Chat Logs for Episode 442 — #Category5 on /


With 34 Posts:JeffWeston
With 30 Posts:revdjenk
With 30 Posts:lyndon
With 24 Posts:RobbieF1
With 15 Posts:agamotto

Chat Logs:

6:58:10 PMagamotto Mmmmmm, so nice to have temps above 10c!!!!!
6:58:59 PMJeffWeston *SHOW ALERT* for anyone just joining, our studio internet is down and this prevents us from airing live tonight. The show will be uploaded tomorrow. However tonight I will be in the chat room during the show taking questions and trying to fit them into the show
6:59:18 PMJeffWeston thanks for joining us in the chat everyone!!!
7:00:37 PMrevdjenk it was at least 21C here in southern WV
7:00:37 PMrevdjenk it'll be almost 27C tomorrow!
7:00:37 PMagamotto Pooo, that sucks. Technology gets it's revenge!
7:00:37 PMWhiskey_Zero JeffWeston: Is Rogers your inet provider? They have a big problem 2night
7:00:37 PMchriskevinlee oh well, that does suck, dam u technology haha
7:00:42 PMagamotto It hit nearly 25C in our store today. Three people passed out.
7:01:05 PMABQTKY Bummer. Fine, I'll watch tomorrow on YouTube. Oooh. Rogers, eh? I'll find out later what happened.
7:01:53 PMABQTKY Jeff, what's the show topic...for tomorrow?
7:03:35 PMagamotto What, did Rogers go out across the country?
7:03:35 PMWhiskey_Zero Looks like Ontario for sure...
7:03:38 PMABQTKY I knew Robbie should have set up a couple of WokTennas and used his home connection! Oh, well.
7:05:46 PMagamotto Woktennas.... dishy dish wallas!!!!
7:06:38 PMJeffWeston robbief and topic is making a retro gaming system on raspberry pi
7:07:53 PMbigkitty ono
7:07:53 PMABQTKY He ALMOST has line-of-sight from Studio D to his house. No idea what the distance is, though.
7:07:53 PMrevdjenk and we'll have to go play with GIMP on our own!!! oh noes
7:08:38 PMJeffWeston *SHOW ALERT* for anyone just joining, our studio internet is down and this prevents us from airing live tonight. The show will be uploaded tomorrow. However tonight I will be in the chat room during the show taking questions and trying to fit them into the show
7:09:48 PMABQTKY The new Pi 3 has approximately the power of a Pentium 3, so I suppose one could run games on one of those. Like maybe Solitaire?
7:09:57 PMrevdjenk ABQTKY: hee hee
7:10:15 PMagamotto The Bard's Tale?
7:12:26 PMrevdjenk What is the power use of the Pi 3? Would it be a good as server? I have never run a home network, but this seems like a possible start for me.
7:12:26 PMorangeman has program sarted yet as not getin streem
7:13:02 PMagamotto orangeman: There won't be a show tonight... .net problems in Ontario
7:13:42 PMrevdjenk time for a new show alert JeffWeston
7:13:42 PMABQTKY The four USB ports AND the Ethernet port all share a single controller, so it could make a great server, but not a FAST server.
7:14:00 PMrevdjenk ABQTKY: they don't necessarily have to be fast...right?
7:14:09 PMorangeman ok tanks I tought problem at my end
7:14:22 PMABQTKY guess not Revdjenk
7:14:36 PMJeffWeston if any one has a tech question feel free to ask and we will try to get it into the show
7:15:16 PMrevdjenk JeffWeston: see my Q above about the pi3 as a home network server...
7:21:09 PMorangeman will be show tonight if not I will go to bed
7:23:00 PMorangeman can any tell if there be show tonight
7:23:00 PMrevdjenk orangeman: ontario wifi problem... so show will be available tomorrow
7:23:00 PMrevdjenk ontario-wide
7:23:00 PMorangeman ok I off to bed
7:23:02 PMrevdjenk bye orangeman
7:24:27 PMJeffWeston sorry for hte no show issue all. internet it down. recorded version will go live tomorrow
7:24:40 PMJeffWeston tonights show is making a retro gaming system on raspberry pi
7:24:55 PMJeffWeston teaser....exciting news about hilar rumble
7:25:03 PMJeffWeston hilary rumble
7:25:18 PMrevdjenk baby!
7:25:24 PMJeffWeston yup yup
7:25:30 PMrevdjenk twins?
