6:58:14 PM | ABQTKY | Greetings and salutations, Dennis_Kelley!
6:58:25 PM | SashaD | Tomorrow is groundhog day :)
6:59:19 PM | albertr | so there will be episode 490 for few weeks? :)
7:00:04 PM | ABQTKY | @SashaD - It certainly is, and just so you and RobbieF know, Phil lives in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. Don't even think of mispronouncing Phil's hometown.
7:00:34 PM | SashaD | oh no!!!! I'm avoiding it at all costs :)
7:00:58 PM | ABQTKY | @SashaD - Chicken!
7:01:39 PM | Dennis_Kelley | RobbieF is that your bluetooth ST communicator?
7:01:54 PM | RobbieF | yessir!
7:02:02 PM | Dennis_Kelley | :)
7:02:13 PM | sparklyballs | mail package is from trump and is the first brick in the wall between canada and america
7:02:46 PM | SashaD | I know myself... I am going to butcher it
7:04:56 PM | Dennis_Kelley | it was Sunny today here in Grand Blanc, Mi until the snow came again1
7:04:57 PM | Dennis_Kelley | !
7:09:46 PM | SashaD | Its almost spring though.... so close!!
7:10:04 PM | SashaD | sparklyballs... you are hilarious!
7:10:14 PM | Dennis_Kelley | yes, its spring somewhere, like 5 o'clock
7:10:40 PM | sparklyballs | thanks SashaD
7:10:56 PM | albertr | what about Kodi support for episodes?
7:11:36 PM | sparklyballs | you can get episodes on kodi
7:12:20 PM | Dennis_Kelley | Yes, Yes they have!
7:12:38 PM | Dennis_Kelley | and your hair!
7:12:44 PM | Dennis_Kelley | distractions!
7:12:55 PM | Dennis_Kelley | SashaD!
7:13:30 PM | Dennis_Kelley | or is Dave the distraction SashaD?
7:13:43 PM | albertr | any howto @sparklyballs
7:13:47 PM | SashaD | Hey now... you all know it you guys!!! :)
7:14:32 PM | garywhite | Almost forgot about the show
7:14:39 PM | sparklyballs | curl -o /home/kodi/category5.zip -L https://github.com/Cat5TV/plugin.video.category5/archive/master.zip
7:14:44 PM | Dennis_Kelley | glad you made it garywhite
7:15:06 PM | albertr | thank you sparklyballs
7:15:20 PM | sparklyballs | that gets me the cat5 zip albertr , but you will have to edit the `/home/kodi` bit of the path
7:15:23 PM | Dennis_Kelley | is it a brick?
7:15:34 PM | sparklyballs | then install from zip in the addons section
7:15:46 PM | SashaD | It is most certainly not a brick ;)
7:16:34 PM | ABQTKY | Frozen video as RobbieF touched the package. ...still frozen. 8-(
7:16:53 PM | SashaD | for everyone?
7:17:02 PM | albertr | fine here :)
7:17:04 PM | Dennis_Kelley | no working for me
7:17:20 PM | sparklyballs | working ok here
7:17:24 PM | ABQTKY | @SashaD Just came back up!!
7:17:39 PM | SashaD | Okay. good!!!!!
7:17:40 PM | Dennis_Kelley | Nice!
7:17:58 PM | jwmp | Freezing regularly for a few seconds on live web. Contunues exactly from where it froze though.
7:18:34 PM | Dennis_Kelley | i can see someone waving!
7:19:34 PM | SashaD | I wonder if it's our end... I would assume it would be everyone seeing the same freeze if so
7:20:33 PM | Dennis_Kelley | anytime the lights shine off RobbieF head!
7:20:41 PM | sparklyballs | SashaD loves the new star wars ship
7:20:41 PM | ABQTKY | Maybe the Mexican builders did something uncool when prepping the foundation for the new wall up there??
7:21:36 PM | jwmp | just froxe for 10 seconds here
7:21:45 PM | jwmp | video and audio
7:21:49 PM | sparklyballs | no freezing in the uk
7:21:49 PM | Dennis_Kelley | sparklyballs she doesnt even know the joke!
