06:58:03 PM | Whiskey_Zero | welcome to the chocolate channel!
06:58:14 PM | RobbieF | all smooth chocolatey goodness, all the time.
06:58:35 PM | JeffWeston | minutes t ogo. tonight is gonna be HOT!!!!
06:58:52 PM | RobbieF | let's try not to burn down the place, shall we?
06:59:01 PM | JeffWeston | no promises
06:59:03 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | that would be a great start
06:59:10 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | even better finish to a night
06:59:15 PM | RobbieF | lol
06:59:43 PM | spiceJax | It's Hot in Jax
06:59:54 PM | Sparklyballs | it's raining here
07:00:11 PM | Sparklyballs | but it's practically always raining here
07:00:17 PM | Booker | Snow... snow... and a bit more snow here
07:00:20 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | I lived there for about 18 months.... was great, was never too hot for me. even said that when it was 106
07:00:29 PM | spiceJax | Hello Y'all
07:00:42 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | Hello SpiceJax
07:00:46 PM | spiceJax | ohh touchy Rob lol
07:00:59 PM | Sparklyballs | hi Rob
07:01:11 PM | Sparklyballs | Robcam 1
07:01:48 PM | albertr | Hey all
07:02:01 PM | Sparklyballs | who ROBbed the title music
07:02:06 PM | RobbieF | hey albertr!
07:02:09 PM | spiceJax | if its tech its here?
07:03:01 PM | spiceJax | swooch
07:03:40 PM | spiceJax | no sound in space
07:04:01 PM | Sparklyballs | they can't hear you scream allegedly either spiceJax
07:04:13 PM | spiceJax | lol
07:04:27 PM | DJQuad | heya peeps :)
07:05:55 PM | Sparklyballs | RobbieF: needs tutorials ?
07:05:57 PM | JeffWeston | robbief is amazing!
07:06:05 PM | Sparklyballs | noway
07:06:49 PM | Whiskey_Zero | Are they big enough for the drone registration number?
07:07:15 PM | Sparklyballs | they have to a big drone with a red flag flying in front of them
07:08:49 PM | spiceJax | droning on drones lol
07:09:57 PM | DJQuad | saw my first drone race the other day. was slow blown away. they had cameras on them too
07:10:04 PM | DJQuad | so*
07:10:54 PM | Sparklyballs | i started on a teenydrone and now i'm living under a bridge with a huey
07:11:41 PM | Sparklyballs | they still make blackberries ?
07:12:01 PM | DJQuad | they're coming back :)
07:12:03 PM | Booker | I have one for work... not a fan at all
07:12:20 PM | Whiskey_Zero | They are available every july in the ditches around here
07:12:21 PM | Booker | but blackberry is going to android
07:12:34 PM | DJQuad | lol
07:13:32 PM | spiceJax | Did they ever have a 'Juicy' model?
07:14:02 PM | Booker | RobbieF - Download 1Mobile Market, android app store for blackberry
07:14:13 PM | spiceJax | too late we seen it
07:15:03 PM | fking | But we know it says Jeff.
07:15:41 PM | Sparklyballs | << mac user
07:15:48 PM | Sparklyballs | trash me some more, lol.
07:15:50 PM | Booker | ouch
07:17:12 PM | JeffWeston | haha my wife is a mac user also
07:17:21 PM | JeffWeston | we always shoot jabs at eachother
07:17:35 PM | Sparklyballs | always make me laugh at the air show here when people are using flash to take pics of aircraft half a million miles away.
07:21:04 PM | Sparklyballs | i like the original.....
07:22:59 PM | BobK54 | ahhhhhhh. Teeny Drones are out of stock.
07:23:52 PM | Sparklyballs | what are the auto levels like on the gimp ?
07:24:22 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | flash for pics of aircraft is like being asked if putting a satellite dish on a pole 20 feet high will help
07:25:53 PM | revdjenk | go to the light!!!
07:26:04 PM | Booker | it burns my eyes
07:26:19 PM | Nelson1 | hey Robbie
07:26:31 PM | JeffWeston | haha booker
07:26:46 PM | tek_studier | paint.net has some good functions also
07:26:54 PM | Sparklyballs | Run to the light, Carol Anne
07:27:27 PM | _Leland_ | The web page won't render. Were else to view live?
