Chat Logs for Episode 620 — #Category5 on /


With 48 Posts:RobbieF
With 34 Posts:noeman5
With 29 Posts:MarshMan
With 19 Posts:Lyndon
With 11 Posts:ameriDroid

Chat Logs:

6:58:16 PMMarshMan Zero
6:58:17 PMnoeman5 10 seconds
6:59:01 PMMarshMan Wondered when the Wyze would make the show
6:59:12 PMTheFu Wow - live graphics! I'm not used to that.
6:59:31 PMSolbu Looks like a prerecorded show. :-)
7:01:10 PMMarshMan Is Discord working? πŸ€ͺ
7:01:17 PMMarshMan Nyuk nyuk nyuk
7:01:41 PMnoeman5 Apparently, not on the screen. REBOOT TIME!
7:02:09 PMTheFu Someone say Space Shuttle and GN&C?
7:02:44 PMSolbu Space Shuttle and GN&C
7:02:51 PMSolbu ;-)
7:02:58 PMnoeman5 Yay
7:03:33 PMMarshMan You go @Henry Baillie-Brown
7:04:28 PMMarshMan What’s it feel like being on the side @RobbieF ?
7:04:40 PMTheFu Upload a new state vector and re-align the IMUs - Henry
7:05:06 PMSolbu But whatever you do, don't stir the tanks. ;-)
7:05:21 PMTheFu Unless you are in the seat and it is in the FP.
7:05:35 PMMarshMan Robbie’s coffee is glued to his hand
7:05:41 PMnoeman5 Jeff is shorter and lost his hair today! πŸ˜„
7:06:19 PMRobbieF
7:06:47 PMTheFu Don't forget, Neal crashed an Apollo landing simulator
7:07:21 PMRobbieF Wow, that's dark. πŸ˜„
7:08:09 PMRobbieF @MarshMan it feels odd being on the sidelines - but yeah, my coffee is delightful. This is the closest thing to a rest I've had in a long time πŸ˜„
7:08:28 PMMarshMan Enjoy it my friend!
7:08:35 PMMarshMan Well deserved.
7:09:27 PMMarshMan πŸš€
7:09:59 PMMarshMan πŸŒ•
7:10:07 PMTheFu Which part of the spacecraft is this? I thought it was just the landing. The capsule had very different software.
7:10:26 PMnoeman5 Michael Jackson?
7:10:33 PMLyndon Can you crash??
7:10:43 PMMarshMan We can try
7:11:07 PMTheFu In NASA-speak, a flight plan is a document.
7:11:37 PMnoeman5 Uh-oh, PEBKAC
7:12:03 PMTheFu The space shuttle displays ran at 0.5Hz, so once every 2 seconds too.
7:16:45 PMnoeman5 I tried, got a 404 error. Went to the cat5 website and did a search on the site, got "no results". 😦
7:17:05 PMRobbieF not
7:17:17 PMnoeman5 Ah!
7:17:34 PMRobbieF is our url shotener.
7:17:58 PMnoeman5 That worked, thanks!
7:18:38 PMMarshMan RTM
7:18:54 PMMarshMan Where is Jeff when you need him?
7:19:04 PMRobbieF Was there a manual in that little box? πŸ˜„
7:19:19 PMMarshMan Microscopic probably
7:19:26 PMMarshMan Teeny box
7:19:48 PMMarshMan I was scared I got the wrong thing when it was delivered
7:20:01 PMnoeman5 Jeff is here in spirit. Ha ha (manual reference)
7:20:14 PMLyndon It's probably just a link to the website on any of those fortune cookie papers
7:20:22 PMMarshMan Lol
7:22:36 PMRobbieF
7:22:41 PMameriDroid Sorry, I'm late again.
7:22:42 PMLyndon We hear it too Robbie
7:24:45 PMTheFu Remember the dog on Battlestar Galactica? Human or dog or something else?