7:22:20 PM | SashaD | hey, wait!!! I do get it!
7:22:26 PM | Dennis_Kelley | Cool!
7:22:45 PM | Dennis_Kelley | silly question!
7:23:36 PM | Dennis_Kelley | Scott and mark Kelly
7:23:48 PM | ABQTKY | Tell them to shut down that backhoe, it's almost 7:30 up there in the North Woods!
7:24:22 PM | Dennis_Kelley | Scott Kelly was in space for a full year!
7:24:39 PM | HenryBB | new record?
7:24:54 PM | jwmp | Woah! one lost the moustache!!
7:25:04 PM | Dennis_Kelley | Think so HenryBB
7:27:24 PM | lichenx1 | LOL
7:27:32 PM | albertr | hehe
7:27:57 PM | HenryBB | sasha.exe has stopped working...
7:28:01 PM | lichenx1 | ^
7:28:17 PM | RobbieF | Sasha, why are you crying?!
7:28:27 PM | RobbieF | ... and she says "Because I've never seen you with hair!" ?!?!?!?!
7:28:28 PM | RobbieF | lol
7:28:37 PM | lichenx1 | She just misses the hair
7:28:57 PM | lichenx1 | How about that violin music now? lol
7:29:22 PM | RobbieF | I had hair once.
7:29:27 PM | SashaD | Oh my... what a blast from the past!
7:29:41 PM | Dennis_Kelley | HenryBB FYI - Russian cosmonaut Valery Polyakov spent nearly 438 consecutive days aboard the Mir space station.
7:29:44 PM | HenryBB | se whaaaaaat? @robbieF
7:29:50 PM | RobbieF | http://www.angelfire.com/music5/soulcleansed/
7:29:53 PM | RobbieF | that's me on the left
7:30:10 PM | HenryBB | ah the Russians.. ;) @Dennis_Kelley
7:30:23 PM | Dennis_Kelley | leave it up to them!
7:30:39 PM | lichenx1 | That's where you got those rap skills
7:30:46 PM | RobbieF | yep :)
7:31:09 PM | RobbieF | haven't seen an angelfire site in years!
7:31:27 PM | HenryBB | da @Dennis_Kelley
7:32:30 PM | SashaD | This is your show this week
7:32:40 PM | RobbieF | lots of sparkle! You hang tight, we'll also make some balls.
7:32:48 PM | lichenx1 | I'm leaving lol
7:32:53 PM | RobbieF | -- I mean, planets.
7:32:59 PM | SashaD | orbs
7:33:12 PM | lichenx1 | ahh thanks for clarifying
7:33:39 PM | lichenx1 | Waiting for that mac trash talking lol
7:33:50 PM | Dennis_Kelley | Scott Kelly spent 340.4 days in space!
7:34:10 PM | HenryBB | well, still more than me! hehe
7:34:21 PM | Dennis_Kelley | sad but true!
7:34:29 PM | HenryBB | *for now ;)
7:34:43 PM | Dennis_Kelley | SpaceX is the key!
7:34:47 PM | RobbieF | wow
7:34:50 PM | SashaD | I'm spacey constantly!
7:35:35 PM | lichenx1 | RobbieF, what was that photo site you shared recently?
7:35:47 PM | albertr | @sparklyballs is this zip also for live view?
7:35:54 PM | sparklyballs | yeah
7:36:15 PM | sparklyballs | you get a choice of shows in the addon , and live is there
7:36:19 PM | albertr | ok I'll try that next week :)
7:36:31 PM | lichenx1 | RobbieF, pexels, that was it.
7:36:33 PM | Lyndon | hey everyone
7:36:41 PM | Dennis_Kelley | hello Lyndon
7:36:46 PM | HenryBB | hey!
7:36:50 PM | albertr | hey Lyndon
7:37:08 PM | RobbieF | lichenx1 https://category5.tv/shows/clips_tech/episode/486-free-stock-images-commercial-use/
7:37:16 PM | Lyndon | I know its been a while
7:37:21 PM | RobbieF | Lyndon!!
