Chat Logs for Episode 427 — #Category5 on /


With 159 Posts:MangleFOX`
With 91 Posts:revdjenk
With 67 Posts:Dennis_Kelley
With 46 Posts:DJQuad
With 37 Posts:Dave-Maydew

Chat Logs:

06:58:19 PMlifeofpi hello
06:58:23 PMMangleFOX` hi
06:58:30 PMDennis_Kelley Hello DJQuad sprintcowboy
06:58:32 PMMangleFOX` lifeofpi
06:58:38 PMT0B33 Sparklyballs: They dont call you sparkly for nothing
06:58:46 PMDJQuad howdy boys n girls :)
06:58:52 PMMangleFOX` howdy
06:58:58 PMSparklyballs never a truer word T0B33
06:59:00 PMDennis_Kelley Sparklyballs its all in the Sparkles!
06:59:05 PMT0B33 Finally the DJ is here
06:59:10 PMDJQuad lol
06:59:23 PMDave-Maydew I've missed you guys lots
06:59:24 PMSparklyballs you have to say the dj is in the house
06:59:32 PMRobbieF u2
06:59:36 PMSparklyballs otherwise it don't count
06:59:38 PMT0B33 Dave-Maydew: Missed you too :') Hugs!
06:59:39 PMDJQuad i don't think robbie would like my mixes. lol
06:59:43 PMrevdjenk Dave-Maydew: !!!
06:59:51 PMMangleFOX` (>.>)
06:59:55 PMDJQuad hey revdjenk
07:00:01 PMrevdjenk yeah RobbieF and a very pregnant HillaryR !
07:00:06 PMrevdjenk hey DJQuad
07:00:16 PMDave-Maydew No Music??
07:00:20 PMT0B33 RobbieF: Thats why DJQuad is here
07:00:25 PMrevdjenk and glitteryglobes!
07:00:32 PMT0B33 Lets all sing
07:00:38 PMSparklyballs no damn music
07:00:43 PMDave-Maydew I'm a Barbie Girl
07:00:44 PMrevdjenk trololololo
07:00:44 PMSparklyballs WHY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
07:00:47 PMDennis_Kelley RobbieF there is no intro music!
07:00:47 PMDave-Maydew ooops, sorry
07:01:02 PMalbertr Hello all
07:01:03 PMDave-Maydew Good Evening Hilary!!
07:01:10 PMrevdjenk HillaryR: and her "twin"
07:01:13 PMDennis_Kelley RobbieF there is no intro music!
07:01:15 PMDennis_Kelley RobbieF there is no intro music!
07:01:25 PMrevdjenk yeah, 20 years of GIMP
07:01:31 PMT0B33 Woop Woop :D
07:01:33 PMDennis_Kelley Hello HillaryR
07:01:43 PMDave-Maydew My one Step Son loves GIMP
07:01:57 PMMangleFOX` cuz baby now we got bad blood, now we got problems and i don't think we can solve em' there's ur song :)
07:01:58 PMDJQuad revdjenk - man i dang near got banned the other day. twit mods are doofs
07:01:59 PMDennis_Kelley yes we cant say bad stuff when MangleFOX`is in the room!
07:03:01 PMrevdjenk yes you were overly defending me... I just wathced!
07:03:04 PMDennis_Kelley i block your head!
07:03:06 PMRobbieF couldn't even find the "Go" button!
07:03:07 PMMangleFOX` BRB
07:03:07 PMRobbieF lol
07:03:18 PMSparklyballs first time ever i saw a liked post by the suckerburg on a friends post.
07:03:30 PMDave-Maydew So what else is new in the Linux world?
07:03:31 PMDennis_Kelley RobbieF there is no intro music!
07:03:36 PMRobbieF bahahahahaa
07:03:41 PMDennis_Kelley sorry
07:03:42 PMDave-Maydew I've been trying to keep up to date as much as I can
07:03:45 PMHillaryR Oh you kids, so funny. ;)
07:03:52 PMSparklyballs i'm imagining the theme tune in my head
07:04:01 PMDennis_Kelley HillaryR how you feeling?
07:04:03 PMDave-Maydew Kids?? I'm a 40yr old kid!!
07:04:19 PMrevdjenk Dave-Maydew: Linux is winning!
07:04:19 PMDJQuad hehe i know revdjenk. the more they had a problem the more i pushed the issue. was kinda funny
07:04:20 PMDennis_Kelley i got four on you Dave-Maydew
07:04:33 PMDave-Maydew Haha
07:04:35 PMT0B33 HillaryR: Congrats!!
07:05:02 PMDave-Maydew HillaryR, will it be a Linux Baby, like ours is going to be?
07:05:12 PMrevdjenk HillaryR: which is why the caribbean people tend to invent unique names!
07:05:18 PMSparklyballs will the baby be a teenydrone ?
07:05:46 PMDJQuad congrats fertile HillaryR! the baby's gonna be a linux admin by the age of 3
07:05:51 PMMangleFOX` bck
07:05:56 PMDave-Maydew RobbieF, that's what my Fiancee Chris calls me.... Sexy Bald Guy
07:05:58 PMDave-Maydew :-)
07:05:59 PMDennis_Kelley Like Norman Bates! Bad name!