07:28:21 PM | JeffWeston | bobk54, teeny drones are in high demand. we are working to get levels back up
07:28:36 PM | BobK54 | thanks Jeff!
07:30:16 PM | tek_studier | it is good we have opensource programs these days saves spending alot of money on alternatives
07:30:25 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | compared to the good ones, right JeffWeston
07:30:46 PM | Sparklyballs | they'll send drones to your house if you press the down thumb
07:31:00 PM | RobbieF | hope you're enjoying the show!
07:31:02 PM | RobbieF | Hi Nelson1
07:31:04 PM | RobbieF | nice to see you again
07:31:16 PM | tek_studier | good show as always
07:31:22 PM | RobbieF | why thank you :)
07:31:26 PM | RobbieF | we're only at the 1/2 point!
07:31:28 PM | RobbieF | :)
07:31:33 PM | _Leland_ | Hi Rob
07:31:34 PM | Nelson1 | thanks. I try to drop by and watch the show as much as I can
07:31:50 PM | Whiskey_Zero | G'night folks, gotta take off early 2night. See y'all next week.
07:32:14 PM | Sparklyballs | i'm wondering what makes a drone more dangerous once the pilot reaches 13
07:33:11 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | washing machines and health care..... can we say diversify
07:33:38 PM | Nelson1 | i'm back working with Frank again as of Jan 1 so I will see if I can get him to do some some with you
07:33:59 PM | Sparklyballs | steam powered laptop
07:35:00 PM | revdjenk | hello again...
07:35:37 PM | Nelson1 | jeff's doing a GREAT JOB on the news.
07:36:10 PM | Booker | no registration in Canada, right?
07:36:31 PM | tek_studier | sky deck sound like vertigo
07:36:37 PM | Sparklyballs | get the best view of a crash
07:37:26 PM | Sparklyballs | did robbie just say he'd do the deed in the sky deck ?
07:37:32 PM | tek_studier | would be amazing clear roof airplane
07:37:32 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | yet they are wanting to cut down the places to have info on teens? No need for them to collect info on teens. make it required for the parents to register. not kids
07:38:02 PM | tek_studier | and a clear floor panels on plane
07:38:42 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | great unless you have RLS
07:39:07 PM | Booker | How does the arduino work in the washing machine?
07:39:13 PM | _Leland_ | I hope you can get to the Blynk / Andriod ? Arduino Sever set-up question I sent in.
07:39:44 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | soldering... great
07:40:05 PM | Sparklyballs | if you're watching any episodes of friends, you're probably dead.
07:40:12 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | always avoid cold solder joints.....tsk tsk.....will put you in the group with MS
07:40:15 PM | tek_studier | was watching amazing home made cnc machine powered by arduino earlier
07:40:16 PM | _Leland_ | Blynk offers a dashboard on you Android to control your Arduiono.
07:40:45 PM | Sparklyballs | wot's soddering
07:40:56 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | tried to order some for a christmas present....lol
07:41:01 PM | Sparklyballs | why the dropped 'l' ?
07:41:13 PM | _Leland_ | SMT
07:41:20 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | had to go get items from the DOCTOR WHO AMERICA WAREHOUSE
07:41:41 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | you could throw a rock and do more damage, and get it farther
07:42:03 PM | spiceJax | you could poke your eye out
07:42:31 PM | tek_studier | the only arduino project i have done so far is the flashing led have been studying many other projects though
07:42:48 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | heat the two surfaces and allow them to melt the solder, if you melt the solder with the iron, you get a cold joint which often does not work
07:42:51 PM | Booker | I've worked quite a bit with arduino
07:43:07 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | I have been doing this with my Superman mouse for 5 years
07:43:42 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | the wires break where they move just outside the mouse
07:43:47 PM | tek_studier | had a look at scratch for arduino a week or so ago
07:44:37 PM | tek_studier | makes coding a bit faster
07:44:46 PM | Nelson1 | saudering wars !!!!
07:45:15 PM | _Leland_ | Tin your tip first
07:45:15 PM | Booker | weller makes the best soldering irons!
07:45:19 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | soldering, and the L is very mild
07:45:20 PM | revdjenk | same in the States
07:45:25 PM | Sparklyballs | solder
07:45:34 PM | Sparklyballs | there's an l in the word people.
