6:58:18 PM | TheFu | Move a little more - stadium walking is good/ mtn hiking and cut back on the carbs did it for me.
6:58:33 PM | TheFu | I wasn't even "lo-carb", just much less.
6:59:01 PM | Garbee | That's the show title robbief!
6:59:05 PM | Garbee | "Bucket full of cash"
6:59:15 PM | TheFu | I pay with cash.
6:59:45 PM | TheFu | t-1
7:00:03 PM | Solbu | Garbee: Oh, yes! Good idea.
7:00:29 PM | Garbee | SashaR: You have perfected the "Deer in headlights" look.
7:00:58 PM | TheFu | Socom anyone?
7:01:47 PM | Garbee | Don't let robbie back.
7:01:49 PM | Garbee | Lock him out.
7:01:51 PM | Solbu | SashaR: And a game server we can connect to, and join.
7:02:33 PM | Garbee | Jeff_W: He wants it hackable.
7:03:04 PM | Solbu | Jeff_W: Oh.. heh.. That thought you just had didn't occur to me. ;-)
7:03:18 PM | Jeff_W | haha
7:04:04 PM | ABQTKY | Wait, what did I do, what did I do????
7:04:24 PM | Garbee | robbief: That's $300
7:04:28 PM | Garbee | Per hour
7:04:31 PM | Garbee | Easy math.
7:04:35 PM | Garbee | Why do you need a timer?
7:04:36 PM | ABQTKY | Hmmm.
7:04:42 PM | Solbu | Jeff_W: But, what I Did do, is I pressed the wrong key, pressed TAB and wrote. that sentence was actually to robbief. :-)
7:04:54 PM | Jeff_W | HAHA
7:05:05 PM | Garbee | Oh
7:05:40 PM | TheFu | Biggest fans tonight?
7:05:46 PM | Jeff_W | make up your mind skywriter64
7:05:50 PM | Skywriter64 | Nieveryone, from Brooklyn,NY
7:05:50 PM | Jeff_W | haha
7:06:24 PM | TheFu | Looks like I'm on a 30+sec delay.
7:07:03 PM | Garbee | Mario Kart 64 has officially been broken to its limits: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y99Wj-NStok
7:09:48 PM | Skywriter64 | Hi everyone From Brooklyn,NY
7:09:59 PM | Solbu | Hi Skywriter64. You're staying this time? :-)
7:10:00 PM | SashaR | Hi Skywriter
7:10:06 PM | BobK54 | Brooklyn!! (I was born there.....)
7:11:03 PM | ABQTKY | So, to disconnect from the world we have to be completely connected???? SashaR
7:11:33 PM | SashaR | haha... I see what you are saying :)
7:11:41 PM | Skywriter64 | I was on my other browser with a built-in vpn.It didn't like my ip address
7:12:32 PM | Skywriter64 | BobK54, Where in Brooklyn?
7:12:45 PM | Solbu | Yea, browsing via is not a good idea. ;-)
7:12:49 PM | BobK54 | Skywriter64 Canarsie
7:13:07 PM | BobK54 | Unity Hospital. Its not there anymore!
7:13:49 PM | Solbu | Nice. New abreviation. DPI – Dollar Per Inch.. heh.
7:14:00 PM | BobK54 | Left Canarsie as a babe-in-arms, grew up in Brentwood, then Selden, then Ronkonkoma
7:15:23 PM | Skywriter64 | BobK54 My grandma Bought a house in Selden before the LIE was there
7:15:43 PM | MarshMan | BobK54: I was born in Lefferts General, also gone We migrated to SI
7:15:59 PM | BobK54 | Skywriter64 - the LIE, aka the Worlds Longest Parking Lot!
7:16:25 PM | Skywriter64 | I had a car service in Canarsie
7:16:54 PM | BobK54 | Skywriter64 I left LI 31 years ago, in KY since then. This weekend moving to TN. I love moving....NOT
7:18:24 PM | Skywriter64 | Bobk54 I'm looking for a place outside NYC , but cheap!
