Chat Logs for Episode 506 — #Category5 on /


With 96 Posts:Garbee
With 46 Posts:TheFu
With 35 Posts:Lyndon
With 29 Posts:sparklyballs
With 16 Posts:lichenx11

Chat Logs:

6:58:55 PMsparklyballs i sound kind of like a londoner but a little softer
7:00:28 PMsparklyballs no no no no no no. that was the worst travesty of a cockney accent ever.....
7:01:37 PMsparklyballs dick van dyke
7:02:09 PMsparklyballs the next worst was don cheadle in the remake of oceans eleven
7:02:18 PMJeffWeston was agreed
7:02:29 PMJeffWeston was = yes
7:02:30 PMJeffWeston haha
7:02:59 PMlichenx11 hi
7:04:14 PMlichenx11 power is gonna disappear soon, thanks storms
7:04:52 PMsparklyballs the SashaD2 show "sponsored by fitbit and tim hortons"
7:04:57 PMCee_128d How about John Hillerman playing Higgins in Magnum PI or Daniel Davis from The Nanny sparklyballs
7:05:32 PMlichenx11 Robbie's magician patch is bigger, bigger patch means he's learned more tricks?
7:05:34 PMsparklyballs the nanny ?
7:06:51 PMCee_128d The Fran Dresscher comedy with Charles Shaunessy here in the States. Davis is from the US and played a British butler and some Brit's thought he was from GB
7:06:57 PMsparklyballs bad american accent, christoper eccleston in existenz
7:07:25 PMsparklyballs don't watch a lot of american tv
7:09:01 PMlichenx11 Robbie still needs cmd.exe
7:09:19 PMCee_128d WFWG3.11 FTW
7:09:26 PMsparklyballs RobbieF still uses it for wannacry
7:10:04 PMCee_128d And he wannacries everytime he does it sparklyballs
7:10:53 PMsparklyballs and i wannacry after that pun Cee_128d
7:11:19 PMCee_128d Sorry, but I couldn't resist once you set me up like that.
7:12:01 PMMik3_0 I like it Robbie
7:12:13 PMlichenx11
7:14:18 PMsparklyballs call in sick at work, my toothbrush accidentally confused my nose with my mouth....
7:15:01 PMJeffWeston haha
7:15:43 PMSashaD2 I love when mundane things become so much fun.... it'll be an adventure in toothbrushing everyday!!
7:16:24 PMsparklyballs as long as you don't end up with blueteeth
7:16:35 PMSashaD2 hahaha
7:16:53 PMlichenx11 Next weds sasha will have a bluetooth toilet
7:17:08 PMMik3_0 LOL
7:17:23 PMSashaD2 Cat5 is known for it's bathroom humor of late
7:17:27 PMsparklyballs or a bluetooth blue loo toilet block
7:17:27 PMlichenx11 ^
7:18:14 PMlichenx11 I don't believe JeffWeston
7:18:33 PMCee_128d Dollars to Donuts Jeff will still lose it at some point.
7:18:39 PMJeffWeston haha
7:18:44 PMTheFu Lucky-Dump! Yeah!
7:18:47 PMJeffWeston we shll seea
7:18:51 PMsparklyballs JeffWeston has passed lukes dump
7:19:10 PMlichenx11 Dukes lump
7:19:10 PMJeffWeston its out of my system now
7:19:37 PMlichenx11 I see what you did there JeffWeston
7:20:13 PMJeffWeston ;0)
7:21:00 PMGarbee Does anyone else have no video on the stream?
7:21:14 PMTheFu Working here.
7:21:16 PMSashaD2 maybe post produced?
7:21:17 PMCee_128d Fine for me Garbee
7:21:17 PMTheFu 1M of BS
7:21:27 PMGarbee ah, just kicked in.
7:22:31 PMTheFu dmesg!!!!!
7:22:59 PMlichenx11 RobbieF: is evil lol
7:23:12 PMSashaD2 these guys!
7:23:47 PMTheFu The end of dmesg will show the last USB device inserted ... fyi.
7:24:16 PMlichenx11 you won't be able to access your files unless your name is linus
7:26:56 PMGarbee Everything matters.
7:27:08 PMlichenx11 - JeffWeston
7:28:01 PMlichenx11 I want to see RobbieF fight with python
7:28:14 PMsparklyballs a python or python ?
7:28:28 PMTheFu Is that /backup or backup? Far left is cut on my screen
7:28:31 PMJeffWeston i think python the language?
7:28:34 PMlichenx11 yes
7:28:51 PMsparklyballs boring, i want to see him wrestle a python
7:28:59 PMJeffWeston haha
7:29:12 PMlichenx11 WRASSLE
7:29:35 PMTheFu Ah ... a tag/name/label ---
7:33:06 PMGarbee noatime as well to save some level of writes to help the drive last longer.
