Chat Logs for Episode 533 — #Category5 on /


With 112 Posts:TheFu
With 68 Posts:bp9
With 32 Posts:lichenx1
With 21 Posts:MoeMaravilla
With 16 Posts:rrdevcoder

Chat Logs:

6:58:08 PMTheFu A relative runs a 1W personal radio station for his home.
6:58:28 PMlichenx1 RobbieF, I remember news and dc talk
6:58:38 PMTheFu No need to listen to bad music. Just stuff you love ... most of the time. New music is fun too.
6:59:49 PMJweston good ol newsboys
7:00:39 PMSolbu Look, I'm on TV.
7:00:42 PMlichenx1 I'm famous!
7:00:54 PMbp9 Nice!
7:01:07 PMrrdevcoder could you describe the ruckus?
7:01:15 PMTheFu Chats ARE posted with the videos, right?
7:01:31 PMlichenx1 SashaD-G6, popup video, remember?
7:01:53 PMbp9 Hmm, that's a good 30-40 second video delay
7:02:00 PMgarywhite TheFu: My personal radio is just a tablet wired into a speaker with playlists
7:02:08 PMrrdevcoder take two!
7:02:19 PMTheFu take three?
7:02:40 PMSashaD-G6 Great start!
7:02:43 PMbp9 G'day Y'all!
7:03:13 PMlichenx1 Hello!
7:03:32 PMMoeMaravilla Hello everyone.
7:04:13 PMTheFu Howdy Ya'll
7:04:19 PMM1k3_0 Hi everyone
7:04:54 PMrrdevcoder Doesn't get any better than Star Christmas Wars. or....
7:05:47 PMrrdevcoder Bought my Pi Killer that way. Yes, I went there.
7:06:23 PMTheFu rrdevcoder: Best 4K cheap machine I know.
7:06:41 PMlichenx1 you mean for what? playing 4k?
7:07:45 PMlichenx1 ps4 vr is awesome
7:08:31 PMTheFu Yes, 4K video ... I don't know of anything that works as cheaply with as much content types, especially local.
7:08:52 PMTheFu +Kodi, of course.
7:09:06 PMlichenx1 nice, I love my 4k tv, I'm a kodi noob
7:10:11 PMTheFu Switched from TVs to projector a few years ago ... after the FCC let cable companies break all our "cable ready" stuff.
7:12:10 PMSashaD-G6 I have and love a 4k tv as well :)
7:12:12 PMbp9 Looks like Jeff got those camera views bacwards
7:12:57 PMSashaD-G6 Although I dont watch it often, I do also have Kodi :)
7:12:57 PMbp9 I think Robbie and Jeff are in fat view right now LOL LOL
7:13:12 PMrrdevcoder Lowe's Home stores take rechargeable batteries
7:13:18 PMTheFu Cut the processed carbs and sugars.
7:13:51 PMSashaD-G6 These batteries are such a great idea!!!
7:14:19 PMlichenx1 seen the kind where you can turn a aa to c or d type battery?
7:14:47 PMTheFu yep. Those were around in the 1970s.
7:15:10 PMbp9 Hmm, I'd use the regular charger instead of plugging these in because I can charge them all at the same time.
7:15:13 PMTheFu Dad would charge like 12 of them at the same time.
7:15:17 PMlichenx1 I just tried the terminus font and now I'm setting it to EVERYTHING
7:16:26 PMSashaD-G6 I'd likely buy those because they look so neat :)
7:16:43 PMbp9 Jeff, how about 6V lantern batteries?
7:17:05 PMrrdevcoder USB probably won't be strong enough to charge larger than AA
7:17:45 PMlichenx1 no idea what happened
7:17:59 PMSashaD-G6 Welcome back!
7:18:32 PMbp9 Jeff, NiMH batteries lose capacity over time just like your laptop battery
7:19:24 PMbp9 So I think you will see just reduced capacity after 500 charges, but I don't think it will just stop working suddenly -- likely just a slow degradation.
7:19:29 PMTheFu How much?
7:20:03 PMbp9 @TheFu I think it depends on how many times you charge them.
