Chat Logs for Episode 474 — #Category5 on /


With 35 Posts:sr_wences
With 35 Posts:Sparklyballs
With 18 Posts:yourpalfranc-bri
With 17 Posts:Dooley_da_Vulcan
With 10 Posts:Napapolarbear

Chat Logs:

06:58:02 PMLyndon howdy
06:58:07 PMSashaD I usually stick with the :)
06:58:08 PMlichenx1 RobbieF, I almost forgot
06:58:15 PMlichenx1 made it just in time
06:58:20 PMRobbieF great!
06:58:20 PMSashaD I have been know to use the occasional :/
06:58:38 PMSashaD Roku is back online :)
06:58:53 PMlichenx1 delay the show I have to make a sandwich lol
06:59:18 PMSashaD I'll do what I can!
06:59:57 PMLyndon nice hair
07:00:00 PMSparklyballs damn, roku but no kodi ?
07:00:02 PMSparklyballs :(
07:00:03 PMLyndon Sasha
07:00:10 PMSparklyballs emticon there SashaD
07:00:17 PMRobbieF Kodi not working? unfortunately was unable to test kodi yet, but we can work on it! We're close!
07:00:20 PMSashaD Switching to the news teaser screen ... I'll be back!
07:00:34 PMSashaD And thank you!
07:00:40 PMSparklyballs no kodi RobbieF
07:00:41 PMLyndon yw
07:01:01 PMSkywriter64 Hello to everyone "From Brooklyn With Love"
07:02:15 PMsr_wences Hi everyone!
07:02:35 PMlichenx1 also nice hair as well SashaD
07:02:41 PMDooley_da_Vulcan Hello all
07:03:06 PMsr_wences I'm set.
07:03:11 PMyourpalfranc-bri Has the broadcast begun?
07:03:13 PMSparklyballs drones are taking over, it's the beginning of skynet
07:03:13 PMDooley_da_Vulcan Hello @SashaD and @RobbieF
07:03:30 PMsr_wences Google is skynet.
07:03:36 PMSashaD Is your sandwich ready?
07:03:37 PMNapapolarbear Hi all
07:03:44 PMsr_wences WHo saw Terminator: Genisys?
07:03:53 PMNapapolarbear M a
07:03:57 PMNapapolarbear Me
07:04:03 PMDooley_da_Vulcan I did
07:04:05 PMsr_wences I want a robot to cook dinner.
07:04:40 PMSparklyballs terminator genisys nearly made my inner nerd explode with the doctor who link
07:05:01 PMSashaD They have that!
07:05:27 PMsr_wences Sign me up, sister!
07:05:47 PMsr_wences (although I made an amazing roasted chicken on Sunday)
07:05:58 PMSparklyballs i want a robot to bang on the neighbours wall if they get noisy
07:09:27 PMSparklyballs keeping the slight linux bias alive
07:09:36 PMLyndon yes
07:09:37 PMSashaD ;)
07:10:51 PMsr_wences Less talking, let's see the robots do something!
07:13:19 PMsr_wences Kids nowadays and their fancy robots. Back in my day, when you wanted to play with a robot, you had to find a flying saucer and wait until the door opened and the evil robots came out and then shot lasers at you.
07:14:01 PMSparklyballs you had it easier than in my day then sr_wences
07:14:20 PMSparklyballs with your fancy flying saucers
07:14:49 PMSparklyballs we only had saucepan lids that we stole from mums kitchen
07:15:02 PMSkywriter64 HI!What wrong with the BLUE one ? Is he/she asleep?
07:15:21 PMSparklyballs the blue one is planning world domination
07:15:53 PMsr_wences The blue one is thinking about SashaD
07:17:18 PMsr_wences Zzzzzz.....
07:17:26 PMSparklyballs they're going to enforce proper punctuation SashaD and zap you with phasers for mistakes
07:20:03 PMsr_wences Yeah, but do they support Klingon?
07:20:30 PMSparklyballs can they do the electric boogaloo ?
07:21:31 PMbeachgeek say good bye to your job, meet your replacement
07:21:36 PMbeachgeek haha
07:22:20 PMsr_wences The blue one is watching Stranger Things inside its head.
07:22:46 PMSparklyballs i aint fighting a robot for control of the TV channel
07:23:20 PMsr_wences I want to know if the Robot will clean the cat box.
07:23:47 PMbeachgeek I want to know when skynet takes over
07:23:57 PMsr_wences You'll know.
