Chat Logs for Episode 606 — #Category5 on /


With 43 Posts:GWG
With 33 Posts:TheFu
With 23 Posts:ConligWX
With 23 Posts:MarshMan
With 22 Posts:Solbu

Chat Logs:

6:58:24 PMSolbu Jeff, yess, Hissing sounds when he's talking.
6:58:41 PMSolbu Jeff: But if he have a faulty voice… ;-)
6:59:01 PMSolbu RobbieF: Still noise.
6:59:04 PMMarshMan It's ALWAYS @Jeff Weston fault
6:59:13 PMMarshMan 😛
6:59:22 PMMarshMan All sound good
6:59:36 PMMarshMan But I have no headphones
7:00:23 PMSolbu MarshMan: but I have headphones, and hear every defect excellent. :-)
7:00:29 PMGWG Are you trying to echo?
7:00:29 PMMarshMan There was echo briefly
7:00:54 PMSolbu Sahsa: Correct. I'm a sound engineer at my church.
7:00:55 PMMarshMan I know Solbu wears precision headphones
7:01:53 PMMarshMan @SashaR you missed it
7:01:56 PMGWG Now, for the latest game show, with host Robbie Ferguson...Better know your audience.
7:01:59 PMMarshMan it was last week
7:02:13 PMSolbu Robbie: But the noice is bearable. Nothing that varants delaying to much to fix.
7:02:21 PMGWG In the first round, RobbieF will quiz SashaR on trivia about audience members.
7:02:23 PMMarshMan Thank you @SashaR
7:02:56 PMGWG No one remembers my birthday
7:03:53 PMGWG Note to self: Schedule visit to Canada in Summer, Not Winter
7:04:08 PMGWG I got hail last week
7:05:17 PMSkywriter64 hi from Brooklyn NY
7:05:34 PMGWG Ah, Brooklyn
7:05:51 PMConligWX Hey Guys!
7:06:27 PMSkywriter64 WOW I had to wait about 10 minutes to sign in
7:06:28 PMGWG I thought he was down on Pis
7:07:27 PMGWG I thought he wanted an Alpha Pi
7:07:46 PMTheFu AtomicPi
7:07:48 PMGWG Now I have Simon and Garfunkel's The Boxer in my head
7:07:55 PMGWG Atomic, Alpha, Alpine.
7:07:57 PMGWG It had an A
7:08:14 PMMarshMan I have it on order TheFu
7:08:28 PMMarshMan 🔔 🔔
7:08:33 PMTheFu Intel/Atom based.
7:08:36 PMTheFu Cheap.
7:08:50 PMMarshMan Preloaded with Linux
7:08:57 PMSolbu I switched to a non-wireless headphones using a cable connection – to rule out interference from the wireless transmission, and now I hear that Sasha also have the hizzing noise. But Jeff is crystal clear.
7:09:13 PMSolbu So, something to debug after the show.
7:09:16 PMConligWX sound is fine here
7:10:01 PMTheFu Jeff - throw that awy!
7:10:02 PMMarshMan Read the instructions Jeff
7:10:11 PMConligWX RTFM
7:10:41 PMGWG TheFu: Waiting for the power board to be on Amazon
7:10:48 PMConligWX looks like the Amazon FireTV from a few years back
7:11:15 PMGWG Next time, I want him to stage a dramatic reading of the warranty card
7:11:23 PMTheFu GWG - I'm too dumb to figure out the AtomicPi power, so I'll be waiting for a "kit"
7:11:25 PMConligWX and T&Cs
7:11:29 PMSolbu ConligWX: I remember someone mentioning sometime ago something that had instructions on how to open the box. The instructions where placed … inside the box. ;-)
7:11:33 PMSashaR hahaha... he actually would do that!
7:12:28 PMTheFu What did Jeff unbox? Link?
7:12:57 PMConligWX Robbie - URL to this box?
7:13:20 PMSashaR
7:14:41 PMTheFu Link doesn't seem live. Will it run Linux instead for the Android haters?
7:16:06 PMSolbu The Link is dead. Long live the Link
7:16:47 PMConligWX anyone have a URL for one of these android boxes?
7:17:56 PMGWG I have a Roku. I'm fine for now.
7:18:40 PMSolbu Sasha: I didn't try to load the link, I was just poking fun at TheFu, that said it was not live. :-)
7:19:56 PMTheFu To me, Roku is a solution for a different problem. Roku for DRM'd streaming. Something like this for everything else - content at home.
7:19:57 PMConligWX is this box the : QINTAIX Q9S PRO model?
