Chat Logs for Episode 579 — #Category5 on /


With 65 Posts:TheFu_
With 56 Posts:bp9
With 42 Posts:Garbee
With 22 Posts:Solbu
With 21 Posts:GWG

Chat Logs:

6:58:16 PMSolbu TheFu_: I never install anything using a GUI in Linux, unless I show newbies how to use their new system.
6:58:49 PMTheFu_ But Sasha probably does.
7:00:31 PMbp9 @SashaR but originally from Australia
7:01:00 PMGWG Jeff looks different
7:01:20 PMTheFu_ That's MarshMan
7:01:23 PMSolbu Garbee: Yea, he had a hait cut. :-)
7:01:30 PMSolbu *gwg
7:01:32 PMSashaR Very cool bp9 😃
7:01:52 PMbp9 blushes
7:01:58 PMbp9 Aww thanks
7:02:10 PMSkywriter64 Ok ,where is the show?
7:02:39 PMGarbee Slightly delayed
7:02:49 PMSashaR Barrie... maybe fly into Oro 😃
7:02:50 PMbp9 Yup, that's mine.
7:02:54 PMTheFu_ What model?
7:03:00 PMMarshMan test
7:03:04 PMMarshMan test
7:03:10 PMSashaR getting ready!!!!
7:03:12 PMMarshMan discord works
7:03:24 PMbp9 And yes, customs will probably have something to say about me flying into Canada from the States 😃
7:03:27 PMSolbu Type, type type.
7:03:33 PMbp9 Yay, chat is working again
7:03:35 PMDennis_Kelley Hi @MarshMan
7:03:37 PMSweSG No YouTube Live?
7:03:38 PMbp9 Bacon!
7:03:49 PMMarshMan Hey @Dennis_Kelley
7:03:58 PMTheFu_ bp9, I'd assume you'd file a FP and take your passport(s).
7:04:09 PMbp9 @TheFu, it's a 1956 Cessna 172. One of the first 100 that Cessna ever made.
7:04:20 PMTheFu_ Nice.
7:04:32 PMRobbieF hi
7:04:33 PMbp9 @RobbieF checklist. LOL
7:06:41 PMGuest_7852 bacon bangers are better
7:07:05 PMbp9 or... bangers wrapped in bacon!
7:07:40 PMDennis_Kelley chocolate covered bacan
7:07:40 PMGWG I won't be here next week. During the show, I'll be on a flight to Berlin, I hope
7:08:06 PMDennis_Kelley way to go GWG
7:08:16 PMGWG Way to go what?
7:08:27 PMBobK54 I signed in late, YouTube doesnt seem to be working for me. Is it just me?
7:08:40 PMDennis_Kelley going to Berlin
7:09:13 PMDennis_Kelley not working for me either BobK54
7:09:54 PMBobK54 thanks Dennis_Kelley. I just wondered if my system went wonky, apparently not
7:10:01 PMGWG Dennis_Kelley, why? You've been?
7:10:51 PMDennis_Kelley No GWG, just always wanted to go!
7:11:42 PMDennis_Kelley BobK54 I was wondering the same about my system! LOL
7:11:45 PMGWG Dennis_Kelley: I'm going to a conference.
7:12:04 PMDennis_Kelley about what?
7:12:26 PMGWG Dennis_Kelley: I've built in sightseeing time.
7:12:47 PMSkywriter64 ok guys ,where is the show,discord will not let me in?
7:12:57 PMBobK54 I updated PCLinuxOS earlier and restarted just for fun since we got a load of KDE updates so I wondered if something went wrong.
7:14:26 PMstormchaser3000 I am also unable to watch the stream
7:15:07 PMGarbee It's not up yet.
7:15:14 PMstormchaser3000 oh ok
7:15:16 PMGarbee Slightly delayed. Thank you for your patience.
7:15:58 PMbp9 Takes about 4 seconds to load Libre Writer on my middling laptop (xubuntu linux)
7:16:29 PMorangeman blink and miss loading
7:16:41 PMbp9 Takes about 4 seconds to load Libre Writer on my middling laptop (xubuntu linux)
7:16:56 PMSkywriter64 Third request ,where is the show?
7:17:29 PMGuest_7852 the password is monkey1234
7:17:55 PMRobbieF
7:18:23 PMSashaR I hope that helps 😃
7:18:31 PMbp9 @MarshMan love that evil cackle
7:18:43 PMGWG I'm getting a bit of a lag
7:19:15 PMSkywriter64 Thanks!