07:06:19 PMAQONTHEBAT gotta go and get ready! nice seeing you all! bye!
07:06:23 PMDave-Maydew If we're having a Girl, we're thinking of Freyer
07:06:27 PMrevdjenk Dave-Maydew: hee hee
07:06:33 PMDennis_Kelley RobbieF does it Squeek? Your head!
07:06:39 PMDave-Maydew but if it's a boy it's to be Josh
07:06:45 PMSparklyballs my sign name would probably be NSFW
07:06:54 PMMangleFOX` bye AQONTHEBAT
07:07:19 PMDave-Maydew Busy, Busy....
07:07:28 PMDennis_Kelley Hello Dooley_the_Vulca
07:07:29 PMMangleFOX` helli!
07:07:38 PMDennis_Kelley Hello Guest_8453
07:07:49 PMMangleFOX` hello i meant :/
07:07:50 PMrevdjenk Dave-Maydew: if HillaryR baby is a boy, should name him Getreadyto ...
07:07:57 PMDennis_Kelley Lag is bad
07:08:05 PMDooley_the_Vulca Hello Dennis_Kelly
07:08:06 PMDave-Maydew RUMBLE
07:08:08 PMDave-Maydew lol
07:08:28 PMDave-Maydew Intel doing a M$??
07:08:30 PMDooley_the_Vulca Hello RobbieF & HillaryR
07:08:33 PMrevdjenk wow, almost switched to it, because it seemed so good from that show you did with them
07:08:57 PMDennis_Kelley Dave-Maydew funny!
07:09:00 PMSparklyballs stream is dropping out
07:09:07 PMDooley_the_Vulca WHats happening Sparklyballs and NateUK
07:09:07 PMalpeck that sucks
07:09:19 PMDave-Maydew I noticed that too Sparklyballs
07:09:20 PMSparklyballs hey Dooley_the_Vulca
07:09:35 PMDave-Maydew I thought it was my Fibre Broadband
07:09:48 PMMangleFOX` heyyyy earleir whrn i just logged in i was sent to a website called password box, i closed it, wierd
07:09:55 PMsprintcowboy HillaryR what is your sign name?
07:10:00 PMSparklyballs hola CHBMB you stalker
07:10:07 PMDooley_the_Vulca anyone here have Google Fiber AKA their gigabit service
07:10:23 PMDJQuad are there any password mgrs that haven't been acquired? heh. lastpass did like a month ago
07:10:25 PMCHBMB Sparklyballs: You just told me it was on..
07:10:31 PMMangleFOX` oh no
07:10:34 PMrevdjenk I really liked the end of your life feature... which was the first service like it that I know of
07:10:52 PMalpeck so much for your digital legacy
07:10:55 PMMangleFOX` i have gr8 passwords! :D
07:11:00 PMrevdjenk DJQuad: haven't seen any changes in lastpass, yet...
07:11:18 PMDooley_the_Vulca @RobbieF you mean like the old cartoon.....THE MASTERBLASTER
07:11:19 PMDJQuad yet's the key word ;)
07:11:20 PMSparklyballs i can keep everyone's passwords safe if they want
07:11:30 PMDooley_the_Vulca or liveaction kid show
07:11:32 PMrevdjenk just make new ones...!
07:11:37 PMDave-Maydew In between the pregnancy I've also been helping more PC users move to Linux
07:11:57 PMrevdjenk you are still only having to memorize one!!
07:12:07 PMMangleFOX` my npasswords are suposed to take 23 thosand years to crack, not the best, but still
07:12:21 PMDave-Maydew Hey agamotto
07:12:22 PMDooley_the_Vulca I have recently tried point linux and ubuntu and I think point linux is easier than ubuntu
07:12:23 PMagamotto Ahh, I am running a little late this evening... oh well, better than not being here
07:12:31 PMDave-Maydew It's been a while my friend agamotto
07:12:51 PMrevdjenk agamotto: we still welcome you!
07:12:58 PMDooley_the_Vulca agamotto I was late myself, better late than never
07:13:29 PMrevdjenk DJQuad: you going to AAA after cat5 is over?
07:13:39 PMDJQuad oh revdjenk just saw the other message. i can't even remember what i was defending but it was funny when i kept getting kicked. lol
07:13:47 PMDennis_Kelley agamotto hello
07:13:51 PMMangleFOX` lets play crack the passwords with the hints?
07:14:00 PMMangleFOX` doya wanna?
07:14:08 PMagamotto I am well, just busy between work and Toys4Tots...
07:14:18 PMMangleFOX` im real lazy with typing
07:14:24 PMrevdjenk MangleFOX`: just add 1 to many of them?
07:14:27 PMDave-Maydew I've been playing some AAA games on Linux
07:14:27 PMSparklyballs i'm pretty unique
07:14:37 PMMangleFOX` ?
07:14:50 PMrevdjenk Dave-Maydew: nice! could never get that to work
07:14:51 PMDennis_Kelley RobbieF - Truekey on Linux?