7:20:04 PMTheFu Pre-charged?
7:20:37 PMbp9 @TheFu my LEAF is 6 years old, and shows about 70% capacity now.
7:21:18 PMbp9 Jeff, the question about 6V lantern batteries was for your model railroad application.
7:22:07 PMSashaD-G6 Im all over the questions now!!! Bring it on :)
7:22:33 PMBobK54 Nissan car!
7:22:42 PMBobK54 Nissan Leaf
7:22:52 PMbp9 Nissan LEAF electric car
7:23:10 PMTheFu Those would be handy for airplane noise-canceling stuff. OTOH, I've never had a battery die on mine.
7:23:25 PMTheFu Neighbor had a LEAF - it was fun to show him all the hacks.
7:23:26 PMTheFu ;)
7:23:40 PMTheFu ----
7:23:41 PMgarywhite I'll wait for the bugs to get worked out on the Model 3 before I buy an electric car, $35K for a car that can get 200 mi on a charge
7:24:06 PMbp9 @theFu, hacks? I'm curious
7:24:23 PMBobK54 have you seen the Tesla easter egg which plays manheim steamroller and flashes the lights and moves the doors in response to the music?
7:24:27 PMTheFu garywhite: Heard that testing on Tesla's new cars are 90% after 10 yrs of simulated use.
7:24:37 PMbp9 @garywhite, I bought the car because I feel like the manufacturers will not know there is a demand unless people buy them
7:25:00 PMTheFu The Nissan LEAF had a number of really bad hacks that were available from anywhere in the world by using the VIN.
7:25:04 PMSashaD-G6 I would love an electric car :)
7:25:06 PMbp9 @bobK64 I think so.
7:25:06 PMTheFu Google will find them.
7:25:14 PMrd_blair I have a battery operated lawn mower
7:25:24 PMgarywhite Just saying cause they're building a ton of superchargers around here (I live maybe 45 minutes from the factory in Fremont)
7:25:38 PMlichenx1 rd_blair, I bet you mow 1/4 of the grass before it dies lol
7:25:57 PMTheFu Isn't this what USB-c was for?
7:26:03 PMbp9 @TheFu my 2G cell transciever built into the car is no longer working, so pretty sure no one can use that attack vector.
7:26:04 PMrd_blair last about 45 min
7:26:42 PMlichenx1 test colors
7:27:19 PMSolbu I can stand that… :-)
7:27:56 PMbp9 @Jeff: AC/DC converter LOL
7:28:27 PMlichenx1 I heard you like usb ports...
7:28:42 PMTheFu lichenx1: clearly.
7:28:49 PMlichenx1 ^
7:29:14 PMTheFu Just don't have that many USB devices to charge.
7:29:24 PMrrdevcoder I have a 10 port one of these for my Pi cluster
7:29:47 PMrrdevcoder It is fantastic for power
7:30:14 PMgarywhite why would you need a cluster of RPis?
7:30:30 PMTheFu rrdevcoder: pi cluster? uh ... uh ... why? A $50 Intel CPU will have 10x (or more) the CPU capability.
7:31:18 PMTheFu Jweston: They make cheap phones with dual SIMs ...
7:31:26 PMrrdevcoder fun to build and tinker with parallel processing
7:31:59 PMTheFu rrdevcoder: Excellent purpose. Did you consider using VMs?
7:32:32 PMbp9 @RobbieF is the Canadian mains plug different from the US one?
7:32:43 PMTheFu nope.
7:32:50 PMTheFu Same. 110/60.
7:32:55 PMrrdevcoder Yes but my giant server burns electricity by the mega-watt hour
7:33:12 PMbp9 @TheFu, I meant physically different?
7:33:21 PMTheFu Nope.
7:33:24 PMTheFu Same.
7:33:31 PMbp9 OK thanks.
7:33:56 PMlichenx1 that's exactly why I need an rpi, electricity lol
7:34:09 PMalpeck mains plug is the same for Canada, USA and Mexico
7:34:17 PMTheFu Costa Rica too.
7:34:50 PMrrdevcoder 8 pi3's in a cluster 32 cores of fun.
