Chat Logs for Episode 446 — #Category5 on /


With 55 Posts:revdjenk
With 35 Posts:RobbieF
With 35 Posts:Sparklyballs
With 34 Posts:dennis_kelley
With 20 Posts:NateUK

Chat Logs:

6:58:03 PMRobbieF dk! YO!
6:58:12 PMlichenx1_phone hi
6:58:33 PMNateUK evening dennis_kelley
6:58:50 PMnanamiUK Hey dennis_kelley
6:59:22 PMSparklyballs bsoa doesn't work
6:59:24 PMdennis_kelley hi UK Clan!
6:59:25 PMNateUK bluescreen of death RobbieF hahahaha
6:59:28 PMRobbieF :)
6:59:31 PMlichenx1_phone I'm soo tired
6:59:31 PMRobbieF you know it!
6:59:45 PMSparklyballs sparkly blue screen of amazingness
6:59:57 PMNateUK hahaha Hiya Sparklyballs
7:00:03 PMdennis_kelley RobbieF how are you?
7:00:05 PMRobbieF ENJOY THE SHOW!
7:00:08 PMRobbieF DK - great thanks you?
7:00:15 PMdennis_kelley tired
7:00:24 PMRobbieF Hard workin' dude!
7:00:54 PMdennis_kelley yes! new job i taking alot out of me
7:01:33 PMlichenx1_phone I wonder if we will hear about Microsoft ubuntu lol
7:01:57 PMSparklyballs and docker on mac and windows as native apps.
7:02:15 PMNateUK not liking that fact lichenx1_phone but ha they need a good terminal .. the powershell isnt great compared to bash
7:02:43 PMdennis_kelley RobbieF are you DJing on the side?
7:02:49 PMNateUK the mac is gonna be handy Sparklyballs ...
7:02:49 PMlichenx1_phone tell me in chat when show is live
7:03:51 PMSparklyballs show has been live for couple of minutes lichenx1_phone
7:03:51 PMlichenx1_phone fuuuuuuu didn't loaf
7:04:01 PMlichenx1_phone fml
7:04:27 PMdennis_kelley lichenx1 now!
7:06:06 PMSparklyballs category5 could have trend data of diahorhea outbreaks, tracked by toilet paper sales via amazon
7:06:10 PMdennis_kelley napa_polarbear hello!
7:06:16 PMnapa_polarbear hi all
7:06:30 PMSparklyballs little brown dots on the map instead of the normal red ones.
7:07:30 PMrevdjenk Miss me? Hello everyone at cat5! RobbieF JeffWeston
7:07:48 PMdennis_kelley revdjenk - hello!
7:07:54 PMrevdjenk hey dennis_kelley
7:08:07 PMSparklyballs if you win both, will the phone thing be delivered by teeny drone ?
7:08:41 PMdennis_kelley Sparklyballs only if i win the second one and I wil fly it too you!
7:08:52 PMrevdjenk yay Whiskey_Zero !
7:09:01 PMWhiskey_Zero Hey, about that!
7:09:06 PMalpeck congratulation Whiskey_Zero
7:09:20 PMRobbieF CONGRATS Whiskey_Zero!!
7:09:26 PMNateUK wgt Whiskey_Zero
7:09:32 PMdennis_kelley congrats
7:09:32 PMWhiskey_Zero Thanks RobbieF !!!
7:09:41 PMSparklyballs now the shouts out to Whiskey_Zero make sense.
7:09:42 PMrevdjenk I carry 7 or 8 of 'em
7:09:50 PMSoundPro69 Are these the exact model RobbieF recommends?
7:09:51 PMSparklyballs kodi is about 1 minute off live, lol.
7:09:56 PMdennis_kelley Sparklyballsright!
7:10:05 PMdennis_kelley Sparklyballs Right!
7:10:15 PMdennis_kelley me too Sparklyballs
7:10:18 PMrevdjenk GlitteryGlobes is a little slow tonight
7:10:55 PMSparklyballs he has adata ue700 in his pocker
7:11:00 PMSparklyballs he just said that...
7:11:07 PMdennis_kelley GlitteryGlobes is slow everyday! si hear!
7:11:09 PMSparklyballs that's about how far behind live i ma.
7:11:14 PMSparklyballs am*
7:11:15 PMrevdjenk hee hee dennis_kelley
7:11:26 PMSparklyballs it's my age....