07:14:55 PMDJQuad revdjenk nah i actually have a dj after this. i started dj'ing on
07:15:09 PMDave-Maydew Shadow Of Mordor and Alien Isolation
07:15:17 PMDJQuad have a dj gig*
07:15:25 PMDooley_the_Vulca I use a 25 character alpha numeric string and variations of it for things
07:15:29 PMDave-Maydew My GPU is a Nvidia GTX750Ti
07:15:45 PMMangleFOX` ok guess the password with these hints=red shiney edibale first 3 nums tasty green hint 2 can be EASY
07:15:47 PMrevdjenk DJQuad: figured that out!
07:16:08 PMrevdjenk rudolph
07:16:40 PMMangleFOX` please guess
07:16:41 PMalpeck finger prints and similar forms of authentication is not good.
07:16:47 PMDave-Maydew I had Shadow Of Mordor on the Xbox 360, but soon gave that away as soon as Steam released it
07:16:48 PMrevdjenk rudolph MangleFOX`
07:16:53 PMMangleFOX` nope
07:17:04 PMMangleFOX` its EDIBALE
07:17:13 PMMangleFOX` jicyww
07:17:19 PMrevdjenk rudolph could be edible, if caught!
07:17:25 PMMangleFOX` true
07:17:29 PMDJQuad does robbie not recommend lastpass? truekey looks interesting
07:17:34 PMMangleFOX` but pls guess agn
07:17:45 PMrevdjenk keepass
07:18:02 PMDennis_Kelley killer for me!
07:18:05 PMMangleFOX` its.... guess before i say...
07:18:21 PMMangleFOX` apple123 !
07:18:41 PMrevdjenk MangleFOX`: but my favorite apples are yellow!
07:18:56 PMrevdjenk correct RobbieF !!! preach it
07:19:08 PMRev_Don Let's be honest here. Linux is such a small, insignificant amount of users that it really isn't worth the time, expense, and/or efforrt in a lot of cases.
07:19:10 PMrevdjenk MangleFOX`: hee hee
07:19:17 PMMangleFOX` your turn give a few hints
07:19:33 PMMangleFOX` make it easy pls
07:19:34 PMSparklyballs linux is a growing market
07:19:35 PMalbertr apt-get install pass
07:19:58 PMagamotto I am happy with it.
07:20:12 PMagamotto I even have Fallout 4 sort-of running with WINE
07:20:16 PMrevdjenk Rev_Don: not quite true... growing everyday ... more and more of my G+ friends are trying/switching to it
07:20:23 PMDooley_the_Vulca isnt mac stuff all written in some version of linux?
07:20:30 PMMangleFOX` ?
07:20:37 PMrevdjenk Dooley_the_Vulca: bsd
07:20:39 PMSparklyballs mac is bsd
07:20:42 PMNateUK no Dooley_the_Vulca
07:20:48 PMDooley_the_Vulca ah
07:20:55 PMDooley_the_Vulca what is bsd?
07:20:59 PMDJQuad not compiling for linux is just lazy
07:21:11 PMrevdjenk berkley software d
07:21:17 PMNateUK another unix distro
07:21:22 PMNateUK as such
07:21:25 PMDooley_the_Vulca it is UNIX
07:21:41 PMalpeck if they made it available to linux then everyone would be able to see the NSA back door
07:21:43 PMDooley_the_Vulca so going from unix to linux shouldnt be that hard should it
07:21:47 PMrevdjenk istribution
07:21:50 PMrevdjenk sorry
07:21:55 PMSparklyballs most of the linux commands work in the mac terminal
07:21:56 PMMangleFOX` oki guess the password with these hints : found by the sea can be drunk out of two words no space spiral can here the ocean inside hint hint
07:22:16 PMrevdjenk That's because bsd also uses bash, as does unix
07:22:16 PMagamotto If you want to rant, talk about Fallout4 needing an update that took 16hrs to download when it hadn't been out two weeks yet...
07:22:18 PMMangleFOX` revdjenk
07:22:25 PMNateUK but linux doesnt earn money like apple Dooley_the_Vulca ... thats why they usually leave linux begging
07:22:26 PMrevdjenk yes MangleFOX`
07:22:32 PMMangleFOX` guess,
07:22:41 PMMangleFOX` i did a new one
07:22:44 PMDJQuad donate so sasha can finally review a roku. lol
07:22:49 PMagamotto No, linux distros don
07:22:52 PMMangleFOX` scroll up
07:22:58 PMSparklyballs bring back the slasha
07:23:02 PMrevdjenk sorry, MangleFOX` too many things going on
07:23:04 PMagamotto t insist on a built-in 30% profit on everything
07:23:09 PMDave-Maydew I'm back, my Fiancee just called me
07:23:27 PMrevdjenk 2016 will be my cat5 patreon year
07:23:32 PMDJQuad Dave-Maydew what did she call you?
07:23:50 PMDave-Maydew ;-)
07:23:54 PMrevdjenk DJQuad: hee hee
07:23:55 PMDJQuad :)
07:24:00 PMalbertr
07:24:29 PMrevdjenk RobbieF: it is a tool, not a toy, correct?