7:19:26 PMorangeman thanks robbie
7:19:30 PMDennis_Kelley so that is @MarshMan ! good to see you!
7:19:42 PMGuest_7852 yahoo!!!!! they live!!!!!!
7:19:45 PMGWG That guy on the screen is MarshMan?
7:19:54 PMGWG I'm bad at names
7:19:56 PMSashaR the one and only
7:19:58 PMSolbu GWG: Yes.
7:19:59 PMSashaR 😃
7:20:54 PMalpeck Hi everyone. Just arrived. Is stream down???
7:20:59 PMGWG That reminds me. I really would like to find a way to power a Pi Zero that fits inside a single case.
7:21:03 PMTheFu_ The show is fine on Kodi and Roku.
7:21:21 PMalpeck nothing on youtube
7:21:30 PMSweSG
7:21:38 PMSolbu alpeck: I lost the stream too (kodi)
7:21:59 PMDennis_Kelley alpeck I followed the previous link
7:22:07 PMTheFu_ Solbu, here the kodi stream has been good.
7:22:19 PMSolbu TheFu_: What else is new. heh.. :-)
7:22:22 PMalpeck thanks SweSG. That link works
7:22:36 PMSweSG :)
7:22:51 PMTheFu_ Solbu, water is wet?
7:23:58 PMSolbu TheFu_: What? No way? So it's a new utility update? :-)
7:24:08 PMGarbee hm, that's weird. YouTube never gave me the link notification.
7:24:45 PMbp9 Hmm, chat room on stream has stopped again.
7:26:42 PMGarbee Yea, they'll probably get it fixed during the first break.
7:26:50 PMorangeman i you short out the power supply will shut down just take power out lead and reisert the power lead
7:27:01 PMbp9 no worries just wanting to make them aware. 😃
7:27:29 PMGarbee Yup, I just got a note in the right place.
7:27:30 PMChrisM for backup I'm using a 2 disk Netgear ReadyNAS, it can support 12 TB drives and supports rsync over SSH. There not expensive about 200 plus drives
7:27:46 PMMarshMan test
7:27:54 PMMarshMan test
7:28:21 PMGarbee It hasn't moved since I started the stream.
7:28:28 PMorangeman there very bomb proff and need now blow one up robbey
7:28:32 PMGarbee
7:28:40 PMGarbee There we go, moving again.
7:28:43 PMGarbee
7:29:02 PMGarbee 🥓
7:29:09 PMbigkitty SAYS An error occurred. Please try again later. (Playback ID: EzBSUhr2plnD-Dba)
7:29:12 PMGWG I recommend sweet potato fries
7:29:20 PMGWG MarshMan, why are you there, by the way?
7:29:21 PMRobbieF
7:29:32 PMbp9 @RobbieF chat on stream looks good now
7:29:36 PMorangeman i been do of number years use computors power supply
7:29:48 PMGWG Don't forget New York Deli
7:30:06 PMTheFu_ NYC has some of the cleanest water in the world.
7:30:10 PMGWG As a New Yorker, I resent that water crack
7:30:14 PMbp9 @GWG sweet potato fries YUMMY
7:30:22 PMDennis_Kelley is the display blurry?
7:31:11 PMDennis_Kelley I go tit!
7:31:18 PMDennis_Kelley got it
7:31:33 PMGarbee GWG, you can deal with the water crack as well as you deal with drinking that garbage.
7:31:43 PMBobK54 @GWG - as a former Long Islander...I agree with the water comment! :)
7:31:44 PMbp9 Careful @Dennis_Kelley you'll have to moderate yourself! LOL LOL LOL
7:31:56 PMGWG I have a three stage filter on my tap water
7:32:11 PMDennis_Kelley right thanks bp9
7:33:01 PMSolbu Sasha: Tell RobbieF that the overview/audience camera have sound turned on when it's on screen.
7:33:10 PMTheFu_ +1 Solbu
7:33:43 PMalpeck getting an echo when you select wide view of deboxing table
7:33:52 PMTheFu_ Sasha - you should probably interrupt them.
7:34:07 PMSashaR maybe I'll just keep it on the table then... I don't want to inturrupt 😦
7:34:21 PMTheFu_ That works.
7:34:31 PMSashaR But I will if you think it's essential
7:34:46 PMSolbu Sasha: I would have them do it all over again. It was really bad audio when that camera was on screen.