7:33:16 PMLyndon Hello... I'll try not to break the show this time...
7:33:51 PMGarbee `noatime` being a "no access time" flag. So it won't write the timestamps of the last time things were accessed to the files.
7:33:51 PMSashaD2 Thanks Lyndon!
7:34:20 PMLyndon yup ;)
7:34:26 PMMik3_0 some of us enjoyed the break
7:35:05 PMTheFu df . ?
7:35:40 PMTheFu The dir was busy ... pwd.
7:37:14 PMLyndon I think it was ext3
7:37:16 PMGarbee Live debugging time!
7:37:32 PMGarbee Someone needs to get the moths out of the studio.
7:38:45 PMSashaD2 I sold my car today... I'm now officially a cyclist. Most of this show I have been trying to find my "root" home :)
7:39:13 PMTheFu SashaD2: How fun will that be in the snow?
7:39:40 PMSashaD2 It'll be crazy!
7:40:02 PMsparklyballs SashaD2 cd /root
7:40:22 PMGarbee RobbieF: Or a USB drive with your SSH keys...
7:40:27 PMTheFu Like ... border guards
7:40:31 PMGarbee Encrypt that with everything you can.
7:40:31 PMSashaD2 thank you... I knew youd have the answer!
7:41:01 PMRobbieF Neat!
7:41:33 PMLyndon not my phone!
7:41:52 PMTheFu Phone encryption is pretty painless.
7:42:02 PMLyndon lol
7:42:09 PMLyndon i see jeffs sock!
7:42:22 PMTheFu lol!
7:42:31 PMLyndon *Jeff's socks
7:42:41 PMJeffWeston the things that amuse you all
7:42:49 PMGarbee No audio from Sasha....
7:42:50 PMLyndon sorry man
7:42:55 PMCee_128d No Audio
7:42:56 PMLyndon ;)
7:43:01 PMsparklyballs how embarrassing would it be if everyone was wearing speedos under the desk.
7:43:03 PMGarbee And video just cut.
7:43:09 PMsparklyballs no sound
7:43:11 PMTheFu Yep. Audio dropped.
7:43:18 PMMik3_0 video is good now
7:43:21 PMLyndon there we go
7:43:27 PMLyndon good now
7:43:38 PMTheFu All good now.
7:43:44 PMCee_128d No Audio for ANY of Sashas story
7:43:46 PMGarbee Refresh if it still isn't up for you.
7:44:02 PMTheFu Seeing half blue screen.
7:44:09 PMLyndon just pan over it'll be good
7:44:21 PMGarbee This is the amazing BTS we don't get on-demand.
7:44:37 PMLyndon Did you try plugging it in??
7:45:02 PMGarbee Yup
7:45:03 PMMik3_0 yes
7:45:11 PMGarbee Crystal clear
7:45:21 PMGarbee er, Crysta`l clear
7:46:11 PMLyndon lol
7:46:55 PMLyndon are you sure that IE wasn't part of the problem? ;)
7:47:12 PMTheFu Backwards compatibility is HARD.
7:50:00 PMTheFu JS is evil.
7:50:02 PMGarbee lol
7:50:06 PMLyndon yikes
7:50:09 PMGarbee Monitoring online students for paying attention.
7:50:16 PMGarbee Yea, webcam off/covered up instantly.
7:50:39 PMsparklyballs will the software throw the chalkboard eraser at offending students ?
7:50:50 PMLyndon oh.. thats evil
7:50:58 PMTheFu what about students "resting their eyes?"
7:51:33 PMGarbee SashaD2: They can probably detect that and ignore the signal/throw an error.
7:51:53 PMGarbee There is a general shape/size of human facial features.
7:52:17 PMGarbee And I'm sure they can toss on those glasses and other things to test the AI for catching it and work around it.
7:52:44 PMTheFu In v9. For v1-8, that would be an addon for $$$$
7:52:46 PMGarbee JeffWeston: Probably not to that degree.
7:53:07 PMLyndon the nod and smile
7:53:11 PMGarbee The AI would simply work on the un-attentive times. Not how peoples individual minds work.
7:53:51 PMGarbee rofl
7:53:58 PMGarbee Yea, I'm always in PHPStorm while the show goes on.
7:54:11 PMGarbee Not much would be gained from me except sadness of not paying attention.
7:54:21 PMTheFu Point the webcam at a video of you being attentive.
7:54:37 PMLyndon oh, by the way.. where is the chat button. I always have to scroll to the bottom to enter the chat room
7:54:46 PMGarbee TheFu: Why use a webcam at all? I can loop a video back into the system as a webcam device. ;)
7:55:00 PMTheFu Yep.