7:19:07 PM | MarshMan | Skywriter64: that's called Ohio
7:19:34 PM | Skywriter64 | LOL!
7:20:41 PM | ABQTKY | So, the Cat5 Crew like my sig, eh?? SashaR
7:21:51 PM | ABQTKY | I put the 'eh' at the end because you guys ARE our neighbors to the north. SashaR
7:21:55 PM | SashaR | Dave (my husband) has been using it at random when he needs a word :)
7:22:22 PM | SashaR | Outloud... and often in the car :)
7:22:31 PM | ABQTKY | SashaR, so I've become an epithet up in Barrie???
7:23:09 PM | TheFu |
7:23:49 PM | SashaR | It's adorable really...
7:24:01 PM | TheFu | Wall-of-Sheep ...
7:24:42 PM | TheFu | it got most of the internet websites to move to HTTPS.
7:24:44 PM | ABQTKY | SashaR AAaaAAh!
7:27:03 PM | TheFu | https://www.wallofsheep.com/
7:27:40 PM | TheFu | It was a popular MITM tool for conferences that would show login credentials on a huge TV for all to see.
7:28:03 PM | TheFu | Especially FB and TWEETER.
7:29:04 PM | TheFu | https://krebsonsecurity.com/tag/wall-of-sheep/ is a better explanation.
7:29:55 PM | TheFu | and http://voices.washingtonpost.com/securityfix/2008/08/wireless_awareness_dont_be_a_s.html
7:35:25 PM | TheFu | maybe the device doesn't support the proprietary file systems on 64G and larger SD cards?
7:42:44 PM | TheFu | Found some from the same vendor on amazon. h.265 4K support for US$60. Android 7.x as the OS. There is a version of kodi, right?
7:47:24 PM | Solbu | Jeff_W, robbief: RKMC is a Kodi fork: https://github.com/JamesLinEngineer/RKMC
7:48:56 PM | MarshMan | SashaR: Sarah-Lee
7:49:04 PM | Solbu | Jeff_W: THe best is to accept the obvious: There is no spoon.
7:49:10 PM | TheFu | And the OS is on ROM, so don't expect any upgrades - which is good and bad.
7:49:42 PM | HenryBB | Happy hump day! :D
7:50:12 PM | ABQTKY | HenryBB You were on screen a couple minutes ago.
7:50:16 PM | TheFu | HenryBB? R U in studio?
7:50:43 PM | HenryBB | Say whaaat! LMAO no I'm off today!
7:50:46 PM | HenryBB | Hey all!
7:50:47 PM | Jeff_W | nope hes isnt on
7:50:58 PM | Solbu | Heh. I have axctually fallen asleep during a cat5 show. (It starts at 1 am here) :-)
7:51:33 PM | HenryBB | wow, 1am?! That's dedication!
7:51:57 PM | ABQTKY | Yes, it's truly amazing!!
7:51:59 PM | Solbu | Now it's 1.55 am.
7:52:17 PM | TheFu | There's some sports that start at 4:30am (my time) that I'll get up to catch.
7:52:26 PM | Solbu | no, 1:52.
7:52:37 PM | HenryBB | So... You're talking from the FUTURE! lol
7:53:18 PM | Solbu | Heh. yes.
7:53:29 PM | TheFu | Jeff_W do you have tinnitus in the woods too?
7:53:33 PM | ABQTKY | @Solbu - I could probably think of some synonyms...other than amazing. Gee, you are awake, what, two and a half hours before breakdfast??? 8-)
7:53:34 PM | Jeff_W | yup
7:54:11 PM | HenryBB | #unboxhype
7:54:14 PM | TheFu | A friend had the surgery for it and that solved it for her. They say it is 50/50.