7:35:32 PMGarbee Yea, the echo was pretty bad when it was up on that shot.
7:35:45 PMGarbee I'm not sure if he can dub over it well.
7:36:08 PMGarbee And now the chat on the stream needs to be restarted too.
7:36:12 PMGarbee 😦
7:36:29 PMTheFu_ Garbee, Can you just ssh in and restart it?
7:36:39 PMGarbee Nah.
7:36:44 PMGWG This is going to go way past 8PM
7:37:02 PMTheFu_ yep.
7:37:08 PMGarbee Just have that chat auto restart every 4 minutes.
7:38:25 PMTheFu_ GWG they've been hitting 8:20p
7:38:37 PMGWG TheFu_: I Know. Just saying
7:39:12 PMSashaR I'm going to stay on the table shot for as long as I can, as I don't want to cause a disruption
7:39:23 PMbp9 @RobbieF what about the speaker?
7:39:55 PMTheFu_ What sort of watch does Bill have?
7:40:06 PMGarbee Magnetic screwdriver ftw.
7:40:22 PMMortimer heyo
7:40:23 PMGarbee And chat thing crashed again.
7:40:31 PMTheFu_ Well, and I'd need reading glasses to help too. ;)
7:40:37 PMGarbee Is it even worth restarting anymore?
7:40:38 PMSashaR ugh... really?
7:40:44 PMSashaR likely not
7:40:49 PMGarbee It worked so well last week.
7:41:36 PMbp9 @SashaR check with @RobbieF that the speaker doesn't need to go in before the circuit board is screwed down?
7:41:36 PMTheFu_ Garbee, more non-text this week?
7:42:31 PMSashaR did that sound okay?
7:42:46 PMTheFu_ sound seems fine ... all 3 shots.
7:42:48 PMGarbee Yup, sound is fixed on that shot.
7:42:53 PMGarbee Buffering now though
7:42:54 PMbp9 Wide shot sounds good now
7:43:00 PMSashaR okay... thank you!
7:43:04 PMTheFu_ big buffering.
7:43:05 PMGarbee So we're getting delayed slightly I think.
7:43:29 PMGarbee offline now...
7:43:33 PMTheFu_ Bill - I'll challenge you to a Tank #4 game!
7:43:41 PMbp9 Thanks @SashaR you rock 😃
7:43:46 PMGarbee And coming back
7:43:55 PMGarbee Back offline..
7:44:15 PMbp9 yaa buffering on Roku as well
7:44:28 PMGarbee And "video is unavailable"
7:44:32 PMTheFu_ Had to restart the stream ... audio is off and on now.
7:44:43 PMGarbee Refresh if you're on Youtube
7:44:44 PMSashaR I wish this was a smooth night 😦
7:45:00 PMGarbee Yea, it's a bad night to have all the glitches. Such a cool project.
7:45:08 PMbp9 NO worries that's half the fun!
7:45:16 PMTheFu_ Does changing shots too quickly have anything to do with the stream buffering?
7:45:21 PMGarbee At least the local recording is perfect. 😛
7:45:22 PMbp9 As long as @RobbieF remembered to press "record" LOL
7:45:32 PMSashaR he did!
7:45:39 PMbp9 Excellent!
7:45:52 PMTheFu_ Are those finger prints on the screen?
7:46:16 PMGarbee Back offline here...
7:46:19 PMGuest_5839 youtube keeps "burping" (dropping signal)
7:46:42 PMSashaR Is it something I am doing with the camera switching that is causing the issues?
7:46:46 PMGarbee This might be a night to just finish up recording locally.
7:46:50 PMbp9 Yup, Roku as well 😃
7:46:52 PMSolbu Yea, the stream is just crap today.
7:46:52 PMGarbee No not your at all Sasha.
7:46:57 PMGarbee your fault*
7:47:08 PMGarbee It's all the internet connection/stream providers.
7:47:14 PMTheFu_ It was great until about 5min into the demo table.
7:47:39 PMGarbee Like, this stream is just about unbearable with all the buffering if it keeps up.
7:48:47 PMGarbee Ok, things seem to be picking back up now. (knock on wood)
7:48:56 PMGuest_4761 just looking to see why no youtube video feed.
7:49:38 PMGarbee
7:50:01 PMGarbee It's there, the notification didn't go out, nor the Cat5 Page updating on YouTube for some reason. :/
7:50:12 PMTheFu_ VM-ware
7:50:24 PMGarbee Today is riddled with technical difficulties for the live stream. Sorry.
