04
07:29:53 PM | T0B33 | Oh dear, I use Dailymail -.-
07:30:02 PM | lifeofpi | does tvheadend work with hauppauge
07:30:04 PM | lyndon_ | Cinnamon =)
07:30:30 PM | T0B33 | lyndon_: Cinnamon <3
07:31:08 PM | lifeofpi | i have problems with drivers
07:31:40 PM | Sparklyballs | hauppage do a lot of tv products...
07:31:56 PM | lyndon_ | Mint is more compatible out of the box for my laptop
07:32:15 PM | lifeofpi | ok thinks i will check and see
07:32:21 PM | lyndon_ | Ubuntu is good though
07:33:15 PM | lyndon_ | I was having problems with Handbrake and wifi with Ubuntu but was fixed right away with Mint
07:34:07 PM | T0B33 | Mint has proven to be better with some things in my uses, i never gave it a chance till 14.04 because i just looked at it like another ubuntu re-spin
07:35:03 PM | lifeofpi | Mint is great been using for years
07:35:15 PM | lyndon_ | yeah. ive been going back and forth between Ubuntu and Mint
07:35:27 PM | lifeofpi | ubuntu mate is great to
07:35:35 PM | lyndon_ | i have a split household
07:36:03 PM | Sparklyballs | yeah cos DRM has never been circumvented....
07:36:10 PM | lyndon_ | also have my puppy stick
07:36:34 PM | T0B33 | Hate DRM
07:36:34 PM | lifeofpi | ubuntu mate is more like mint
07:36:59 PM | lyndon_ | with the start menu yes
07:37:15 PM | lyndon_ | kde is close too
07:37:43 PM | lyndon_ | kubuntu
07:37:49 PM | lifeofpi | i wish mint had it for raspberry pi
07:39:18 PM | T0B33 | Sudo apt-get dist-upgrade... Breaks are broken
07:39:47 PM | lyndon_ | that means they must have installed steering control motors in the cars before
07:39:47 PM | Sparklyballs | your car is halfway through a firmware update and the connection is lost and you crash
07:39:57 PM | lyndon_ | judseeah
07:40:04 PM | T0B33 | Sparklyballs: No kernal lol
07:40:19 PM | Sparklyballs | wind screen of death ?
07:40:40 PM | T0B33 | Caused by a driver problem
07:41:16 PM | _Leland_ | Anyone contact that guy from the 5 hour energy drink? The one on yubed.
07:43:11 PM | T0B33 | Lost all my school photos many many moons ago
07:43:28 PM | T0B33 | When tobi was a little boy
07:43:40 PM | Jeff-Weston | We lost first 4 years of our marriage and 3 years of kids
07:44:03 PM | Jeff-Weston | Damn Mac
07:44:03 PM | Mike44 | can I email ideas on what topic cat5 should do
07:44:19 PM | T0B33 | Jeff-Weston: Thats even worse! :(
07:44:30 PM | T0B33 | Jeff-Weston: Did your hard drive fail?
07:44:37 PM | _Leland_ | American Graffiti was our back to the future.
07:44:45 PM | Mike44 | anyone
07:44:53 PM | Jeff-Weston | Yes Mike. Info@category5.tv
07:44:54 PM | Jeff-Weston | My wife was devastated
07:45:04 PM | Sparklyballs | hydrophobic cloth
07:45:34 PM | lyndon_ | there are heated motorcycle jackets
07:45:50 PM | Jeff-Weston | Yes tob33. The head am broke andown scratched the disc
07:46:24 PM | T0B33 | Jeff-Weston: So even data recovery was out of the question
07:46:25 PM | Sparklyballs | smart underwear, detects when you need to pee
07:46:50 PM | Jeff-Weston | Recovery was impossible.
07:47:20 PM | Jeff-Weston | Had 3 opinions
07:47:29 PM | T0B33 | Jeff-Weston: Sorry to hear that :(
07:47:41 PM | Jeff-Weston | I double back up now haha
07:47:54 PM | Sparklyballs | that's fine if the pavement is made of copper
07:48:08 PM | T0B33 | Jeff-Weston: Ditto. Better safe than sorry
07:49:50 PM | Sparklyballs | people steal statues because of the metal, people will be digging up skate parks
07:51:15 PM | T0B33 | All skateparks around here got destroyed and removed. I know some guys who would love to throw graphite all over a copper skatepark
07:51:20 PM | _Leland_ | it does not have to be copper
07:51:42 PM | T0B33 | A glider
07:52:54 PM | _Leland_ | graphine tech with copperous dioxide titanium tape
07:53:19 PM | thanwell | I want to correct Robbie. Copper doesn't rust. Otherwise it wouldn't be used in plumbing.