7:55:04 PM | garywhite | Can't even watch anything on local TV cause everything's about either yesterday's elections here in Calif. or the NBA finals
7:55:20 PM | garywhite | Either politics or sports on TV, basically
7:55:27 PM | Solbu | I miss the days when I had a good connection to the cat5 kodi stream. Today I have reconnected the stream 20 times in the last 30 minutes.
7:55:35 PM | HenryBB | Canada to the moon, this would be great for space travelers! XD
7:55:57 PM | HenryBB | dang, @solbu New internet?
7:56:01 PM | TheFu | I sleep almost anywhere.
7:56:11 PM | Solbu | HenryBB: It is _ONLY_ the cat5 strem I have problems with.
7:56:33 PM | ABQTKY | Northern suburb of Svalbard maybe?? 8-)
7:56:33 PM | TheFu | Looks like a superhero mask with extra powers added!
7:56:45 PM | Solbu | HenryBB: and btw. it is «Solbu» No need for the @ on irc. :-)
7:57:14 PM | HenryBB | What - this isn't Twitter? :D haha
7:57:16 PM | HenryBB | thnx
7:57:23 PM | HenryBB | and dang, that sucks...
7:57:46 PM | TheFu | Any mute button on the eye shields?
7:58:13 PM | HenryBB | "I'm Batman"
7:59:04 PM | Solbu | Crimson Sound.
8:00:08 PM | HenryBB | So, they are going to git github? :P
8:00:14 PM | TheFu | HenryBB - visited a comedy club with a hypnotist ... friend volunteered ... suggested his name was "Mann, Bat" ...
8:00:32 PM | HenryBB | 10/10 TheFu
8:00:32 PM | TheFu | The rest of the show was built around that.
8:00:36 PM | HenryBB | hehe
8:01:00 PM | TheFu | He was a PhD Math grad student.
8:01:52 PM | Solbu | Heh. Best ever news ancor opening. «I have no idea whats on the news. Comming up: …»
8:02:00 PM | TheFu | BTW, they sell the video from the show so we got it to prove he did everything.
8:02:45 PM | HenryBB | Bwahaha! Great to have evidence TheFu
8:02:54 PM | TheFu | cataracts?
8:03:40 PM | TheFu | HenryBB is was long,long, ago.
8:03:42 PM | Skywriter64 | Goodnite everyone,See you next week!
8:04:33 PM | Guest_5174 | cat5.tv/mask? I get a 404 error...
8:05:19 PM | Jeff_W | it will go live after the show
8:05:30 PM | Solbu | Heh. Maybe the link is masked. ;-)
8:05:47 PM | TheFu | Github - can't wait to see the new ToS/EULA.
8:06:15 PM | Solbu | TheFu: Apropos Github: https://i.redd.it/k9l6aeqvmx111.png
8:06:17 PM | TheFu | And what happens to all the repos that China and Russia don't like?
8:06:39 PM | HenryBB | I don't know how I feel about Microsoft Gitting Github... :/
8:06:59 PM | TheFu | I'm in the process of moving all my repos elsewhere.
8:07:14 PM | HenryBB | ^Smart
8:07:35 PM | HenryBB | I have to agree with Jeff
8:07:37 PM | HenryBB | Skype
8:08:33 PM | TheFu | 3 yrs vs 30+ years of evil?
8:08:59 PM | Solbu | Someone made a mockup on how the MS Github might be: https://johansen.software/github-xp/
8:09:04 PM | Solbu | :-)
8:09:27 PM | TheFu | MSFT contributes code for their purposes only. Which is fine, but when they get pressured by China or Russia to remove code...
8:10:02 PM | TheFu | that helps people get around the censorship in those places ... and are pushed with MSFT centers in China?
8:10:06 PM | DJWheels | Robbief or Sashar Is here a link for that first thinyou showed?
8:10:14 PM | TheFu | The Kernel isn't hosted on github.
8:10:34 PM | DJWheels | SASHAR
8:10:51 PM | TheFu | https://www.amazon.com/QINTAIX-R33-Android-RK3328-Dongle/dp/B07C1N5V9Z/ is the device.