7:50:38 PMTheFu_ A or B?
7:50:44 PMTheFu_ 1 or 2?
7:50:44 PMbp9 No worries it's fun to watch the bloopers
7:51:27 PMRobbieF hi
7:51:45 PMTheFu_ Stream stuck for others?
7:51:56 PMorangeman yes
7:52:16 PMorangeman ground hog day for cat 5 tv
7:52:31 PMGuest_5839 buffering buffering buffering (its the ISP's)
7:53:16 PMSolbu Maybe RobbieF used up todays alotted secret upload quota. :-)
7:53:47 PMGuest_4761 Garbee, got it on chrome. Thanks
7:53:49 PMTheFu_ I'm gonna need to rewatch the news.
7:54:06 PMTheFu_ r-Pi OTA tuner is a good thing.
7:54:14 PMbp9 I keep thinking MY internet is going down but it seems the problem is at the source
7:54:55 PMTheFu_ We have 2 antennas in the attic and 6 tuner here.
7:55:03 PMTheFu_ HDHR FTW!
7:55:22 PMalpeck Just get an HDHomeRun. it comes with 2 tuners.
7:55:36 PMGWG I have the HDHomeRun Prime
7:56:35 PMTheFu_ alpeck, yep. Be certain you have the DLNA compatible HDHR tuners. They do much more than the older HDHR3 models.
7:56:42 PMMarshMan Recording is on
7:56:45 PMMarshMan 😛
7:56:54 PMTheFu_ GWG, does the Prime support OTA ATSC?
7:56:55 PMbp9 bwahahaha
7:57:09 PMGWG TheFu_: I have an older regular one for that
7:57:12 PMMarshMan You slipped on you're duties @bp9
7:57:43 PMbp9 @MarshMan naah, I didn't want to cheese off @RobbieF LOL
7:58:04 PMTheFu_ The HDHR4 can be used from **any** computer that has wget. The r-pi Kodi has a nice addon for live viewing.
7:58:38 PMGWG I may need to upgrade my HDHomerun next sale
7:59:16 PMTheFu_ I've seen them on for $65 "refurb"s
7:59:39 PMSolbu NTSC - Not The Same Color
7:59:41 PMGWG TheFu_: The 4?
7:59:44 PMTheFu_ We get 90 channels here with our antennas.
7:59:46 PMbp9 @MarshMan @RobbieF @SashaR back in the analog days US TV was NTSC. Europe and Australia TV is PAL
7:59:57 PMbp9 Maybe similar problem on digital?
8:00:18 PMbp9 I thought all the digital TV formats were the same regardless of region
8:00:31 PMTheFu_ US broadcast is ATSCv1 now ... it is mpeg2 steams and 20Mbps per frequency.
8:01:10 PMTheFu_ In 2022-ish, ATSCv3 will probably be pushed. I haven't seen which encoding they plan, but h.265/AVC1 are expected.
8:01:51 PMTheFu_ bp9 ... digital what?
8:02:23 PMSolbu RobbieF. MarshMan, Sashas micek just died for 20 seconds.
8:02:42 PMTheFu_ Robbie, that toggle changed Sasha's audio.
8:02:47 PMTheFu_ Back now.
8:02:51 PMMarshMan is it back Solbu
8:02:55 PMMarshMan OK
8:03:15 PMMarshMan did you hear the story?
8:03:34 PMTheFu_ Sasha needs virtualbox - now!
8:03:41 PMSolbu Marshman, it died while she talked..
8:03:58 PMSolbu Marshman, but only for about 15, 20 seconds
8:04:15 PMbp9 @TheFu digital TV format vs. old analog TV format
8:04:43 PMTheFu_ Ah ... NTSC vs ATSCv1 (ooops that's reversed)
8:05:10 PMbp9 Right... and what are the equivalent Australian (PAL) standards?
8:05:31 PMTheFu_
8:06:17 PMTheFu_ DBD, I think. This is more like what satellite TV uses. Don't quote me.
8:07:01 PMTheFu_ CATV in the USA is planning to move the ATSCv3 encoding too, so the decoding needed by our devices would be standardized again.
8:07:05 PMTheFu_ For the USA.
8:07:22 PMbp9 OK. I wonder if I were to take my US dumb TV (not smart TV) which can catch over-the-air stations in the USA, ship it to Australia, and expect it to work there?