7:11:33 PMrevdjenk hee hee
7:11:51 PMrevdjenk Amazon has a 128 sd for $30US this week
7:13:12 PMrevdjenk Olive Tree Bible isn't supporting windows store with their Bible after this month...
7:14:11 PMSoundPro69 I hope the stop supporting Mac too...
7:14:23 PMdennis_kelley thats FB robbie! they choose what you see!
7:14:36 PMrevdjenk driving and drinking oh coffee! no texting!
7:15:00 PMrevdjenk NICE! RobbieF
7:15:40 PMDooley_da_Vulcan Grocery shopping and txting, hello
7:17:09 PMrevdjenk RobbieF: was the cam doing the audio, too?
7:17:24 PMrevdjenk AH
7:18:20 PMlichenx1_phone getting sleepy nooooo
7:19:12 PMSparklyballs subliminal messaging is illegal in the uk, lol.
7:19:26 PMdennis_kelley and the mouse james donky thing
7:22:16 PMrevdjenk The cam can take what size sd? I didn't see that in the data
7:23:23 PMdennis_kelley jeff loud?
7:25:00 PMNateUK not here dennis_kelley
7:26:27 PMdennis_kelley yes i am!
7:26:40 PMNateUK was answering your question dennis_kelley
7:27:15 PMdennis_kelley being silly!
7:27:20 PMNateUK hahahah
7:28:09 PMdennis_kelley how far is a kilometer?
7:28:40 PMNateUK around 1000 meters ...
7:28:59 PMalpeck 1.6 kilometers to 1 mile
7:29:00 PMSoundPro69 give or take ha ha
7:29:49 PMSoundPro69 Kilo = 1000 + meter...
7:30:01 PMSparklyballs metre
7:30:35 PMdennis_kelley it will make a nice round shape in your wallet!
7:30:36 PMSoundPro69 Well, they spelled it kilometer above... So I obliged
7:31:16 PMABQTKY Why isn't it 1024 meters????
7:31:30 PMSparklyballs it's bizarre there is an american spelling for metre when merika is an imperial measurement country.
7:31:30 PMSoundPro69 I don't think I've seen it spelled kilometre
7:31:31 PMalpeck not 1024 because not binary
7:31:45 PMABQTKY Humbug!!
7:32:20 PMrevdjenk datsa spicey meatball
7:33:01 PMSparklyballs in computing the units are not always decimal, hence the discrepency
7:33:03 PMRobbieF thanks revdjenk :) The camera is MicroSD, so I have a 32 GB card in it.
7:33:32 PMrevdjenk RobbieF: thanks, is that the largest it will take?
7:33:40 PMalpeck apparently metre is a British variant of meter
7:33:46 PMSparklyballs but in metric weights and measures, everything is units of 10, 100 ,1000 etc....
7:33:52 PMRobbieF Hmm, not sure on that revdjenk, I'd have to google it :)
7:34:10 PMdennis_kelley just like grey or gray
7:34:10 PMrevdjenk It wasn't listed in their specs
7:34:19 PMSparklyballs no, meter is an american spelling of the original metre.
7:34:24 PMrevdjenk or boot and trunk
7:34:36 PMRobbieF well, I'll tell you what... send me a 64 GB card and I'll test it ;) LOL
7:34:40 PMalpeck true Sparklyballs
7:34:46 PMdennis_kelley funny RobbieF
7:34:49 PMrevdjenk or carpark or parking lot
7:34:57 PMrevdjenk hee hee RobbieF
7:35:00 PMRobbieF or fanny...
7:35:22 PMrevdjenk or fag
7:35:24 PMalpeck why do we park on drive ways and drive on park ways???
7:35:25 PMSparklyballs trousers, not pants
7:35:33 PMdennis_kelley driveway and parkway
7:35:34 PMRobbieF pantilos.
7:35:41 PMrevdjenk nappies not diapers
7:35:43 PMSparklyballs we don't have parkways here.
7:35:46 PMdennis_kelley soda or pop
7:35:52 PMRobbieF bag vs. sack.
7:36:04 PMSparklyballs hood vs bonnet
7:36:08 PMSparklyballs boot vs trunk
7:36:11 PMRobbieF or in the case of Jeff Weston... Ubuntu vs. You bun tooooo
7:36:21 PMrevdjenk carry away vs take out
7:36:21 PMSoundPro69 Lorry vs truck
7:36:26 PMSparklyballs it's a bun fight
7:36:36 PMRobbieF revdjenk I say take away... I'm a hybrid.