07:45:37 PM | Nelson1 | saldering wars !!!!!
07:45:47 PM | _Leland_ | 15 watts is better
07:45:50 PM | BobK54 | in new yawk it was soddering too. a british friend said sol-der, WITH the L
07:45:55 PM | Nelson1 | soldering wars !!!!!!!!!
07:46:00 PM | Sparklyballs | are troops sodas ?
07:46:00 PM | tek_studier | 1000 watts is a good iron to use melts the solder well
07:46:01 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | never let the iron slide down into your boot...... it BURNS
07:46:17 PM | Guest_1380 | I hope use non lead solder as lead ban in uk most solder is made tin
07:46:17 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | NOT 1000 for electronics
07:46:43 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | you can heat your circuitry and it pull it of of your circuit board
07:47:02 PM | _Leland_ | Rosin ne acid
07:47:18 PM | tek_studier | low heat irons create alot of dry and bad joints
07:47:27 PM | Booker | Wash your hands after handling solder, avoid lead toxicity
07:47:43 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | not if you heat your surfaces and have them melt the solder
07:47:53 PM | Sparklyballs | is there hard core ?
07:47:58 PM | Guest_1380 | my soldring iron give great uncle it made in 1930 and still work 100 w good heaver solding
07:48:17 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | used to do work doing tv vcr repairs, replacing surface mounted components
07:48:27 PM | _Leland_ | great for auto shop
07:48:51 PM | _Leland_ | SMT needs 15watts or station
07:48:57 PM | Guest_1380 | it must old soldring iron it over 85 years old
07:49:00 PM | tek_studier | i use gas refill soldering iron very cheap these days and it gives good heat for all types of jobs
07:49:05 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | the adhesive that holds the trace to a board can fail with to much heat
07:49:44 PM | Booker | I've definitely pulled traces up by accident
07:49:53 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | too much heat
07:50:08 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | and use a wet sponge to keep your tip very clean
07:50:11 PM | BobK54 | put the strain releif on the wire before stripping....easier
07:50:14 PM | _Leland_ | Slit shot .177 pellets the taste the same.
07:50:24 PM | Guest_1380 | if want to do very heavy solding I use blowland don't know many watts ha ha ha
07:50:27 PM | Booker | mmm.... lead
07:50:35 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | wipe your hot tip on the wet sponge, great cleaning
07:51:03 PM | tek_studier | the word flux in soldering always makes me think of the flux capacitor
07:51:04 PM | _Leland_ | strain relief 7&Seven
07:51:10 PM | Guest_1380 | damp cloth to clean soldring iron
07:51:15 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | use only one side of the stripper and your thumb
07:51:39 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | @JeffWeston use only one side of the stripper and your thumb
07:51:45 PM | _Leland_ | keep the tip tinned
07:51:52 PM | tek_studier | tin the wire
07:52:00 PM | Sparklyballs | i roll a stanley round the wire
07:52:27 PM | Guest_1380 | not netureal its brade Robbie
07:52:44 PM | BobK54 | the industry is trying to "get the lead out". somebody had to say it. gotta watch out for wiskers though.
07:52:46 PM | tek_studier | tin the wire echos in my mind from 12 months of soldering lessons make wire looms etc
07:52:55 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | always your strain relief before you solder and tinning makes it lots easier, _Leland_ you are correct
07:53:31 PM | _Leland_ | I own a radiator shop
07:53:45 PM | GWG | Evening
07:53:54 PM | _Leland_ | You sweat solder
07:53:56 PM | Nelson1 | can see it perfectly
07:54:12 PM | Guest_1380 | no contnutery test with meter make shaw have pick up PIECE brade cause short
07:54:12 PM | BobK54 | uh....strain releif????? :)
07:54:15 PM | tek_studier | the instructor every lesson used say a million times tin the wire
07:54:31 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | when you try transistors that are the size of the end of a kitchen match, and that is 3 seperate soldering surfaces
07:54:34 PM | Sparklyballs | the wife's chopping board again
07:54:38 PM | spiceJax | tin the wire first
07:54:55 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | Tin your wire.....lol
07:55:05 PM | Booker | Tinning the wire first is definitely the best way.