8:07:45 PMbp9 And would netflix, hulu, etc. still work?
8:08:27 PMbp9 I think broadcast TV standards are likely different to internet transmission standards... but I don't know for sure.
8:09:02 PMTheFu_ Doubtful. You'd need a local tuner - probably $20-$40. Do large appliances work using the different voltages there?
8:09:05 PMSolbu I don't trust my ISPs router. I use a GNU/Linux computer that serves as our NAT router where all traffic must go through.
8:09:23 PMTheFu_ In the old days, people would put all their stuff into storage until they returned home when moving overseas.
8:09:35 PMbp9 @TheFu most electronics will accept anywhere from 100 to 240 volts
8:09:47 PMbp9 Australia mains voltage is 240V.
8:10:01 PMTheFu_ The quality new routers have 1 button updates in their admin screens.
8:10:29 PMTheFu_ bp9, I know small electonics does. I wasn't assuming that for desktops, monitors, TVs, etc.
8:10:34 PMbp9 But I just realized you asked about large appliances like fridges, washing machines, dryers, etc. and I'll bet that the will not work if configured for USA 110V operation.
8:10:59 PMTheFu_ Some dryers in the USA use 220V.
8:11:13 PMTheFu_ Actually, I think my fridge does too.
8:11:24 PMbp9 LOL
8:11:35 PMbp9 I think my fridge uses 110V
8:11:41 PMTheFu_ Those funny plugs.
8:11:52 PMbp9 and you're correct about dryers... my bad
8:12:20 PMTheFu_ And don't expect old electric clocks to keep proper time. 50hz vs 60hz.
8:12:30 PMMarshMan My dryer is 110V
8:12:46 PMbp9 @TheFu yeah I wondered if you'd notice that. 😃
8:13:03 PMTheFu_ I've traveled a little. ;)
8:13:49 PMbp9 @TheFu my 1984 Kaypro 2X CP/M machine (surprisingly) started up on both 110 and 240 volts.
8:13:57 PMTheFu_ Odroid should sponsor Cat5
8:14:04 PMbp9 Even with the 50Hz vs. 60Hz difference.
8:14:13 PMbp9 Color me surprised! 😃
8:15:03 PMSolbu In an island on Norways south ewst coast somewhere, Old huses have both 220v and 110v sockets in the wall. When they roled out electricity on the island, a lot of the population sailed across the water to England to buy electric equipment. They still serve both voltages to those houses.
8:16:45 PMTheFu_ Read that 220V + 50Hz is safer. The Americas (Central and North) will probably never change. When power first arrived, 60Hz made lots of sense. Not anymore.
8:17:30 PMTheFu_ I think South America follows the European standards (somewhat).
8:17:58 PMbp9 @MarshMan Great job!
8:18:02 PMbp9 You're hired
8:18:03 PMbp9 😃
8:18:52 PMMarshMan Thanks
8:18:59 PMTheFu_ Nicely done team!
8:19:51 PMSashaR Marshman is awesome!!!!
8:20:02 PMTheFu_ Australia is 230V/50Hz and funky I-type plug
8:20:34 PMbp9 now my internet is being al flaky and stuff.
8:20:36 PMbp9 sigh
8:21:15 PMSashaR You guys rock so much for seeing us through 😃
8:21:30 PMDennis_Kelley great job @MarshMan
8:21:35 PMTheFu_ Showing off your humanity is good.
8:21:46 PMbp9 And YOU rock for persevering even through the tough technical times. 😃
8:22:16 PMTheFu_ I want an H2
8:26:32 PMbp9 Looks like the only one left on stream is the dalek playing with the Cat5 laptop 😃
8:42:38 PMSolbu And of cource when the show is over, the kodi stream starts to behave. Heh.
8:59:56 PMRobbieF was it having trouble Solbu?!
9:00:38 PMSolbu RobbieF: Nt untill about 40 minute into the stream, when you had just started the show.
9:00:49 PMSolbu I ahve updated the github issue.
9:01:28 PMSolbu I eventually gave up and looked for the youtube feed.
9:01:54 PMRobbieF k. I had other technical issues this week (unrelated) but will review. Thanks Solbu.
9:08:44 PMRobbieF Great job tonight @MarshMan ‼
9:15:06 PMRobbieF Such an honor to have you and D visit our humble studio. Thanks for joining us on air!


Does Not Include Lurkers