6:58:14 PM | agamotto | Not much... avoiding television today, enjoying a day off in the middle of the week
6:58:16 PM | Garbee | agamotto, charcoal-based. It isn't literally charcoal chunks like they used to do.
6:58:31 PM | agamotto | Ahh, ok.
6:58:38 PM | Skywriter64 | Sour dough starter
6:59:01 PM | agamotto | I really don't like the idea of any 'whitening' toothpaste...
6:59:14 PM | Garbee | No wonder I'm still single.
6:59:21 PM | agamotto | Teeth generally aren't meant to light up the room at night.
6:59:35 PM | Skywriter64 | I have a starter I started from 1980
6:59:49 PM | Garbee | agamotto, they are if you apply glow in the dark teethpaste.
6:59:51 PM | 7idge | Good evening everyone
7:00:27 PM | G_Dog1985_ | my mom make her own soaps
7:00:29 PM | 7idge | It's like 7-idge
7:00:43 PM | agamotto | True, but you know the stereotype: orange skin, flourescent teeth that look like dentures, and yet turkey-neck.
7:01:02 PM | TheFu | Some people use vodka for deodorant.
7:01:17 PM | ameriDroid | Hello all
7:01:19 PM | agamotto | Well, alcohol would at least kill some of the bacteria
7:01:23 PM | SashaR | I use it to make vanilla extract 🙂
7:01:46 PM | Garbee | https://tenor.com/view/dog-doge-dogo-blink-wink-gif-11385524
7:01:58 PM | TheFu | I can post a picture ... you know the one ... if you like. ;)
7:02:06 PM | G_Dog1985_ | I am both
7:02:25 PM | SashaR | nope!
7:02:34 PM | Garbee | https://tenor.com/view/pizza-dog-gif-5175343
7:02:39 PM | Garbee | Me eating dinner tonight ^^
7:02:46 PM | noeman5 | would that be the face swap photo FU?
7:03:07 PM | TheFu | no comment.
7:03:10 PM | agamotto | I just had pizza for lunch today
7:03:40 PM | Garbee | https://tenor.com/view/wow-omg-surprised-scared-kid-gif-10714204
7:03:44 PM | Garbee | Graduated/
7:03:49 PM | MaineGeek75 | lol, Congratulations Sasha!
7:04:24 PM | noeman5 | Congrats @SashaR !
7:04:47 PM | 7idge | Congratulations @SashaR
7:05:06 PM | albertr | Hi
7:05:47 PM | Garbee | https://tenor.com/view/crazy-gif-4247176
7:06:06 PM | Garbee | Sasha knowing tech...
7:06:28 PM | agamotto | Until the company servers go down...
7:06:54 PM | 7idge | It looked like pathingtek on the dashcam screen
7:07:21 PM | Garbee | Hurry up, hack the dashcam.
7:07:48 PM | agamotto | Over 40 in Barrie?
7:08:43 PM | TheFu | Inside a closed vehicle.
7:08:57 PM | agamotto | Ahh
7:09:02 PM | noeman5 | Try Arizona in the summer, where they drive with oven mitts on. lol
7:09:32 PM | agamotto | Don't laugh, my brother is in the Phoenix area and has had to do this
7:09:35 PM | TheFu | That's why there are leather steering wheel covers.
7:10:12 PM | Garbee | Arizona, the oven of the US.
7:10:15 PM | noeman5 | I grew up in Yuma, Arizona. 108 is springtime.
7:13:20 PM | agamotto | Condoms on the ethernet ports?
7:13:50 PM | TheFu | RobbieF - Is there much ransomeware for Linux?
7:14:20 PM | Garbee | Drive keeps file history.
7:16:12 PM | agamotto | Teamviewer
7:16:19 PM | MaineGeek75 | anydesk
7:16:29 PM | ameriDroid | Just published an article about building your own NAS today: https://ameridroid.com/blogs/ameriblogs/network-storage-why-you-should-assemble-your-own-nas
7:16:30 PM | TheFu | TNO - x2go over ssh tunnels.
7:16:37 PM | agamotto | It regularly keeps me from being disowned by extended family.
7:16:49 PM | ameriDroid | This could be a good solution.
7:18:32 PM | TheFu | Businesses should use a self-hosted VPN for remote access.
7:18:40 PM | agamotto | The problem is that there are many legit Windows programs that INSIST on you turning off anti-bad people software just to install.
7:18:58 PM | TheFu | Windows? Windows?
7:19:24 PM | agamotto | Yah, I have extended family that insist on using it
7:19:55 PM | TheFu | I won't support family who isn't using Linux. agamotto
7:20:16 PM | ameriDroid | @agamotto - Tell your family if they want support from you, they have to switch to Linux.
