Chat Logs for Episode 583 — #Category5 on /


With 78 Posts:MarshMan
With 42 Posts:bp9
With 39 Posts:TheFu
With 21 Posts:GWG
With 18 Posts:RobbieF

Chat Logs:

6:58:14 PMMarshMan A hot dog on a bun is not a sandwich cuz the bun is one piece and not two
6:58:22 PMMarshMan So the argument goes
6:58:26 PMTheFu Not me. Don't really "do" ads or tweets.
6:58:43 PMTheFu
6:59:01 PMMarshMan Do you ever leave the house/cave? 😛
6:59:16 PMMarshMan Bunker?
6:59:23 PMTheFu Mom's basement?
7:00:05 PMbp9 I see the live feed now
7:00:21 PMSolbu Kodi stream is working.
7:00:58 PMbp9 Ooooh @Sasha is that the black or dark green hoodie you're wearing?
7:01:05 PMbp9 I'm trying to decide on color.
7:01:28 PMbp9 May have to get one of each 😃
7:01:55 PMMarshMan Cliff The Fu Clavin
7:02:17 PMTheFu good audio.
7:02:21 PMSolbu No echo.
7:02:36 PMMarshMan negative
7:04:03 PMABQTKY MarshMan, after last week I have a question for you. Rockland or Orange? 8-)
7:04:35 PMBobK54 756! I win! Haha, my fitbit has been on my desk all day
7:04:36 PMMarshMan K has been allowed to leave the dinner tsable to watch Cat5
7:05:05 PMMarshMan Ulster
7:06:12 PMcitadelofswords i have my dinner with me though
7:06:15 PMcitadelofswords small victories
7:06:29 PMABQTKY MarshMan, so let's see...Esopus, Kingston, New Paltz or somewhere to the west?
7:06:40 PMMarshMan New Paltz
7:07:15 PMbp9 The crew is easily amused LOL
7:07:50 PMbp9 Change the text on the button again @RobbieF
7:08:14 PMMarshMan Mrs M just yelled BACON!
7:08:31 PMMarshMan Nothin g you would like @SashaR
7:08:47 PMSolbu And … press Record.
7:09:07 PMABQTKY MarshMan, very nice! 32 from NooBoig to NP is a nice ride...or used to be but the Thruway is faster.
7:09:53 PMMarshMan Still a nice ride ABQTKY. I live south of the village anyway
7:10:26 PMABQTKY MarshMan Excellent!!
7:12:44 PMBobK54 pfffft testing. overrated
7:12:53 PMGWG What did I miss? My neighbor showed up to have me fix his iPhone
7:12:55 PMbigkitty is the stream working?
7:13:06 PMGWG On a side note, I don't know anything about iPhones
7:13:22 PMMarshMan We are live!
7:14:01 PMbigkitty website still shows last weeks episode?
7:17:45 PMMarshMan doo doo doooo
7:17:53 PMTheFu checklist item?
7:18:31 PMMarshMan @SashaR I luv voluntold!!
7:18:38 PMMarshMan Awesome word!
7:18:39 PMGWG There's a checklist?
7:18:52 PMGWG The first item should be to check the checklist
7:18:57 PMSashaR We are fixing the link thing 😃
7:21:47 PMbigkitty yay! working!
7:21:58 PMMarshMan
7:22:14 PMbp9 Here's a discord question: I haven't logged in for a few days, but when I logged in this morning, discord only showed me messages from this morning, not my last login a few days ago.
7:22:17 PMbp9 Any idea why?
7:24:36 PMBobK54 amazon has a version of that sd card holder that also has a standard sd card adapter slot
7:24:56 PMbp9 @RobbieF how does static electricity affect those SD cards in that holder?
7:25:48 PMMarshMan @RobbieF I am using a 3A brick with no issues
7:26:07 PMBobK54
7:27:17 PMbp9 BobK54 I've had one of those units fail when I lost the write protect thingy in the adapter. The computer decided it was write protected and would not write to the card.
7:27:47 PMMarshMan OMG he soldered!!
7:27:54 PMbp9 😃
7:28:32 PMMarshMan 116A to spare
7:28:33 PMBobK54 @bp9 well thats not good! I rarely use the standard SD size so I didnt run into that problem.