7:35:06 PMlichenx1 I bet RobbieF has a better purse than SashaD-G6
7:35:27 PMTheFu "man-purse"
7:35:35 PMSashaD-G6 Murse
7:35:36 PMalpeck murse
7:35:44 PMlichenx1 manny pack
7:35:45 PMrrdevcoder he can probably plug it in
7:36:03 PMTheFu But he can't check it as airline luggage.
7:36:19 PMTheFu But I am slightly envious.
7:37:25 PMlichenx1 surely you could get an angle adapter?
7:37:27 PMrrdevcoder Robbie, look for a 90 degree plug. Do they exist?
7:37:33 PMlichenx1 ^
7:37:36 PMTheFu Or cut a whole?
7:37:51 PMTheFu slit?
7:38:07 PMTheFu s/whole/hole/
7:38:51 PMrrdevcoder go here:
7:38:52 PMbp9 @TheFu: nice use of vi search and replace command LOL
7:38:57 PMlichenx1 I have a mini power stick thing, It's nice to have around for sure
7:39:17 PMSolbu Could the small design be a safety feature, to prevent things from heating up in the case while charging?
7:39:18 PMlichenx1 bp9 I notice lol
7:39:42 PMlichenx1 s/glo/bal/g ?
7:40:17 PMTheFu bp9: not just vi, but ed, sed, and pretty much any regex engine.
7:41:03 PMTheFu lichenx1: I only needed the 1st instance corrected. ;)
7:41:09 PMbp9 @TheFu, true but I only use it in vi :-)
7:41:55 PMTheFu And how much data is sent to google to make this work?
7:42:27 PMTheFu meow.
7:42:40 PMMoeMaravilla Not stand alone then.
7:42:51 PMlichenx1 spacemacs but same dif
7:42:59 PMTheFu MoeMaravilla: when google is involved, notthing NOTHING is stand-alone.
7:43:33 PMTheFu There are voice-activation kits for google, siri, and amazon stuff that work with r-pis.
7:44:44 PMrrdevcoder Careful Jeff someone could be replaced.
7:45:15 PMJweston I'm already expendable haha
7:45:22 PMlichenx1 everything is better in canada, too bad I'm usa lol
7:45:27 PMrrdevcoder Never
7:45:27 PMMoeMaravilla I can't do that Dave.
7:45:51 PMTheFu Not all overseas places make getting a new local SIM possible.
7:46:02 PMTheFu I was screwed the last few weeks in Chile.
7:46:20 PMlichenx1 I watched a 5 minute youtube video in 30 minutes on sprint.
7:46:23 PMTheFu I'm still waiting for the Govt approval to allow my phone to work.
7:46:29 PMMoeMaravilla I am from Chile.
7:46:44 PMMoeMaravilla Live in US.
7:46:46 PMTheFu MoeMaravilla: So you know the law changed in Oct 2017.
7:47:21 PMlichenx1 TheFu, what law?
7:47:33 PMMoeMaravilla Umm ... No Jan. 2016 was last time in Chile.
7:47:36 PMTheFu Chilean cell phone SIM law.
7:47:48 PMTheFu They are trying to stop 2 things.
7:48:05 PMTheFu Stolen phone reuse and really cheap cell phone importation.
7:48:10 PMMoeMaravilla I just bought a pre-paid.
7:48:25 PMlichenx1 RobbieF, I need that portable net!
7:48:52 PMTheFu I could buy a pre-paid SIM, but the IMEI (or whatever it is) for my phone was blocked.
7:49:14 PMMoeMaravilla Yes you need an unlocked phone.
7:49:23 PMTheFu My phone **is** unlocked.
7:49:37 PMgarywhite what portable net?
7:50:14 PMMoeMaravilla Oh... So sorry.
7:50:31 PMTheFu The law in Chile changed in Oct 2017!!!!
7:51:01 PMTheFu But I travel internationally a few times yearly and usually get a PAYG SIM on arrival with $10-$20 of data. Usually works perfectly.
7:51:27 PMTheFu OTOH, cell coverage in Torres del Paine is ZERO.
