7:01:57 PM | MarshMan | @SashaR is in Slytherin
7:02:47 PM | Solbu | And as usual, the chat feen on the show is halted.
7:02:51 PM | Solbu | *feed
7:03:03 PM | MarshMan | Bummer
7:03:58 PM | Solbu | On the other hand, all of th ecat5 viewers will see that I have something to sell. heh
7:04:55 PM | SashaR | I am :)
7:05:09 PM | SashaR | In Slytherin, that is
7:05:44 PM | R2D2bestfriend | ok
7:07:29 PM | MarshMan | @RobbieF it is a special eMMC. Mine has been en route for weeks now. I'll have to check up on it.
7:08:34 PM | R2D2bestfriend | start the party
7:09:11 PM | Guest_1353 | no live stream on youtube ?
7:10:01 PM | R2D2bestfriend | don't know. It's all apart of going live
7:10:28 PM | MarshMan | I don't see a YouTube stream.
7:11:12 PM | MarshMan | @SashaR what time is it?
7:11:21 PM | Guest_1353 | youtube stream didn't work last week either
7:11:29 PM | SashaR | 7:11
7:11:32 PM | Guest_1734 | Can Android be put on it, to turn it into a TV /streamer box?
7:11:52 PM | MarshMan | Kidding, just saw that your watch was on your ankle. ๐
7:12:02 PM | SashaR | Haha!!!
7:13:27 PM | R2D2bestfriend | This is what I see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUYKSWQmkrg
7:14:19 PM | rd_blair | ? link to live feed? my Kodi and weblink at category5.tv not working
7:14:20 PM | R2D2bestfriend | ha
7:14:59 PM | Guest_1353 | no live feed on youtube either
7:15:32 PM | MarshMan | Go here: http://wiki.friendlyarm.com/wiki/index.php/NanoPi_M4 for the NanoPi wiki.
7:15:41 PM | MarshMan | It can run Android
7:16:07 PM | SashaR | Where can you see the live feed?
7:16:20 PM | MarshMan | I am on Roku
7:16:57 PM | MarshMan | Web page NOT working
7:16:58 PM | SashaR | Okay! :) anyone else able to watch....or just Roku?
7:17:25 PM | R2D2bestfriend | it maybe a recording
7:17:36 PM | SashaR | It is ;)
7:17:44 PM | Guest_1353 | no feed on youtube Robbie posted a link last week to view live feed
7:17:47 PM | SashaR | But I still want to watch
7:18:18 PM | MarshMan | The web page has the live link but it doesn't work.
7:18:20 PM | Guest_1734 | youtube going flaky again
7:20:43 PM | SashaR | Did any of you dress up for Halloween?
7:21:05 PM | MarshMan | I ahd paint in my hair. Does that count?
7:21:15 PM | SashaR | Completely!
7:21:32 PM | MarshMan | Then I was a painting fiend.
7:21:33 PM | R2D2bestfriend | I dressed as a human ha
7:21:56 PM | Solbu | I dressed as myself.
7:22:06 PM | MarshMan | Then later I was a carpet cleaner.
7:22:11 PM | SashaR | Hahaha
7:22:25 PM | R2D2bestfriend | @solbu That works
7:22:38 PM | Guest_4628 | I dressed as someone waiting to watch a YouTube stream that isn't happening,,,,, again
7:22:46 PM | SashaR | :(
7:23:28 PM | SashaR | Third time is a charm hopefully!
7:23:43 PM | alpeck | Can someone please send me the link to show. Not showing as Live on YouTube and watch live from category5.tv does nothing as well. This is the second week in a row this has happened. Am I doing something wrong?
7:23:48 PM | MarshMan | Anybody have the YouTube link?
7:24:01 PM | MarshMan | Wow deja vu!
7:24:24 PM | Solbu | The kodi stream is working fine, thou.
