With 3 Posts: | lichenx1_ |
With 1 Posts: | Guest_4601 |
With 1 Posts: | BobK54 |
With 1 Posts: | SweSG |
With 1 Posts: | ABQTKY |
Chat Logs:
7:15:32 PM | lichenx1_ | I need one of those
7:15:57 PM | Guest_4601 | I need eight of those
7:27:56 PM | lichenx1_ | where's robbie
7:30:09 PM | ABQTKY | Just wondering, did somebody pre-record the show??
7:31:37 PM | SweSG | looks like that
7:45:33 PM | lichenx1_ | has to be because the live never has the ads
7:46:32 PM | BobK54 | pre-recorded for Valentines Day?
Does Not Include Lurkers
ABQTKY BobK54 Guest_4601 SweSG lichenx1_