07:24:09 PMSparklyballs when robots mate, you get microchips
07:24:37 PMsr_wences You know what Robots bring to a picnic?....
07:24:39 PMSashaD bahahha
07:24:44 PMsr_wences Raspberry Pi.
07:26:33 PMSparklyballs if i get a robot dog, one of those guys can take it for a walk
07:27:17 PMsr_wences Robots, shmobots! I like when we domesticated horses....
07:27:37 PMsr_wences After the show, Google the Boston Dynamics robot videos - those are scary!
07:28:25 PMGuest_5716 Is there another way to watch live?
07:30:37 PMDooley_da_Vulcan hi
07:30:38 PMSparklyballs hola
07:30:48 PMsr_wences Hey RobbieF
07:30:51 PMDooley_da_Vulcan is it functional again on roku?
07:31:08 PMRobbieF Guest_5716 - we're on roku, kodi, youtube, ... etc.
07:31:27 PMDooley_da_Vulcan Great
07:31:34 PMlichenx1 RobbieF, I watch on the site for now, my kodi setup is still noobtastic
07:31:39 PMSkywriter64 HI Robbie,Can use older
07:31:42 PMbwithage Are you really up and running on Kodi now?
07:31:47 PMGuest_5716 What is the you tube?
07:31:47 PMsr_wences Hey RobbieF, anny chance we can get a nonflash stream in a browser?
07:31:54 PMSparklyballs kodi is not up and running yet
07:32:32 PMSkywriter64 IDE hdd in a home made NAS?
07:32:51 PMjblake58 Hi Robbie & Sasha! I am finally on ROKU and it looks great here in Virginia.
07:33:04 PMsr_wences Ahhhhhh....
07:33:05 PMyourpalfranc-bri RobbieF? first tme watching live! What time does the show actually start?
07:33:35 PMlifeofpi i have a ? i have add office pro plus for 5 years and as to today its asking me to chance probuct key whats going on with this
07:33:52 PMsr_wences Is next week the Halloween show?
07:33:58 PMsr_wences Wear start rek uniforms!
07:33:58 PMSparklyballs 11 pm UTC
07:34:15 PMyourpalfranc-bri I did that. I logged at exactly 7pm and you were into the interview??
07:34:57 PMNapapolarbear I am on roku
07:34:58 PMyourpalfranc-bri Howdy, neighbor jblake58...from WEST Virginia
07:36:13 PMGuest_5716 What is the you tube live called
07:36:31 PMsr_wences Yay! RobbieF
07:36:54 PMNapapolarbear Sounds good
07:37:35 PMbwithage Kodi is working again. Thanks.
07:37:49 PMlichenx1 Say googling again haha
07:37:55 PMlifeofpi anyone use office pro pluse 2010
07:38:47 PMNapapolarbear Nope
07:39:27 PMSparklyballs rap is the modern poetry
07:41:10 PMSparklyballs if i knew the emoticon for evil eyes i'd be throwing that one down right now SashaD
07:41:23 PMGuest_5716 I would watch live if I could find it on my tablet
07:41:24 PMNapapolarbear Looks great
07:41:26 PMjblake58 Hi yourpalfranc-bri. You are neighbor close by.
07:44:11 PMsr_wences Must.... buy.... costume.... on... Amazon.... master.... (if sashad says so).
07:44:19 PMlichenx1 RobbieF, is almost moby or a magician
07:44:21 PMSparklyballs i guess that you're going to dress as two pork chops for halloween
07:44:43 PMGuest_5716 Is there a new site?
07:44:52 PMlichenx1 chrome betta not kill my ssd
07:45:44 PMyourpalfranc-bri But the injury DID NOT cost the Indians the series!!!
07:45:55 PMSparklyballs it's cut your face in half, lol
07:48:24 PMSkywriter64 Hi,Robbie Sorry about the half-hearted question! Can I use older IDE hdds in a DIY nas for home use?
07:51:49 PMGuest_5716 I rushed home & I can't get cat5 on my tablet. :(
07:53:08 PMDooley_da_Vulcan polar express
07:53:10 PMyourpalfranc-bri Polar Express
07:54:00 PMSparklyballs one of elad's robots is gonna be hitting on cya
07:54:16 PMcee_128d Polar Express Robbie
07:54:21 PMNapapolarbear Star trek😘
07:54:45 PMGuest_5716 Is YouTube live?
07:55:00 PMLyndon oh man. I missed allot
07:56:10 PMcee_128d Don't start with me Robbie,
07:56:12 PMsr_wences They test bird strikes on planes by shooting a frozen chicken out of a fancy air cannon against the wind screen.