7:29:34 PMbp9 Yeah so I don't use them any more. Instead I use a 72-to-1 adapter that takes all kinds of cards and plugs into a regular USB port.
7:29:35 PMMarshMan Sayal has ALMOST everything
7:29:38 PMbp9 Works much better.
7:29:54 PMMarshMan LOVE that store!
7:30:44 PMBobK54 that multi adapter is what I use in the car to play music/podcasts off the micro sd card. the micro sd also fits my cheap mp3 player so I can go either way
7:30:57 PMGWG Eleduino, not aleduino
7:31:00 PMGWG Never mind
7:32:19 PMMarshMan No XU4?? 😮
7:34:56 PMMarshMan No XU4?? 😮
7:36:49 PMbp9 So I got that wrong -- I thought the more giggles the better.
7:36:56 PMBobK54 yell out the current time so I can see if I am behind
7:37:46 PMBobK54 ok, I'm current apparently. THANKS
7:37:49 PMbp9 BobK54, just watch for your message on the chat and you can figure out the latency from that.
7:43:44 PMbp9 So the best giggle value comes from low price and high performance
7:44:14 PMSashaR That's exactly it 😃
7:44:47 PMbp9 Excellent!
7:46:15 PMbp9 I feel like these SBCs can go a long way performance wise, especially since they each run linux if I understand correctly.
7:46:54 PMbp9 But I'd probably still use a general computer (laptop, etc) instead of an SBC
7:47:47 PMbp9 And I like that an arduino will just recover and keep on running when power goes out and comes back...
7:55:30 PMMarshMan OH PLEASE! Worrying about your age!
7:55:47 PMMarshMan Did you see all of my greys?
7:56:12 PMbp9 Good job pressing record @RobbieF
7:56:13 PMbp9 :-0
7:56:54 PMbp9 I rasPi as well, just make sure you shut that puppy down properly.
7:57:33 PMMarshMan Can you say corruption?
7:57:44 PMbp9 oooohh yeah
7:57:48 PMbp9 been there done that
7:58:40 PMMarshMan I see no grey @SashaR
7:59:00 PMMarshMan or gray
8:04:49 PMMarshMan Ubuntu would outlast the toaster
8:04:56 PMMarshMan and thr fridge
8:05:14 PMGWG The Quirky Egg minder is still getting security updates and it isn't supported by its manufacturer anymore
8:05:34 PMMarshMan There you go
8:05:52 PMGWG Of course, why someone thought an internet connected egg tray was a good idea is beyond me
8:06:05 PMMarshMan LOL
8:06:43 PMMarshMan Remember, Target was hacked thru their air conditioner
8:08:04 PMTheFu Sasha, your smartphone uses a SIM? SIM cards can be cloned. Effectively, someone else can become you, since they have your phone.
8:08:35 PMMarshMan The text tells you it expires.
8:08:38 PMMarshMan Usually
8:08:51 PMTheFu But they've taken over your smartphone.
8:09:15 PMTheFu Changed your bank login
8:09:17 PMGWG Exploits are extremely valuable on the market
8:10:05 PMMarshMan @Henry Baillie-Brown your mic moved way away from your mouth
8:10:13 PMTheFu If they control your phone number, most businesses will trust that person with just a little extra proof.
8:10:39 PMTheFu
8:11:58 PMGWG I'll go to my local cell phone shop and tell them I'm Sasha Rickman and see how it works out
8:14:30 PMSashaR It may work
8:15:30 PMTheFu 430 GT here!
8:15:44 PMMarshMan Integrated video here
8:15:48 PMMarshMan 😛
8:16:04 PMTheFu Love the iGPUs!
8:16:39 PMTheFu Lockheeeeeeed / Martin.
8:16:47 PMbp9 LOL
8:17:01 PMTheFu One of my former employers. ;(
8:17:08 PMMarshMan @SashaR said she had some words that were going to trip her up
8:17:15 PMMarshMan Guess we found them
8:17:44 PMMarshMan Dirt that isn't dirt cheap
8:17:56 PMSashaR lol... yep
8:18:06 PMABQTKY TheFu, how about the original spelling of Lockheed??
8:18:18 PMTheFu Just put it in the calendar.