07:55:13 PM | tek_studier | lol
07:55:15 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | heat your metal, let it melt your solder
07:55:19 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | lol
07:55:22 PM | _Leland_ | an extra alligator clip for clamp and heat sink
07:56:47 PM | spiceJax | will it hold for child use?
07:56:53 PM | tek_studier | clamps are good
07:57:05 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | used to do this with wire in the middle of a length and use insulation off of larger wire and slide it over, poor teenagers heat shrink tubing
07:57:06 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | lol
07:57:09 PM | tek_studier | saves burning fingers
07:57:17 PM | BobK54 | it will hold up under child use with a strain releif.......
07:57:43 PM | Guest_1380 | keep wire clean as dirt can make solded joint no good
07:57:44 PM | _Leland_ | strip the wire with your front teeth super glue it with conductive model train rain glue, spray with activator close it up through it at your kid.
07:58:21 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | Always used strain reliefs when wiring electrical equipment in Papa Johns
07:58:34 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | make the connection last lot longer
07:58:46 PM | Guest_1380 | drop super glue of corder pants it smokes
07:58:55 PM | spiceJax | did he put the other part on the wire?
07:58:58 PM | Sparklyballs | twist all the wires together, shove the plug on and if it goes bang, blame the dog.
07:59:05 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | front teeth was my wire strippers for years....lol
07:59:22 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | never had to worry about the right size...lol
07:59:37 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | thought I was the only fool doing that...lol
07:59:52 PM | Sparklyballs | how's that shane macgowan mouth going Dooley_da_Vulcan
07:59:53 PM | BobK54 | ooooppppps
08:00:00 PM | spiceJax | lol I knew it
08:00:00 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | that isnt bad
08:00:03 PM | tek_studier | i just noticed the sleeve was missing
08:00:20 PM | tek_studier | oops
08:00:26 PM | Nelson1 | Great show Robbie !!!
08:00:34 PM | Guest_1380 | put some electric tape will do instead sleeve
08:00:40 PM | _Leland_ | Ventilation!!!!
08:00:47 PM | BobK54 | sleeve - aka strain relief. or backshell in aerosapce parlancd
08:00:49 PM | spiceJax | so good demo on how not to do it lol fun
08:01:21 PM | spiceJax | like the weller
08:01:37 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | desoldering iron
08:01:43 PM | Sparklyballs | meanwhile at chez RobbieF all the worksurfaces have knife slash marks on them cos RobbieF is using all the chopping boards in the studio.
08:01:44 PM | BobK54 | I have fogotten to put on the sleeve/strain relief SO many times that its burned into my brain now. also forget some shrink tube too. same thing
08:02:14 PM | _Leland_ | 15watts to 60watts variable solder kit $12 e-bay
08:02:16 PM | revdjenk | BobK54: and remember to put shrink tube on first!
08:02:16 PM | tek_studier | thanks for the show guys
08:02:42 PM | spiceJax | how much was is weller?
08:02:46 PM | Nelson1 | great show. Good job guys !!
08:02:49 PM | _Leland_ | wave soldering
08:02:51 PM | BobK54 | and put the shrink tube further up the wire so it doesnt shrink during soldering
08:02:57 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | a shrink tube around it all inside the metal first would work as a strain relief
08:03:06 PM | spiceJax | HNY
08:03:09 PM | revdjenk | Nerry Christmas RobbieF and JeffWeston
08:03:14 PM | BobK54 | wow, afer 8:00 ALREADY????
08:03:18 PM | _Leland_ | Merry Ho Ho!!
08:03:20 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | Merry Christmas to ALL
08:03:24 PM | revdjenk | BobK54: shhhhh
08:03:41 PM | BobK54 | night all. good show guys
08:03:58 PM | JeffWeston | thanks for joining everyone. another great night!!!
08:04:02 PM | Sparklyballs | don't call him rob on the sign off JeffWeston
08:04:16 PM | Booker | Thanks guys.
08:04:17 PM | spiceJax | Jeff whats your day job?
08:04:28 PM | RobbieF | Jeff's a superhero by day
08:04:36 PM | JeffWeston | i am a staff rep for a union...kind of like an unofficial labour lawyer
08:04:37 PM | spiceJax | lol
08:04:38 PM | revdjenk | hee hee
08:04:38 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | really sucks to wire in 3 electrical service cables and as you tighten up the last fitting you realize you forgot the box fitting nut.