07:57:17 PMSparklyballs RobbieF: some time in the 70's or 80's they flew a remote control passenger jet type aircraft into the ground on purpose
07:58:13 PMGuest_5716 The mobile is down?
07:59:20 PMSparklyballs 150 years ? meh , chicken feed....
08:00:20 PMDooley_da_Vulcan Super Glue
08:00:59 PMyourpalfranc-bri They lost SashaD!! Indians to the World Series!!
08:01:11 PMNapapolarbear ther were drons in palm springs in the 60s
08:01:14 PMSparklyballs i watched an "interesting" video from a toronto blue jays fan couple of days ago
08:01:18 PMyourpalfranc-bri The rules don't allow super glue
08:01:44 PMDooley_da_Vulcan are you serious, you cant superglue cuts shut?
08:01:46 PMNapapolarbear the army ran them
08:01:47 PMyourpalfranc-bri IT'S OVER, ROBBIE
08:01:53 PMDooley_da_Vulcan you gotta be pulling my leg
08:03:53 PMDooley_da_Vulcan Rule 6.02(c)(7)
08:04:01 PMDooley_da_Vulcan no glue
08:04:03 PMDooley_da_Vulcan dman
08:04:06 PMDooley_da_Vulcan damn
08:04:25 PMlifeofpi yes its new
08:04:41 PMlifeofpi thanks
08:05:07 PMDooley_da_Vulcan it's a foreign object
08:05:57 PMcee_128d No, it just makes you look more Bustie.
08:06:42 PMsr_wences RobbieF looks cuddlier.
08:06:44 PMyourpalfranc-bri Really bad for your cholesterol, RobbieF
08:07:26 PMSparklyballs cheese is awesome
08:07:58 PMRobbieF haha
08:08:10 PMsr_wences I love hos she says "sorry."
08:08:12 PMyourpalfranc-bri Cheese IS awesome. It just jacks up your LDL
08:08:49 PMSparklyballs uk
08:09:34 PMSparklyballs da hell accent was that RobbieF ?
08:09:52 PMsr_wences I waiting for the Director's cut.
08:09:54 PMRobbieF That's me when I hide my fake canadian accent
08:11:35 PMcee_128d YouTubes auto setting for bitrate and resolution is terrible. I have 50meg down and can easily handle 4k, but it always select 360 and I have to change it. Finally gave up and started using YouTube High Definition to manually select 1080P
08:13:18 PMsr_wences Ruh ro!
08:13:35 PMsr_wences I wonder if she owns the Brooklyn Bridge.
08:13:37 PMcee_128d Have him go to for help RobbieF.
08:14:22 PMsr_wences I wonder how many browser tool bars she has in her browser?
08:14:51 PMyourpalfranc-bri RobbieF you should really do a show on Pi-hole
08:14:52 PMsr_wences The phones are the entrance for SkyNet.
08:15:00 PMsr_wences Yay Pi-Hole!
08:15:11 PMcee_128d Bleeping Computer is being sued by SpyHunter for exposing them.
08:17:37 PMcee_128d
08:19:02 PMSparklyballs made a docker for plex on arm using info in your blog RobbieF
08:20:42 PMSparklyballs
08:23:10 PMyourpalfranc-bri Awwwwwww
08:24:09 PMcee_128d RobbieF will be dressed as someone from Star Trek
08:24:16 PMyourpalfranc-bri BUSTED!!
08:25:16 PMyourpalfranc-bri Think of a song that has Wednesday in it??
08:25:37 PMSparklyballs ruby tuesday
08:26:57 PMDooley_da_Vulcan some go after your kidneys
08:27:08 PMyourpalfranc-bri It depends on the dosage on both
08:27:29 PMDooley_da_Vulcan and frequency of taking them
08:27:38 PMSparklyballs nighty night folks
08:28:01 PMyourpalfranc-bri You can use acetaminophen safely in small low-frequency doses
08:29:11 PMyourpalfranc-bri Later, folks! Go Indians!! ;)
08:31:19 PMRobbieF how was the live feed tonight on the new server?
08:43:11 PMABQTKY Online? On the Website? I got here rather late, but it was fine down here in the desert!
08:43:59 PMABQTKY I never watch live on my Roku. Since I was late tonight I'll take a look at YouTube tomorrow.
08:44:40 PMRobbieF cool stuff
08:44:42 PMRobbieF enjoy!


Does Not Include Lurkers