7:24:43 PM | SashaR | Kodi and Roku are golden
7:25:20 PM | Guest_4628 | I'm not buying a special device just to watch a YouTube stream.
7:25:32 PM | SashaR | Its youtube that isnt working.... Which is not great (because thats how I was going to watch)
7:25:45 PM | Solbu | Guest_1353: Kodi is a program you install on your computer.
7:26:14 PM | alpeck | I am sure the youtube stream is working but without a link I can not watch
7:26:23 PM | Guest_4628 | Not installing a special program just to watch a YouTube stream either.
7:26:45 PM | Solbu | Kodi doesn't stream from Youtube.
7:27:05 PM | Solbu | but sure, one shouldn't need to do that when Youtube should just โฆ work.
7:27:27 PM | SashaR | It should work!
7:27:39 PM | SashaR | But, alas, does not
7:27:52 PM | Guest_4628 | There are at least 20 other YouTube live streams in my Subscription feed so it is NOT a YouTube problem.
7:27:53 PM | R2D2bestfriend | You can't view the stream on Roku or Youtube
7:28:22 PM | rd_blair | Have not use Kodi for a while not working at this time no icons showing for any streams live or recorded
7:29:56 PM | SashaR | I wish I could help more... But I'm at a loss
7:30:17 PM | Solbu | rd_blair: A friend of mine have Kodi installed on his phone. :-)
7:31:17 PM | R2D2bestfriend | maybe everyone is Trick-or-treating
7:31:45 PM | SashaR | I believe thats the case indeed
7:32:05 PM | MarshMan | Mostly tricks here
7:32:08 PM | MarshMan | ๐
7:33:10 PM | bp9 | Pre-recorded live stream is running fine on Roku...
7:33:55 PM | MarshMan | @SashaR Are you going to stay on that side now?
7:33:57 PM | Blokey | Evenin' all
7:34:01 PM | alpeck | Oh...the show is pre-recorded tonight???
7:34:12 PM | SashaR | I do like that side :)
7:34:20 PM | Solbu | alpeck: Nope, it's live right now.
7:34:57 PM | MarshMan | A live pre-recorded show. Cool!
7:35:06 PM | Solbu | alpeck: Those that watch on Youtube and possibly Roku have problems watching.
7:35:06 PM | alpeck | someone sent me the link last week as I had the same problem...can you send me the link Solbu
7:35:30 PM | Solbu | alpeck: I don't know hos to find it if it's not published.
7:35:31 PM | MarshMan | @SashaR Your voice kept changing.
7:35:32 PM | alpeck | yea...is S__ked last week
7:35:33 PM | Solbu | *how
7:35:34 PM | bp9 | @SashaR Mr.
7:35:39 PM | bp9 | @RobbieF Torvalds
7:35:47 PM | SashaR | Hahaha
7:36:10 PM | SashaR | I can't say that name (and so many others)
7:36:18 PM | Solbu | SashaR: You could just say ยซLinusยป with an S, as that's his first name.
7:36:23 PM | bp9 | Nicely done though. Well done.
7:36:40 PM | alpeck | someone pasted it in chat Solbu
7:36:48 PM | SashaR | Thank you :)
7:37:05 PM | Skywriter64 | Ok where is the show?
7:38:16 PM | rd_blair | someone pasted it in chat Solbu do not see link on freenode
7:38:37 PM | Solbu | rd_blair: I'm not on the discord either.
7:38:52 PM | Solbu | I don't accept it's terms of service.
7:39:11 PM | Guest_4628 | You know it makes me wonder why would someone watch a tech show for information when said tech show can't even figure out how to stream to YouTube when others are.
7:40:24 PM | rd_blair | Could someone throw us a bone (me and Solbu)
7:40:35 PM | SashaR | I'd say likely to watch people who love doing what they do ... Even if sometimes it doesnt work out :)
7:40:48 PM | Solbu | rd_blair: I watch on Kodi, so I'm good.