07:24:37 PMMangleFOX` ok here are hints: found by sea can be drank out of two words no space spiral can here sea inside almost any color first word starts with s next with c
07:25:01 PMDennis_Kelley
07:25:13 PMagamotto Don't fly it anywhere in the US, unless you hang a flag on it that says 'I am not a Jihadi.'
07:25:27 PMrevdjenk agamotto: might be getting there
07:25:32 PMMangleFOX`
07:25:38 PMDennis_Kelley robust!
07:25:48 PMSparklyballs buzz donald trump with them
07:25:50 PMMangleFOX` guess revdjenk
07:25:52 PMDennis_Kelley
07:25:58 PMrevdjenk my wife is the great shopper, RobbieF
07:26:04 PMDJQuad anything you buy thru amazon go thru cat5's link
07:26:31 PMrevdjenk MangleFOX`: sorry not good at these games... now coming up with puns... now that would be my arena
07:26:37 PMRev_Don You haven't been able to send me my stickers from the Postcard Giveaway yet, and that was several months ago. Don't think you'll be able to get a drone to someone by Christmas.
07:26:45 PMrevdjenk but I callemhowiseeum
07:26:52 PMrevdjenk arean
07:26:55 PMrevdjenk arena
07:27:04 PMMangleFOX`
07:27:18 PMDJQuad tiny drones are better. learned it the hard way after my $200 drone decided to attack a tree on his first flight. the tree won
07:27:27 PMagamotto Ahh, something like then
07:27:38 PMrevdjenk DJQuad: ouch
07:28:05 PMDJQuad i cursed in several languages
07:28:11 PMMangleFOX` omomnom
07:28:13 PMrevdjenk oh make HillaryR waddle over!
07:28:22 PMMangleFOX` oh revdjenk its shellcup
07:28:27 PMDJQuad lol rev
07:28:39 PMagamotto Hmmm, someone seems to be missing
07:28:55 PMSparklyballs annoying, the backdrop says with sasha still
07:29:03 PMDennis_Kelley no intro Music? Bummer
07:29:15 PMMangleFOX` whitch letter is missing? qwaserdftyghujikolpmnvcxzqwewdrfvcftgyyjjnjkioopp
07:29:17 PMrevdjenk yes, sashaD took a new job agamotto
07:29:20 PMDJQuad sasha is love. sasha is life
07:29:28 PMagamotto Oh, what is she doing now?
07:29:53 PMDooley_the_Vulca b
07:29:56 PMrevdjenk we just see you dancing RobbieF
07:30:08 PMMangleFOX` wow exiting (0c.0)
07:30:16 PMMangleFOX` hi yes!
07:30:20 PMDooley_the_Vulca yes we can
07:30:22 PMagamotto Oh, don't edit it out, that is part of the fun!
07:30:23 PMDJQuad HillaryR doesn't waddle. that's called swag rev. lol
07:30:26 PMMangleFOX` i can see perfect!
07:30:27 PMrevdjenk not sure, I missed the episode (and haven't watched it yet) where she announced
07:30:27 PMDave-Maydew RobbieF we here you loud
07:30:34 PMrevdjenk sounds good RobbieF
07:30:39 PMMangleFOX` heeheeheehee
07:30:41 PMrevdjenk your left
07:30:45 PMSparklyballs that's not sasha
07:30:46 PMWhiskey_Zero Level is ok
07:30:47 PMrevdjenk great
07:30:48 PMDooley_the_Vulca that is good
07:30:53 PMMangleFOX` oh man
07:30:53 PMDJQuad your other left
07:31:02 PMDennis_Kelley Yes
07:31:23 PMNateUK press the big red button lol
07:31:32 PMDJQuad on 3 ... 3!
07:31:35 PMSparklyballs not the nuke button
07:31:39 PMrevdjenk DJQuad: swag?! hee hee
07:31:44 PMDennis_Kelley Dont raise your arms over your head
07:31:45 PMSparklyballs oops, there goes winnipeg
07:31:48 PMMangleFOX` wow
07:32:03 PMnapa_polarbear hi all
07:32:06 PMDennis_Kelley Hello napa_polarbear
07:32:18 PMMangleFOX` hi napa_polarbear
07:32:18 PMDave-Maydew I thought Facebook CEO didn't do much anyway?
07:32:22 PMrevdjenk hey napa_polarbear
07:32:40 PMDennis_Kelley RobbieF hair disappears !
07:32:43 PMagamotto Yes, because we all know how hard it is for billionaires to find a way to take some time off for paternity/maternity leave...
07:32:53 PMSparklyballs green hair on green screen
07:32:56 PMrevdjenk Dennis_Kelley: it left a long time ago!
07:33:01 PMMangleFOX` haha!
07:33:09 PMDJQuad wait Zuckerberg and HillaryR are having a kid? congrats!