7:20:40 PM | agamotto | TheFu, I am almost there... I have to wait for a few to die off before I can institute a moratorium.
7:21:09 PM | TheFu | I did. 2 switched after they were hacked. 2 got hacked and refused to switch. The rest just buy new computers if anything happens.
7:21:38 PM | noeman5 | Maybe it's a black helicopter @RobbieF
7:21:53 PM | Garbee | https://tenor.com/view/kc7-plane-gif-8158394
7:22:00 PM | agamotto | catch? Don't you mean feature?
7:22:10 PM | 7idge | I'm going to go to sleep now. Talk to you later Robbie!
7:22:51 PM | Garbee | https://tenor.com/view/retro-password-gif-10632336
7:23:30 PM | Garbee | https://tenor.com/view/batman-iam-batman-gif-13249192
7:23:32 PM | noeman5 | good night @7idge
7:23:47 PM | TheFu | Linux Journal stopped last week. All their magazines are online, for free, now. https://www.linuxjournal.com/
7:24:12 PM | noeman5 | That's a shame FU. I liked that mag.
7:24:20 PM | agamotto | I am still in mourning for Tekthing
7:24:45 PM | TheFu | Yep. I have all the dead-tree versions ... them and Sys Admin.
7:25:36 PM | agamotto | Component video... ick
7:25:38 PM | TheFu | I own one of those AGPTek devices.
7:26:11 PM | TheFu | Had one get fried, bought a replacement the next week.
7:26:41 PM | TheFu | cough ...
7:26:51 PM | Garbee | https://tenor.com/view/ask-me-nicely-jack-nicholson-gif-5642533
7:28:15 PM | TheFu | It will burn up flash storage. Destroyed 2 name-brand, quality, flash drives in 1 yr. Really want a spinning disk with external power.
7:28:34 PM | TheFu | No need for the DVD/CD.
7:28:37 PM | noeman5 | Jeff would be happy, it came with a manual
7:28:58 PM | Garbee | Who reads the manual?
7:29:09 PM | Garbee | This bald nerd....
7:29:10 PM | SashaR | Robbie..... and live on air 🙂
7:29:54 PM | Garbee | I just want to make Sasha laugh so hard she snorts while Robbie is talking...
7:30:05 PM | Garbee | https://tenor.com/view/happy-pig-guinea-fat-happy-pig-gif-13665272
7:30:12 PM | TheFu | Mic only works with Component input, not HDMI. ... or is it the other way around? I don't use it.
7:30:41 PM | SashaR | not looking at this screen ....
7:31:28 PM | Garbee | https://tenor.com/view/no-looking-not-looking-im-not-looking-cover-eyes-close-your-eyes-gif-12086096
7:31:54 PM | TheFu | The video files are HUGE and cut at 2GB each. Only supports NTFS or FAT32 storage. No exFAT or any other file system.
7:32:07 PM | Garbee | https://tenor.com/view/funny-smile-best-laugh-gif-8282901
7:32:43 PM | Garbee | Sasha is truly avoiding chat. 😄
7:32:49 PM | Garbee | Like a champ.
7:32:59 PM | TheFu | Sasha is WINNING!
7:33:55 PM | noeman5 | Something to make @SashaR go Awww.
7:33:56 PM | noeman5 | https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/495592877733183489/611341760328761344/dog_kisses.jpg
7:34:00 PM | Garbee | How can anyone read a CD these days?
7:34:01 PM | TheFu | h.264/AAC stereo, no better audio.
7:34:27 PM | TheFu | No 5.1 channels, only stereo.
7:34:46 PM | TheFu | regardless of input.
7:35:48 PM | TheFu | NTFS works.
7:36:44 PM | YetiWizard | is it not 4 GB?
7:36:46 PM | Garbee | https://tenor.com/view/chirs-farley-shocked-what-huh-omg-gif-4108687
7:36:49 PM | TheFu | I've recorded 5+ hrs, 001 --
7:37:09 PM | MarshMan | https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/495592877733183489/611342578368905216/image0.png
7:37:42 PM | ameriDroid | You got her to smile
7:38:14 PM | MarshMan | I’ll take it
7:38:43 PM | SashaR | You guys!!!
7:38:52 PM | ameriDroid | I had the previous generation version. It burned up.
7:39:25 PM | Garbee | https://tenor.com/view/bananas-gif-9000492
7:40:12 PM | TheFu | https://media.giphy.com/media/FKHZLjnz4c2ly/giphy.gif
7:40:12 PM | MarshMan | That is hurting my eyes
7:40:40 PM | GWG | How's the show going? I am on a table at an appointment
7:41:13 PM | noeman5 | @SashaR , that's what you get for switching to water.