7:24:55 PMRobbieF The Wyze Sense must be the same FM frequency as our mics! Interesting. I'll try various channels and see if we can eliminate that sound on our mics when someone opens a studio door during the show :)
7:25:13 PMnoeman5 Maybe I missed it, but can you set it so that when a sensor opens, it turns on the camera near that location? (so you can see who opened the window/ door, etc if you have a camera with a view of it)
7:25:20 PMTheFu seems worse based on distance.
7:26:02 PMRobbieF Thanks @MarshMan !! Appreciate the Wyze Sense!
7:26:03 PMMaineGeek75 hi all
7:26:23 PMRobbieF Yes it does that @noeman5
7:26:30 PMnoeman5 cool!
7:26:54 PMRobbieF Example:
7:26:55 PMRobbieF
7:27:54 PMLyndon Did you unplug it and plug it in again?
7:28:33 PMRobbieF
7:28:39 PMRobbieF Not what you want to hear from the cockpit.
7:28:43 PMnoeman5 Love that show
7:28:50 PMBobK54 Yaaaassssss
7:28:53 PMMarshMan
7:29:10 PMMarshMan A bit pricey
7:29:30 PMRobbieF That MUST be a 3rd party! Great link @MarshMan
7:29:43 PMnoeman5 Uh-oh, they are depending on operators to install updates. Bad news.
7:29:57 PMRobbieF Did they read the manual?
7:31:16 PMTheFu Commercial aircraft have at least triple redundancy for everything possible. Obviously, some sensors aren't, but the the buses are triple redundant.
7:31:21 PMMarshMan Says from Wyze Labs @RobbieF with Prime shipping
7:32:07 PMRobbieF The "From Wyze Labs" is just a setting set by the seller.
7:32:13 PMRobbieF You can see the actual seller here:
7:32:23 PMRobbieF ONMORE
7:32:44 PMRobbieF But also seems Amazon has it, so that's interesting.
7:32:50 PMnoeman5 Just hit Ctrl-Alt-Del
7:32:52 PMLyndon So then... Install new hardware?
7:33:29 PMMarshMan
7:33:42 PMRobbieF Up until 2 days ago Wyze didn't have anything here... they were having trouble with Amazon.
7:34:10 PMRobbieF That kit you linked to looks great. Need the Cat5 version of the link
7:35:16 PMLyndon They must have fixed it because they knew you were going to review their hardware on your show πŸ˜‰
7:35:24 PMMarshMan Here yo go:
7:35:42 PMMarshMan Wyze kit link for Canada
7:35:43 PMTheFu spam in a can?
7:35:50 PMRobbieF Very nice, thanks @MarshMan
7:36:13 PMLyndon See lots of link clicks there πŸ‘
7:36:24 PMRobbieF So it looks like Sense is still not available here UNLESS you buy it in the kit.
7:36:31 PMRobbieF (with the camera)
7:37:20 PMBobK54 who knew the vacuum tubes you use at bank drive throughs would be the future of transportation?
7:39:56 PMLyndon Not a bad price on the cameras.
7:42:05 PMMarshMan This episode is all up @Henry Baillie-Brown alley.
7:42:21 PMRobbieF @Henry Baillie-Brown is NAILING IT.
7:42:47 PMMarshMan And then some!
7:43:41 PMRobbieF Wyze Sense added to
7:43:49 PMRobbieF Thanks @MarshMan for pointing out the kit!
7:43:53 PMnoeman5 I have 100+ games on
7:44:06 PMnoeman5 Steam and abouit 40 on GOG
7:44:25 PMMarshMan It was the absolute LEAST I could do @RobbieF
7:44:42 PMRobbieF It's tiny, yet huge @MarshMan πŸ˜„
7:44:54 PMLyndon Do the controlers work with the andriod os??
7:45:06 PMRobbieF Yep.
7:45:11 PMLyndon Sweet
7:46:33 PMLyndon Its like the whole homebrew thing with the Wii 😏
7:46:44 PMRobbieF Yeah, pretty much!
7:47:00 PMLyndon Gnight
7:47:33 PMameriDroid I like @RobbieF 's C= shirt.