7:36:48 PMdennis_kelley pretty Punny!
7:36:52 PMSparklyballs take away in the uk
7:36:55 PMrevdjenk heehee
7:37:46 PMrevdjenk in the Bahamas, where I lived for four years, I'd hear, I'll come carry you. Meaning they were coming to pick you up.
7:38:03 PMrevdjenk oh, knock you up vs call you
7:38:13 PMSparklyballs sounds like kidnapping to me revdjenk
7:38:13 PMdennis_kelley just like driving on the left side of the road! whats up with that?
7:38:18 PMalpeck haha revdjenk
7:38:30 PMSparklyballs knock you up is getting someone pregnant revdjenk
7:38:36 PMSoundPro69 In Jamaica the spell the colo(u)r white: whyte
7:38:36 PMRobbieF yeah, not so sure that's a thing revdjenk ;)
7:38:39 PMrevdjenk in the states, yes
7:38:50 PMrevdjenk I heard that in Bahamas
7:39:02 PMRobbieF They were toying with you ;)
7:39:08 PMrevdjenk no...
7:39:12 PMRobbieF hehe
7:39:27 PMrevdjenk because I'm not susceptable either way!
7:39:39 PMrevdjenk to being fooled and um the other...
7:40:00 PMrevdjenk oo bun too
7:40:15 PMSparklyballs it's a bash shell, they demoed it
7:40:17 PMNateUK microsoft and ubuntu are placing bash directly wont need cygwin for the bash
7:40:26 PMSparklyballs apt-get works
7:40:31 PMrevdjenk GIF is hard G
7:40:38 PMNateUK it will be downloadable in windows app shop thing ..
7:41:25 PMrevdjenk does MS really think people will do that for programming for Linux rather than using Apple gear?
7:41:41 PMSparklyballs hang less lee was the funniest one i've heard on an american news site recently, for anglesey
7:41:59 PMNateUK its a cheaper way revdjenk but any real developer will use either mac or linux i believe revdjenk
7:42:12 PMrevdjenk NateUK: I agree
7:42:41 PMrevdjenk "work"
7:42:48 PMSparklyballs i just terminal into my linux server
7:43:01 PMNateUK i think microsoft are trying to get into apples area ... due to the fact apple are the middle between windows and linux .. having the bash but able to run adobe.. office etc .. revdjenk
7:43:32 PMrevdjenk facebook is famous for that!
7:44:21 PMNateUK but microsoft havent taken into account mac's homebrew area ... that is a very powerful area
7:44:51 PMSoundPro69 Microsoft IS trying... and HASN'T
7:44:54 PMrevdjenk NateUK: plus the other flash for their name
7:45:06 PMSoundPro69 ha ha I'm messing with you guys
7:45:13 PMSparklyballs they datamine and sell the data, hence they always change the settings so they can get and give free rein to your information.
7:45:31 PMNateUK agreed
7:45:40 PMSoundPro69 That's another Brittish vs American English thing
7:46:18 PMsr_wences Hey Guys! Sr_wnces is finished doing dishes and says hi!
7:46:30 PMrevdjenk hey sr_wences
7:46:30 PMsr_wences
7:46:42 PMdennis_kelley hi
7:46:42 PMRobbieF hi sr_wences ;)
7:47:00 PMsr_wences Hi there! We have snow in Boston in April... blah!
7:47:07 PMRobbieF same with Barrie!
7:47:15 PMRobbieF Although by tomorrow, we might see +2 degrees ;)
7:47:23 PMsr_wences Well yeah, but ... Canada.
7:47:25 PMRobbieF at least it's sunny
7:47:31 PMRobbieF oh come on now! ;)
7:47:43 PMrevdjenk We missed the snow... but freezing this morning
7:48:04 PMrevdjenk Yes, MS is so behind the curve
7:48:09 PMdennis_kelley we are supposed to get bad weather tomorrow!
7:48:19 PMDooley_da_Vulcan We had 70s in February so
7:48:19 PMrevdjenk not me
7:48:46 PMrevdjenk I haven't used MS (except at tax time) for 10 years
7:49:16 PMsr_wences Now you can do taxes through a browser, so you can give MS the total heave-ho no!
7:49:25 PMsr_wences now!