7:41:17 PM | ameriDroid | He's a professional tale dancer
7:41:20 PM | Garbee | https://tenor.com/view/flirty-seth-rogen-blinks-gif-6684128
7:41:25 PM | ameriDroid | Table dancer
7:41:32 PM | G_Dog1985_ | hate windows can't open or see ext4
7:42:02 PM | Garbee | I'm not disrupting the news once she starts.
7:42:24 PM | Garbee | Truce for news
7:42:40 PM | TheFu | https://media.giphy.com/media/wrPkhJ383qchi/giphy.gif
7:44:12 PM | MarshMan | What is with the voices tonight?
7:44:17 PM | Garbee | https://tenor.com/view/where-is-it-look-close-honey-ishrunk-thekids-looking-gif-12615961
7:44:25 PM | Garbee | Honey I shrunk the kids
7:44:29 PM | Garbee | Classic from the 90's.
7:45:16 PM | Garbee | https://tenor.com/view/shook-clap-burn-gif-9396805
7:45:24 PM | Garbee | That Facebook new intro.
7:45:32 PM | Garbee | Perfecto
7:46:31 PM | MarshMan | Thank you @RobbieF !
7:51:36 PM | ameriDroid | We sell solar panels with built in regulators: https://ameridroid.com/products/pijuice-solar-panels-6-12-22-40-watts
7:51:51 PM | TheFu | Sasha might like a "Tiny House" - they often use camper electrical equipment, so battery powered + generator + solar.
7:54:41 PM | G_Dog1985_ | better check codes in area in usa
7:54:58 PM | G_Dog1985_ | better check codes in area in usa
7:55:21 PM | MarshMan | Convolutional neural network , nice job @SashaR
7:55:34 PM | MarshMan | Twice
7:55:36 PM | G_Dog1985_ | some states will not let you do it
7:55:45 PM | TheFu | https://mk0thetinyhousednaa2.kinstacdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Solar-Powered-Tiny-House.jpg
8:00:55 PM | G_Dog1985_ | ouch
8:02:12 PM | Garbee | oooh, Kingston M.2 SSD hitting 10 cents per GB MSRP: https://www.amazon.com/Kingston-Internal-SA2000M8-1000G-Security/dp/B07VXC9QMH?tag=cat5tv-20
8:03:18 PM | albertr | Sad that people is still using windows as an operating system
8:04:48 PM | G_Dog1985_ | or chrome os @SashaR and @RobbieF
8:07:10 PM | MarshMan | Why not spend the money to fix the earth?
8:07:39 PM | TheFu | The Earth is a death trap Sasha. Mars is the step to the stars, which humans need to get to so our race doesn't die off.
8:07:40 PM | ameriDroid | But you can see if it works on the Moon first. Biodome2 didn't even work.
8:08:12 PM | TheFu | It is a govt project - with real funding. BiodomeX was all private, correct?
8:08:57 PM | TheFu | Once born on Mars, it would likely be nearly impossible to return to Earth.
8:09:10 PM | agamotto | The Expanse deals with some of this nicely
8:09:15 PM | ameriDroid | Sorry, I meant Biosphere2
8:09:46 PM | TheFu | NASA knows this stuff.
8:10:05 PM | agamotto | In a weird way, it might be easier to terraform Venus
8:11:00 PM | agamotto | Seed the clouds with nanites to clean up/out the CO2.. see what develops from there
8:11:29 PM | agamotto | The eternal problem with Mars will be the lack of a reasonable magnetic field
8:11:41 PM | TheFu | Venus has a run-away greenhouse. NOVA has been redoing The Planets the last few weeks with all the latest knowledge.
8:12:48 PM | TheFu | The Red Mars, Green Mars, Blue Mars books cover many of the problems with settling Mars too. I think 2 are Hugo winners.
8:13:31 PM | agamotto | Well, I am off... time to hang out with my dog
8:13:51 PM | TheFu | Protection against high-energy particles is always a concern outside near-Earth orbit.
8:14:00 PM | noeman5 | so long agamotto
8:14:07 PM | TheFu | g'night.
8:14:33 PM | MarshMan | Send the pests to Mars.
8:16:23 PM | TheFu | RobbieF - have you been to my house? Fruit flies going crazy.
8:17:52 PM | MarshMan | Bzzzzzt
8:18:40 PM | noeman5 | Flied lice!
8:18:56 PM | MarshMan | I have seen the bugs go down in flames with those
8:20:06 PM | Garbee | https://tenor.com/view/bugs-bug-insects-cockroaches-music-gif-5045519
8:20:26 PM | noeman5 | ha ha @Garbee
8:22:11 PM | noeman5 | So what was with all of the black & white stuff and the retro TV? I thought it would be related to the show.
8:22:35 PM | G_Dog1985_ | emby Robbie
8:22:39 PM | Skywriter64 | Will it work for crawling bugs?