8:11:08 PM | TheFu | I'm not worried about MSFT stealing code.
8:11:22 PM | TheFu | GPL LGPL MIT BSD licenses are still in effect.
8:11:23 PM | DJWheels | Thanks TheFu
8:11:30 PM | Solbu | THe linux source code on github is a mirror, only.
8:11:55 PM | Jeff_W | imagine all the data mining that microstof will now get on all their github users
8:12:06 PM | Jeff_W | we thought facebook data collection was bad.
8:12:27 PM | TheFu | Jeff_W - just like what they do on bing, linkedin, skype, and the Win10 platform?
8:12:36 PM | Jeff_W | exactly
8:12:44 PM | Solbu | Jeff_W: What? Microsoft is mining data froml it's users? Shurely not. ;-)
8:12:48 PM | TheFu | But most sheeple have agreed to that.
8:13:02 PM | Jeff_W | i know TheFu thats the problem
8:13:10 PM | DJWheels | SashaR inot getting older just prettier :)
8:13:15 PM | TheFu | https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2015/03/massive-denial-of-service-attack-on-github-tied-to-chinese-government/
8:13:55 PM | TheFu | https://www.zdnet.com/article/does-microsofts-sharing-of-source-code-with-china-and-russia-pose-a-security-risk/
8:14:32 PM | TheFu | just shows that MSFT can be pushed around by China and Russia (and other countries) and will likely be forced to censor github.
8:15:32 PM | TheFu | https://www.wired.com/story/microsoft-github-code-moderation/
8:16:38 PM | TheFu | A repo that China wants gone: https://github.com/anderscorr/china-free
8:18:49 PM | Solbu | I don't trust my ISP's device. I run my own Linux router behind the ISP router.
8:20:03 PM | TheFu | Solbu - yep. Be certain to disable UPnP too!
8:20:45 PM | Solbu | TheFu: I always do. I also disable the wifi access point on the ISP router.
8:21:12 PM | Solbu | Any wifi capabilities are to be provided by a device I alone control.
8:21:29 PM | Jeff_W | i refused my isp device...even their router i wont use. i have three devices to get to my internal network devices
8:21:41 PM | TheFu | wifi? I use powerline networking.
8:22:01 PM | Solbu | I use ethernet only.
8:22:33 PM | TheFu | I'm forced to use the ISP gateway/router/modem due to my static subnet, but I have my pfsense router inside.
8:23:06 PM | Solbu | Same here. My linux router system, have a public IP. (I have a 30 bit subnet)
8:23:32 PM | TheFu | My phone had NFC and with a yubikey, you can force 2FA. ... but the NFC was too flaky.
8:24:37 PM | Solbu | My phone don't have internett, nor is it capable of it. :-)
8:25:14 PM | TheFu | Stream has been stuttering, so I missed all that.
8:25:41 PM | Solbu | Good to see I'm not the only one that struggle with the stream.
8:26:25 PM | TheFu | Huge comcast issues for most of the country today, though it has been fine until the last 5 min.
8:27:57 PM | Solbu | Closing in on 50 stream restarts for todays show only… :-\
8:28:16 PM | TheFu | Hard to touch type on glass, just sayin'.
8:28:48 PM | TheFu | I need the "home" keyboard _feel_
8:28:55 PM | ABQTKY | Stream stutters a lot and resolution just dropped...a lot! But it's still sort of working.
8:29:27 PM | TheFu | stutter and I've lost audio.
8:29:55 PM | fking | It's working fine on roku.
8:30:23 PM | Solbu | 60(!) stream restarts…
8:30:58 PM | Solbu | 62
8:31:06 PM | TheFu | Is the show getting longer? 8"30p
8:31:46 PM | Jeff_W | im outta here
8:31:54 PM | TheFu | intro?
8:34:18 PM | SashaR | Goodnight my darlings :)
8:34:40 PM | Solbu | 70 stream restarts…
8:34:53 PM | Solbu | This is getting stupid…