8:18:54 PMTheFu I only worked for that company a few months after they bought the part of Loral I worked at.
8:19:13 PMbp9 Arrival
8:19:14 PMMarshMan Remember there were credits
8:19:29 PMABQTKY TheFu, so were you in Westchester or some such place??
8:19:30 PMMarshMan and people in it
8:19:30 PMbp9 District 9?
8:19:32 PMTheFu "life"
8:19:51 PMMarshMan ABQTKY, I work in Manhattan
8:19:57 PMTheFu ABQTKY, nope. Houston.
8:20:02 PMTheFu And Marietta
8:20:44 PMGWG Earth Dirt?
8:20:54 PMGWG Earth is dirt
8:21:06 PMABQTKY MarshMan, the bus terminal to NP, back and forth every day? Oy!!
8:21:07 PMTheFu Japan is returning samples from another asteroid - next year?
8:21:22 PMbp9 GW, Earth dirt vs. Mars Dirt LOL
8:21:46 PMMarshMan ABQTKY, Yup, Oy covers it
8:22:24 PMABQTKY TheFu, Houston is just the western suburbs of NY.
8:22:48 PMABQTKY MarshMan, Oy DOESN'T quite cover it. 8-(
8:22:49 PMTheFu Different pronunciation, methinks.
8:23:18 PMbp9 YAY, excellent job @RobbieF @SashaR @Henry Baillie-Brown
8:23:50 PMMarshMan ABQTKY, Lost a lot of my life commuting
8:23:54 PMBobK54 good show as usual! night all
8:24:19 PMSashaR Thank you everyone 😃 😃
8:24:22 PMTheFu Checklist update Robbie?
8:24:32 PMABQTKY But you can watch Category5 on Wednesdays on the bus, right?
8:25:04 PMBobK54 Logitech K400, has integral mouse pad too
8:25:05 PMMarshMan I did one time. Watched the show on one phone and used Discord on another
8:26:04 PMMarshMan Get the story update in 2023
8:26:09 PMSolbu A pen is an old school printer.
8:27:11 PMTheFu Anyone use GTD methods still?
8:27:15 PMMarshMan Like carbon paper is old school copier
8:27:26 PMTheFu with a better smell.
8:27:30 PMbp9 No but I found taskwarrior and I love it
8:27:36 PMbp9 Works on linux and android
8:27:41 PMABQTKY A pen is like a 9 pin dot matrix printer.
8:28:14 PMMarshMan TheFu, what about mimeograph? That was a GOOD smell
8:29:58 PMbp9 I always like to watch the live show. I'm glad my interwebs held out long enough that I could watch it all the way through.
8:30:32 PMbp9 OMG @MarshMan good memories!
8:30:36 PMTheFu MM - you are correct. My mind isn't as good as I vaguely remember it being.
8:31:07 PMTheFu Hey - zero stutters or buffering with the show tonight! Yippy!
8:31:57 PMMarshMan When I went for my passport a few months ago the clerk at the Post Office used a piece of tattered carbon paper.
8:32:08 PMMarshMan Could not believe my eyes.
8:32:38 PMGWG MarshMan, budget cuts
8:32:44 PMTheFu Been anywhere interesting with it? I like to travel.
8:33:34 PMMarshMan Just Barrie, Ontario Canada
8:33:46 PMTheFu Ah. Heard something about that.
8:33:48 PMTheFu ;)
8:34:30 PMGWG I just went to Germany
8:34:32 PMTheFu Last time I was in Canada a passport wasn't needed.
8:34:41 PMTheFu Which part of DE?
8:34:52 PMGWG I was in Berlin for a conference and did some touring
8:35:10 PMGWG I got to see the place in between the inner and outer wall where they would shoot people if they entered
8:35:33 PMMarshMan I just came out of the office from watching the show and everone left. I am home alone.
8:35:47 PMTheFu My heritage is German, but I've never gone. Been close, but the airfares to get there are never a good deal, it seems.
8:35:49 PMGWG I'm moving furniture. But I'm making progress.
8:36:05 PMGWG TheFu: No one in my family has been there since my grandparents met in a displaced persons camp after the war
8:36:16 PMRobbieF \o Hope ya'll enjoyed the show!!
8:36:27 PMMarshMan I did
8:36:28 PMbp9 Yes sir it was excellent.
