Chat Logs for Episode 429 — #Category5 on /


With 159 Posts:RobbieF
With 73 Posts:Dooley_da_Vulcan
With 53 Posts:GoodGuy98
With 50 Posts:Sparklyballs
With 42 Posts:jlim

Chat Logs:

6:58:04 PMRobbieF t0b33 try this -
6:58:20 PMSparklyballs kodi has been on android a while now.
6:58:38 PMRobbieF Yeah she did a super job Sparklyballs.
6:58:44 PMRobbieF Her mom and I are so proud of her articulation.
6:59:09 PMSoundPro69 She could do the NewsRoom
6:59:17 PMlifeofpi i have it on andriod
6:59:23 PMjlim RobbieF: the kodi addon is awesome!!!
6:59:54 PMRobbieF jlim - all thanks to NateUK - glad you like it!!
7:00:02 PMlifeofpi for sure better than roku
7:00:22 PMRobbieF T0bb33 is that working?
7:00:31 PMT0B33-Android RobbieF that doesn't work. Got an idea though. Going to install kodi on my phone then the cat5 add-on and watch live through that :)
7:00:39 PMjlim RobbieF: now i can finally ditch my roku
7:00:43 PMRobbieF Okay t0b33
7:01:06 PMfking I agree the Kodi app is really great.
7:01:08 PMNateUK oh btw RobbieF she is home tomorrow ... nearly 4 weeks in ...
7:02:00 PMRobbieF wow NateUK - tomorrow's an exciting day! - how's she doing?
7:02:08 PMlifeofpi kodi is in app store
7:02:25 PMDooley_da_Vulcan why would you ditch a roku
7:02:29 PMSparklyballs good to have the music....
7:02:31 PMSparklyballs lol.
7:02:42 PMjlim NateUK: thank you for the awesome kodi addon!!!!
7:02:49 PMDennis_Kelley Hello All!
7:03:15 PMWhiskey_Zero Hi DK
7:03:25 PMNateUK RobbieF doing better than she was ... still not stable on feet but they said hopefully release by 12 ... so very excited and so are the children
7:03:26 PMDennis_Kelley Talli are you here?
7:03:33 PMDennis_Kelley Whiskey_Zero hello
7:03:40 PMNateUK you are most welcome jlim glad you are enjoying it
7:04:35 PMNateUK who stole the laptop lol
7:04:51 PMSparklyballs did you edit out the bits where sasha lost connection to the chat room ?
7:04:53 PMNateUK hello Dennis_Kelley
7:05:04 PMDennis_Kelley hello NateUK
7:05:26 PMMangleFOX70 Hello
7:05:35 PMSparklyballs hey talli
7:05:36 PMNelson1 Hello Robbie !!!
7:05:39 PMDennis_Kelley MangleFOX70 hello
7:05:41 PMNateUK Hello MangleFOX70 thanks for twitter : )
7:05:47 PMRobbieF Hi all. Hey Nelson1 nice to see you!
7:05:52 PMMangleFOX70 NP
7:06:04 PMDooley_da_Vulcan Hello all
7:06:09 PMNateUK hello Dooley_da_Vulcan
7:06:13 PMSparklyballs great job on the first show MangleFOX70
7:06:29 PMGoodGuy98 Hello Dooley_da_Vulcan
7:06:35 PMRobbieF heya
7:06:37 PMMangleFox70 thanks sparkly balls
7:06:40 PMNateUK +1 Sparklyballs
7:06:46 PMDennis_Kelley MangleFox70 - I will have to check out your new show!
7:06:53 PMjlim so this is not live?
7:07:14 PMRobbieF Please subscribe -
7:07:15 PMDooley_da_Vulcan Hello NateUK, GoodGuy, howdy Sparklyballs
7:07:23 PMSparklyballs hiya Dooley_da_Vulcan
7:07:36 PMjlim RobbieF: what time on saturday for cat5?
7:07:37 PMDennis_Kelley MangleFox70 when are you going to get in front of the cat5 camera again?
7:07:39 PMGoodGuy98 No jlim . It is pre-recorded this episode
7:07:46 PMRobbieF jlim in order to have Sasha on the show since she now works Tuesday nights, we had to pre-record. It is however 100% new content, and I'm here in chat with you in realtime.
7:07:54 PMMangleFox70 no idea Dennis_Kelley
7:07:56 PMGoodGuy98 almost every episode is live
7:08:06 PMRobbieF jlim this was a one time thing just to get her on the show.
7:08:16 PMjlim RobbieF: oh ok
7:08:19 PMDennis_Kelley MangleFox70 you will have to ask your Dad about that1
7:08:21 PMDennis_Kelley !
7:08:25 PMMangleFox70 KK
7:08:30 PMSparklyballs cos we love us some sasha
7:08:31 PMRobbieF GoodGuy98 and even if it's pre-recorded, it is always *new content*. Eg., we don't do reruns.
7:08:33 PMNelson1 Hi Robbie
7:08:35 PMDooley_da_Vulcan they are live at the time they are
7:08:38 PMNateUK do miss Sasha when she is not on .. thats no disrespect to any other co-host
7:08:40 PMRobbieF Hey Nelson1 nice to see you!
7:08:54 PMRobbieF How many people in the room right now were at Saturday's video shoot?
7:09:04 PMSparklyballs i was
7:09:08 PMjlim can't have the show without sasha
7:09:11 PMMangleFox70 So gladd to be on tonight
7:09:14 PMDennis_Kelley So we cant Chat with SashaD? Bummer
7:09:14 PMMangleFox70 glad*
7:09:14 PMjlim lol
7:09:15 PMNelson1 nice to be here.
7:09:21 PMSparklyballs not there, but watched it live.
7:09:39 PMRobbieF Dennis_Kelley unfortunately in real life, she's at work at this time.
7:09:46 PMDooley_da_Vulcan I had planned but was up all night with issues till :-(
7:09:52 PMDennis_Kelley RobbieF Got it!
7:09:52 PMSparklyballs canada is a bit far for me to get there just for a tuesday
7:10:05 PMMangleFox70 XD thats to bad
7:10:23 PMRobbieF Dooley_da_Vulcan I hope you're well.