7:20:30 PMGWG SashaR...poke
7:20:51 PMGWG TheFu: I have a MythTV box at home. I keep the Roku in my suitcase
7:20:52 PMMarshMan Only the year is correct
7:21:09 PMGWG By the way, that is GMT
7:22:08 PMSolbu Sasha: Yu should have it boot up with the wrong, default date, to show that it updates the date automatically.
7:22:08 PMABQTKY MarshMan D/M/Y What's the problem with the date?? 8-)
7:22:09 PMTheFu 'w' is silent, but included in the spelling, yes?
7:22:09 PMConligWX Greenwich is pronounces "grenich"
7:22:27 PMameridroid Unfortunately, I won't be able to join you all last night. Travelling to the San Francisco airport (3 hour drive each way).
7:22:33 PMGWG You are correct.
7:22:47 PMMarshMan I figured that out ABQTKY
7:22:49 PMGWG I feel like we should due a mispronunciation retrospective
7:23:14 PMMarshMan Pulled my comment
7:23:35 PMTheFu Android = Java = Slow, usually.
7:23:52 PMABQTKY MarshMan, yeah, but Trailways might have a small diesel exhaust leak. That could, well, you know.
7:24:16 PMMarshMan Small???
7:24:26 PMameridroid I meant I won't be able to join you all tonight.
7:24:38 PMABQTKY MarshMan or a few minutes in the Lincoln Tunnel.
7:24:56 PMMarshMan Always fun
7:25:04 PMGWG Google Play is the App Store
7:27:21 PMConligWX dont press the red button!
7:28:26 PMMarshMan Like kids in a candy store
7:28:28 PMGWG You've launched the missiles....
7:28:53 PMDennis_Kelley I lost internet connection most of the show!
7:29:01 PMABQTKY MarshMan, yeah, and they don't even HAVE any tunnels in Barrie.
7:29:04 PMTheFu BT and security? Really?
7:29:40 PMGWG Security?
7:29:53 PMGWG I don't see the point of security on an Android device
7:30:26 PMTheFu Not all Android devices are tied to Google, where privacy is an issue.
7:30:51 PMGWG I meant, I don't see the point of ESET
7:30:56 PMGWG Not security in general
7:31:05 PMConligWX youtube guys, why not watch yourselves!
7:32:49 PMConligWX creepy
7:34:01 PMTheFu stuttering stream ... go for 320p!
7:34:14 PMConligWX it just needs more fuel on the fire!
7:35:21 PMSolbu TheFu: I thought it was just me… as usual. heh. :-)
7:36:39 PMGWG Our top story today, after a disappointing summer, Humpty Dumpty has a great fall.
7:36:43 PMConligWX have you done this before :)
7:37:33 PMTheFu Sasha - march in place to get that count up!
7:39:09 PMConligWX Elon = Psychopath
7:39:11 PMTheFu Musk needs a brain - disconnect - to keyboard, the SEC says.
7:39:29 PMSolbu GWG: Heh. :-)
7:39:49 PMGWG I wonder if F30 is on the list
7:40:43 PMTheFu Canonical will let you pay them for 14.04 for 5 more years - total 10 yrs.
7:41:32 PMTheFu If it ain't broke and isn't internet-facting, don't break it.
7:42:25 PMSolbu Some POS terminals still rely on MS-DOS
7:42:45 PMTheFu My first job was coding for 20+ yr old systems.
7:42:56 PMConligWX Bring back OS2 Warp!
7:43:20 PMBobK54 a huge company I used to work for held onto IE6 WAY too long due to those app hooks issues
7:43:39 PMTheFu Warp never left! MVS on a card still uses it to manage the mainframe I/O cards.
7:43:43 PMGWG In school, I used to have a job of maintaining a lab full of PS/2s with Microchannel Architecture
7:45:54 PMConligWX The machines are taking your jobs...
7:46:01 PMConligWX Terminators
7:46:16 PMConligWX AI Terminators
7:46:33 PMGWG ConligWX: I've been trying to replace some of the people in my office with robots.
7:46:37 PMGWG The robots don't want the job
7:46:38 PMBobK54 ha! sounds like a Jack Welch rule. Fire the lowest 10%. Helped GE, right: NOT
7:47:06 PMTheFu GE fired 10% of their workforce under Welch every year, following 6-Sigma processes.
