Chat Logs for Episode 528 — #Category5 on /


With 31 Posts:Lyndon
With 29 Posts:TheFu
With 14 Posts:GWG
With 8 Posts:Dennis_Kelley
With 4 Posts:garywhite

Chat Logs:

6:58:27 PMTheFu "o INput Sign" ....
6:58:36 PMGWG Hurricane Ophelia hit while I was there
6:58:38 PMTheFu Ah - there's SashaR2
6:59:33 PMSashaR2 Hi!!!!!
6:59:39 PMTheFu What's the topic for tonight?
6:59:49 PMRobbieF awesomeness
7:00:13 PMTheFu Well - that is ALWAYS the sit there. ;)
7:00:23 PMLyndon aloha!
7:00:46 PMLyndon How's the weather in Canadia
7:00:49 PMLyndon ?
7:01:12 PMTheFu When does DST change in Canada?
7:02:47 PMgarywhite To quote "Thank goodness it's Wednesday!" "It's Friday." "Uh-oh. Wrong pills."
7:02:51 PMGWG I hate DST
7:03:47 PMgarywhite same
7:04:30 PMTheFu The last few years, I've been traveling between when the country I'm in and the USA (home) do the changes ... basically, get it twice.
7:06:10 PMTheFu There's a $110 SAS controller (16 disks) on Amazon - compatible with OpenBSD/FreeNAS ... etc.
7:06:16 PMLyndon cool
7:06:43 PMLyndon lol. learn how to wipe your own drives
7:07:25 PMDennis_Kelley I always wipe at least twice!
7:07:50 PMLyndon right! me too. just to be safe
7:08:05 PMTheFu I drill the old disks. Never let others reuse them - all over 15 yrs old, so I wouldn't want to give them to someone else and have them fail.
7:08:36 PMTheFu She wasn't Rickman through most of the build, was she?
7:12:43 PMLyndon nope
7:12:57 PMSashaR2 Very true ... mostly a Dirmeitis build :)
7:12:59 PMLyndon blown
7:14:03 PMLyndon like a movie scene
7:14:28 PMSolbu RobbieF: Any info on casualties?
7:17:50 PMSashaR2 No final count yet... but 3 confirmed
7:25:21 PMLyndon yes. that is pretty nifty
7:25:54 PMLyndon =)
7:26:05 PMDennis_Kelley SashaR2 is in the House!
7:27:17 PMSkywriter64 Hi,everyoneI am just watching
7:27:18 PMLyndon WWaaant
7:27:42 PMgarywhite Hey everyone, Amazon's started their Countdown to Black Friday Deals Week
7:30:39 PMGWG Qi is pronounced Chi
7:30:59 PMDennis_Kelley unboxing!
7:31:16 PMGWG Am I back to playing pronunciation guy again?
7:31:33 PMABQTKY Yes you are GWG.
7:31:55 PMTheFu $?
7:32:22 PMLyndon Lampy
7:32:41 PMLyndon halloween.. Christmas!
7:32:54 PMGWG ABQTKY: You missed when I was telling RobbieF that I was in Cahersiveen, and heading for an overnight in Killorglin before catching a plane in Farranfore.
7:32:54 PMTheFu That link didn't work ... for me.
7:33:00 PMSolbu Linux, Apache, MariaDB, Php. ;-)
7:33:19 PMTheFu LEPP
7:33:20 PMLyndon hahahahaha
7:33:51 PMABQTKY GWG, when did you do that???? Can I get it...on a previous show, maybe???
7:34:40 PMGWG ABQTKY: That was just in chat one day
7:34:56 PMGWG He didn't try to pronounce it
7:35:25 PMABQTKY You should have pressed him to say it out loud...on the air, of couse.
7:35:40 PMGWG RobbieF: ABQTKY has issued a challenge
7:35:58 PMLyndon they used them with robotics
7:36:18 PMTheFu Connect had a bunch of health aspects too.
7:36:47 PMTheFu Health-care programs.
7:37:21 PMTheFu recovery work.
7:38:27 PMLyndon just have a to have a Video card to handle all that
7:39:16 PMLyndon NOPE!
7:39:45 PMTheFu The last GPU I bought separately was $30.
7:40:08 PMLyndon never