7:10:36 PMDooley_da_Vulcan You are all not too far up from Indiana but still a ways to commute for a job
7:10:36 PMRobbieF lol Sparklyballs--you know what I meant :)
7:10:52 PMDennis_Kelley RobbieF Hello!
7:11:06 PMRobbieF Hi Dennis_Kelley - so nice to see you.
7:11:30 PMMangleFox70 5678+5092=12345
7:11:31 PMDennis_Kelley RobbieF missed ya last week!
7:11:48 PMMangleFox70 1+1=Window
7:11:55 PMMangleFox70 hi lyndon_
7:12:22 PMDooley_da_Vulcan @Robbie Thanks I just have issues that cause pain and at times it keeps me awake all night, which is sometimes a reason to be sitting at my computer for hours
7:13:03 PMRobbieF You need to meet Sasha's new boss :)
7:13:09 PMRobbieF (chiropractor)
7:13:11 PMlyndon_ Hey!
7:13:15 PMMangleFox70 DR:Brad?
7:13:16 PMDennis_Kelley Hello lyndon_
7:13:34 PMMangleFox70 jk
7:14:03 PMjlim sasha needs caffeine
7:14:10 PMlifeofpi RobbieF ? is there a way to get a coat in your store
7:14:11 PMDooley_da_Vulcan so does having my pc boot to windows HD without any interaction but if I have a flash drive in that has a boot manager it gives me my OS options and it defaults to Point Linux? Ever heard of such a setup?
7:14:13 PMlyndon_ Hey DK
7:14:16 PMjlim on her android
7:14:31 PMRobbieF lifeofpi what about ?
7:14:48 PMRobbieF Also lots of great coats on amazon and you can use our links for that lifeofpi
7:14:54 PMlyndon_ I'm on my phone too, very weird. ..
7:14:55 PMRobbieF
7:15:05 PMjlim i don't see her
7:15:05 PMDooley_da_Vulcan that way if the wife wants to use windows for what ever she can just by having no flash drive in the pc
7:15:17 PMDooley_da_Vulcan Bring on the gimp\
7:15:21 PMjlim oh duh
7:15:23 PMRobbieF I'm here!
7:15:26 PMjlim hshshshss
7:15:28 PMRobbieF Oh, you mean THAT Gimp
7:15:30 PMjlim hhaahaa
7:15:32 PMlifeofpi i wont cat5 coat
7:15:37 PMDooley_da_Vulcan
7:15:38 PMRobbieF Oh I see lifeofpi
7:15:43 PMRobbieF we have hoodies.
7:15:46 PMRobbieF interested in that?
7:15:51 PMjlim i was looking sasad but she is not hear
7:15:59 PMjlim here*
7:16:08 PMDooley_da_Vulcan she is here in spirit
7:16:11 PMGoodGuy98 Why not just use a HD based boot manager and default to Windows?
7:16:18 PMrevdjenk RobbieF: ah yes, you've already done this! You are fully engaged here tonight!
7:16:21 PMlifeofpi yes i think that would be nice
7:16:40 PMGoodGuy98 I use Terabyte's BootIt Bare Metal, bur grub would do it also
7:16:41 PMRobbieF yessir revdjenk that's the idea :)
7:16:45 PMMangleFox70 ~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:"
7:17:53 PMDooley_da_Vulcan for some reason I have had this fully functional and working perfect then out of no where it wont detect the boot manager and I have to iuse the install flash drive and I believe that windows 7 is the culprit
7:18:50 PMlifeofpi RobbieF i dont see the hoodies
7:19:00 PMMangleFox70 (0c.0) SURPISED ('___') DERPY 0(oc.o)0BIG EARED ('oo') PIG
7:19:01 PMDooley_da_Vulcan it has done that to me 3 different times. I fixed it and was able to boot either OS and then after about a week.... boing
7:19:48 PMMangleFox70 v(0.0)v DOG
7:19:49 PMDooley_da_Vulcan GoodGuy, the Boot Bare Metal ? opensource?
7:20:05 PMGoodGuy98 No.. it is payware
7:20:13 PMMangleFox70 (0v0) OWL
7:20:14 PMGoodGuy98 I have used it for years
7:20:28 PMGoodGuy98 grub / grub2 is free
7:20:28 PMDooley_da_Vulcan what about a good open source boot manager?
7:20:42 PMMangleFox70 (*___*) WIERDO DUDE
7:20:55 PMGoodGuy98 some people use burg also
7:21:00 PMlifeofpi where can i find a book on gimp?
7:21:00 PMDooley_da_Vulcan what is the easiest way to go about that and be able to make changes like delays and the such
7:21:02 PMNateUK refind is good boot system for all i have found even apple
7:21:07 PMRobbieF_2 Looks like I netsplit, sorry about that..
7:21:11 PMRobbieF_2 lemme know if I missed you
7:21:33 PMGoodGuy98 There is a magazine about GIMP at news stands
7:21:54 PMGoodGuy98 I saw it at a Barnes and Noble a few days ago
7:21:56 PMlifeofpi thanks
7:22:03 PMRobbieF_2 very nice goodguy98!
7:22:18 PMRobbieF_2 gunna send us one for the set? :)
7:22:24 PMGoodGuy98 Special issue.. not a monthly mag
7:22:25 PMRobbieF ah, I'm back :)
7:22:26 PMMangleFox70 lets play "What emogi is this" (0v0) guess, I guess
7:22:35 PMjlim GoodGuy98: cool!'
7:22:37 PMGoodGuy98 There is a free GIMP magazine
7:22:38 PMRobbieF yeah I figured that GoodGuy98 so it'd be a nice thing to have :)
7:22:40 PMRobbieF very cool
7:23:05 PMlifeofpi my son would love gimp
7:23:11 PMMangleFox70 (-__-)
7:23:44 PMWhiskey_Zero RobbieF: Thanks for the GIMP instructions!
7:23:51 PMDooley_da_Vulcan anyone here ever see this page for learning Bash commands
7:23:57 PMRobbieF My pleasure Whiskey_Zero - I hope you're enjoying the series!
7:24:03 PMjwmp
7:24:04 PMMangleFox70 (-0/.0-) GRANDPA JOE
7:24:07 PMWhiskey_Zero Sure am!