07:33:11 PMDave-Maydew I'm worried about RobbieF now
07:33:14 PMDave-Maydew :-)
07:33:16 PM_mote_ LOL, that made me laugh
07:33:18 PMrevdjenk you are dash a tomatos RobbieF
07:33:22 PMDennis_Kelley revdjenk funn!
07:33:25 PMDennis_Kelley Funny
07:33:52 PMDave-Maydew FaceAche... I mean Facebook is the worst thing to happen
07:33:56 PMMangleFOX` https://www.laserguns!pewpewpew!.com
07:34:02 PMMangleFOX` darn
07:34:23 PMrevdjenk Dave-Maydew: I don't get the different areas, and UI ... too much going on
07:34:24 PMSparklyballs tom from myspace is taking over
07:34:27 PMMangleFOX` https://www.yaHOO!.com
07:34:35 PMMangleFOX` (0c.0)
07:34:41 PMDennis_Kelley will he check facebook when he is off? not really take time off then!
07:34:46 PMDJQuad all 4 users of were very upset
07:34:53 PMrevdjenk DJQuad: hee hee
07:34:54 PMSparklyballs busman's holiday Dennis_Kelley
07:34:56 PMagamotto It isn't a request if you have to turn something off to get what you used to have before.
07:35:15 PMMangleFOX` woah
07:35:21 PMDave-Maydew Background is still Yahoo
07:35:22 PMrevdjenk DJQuad: heard that the current CEO has some rumblings against her rising to new levels
07:35:59 PMrevdjenk he caught that!!!
07:36:02 PMMangleFOX` PasswordBox
07:36:03 PMMangleFOX` By maeghan, November 19th, 2015
07:36:03 PMMangleFOX` Posted in News, PasswordBox, Uncategorized
07:36:03 PMMangleFOX` Hi there,
07:36:03 PMMangleFOX` Ever since we first started working on PasswordBox, we’ve always pushed ourselves to build the best product we could: finding new, innovative ways for people to log in (without worrying about passwords), and packa
07:36:06 PMMangleFOX` um
07:36:10 PMMangleFOX` ummm
07:36:10 PMDave-Maydew That's a big fish
07:36:26 PMDJQuad rev, rising to what new level? heh
07:36:40 PMDennis_Kelley what happened MangleFOX`
07:36:48 PMMangleFOX` i have now clue
07:37:00 PMrevdjenk I like that logo!
07:37:14 PMDJQuad that logo needs to stay
07:37:29 PMMangleFOX` i keep getting all words from the scrip under my name i tried to erase it but...
07:37:42 PMMangleFOX` it popps up randomly
07:37:53 PMagamotto 'stream' an app.... isn't that just looking at the website?
07:37:55 PMDennis_Kelley wierd
07:37:58 PMrevdjenk DJQuad: level her to the peter principle level, which means to someplace where she will stop hurting the company
07:38:03 PMMangleFOX` IKR
07:38:09 PMNateUK if you type A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far Far Away into google you get a nice easter egg : ))
07:38:12 PMDJQuad lol
07:38:51 PMrevdjenk nice
07:39:28 PMDJQuad very cool
07:39:45 PMrevdjenk goooood morning wheelchair man, you've won the prize!
07:40:07 PMagamotto Kind of like Stephen Hawking
07:40:18 PMDJQuad hope he invents eye tracking instead of mouse movement
07:40:38 PMrevdjenk thanks RobbieF !
07:40:46 PMrevdjenk pew pew pew
07:41:02 PMDJQuad aced it, nailed it RobbieF!
07:41:03 PMrevdjenk great job HillaryR !
07:41:11 PMT0B33 RobbieF: Cold in StudioD tonight?
07:41:20 PMalbertr nice job
07:41:21 PMalpeck Robbie seemed a little stiff but eventually loosened up
07:41:32 PMrevdjenk o tannenbaum o tannenbaum
07:41:37 PMagamotto Booze will do that for you :)
07:41:38 PMMangleFOX` whitch letter of the alphapet is not here, Mr.Welsy gave me a wonderful box with grade X rating, it zings with great pride and i love it so much
07:41:46 PMDennis_Kelley Your in Studio D!
07:41:53 PMrevdjenk q
07:41:55 PMMangleFOX` its yours he said
07:42:09 PMMangleFOX` oh no it is q woops
07:42:13 PMDennis_Kelley alpeck must have been the turtle neck
07:42:14 PMSparklyballs c
07:42:20 PMMangleFOX` yes
07:42:22 PMMangleFOX` :(
07:42:30 PMMangleFOX` ]i can't do it ;O)9
07:42:31 PMDJQuad after HillaryR works the scene switching in wirecast she'd make a great dj
07:42:35 PMrevdjenk we both win a prize Sparklyballs
07:42:42 PMrevdjenk we are LIVE!
07:42:44 PMMangleFOX` yup
07:42:48 PMrevdjenk do it live
07:42:49 PMSparklyballs but c is there, lol.
07:42:51 PMDennis_Kelley thats English for you!
07:43:14 PMrevdjenk mush he meant mush
07:43:15 PMMangleFOX` two milloin buckaroos (0c.0)
07:43:17 PMDennis_Kelley check is in the mail!