8:23:05 PM | YetiWizard | i thought the same lol
8:23:15 PM | G_Dog1985_ | @RobbieF emby server
8:23:54 PM | Garbee | https://tenor.com/view/raquita-dave-chappelle-tyrone-biggums-itchy-scratch-gif-12224918
8:24:30 PM | Garbee | https://tenor.com/view/sad-hangry-grumpy-upset-fake-smile-gif-11970365
8:25:10 PM | Garbee | It's not peanut butter Robbie.
8:25:15 PM | ameriDroid | Hard G for GIF
8:25:38 PM | YetiWizard | G, as in Garry
8:25:41 PM | TheFu | I'm with ameriDroid, but I think I'm wrong.
8:25:46 PM | Garbee | NO. He took over 20 years to explain. He lost his vote.
8:25:49 PM | YetiWizard | Gif, Giga
8:25:55 PM | Garbee | It is not jif.
8:25:58 PM | MarshMan | G as in graphical
8:26:10 PM | Garbee | ROBBIE IS WRONG
8:26:12 PM | Garbee | I have spoken
8:26:17 PM | Garbee | End of discussion
8:26:33 PM | TheFu | vi or emacs?
8:26:39 PM | ameriDroid | Robbie won't agree with you, Jarbee.
8:26:41 PM | TheFu | Something easier.
8:26:43 PM | Garbee | Someone just go unplug Robbie's mic.
8:27:06 PM | Garbee | No, Robbie is reading a valid article. It's just wrong.
8:27:20 PM | YetiWizard | if only English pronunciation wasn't so stupid 😄
8:27:21 PM | G_Dog1985_ | wow
8:27:34 PM | MarshMan | Here we are against you @RobbieF
8:27:57 PM | Garbee | https://tenor.com/view/wrong-gif-7227940
8:28:29 PM | YetiWizard | We defeated him lol
8:28:30 PM | Garbee | Just for Robbie
8:28:57 PM | noeman5 | @SashaR just missed a good one from Jarbee by signing off early. lol
8:29:04 PM | G_Dog1985_ | @SashaR you still on nerverware
8:29:06 PM | Garbee | Tune in next week when Jarbee loses his mod status.
8:29:35 PM | ameriDroid | I'm going to go work on some jraphics now.
8:29:38 PM | RobbieF | sure am 🙂
8:29:47 PM | RobbieF | this is sasha 🙂
8:29:57 PM | MarshMan | @Henry Baillie-Brown needs to cut back on the caffeine
8:30:34 PM | Garbee | I feel like the best 5 minutes was after the show eneded.
8:30:38 PM | ameriDroid | I'm going to use JIMP, the GNU Image Manipulation Program
8:30:39 PM | Garbee | That needs to be made into a blooper.
8:31:08 PM | MarshMan | A Linux Tech Show bit
8:31:26 PM | MarshMan | Let the youtube trolls have their say
8:31:52 PM | Garbee | We don't need YT Trolls. We have me, that's enough.
8:32:06 PM | Garbee | See ya HEnry
8:32:10 PM | Garbee | Have a safe trip home
8:32:16 PM | MarshMan | More than enuf Jarbee
8:32:37 PM | ameriDroid | 😂
8:33:37 PM | noeman5 | Time to take out the Jarbage
8:33:51 PM | Garbee | I'm just gonna go to bed now.
8:34:01 PM | Garbee | Behave yourselves or I'll be deleting some messages tomorrow morning.
8:34:07 PM | MarshMan | Jonna jo
8:34:10 PM | ameriDroid | @noeman5, awesome...
8:34:14 PM | noeman5 | g'night @Garbee
8:34:23 PM | ameriDroid | Jood night
8:34:30 PM | MarshMan | Laters
8:34:53 PM | noeman5 | Auf Wiedersehen y'all
8:35:11 PM | noeman5 | (southern german)
8:35:46 PM | ameriDroid | You mean Bavarian?
8:36:22 PM | ameriDroid | They kind of are the hillbillies of Germany. 😁
8:40:58 PM | YetiWizard | Servus 😄
9:03:42 PM | SashaR | That was such a great time :)... What a great way to mark the end of my student-hood! :)
9:10:59 PM | GWG | Student-hood?
9:13:14 PM | MaineGeek75 | man, I missed the show..and I was actually here when it started lol. my daughter came over and needed my help. I guess I will just have to watch the show after it gets uploaded lol...story of my life 😛
9:14:45 PM | MaineGeek75 | well, everyone have a great night. Thanks for putting on the show again. From what I had seen, it looked like a great show 🙂
9:17:01 PM | RobbieF | Have a great night @MaineGeek75 - sorry you couldn't make it for the live show.
9:17:08 PM | RobbieF | We had a lot of fun.