7:24:21 PMjlim tongue twister
7:24:36 PMNateUK nice resource there Dooley_da_Vulcan
7:24:44 PMRobbieF - Download the FREE template to print your very own Raspberry Pi B+ / Pi 2 case!
7:24:50 PMGoodGuy98
7:24:54 PMjlim no legos for case?
7:25:04 PMDooley_da_Vulcan I thought so and managed to make a local source for it...
7:25:06 PMGoodGuy98 That is a free GIMP magazine (pdf)
7:25:12 PMRobbieF jlim Lego is billions of dollars! :)
7:25:18 PMRobbieF awesome, thanks goodguy98
7:25:22 PMjlim lol
7:25:24 PMGoodGuy98 welcome
7:25:36 PMNateUK wonder if you can put a pi in a millennium falcon loool
7:25:45 PMRobbieF Oh, I'm sure we could find a way
7:26:02 PMGoodGuy98 I saw a whole PC built into one a year or so ago
7:26:08 PMSparklyballs i bet you could put a pi on a drone
7:26:10 PMDooley_da_Vulcan I bought some double sided 8 1/2 x 11 sticky sheets that would work great for that
7:26:12 PMtek_studier is the banana pi a contender for the raspberry pi
7:26:13 PMGoodGuy98 So a Pi would be easier than that
7:26:16 PMlyndon_ Logos would be a great idea for a case
7:26:21 PMrevdjenk RobbieF: thanks for this gimp series ... I was overjoyed at your first "issue" on changing color of an item. I always wanted to do that, but for some reason, the other tutorials weren't so clear on what/how to do that!
7:26:37 PMGoodGuy98 Some PC mags have modded PC articles
7:26:39 PMDooley_da_Vulcan you could put the PI0 on a drone
7:26:46 PMDooley_da_Vulcan PI zero
7:26:51 PMlyndon_ Robbie, great design on that by the way
7:26:52 PMRobbieF Sparklyballs, the Pi Zero is so small you could do that, yes.
7:27:00 PMRobbieF Thanks Lyndon_! Did you download it yet?
7:27:24 PMjlim continuety
7:27:25 PMRobbieF revdjenk that's wonderful to hear, thanks! Hope you enjoy the rest of the series!
7:27:57 PMlyndon_ Kinda waiting for the pi first but I will
7:27:59 PMjlim i think i spellled that wrong lol
7:28:26 PMrevdjenk RobbieF: I intend to!
7:28:29 PMDooley_da_Vulcan what was the website address again for that
7:28:38 PMRobbieF Dooley
7:28:49 PMDennis_Kelley MangleFox70 I noticed you made it on the Camera! real fast!
7:28:51 PMjwmp - Rolf Steinort does very nice laid back tutorials.
7:29:21 PMDooley_da_Vulcan @Robbie you actually have a full telephone booth in front of your shop
7:29:23 PMDooley_da_Vulcan lol
7:29:26 PMDooley_da_Vulcan or studio
7:29:34 PMNateUK bladnerd ??
7:29:40 PMSparklyballs is it a tardis ?
7:29:43 PMlyndon_ I work in the die shop in a box factory so I see work with box designs like that all the time RobbieF
7:29:52 PMRobbieF We have a TARDIS yes
7:30:36 PMlifeofpi nice gimp links
7:31:01 PMHumungous My internet is terrible -lots of buffering
7:31:09 PMSparklyballs i'm loving peter capaldi as the doctor.
7:31:22 PMRobbieF Definitely. He surprised me actually
7:31:47 PMRobbieF Humungous - sorry to hear you're having trouble. The YouTube links will be available in the morning if you have too much trouble.
7:32:00 PMDooley_da_Vulcan His speech giving abilities are AWESOME
7:32:03 PMGoodGuy98 There is Pi on the International Space Station
7:32:17 PMGoodGuy98 assuming the rocket has arrived by now
7:32:19 PMNateUK honestly Sparklyballs they broke the rules of the Dr .. the Dr was suposed to get younger each time .. but ha wont get picky lol
7:32:32 PMSparklyballs what rules ?
7:32:32 PMGoodGuy98 Took off a day or two ago
7:32:37 PMGoodGuy98 Astro Pi
7:32:41 PMtek_studier so many arcade machines built from raspberry pi
7:32:58 PMSparklyballs after matt smith they'd have to get some preschooler
7:33:04 PMNateUK the dr is suposed to get younger ... look through the time period from the very old series ... the dr got younger and younger
7:33:09 PMRobbieF it's pretty perfect for that tek_studier... and in fact it's one of the projects we'd like to do on the show.
7:33:09 PMDooley_da_Vulcan Would have thought that this episode would have been available for download already? is it and I missed it
7:33:18 PMNateUK thats why i said I wouldnt get picky Sparklyballs lol
7:33:33 PMSparklyballs erm, sylvester mccoy.. the end.. lol.
7:33:37 PMRobbieF Dooley_da_Vulcan, episodes go up on demand and download on Wednesdays
7:33:39 PMNateUK hahaha
7:33:47 PMRobbieF Friday for New Every Day, Wednesday for my show.
7:34:03 PMDooley_da_Vulcan right but I thought that since it was pre recorded that
7:34:15 PMRobbieF Nope.
7:34:32 PMRobbieF We don't change our air schedule.
7:34:58 PMNateUK is that sticky backed RobbieF ?
7:34:59 PMlyndon_ Yay,I'm almost home.
7:35:00 PMNelson1 Robbie, check this out You will love it.
7:35:04 PMjlim lol
7:35:17 PMRobbieF Nelson1 ACH! I didn't like TOS, I admit!
7:35:24 PMRobbieF But I'm excited about Renegades!
7:35:25 PMtek_studier its a amazing little computer that started a trend amongst others to mini computers
7:35:30 PMRobbieF
7:35:48 PMlyndon_ Then you can put stickers on it
7:35:56 PMRobbieF NateUK I have double-sided tape. You can use normal tape, duct tape, or a glue stick :)
7:36:16 PMjlim double sided tape... good stuff
7:36:28 PMNelson1 is this show I am watching live ?
