06:58:11 PM | JeffWeston | true that abqtky
06:58:20 PM | JeffWeston | awww....krypton is gone
06:58:36 PM | JeffWeston | ...hehe double meanings are fun
06:58:41 PM | Sparklyballs | krypton ?
06:58:58 PM | Sparklyballs | no worries, i see.
06:59:00 PM | JeffWeston | his name is kryptron....but most wouldnt notice the r
07:00:19 PM | Sparklyballs | krypton is the code name for the next version of kodi (v17)
07:00:35 PM | JeffWeston | i did not know that
07:01:54 PM | JeffWeston | tonight will be amazing....if we can find the darn switch to activate this thing
07:02:14 PM | Sparklyballs | it's under the bottle opener.
07:04:14 PM | BobK54 | interesting coincidence. I just exported my LastPass data into a Calc file for backup
07:04:23 PM | Sparklyballs | that samsung has been from some australian airlines
07:05:07 PM | DJQuad | hey peeps :)
07:05:17 PM | Sparklyballs | should call JeffWeston J dubya on air , for extra coolness.
07:05:48 PM | DJQuad | JDUB sounds pretty legis
07:05:54 PM | DJQuad | legit*
07:06:21 PM | sr_wences | Hey Everyone!
07:06:29 PM | jwmp | BobK54: So be honest - did you encrypt the Calc file? ;)
07:06:46 PM | BobK54 | encrypt? nah. Of course not!
07:06:52 PM | jwmp | LOL
07:07:54 PM | BobK54 | the SCAR!
07:08:13 PM | GoodGuy98 | I never wore my wedding band including the day I was married
07:08:36 PM | sr_wences | Sweet! I get all thin and handsome and my wedding ring falls off - "Seriously Honey, it's the weight that made it fall off!"
07:08:46 PM | GoodGuy98 | The jeweler didn't have it ready, so the pastor used a stand in ring
07:08:53 PM | sr_wences | Ring rot! That's what I call the dent.
07:09:26 PM | sr_wences | Sasha!
07:09:35 PM | GoodGuy98 | I don't care for jewelry, so never wore it afterwards either
07:10:09 PM | sr_wences | In my book, a man only needs 2 pieces of jewelry - wedding ring and wristwatch.
07:10:11 PM | Sparklyballs | docker for season 10
07:10:29 PM | jwmp | Yes please RobbieF. Get your geek on!
07:11:06 PM | Sparklyballs | RobbieF: i made a docker based on the plex arm how to on your blog.
07:11:16 PM | Guest_2443 | want how to
07:11:20 PM | sr_wences | Nope - learn it from sratch, but also have the final result.
07:13:00 PM | Guest_7688 | Windoze spoon feeds peoplePlease give us the down & dirty nitty gritty
07:13:04 PM | GoodGuy98 | A ring dShow is moving to Wed forever or just one day?
07:13:39 PM | GoodGuy98 | Is this show
07:16:18 PM | Sparklyballs | my macbook is cooking my knee
07:17:23 PM | BobK54 | will the original watch come back into stock?
07:19:14 PM | Guest_2443 | I went how to
07:19:26 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | When I set in my bed with my laptop my ASUS burns my leg up also
07:20:34 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | Would that not be a program you could write yourself to do your own and just have to have it access all the programs you run?
07:21:29 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | could have it make an encrypted file of your PWs.....hmmm just do do it lol
07:21:49 PM | Sparklyballs | does it send the passwords to russian servers for safe keeping ? , lol.
07:28:34 PM | RobbieF | No sir!
07:28:38 PM | RobbieF | That's the idea behind my fork.
07:29:00 PM | RobbieF | HELLO!
07:29:07 PM | Sparklyballs | hi
07:29:13 PM | jwmp | Hey
07:29:15 PM | Guest_7688 | Boo
07:29:20 PM | DJQuad | howdy
07:29:22 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | Hello @ALL
07:31:58 PM | fking | Must be windows
07:32:04 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | Windows?
07:32:15 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | Hmmmm
07:33:13 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | They were watching and attacked Cat5 for trashing their name
07:36:27 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | a lot of Raman noodles
07:44:18 PM | Sparklyballs | bill beaver ?
07:44:40 PM | Sparklyballs | oh the jokes he must have had to put up with at school.
07:46:01 PM | lyndon | I'm Back
07:46:21 PM | Sparklyballs | armed dronezone episode coming soon ?
07:46:33 PM | lyndon | This is getting serious
07:47:24 PM | lyndon | I love the lightning coming out of the police drone!!