7:55:36 PMGarbee Lyndon: Check out IRCCloud as one thing to get an account with. You can hook it up on the free plan to get on Freenode and join the channel there (among any other freenode channels you may want.)
7:55:56 PMGarbee That way you just got to to get to chat instead of the Cat5 site.
7:56:04 PMTheFu Or thunderbird or ZNC or The Lounge or .... lots of self-hosting solutions.
7:56:20 PMGarbee Most IRC people find some kind of client. Either local or remote to connect one they join in often enough.
7:56:54 PMGarbee TheFu: Yea, IRCCloud is a low-fuss and simple solution. No installing extra stuff or figuring out how to configure things.
7:57:02 PMLyndon I was using hex chat for a while but havent installed on my new pc. I just like pulling up the chat on the website...
7:57:05 PMGarbee I use hexchat for a local IRC client when I use it.
7:57:22 PMLyndon thanks though
7:57:35 PMTheFu Just be aware that your IP is available to anyone in the channel, so using a remote connection/vpn rather than a direct connection might be. I always go through the work network, for example. Not the house.
7:57:38 PMGarbee Lyndon: Yea, if you like that then check out IRCCloud as one way to get a good web-based IRC client.
7:57:58 PMLyndon I'm waiting for the Ryzen 3 line
7:58:21 PMLyndon ok thanks +Garbee
7:58:47 PMGarbee No just change the poses.
7:58:49 PMGarbee Everyone.
7:58:57 PMTheFu Everyone VOGUE!
7:59:32 PMGarbee RobbieF: we can go for 3 hours if you want.
7:59:42 PMsparklyballs thelounge is another webui based irc client
7:59:42 PMGarbee Laugh attack part 2.
7:59:47 PMGarbee er 3 at this point.
8:00:27 PMGarbee sparklyballs: But, requires knowing how to setup a server and run the stuff securely.
8:00:40 PMTheFu the lounge is php,right?
8:00:47 PMGarbee TheFu: Node
8:00:49 PMsparklyballs node
8:00:53 PMGoodGuy98 ClamAV
8:00:58 PMTheFu JS is evil.
8:01:00 PMGarbee What is the question?
8:01:00 PMTheFu ;)
8:01:10 PMGarbee We are in a different conversation here.
8:01:12 PMGoodGuy98 Welcome
8:01:13 PMGarbee Not paying attention to the show.
8:01:34 PMSashaD2 I love the chatrom
8:01:40 PMGarbee We don't really need AV on *servers*.
8:02:01 PMLyndon We love You SashaD2
8:02:04 PMGarbee The kind of viruses that will tend to infect servers aren't stuff ClamAV will catch. It's more hosted code that gets served to clients.
8:02:11 PMTheFu Sometimes liability insurance demands we run AV on all systems inside the comapny.
8:02:37 PMTheFu I never expect AV to do anything for me on Linux.
8:02:40 PMGarbee TheFu: Also PCI compliance for taking credit card info.
8:03:11 PMTheFu My company was small enough that we outsourced credit card stuff.
8:03:11 PMGarbee There are exceptions, but if you're in the position to know it is needed... You aren't asking the question of what to use publicly.
8:03:33 PMGarbee Social engineering!
8:03:40 PMGarbee Biggest thing to work to guard against.
8:04:48 PMTheFu Our biggest client demanded professional liability insurance - part of the insurance contract was that every system must run AV.
8:05:32 PMGarbee Toss Norton on it. ;)
8:05:35 PMGarbee lol
8:05:56 PMTheFu Left the company. It was the easiest solution.
8:06:36 PMTheFu Good brain on Sasha!
8:08:30 PMTheFu Ah ... different parts of the world have lots of "human capital" - using it makes sense.
8:09:18 PMLyndon but not Robots
8:09:40 PMGarbee RobbieF: IT IS A STUDIO!
8:09:47 PMGarbee Studio D is its **NAME**.
8:10:09 PMMik3_0 I swear I head a story of a robot priest
8:10:18 PMTheFu Humans have more interesting problems to solve than anything which can be automated.
8:10:24 PMGarbee We need to supplement police force with tech.
8:10:27 PMGarbee Not have it replace it.
8:10:39 PMGarbee We also need to supplement courts more with tech.
8:11:08 PMGarbee Law can't be enforced, judged, and justice served all through pure tech.
8:11:20 PMsparklyballs robot welders in car factories put thousands of welders out of work
8:11:38 PMTheFu There used to be hundreds of typists.
8:11:51 PMGarbee And now we have millions of typists...
8:12:03 PMTheFu At 20% the speed.