7:36:35 PMDooley_da_Vulcan craft places have full sheet sticky for cheap
7:36:57 PMDooley_da_Vulcan peel one side and stick paper on, then peel 2nd side and stick to other materials
7:37:01 PMGoodGuy98 Cyntech has a case addon to block SD card removal
7:37:02 PMRobbieF Nelson1 it is new content but we pre-recorded on Saturday so Sasha could be on the air. She got a job that makes her work on Tuesday nights.
7:37:13 PMRobbieF yeah that works dooley_da_vulcan.
7:37:16 PMRobbieF Carpet tape :) Haha
7:37:27 PMlifeofpi LOL i have done that before
7:37:44 PMGoodGuy98 Cyntech has some nice cases... spacers also to allow for addon boards
7:37:44 PMRobbieF Carpet tape is the best thing ever.
7:37:46 PMNelson1 ah, couldn't figure out how you were answering me while you were live on the air. Now I get it.
7:37:54 PMRobbieF I could mount the pi directly to the back of the tv with carpet tape :)
7:37:54 PMDooley_da_Vulcan print it with a dot matrix and have it hit the fold lines heavy....
7:37:58 PMSparklyballs carpet tape will rip your skin off, lol.
7:38:01 PMDooley_da_Vulcan lol
7:38:18 PMDooley_da_Vulcan better have that carpet tape in the right
7:38:28 PMRobbieF Nelson1 I have servants to do my typing for me.
7:38:30 PMGoodGuy98 They has VESA mounts for mounting Pi's to monitors or TV's
7:38:42 PMGoodGuy98 Cyntech makes one also
7:38:57 PMRobbieF GoodGuy98 I love that idea. I could see building an "all in one" computer screen or something for store signage.
7:39:04 PMtek_studier green screen an a couple of monitors makes a nice background
7:39:15 PMNelson1 didn't like Renegrades. I love I am telling you , you've got to watch it
7:39:16 PMRobbieF wow, I should so make a VESA MOUNTABLE print template!
7:39:28 PMGoodGuy98 Roku has a private channel to make digital signs
7:39:34 PMRobbieF Nelson1 renegades has potential. The pilot was a bit cheesy, but shows promise.
7:39:46 PMjlim flash is dead!!! yeah
7:39:49 PMRobbieF Okay okay I'll TRY it but honestly, TOS was not a fun time for me :) hehe
7:39:54 PMNelson1 The Pilot was absolutely terrible. I hated it !
7:40:01 PMRobbieF jlim I have been praying for those words! :)
7:40:08 PMRobbieF Nelson1 you're too hard on tuvok ;)
7:40:21 PMGoodGuy98 I think TotalMount made a mount to attach Roku's to a TV
7:40:23 PMSparklyballs TOS ?
7:40:26 PMRobbieF You guys hear that occasional "pop" sound on her mic? Do you normally hear that while we're live?
7:40:31 PMRobbieF TOS = The Original Series (Star Trek)
7:40:37 PMjlim RobbieF: you hear about drm they want to put in html5
7:40:38 PMjlim ?
7:40:40 PMjwmp Not normal
7:40:49 PMSparklyballs ah, i never get acronyms etc.
7:41:15 PMSparklyballs the original star trek was awesome
7:41:28 PMlyndon_ I'ma back
7:41:30 PMRobbieF Why are you ganging up on me Sparklyballs and Nelson1? :)
7:41:33 PMRobbieF wb lyndon_
7:41:37 PMjwmp Sounds like electrical noise - a dodgy connection maybe.
7:41:37 PMNelson1 when you watch startrek continues, be sure you watch TOS episode called Mirror, Mirror. then watch the Star Trek Continues episode called Fairest Of Them all, It's a sequel to the original episode and it will blow you away but you've got to watch the original episode first
7:41:38 PMlyndon_ =)
7:42:05 PMlyndon_ ahh so much quicker and no distractions from the back seat
7:42:09 PMRobbieF jwmp I think it's a problem with our recorder. We've been getting it in the recording lately... so the fact that you don't normally hear it LIVE means it's the recorder (not the mic)
7:42:29 PMSparklyballs without the original series, none of the modern incarnations would have been made, i'll just leave that for you to ponder RobbieF
7:42:35 PMrevdjenk negative spin!!!
7:42:38 PMjwmp Makes sense then
7:42:46 PMlyndon_ hmmmm
7:43:02 PMMangleFox70_ Oh Man
7:43:11 PMRobbieF Sparklyballs I have mad respect for TOS. I understand it started it all, and the universe Gene created is spectacular and unmatched. But I still didn't like the show. :)
7:43:19 PMNelson1 not ganging up on you, just want you to see something good !!
7:43:26 PMfking Talk about a hot foot.
7:43:45 PMDooley_da_Vulcan till it explodes, always looking for the bad
7:43:51 PMjwmp RobbieF: Why only Sasha's mic though? Are you wired or wireless?
7:44:02 PMSparklyballs i'm dissapointed at you RobbieF, you're lucky this is a great show, lol.
7:44:04 PMjlim RobbieF: i noticed on some previous shows i was watching this weekend. i originally thought it was my hardware but after investigating i determined it was in your feed
7:44:12 PMtek_studier thanks for the shows they deserve more views for the time put into it
7:44:24 PMRobbieF Sparklyballs, I'm real man!
7:44:29 PMRobbieF I don't need to pretend :)
7:44:42 PMRobbieF jwmp it's not one of the mics. It just seems like it.
7:44:51 PMRobbieF It's almost like an audio equivelent of dropped frames
7:45:01 PMSparklyballs it is funny though sometimes to watch a lot of episodes of series and see the same plots in a lot of them, just spun differently to suit the show.
7:45:24 PMjlim RobbieF: you might be clipping
7:45:51 PMjlim RobbieF: did you check the audio level?
7:46:08 PMtek_studier with some of the sound quality its like watching how youtube used to be
7:46:18 PMRobbieF jlim no it's the recording. Remember, you don't hear it live.
7:46:28 PMlifeofpi is cydrary it a legit site
7:46:31 PMRobbieF And we have compressors / limiters so that wouldn't matter even if we were too hot.