07:43:22 PMWhiskey_Zero Sounds good
07:43:28 PMDennis_Kelley zoomed too close
07:43:30 PMSparklyballs no mad skills this week
07:43:48 PMrevdjenk GIMP
07:43:54 PMDJQuad MangleFOX` - c
07:44:09 PMDJQuad nm
07:44:11 PMDJQuad lol
07:44:12 PMDennis_Kelley
07:44:13 PMDooley_the_Vulca bring on the GIMP
07:44:19 PMrevdjenk beddah
07:44:25 PMMangleFOX` GIMP is..../
07:44:26 PMMangleFOX` ?
07:44:31 PMSparklyballs natty little fox
07:44:36 PMDennis_Kelley MangleFOX`hows the Family doing?
07:44:39 PMrevdjenk GIMP is my crutch
07:44:44 PMDJQuad photoshop but free
07:45:09 PMagamotto 1995.... good year, unless you were Commodore...
07:45:13 PMrevdjenk woohooo, those crazy coders!
07:45:14 PMSparklyballs i can't help it though, i prefer photoshop
07:45:54 PMrevdjenk you are giving us 20 years of lessons? RobbieF
07:45:56 PMT0B33 RobbieF: YES!!!!!!!!
07:45:57 PMDennis_Kelley RobbieF went from Irish to Boston accents in one sentence!
07:46:03 PMrevdjenk oh 20 weeks
07:46:15 PMMangleFOX` hmm
07:46:23 PMDennis_Kelley Welcome back MangleFOX`
07:46:23 PMDJQuad Sparklyballs if you already have it, it's great. gimp is for peeps that can't or don't want to pay for it
07:46:28 PMrevdjenk yes
07:46:30 PMMangleFOX` umm
07:46:45 PMrevdjenk and we can gather these as a series of tutorials later!
07:47:05 PMrevdjenk oh no, blue cars... who knew
07:47:12 PMDennis_Kelley MangleFOX' left the room!
07:47:27 PMagamotto Why not just CC?
07:47:40 PMrevdjenk studebaker?
07:47:41 PMMangleFOX` that was wierd
07:47:48 PMMangleFOX` oh no
07:47:54 PMDennis_Kelley bummee MangleFOX`
07:48:01 PMMangleFOX` im not SPIECAL anymore
07:48:11 PMDennis_Kelley Yes you are!
07:48:18 PMrevdjenk MangleFOX`: you are spatial
07:48:25 PMMangleFOX` im not a + guy
07:48:32 PMDJQuad search for blue deloreans robbie what's wrong with you. lol
07:48:32 PMMangleFOX` anymore i crashed
07:48:33 PMSparklyballs we're all special snowflakes
07:48:54 PMMangleFOX` garbee is all alone now
07:49:00 PMrevdjenk new menu
07:49:27 PMMangleFOX` WHY
07:49:41 PMMangleFOX` ok im overreacting XD
07:49:48 PMDennis_Kelley look like RobbieF is still using pointlinux
07:49:48 PMDJQuad lil bit :)
07:49:57 PMMangleFOX` Yay! lyndon_ hi!
07:49:58 PMrevdjenk brush
07:50:08 PMDennis_Kelley Lyndon_ Hello
07:50:51 PMDennis_Kelley color pick and swap
07:51:07 PMMangleFOX` RobbieF Im not a +MangleFOX` anymore :(
07:51:24 PMMangleFOX` what did i do?
07:51:41 PMMangleFOX` man, i sound dumb
07:51:51 PMDJQuad or as the kids say, hue hue hue
07:51:52 PMDennis_Kelley no you donr
07:51:55 PMDennis_Kelley dont
07:52:17 PMDennis_Kelley Hue and the news?
07:52:29 PMMangleFOX` hue? oh i get it
07:52:37 PMMangleFOX` geez
07:52:45 PMSparklyballs that's a canadian 5 seconds ?
07:52:48 PMDennis_Kelley MangleFOX` your too young
07:52:49 PMDJQuad dont tempt me to play that Dennis_Kelley lol
07:53:04 PMDennis_Kelley DJQuad can you?
07:53:14 PMDJQuad we're showing our age. lol
07:53:24 PMDennis_Kelley Yep
07:53:33 PMMangleFOX` for? Dennis_kelley
07:54:07 PMDennis_Kelley to know what Hue and the News in a reference too
07:54:15 PMMangleFOX` oh
07:54:35 PMMangleFOX` i thouht you meant me saying geez XD
07:55:01 PMDennis_Kelley no! you can say geez
07:55:14 PMDJQuad question: can gimp turn that into a delorean?
07:55:23 PMMangleFOX` i know thats why i was confused
07:55:34 PMSparklyballs can you do go faster stripes ?
07:56:01 PMMangleFOX`
07:56:06 PMDennis_Kelley
07:56:26 PMGarbee Alone in what?
07:56:32 PMDennis_Kelley there is one with a strip!
07:56:34 PMMangleFOX` the LAG
07:56:35 PMwildbeachgeek nice
07:56:52 PMMangleFOX` what is your fav pop song?