7:25:40 PMABQTKY Wait a second, the show gets streamed from Studio D by cellphone carrier LTE, doesn't it? They don't have cable, DSL or WiFi there.
7:26:13 PMJeffWeston hey abqtky the wifi tower is the type of sevice we need
7:26:33 PMJeffWeston cable or dsl isnt fast neough to stream
7:26:36 PMABQTKY Mazel tov, Hilary!!! Jeff, Robbie, make sure you pass that along to her.
7:28:03 PMJeffWeston will do
7:28:15 PMABQTKY Jeff, cable internet service is what Robbie has at home, no?? That would be fine for streaming...even at HD. The studio just happens to be an area with no...cables.
7:28:28 PMagamotto Hmmm, how to toss a virtual baby shower...
7:29:03 PMrevdjenk agamotto: it'd be hard to play the clothes pin game...
7:29:51 PMagamotto True true true
7:29:51 PMJeffWeston or hte chocolate in the diaper game
7:30:01 PMagamotto Not to mention pouring the chocolate fountain
7:30:41 PMrevdjenk I avoided them, generally...
7:33:46 PMJeffWeston rev ill try to get to your question tonight
7:40:21 PMJeffWeston we are now trying to connect a ps3 controller to the pie for exciting
7:46:03 PMJeffWeston answered your question rev
7:46:53 PMrevdjenk thanks JeffWeston
7:46:53 PMrevdjenk I also sent robbie an article about using chromecast to view cat5 ... he said he was going to talk about that...
7:46:53 PMagamotto revdjenk: Is that difficult?
7:46:53 PMrevdjenk No. It is easy using Chrome browser. You click the watch live button, and hit the chromecast icon, and away you go
7:46:53 PMrevdjenk watch live in the cat5 site
7:46:53 PMrevdjenk *watch live button on the cat5 site
7:46:53 PMlyndon is am i ing playback problems. there is no audio or video
7:46:53 PMlyndon really???
7:46:53 PMlyndon what os are you using??
7:46:53 PMlyndon Raspian
7:46:53 PMlyndon ?
7:46:53 PMABQTKY Lyndon, ask Jeff why there's no audio or video. 8-|
7:46:53 PMlyndon Jeff, why is there no audio or video? =)
7:47:39 PMJeffWeston our internet is down. its a network issue across the province
7:47:46 PMJeffWeston so we cant stream tongiht.
7:47:50 PMlyndon oh....
7:47:56 PMJeffWeston but im live in the room taking questions if anyone has any
7:48:07 PMJeffWeston we are recording and will upload tomorrow
7:48:33 PMlyndon has anyone used LAMP?
7:48:46 PMABQTKY "Across the province" Wow, that's serious!
7:49:10 PMJeffWeston apparently 58% of bell users complaining of internet down
7:50:11 PMrevdjenk lyndon: use a switch.. the light comes on :)
7:50:11 PMrevdjenk thanks JeffWeston
7:50:11 PMagamotto ouch
7:50:11 PMagamotto Leave it to AT&T... wonder if it is a cable cut?
7:50:57 PMABQTKY Oh, no! The backhoe driver moved to Ontario? Ah, well, better there than out this way.
7:52:31 PMagamotto That, or we now know where the Verizon FIOS crews moved to...
7:53:12 PMGuest_7857 bet all the thunderstorms down La and Miss are giving them a rought time
7:54:04 PMrevdjenk Guest_7857: hee hee
7:54:47 PMGuest_7857 we all best get a flashlight and brush up on our morse code....
7:54:54 PMlyndon haha rev
7:55:22 PMJeffWeston oh man, so many awesome retro games tonight
7:55:53 PMrevdjenk lyndon: you meant with the pi3... ask JeffWeston to put that question to robbie, and it'll get into the show
7:56:02 PMlyndon what emulator are you guys using?
7:56:16 PMJeffWeston all of them, haha
8:02:30 PMrevdjenk whoops... only 5 more minutes?
8:02:30 PMlyndon oh. thats awesome!
8:02:30 PMrevdjenk JeffWeston: are they speedy enough? or are these old atari games?
8:02:30 PMlyndon id i'm looking forward to watching this tomorrow. =)
8:02:30 PMagamotto Well, I must away... the dog and cat both want to be fed!
8:02:30 PMlyndon i've been trying to get a good snes experience out of Linux for a while now
8:02:30 PMrevdjenk snes?
8:02:30 PMWhiskey_Zero Good night everyone, catch y'all next Tuesday...