7:46:33 PMjlim oh ok
7:46:44 PMTurkey_Dinner OK have a good name now
7:46:51 PMRobbieF I wiped the recorder last week hoping that would fix it, but it didn't.
7:47:03 PMNelson1 what happened to that very cool set you used to use for the news ?
7:47:04 PMRobbieF Gonna try wiping the whole server, reinstall Windows & Wirecast... but that's a BIG job.
7:47:20 PMjlim ]scourge
7:47:23 PMrevdjenk RobbieF: that would take days!!
7:47:29 PMRobbieF Nelson1 as mentioned, Sasha works on Tuesdays now so we are in transition with The Newsroom (which was previously her show)
7:47:31 PMlyndon_ yeah, sounds tedious
7:47:42 PMRobbieF We haven't decided on the permanent end result yet Nelson1
7:47:48 PMMangleFox`_ bck
7:47:55 PMNelson1 Gotcha !!!
7:47:58 PMtek_studier i prefer some of the authentic productions from the old days of video streeming
7:48:02 PMNelson1 I loved that set.
7:48:03 PMjwmp RobbieF: It's not clipping. Sound quality is good. If you can remember back to the old days where we had carbon resistor volume controls, you'd get crackling on old controls when you move the knob. I'd say you're definitely looking for a bad electrical connection somewhere.
7:48:09 PMRobbieF And we're shooting so much Christmas stuff this season (gotta pay the rent!) that we just don't have time to rebuild a set right now :)
7:48:14 PMjlim RobbieF: you don't use a linux solution?
7:48:14 PMRobbieF also, upgrading the camera (no more webcam)
7:48:18 PMRobbieF no.
7:48:22 PMjlim lol
7:48:24 PMlyndon_ MangleFox`_ your funny
7:48:35 PMSparklyballs i had a preamp once that used to crackle and pop when you changed volume.
7:48:38 PMNelson1 Cool
7:48:47 PMRobbieF but again, you guys don't hear it during a live cast
7:48:57 PMRobbieF the only difference is, this is a recording.
7:49:07 PMMangleFOX BCK
7:49:13 PMRobbieF It's not HORRIBLE but I'd still like to fix it.
7:49:14 PMlifeofpi love to have that for pvr
7:49:14 PMjwmp Well, to be honest, I haven't watched live for a few weeks.
7:49:48 PMNelson1 did you hear that Webmania on CTV is no more due to the Bellmedia cutbacks. unfortunately Bill Hutchison got let go after 27 years
7:49:51 PMRobbieF jwmp well, I'm glad you could be here tonight!
7:49:57 PMDooley_da_Vulcan if you have a unraid server with 10 TB drives..... of course your line would be.."WILL NEVER EVER USE ALL THAT SPACE"
7:50:05 PMRobbieF that SUCKS Nelson1 :(
7:50:16 PMlifeofpi is ther a good pvr program for linux
7:50:19 PMRobbieF Old school TV is ... old school. I guess it's unfortunately inevitable...
7:50:21 PMNateUK yep a couple of 10tb pocket money : (( loool
7:50:28 PMjwmp Cheers. It's late here in UK, so not usually able to look in.
7:50:30 PMSparklyballs myth, tvheadend , vdr
7:50:33 PMRobbieF Maybe he'll pull a "Laporte" and turn to webcasting?
7:50:41 PMGoodGuy98 Try Emby
7:50:41 PMRobbieF a bit late in the game though
7:50:43 PMtek_studier raspberry pi supercomputer server
7:50:52 PMNelson1 o know. I took a client out to see him on Monday Nov 16th, and he was let go the next day so the swgment never got on air
7:50:58 PMGoodGuy98 Try Emby lifeofpi
7:50:59 PMlyndon_ Anyone come across a good html video tutorials on you tube ?
7:51:12 PMMangleFox70^ Anyone want to play "unscramble?" What is this word? " diadomn"
7:51:14 PMDooley_da_Vulcan Wont SSD technology advance quick enough that traditional drives become obsolete ?
7:51:15 PMRobbieF ouch, so sorry Nelson1
7:51:16 PMlyndon_ *any
7:51:19 PMrevdjenk RobbieF: maybe he'll pull a Ferguson, as well?
7:51:21 PMSparklyballs diamond
7:51:29 PMRobbieF lyndon_ not sure but happy to provide some. Send us an email with what you need
7:51:33 PMlifeofpi does tvheadend play live tv
7:51:34 PMGoodGuy98 Helium is supposed to be safe... hydrogen not so much
7:51:35 PMMangleFox70^ XD IM bad at macking em'
7:51:46 PMRobbieF revdjenk I went from radio to video casting. But Leo was network TV gone webcast.
7:51:48 PMSparklyballs tvheadend does indeed do livetv
7:51:48 PMrevdjenk noooo
7:51:52 PMNelson1 i know
7:51:54 PMlyndon_ ok RobbieF
7:51:56 PMGoodGuy98 Teens were inhaling helium causing health issues
7:51:58 PMrevdjenk that's true, robbie
7:52:03 PMRobbieF haha, wouldn't want to drop that hydrogen drive Goodguy98
7:52:14 PMGoodGuy98 Yes really
7:52:18 PMMangleFox70^ "unscramble: "palm"
7:52:18 PMlifeofpi thank im going to try it
7:52:19 PMlyndon_ that would be great
7:52:28 PMGoodGuy98 Emby has Live TV now
7:52:41 PMNelson1 i think i will be working with Frank again in the new year so I will see what i can do for you
7:52:42 PMrevdjenk so spins faster
7:52:45 PMSparklyballs is it a frontend though (emby)
7:52:49 PMalpeck helium particle is so small i wonder how long before it all leaks out
7:52:52 PMDooley_da_Vulcan I used to listen to the PLatters
7:53:02 PMGoodGuy98 I believe it can record as well
7:53:03 PMRobbieF used to?
7:53:03 PMRobbieF ;)
7:53:10 PMSparklyballs should know that as one of the package managers for emby was in our group...
7:53:10 PMtek_studier liquid cooled raspberry pi
7:53:19 PMRobbieF Hey Nelson1 did you notice the Dalek?