07:56:59 PMMangleFOX` and who it by/
07:57:01 PMMangleFOX` ?
07:57:09 PMLyndon_ Better late than never!
07:57:12 PMMangleFOX` the shift ainet working
07:57:28 PMSparklyballs make it purple
07:57:42 PMGarbee I was driving. This channel was the last thing on my mind.
07:57:45 PMMangleFOX` make it stripes
07:57:55 PMMangleFOX` hi garbee
07:58:02 PMLyndon_ hey guys. I missed you all
07:58:28 PMLyndon_ hi MangleFOX'
07:58:34 PMMangleFOX` hi
07:58:38 PMGarbee Oh, that is a person at the studio.
07:58:40 PMLyndon_ Hey DK
07:58:46 PMMangleFOX` something sad happened
07:58:56 PMLyndon_ I had to get the gilrs a bath
07:58:58 PMGarbee That's why they had voice for a bit.
07:59:02 PMDooley_the_Vulca orange turn signal went
07:59:02 PMMangleFOX` im not + anymore XD
07:59:43 PMGarbee You aren't authenticated so flags won't stick.
07:59:44 PMMangleFOX` MangleFOX` is Tali just in case you were wondering
07:59:59 PMGarbee Oh, Hi Tali.
08:00:03 PMMangleFOX` hi
08:00:06 PMDennis_Kelley good catch Dooley_the_Vulca
08:00:17 PMLyndon_

I'm impressed

08:00:23 PMDooley_the_Vulca thank you, benefit/curse of being anal
08:00:31 PMDooley_the_Vulca lol
08:01:08 PMDennis_Kelley Time flies!
08:01:24 PMMangleFOX` IKR
08:01:28 PMDennis_Kelley Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the States!
08:01:35 PMMangleFOX` i feel sew embarressed
08:01:48 PMDooley_the_Vulca Thank you much Dennis_Kelly
08:01:49 PMMangleFOX` don't watch those episodes!
08:01:50 PMLyndon_ =)
08:01:53 PMMangleFOX` JK
08:01:56 PMalpeck great show RobbieF and HillaryR
08:01:56 PMalbertr thanks for the show all ;^)
08:01:59 PMDooley_the_Vulca Good night all
08:02:07 PMSparklyballs happy birthday liam
08:02:10 PMWhiskey_Zero Thanks for a fun and interesting program Robbie and Hillary! See y'all next week.
08:02:14 PMalpeck happy thanksgiving to american viewers
08:02:18 PMHillaryR thanks for watching!
08:02:31 PMagamotto So, how are everyone this evening?
08:02:33 PMwildbeachgeek ty you
08:02:38 PMwildbeachgeek good
08:02:40 PMDennis_Kelley RobbieF my Birthday was Yesterday!
08:02:41 PMLyndon_ Happy Thanksgiving
08:02:46 PMMangleFOX` no problem
08:02:51 PMrevdjenk see ya all and Happy Thanksgiving!
08:02:51 PMHillaryR Happy Thanksgiving!! See you guys later!
08:02:56 PMDJQuad another fastest hour of the week. take care all. see you guys next week. happy thanksgiving to state dwellers :)
08:03:00 PMLyndon_ Happy Birthday DK
08:03:01 PMwildbeachgeek happy Birthday
08:03:06 PMDooley_the_Vulca Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow American viewers
08:03:09 PMalpeck happy birthday Dennis_Kelley
08:03:12 PMRobbieF Thank you everyone!
08:03:12 PMDennis_Kelley MangleFOX` tell Liam Happy Birthday!
08:03:14 PMMangleFOX` happy birthday Dennis_Kelley
08:03:16 PMRobbieF Happy birthday DK!!!!
08:03:19 PMMangleFOX` KK
08:03:30 PMDennis_Kelley Thanks for the BD wishes!
08:03:35 PMDennis_Kelley I am out!
08:03:39 PMrevdjenk going to watch AAA All About Android... next week everyone, great to see you RobbieF and HillaryR
08:03:43 PMNateUK Thanks HilaryR and RobbieF great show as always
08:03:43 PMMangleFOX` TY
08:03:49 PMDooley_the_Vulca Happy Birthday to those celebrating a birthday
08:03:49 PMwildbeachgeek Pray for France
08:03:51 PMRobbieF nice to see you revdjenk
08:03:51 PMrevdjenk and MangieFox
08:03:59 PMMangleFOX` LOL
08:04:01 PMRobbieF thank you nateuk
08:04:02 PMwildbeachgeek late all
08:04:08 PMMangleFOX` bye revdjenk!
08:04:08 PMSparklyballs good night people
08:04:10 PMDennis_Kelley Thanks RobbieF and Hillary
08:04:11 PMRobbieF seeya wildbeachgeek
08:04:13 PMMangleFOX` bye!
08:04:17 PMRobbieF thanks DK - happy bday!
08:04:40 PMLyndon_ I'll be on tomorrow if anyone wants to Chat
08:04:41 PMDooley_the_Vulca good night all
08:04:50 PMagamotto I would think Belgium would be in more need for prayer... at least France has a functioning government. Belgium.... not since 2004
08:05:03 PMMangleFOX` night!