07:47:28 PM | lyndon | lol
07:48:53 PM | lyndon | its like saying putting guns and missles on cars
07:51:28 PM | lyndon | where is everyone??
07:51:43 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | I told a nurse at my cardio appointment about it and she had me to write down where to get it. So I gave her the shows shop website. that way anything else she sees there gets the show credit
07:53:13 PM | lyndon | sweet
07:54:50 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | told her it was the only way for sure for me to make sure she got the one I was talking about
07:56:43 PM | lyndon | hhahaha
07:57:06 PM | Sparklyballs | where do i mount my cannon on this damn drone ?
07:57:45 PM | lyndon | I love the Enterprise on the shelf Jeff and Robbie
07:57:58 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | Laser pointer with a Pi3 controller mounted to activate the pointer and fly around poking cats in the eye....HAHAHAHAHA
07:58:46 PM | lyndon | lol
08:01:44 PM | Sparklyballs | dr who is a time traveller, the daleks are always there, he can go to any point in time and space
08:02:49 PM | lyndon | yup
08:05:01 PM | GoodGuy98 | Microcenter is selling Raspberry Pi Zeros v1.3 for 99 cents
08:05:46 PM | GoodGuy98 | Unreal you can buy a working computer for $1
08:05:46 PM | Sparklyballs | RobbieF: you should cover that docker is now an official raspbian package.
08:07:50 PM | The_wife | I think i missed something...Jeff, why is your wife going to kill you?
08:10:06 PM | lyndon | I'm into Startrek Enterprise right now
08:11:31 PM | lyndon | reruns for me but havent watched on a long while
08:11:51 PM | lyndon | almost feels like new episodes
08:12:44 PM | lyndon | does it matter?
08:14:23 PM | lyndon | =P
08:14:44 PM | lyndon | =0
08:14:51 PM | lyndon | i'm getting it!!
08:15:32 PM | Sparklyballs | night all
08:15:33 PM | sr_wences | Sasha!
08:15:51 PM | lyndon | hahaha
08:15:56 PM | Sparklyballs | taking the ring off ?
08:16:08 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | @JeffWeston and @RobbieF great show
08:17:41 PM | lyndon | mine says "Happy 9th Anniversary" but its been almost 12
08:18:29 PM | SoundPro69 | good night everyone!
08:18:39 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | Good Night all
08:18:56 PM | JeffWeston | haha the_wife is actually my wife!!!
08:18:57 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | Mine was 29 years yesterday
08:19:01 PM | JeffWeston | she just texted me that its her
08:19:03 PM | JeffWeston | hahaha
08:19:09 PM | lyndon | lol
08:19:13 PM | JeffWeston | huge congrats dooley
08:19:16 PM | RobbieF | Congrats Dooley!!
08:19:20 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | Hello @The_wife
08:19:29 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | Thanks @RobbieF
08:19:30 PM | RobbieF | The_wife! Oh, you!
08:19:39 PM | RobbieF | so did you catch all that mushy stuff after we ended the show? :)
08:19:57 PM | RobbieF | What'd we say?
08:19:58 PM | RobbieF | lol
08:20:02 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | Jeffs wife has just left the building
08:20:18 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | she was gonna get a lot of hellos
08:20:21 PM | JeffWeston | now its time for me to leave the building.
08:20:27 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | lol
08:20:38 PM | lyndon | good night
08:20:45 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | Good night Jeff
08:21:29 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | I took my ring off at a factory job one night after about stripping the skin and meat off of my ring finger. then I lost it....
08:21:48 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | 2 days later I got it back because someone had turned it itn
08:22:03 PM | sr_wences | Cool! Lucky you.
08:22:06 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | I was stacking skids and hooked the head of a nail
08:22:42 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | I was a 5'5 guy but after following my finger up to the top of the stack I was about 5'7"
08:22:46 PM | sr_wences | My wife and I have 2 wedding rings. Our nice gold ones, and matching silver ones for when we are worried about the regular ones. Stunt rings.
08:23:23 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | ah, great idea, of have real nice ones and have CZ versions to wear around
08:23:51 PM | sr_wences | I hooked my rind once on a post as I went by, and the edge sliced into my finger - painful!
08:24:41 PM | sr_wences | (I like the 5'7" story - well, not like, but it is interesting. Funny vulcan!
08:25:05 PM | sr_wences | OK folks. Gonna eat dinner. Best to all. See you soon.
08:25:11 PM | sr_wences | Oh yeah... SASHA!
08:26:40 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | Enjoy, I am eating and watching
08:27:01 PM | Dooley_da_Vulcan | yes rings are no joke, that is why no jewelry with machinery