7:52:10 PMTheFu Chile locked down non-Chilean phones. If you buy local there, it is pre-added to the list.
7:52:15 PMbp9 I buy pay as you go SIM when I go to Australia
7:52:43 PMbp9 My phone is unlocked and it is a GSM phone which is the only standard in Australia as far as I know.
7:53:13 PMbp9 I bought the phone unlocked brand new and it worked fine with my USA provider.
7:54:19 PMTheFu bp9: I haven't owned an unlocked phone in about 8 yrs. I'm a PAYG user, like Robbie, but in the USA.
7:54:26 PMTheFu Uptimes?
7:54:40 PMTheFu $ uptime
7:54:40 PMTheFu 19:54:31 up 64 days, 1:43, 4 users, load average: 0.11, 0.05, 0.05
7:55:21 PMgarywhite I haven't owned an unlocked phone, but I probably paid the least for a phone out of everyone here
7:55:33 PMMoeMaravilla Hybernate
7:55:49 PMTheFu I leave my systems running 24/7/365.
7:56:02 PMTheFu Except when they are traveling.
7:56:12 PMbp9 I do too but I rebooted my desktop recently due to OS update.
7:56:17 PMTheFu For security reasons, I don't do hibernate.
7:56:32 PMbp9 and my laptop doesn't usually stay on 24/7/365
7:57:00 PMTheFu V$ uptime
7:57:00 PMTheFu 19:56:49 up 95 days,
7:57:17 PMbp9 all linux, no windows. I've had similar uptimes than TheFu on my desktop
7:57:21 PMgarywhite The only thing that I leave on 24/7 is my phone, my computer & tablet I shut off when not in use
7:57:39 PMbp9 It runs seti@home so I'm happy to let it stay up all the time.
7:57:46 PMlichenx1 RobbieF, where is christa right now!
7:57:47 PMTheFu No kernel updates, so no reboot.
7:58:16 PMMoeMaravilla My work computer stays on 24/7 (windows 10).
7:58:25 PMMoeMaravilla Linux at home.
7:58:44 PMTheFu MoeMaravilla: doubtful. MSFT reboots your PC when they want after patching when they want.
7:59:06 PMMoeMaravilla Still stays on :)
7:59:27 PMgarywhite I don't let my PC patch itself, I tell it when to install
7:59:28 PMSolbu Someone recently shutdown a solaris system that have been running, without rebooting, since about 2001.
7:59:35 PMTheFu I like for my desktop programs and all locations to be left alone.
8:00:06 PMBerzerkula easy to get high uptimes when you forget where the machine is to reboot or clean
8:00:14 PMBerzerkula or forget it exists
8:01:03 PMTheFu Berzerkula: true. I have an ansible script to check for systems on our subnet. Got surprised this morning when a new AWS system showed up on the wifi network. ;)
8:03:29 PMlichenx1 MY MOM SAID NO!
8:04:12 PMBerzerkula Before I setup the new server, my old one had: 10:26:32 up 696 days, 17:14, 1 user, load average: 0.06, 0.04, 0.05 of course no kernel updates, matter of fact I got lazy and didn't update anything. Probably had plenty of issues
8:04:14 PMTheFu Jeff is nailing this.
8:04:41 PMBerzerkula never attempted to use kexec
8:05:49 PMTheFu Facebook, twitter, snapchat are blocked here at the network level.
8:05:55 PMMoeMaravilla Minimal FB user.
8:06:17 PMMoeMaravilla Use WhatsApp.
8:06:20 PMBerzerkula FB foo bar
8:07:04 PMMoeMaravilla FB Face Book (and Foo bar)
8:07:13 PMTheFu FB tracks everyone, everywhere.
8:07:26 PMBerzerkula like mountain lions
8:07:27 PMTheFu Google, twitter, ... and 500 others track too.
8:07:36 PMalpeck not on FB
8:08:05 PMMoeMaravilla WhatsApp is supposed to be end to end encryption.
8:08:44 PMTheFu MoeMaravilla: If you can't prove it, or pay someone else to prove it, then don't believe it. We've been burned many times.