7:37:25 PM | Lyndon | feels good to be here
7:37:31 PM | Lyndon | =)
7:37:35 PM | RobbieF | Great to see you.
7:37:52 PM | RobbieF | Finally tunes in live, studio plays a video from 2014 ;)
7:37:58 PM | HenryBB | lol
7:38:12 PM | Lyndon | ya know its funny. I was just working on an assignment in Photoshop
7:38:35 PM | HenryBB | Adobe
7:38:37 PM | Lyndon | haha
7:38:42 PM | RobbieF | I've really wanted to rebirth some of the old GIMP tips so they don't get lost among hundreds of hours of video.
7:38:53 PM | Lyndon | I wondered why Krista was there
7:39:04 PM | RobbieF | heh
7:39:05 PM | HenryBB | and Robbie has hair^
7:39:08 PM | Lyndon | very cool
7:39:09 PM | RobbieF | it's the only way we can get her back
7:39:19 PM | RobbieF | I did have a bit of hair, that's hilarious.
7:39:26 PM | sparklyballs | RobbieF photoshopped this hair in
7:39:27 PM | Lyndon | understandable
7:39:45 PM | HenryBB | start the conspiracy theories
7:39:54 PM | Lyndon | hehe
7:40:29 PM | Lyndon | brb
7:40:40 PM | RobbieF | :)
7:40:52 PM | Dennis_Kelley | sparklyballs: correction - GIMPed his hair in!
7:41:29 PM | sparklyballs | could be worse, could be using a gimp mask
7:41:40 PM | Dennis_Kelley | wrong sparklyballs
7:42:08 PM | Dennis_Kelley | Red Ball Gimp Mask
7:42:29 PM | lichenx1 | You roasted RobbieF so much he lost his hair.
7:42:36 PM | lichenx1 | ok I'll stop lol
7:42:41 PM | RobbieF | LOL
7:42:55 PM | Dennis_Kelley | what is on your chin RobbieF
7:43:28 PM | SashaD | What a great hour :)
7:43:56 PM | Dennis_Kelley | anytime we can chat with the crew of Cat5 is a great hour!
7:44:28 PM | Dennis_Kelley | great Job RobbieF
7:45:35 PM | Dennis_Kelley | love the GIMP
7:47:06 PM | Lyndon | ok I'm back
7:47:15 PM | Dennis_Kelley | WB Lyndon
7:47:26 PM | Lyndon | have to serve up the lasania
7:47:33 PM | HenryBB | yum!
7:47:34 PM | Lyndon | =)
7:47:38 PM | Lyndon | NEWS
7:48:32 PM | HenryBB | I feel so informed
7:48:40 PM | Dennis_Kelley | just use Lastpass, FB wont get the credit!
7:48:52 PM | sparklyballs | oh hell noes, i'm not trusting facebook with anything like that
7:49:03 PM | Dennis_Kelley | for sure sparklyballs
7:49:07 PM | HenryBB | ^
7:49:38 PM | Dennis_Kelley | lets give FB another reason to have their paws in our lives!
7:49:44 PM | Dennis_Kelley | Not!
7:50:34 PM | Dennis_Kelley | Dropped money!
7:50:35 PM | Lyndon | I keep my passwords in my phone
7:51:31 PM | Dennis_Kelley | she has been since we moved to Wednesdays
7:51:32 PM | Lyndon | I remember that one
7:54:13 PM | Dennis_Kelley | RobbieF is there supposed to be a static sound during this segment?
7:54:27 PM | Dennis_Kelley | hear static, like fans!
7:54:39 PM | Lyndon | I notice that there are NO android phones reacting to Sasha saying "OK Google". I guess Cat5 is all Apple.
7:54:44 PM | Dennis_Kelley | oh its gone!
7:55:25 PM | Lyndon | yup we know
7:55:45 PM | Lyndon | point proven
7:56:03 PM | Lyndon | =)
7:57:32 PM | Lyndon | thats so crazy
7:57:34 PM | Dennis_Kelley | That gas pump thing has never been proven!