7:47:15 PMTheFu Exactly Bobk
7:47:39 PMConligWX Sasha, what model are the AI Robots? T1000's
7:48:26 PMGWG I wish it had. I own GE stock
7:50:01 PMBobK54 from a social angle: I did a warehouse job at "Christmas peak" about 10 years ago. 350+ were hired. When we got to the end of the 6 week peak period there were SIXTEEN of us left. all the others couldnt cut it or quit due to production pace required. Funny angle: ALL of the sixteen left were older than 50
7:50:02 PMGWG RobbieF, reminds me of my place of business. They had to force me to take sick time to avoid getting others sick
7:50:04 PMMarshMan The color of @Jeff Weston face and beard are beginning to match
7:50:29 PMDennis_Kelley @Jeff Weston is silent!
7:50:30 PMSolbu Best example I know of old systems still running was a school distric in the US where a school district used Old Commodore Amga 2000 systems to wirelessly control Air condition units in 19 of their public schools. It was scheduled for replacement in 2017 or 2018.
7:50:40 PMSolbu
7:50:46 PMGWG People where I work think they can
7:51:58 PMTheFu My productivity will be a little lower for a few weeks after a death in the family. Sorry.
7:52:13 PMMarshMan If you have a personality conflict with a robot, who is at fault?
7:52:44 PMSolbu I agree with Jeff. THis is not suitable for a computer to decide.
7:52:49 PMConligWX he only overides if you pay him
7:53:54 PMTheFu Jeff, how is your job performance measured, constantly?
7:54:15 PMConligWX imagine you have a bot there Robbie, and it fires you for drinking your coffee whilst talking to us
7:54:43 PMUğurABA Hello everyone, i miss the episode 😦
7:54:51 PMMarshMan I lost two good people because my manager had personal issues with them
7:54:58 PMMarshMan AI RULES!!
7:55:08 PMDennis_Kelley hello @UğurABA
7:55:10 PMSashaR I agree @MarshMan
7:55:19 PMUğurABA @Dennis_Kelley hello
7:55:49 PMGWG Amen RobbieF. And saying that as a former Union member who believes in unions
7:56:17 PMUğurABA i will watch episode tomorrow 😃 see you all guys.
7:56:27 PMConligWX l8r guys!
7:58:16 PMGWG Give me a nice Mame emulator anyday
7:58:24 PMGWG I built one last week for two players with my nephews.
7:58:35 PMGWG I got to practice my Mortal Kombat
7:59:18 PMDennis_Kelley @Jeff Weston your coffee mug looks hugh!
7:59:34 PMGWG Bigger than Ajit Pai's?
7:59:58 PMDennis_Kelley yes
8:00:39 PMDennis_Kelley never
8:01:42 PMDennis_Kelley i could use a beer!
8:02:14 PMGWG So if you can't beat them, join them?
8:03:05 PMDennis_Kelley a nice smooth whisky flayvored beer
8:03:13 PMGWG This would make for a great sci-fi novel though
8:03:20 PMGWG 10% is a myth
8:03:26 PMDennis_Kelley *Flavored
8:03:45 PMTheFu _Lucy_?
8:04:19 PMTheFu Sasha needs a babelfish.
8:04:48 PMBobK54 jeff is quietly fuming....
8:04:51 PMSolbu Jeff: Something like this? ;-)
8:04:52 PMBobK54 😃
8:05:15 PMGWG TheFu, I need a strong Brownian motion producer to stick my atomic vector plotter into
8:05:53 PMTheFu Amazon/youtube has H+ - about 3 hrs of a show about exactly having an always-on connection.
8:07:26 PMTheFu .. think that's ep 1 of 48.
8:17:55 PMTheFu Too fast!
8:18:19 PMDennis_Kelley had a great debate tonight also
8:20:00 PMTheFu Solbu, know of a Linux backup tool that handles sparse files correctly?
8:20:20 PMSolbu I use rsync for all my backus.
8:20:25 PMSolbu *backups
8:20:57 PMTheFu rsync has the -S switch, but I need easy versioning. Been using rdiff-backup for about 10 yrs.
8:21:38 PMTheFu It doesn't. Neither does duplicity (or any related tools). :(
8:22:20 PMSolbu At work we use syncthing to sycronize to an external server and my main home computer.
8:22:23 PMTheFu Had a 2.5MB sparse file expand to 50GB this week - moved to a new Zimbra version that uses sparse for the LDAP DB.
8:22:55 PMTheFu For high-risk systems, we need 180 days of versioned backups.
9:01:49 PMRobbieF Well, the laptop is indeed dead.
9:02:04 PMRobbieF Re-seated the RAM just to be sure. Even pulled the bios battery just to rule that out.
9:02:11 PMRobbieF Won't post. Can't even get into the BIOS.


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