7:40:15 PMLyndon no no no no
7:41:07 PMLyndon We just have a rubbermaid container that says "packages"
7:41:09 PMTheFu Nope. But my sister's leave their doors unlocked and the UPS guy often delivers packages to the kitchen table. It is a tiny town and everyone knows everyone else. Rural Iowa.
7:41:20 PMLyndon right outside the door
7:41:43 PMTheFu GPS can be spoofed.
7:42:29 PMgarywhite they just leave the package at the door cause we're always home
7:42:36 PMTheFu
7:42:41 PMGWG I have a camera outside
7:44:20 PMSolbu Amazon Bin. Nice name. :-)
7:44:40 PMTheFu So ... UPS / DHL can't use it?
7:45:14 PMTheFu Or just leave your garage door slightly open - slide the packages under it.
7:45:39 PMDennis_Kelley i have done that TheFu. I work for USPS
7:45:53 PMSkywriter64 I believe one has to buy a security camera from Amazon before this system is working.
7:46:03 PMDennis_Kelley Solbu UPS and DHL can have thier own!
7:47:16 PMTheFu Truman Show -- LIVE!
7:51:48 PMTheFu The Demo-Gods aren't always nice.
7:53:53 PMTheFu Win7 support is good until 2021. That's when I'll revisit the Win7 question.
7:56:28 PMGWG SashaR2: Did you mean Riyadh, pronounced REE-YAH-D?
7:56:59 PMTheFu But she isn't allowed to drive because she's female. At least until June 24, 2018.
7:57:59 PMTheFu Can she vote?
7:58:31 PMTheFu Appears women in SA got to vote sometime in 2015.
7:58:49 PMABQTKY Can Sophia hack Saudi electronic voting machines??
7:59:32 PMSolbu And if one by accident destroy it,. Do one get charged with murder…
8:00:13 PMTheFu Or destruction of property?
8:01:08 PMLyndon best show ever!!
8:01:22 PMTheFu AMAZING!
8:01:35 PMSkywriter64 Maybe Johnny5 has something to say about this.
8:02:06 PMGpop7 Great show. Have a great week.
8:02:09 PMLyndon
8:02:12 PMGWG SashaR2: : You missed when I was telling RobbieF that I was in Cahersiveen, and heading for an overnight in Killorglin before catching a plane in Farranfore.
8:02:45 PMGWG SashaR2: ABQTKY wanted to hear if RobbieF could say that sentence
8:02:45 PMNateUK Good show Thanks RobbieF and SashaR2
8:02:55 PMLyndon but its shiney
8:02:58 PMDennis_Kelley Great Show RobbieF and SashaR2
8:03:07 PMDennis_Kelley You all did great without Jeff!
8:03:08 PMNateUK and you RobbieF
8:03:08 PMDennis_Kelley LOL
8:03:24 PMABQTKY GWG, he just saw that. 8-)
8:03:38 PMGpop7 Congrats SashaR2
8:03:59 PMGWG ABQTKY: I think I have a delay
8:04:07 PMLyndon wait
8:04:19 PMGpop7 Goodnight all.
8:04:34 PMABQTKY GWG, he didn't SAY anything, he just glared at his monitor.
8:04:37 PMLyndon she need an Air 6
8:04:42 PMGWG Oh well
8:05:14 PMLyndon stomp 6 sorry
8:06:01 PMLyndon cya
8:06:17 PMLyndon cool
8:06:34 PMSashaR2 good night ... I'm already looking forward to seeing you all next wekk :)
8:06:41 PMLyndon =)
8:08:53 PMABQTKY uh, oh. did they do the intro???
8:09:50 PMABQTKY Never mind - i'm paying such close attention. But nothing about Kingston stuff and such.
8:15:54 PMRobbieF thanks ABQTKY
8:15:56 PMRobbieF Yes, we did the intro
8:16:32 PMRobbieF the sponsor tags are recorded at the beginning, but the intro (before the intro video) is recorded at the end


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