07:53:22 PM | Sparklyballs | if you're travelling at head height, you'd be giving people a hair cut
07:53:40 PM | Sparklyballs | copper oxidises
07:53:55 PM | Jeff-Weston | The green corrosion stuff ;)
07:54:01 PM | _Leland_ | Aluminum
07:54:27 PM | Sparklyballs | nickel is greyish/silver
07:54:38 PM | thanwell | Yes it oxidizes but only if the protective coating is removed.
07:54:54 PM | lyndon_ | i think they are copper coated
07:55:09 PM | _Leland_ | Anodized
07:55:38 PM | Sparklyballs | coins are cupronickel alloy
07:56:00 PM | _Leland_ | not pennies
07:56:16 PM | _Leland_ | in 1943 they were zinc
07:57:11 PM | _Leland_ | they cut it to save $
07:59:47 PM | Mike44 | bye
08:00:28 PM | _Leland_ | Ass kicking device to prevent stupid behavior
08:00:32 PM | Dreamweaver909 | Wish they had them for eyesight.
08:00:35 PM | Sparklyballs | nuts
08:00:58 PM | _Leland_ | Bionic nuts
08:01:07 PM | Sparklyballs | rusty nuts
08:01:21 PM | Dreamweaver909 | time for Ncis...bye
08:01:38 PM | _Leland_ | Jamie Sommers
08:01:51 PM | Sparklyballs | 5 minute charging... they swap out the battery trays in those bays
08:02:12 PM | _Leland_ | Nothing but redheads
08:02:23 PM | Sparklyballs | copper nuts
08:02:31 PM | Sparklyballs | go green if you get them wet
08:02:54 PM | _Leland_ | Make them out of Bitcoins
08:03:38 PM | Sparklyballs | back projection
08:03:39 PM | _Leland_ | I use brass nut on my headers.
08:04:17 PM | _Leland_ | Retro movies?
08:04:59 PM | _Leland_ | Pepsi Dry
08:04:59 PM | lyndon_ | I drink coffee
08:05:09 PM | _Leland_ | No water
08:05:27 PM | Sparklyballs | other soft drinks are available
08:05:46 PM | _Leland_ | wake up the ghost blend
08:06:00 PM | Whiskey_Zero | Interesting program tonight. G'night folks, see y'all next week!
08:06:09 PM | lifeofpi | i like the live shows
08:06:28 PM | T0B33 | Awesome show
08:06:43 PM | lyndon_ | good night you guys. and happy back to the future day tomorrow!
08:06:48 PM | _Leland_ | Which head of state is on the Bitcoin?
08:07:02 PM | Sparklyballs | i'm already in the future
08:07:23 PM | _Leland_ | now you in the past
08:07:43 PM | _Leland_ | now I'm in the past.
08:08:17 PM | fking | Kodi just went into replay.
08:08:19 PM | Sparklyballs | the show is starting again on kodi plugin .... or the bit in the kitchen is at least.... lol.
08:08:50 PM | _Leland_ | Good Shoe
08:08:55 PM | Sparklyballs | it's the sequel, lol.
08:09:05 PM | T0B33 | Good night guys
08:09:24 PM | lyndon_ | what going on!!
08:10:02 PM | _Leland_ | Calvins under wear
08:10:43 PM | lyndon_ | =)
08:10:44 PM | _Leland_ | % houe energy
08:10:47 PM | lifeofpi | same show again
08:10:57 PM | lyndon_ | ok good night
08:11:09 PM | _Leland_ | 5 Hour energy
08:11:57 PM | _Leland_ | cars are garbage waiting for recycling.
08:12:28 PM | _Leland_ | Sam erye
08:13:46 PM | _Leland_ | I feel like I'm at the Drive -in for the replay
08:16:03 PM | lifeofpi | kodi not working for me
08:17:02 PM | lifeofpi | is it a update i need
08:17:20 PM | alpeck | i missed the start of the show. is it repeating and if so how did Robbie do it?