7:41:03 PM | rd_blair | great
7:41:27 PM | rd_blair | my kodi is sick I guess
7:41:32 PM | Guest_4628 | Well enough is enough. I'm outa here.
7:45:06 PM | alpeck | I am going too. Hard to maintain a chat with "trick or treaters" coming to the door and no stream to watch as well...I'll try again next week. Happy Halloween everyone.
7:45:26 PM | MarshMan | @SashaR D says If you liked the movie, you gotta rread the book
7:45:49 PM | MarshMan | Ready Player 1
7:46:32 PM | citadelofswords | @RobbieF speaking RIGHT to my heart with VR D&D
7:46:58 PM | SashaR | I loved the book!!
7:47:41 PM | MarshMan | ๐
7:47:43 PM | orangeman | robbie i cant not see show
7:50:03 PM | orangeman | can give link to show
7:50:26 PM | Solbu | orangeman: There isn't one. :-(
7:50:32 PM | Solbu | RobbieF: The Youtube stream didn't work today.
7:50:50 PM | orangeman | ok tanks i go to bed
7:51:52 PM | MarshMan | Was the show short or did I miss something?
7:51:53 PM | SashaR | I better get my dishes and laundry done now too :):)
7:52:08 PM | SashaR | It may have been short.....
7:52:34 PM | bp9 | They're finishing it up now. It might have started early? I missed the first 20 mins or so
7:52:35 PM | RobbieF | Aww you guys don't know how to open it without me?
7:52:38 PM | RobbieF | https://youtu.be/fIIededsBgY
7:52:56 PM | SashaR | Ugh
7:52:59 PM | SashaR | Lol
7:53:31 PM | RobbieF | Just bring up our yt channel and press Videos
7:53:45 PM | RobbieF | The one marked live... Is live :)
7:54:11 PM | RobbieF | Sorry I couldn't be here sooner to help
7:54:18 PM | RobbieF | Trick or treat :)
7:54:26 PM | MarshMan | i DON'T SEE IT
7:54:30 PM | RobbieF | https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/495592877733183489/507341619482198018/20181031_181934.jpg
7:54:43 PM | MarshMan | Sorry hit Caps lock
7:54:53 PM | RobbieF | https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/495592877733183489/507341719243849738/Screenshot_2018-10-31-19-54-39.png
7:55:41 PM | MarshMan | @RobbieF Which one are you?
7:55:42 PM | Garbee | Sorry, I ended up in a 2 hour game run on the PS4.
7:55:53 PM | MarshMan | Don't say the one taking the pic
7:56:00 PM | RobbieF | Haha
7:56:06 PM | Cee128d | RobbieF there wasn't any video marked LIVE when I looked.
7:56:26 PM | MarshMan | Didn't see it either
7:57:01 PM | RobbieF | Let's move the chat about how to use YT over to off topic :)
7:57:56 PM | MarshMan | Discord wasn't moving anyway
7:58:08 PM | RobbieF | Oh okay.
7:58:12 PM | RobbieF | Thanks Bill
7:58:13 PM | Cee128d | RobbieF It's not us. We know how to use YouTube. I was watching it while you were still trying to figure out what the World Wide Web was.
7:58:29 PM | RobbieF | Yeah it's yt
7:58:39 PM | RobbieF | They've been changing things
7:59:08 PM | Blokey | How dare they change things!
7:59:29 PM | RobbieF | Their new system sucks
8:00:10 PM | Cee128d | It's working fine for me and the other 12 plus Live Streams in my feed right now.
8:00:54 PM | Cee128d | Nothing on your channel tho
8:02:28 PM | Solbu | RobbieF: Maybe you need to start testing streaming on Vimeo.
8:02:44 PM | RobbieF | $$$$$ Solbu
8:03:05 PM | Solbu | For mee? Aww. :-)
8:04:13 PM | RobbieF | Sorry all. I did my best. I will be at the studio at 5am to edit and get the episode up for you
8:04:51 PM | Solbu | RobbieF: One idea for you, regarding youtube.