7:58:02 PM | albertr | my son could open my Google Pixel phone with his voice cause our voice are so similar :)
7:58:19 PM | Lyndon | mythbusters proved that phones dont really affect anything at gas stations
7:58:42 PM | Dennis_Kelley | maybe its just so people pay attention to the pump!
7:58:46 PM | HenryBB | same with aircraft ;)
7:59:03 PM | HenryBB | cell phones don't cause much trouble
7:59:15 PM | Dennis_Kelley | cant keep people from texting while driving, atleast they can stop long enough to pump gas
7:59:15 PM | HenryBB | until you're texting and flying :P
7:59:35 PM | sparklyballs | you should definitely not be in your airplane at a petrol station
8:00:03 PM | HenryBB | LMAO
8:00:42 PM | Dennis_Kelley | about as think as my glasses! I am basically blind!
8:03:33 PM | albertr | sounds like folks should start using Linux :)
8:03:47 PM | HenryBB | ^
8:05:03 PM | Lyndon | ?(Question)? what episode did you guys Cover RAID setups?
8:06:23 PM | Lyndon | Is Raid 5 the best budget option?
8:07:14 PM | Dennis_Kelley | Lyndon: 403 is about unRAID 6
8:07:56 PM | Lyndon | ok, noted. Thanks DK
8:08:28 PM | Dennis_Kelley | you can go to the www.category5.tv site and search for RAID or unraid
8:09:43 PM | sparklyballs | until someone hacks the bricking to brick genuine phones
8:11:25 PM | RobbieF | Oooh, take the blue pill
8:11:32 PM | alpeck | they should provide a service to authenticate before udating
8:11:38 PM | Dennis_Kelley | RobbieF: so does Jeff not love us anymore?
8:11:58 PM | Lyndon | wow... ep 155 might be helpful
8:12:46 PM | Dennis_Kelley | maybe Lyndon
8:13:33 PM | bigkitty | https://beam.pro/browse/all
8:17:15 PM | Dennis_Kelley | Hi SashaD!
8:18:11 PM | Dennis_Kelley | SashaD do you know when RobbieF switches to your camera, besides watching him touch the screen?
8:18:43 PM | SashaD | nope... which is why I often am not looking in the right spot
8:18:52 PM | Dennis_Kelley | funny!
8:18:57 PM | Dennis_Kelley | candid shots!
8:20:00 PM | sparklyballs | winona ryder type candid
8:20:15 PM | albertr | thank you very much for this show :)
8:20:31 PM | HenryBB | You all rock! Night!
8:20:33 PM | SashaD | Thank you all so much
8:20:35 PM | Dennis_Kelley | SashaD, HenryBB, and RobbieF great show!
8:20:38 PM | jwmp | Bye all
8:20:39 PM | RobbieF | :) Hope you all had as much fun as we did1
8:20:53 PM | Lyndon | yes
8:21:26 PM | Dennis_Kelley | Spacey!
8:21:35 PM | Lyndon | you need lights on the cameras
8:21:46 PM | HenryBB | SPAAAACE!
8:21:46 PM | alpeck | goodnight
8:21:57 PM | sparklyballs | gnite all
8:22:00 PM | Lyndon | yesss
8:22:02 PM | SashaD | We do need that :)
8:22:03 PM | Lyndon | hahaha
8:22:16 PM | Dennis_Kelley | I am sure there is a Raspberry Pi solution for that!
8:22:30 PM | Lyndon | rig up a raspberry pie
8:22:43 PM | Dennis_Kelley | ^agree^
8:23:07 PM | HenryBB | true true!
8:23:08 PM | Dennis_Kelley | Night all!
8:23:13 PM | Lyndon | I've missed you guys
8:23:21 PM | SashaD | My darlings, I must leave you to join Dave on our continuing mission to watch all of Netflix
8:23:22 PM | Lyndon | Good night! =)
8:23:47 PM | Lyndon | good luck ;)