Chat Logs for Episode 480 — #Category5 on /


With 22 Posts:Sparklyballs
With 19 Posts:Baldricthebrave
With 17 Posts:SashaD
With 12 Posts:Raughnbo
With 11 Posts:JeffWeston

Chat Logs:

07:17:42 PMRaughnbo What are you using to watch it on Kodi?
07:17:53 PMSparklyballs
07:18:12 PMBaldricthebrave Im using a DroidBox...
07:18:29 PMgarywhite wb RobbieF
07:18:42 PMJeffWeston do you have sound?
07:18:54 PMSparklyballs shout really loud JeffWeston
07:18:54 PMBaldricthebrave Great piece of kit to watch all of the Sky channels for free...
07:19:10 PMJeffWeston not the video of robbie loud?
07:19:18 PMJeffWeston can you hear his saultry voice
07:20:20 PMDennis_Kelley yes its fine, just louder than it was before
07:20:27 PMJeffWeston ok
07:22:10 PMgarywhite Hey, I just realized that this spring will be the 500th episode
07:22:37 PMSashaD We may have to party for that one :)
07:22:58 PMBaldricthebrave Does the USB work when your scubadiving 😂
07:23:19 PMSashaD I'd say not
07:23:22 PMRaughnbo Thanks sparkly balls now watching it live on Kodi on my 70 inch TV
07:23:25 PMBaldricthebrave Probably need an extention cable...
07:23:33 PMSashaD youd have to be mighty brave to try that!
07:23:45 PMJeffWeston 500th episode will be done in 8 bit or live from silocon valley....anyone want ot foot hte bill
07:24:09 PMgarywhite I live near Silicon Valley actually
07:24:52 PMgarywhite tbh it'd probably be cheaper to make it in 8-bit
07:24:55 PMSparklyballs i'm not far from the ribble valley, lol.
07:25:55 PMRaughnbo I'm in the Pioneer Valley
07:29:30 PMgarywhite Back
07:29:46 PMSashaD Thanks for coming back :)
07:29:49 PMRaughnbo :-) back here too!
07:30:10 PMSparklyballs yo , we back
07:30:34 PMSashaD you gangsta!
07:30:58 PMSparklyballs you know it, lol
07:31:17 PMRobbieF Word up
07:31:27 PMgarywhite Here's an idea for the 500th: How about you use the viewer map to look at where the highest number of viewers are in North America, and go there for the 500th
07:31:41 PMSparklyballs or the UK, lol
07:31:41 PMSashaD I really have no real "need" for these cameras.... but it turns out I really want a couple of them :)
07:32:37 PMRaughnbo Robbie appears Frozen
07:32:48 PMRaughnbo Oh he's back again
07:33:00 PMSparklyballs let it go Raughnbo
07:33:11 PMRaughnbo Okay I'll behave
07:33:24 PMRobbieF Internet dropped there a moment, but yeah we're up :)
07:33:45 PMRobbieF any questions for us about the cameras?
07:33:49 PMSashaD Don't do that to me... I do not wish to have that song floating around my brain as I sleep tonight
07:34:36 PMSparklyballs do you wanna build a snowman instead SashaD ?
07:34:53 PMgarywhite Sorry, I don't have sound...Did he say how much they cost?
07:35:07 PMSparklyballs 23 million billion dollars
07:35:14 PMgarywhite XD
07:35:36 PMJeffWeston im back
07:35:56 PMSashaD Sure thing :)
07:37:00 PMgarywhite Uh oh anyone else's video frozen?
07:37:11 PMJeffWeston they are pictues
07:37:15 PMSparklyballs it's stills, lol
07:37:23 PMSashaD I love you all!
07:37:25 PMgarywhite oh ok (and nobody make a Frozen joke)
07:37:31 PMBaldricthebrave I think there still images 😆
07:37:38 PMJeffWeston ok fine
07:37:39 PMSashaD This is the highlight of my week!
07:39:04 PMSparklyballs outside in the rain shots SashaD
07:39:57 PMBaldricthebrave Cool...
07:40:48 PMBaldricthebrave You have to prove you was there...
07:41:01 PMSparklyballs JeffWeston: , this is the generation that holds up their cameraphones at live events instead of actually watch it.
07:41:18 PMRaughnbo Sad but true
07:42:51 PMSashaD I guess it's more important to "remember" something instead of experiencing it? Sad
07:44:15 PMBaldricthebrave My wife just popped her head in the lounge and said "Oh no your watching geek tv again"...
07:44:47 PMSparklyballs IT"S LIVE GEEKERY
07:44:51 PMSparklyballs damnit
07:46:01 PMJeffWeston haha
07:46:33 PMJeffWeston tell her to sit down and watch with you. live geekery can bring a marriage together
07:47:26 PMBaldricthebrave I've tried that, but I've been watching Cat5 for 2 years now....
07:49:11 PMRaughnbo Unfortunately the show is coming in very choppy with no sound :-(
07:49:43 PMBaldricthebrave My car must be too old... as it makes a good clunk when it locks...
07:50:59 PMBaldricthebrave Im on a 70mb broadband connection and all is fine...
07:51:18 PMRaughnbo Just came back for me
07:51:29 PMSparklyballs plants make good aerials
07:52:30 PMjlim she's back
07:52:54 PMSparklyballs do you swipe out with the "gone" app ?
07:54:14 PMjlim the live stream is actually working! \o/
07:54:32 PMSparklyballs it's hardly revolutionary though, just a different way of paying
07:55:19 PMRaughnbo It's a technology to get us to spend more money
07:55:45 PMjlim what about false purchases?
07:59:08 PMSparklyballs google for kids...
08:00:38 PMSparklyballs does the doll make lasagna ?
08:01:59 PMSparklyballs data is money
08:02:55 PMjlim she's back !!! \o/
08:03:18 PMjlim hi sasha
08:03:29 PMSparklyballs i had action man, and you pulled a string
08:04:36 PMJeffWeston i had a talking alf.
08:07:13 PMBaldricthebrave Damm... busted...
08:08:40 PMBaldricthebrave I have a login to the criminal records checking site... and you have to change your password everytime you login...
08:09:23 PMjlim sasha \o
08:10:14 PMSashaD Hi jlim!
08:10:34 PMjlim good to see you back
08:10:44 PMSashaD It's so great to be back!
08:11:20 PMBaldricthebrave SashaD for national news nightly...
08:11:43 PMSashaD That is something I would absolutely love
08:11:49 PMBaldricthebrave More fun than the BBC...
08:13:59 PMBaldricthebrave Robbie is the modern day John luke pickard...
08:15:29 PMjlim mashup
08:15:38 PMSashaD :)
08:15:47 PMjlim :)
08:17:25 PMBaldricthebrave Cheers guys... that's my fix of geek tv for the week ...
08:17:32 PMRobbieF :)
08:17:37 PMjlim bye
08:18:00 PMSashaD Good night my darling friends :)
08:18:04 PMBaldricthebrave Time for bed...
08:18:08 PMSparklyballs good night SashaD
08:18:21 PMjlim goodnigt sasha
08:18:22 PMRaughnbo Good night Sasha
08:18:22 PMgarywhite Is the show over? Cause I tabbed out for 2 mins and there's no picture
08:18:32 PMBaldricthebrave Its 1.18am in the uk...
08:18:43 PMSashaD We are all done for this week... good night!


Does Not Include Lurkers