8:05:21 PM | Solbu | RobbieF: TWiT have a static youtube link that always points to the live feed, whatever the current id is.
8:05:46 PM | Solbu | You migt consider having that, as people allways have problem finding the live feed.
8:11:51 PM | RobbieF | We do ... live.cat5.tv - but YT broke it with the rollup to the new system. It will be back and working but falls on them.
8:12:28 PM | Skywriter64 | Sorry i am goihg
8:13:38 PM | bp9 | @RobbieF you did fine! It all worked out.
8:14:06 PM | RobbieF | Thanks bp9
8:15:02 PM | RobbieF | Solbu was the feed good 4 u tonight?
8:16:05 PM | MarshMan | I watched Roku with no problems
8:16:05 PM | Solbu | RobbieF: Allmost. Towards the end it started craping out again, but when you dhowed the ยซwere starting soonยป poster at the end before stpping the stream, it behaved again.
8:16:14 PM | MarshMan | I heard Kodi was good too
8:16:15 PM | Solbu | *showed
8:16:25 PM | RobbieF | K
8:16:42 PM | bp9 | Roku was fine here as well, for the entire show.
8:16:46 PM | RobbieF | I will reach out to youtube
8:16:55 PM | bp9 | (at least the bit I watched... I got in late ๐
8:17:28 PM | RobbieF | Me too :)
8:17:33 PM | bp9 | LOL
8:17:56 PM | Solbu | but today you started 3 minutes early. :-)
8:18:24 PM | bp9 | But that's why you pre-recorded. I just didn't realise how close you were between finishing the pre-recording and transmitting it. ๐
8:18:30 PM | MarshMan | Aaaaaaaand...
8:18:35 PM | MarshMan | bacon
8:18:53 PM | bp9 | yeah baby, yeah!
8:18:55 PM | bp9 | bacon!
8:20:10 PM | MarshMan | @SashaR was stage right again too
8:21:02 PM | bp9 | I always get them confused: stage right would be our left, correct?
8:21:37 PM | MarshMan | Correct. Stage sides are when you are on stage.
8:22:04 PM | MarshMan | House sides are how the audience sees it
8:22:23 PM | MarshMan | Stage right = house left
8:23:01 PM | bp9 | Thanks. I can only remember phrases such as "Exit, stage right" or "exit, stage left"
8:23:15 PM | MarshMan | Wife and daughter were both theater majors
8:23:16 PM | bp9 | but never heard "exit house right"
8:23:39 PM | bp9 | I guess that would confuse the actors
8:23:53 PM | MarshMan | correct
8:24:15 PM | bp9 | That makes sense. Thanks!
8:24:39 PM | MarshMan | I am a wealth of useless information
8:24:53 PM | bp9 | And I see everyone else has surged ahead of me on the leaderboards.
8:25:08 PM | bp9 | That's what I get for staying away for a few days.
8:25:10 PM | bp9 | ๐
8:26:21 PM | MarshMan | On Monday the screaching sound you hear will be my Leaderboard brakes being applied as I go back to work
8:26:49 PM | MarshMan | cameo
8:27:08 PM | bp9 | Oh well you have a few more days to build up a balance LOL
8:28:23 PM | MarshMan | Go to #off-topic and see the pics of the room I have to fill tomorrow.
8:28:36 PM | MarshMan | Moving my daughter out of her room
8:29:51 PM | MarshMan | So I can move the office into hers
8:30:20 PM | MarshMan | This way the missus doesn't have to go upstairs to work anymore
8:54:13 PM | RobbieF | Did you get to see our rap with the tech issues tonight?
8:54:26 PM | MarshMan | Sadly, yes
8:55:29 PM | RobbieF | Haha
8:55:49 PM | RobbieF | Are you saying we shouldn't start a band?