7:48:10 PMnoeman5 @ameriDroid so do I. I have one in White
7:48:28 PMLyndon Oh. We're not done. Sorry
7:49:45 PMLyndon I like this shirt
7:49:46 PMLyndon
7:54:29 PMTheFu So, do we get the fancy graphics next week too?
7:54:34 PMameriDroid Nice job guys
7:54:45 PMRobbieF If all goes well, I'll have them even better TheFu
7:54:48 PMRobbieF Thanks @ameriDroid
7:55:07 PMameriDroid The fancy graphics should cut down on @RobbieF 's post production time
7:55:28 PMLyndon You all look very nice on my CRT monitor from 2003. Great show as always!
7:55:42 PMRobbieF Once I have the new broadcast system in place, I'll be able to do much more on the fly. Preparing for that in advance by creating the assets.
7:55:53 PMRobbieF Wow, I'll bet we look STUNNING in CRT @Lyndon πŸ˜„
7:56:03 PMRobbieF 1080p on a CRT... insane resolution.
7:56:51 PMnoeman5 My monitor died, so I'm running the video to my 40" tv via HDMI. Looks good!
7:57:05 PMRobbieF Awesome πŸ˜ƒ
7:57:37 PMLyndon It better. I paid $150 for this thing in 2003
7:57:46 PMRobbieF Bahaha!
7:57:49 PMLyndon Lol
7:58:07 PMRobbieF Tech moves on, but some devices still provide exceptional picture.
7:58:24 PMLyndon You know it
7:58:25 PMRobbieF We've sacrificed quality for "thin"
8:04:51 PMnoeman5 My Commodore shirt.
8:04:52 PMnoeman5
8:05:56 PMameriDroid I have a turtleneck with Amiga on the neck. That's as close as I have to a C= shirt.
8:06:23 PMnoeman5 Ah, the Amiga, the graphics powerhouse of the 80's
8:07:26 PMameriDroid A couple of decades before ameridroid, we owned an Amiga store.
8:08:14 PMameriDroid Then, I worked for Carl Sassenrath at Rebol, and then his wife Cindy worked for us for 8 years.
8:08:18 PMameriDroid 😎
8:08:23 PMnoeman5 Still have my C64, external hard drive, tape drive, floppy drive, cabling and a few app cartridges. Seems I throw anything tech away.
8:08:35 PMnoeman5 Can't throw
8:08:53 PMRobbieF I wish I still had my Vic20.
8:09:06 PMnoeman5 Sprite graphics
8:09:14 PMGWG I might still have a c64 somewhere
8:09:26 PMMarshMan I wish I took that PL1 class
8:09:55 PMnoeman5 eBay has them, they cost almost as much today as they did in the 80's, collectors are nuts for them.
8:11:07 PMameriDroid I have a working C=64 with the cartridge game, Omega Race.
8:11:21 PMameriDroid And the original Commodore monitor.
8:11:49 PMameriDroid I had to build my own video cable for it, though.
8:12:11 PMnoeman5
8:12:45 PMRobbieF Yeah, wish I still had mine 😦
8:12:54 PMnoeman5 $1000 US bid right now.
8:13:24 PMnoeman5 correction, 'buy it now' price
8:14:02 PMnoeman5 or not so mint, $40
8:14:50 PMRobbieF hey, as long as you can peek and poke, who cares if it has a few signs of wear?
8:15:35 PMnoeman5 And I still have my Tandy1000 and an old Packard Bell pentium in storage. (pack rat)
8:16:12 PMRobbieF wow
8:16:38 PMnoeman5 Maybe I should open a tech museum?
8:16:48 PMRobbieF sounds like it.
8:16:59 PMnoeman5 πŸ˜„
8:17:27 PMnoeman5 Well, time to go, have a good night all.
8:17:35 PMRobbieF night @noeman5
8:22:08 PMMarshMan Nytol
8:22:18 PMRobbieF πŸ˜ƒ Night bud.
8:55:39 PMRobbieF Have a nice night all - see you soon.


Does Not Include Lurkers