8:12:04 PMGoodGuy98 much less workers.. mankind's challenge will be to assist all the out of work people
8:12:10 PMLyndon Its gradual enough that people can find new jobs
8:12:21 PMsparklyballs typing pools were a thing,, and now only the boss has a secretary
8:12:22 PMGoodGuy98 One robot never tires
8:12:26 PMLyndon somtimes not tho
8:12:38 PMGarbee RobbieF: Robots can't testify in court though.
8:12:46 PMTheFu Many people don't like or deal with change well. Forcing it makes them unhappy.
8:12:46 PMGarbee At least in the US.
8:13:07 PMGarbee It's against our constitutional rights to face our accusers.
8:13:10 PMTheFu Video cameras can testify.
8:13:16 PMGarbee TheFu: No they can't.
8:13:27 PMTheFu .... ok, hte recording does.
8:13:30 PMGarbee They are a piece of evidence.
8:13:36 PMHenryBB I think there is a quote that Elon musk said this will eventually lead to minimum income for all (robots take jobs so we all need a basic income)
8:13:37 PMsparklyballs video footage can used as evidence
8:13:38 PMGarbee But, they cannot provide *testimony*.
8:13:47 PMGarbee And a video camera can't charge you with something.
8:13:54 PMGarbee Hence, the android police bot can't.
8:14:03 PMsparklyballs tasers can charge you
8:14:05 PMGarbee A human has to be somewhere in the chain to press a charge and testify to it in court.
8:14:09 PMTheFu How many guilty-looking people were found guilty because they were required to be in court?
8:14:17 PMHenryBB btw, sorry if camera zoom is janky- camera lens :P
8:14:41 PMGarbee JeffWeston: No.
8:14:47 PMGarbee Robots have no legal authority.
8:14:50 PMLyndon And the Police bot is probably a good test too
8:14:51 PMGarbee In the US at least.
8:15:46 PMLyndon I want a culinary robot in my house so I dont have to cook every meal
8:15:54 PMCee_128d Terminator T2000 would easily be a step up from Ramsey
8:15:56 PMTheFu Crockpot
8:16:01 PMsparklyballs what if robot chefs made donuts for robot cops ?
8:16:02 PMLyndon yes...
8:16:03 PMGarbee I want the zapper microwive from Back to the Future for pizza.
8:16:24 PMTheFu Or ... from The 5th Element.
8:16:38 PMLyndon the rehydrator
8:16:49 PMTheFu Chicken goooooood.
8:17:15 PMGarbee Local machines in my area are mostly XP Embedded still.
8:17:30 PMGarbee I don't think a single one runs Linux.
8:17:32 PMGarbee :(
8:17:41 PMGarbee Yes, ATMs are connected to the internet.
8:17:43 PMMik3_0 Yes. XP here
8:17:56 PMGarbee At least an intranet.
8:18:03 PMGarbee Which somewhere has an internet connection.
8:18:58 PMGarbee SashaD2: Thank Henry for us please.
8:19:04 PMLyndon Jeff's face lol
8:19:17 PMGarbee Like, for doing the directing.
8:20:02 PMGarbee Oh there he is again.
8:20:08 PMGarbee HenryBB: Thanks for directing this evening.
8:20:22 PMHenryBB Boop! Thanks for watching!! Lol
8:20:34 PMHenryBB thanks for putting up with the camera jank! Lol
8:20:48 PMGarbee I'ts not a big issue.
8:21:05 PMHenryBB "whew"
8:21:15 PMGarbee Audio
8:21:55 PMGarbee I remember a few early shows where the FPS was awful for random weeks. It was hard to watch those since the video lagged so far behind the audio.
8:22:41 PMGarbee I need to email Robbie the material for an episode on what UUIDs are and why to use them.
8:22:44 PMLyndon we'll miss you Jeff
8:22:54 PMGarbee Bye SashaD2!
8:23:00 PMGarbee Have a safe ride home.
8:23:07 PMGarbee Thanks for staying around.
8:23:16 PMTheFu Too dark to bike home?
8:23:47 PMJeffWeston ill miss you too lyndon
8:24:42 PMGarbee Not me.
8:24:46 PMGarbee I did not mention donuts.
8:24:50 PMGarbee I talked about Pizza.
8:25:02 PMGarbee :D
8:25:03 PMRobbieF I want a pizza doughnut
8:25:03 PMsparklyballs nope
8:25:15 PMRobbieF NO NO - a doughnut pizza!
8:25:29 PMGarbee hehe
8:25:32 PMGarbee Bye!
8:25:33 PMsparklyballs i mentioned donuts later on but nothing to do with a bet
8:25:37 PMGarbee Have a good week.
8:25:41 PMCee_128d Krispy Kreme's
8:25:52 PMSashaD2 Have a great week guys!!!!
8:25:53 PMLyndon like bacon pancakes
8:26:02 PMLyndon cya
8:26:07 PMJeffWeston night


Does Not Include Lurkers