8:02:30 PMlyndon i can never get the video right, or the controler to work
8:02:30 PMrevdjenk bye Whiskey_Zero
8:02:30 PMlyndon super nintendo
8:02:30 PMlyndon bye WZ
8:02:30 PMrevdjenk lyndon: ahhh
8:02:30 PMWhiskey_Zero Tnx Rev, cu next week
8:02:30 PMWhiskey_Zero You too lyndon
8:02:30 PMlyndon =)
8:05:53 PMlyndon well. i guess thats it.
8:08:26 PMlyndon ttyl
8:16:05 PMrevdjenk well off til next week!
8:16:20 PMJeffWeston we just wrapped up. such a fun show
8:16:49 PMJeffWeston confession moment....this show is my favourite so far
8:16:57 PMJeffWeston beats out the back to the future show
8:17:28 PMJeffWeston hey Rev, the games are perfect speed. throw back to the actual consol
8:18:20 PMJeffWeston logging off. night all
8:18:25 PMJeffWeston enjoy hte show tomorrow
8:18:36 PMJeffWeston see you next week, where sahs will join us
8:18:40 PMJeffWeston sahsa
8:18:45 PMJeffWeston sasha
8:18:48 PMJeffWeston *sigh*
8:27:38 PMRobbieF1 Holy cow.
8:27:39 PMRobbieF1 Hi folks.
8:27:46 PMRobbieF1 8:25 internet came back up at Studio D
8:27:47 PMRobbieF1 :(
8:27:48 PMRobbieF1 so sorry.
8:28:15 PMABQTKY robbief, you seem to have had a tough couple of months. Go get some rest!
8:28:23 PMRobbieF1 I hope you enjoy the show on demand.
8:28:51 PMRobbieF1 ABQTKY I'm all for that :) Will produce the show so it's ready for everyone tomorrow on demand and then go relaxify :)
8:28:59 PMRobbieF1 what can ya do eh?
8:29:25 PMRobbieF1 I said to Jeff, "Well, at least our bandwidth bill will be cheaper this week" LOL (gotta look for the bright side)
8:29:59 PMABQTKY A true Canadian would have put a comma right before 'eh.' But I won't pester about something like that. Nope, not me.
8:30:07 PMRobbieF1 :)
8:34:41 PMABQTKY We Cat5 fans are very well trained. We sit here even staring at a blank screen even after we know the internet service is down across Ontario. BTW, the DirecTV satellite tv service down here had a nationwide outage for a few hours. It's either sunspots or backhoe drivers who are respionsible for this stuff!
8:41:11 PMRobbieF1 aww
8:41:53 PMMangleFox70 heyo
8:43:54 PMMangleFox70 Anyone here?
8:44:01 PMRobbieF1 yes me!
8:44:04 PMRobbieF1 Finally
8:44:05 PMMangleFox70 lol
8:47:19 PMMangleFox70 denniskelley?
8:47:28 PMMangleFox70 Dennis_Kelley are you here?
8:48:18 PMMangleFox70 .... lol
9:03:38 PMlyndon hey
9:04:03 PMRobbieF1 hiya
9:04:30 PMlyndon hey. Im really looking forward to the show
9:05:03 PMlyndon will it be ready tomorrow?
9:05:56 PMRobbieF1 :) I'm looking forward to getting it up for you.
9:06:03 PMRobbieF1 Yes, it'll be up on regular schedule. Tomorrow morning.
9:06:16 PMRobbieF1 The show went on as normal, just that we couldn't broadcast it since we had no internet.
9:08:27 PMlyndon gotcha
9:08:32 PMlyndon thanks
9:08:41 PMRobbieF1 :) Sorry we couldn't share it live.
9:09:05 PMRobbieF1 that's the first full-out outage we've had in a long time.
9:09:49 PMlyndon one tuesday out of hundreds is perfectly acceptable =)
9:09:55 PMRobbieF1 haha
9:09:57 PMRobbieF1 yeah I suppose so.
9:10:52 PMlyndon were you guys using Raspian?
9:12:17 PMRobbieF1 A derivative of it, yes.
9:12:25 PMlyndon ok
9:13:11 PMlyndon well... see you soon.
9:13:15 PMRobbieF1 :)
9:13:16 PMRobbieF1 seeya
9:13:29 PMlyndon =)
9:13:54 PMMangleFox70 CYA!!!
9:14:28 PMlyndon cya MangleFox70 =)


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