7:49:32 PMrevdjenk yes, I told HRBlock that
7:49:41 PMrevdjenk is what I am doing next year
7:50:20 PMNateUK wow 50 mins already .. goes so quick
7:50:34 PMsr_wences I guess no extra-long show this week.
7:50:45 PMrevdjenk I know... where is the GIMP tip...? or is that series over...
7:50:46 PMsr_wences Sasha!!!!!!!!!!
7:50:51 PMrevdjenk SashaD
7:50:52 PMdennis_kelley time flies NateUK
7:51:01 PMSoundPro69 SashaD!!!!!
7:51:12 PMsr_wences OK, now my day is set.
7:51:15 PMrevdjenk Next week with SashaD
7:51:26 PMrevdjenk not that we don't like you JeffWeston!
7:51:34 PMdennis_kelley SashaD is in the house!
7:51:49 PMsr_wences oh yeah. that too :-)
7:51:57 PMdennis_kelley awesome server!
7:52:03 PMlyndon Sasha!
7:52:56 PMsr_wences Wow. Are we already 20 episodes in. I guess so...
7:53:57 PMsr_wences people dopping off like flies. No more windows tips, I guess.
7:55:21 PMsr_wences I kind of don't trust these kinds of sites
7:55:30 PMBobK54 Video DownloadHelper in Firefox does a good job too.
7:55:55 PMsr_wences Yep. I stick to a well-reviewd browser extension also.
7:56:31 PMsr_wences More Sasha
7:56:40 PMsr_wences More SASHA
7:56:53 PMBobK54 :)
7:57:08 PMlyndon */
7:57:26 PMSoundPro69 YouTube Video and Audio downloader in Firefox is good too.
7:57:26 PMlyndon i SO EXCITED
7:57:38 PMtalky_toaster youtube-dl
7:58:14 PMlyndon thats going to be soooo cool
7:58:24 PMsr_wences You can dowmload the old School Supertrek and run in from Terminal. I think its in "BSD games"
7:58:46 PMlyndon yes
7:58:59 PMsr_wences Love that game - asterisks for stars, E for enterprise and k for klingons.
7:59:08 PMlyndon buy stuff on amazon!
7:59:19 PMdennis_kelley like a lemming
7:59:19 PMRobbieF Thanks all!!! Hope you had fun!!!
7:59:27 PMWhiskey_Zero Thanks Robbie & Jeff for another great program!
7:59:27 PMrevdjenk Great show!
7:59:29 PMsr_wences By RobbieF
7:59:37 PMNateUK great show as always RobbieF and Jeff
7:59:43 PMRobbieF Thanks so much!
7:59:45 PMsr_wences Bye everyone!
7:59:55 PMWhiskey_Zero See y'all next week folks
8:00:03 PMNateUK have fun Whiskey_Zero
8:00:06 PMrevdjenk its the winner, Whiskey_Zero
8:00:06 PMSoundPro69 Bye sr_wences, bye guys
8:00:15 PMrevdjenk see you all in a week!
8:00:20 PMnanamiUK Nice Show RobbieF :3
8:00:20 PMNateUK have fun revdjenk
8:00:27 PMfking bcnu
8:00:27 PMRobbieF thanks all - seeya Tuesday with SashaD!
8:00:35 PMRobbieF time to record some game voiceovers :) hehe
8:00:36 PMWhiskey_Zero Thanks NateUK and revdjenk
8:00:37 PMrevdjenk Thanks NateUK!
8:00:40 PMRobbieF oh let me get you a video...
8:01:04 PMRobbieF Our first test:
8:01:12 PMrevdjenk RobbieF: that youtube sf thingy is just for MS systems?
8:01:39 PMRobbieF No revdjenk - ssyoutube will work on any platform.
8:01:47 PMRobbieF Very handy in a bind.
8:10:54 PMrevdjenk oh, ss, thought it was sf
8:14:46 PMdennis_kelley Catch ya all next week!
8:14:59 PMSparklyballs i missed the last 10 minutes or so of the show, my internet connection bombed out
8:22:22 PMRobbieF aww sorry to hear that Sparklyballs - I'll get the files up asap
8:23:19 PMRobbieF Sparklyballs - it's uploading now, will be another 10 minutes or so but here's the link:
8:23:31 PMRobbieF refresh it in a bit if it still says unavailable
8:23:32 PMSparklyballs cool, thanks.
8:23:36 PMRobbieF my pleasure


Does Not Include Lurkers