8:09:07 PMMoeMaravilla I hear you
8:09:16 PMTheFu RetroShare is what I'd trust, if I couldn't get someone to use gpg-email.
8:09:33 PMgarywhite I refuse to use Twitter
8:09:42 PMbp9 Why don't more people use GPG email by default?
8:09:54 PMTheFu bp9: Setup isn't trivial?
8:10:14 PMbp9 I use enigmail on thunderbird. No problem at all
8:10:22 PMlichenx1 jeff what podcast?
8:10:33 PMSolbu bp9: I've used gpg and before that, pgp since 1999.
8:10:39 PMTheFu bp9: Me too.
8:10:44 PMJweston ill tell you in a second
8:10:49 PMJweston give me a minute to find it
8:10:59 PMlichenx1 thanks
8:11:27 PMJweston episode #109
8:11:40 PMTheFu Sasha - you couldn't be talking about amazon, right?
8:12:51 PMbp9 At work we switched to gmail years ago, now I get spam directly related to my industry.
8:13:08 PMbp9 (that I did not get before the switch)
8:13:22 PMMoeMaravilla Thank you everyone... Always fun to watch
8:13:30 PMMoeMaravilla Live
8:13:42 PMJweston thanks all. night!!!!
8:13:44 PMlichenx1 live chat is nice
8:13:57 PMbp9 Bye SashaR! Well done!
8:14:16 PMSolbu RobbieF: the chat bar is nice. Reminds me of the TWiT network. They do something similar.
8:14:18 PMTheFu Chat is nice.
8:14:21 PMMoeMaravilla Yes cool thing Robbie
8:14:50 PMTheFu youtube - Terrifying Cost of Free Websites by Adam_Ruins_Everything
8:15:43 PMbp9 Robbie forgot to close the connection LOL
8:17:24 PMTheFu Should we tell him?
8:17:40 PMbp9 Naah I like watching the after show :-)
8:17:47 PMTheFu Ah.
8:18:03 PMbp9 Too late, I guess he saw the note.
8:18:04 PMbp9 Sigh
8:18:14 PMTheFu Is the left side of his "tash" going gray?
8:18:29 PMbp9 his tash?
8:18:45 PMRobbieF you'll have to look closer next week in 4k :)
8:18:55 PMbp9 I'm using pidgin and I don't see a "tash".
8:18:56 PMTheFu s/tash/stash/
8:19:09 PMRobbieF bahaha I officially love you TheFu
8:19:15 PMRobbieF sed ftw!
8:19:16 PMbp9 He has a tin star next to his ID and it hasn't changed.
8:19:29 PMTheFu I waited until the feed wasn't on to ask that.
8:19:58 PMbp9 Robbie, I complimented TheFu on his use of a vi search & replace earlier. :-)
8:20:26 PMTheFu ed/sed/vim/perl are a way of life when I'm working.
8:20:39 PMbp9 TheFu, you rock!
8:20:53 PMTheFu Gee. Thanks.
8:21:00 PMTheFu shucks.
8:21:09 PMbp9 Although I use vi/vim, sed and awk
8:21:15 PMbp9 (for command line stuff)
8:21:23 PMBerzerkula same her
8:21:24 PMBerzerkula e
8:21:31 PMbp9 and C, sqlite3, and GTK for programming stuff
8:21:31 PMBerzerkula give me those good ole tools
8:21:44 PMSolbu In a norwegian GNU/Linux chatroom we have a bot which among other things watches for sed strings, and retype the chatters previous line, with the sec command applied.
8:22:06 PMbp9 Solbu, now THAT could be interesting.
8:22:11 PMSolbu … and it underlins the replaced string. :-)
8:22:20 PMSolbu *underlines
8:22:22 PMTheFu Way back in them-there olden days, I asked a guru which language I should learn to get the most skill. "perl" was the answer then. He was right.
8:22:39 PMTheFu I'd love to have URL titles pulled back here too.
8:22:51 PMSolbu Most of the Mandriva/Mageia specific tools are written in perl.