7:53:21 PMrevdjenk seven platters spinning, six gees a layin
7:53:21 PMRobbieF ;)
7:53:24 PMlyndon_ I have the basics down with HTML but not with CSS or JS
7:53:28 PMrevdjenk Five Gooooold rings
7:53:39 PMMangleFox70 andd....
7:53:46 PMRobbieF tek_studier even better... a liquid SUBMERGED pi.
7:53:50 PMGoodGuy98 Emby is impressive and they never rest on their laurels
7:53:50 PMNelson1 i don't understand what you mean
7:53:55 PMRobbieF I thought about building a mineral water tank for it...
7:54:07 PMGoodGuy98 Very active with enhancements
7:54:14 PMGoodGuy98 yes
7:54:14 PMDennis_Kelley RobbieF how do I change my Gravatar on my profile?
7:54:17 PMRobbieF Nelson1 you complained about the brick, so I bought a shelf and got a Dalek (Dr. Who) standee
7:54:23 PMrevdjenk erasing tapes
7:54:29 PMGoodGuy98 Watergate was Nixon
7:54:37 PMalpeck yes...watergate
7:54:39 PMRobbieF Dennis_Kelley go to Gravatar and change the image for the email address you use on category5
7:55:07 PMNelson1 oh yeah, now i remember. it looks much better !!!
7:55:10 PMNelson1 Good work
7:55:12 PMDennis_Kelley i went to the wordpress site and uploaded it. but its not showing up
7:55:13 PMRobbieF :) Thanks
7:55:24 PMRobbieF also, I love the blur
7:55:24 PMlyndon_ why dont we use helium and hydrogen to make everything lighter??
7:55:26 PMRobbieF that's just me.
7:55:26 PMGoodGuy98 Iran pieced shredded documents together during that hostage crisis
7:55:31 PMRobbieF Depth of field makes me giddy.
7:55:43 PMGoodGuy98 That is why mico crosscut was created iirc
7:55:48 PMGoodGuy98 micro
7:56:06 PMjlim RobbieF: have checked out obs for linux as a possible replacement for wirecast?
7:56:09 PMSparklyballs emby seems to be a frontend for a backend tv server
7:56:10 PMalpeck blow the evidence away
7:56:18 PMlifeofpi GoodGuy98 what about freevo
7:56:25 PMjlim obs is a native linux solution
7:56:28 PMGoodGuy98 No it now has built-in Live TV
7:56:30 PMfking Can you feed pulp wood into it?
7:56:35 PMGoodGuy98 added recently
7:56:36 PMRobbieF jlim I have checked it out but it isn't up to that level ... yet.
7:56:50 PMjlim oh ok
7:56:50 PMRobbieF definitely on the right track though... very exciting.
7:57:03 PMGoodGuy98 It used to use NextPVR - MediaPortal etc
7:57:06 PMDooley_da_Vulcan my son was in Military Intelligence all they used to do was dump into a metal can and burn, that is never going back together
7:57:11 PMRobbieF they're planning to come on the show next year... working on a big release and then we'll be doing the demo + interview.
7:57:13 PMMangleFox70 _-___--__---__----_----_----__----_-----_----_-----_----_-----_----_----_-----_----_----__----_----__----_-----_-----_----_-----_-----__----_----__----_-----__----__---___---___---__---__
7:57:26 PMGoodGuy98 Still does if you wish.. but now has it's own Live TV function
7:57:38 PMjlim RobbieF: cool!
7:57:48 PMlifeofpi GoodGuy98: that runs on linux
7:58:13 PMNelson1 Great show tonight Robbie !!!
7:58:16 PMSparklyballs homerun only by the looks GoodGuy98
7:58:22 PMSparklyballs no good for me...
7:58:23 PMGoodGuy98
7:58:39 PMRobbieF thank you Nelson1!
7:58:41 PMGoodGuy98 Yes so far, but will add other tuners later
7:58:53 PMNelson1 you're welcome
7:59:06 PMGoodGuy98 I saw someone ask about Ceton tuners
7:59:11 PMDooley_da_Vulcan anything with emby better than plex?
7:59:22 PMNelson1 Cool drone !
7:59:27 PMlyndon_ you guys are great! i'll see you all next week!
7:59:28 PMGoodGuy98 It does require service from SchedulesDirect
7:59:30 PMRobbieF
7:59:48 PMGoodGuy98 $10 a year.. cash goes to open source projects
7:59:52 PMSparklyballs again, not an option for the uk.
8:00:13 PMlifeofpi Emdy looks great does it have pvr also
8:00:31 PMDooley_da_Vulcan what is the patreon link?
8:00:49 PMRobbieF
8:00:56 PMMangleFox70 above
8:01:12 PMDooley_da_Vulcan thank you Robbie
8:01:12 PMRobbieF Contribute 25 cents or more per episode for your chance to win TWO TeenyDrones!
8:01:23 PMRobbieF Thank YOU!
8:02:11 PMjlim sasha is not going to be on the show for a while?
8:02:28 PMRobbieF jlim we're doing our best to keep her on... the occasional pre-record or special feature...
8:02:41 PMRobbieF she has not left us... just that she works Tuesday nights now :(
8:03:36 PMNelson1 A Federation Class shuttle craft, come on ?
8:04:08 PMNelson1 hey , it's after 8:00 pm, how come the show is still on ?
8:04:27 PMRobbieF we do things differently for Season 9
8:04:36 PMRobbieF we often go a bit over... sometimes a bit under.
8:04:55 PMRobbieF going for a "back to our roots" feel, much more laid back, not so rushed.
8:05:02 PMNelson1 cool !!!
8:05:05 PMWhiskey_Zero We get extra Sasha tonite
8:05:08 PMNelson1 Love it !!!
8:05:14 PMGuest50559 sounds good to me.
8:05:14 PMRobbieF Thanks Nelson1
8:05:21 PMRobbieF It's been very well received.
8:05:23 PMSparklyballs when i was a progress chaser for an engineering company, the guys in the bending department used to go ape with cutouts that close to the bend line..
8:05:27 PMDooley_da_Vulcan a couple of leather working tools would be great, the one for cutting like a small chisel and one that you drive in right on the lines and create real good fold lines.
8:05:28 PMSparklyballs just made me think of it.