08:19:38 PM | lifeofpi | what do i need to do to get kodi plugin working again
08:24:09 PM | lifeofpi | anyone know about kodi plugin
08:24:29 PM | alpeck | sorry no lifeofpi
08:24:59 PM | lifeofpi | looks like its working for some but not me
08:25:13 PM | lifeofpi | but thanks
08:25:49 PM | lifeofpi | it was working then it just stoped
08:27:51 PM | alpeck | bye everyone
08:27:54 PM | NateUK | hello lifeofpi whats wrong with the kodi plugin ?
08:28:13 PM | lifeofpi | not working
08:28:29 PM | NateUK | for live stream or for th other ?
08:30:05 PM | lifeofpi | both gives me error
08:30:32 PM | NateUK | can you tell me the error please .. also what operating system you are using and version of kodi if you could ... thanks
08:31:37 PM | lifeofpi |
08:31:58 PM | lifeofpi |
08:31:58 PM | NateUK | ok the urllib .. ok ..
08:32:19 PM | NateUK | that would suggest it cannot get out to the internet / website ...
08:32:36 PM | lifeofpi | line 201, in
08:32:37 PM | lifeofpi | shows(cat5ShowURL)
08:32:54 PM | NateUK | on your computer you are using kodi
08:33:01 PM | NateUK | can u access this webpage http://rss.cat5.tv/kodi/
08:33:37 PM | lifeofpi | yes
08:34:09 PM | NateUK | hmmm this is very weird .. if you can access this page then there should be no error .. the timeout would suggest it cannot
08:34:35 PM | NateUK | which version of kodi you are using ?
08:35:27 PM | lifeofpi | 14.2
08:36:42 PM | NateUK | ok Helix .. let me look at that .. because 15.2 is out now
08:36:50 PM | lifeofpi | not sure whats on the pi
08:37:47 PM | NateUK | i wrote the kodi plugin in 15 .. maybe Helix does not like urllib2 .. and only use urllib
08:37:53 PM | lifeofpi | and i cant get it to work on pi eaither
08:38:00 PM | NateUK | not sure .. trying to find a copy of helix
08:39:09 PM | lifeofpi | it was working before
08:39:52 PM | NateUK | yes accessing it on helix fine .. hmmm
08:40:37 PM | NateUK | it would suggest something with from you to the server somewhere is blocking or not accessing correctly ..
08:41:17 PM | NateUK | not saying your machines ... but something along the way somewhere
08:42:37 PM | lifeofpi | don't know it was working before
08:43:13 PM | lifeofpi | its like the url is not working
08:43:33 PM | NateUK | that link i gave you is what kodi links to .. the show.html is the file it looks at ... and then populates your kodi .. very strange you cannot access it
08:43:50 PM | NateUK | from kodi but a browser
08:44:10 PM | NateUK | did you download the plugin from Robbie's github ?
08:44:35 PM | lifeofpi | Error Contents:
08:44:53 PM | NateUK | liek to ask what version of the plugin you have .. you can do this by going to the video .. video addons .. and just hover over it and the right handside will tell you the version
08:45:52 PM | lifeofpi | 1.o.8
08:46:01 PM | NateUK | oooo very out of date there
08:46:29 PM | NateUK | https://github.com/nateuk/plugin.video.category5
08:46:32 PM | lifeofpi | ok then where do i get knew one
08:46:40 PM | NateUK | right handside click on download zip
08:47:16 PM | NateUK | then Load Kodi and go to system and find "Add-Ons" on the left hand side
08:47:23 PM | NateUK | Click "Install from zip file".
08:47:26 PM | lifeofpi | ok i see now
08:47:56 PM | NateUK | the latest on mine is the stable but I havent polled up to Robbie yet ...
08:48:16 PM | RobbieF | Hey all. Did the show start an hour late?
08:48:26 PM | NateUK | its still on lol
08:48:30 PM | NateUK | I am watching it now
08:48:34 PM | lifeofpi | so latest is 1.0.13
08:48:37 PM | NateUK | yes
08:48:38 PM | RobbieF | Must've started at 8 instead of 7?
08:48:51 PM | NateUK | i watched on time with you .. then it repeated
08:48:51 PM | RobbieF | Sorry about that! Gosh...
08:48:58 PM | RobbieF | OH It repeated?!
08:48:59 PM | RobbieF | PHEW!
08:49:04 PM | RobbieF | did it start at the right time?
08:49:08 PM | NateUK | yes
08:49:10 PM | RobbieF | YAY!
08:49:11 PM | RobbieF | hehe
08:49:20 PM | NateUK | i like this carry on stream lol
08:49:20 PM | RobbieF | when I walked in and it's 1/2 way through I thought it must've started late!