8:36:43 PMTheFu YEp - no video stutters or audio issues at all tonight!
8:36:52 PMRobbieF WOW @TheFu!!!
8:37:17 PMRobbieF Was my description of Giggles clear and [hopefully] exciting?
8:37:18 PMGWG RobbieF, someone today at work wished a Canadian a Happy Thanksgiving. I thought of you.
8:37:18 PMTheFu It's all you!
8:37:32 PMGWG RobbieF, why is it called a Giggle again?
8:37:40 PMRobbieF aww thanks GWG 😛
8:37:53 PMRobbieF GWG because that's what I named it. 😛
8:38:30 PMTheFu I understood the goal of giggles. Don't understand the RAM/CPU/something else merged scoring, but I like details for new benchmarks.
8:39:34 PMTheFu And does the "price" part include power, case, storage addons? Are the prices pulled from some known vendor or manually entered from real purchases?
8:40:32 PMMarshMan I used the price from the websites
8:40:46 PMMarshMan RPi is $35
8:41:07 PMMarshMan Unless you get it from Amazon with their markup
8:41:16 PMGWG RobbieF: I got that. Why though?
8:41:18 PMMarshMan I used the Pine64 site too
8:41:38 PMTheFu shipping?
8:42:04 PMMarshMan No just the price of the board, shipping can vary too much
8:43:33 PMTheFu Good to know and no disagreement, just the addons cost relatively more for cheaper systems, which could impact the giggle-value if included.
8:44:42 PMMarshMan True but you can get a Pi case for $5 or $15 shouldn't factor in
8:45:31 PMMarshMan Actually, I had a printout of a folding paper case back when I got my first Pi B
8:45:36 PMTheFu "cheapest available case" for each SBC ... but I'd never run any SBC without a case.
8:45:50 PMMarshMan Too true
8:47:46 PMbp9 You won't need hardly any editing at all 😃
8:48:26 PMbp9 That one was for @RobbieF from about 20 mins ago when we were talking about the show. LOL
8:53:20 PMRobbieF @lukasz make sure you check out Episode 583 if you didn't see it live. Your boards excelled more than we could have expected. Next week we put the Rock64 and RockPro64 (this week's champions) up against the ODROID XU4Q and the NanoPi M4.
8:55:22 PMMarshMan I am living the Home Alone movie
8:55:38 PMMarshMan They left me alone with a half gallon of ice cream
8:57:38 PMbp9 yummy!
8:58:02 PMMarshMan Yeah, this won't last
8:58:09 PMbp9 :-
9:15:10 PMMarshMan Thought so, ice cream is gone and they came home.
9:16:42 PMMarshMan @RobbieF I was on the FriendlyElec site checking out the NanoPi Neo4
9:16:48 PMMarshMan
9:17:50 PMRobbieF Oh wow
9:17:53 PMRobbieF look at the size!
9:18:06 PMMarshMan There is also this guy:
9:18:24 PMRobbieF Woh
9:18:29 PMRobbieF they're doing some exciting things to be sure!
9:19:23 PMMarshMan Amazing stuff
9:19:53 PMRobbieF I'm so eager to put the NanoPi M4 up against the Pine64 Rock64 next week!
9:20:11 PMMarshMan I suppose you saw the Odroid H2 is out at $111
9:20:14 PMRobbieF yep
9:20:16 PMRobbieF sure did
9:20:21 PMMarshMan RAM is extra tho
9:20:23 PMRobbieF It's on my wish list 😛
9:20:24 PMRobbieF yep
9:20:34 PMRobbieF If only I knew of a sponsor who made RAM..........
9:20:35 PMRobbieF 😛
9:21:00 PMMarshMan Hmmmmmm
9:21:41 PMMarshMan lol
9:21:45 PMRobbieF hehe
9:22:44 PMMarshMan Now that I see the Giggle values my wish list may contain a Pine cluster
9:23:19 PMbp9 When SBCs start getting really capable, when do you switch to a general purpose computer?
9:23:37 PMMarshMan These are more fun
9:24:39 PMbp9 I feel like the line between SBC and general purpose computer is starting to blur quite a bit,especially performance wise
9:24:53 PMbp9 Although the SBC has a lot more IO options


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