08:04:39 PM | JeffWeston | hahaha robbief
08:04:39 PM | _Leland_ | CHECK OUT HMI CONTROLLER ON GOGGLE PLAY OR BLYNK Merry X-mas..........
08:04:53 PM | Nelson1 | great show guys !!!
08:05:00 PM | RobbieF | Thanks Nelson1
08:05:11 PM | Nelson1 | keep up the good work
08:05:11 PM | revdjenk | g'nite all!
08:05:24 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | @Robbie & Jeff Great show
08:05:33 PM | spiceJax | I see why you are so well spoken good job on Cat5
08:05:42 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | Merry Christmas to all of you and your families
08:05:59 PM | _Leland_ | I like your move to include hardware Robbie....
08:06:14 PM | tek_studier | thanks as always for the great entertainment on a tuesday
08:06:48 PM | Sparklyballs | movie time, later folks, great show as always RobbieF and JeffWeston
08:07:14 PM | spiceJax | bye y'all
08:08:01 PM | tek_studier | be well all gn
08:08:30 PM | MaineGeek75 | hi all. is there a show tonight...been away for a while...
08:08:58 PM | MaineGeek75 | nvm...i missed it :(
08:10:02 PM | _Leland_ | AC/HD I'm on a highway to_Hey look a Rabbit.
08:12:49 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | anyone here for a point linux question?
08:13:15 PM | _Leland_ | I will try..
08:13:28 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | I installed from a USB onto a SSD point linux and all I get is the flashing cursor
08:14:04 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | I am running off the flash drive boot now, was troubleshooting when show time came up
08:14:13 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | of course I had to stop
08:14:42 PM | _Leland_ | Sounds like a mount point issue did you look a gpated drive info?
08:15:00 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | was getting ready to check partition flags
08:15:21 PM | _Leland_ | Yes I did the same
08:15:31 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | shouldnt installing have made partition flagged as boot
08:16:13 PM | _Leland_ | I am not sure that SSD reads the same
08:16:25 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | I remember at times in DOS that you would get NO ROM BASIC SYSTEM HALTED
08:16:43 PM | _Leland_ | I format mine first always
08:16:52 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | and for years I seen people could not figure it out..lol
08:16:56 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | ah
08:17:25 PM | _Leland_ | well flash is here with ARM
08:17:26 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | will check and reformat if necessary. what partition setup would you recommend for a 120 gig drive
08:17:49 PM | _Leland_ | That depends
08:17:57 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | on
08:17:59 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | ?
08:19:03 PM | _Leland_ | server_ raid_ un-raid?_ Un-sure
08:19:18 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | I have tried to find people or persons here locally that have a pc interest, you know to do things with..... like looking for a white elephant
08:19:20 PM | _Leland_ | Thats why I tune in
08:19:47 PM | _Leland_ | I do Arduino
08:19:50 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | none of the above, just gonna be 2 ssd one windows and one point linux
08:20:57 PM | _Leland_ | If first choice is wrong solid state loads so fast try them all then you will know
08:20:58 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | I could find more people locally when I was on a 16 channel bbs on a radio shack color computer 2 then I can now on a wold wide connection. I am sure more people in indianapolis are online now than then
08:21:36 PM | _Leland_ | Indy I am in Mendocino
08:21:48 PM | _Leland_ | They are all stoned
08:22:13 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | oh, you in California ?
08:23:02 PM | _Leland_ | Ya it sucks, I am the only patriot in this state
08:23:15 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | patriot meaning?
08:23:19 PM | _Leland_ | I am voodsandman
08:23:53 PM | _Leland_ | They are all librals and govt grants
08:24:18 PM | _Leland_ | No private industry
08:24:33 PM | _Leland_ | Made in USA
08:25:47 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | but you do have better weather than here
08:25:48 PM | _Leland_ | It's 5.25 Dinner time. Good Luck..
08:26:07 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | thank you and enjoy your dinner
08:26:25 PM | _Leland_ | You can't save the economy with good weather
08:27:38 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | no but you do have more options for industry in nicer weather. I would think anyways
08:27:44 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | he is gone