08:49:23 PM | RobbieF | Glad to hear it
08:49:32 PM | RobbieF | Hmm, that makes me think.
08:49:36 PM | RobbieF | will see what we do next.
08:49:39 PM | lifeofpi | ok nate i will try latest
08:49:41 PM | RobbieF | How's the quality? I bumped it up today.
08:49:49 PM | NateUK | ok lifeofpi lwt mw knoq
08:49:54 PM | NateUK | very clear
08:49:57 PM | RobbieF | awesome
08:49:59 PM | NateUK | much better on live
08:50:07 PM | NateUK | no pixelation compared
08:50:08 PM | RobbieF | Sorry I couldn't be here during the show
08:50:30 PM | RobbieF | Awfully rare that we do that, but being that it's our wedding anniversary, I had to book it off :)
08:50:43 PM | NateUK | wow .. you wouldnt have known
08:50:48 PM | lifeofpi | hey thanks robbie for the pi help it worked
08:51:09 PM | NateUK | happy anniversary as well there RobbieF
08:51:32 PM | lifeofpi | i have GPIO pins woring now
08:51:56 PM | RobbieF | Fantastic lifeofpi - so happy it worked!
08:52:00 PM | RobbieF | Thanks NateUK
08:52:17 PM | RobbieF | NateUK we recorded the special early Saturday morning.
08:52:27 PM | RobbieF | and that gave me the chance to edit in all the great footage
08:52:54 PM | RobbieF | Well, I'm glad it all worked out! Looking forward to looking through the chat logs :)
08:52:59 PM | NateUK | did like the switch in and outs .. but honestly wouldnt have known it wasnt live
08:53:02 PM | RobbieF | I'm off. Anniversary ain't over yet :)
08:53:07 PM | RobbieF | that's cool NateUK
08:53:12 PM | RobbieF | other than the pizza scene :)
08:53:13 PM | RobbieF | haha
08:53:14 PM | NateUK | have a good one .. enjoy your day
08:53:17 PM | RobbieF | thanks
08:53:18 PM | RobbieF | you too
08:53:22 PM | RobbieF | I"ll leave the video rolling
08:53:38 PM | NateUK | yes pizza should have been a giveaway but i didnt click lol
08:53:44 PM | RobbieF | :)
08:53:47 PM | NateUK | ok .. go go .. before people keep you here lol
08:53:52 PM | RobbieF | :) Night
08:58:40 PM | lifeofpi | thanks alot nate got it working agian
08:59:34 PM | lifeofpi | guess i need to do same for the pi
09:02:04 PM | NateUK | you are most welcome ... and yes I would suggest updating :) but I do not foresee any new updates for a long while as this works very well .. unless the boss (RobbieF) shouts lol
09:04:05 PM | lifeofpi | it would be nice if it would auto update
09:04:56 PM | lifeofpi | but i will be looking for update if it dont play again
09:05:01 PM | NateUK | the plugin would need to be placed in a repo of some sort for that to do that correctly
09:05:39 PM | lifeofpi | ok i see
09:06:29 PM | lifeofpi | its working now and i think you for that
09:06:43 PM | NateUK | you are most welcome ... glad I could help
09:07:33 PM | lifeofpi | what i would like to do is dump the roku
09:08:22 PM | NateUK | i can understand that ... I got a nowtv(roku under the skin) ... which I hate but the misses loves it lol
09:08:32 PM | lifeofpi | im planing on going to the pi
09:10:50 PM | NateUK | if you have android .. you can control any linux box if you look at KDE connect .. you do not need KDS installed .. it will install around 386meg of files .. but can use your mobile screen as a mouse and keyboard ... works very fast compared to anything else i have tried ... worth a look ... advice "as is" warranty lol
09:11:04 PM | NateUK | *KDE
09:11:54 PM | lifeofpi | i use my phone on kodi
09:12:02 PM | NateUK | i have a lubuntu machine .. no mouse or keyboard and monitor up in a high area ... I just use my phone to connect and control .. very simple
09:12:35 PM | lifeofpi | thats cool
09:13:54 PM | lifeofpi | well i have to get off here thanks again nate and have a great night
09:14:02 PM | NateUK | and you ... have fun
09:14:51 PM | lifeofpi | im sure i will with kodi working again
09:15:22 PM | lifeofpi | now i have to put on pi
09:15:33 PM | lifeofpi | good night