Chat Logs for Episode 609 — #Category5 on /


With 27 Posts:TheFu
With 20 Posts:noeman5
With 14 Posts:Solbu
With 9 Posts:RobbieF
With 7 Posts:MarshMan

Chat Logs:

6:58:05 PMCirrus_Minor meh no title bot Doctor Who: Judoon to return as Gloucester hosts filming
6:58:08 PMSolbu Thank you Cirrus_Minor. Need to get the loan application aproved first. I plan to move into the house, then clean up the appartment making it ready for sale. If it goes as planned, I'll be debt free.
6:58:30 PMCirrus_Minor best of British Solbu
6:59:08 PMnoeman5 That sounded like a Windows 10 notification.
7:00:01 PMTheFu Solbu, not sure of the terms over there, but "apartments" are rented. "Condos" are owned, at least in the US.
7:00:27 PMTheFu In British English, is a flat rented or owned? or either?
7:00:28 PMSolbu RobbieF: The auto focus is sometimes changing intermidtent.
7:00:53 PMSolbu TheFu: In norway we have the same word for both. But I own my flat.
7:01:42 PMTheFu Maybe it is Sasha's shirt going in/out of focus - and changing colors?
7:02:35 PMnoeman5 I'll take a coffee, 1 sugar.
7:02:47 PMTheFu Tea. Black. Plz.
7:04:01 PMTheFu Lemon, if you have it?
7:05:28 PMTheFu Really HOT liquids is bad. Cancer.
7:06:17 PMTheFu Esophageal cancer - my father. It wasn't good.
7:06:56 PMTheFu Anything that helps cool it.
7:07:05 PMnoeman5 Then the roof of my mouth should get cancer from all the times I burned it on pizza cheese.
7:07:30 PMTheFu
7:07:48 PMMarshMan I sthis the show of ridiculous incorrect facts??
7:08:37 PMMarshMan I have been listening
7:08:56 PMTheFu Topics for today?
7:09:09 PMMarshMan Is the 5th line finished??
7:09:36 PMnoeman5 Bridge to Nowhere
7:10:13 PMMarshMan Can we start please?
7:10:24 PMMarshMan PLEASE!?
7:10:44 PMTheFu
7:11:01 PMMarshMan LOL
7:11:43 PMMarshMan The first correct things said so far tonight
7:15:42 PMnoeman5 Because Paramount couldn't shut them down.
7:16:51 PMameridroid Hello all
7:17:13 PMSashaR Hello ameridroid 😃
7:18:29 PMSolbu Engage!
7:19:08 PMSashaR I love this!
7:20:10 PMRobbieF Sasha and me are in the shuttle bay, FYI
7:20:43 PMnoeman5 Looking good
7:22:57 PMRobbieF Woohoo!!!!
7:23:18 PMSashaR Oh my... this is great 😃
7:23:43 PMnoeman5 I saw @RobbieF , but not @SashaR
7:23:54 PMSashaR I was behind!
7:24:21 PMameridroid VR gameplay should be a lot of fun!
7:24:49 PMnoeman5 Love it!
7:25:16 PMSolbu I saw you. :-)
7:25:26 PMSashaR Thank you 😃
7:30:56 PMnoeman5 Star Trek Enterprise, Meh
7:31:16 PMSolbu I liked STE.
7:32:07 PMnoeman5 About the only ST franchise I didn't care about.
7:33:13 PMnoeman5 maybe the white balance is off? lol
7:33:36 PMRobbieF
7:33:50 PMSkywriter64 He was the exeutive prodoucer of "Cosmos"
7:36:13 PMnoeman5 Do the news with a Yoda voice
7:37:21 PMSolbu news you do, Yodas voice you have not. mmm.
7:37:34 PMnoeman5 👌
7:41:25 PMSolbu Computers are like Air conditioners. They don't work problerly when you open Windows.
7:41:48 PMameridroid I keep clicking "Remind me later".
7:42:21 PMnoeman5 Good one @Solbu
7:42:40 PMSolbu Nice. Cited in the show. Thank you. :)
7:43:33 PMSolbu Just need the country house, and I 'm close to complete. :-)
7:46:33 PMameridroid But Baltimore will still use Windows after this.
7:47:56 PMTheFu I've seen an entire company's servers go offline because a veritas bill wasn't paid. The CIO asked for the money and it was refused.
7:48:02 PMnoeman5 Baltimore is getting their internet from the guy upstairs.
7:49:02 PMTheFu Jeff - Small point - not everyone needs life insurance. If nobody else is dependent on your income, not needed.
7:51:37 PMTheFu Had a client buy a plan, pay for the plan, but didn't get around to implementing the plan for over 2 yrs. Full day outage. Millions lost.
7:52:15 PMTheFu With the plan as paid for and implemented, they would have been up within 5 min and lost at most 2 hrs of data transactions.
7:52:19 PMnoeman5
7:52:42 PMnoeman5 Baltimore's network ups
7:53:42 PMSolbu Hehe
7:54:00 PMTheFu They were doing feature upgrades every weekend instead. 25K customer-facing employees couldn't work that day.
7:54:07 PMameridroid They don't need to purchase new PCs.
7:54:40 PMTheFu 6 months isn't enough time to do all they hope will go smoothly.
7:55:15 PMSolbu Hopefully they're not going for Red Star Linux, the North Korea distro.
7:55:30 PMTheFu For thousands and thousands of applications and end users, they can't test all they need to in the time allowed.
7:56:22 PMTheFu The great thing will be that the first custom applications will be in Korean. No need to wait for a translation. ;)
7:57:00 PMTheFu Seems they need NEMS?
7:58:41 PMTheFu Haansoft might be the distro ...
8:01:07 PMTheFu I think google encrypts all their storage. At boot, each server hits the network to get a decryption key.
8:01:37 PMTheFu Means that off the expected google network, decryption of the storage isn't likely.
8:03:34 PMTheFu After they got hacked by the NSA, they implemented system-to-system encrypted/authenticated communications. Basically, they don't trust their own network.
8:04:14 PMTheFu Google published their security architecture a few years for everyone to see.
8:04:37 PMTheFu Not all the details, but the overview ideas.
8:04:48 PMTheFu
8:08:06 PMSolbu Every platform … so, i wan fire up my Freedos and watch cat5? :-)
8:08:32 PMameridroid Good show!
8:10:39 PMSashaR Me too 😃
8:11:10 PMnoeman5 You have to use that intro
8:12:03 PMnoeman5 Good night all.
8:17:23 PMjlim i hear you
8:18:09 PMjlim hello \o @SashaR
8:18:44 PMRobbieF In case anyone missed it...
8:18:45 PMRobbieF
8:19:53 PMjlim i am not showing up in the chat feed in the video
8:20:26 PMjlim i think the discord feed froze
8:23:55 PMRobbieF show's over, there is no more Discord Feed 😃
8:24:29 PMjlim wow is playing live for me in facebook right now lol
8:24:45 PMRobbieF loop, most likely.
8:24:53 PMjlim oh okay
8:25:07 PMRobbieF still super fun 😄
8:25:28 PMjlim yes! I enjoy your show
8:26:52 PMSolbu RobbieF: What is the game called?
8:35:41 PMRobbieF The Orville: Interactive Fan Experience


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