8:06:01 PMrevdjenk It's magic
8:06:11 PMNateUK blue peter time lol
8:06:29 PMSparklyballs no sticky back plastic though NateUK
8:07:03 PMNateUK true and RobbieF will want his badge Sparklyballs lol
8:07:17 PMtek_studier heres one i made earlier
8:07:25 PMDooley_da_Vulcan lol
8:07:28 PMRobbieF Thanks all! Hope you had fun!!
8:07:34 PMNelson1 Great show !
8:07:38 PMjwmp Cheers all. Good night.
8:07:39 PMRobbieF Cheers!
8:07:39 PMSparklyballs tracey island made from toilet roll tubes
8:07:44 PMNateUK good show as always RobbieF
8:07:52 PMBobK54 great as usual ! good to see SashaD.
8:07:54 PMWhiskey_Zero Yep, another fun Tuesday.
8:07:56 PMDooley_da_Vulcan Thanks RobbieF great entertainment as usual
8:07:58 PMrevdjenk nice! drones, pi cases and gimp tutorial as well as the news. .. ... all in an hour
8:08:00 PMRobbieF Thanks all!
8:08:05 PMNateUK lol Sparklyballs and no tissue paper ...
8:08:07 PMDooley_da_Vulcan what is this video
8:08:21 PMNelson1 see everyone next week
8:08:24 PMjlim good show!
8:08:27 PMRobbieF seeya then Nelson1
8:08:29 PMRobbieF have a nice week
8:08:34 PMWhiskey_Zero Good night y'all, see you next week.
8:08:51 PMRobbieF Subscribe to The Pixel Shadow - the new show from Category5!
8:09:03 PMWhiskey_Zero Signing off, 73 folks
8:09:29 PMDooley_da_Vulcan I was like ???? what?
8:09:47 PMlifeofpi RobbieF: where can i get a hoodie and does it have cat5 on it
8:09:55 PMrevdjenk see you next week everyone! Great to see SashaD again, too RobbieF
8:09:57 PMDennis_Kelley Great After show Show RobbieF
8:10:22 PMRobbieF lifeofpi we have limited edition hoodies coming soon. We do it a couple times per year... you may have seen me wearing mine before
8:10:45 PMlifeofpi i have
8:11:01 PMNateUK have fun all take care
8:11:25 PMjlim good night NateUK
8:11:59 PMDooley_da_Vulcan Good Nite NateUK
8:12:07 PMGoodGuy98 night all
8:12:44 PMDennis_Kelley RobbieF what was Talli's show called
8:12:51 PMRobbieF #ThePixelShadow
8:13:00 PMRobbieF
8:13:01 PMjlim ?
8:13:18 PMDennis_Kelley thanks
8:13:22 PMRobbieF my pleasure.
8:13:24 PMRobbieF Thanks for watching!!
8:13:36 PMDennis_Kelley looks like its going to be a cool show!
8:13:56 PMRobbieF Yeah she's got some GREAT ideas for it! Great pilot!
8:14:46 PMDooley_da_Vulcan Is that a family member?
8:14:55 PMlifeofpi RobbieF: you should cover the gpio pins for the one that get the pi
8:15:09 PMRobbieF My daughter Dooley_da_Vulcan.
8:15:15 PMGarbee "daughter"
8:15:16 PMGarbee sure.
8:15:21 PMRobbieF lifeofpi we sure will!
8:15:23 PMDooley_da_Vulcan cool and the show is about?
8:15:35 PMRobbieF Minetest, a free alternative to Minecraft.
8:15:54 PMDennis_Kelley can you do a minetest server?
8:15:57 PMDooley_da_Vulcan really, that will be cool
8:16:14 PMlifeofpi its a few ways to program them
8:16:14 PMSparklyballs you can indeed do a minetest server
8:16:21 PMRobbieF yes, we're in the process Dennis_Kelley. MangleFox70 will in fact be inviting viewers to join the server so they can participate in the live show
8:16:40 PMRobbieF Dooley_da_vulcan make sure you check out her first episode. It's up on YouTube
8:16:54 PMGarbee
8:16:54 PMDennis_Kelley my son and i want to do a minecraft server
8:16:54 PMlifeofpi when is the live show
8:16:58 PMDooley_da_Vulcan ok, will do
8:17:01 PMGarbee In case you missed the link drop.
8:17:12 PMRobbieF lifeofpi it will vary with this one since the video itself is on-demand
8:17:26 PMRobbieF if you follow her on Twitter you'll always have the info
8:17:32 PMRobbieF
8:17:41 PMlifeofpi ok thank will do
8:17:44 PMRobbieF that's where we'll announce stuff
8:17:57 PMGarbee Also FYI everyone who manages a site/server. Let's Encrypt ( ) went into open beta last week.
8:18:22 PMGarbee Free domain validation SSL via your command line on the server. You can even setup cron to do it automatically when renewal time is up.
8:18:32 PMRobbieF Thanks Garbee
8:18:34 PMGarbee Automated tools from Let's Encrypt coming soon.
8:19:09 PMSparklyballs their beta went public last week didn't it Garbee ?
8:19:13 PMDooley_da_Vulcan just subscribed to the channel
8:19:16 PMtek_studier cnc has come along way
8:19:25 PMGarbee Sparklyballs: That is literally what I just said. ;)
8:19:43 PMRobbieF thanks dooley_da_vulcan
8:19:46 PMSparklyballs missed that bit, lol.
8:19:53 PMSparklyballs just saw the coming soon...
8:19:57 PMDooley_da_Vulcan you are welcome
8:20:11 PMRobbieF Wait Garbee, didn't they go into beta about a week ago?
8:20:12 PMGarbee and wow, Swift came to Linux quick.
8:20:18 PMRobbieF Bahahahaha! Had to be done.
8:20:26 PMGarbee They have been in closed Beta for like two months now.
8:20:28 PMtek_studier desktop laser cutters that run on linux
8:20:30 PMSparklyballs 3 month certs.
8:20:32 PMGarbee They just went into open beta last week.
8:20:48 PMRobbieF Didn't they go into open beta last week?
8:21:02 PMGarbee And 3 month certs aren't a big deal. CLI automation makes it irrelevant.