8:22:52 PMTheFu !next
8:23:02 PMbp9 TheFu, as with all things, the best language to use depends on what problem you are trying to solve
8:23:13 PMbp9 ...and what you already have experience in
8:23:29 PMbp9 ...and what your environment is at work LOL
8:24:10 PMbp9 I would like to learn Lua to play with minetest mods
8:24:22 PMTheFu bp9: True, but I was trying to get a general purpose tool. I was already programming in about 30 languages, but didn't have much Unix skills then. The network admin said, "perl over awk."
8:24:42 PMTheFu I've never regretted that choice.
8:25:21 PMbp9 TheFu: I agree. awk does certain things well, and I think perl is a more general-purpose language.
8:25:40 PMTheFu Agreed.
8:25:54 PMbp9 you're gonna make me go learn perl now, aren't you? LOL
8:26:50 PMTheFu Perl is like English. There are many different ways to solve each problem. In the hands of an expert, you get the most efficient, solution, unlike many other languages.
8:27:18 PMTheFu Background in C and some OOP is helpful.
8:27:19 PMbp9 I'm more surprised at what you can do with python. I haven't written any python but I have found plenty of programs that use it in the linux ecosystem.
8:27:45 PMTheFu Python is what I recommend as a first language for pretty much everyone.
8:27:54 PMbp9 I suspect that python, like C and Java, relies on libraries to get the job done.
8:28:26 PMTheFu All productive languages use libraries.
8:29:21 PMTheFu Solbu: How was your first night as moderator?
8:29:40 PMSolbu Easy. :-)
8:29:46 PMbp9 True: I use libraries extensively.
8:30:19 PMTheFu bp9: How does Java ensure that your libraries are all current?
8:30:32 PMTheFu and patched?
8:30:34 PMbp9 Solbu, I'm glad we made it easy for you.
8:30:39 PMSolbu TheFu: I'm no newbie at this, thou. Been running several chatrooms, one I've been operator in for 17 years now.
8:31:02 PMTheFu Solbu: I'm a complete noob to IRC.
8:31:08 PMbp9 TheFu: We use maven as a build system, which helps manage the library dependencies through the maven repos
8:32:04 PMTheFu Dependencies are different than updated libraries. At least in my mind. How do you ensure the java libs aren't just something copied over from 4 yrs ago and never maintained correctly?
8:33:25 PMbp9 Yes, you generally specify what version you want when you pull in a library. And that's the version you will continue to use until you next update the program -- it's on the developer to update the dependencies to use the new versions on each iteration.
8:34:32 PMTheFu So the java ecosystem has a centralized, maintained, TTD, library setup that can be controlled by license needed?
8:34:58 PMbp9 TTD? I guess you mean test driven development?
8:35:17 PMTheFu yep. libraries aren't published until they pass all the tests.
8:35:38 PMbp9 java doesn't have such an ecosystem, but maven supplies it. It's a separate build tool similar to make.
8:35:47 PMTheFu Then every installation re-validates the tests pass and if too many fail, then the library is rejected.
8:36:27 PMbp9 Yes, the tests run every time the application is built. The build fails if any unit test fails.
8:36:29 PMTheFu I'm familiar with make/gmake. I wouldn't consider them library management.
8:36:52 PMTheFu I'm taking about library validation, not program validation.
8:37:14 PMTheFu These are things that the Perl CPAN provides.
8:37:48 PMbp9 Each library has its own set of unit tests that follow the same rules as any application. The build fails if any unit test fails.
8:38:08 PMTheFu So library management and use is manual like in C/C++.
8:38:16 PMbp9 maven draws on a repo similar to your CPAN to get libraries.
8:38:35 PMSolbu Uptime was a topic today:
8:38:39 PMTheFu CPAN isn't my repo. It is world-wide.
8:38:47 PMSolbu … in the chat room at least.
8:39:35 PMbp9 So is nexus. You can also have local nexus repos that can be searched ahead of the global one.
8:40:14 PMbp9 maven uses nexus. You specify app dependencies in a config file. That is used to build the app.
8:51:14 PMbp9 Have a good night everyone. Try not to give Solbu any ulcers LOL
8:51:25 PMSolbu :-)


Does Not Include Lurkers