8:55:52 PM | RobbieF | :p
8:56:07 PM | MarshMan | Please
8:56:32 PM | Blokey | I totally dislike rap so I muted that bit!
8:57:21 PM | MarshMan | When it came on D and K looked at me. I shrugged.
8:59:11 PM | RobbieF | Haha oh Blokey
8:59:39 PM | RobbieF | You just regret I didn't make YOU into a rap star too!
9:00:01 PM | MarshMan | I would NOT have done it. No way! No how!
9:00:34 PM | RobbieF | ๐
9:03:30 PM | RobbieF | It'll grow on you :)
9:06:07 PM | MarshMan | I should sign off too. Allergy jabs first thing then moving stuff.
9:06:21 PM | MarshMan | I'll count the flights of stairs again
9:07:03 PM | bp9 | It's probably just one flight of stairs but a bunch of stairs, right?
9:07:22 PM | RobbieF | I have to wait for kids to be picked up
9:07:32 PM | MarshMan | Bunch of trips
9:07:51 PM | MarshMan | Hopefully not so many to the basement
9:08:27 PM | MarshMan | 12 steps
9:08:43 PM | bp9 | Are you going to make that base board before you move her in there?
9:08:52 PM | bp9 | Might be hard to do after she's moved in
9:08:54 PM | MarshMan | Not enough time
9:09:16 PM | MarshMan | Yeah but I'll manage
9:09:29 PM | MarshMan | I'll give her enough warning to cleanup
9:09:41 PM | MarshMan | A month oughta do it
9:09:57 PM | bp9 | Uh-huh
9:10:36 PM | MarshMan | The window and closet frames should be easy
9:11:05 PM | bp9 | True but I was thinking about the trimming around the floor.
9:11:30 PM | MarshMan | Yeah, tricky
9:11:39 PM | bp9 | Uh-huh
9:11:56 PM | MarshMan | This project was decided on Sunday.
9:12:10 PM | MarshMan | I'm surprised I git as far as I have
9:12:20 PM | bp9 | Nice!
9:13:03 PM | MarshMan | When she's moved up, then I have to clean the carpet in her room and move the office stuff into there
9:13:20 PM | MarshMan | My wife's desk with hutch
9:13:31 PM | MarshMan | My drafting table/desk
9:13:40 PM | MarshMan | 4 PCs
9:13:54 PM | MarshMan | You know, the usual stuff
9:14:07 PM | bp9 | Oh yeah, that should all fit, right?
9:14:37 PM | MarshMan | Not a chance, so something has to go. ๐
9:14:46 PM | bp9 | oops
9:15:17 PM | MarshMan | You don't realize how much you own until you have to move it
9:16:13 PM | bp9 | In my case, how much I collected over the years
9:16:35 PM | MarshMan | This should really move back to #off-topic
9:16:50 PM | MarshMan | But yes, I know what you mean
9:17:06 PM | bp9 | Not a big deal as I'm about ready to call it for the night anyway
9:17:20 PM | MarshMan | Incentive for me to quit too.
9:17:39 PM | bp9 | Looks like @RobbieF has dropped off, but I wanted to say again that it was a great show tonight.
9:18:13 PM | bp9 | Have a good night @MarshMan , @RobbieF and @BekahF (cause I see her watching LOL)
9:18:19 PM | MarshMan | G'night.
9:18:35 PM | MarshMan | I see her too. Sneaky.
9:18:45 PM | MarshMan | Gotta watch the quiet ones.
9:18:52 PM | bp9 | yup
9:19:06 PM | MarshMan | G'night all!!
9:19:16 PM | bp9 | g'night!
9:22:07 PM | RobbieF | Aww thanks @bp9
9:23:24 PM | MarshMan | You came back
9:23:51 PM | RobbieF | Was just posting pictures of tonight
9:23:54 PM | RobbieF | Im here