08:05:26 PMDooley_the_Vulca I will try to stop in tomorrow evening Lyndon, any particular topic of discussion ?
08:05:29 PMwildbeachgeek ok i will agamotto
08:06:16 PMagamotto Well, I suppose I will wander off as well
08:06:22 PMLyndon_ Not really. I'll just have some spare time tomorrow evening
08:06:59 PMLyndon_ Bye MangleFOX'
08:07:10 PMMangleFOX` bye Lyndon_
08:07:15 PMMangleFOX` oh wait!
08:08:05 PMMangleFOX` im making a minetest youtube channel, its called The Pixel Shadow i will make videos soon, pls watch
08:08:34 PMMangleFOX` them
08:08:36 PMLyndon_ ok
08:10:08 PMLyndon_ Same time tomorrow guys. see you here in the chatroom
08:10:23 PMMangleFOX` bye Lyndon_
08:10:26 PMMangleFOX` !!!
08:10:40 PMRobbieF later Lyndon_
08:11:06 PMLyndon_ cya
08:11:19 PMMangleFOX` cya LyndoN_
08:11:26 PMMangleFOX` bob is waiting for u
08:11:34 PMMangleFOX` XD\
08:11:36 PMMangleFOX` XD
08:12:42 PMLyndon_ =)
08:13:32 PMMangleFOX` so quiet
08:13:43 PMMangleFOX` bye
08:15:41 PMMangleFOX` whaaaahahaaaaaaaa
08:15:56 PMDooley_the_Vulca I am here
08:16:27 PMMangleFOX` i know, WHAAAAHAAAAHAAA im laughing
08:17:15 PMDooley_the_Vulca so many leave so quickly
08:18:16 PMMangleFOX` hfk\
08:18:28 PMMangleFOX` oops that was an accidant XD
08:19:22 PMMangleFOX` bye
08:20:03 PMRobbieF could you guys hear a popping sound during the news?
08:20:14 PMMangleFOX` noooo..... why?
08:20:25 PMMangleFOX` well i do in the edits
08:20:40 PMRobbieF Can anyone else please answer
08:20:48 PMMangleFOX` ;(
08:20:56 PMNateUK no didnt hear any RobbieF
08:21:01 PMRobbieF k thanks NateUK
08:21:06 PMRobbieF seems to be on the recorder :(
08:21:06 PMNateUK welcome
08:21:07 PMDooley_the_Vulca no popping here
08:21:28 PMNateUK : (( weird .. nothing came over the stream
08:21:44 PMRobbieF something must be up with the recorder...
08:21:50 PMRobbieF hopefully it doesn't bother people too badly....
08:23:11 PMMangleFOX` soooo quiet
08:23:51 PMDooley_the_Vulca @RobbieF you are hearing popping upon playing back the broadcast?
08:23:56 PMNateUK cannot imagine people being too bothered by it ..
08:24:37 PMDooley_the_Vulca are you annoyed or "a noid"
08:25:14 PMT0B331 RobbieF: Great show as always and looking forward to the next 20 weeks
08:25:20 PMRobbieF thanks t0b331
08:25:29 PMNateUK ok time to sleep .. back up the hospital in 4 hours .. again thansk fro a great show RobbieF
08:27:56 PMMangleFOX` DK?
08:28:36 PMT0B331 MangleFOX`: Out of interest, what Linux do you use at home?
08:28:45 PMMangleFOX` antergos
08:28:48 PMMangleFOX` BRB
08:29:34 PMDooley_the_Vulca can you use compiz or is there something comperable
08:30:17 PMMangleFOX` bck
08:30:57 PMDooley_the_Vulca @MangleFOX, can you use compiz or something comparable
08:31:05 PMMangleFOX` find waldo rtdc,ydtdtrdydtdrrwaldtertfhfwaldhgfrwalrhdgdfwaldoytrehgre
08:31:32 PMMangleFOX` and Dooley_the_Vulca, no clue
08:32:16 PMDooley_the_Vulca ah, you know what it is? the prog that RobbieF uses to rotate desktop spaces and zoom in and out
08:32:39 PMMangleFOX` DK?
08:32:46 PMMangleFOX` Where r u
08:32:53 PMMangleFOX` oh
08:32:54 PMDooley_the_Vulca Indiana
08:33:21 PMMangleFOX` i meant cuz he's not talking
08:33:41 PMMangleFOX` (0c.0)
08:34:38 PMDooley_the_Vulca post processing heaven
08:38:01 PMMangleFOX` DanTDM
08:39:07 PMMangleFOX` XD
08:43:14 PMMangleFOX` XDD
08:45:51 PMMangleFOX` "sorry Nikki but DORKS are not invited to my party" Mack says "oh my gosh, new lip gloss!what flavour is it?" Mack puts it on "um......superglue, looks cute on you." Nikki repies "hmmmmfpp?"
08:47:44 PMMangleFOX` bye Everyone!


Does Not Include Lurkers