8:21:03 PMRobbieF oh man, me and my shenanigans.
8:21:10 PMSparklyballs i'm in a few channels and shoot me for not reading back
8:21:13 PMGarbee Hell, I'll probably have mine setup to expire every week.
8:21:34 PMGarbee The shorter your expire time the better.
8:21:48 PMRobbieF hehe Sparklyballs
8:21:52 PMtek_studier peltier powered charchers why did it take so long the concepts old
8:21:53 PMRobbieF We demand your full attention.
8:21:54 PMRobbieF ;)
8:22:10 PMRobbieF well guys... time for me to go get the files uploading!
8:22:11 PMtek_studier charger*
8:22:20 PMRobbieF hope you have a spectacular night--thanks so much for watching!
8:22:21 PMGarbee See ya Robbie.
8:22:24 PMGarbee Have a good night.
8:22:29 PMRobbieF you too. and thanks. :)
8:22:47 PMtek_studier thanks for the show gn
8:22:49 PMDooley_da_Vulcan cool, has google gotten any of their fiber optics available up there yet?
8:22:51 PMGarbee I hope shared server hosts get Let's Encrypt integrated quickly.
8:23:10 PMGarbee Dooley_da_Vulcan: Available where?
8:23:16 PMRobbieF cheers tek_studier
8:23:18 PMRobbieF night all
8:23:19 PMDooley_da_Vulcan seen here in the states a 1 gig both ways connection is $70 a month....WOW
8:23:25 PMDooley_da_Vulcan Canada
8:23:29 PMGarbee Dooley_da_Vulcan: lol, only in certain markets.
8:23:39 PMDooley_da_Vulcan yeah
8:23:41 PMGarbee and no, Canada is not doing Fiber outside of the US at the moment.
8:23:55 PMGarbee It is still an experiment to kick traditional ISPs in the butt.
8:24:04 PMGarbee Canada/Google
8:24:05 PMGarbee lol
8:24:18 PMDooley_da_Vulcan any market that would get that could bring in cloud hosting companies and not worry about speed
8:24:59 PMGarbee Dooley_da_Vulcan: Where I am, we pay $60 for 10Mbs down and 3 Mbps up. Also, 300GB cap on that before we are charged extra. Without any explanation of why.
8:25:09 PMDooley_da_Vulcan several states here have it and I am in Indianapolis, Indiana and the closest to me as of yet is supposed to be coming soon to Louisville, Ky
8:25:22 PMSparklyballs i'd like fibre to the door if it weren't so horrendously expensive here, so FTTC for me.
8:26:15 PMDooley_da_Vulcan yeah, with the google fiber they have a 5mb down and 1mb up option, you pay the $300 construction, and $25 a month and after a year free
8:27:10 PMGarbee imo that is pure fluff.
8:27:23 PMGarbee But, can't really say anymore about it.
8:27:24 PMDooley_da_Vulcan here it is like $300 construction fee unless you sigh a year contract, then $70 a month. for 1 gigabit connection up and down. hell I think the contract would be in my favor not to have the price go up
8:28:13 PMDooley_da_Vulcan seen different speed tests where people did over seas tests and was as much as 700-800
8:28:37 PMDooley_da_Vulcan said they cant guarantee gigabit wifi speeds only 400-600
8:28:42 PMGarbee Yea, they don't mess with the speed.
8:28:47 PMGarbee You really get as much as you can.
8:29:06 PMGarbee lol wifi.
8:30:00 PMDooley_da_Vulcan to have your in house wifi speeds over 500meg
8:30:28 PMDooley_da_Vulcan cloud hosting services could really set up shops
8:33:37 PMDooley_da_Vulcan Well good people of the world, I have to go and feed my face. You all take care and have a good night. I have been curious is there a Facebook Category5 group where people can share pics, videos and things of the like?
8:35:08 PMDooley_da_Vulcan Take care, I am outta here
8:42:48 PMGarbee You'd never run cloud services over wifi.
8:42:52 PMGarbee That is a death sentence.
8:48:40 PMDooley_da_Vulcan No, I didnt mean that, but I meant cloud services could set up shop in any town that had access to speeds like that and not worry about choking their connections.
8:52:48 PMDennis_Kelley Sparklyballs so where do i find about the Minetest server setup
8:53:19 PMSparklyballs oh right, i made a docker.... lol.
8:53:33 PMSparklyballs but the info is on their git page, hang on.
8:53:46 PMSparklyballs
8:54:06 PMSparklyballs i compiled from source for the docker.
8:55:57 PMSparklyballs
8:58:52 PMGarbee No one will Dooley_da_Vulcan. Except a *very* limited few.
8:59:07 PMGarbee You don't target your audience to the smallest pockets of access in the universe.
9:11:34 PMDooley_da_Vulcan what I was thinking, it wouldn't matter how fast of service your cloud provider has since the connection from you to get to your service would be the bottle neck. if you sat up a service in a town where you could tell any potential customers what kind of speeds they could expect to experience if both parties were using the same providers then you
9:11:34 PMDooley_da_Vulcan could use cloud based storage for large amounts of data and not worry about speed being an issue. I would say right now that
9:11:35 PMDooley_da_Vulcan
9:11:35 PMDooley_da_Vulcan speed of accessing data is the major factor that determines how much data you store on a cloud .
9:12:51 PMGarbee Partially, but that is a peripheral issue.
9:13:44 PMGarbee That is one specific case where the extreme speeds are handy. The point of Fiber is to help push new ideas that take advantage of speed.
9:14:01 PMGarbee But, almost no companies are *going* to do that, we are going in the opposite direction.
9:14:25 PMGarbee 1) Massive pushes are under-way for planning on mobile users (these have been going on for years) who don't have fiber level connections.
9:14:51 PMGarbee This includes things like service workers to help your app work offline.
9:15:27 PMGarbee 2) Companies period, look to market share. What company (besides a purely experimental one that has a lot of backing to go long-term) will invest in building a platform to target what isn't even a single percent of the total US market?
9:16:24 PMGarbee Developers are being pushed in the opposite direction for a reason. Companies can't count on fast speeds. All we can count on is laggy and slow connections that also have intermittent outages.


Does Not Include Lurkers